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- Hello. Today we are doing the spelling bee but this is the African edition. Are you ready Sidemen? - Yeah. - Yeah. - So you, you know how the spelling is.... - No. - Every time you answer the, the answer correct, you get a point and every time you get it wrong you, you get hit with a wooden spoon. So don't get it wrong. - Oh no, flashbacks of my childhood. - Okay Josh, come up first. Your word is. - Oh great. - Dog. - Can you use it in a sentence? - Wow that's a really cute dog. Also I have chlamydia. - Okay. Dog. D-O-G. - Correct. - Vik come up. Your word is, paigon. - Was that in the dictionary? - Yes. - P-A-I G-O-N. - Correct. Correct. Very good, very good, very good. Tobi come up. You look very good - Thank you. - Very nice swag. Your word is chav. - Can I get, origin? - Peckham. (laughs) - Okay. Chav. C-H A-V. Chav - Correct. Everyone is doing very well. Simon come up next. Chlamydia. That's is your word. - Can you use it in a sentence please? - What's worse than Logan Paul, nothing. Oh no that's it. That's it, yeah that's your.... (laughs) Chlamydia. - Chlamydia. C-H L-A-M-Y D-I-A. chlamydia. - [KSI] Correct. Correct. This is very good, wow. Harry you are next? - Oh no. - Someone's getting a spoon. - Your word is, red. - He got dog. - Oh my God. - Could you use it in a sentence please? - When I went down on you last night, why was your vagina all red? - Red. R-E-D. - Correct. Ethan. (laughs) I see you're big fan of KSI yeah? You're word is, pulchritudinous. (laughs) - Could I have the origin please? - Good luck motherfucker. - Could you use it in a sentence please? Wow that flower is pulchritudinous. - [Ethan] Just hit me. - [KSI] Okay. - [Ethan] Just hit me, just hit me. - With pleasure. - What the fuck is a pulchritudinous? - It's a flower. - No, it is a descriptive. - [Simon] Slap him. - Josh come here. Josh come here. Is a flower. no, no, no, no, no. - Yes. - It means beautiful. Okay Josh come up. (laughs) You're word is, chicken. (laughs) - This is unfair. This is unfair. - Could you use it in a sentence please? - Of course, look at all these chickens. - Chicken. C-H-I-C-K-E-N. - Wrong. - Wow no. Not again. - It's C-H-I-C-K-E-N-S. Chickens. Naughty naughty. I don't like how you enjoy it. Okay, Vik your word is glove. - Can you use it in a sentence please? - I'm gonna put my finger up your ass. Let me get my glove first. - G-L-O-V-E. - Correct. Very good very good. Tobi Tobi Tobi. Your word is, nice. - This is unfair. - Can you use that in a sentence please? - Thanks. That was a really nice handjob. How much? (laughs) - Okay, all right. I can do this. Nice. N-I-C-E, nice. - [KSI] Good. Correct. Simon. Your word is nose. - Can I have the definition please? - The part projecting above the mouth on the face of a person or animal, containing the nostril and used for breathing and smelling. - Nose. N-O-S-E. - [KSI] Correct. Yeah very good. Everyone is so smart. Harry. Your word is spoon. - Can you use it in a sentence please mate? - Where have all the spoons gone Demi? - S-P-O-O-N. - [KSI] Correct. Everyone is so smart. Ethan come up. - Good luck bro. You got this. - I'll give you an easy one now. Septuagenarian. - Go one have a shot. - You got this one. - Have a shot. Have a shot. - Could you use it in a sentence please? - She sucked a mean dick. I think she's, I think she's a septuagenarian though. - Adding dough to the end. - No. - No. - No. - Though. I think she is a septuagenarian, though. - S-E-P-T U. Septu.. Fuck it. - You had it. - [KSI] It's so close. It's so far. You know what we're gonna have a very easy round. Josh come up. Your word is