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- How much is that? - 2.5k (laughing) - They're going to consummate the marriage. See one stage. I see seven in the outfit. It's done. It's done my next attack. (all laughing) - Hello and welcome today to another spending video of only six . - Yeah. Where I'm missing this man right here. 'Cause he has COVID. - Get rid of it. - Shake him. - Get rid of him. (all laughing) - But anyway, we've recently spent money on fans. So now we're spending on ourselves once again you know, but today you have to buy only one colour. Each of you will be assigned a colour. It'd be red, orange, green. And you're buying for someone as good. Only in that colour. - This thumbnail was gonna look beautiful. - If you guys click the thumbnail, you already know it was good. - So who wants to go first? One card is green, one is the car. - Ethan. - All go ahead and I believe probably one is a person. - Yeah, calm. Oh, I've dropped her. All right. Make sure it's not you. - Okay. No, it's not me right now. - Pick a colour. - Now pick a colour. - And then go show the camera. - Okay. Let's go, that's fine. - Okay. Right person please. - Hey, let me just make sure it's not you. - It's not me. (laughing) - I know it's gonna be me. Oh, oh, y'all fucked. (laughing) - It's not you. - No. - Okay. - Oh no. I will live my whole day. - I'll live my whole day in fear. - It's me. It's gonna be me. - Get you card for this, right? - Yeah. - So we're all hoping to win in this fight? (laughing) - What's the colour? - He's got blue. (upbeat music) - Okay. So there's some small rules. What you should buy and what you can't buy. - [All] Okay. - Got a five grand budget. - Maximum? - Yeah. That's what I'm saying you have to spend, this is the maximum you can get. - Are you going to get close? - Minimum let's say it's 3K. - Okay. - You must buy one outfit and it's something they can wear and try on. So no bikinis JJ. Right? (JJ laughing) - Well, you can try on a bikini. - Without wearing over clothes can be a bit weird if. - You'd like by in the beginning, you thought it would be very weird. - At least five different gifts. So you can't shout and get them on gifts on its own. - Is the outfit included in the five gift? - No. Okay. They a five IC separate from an outfit. One item is like a fringe of pounds. And then last one is just a food item, a drink. - Awesome. Ah, okay. - Yeah. So one food, one drink, one drink. I'm gonna call that one food in the car. - All right, right. - Let's get it. All right. - All right. Boom. - Ooh, what you got? - Your boy has got Simon green. - He's got his boyfriend, bro. - That's nice. What's nice. You guys, you got boyfriend bro. That's vibe. Couple of goals. - Who do you have? I have Harold Denio. - Okay. What colour? - It's not his blue colour. So he's gonna be upset. We're now going to be calling him red jumper gaming. - Oh, okay. Well I have Ethan. - Okay. And I have blue. - Oh, that's quite a nice one too. - But I could nice him. But based on the groups I'm working out obviously. - Our who's the who? - Who the who. I have got Josh and pink. - I think I can get him from fire fit, like bright pink. We talking like fall out. - Who have you got? - I've got JJ. And I've got orange, which is like, got the bright orange cutie thing. So I might start, try and replicate that kind of, but no, no. - We've got to go out the bar. - I don't know if JJ deserves nice things. No, I haven't ever convinced star in yellow. - Oh wow. - Yeah. I'm thinking bro, he's a star big star. I can either dress him up in a star outfit or I'm thinking I want like, I want like a banana outfit. - I kind of want to put Simon in a bikini. - That's nice. - Or Maybe I should just get him like female clothing. - Yeah. Like a dress. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. Justin stockings and Green heels and green heels. - Oh my God. Oh my God. - We know that JJ and Ethan are together. - Yeah. - It's just the statistically one of them has one of us. So I'm kind of scared, but you know what? No, I'm a nice. - I'm a nicer person. Stem the world would go, Hey. And it doesn't work in cyber videos. Actually it doesn't, it doesn't. - Put a guy in harmony in it. - I don't store. - JJ did say he's always sexual, but you know, this is his boyfriend. - No. I said I don't mean super sexual. So I'm not gonna get him sex toys. - No. So we're just gonna look for a nice. - Luxury. - Nice outfit. - Yeah, of course. - So We'll be back. Have a great time. - Harry reckons that's like you go dragon ball Z, shop around here. Orange is a very dragon ball Z colour. So why am I helping? You know what? It's fine. we'll get JJ something that we'll really like. Do you remember when someone got JJ, the dragon ball Z target? So a thing like that was like the eight pound toy and he was gasping through it. - That's what I mean, his heart is for dragon ball Z. - Although if I mean. Then you could do a video buying him presence that he should have got. I don't want to make videos anymore. (both laughing) - Food is, I'll just get an orange. - That's kind of an easy one. - I've got a Bronco orange and an orange on his shoe slice. That's quite funny. - Your boys bought some things. So I was gonna be looking very nice. I've been having choice options. - They're quite nice. - You know, as long as... - I like the tone of green. - It's interesting. - I started off with a banana condoms. - That's yellow. I'm not sure they're yellow inside, but I mean, it does say singles not stripped, ready with no rips. So Vic, I know you got a massive, massive bang. So just know these are say. - Just fucking grab that Donnie. - How you guys are in your home or how much we are hoping for your outfit. - You're going to presented by it. 'Cause then let us film. They're nice people. Can I get them lights on weird red craps? - You can definitely get some nice red shoes because. - He wears weird socks. - Yeah, I have 80 I think. - What's going on. What's going on. - You wouldn't sell your jacket. Would you? The jacket? Would you sell the jacket? - No, no, no. - 80 pounds? Now you can't get another one? Ah. - You got to go for things like that. - All right, sweetie shop. I'm going to try and get the snacks done now. And the dozers got a green. - I've got my gift, green umbrella. - Does that count as yellow? - He's gonna hate every time I get, anyone gets to hate me. So. - That's if he wants to sell these dramas, there's loads in cotton, about 200 quid out 280 quid. That's my mission today. Something that is like the dream to get something like exclusive. - Rat Pringles. - Yep. - Would this count? - I think maybe. - Probably it's so bad at these people. - That we've got 5k positive road. We're going to spend like a hundred pounds. - Red is actually yeah. Like you get anything red. - It's smaller though. - Harry could fit a small never. - Red is gonna be easy to find. So it's blue. - Yeah, just a little one. I see this one right there. - That has got Josh written all over it. - I will give him some lemon. - Nice bang there with this. - Well actually just gonna get this for myself as well. - These look cheesy. They did a good fight. - Yeah. That's 55. Could you? - I don't think you'll find something much more than a hundred here. - No. - All right. Let me grab this one. I'm getting this. I'm getting this. I don't know if you'll like it or not, but it looks kind of cool. - I've got one for Josh. I think Josh will be all about this. And then I'll make Josh's day. - The pink pie range. - Everyone loves the pink ones. - No problem. - But you got to get rid of them. Does this count for myself? Definitely not myself. - No. No. If you want to buy them for yourself, you can buy them. - Then can I just buy it myself? - Yeah, you can buy them