car. - Definition? - Voom voom. - Car. C-A-R. - [KSI] Correct. Vik. - Can I have some difficult words? - Why does he wanna show off? - Ethan and Vik swap places. Sit down sit down. Ethan your word is car. - Could you give me the origin? - They wheeled. - Car. C-A-R. - [KSI] Correct. Ethan has a point. Tobi your word. Your word is car. - Can you use that in a sentence please? Okay. - Wow that's a nice car. I like the wheels a lot. Car. - Car. - C-A-R car. - [KSI] Correct. Simon, car. - Could you use it in a sentence please? - I hope Vik gets hit by that car. - Car, C-A-R. - [KSI] Correct. - Harry, this is very good. Car. - C-A-R. - [KSI] Correct. Vik. Iridocyclitis. - I would have been fucked. - Can you use it in a sentence please? - Damn Tony my eyes fucked. I think I've got iridocyclitis. - I-R-I-C D-O C L I T U S. - Wrong. You're stupid. Iridocyclitis. I--R-I-C. Come here. Bring your ass here. Idiot. So this is going to be a easy, easy, easy round okay? Josh come up come up come on. Your word is, z. - Could you use it in a sentence? - Say the alphabet. That's that's all that is on the, okay. - Z. - [KSI] Z. Do you want a definition. - Z. - Okay correct. Ethan. A. - Could you use it in a sentence? - There is a monkey on the car. - A - [KSI] Correct? Tobi. H. - H. - [KSI] Correct. Simon. X. - X. - [KSI] Correct. Harry. V. - Do you have an origin? - Why you gotta make this so difficult? Stupid son of a.. You want the origin of v? Your mum's pussy. - [Simon] V. - Correct. Vik come up. Come up. My Pho Tia. your word is, nigga. - Can you use that? - Wow. - You want to use that in a sentence? I'll remember this. Hey Jerome, you're nigga. You're dirty, dirty nigga. Go pick up that cotton. You nigga. - Not like this. - No, no, no, no Vik you wanted this. Vik no where you going? - [Ethan] Where you goin? - Vik where are you going? Vik? Vik? Come here. Where's he going? You wanted it to be hard. It's hard. I'll make it hard. - [Kon] Do you want five? We'll give you five minutes, out. Come back through those doors. By the way you spell it. It's N-I... - Vik what are you doing? Answer the fucking word. - This isn't good for his brown. - Spell nigga. - N... - [KSI] N-O. - No. - That's it? That's wrong. Come up here. Make sure your ass is, right there. I want the world to see it. No no no no. Right there. Bend bend bend over, more, more. Want to spell nigga? No bend over. Bend over. - I mean, you did this to yourself. - [KSI] Well I mean you know, you wanted to do this. Do you want to try again? Do you want a different word? You sure? - He's gonna make him spell coon. - Come up. No you wanted it, you wanted. - [Harry] Go on Vik. - You want to do what? Come up you wanted it to be hard. - You gotta do it. You gotta do it. - You wanted it to be hard. It's going to be hard. Come up. Your word is coon. Spell coon. - C - [KSI] C? - A-N-T. - Okay That's wrong. Bring your ass again. - Why? - [KSI] So good. Yes. - Well done. Well done. Okay so with this round, it's going to be a quick fire round so you can't ask any questions. Okay? Josh, gonna be very easy. Hat. Spell hat. - H-A-T. - [KSI] Correct. Ethan. Spell cherry. - C-H-E-R-R-Y. - [KSI] Correct. Tobi, spell condom. - C-O-N-D-O-M. - [KSI] Correct. Spell lip. - L-I-P. - [KSI] Correct. - Thought he said nip. - Spell chair. - C-H-A-I-R. - [KSI] Correct. Vik. Spell won. - O-N-E. - [KSI] Wrong. - Come on. - [KSI] W-O-N. Bring your ass. So obvious? You're so dumb. I've watched you be the smart one but no. "I want it to be hard." "Its too easy." Bring your ass. Again quick fire round. Josh. Leg. - L-E-G. - [KSI] Correct. Bed. - B-E-D. - [KSI] Correct. Box. - B-O-X. - [KSI] Correct. Den. - D-E-N. - [KSI] Correct. Sofa. - S-O-F-A. - [KSI] Correct. Ate. - E-I-G-H-T. - [KSI] Wrong. - Fuck's sake. - [KSI] Bring your.... - Fuck off. - [KSI] Bring your... - You don't care. You're just gonna say.. Prove to me. Prove to me that it wasn't, it wasn't.. - Bring me your ass. - Fuck off I wanna see. - Bring your ass. - I wanna see. - Bring. - This is.. - Bring your ass. - This is insane. - Bring your ass bring it. - [Ethan] Take it like a man - Bring it and take it. You stupid, stupid man. - Someone take, someone take this fucking seat. - No you said it. - He saved you. He really saved you. - Okay you know what? I'm being mean to Vik. We're going to make it difficult for everyone. Okay? Josh come up. - Yes. - No question. - No I'm not leaving. - Spell meet. - M-E-E-T. - [KSI] Correct. Spell great. - G-R-E-A-T. - Are you sure? - G-R-E-E-T. - Pick one. - That's greet. - [KSI] Wait what? Wait. Wait. Nah bring your ass. Nah bring your ass. - You got it wrong. - [KSI] Bring your ass. Bring your ass. - But you got it wrong as. - No no. What? I just... No no no just. - Oh my fucking God. Oh my fucking God. - Did that actually hurt? - Yes it fucking hurts - Oh my fucking God. The side of my asshole. - Yeah. Oh my God. Oh my God. - [KSI] Tobi Tobi Tobi. Spell way. - W-A-Y. - [KSI] Correct. Spell bare. - B-A-R-E. - [KSI] Correct. Harry. Spell cell - C-E-L-L. - [KSI] Correct. - Very good choice. - Good choice. - [KSI] Vik. Spell nigga. Dunno it just happens to be there again. What can I say. Are you, you not the only one to talk. Actually you know come, go back over there. Go back over there. Where where you going? You stupid... I want you to pick a word for the people to use for discount code. - Rhythm. - Can you spell that? - R-H-Y-T-H-M. - Wrong. It's wrong. It's wrong. It's wrong. Bring your ass. Nah nah it's wrong. Nah nah bring your ass. It's not right. You know what? I'll be nice to you okay? You can sit down. Okay so after that we have, another new round. This is a ten second, to spell. Okay you only have 10 seconds to spell this so , it's going to be very easy. Vik! Come up. Your word is, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Can you spell it in three, two, one. - What? - What? - Wait why did he say it? - If the comments are saying you know, poor ViK. Say Vik. He wanted this. The bastard wanted this. That's a sore one. Josh. 10 seconds to spell, spinmeister. Three, two, one go. - What was the word? S-P-I-N-M-A-S-T-E-R. - Wrong. Bring your ass. - [Josh] It's spinmaster. - Spinmeister not spinmaster. - [KSI] Spinmeister. - Stupid boy. - Tobi. - [Josh] Very nice. - [Ethan] Tobi or Ethan? - [KSI] Tobi. - He said Tobi, okay. - [Ethan] My ass is bruised and it's because of me. - Multisystem. - M-U-L-T-I-S-Y-S-T-E-M. - Very good. Very good. Okay Vik. - All right I already did it. - Oh Vik. - [Vik] Don't ask questions. - [KSI] Don't ask questions. - No questions. - Spell Vik. Wrong, bring your ass. Bring your ass. Bring. - That was 10 seconds? - [KSI] Bring your ass. - That was 10 seconds? - [KSI] That was, the one second round. Did I not say? - [Vik] No. - I did not say? - No. No you didn't. - My apologies. Well bring your ass. Bring your ass. - Can I have another go? - [KSI] No you don't get another no. - [Vik] Can I have another go? - Do I look like a stupid idiot to you? - [Ethan] It's gonna get worse the more you flinch man. - The more you flinch, the worse it comes. Simon. Polaroid. - P-O-L-A-R-O-I-D. - Correct. Ethan. English okay. Patatas fritas. - Patatas fritas. P-A-T-A-T-T-A-S F-I-R-T-T-A-S. Did I do the wrong double T? Two Ts. - There's no double Ts. - There's no double Ts. - That word what is it? - [Simon] Spanish word. - Bring your ass. I know you hate me so much. I had to experience 18 years of that, so you know you're, pretty lucky. Tobi knows. Actually Tobi come up. It's been a while since you've seen this. - Allow it. Allow it. - Germanium. - G-E-R-M-A-N-I-U-M. - Correct. Tobi again. - Shit. - That should keep going. - Gesticulate. - J-E-S-T-I-C-U-L-A-T-E. - That's that's wrong. - [Simon] Starts with G. - It starts with a G. - Shit. But you hadn't started the timer so... What so? You want to, you want playing games with me now? - [Simon] It's better if you just take it. - Showing me your big mouth. - [Vik] Just take it. I tried to play games. - [Ethan] Don't build the hatred. Don't build the hatred. - This is a bit weird aight cool, what we doing? - [KSI] We're doing what you, what you fear the most. - The spoon? - It's been a while no? - [Tobi] Okay. - [Ethan] Pour the bag back. Pour the bag back. - You've got a nice bum. No it wasn't weird by the way. Wow. - That was straight leg. - Unreal he, he's had no effect. Clearly the 18 years has shown, the defence. But these white people, the, especially you Vik, you struggling. Josh bring your ass. Spell film. - Say what? - Film. - Can you use it in a sentence? - No, there's no question. Seven. Six. Five. - [Josh] Fin? - [KSI] Four. - What? Fin. (laughs) - What the fuck is he saying? - [KSI] Bring your end holes. - [Tobi] What were you saying? Fume? - I said Film. - [Josh] He said, - [KSI] Film. - Film. Film. - [Ethan] Film. That was soft. - [Josh] That was soft. - [Vik] What? - Okay bring bring it here. - [Simon] Yeah there we go. - You like that. - [Simon] It's better. - [Josh] It's pretty nice. - Kon. Kon. - [Josh] Kon can't spell at all. - [Vik] The mic's on Kon. - [Harry] Kon the mic's here. - Spell the word. What you doing over here? - Kon really can't spell. - [KSI] Okay. Spell the Ku Klax Klan. - Can I abbreviate it? - KKK. That's abbreviated, so spell it, in its full form. - K-U - [KSI] Okay. - K-L-A-X. - [KSI] Okay. Okay that's wrong. That's wrong. KU Klux Klan. Ku Klux Klan. That's how you spell it? Bring your ass. - Why does he keep a straight face? - It's, it's U-X. - Okay. Have you ever had these before? - Da. - [Simon] That's yes in Russian. - Yes. - [Simon] Mainly in Russia? - And that was the last time we had someone help us film the Sidemen video. - And that is it. That is the Spelling African Bee Edition done. Give yourself a round of applause. I don't know who the winner is. I don't really care. So thank you for watching. This has been the sad me. And, see you guys in a bit. - What? - What? - Come check out the second channel sir. (laughs) - [KSI] How dare you? How dare you. Bring in that... Nah nah nah bring a beast. Bring it. I'm going to beat you. Bring it. What'd? Do you want me to come over there? Do you want me to come chase you? I will. I will. Bend over. Bend over. Bend over. Bend over. Bend over. ♪ Is that heat boy ♪ ♪ Everything is on point ♪ ♪ On everything ♪ ♪ Creps are looking Gucci ♪ ♪ Sharp is all I want until it suits me ♪ ♪ Everything is on point ♪ ♪ Show the 'Gramme for how I'm living ♪ ♪ Can't complain on how my people winning ♪ ♪ Everything is on point ♪ ♪ Skrt skrt skrt skrt ♪ ♪ Yeah my GG looking glorious ♪ ♪ If I die, I'll know I'll die notorious ♪ ♪ Everything is on point ♪ ♪ Skrt skrt skrt skrt ♪ ♪ Apex looking like my natural ♪ ♪ Flyin ♪
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 28,538,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sidemen, Sidemen Sunday, Spelling Bee
Id: _3b6LZ2xAVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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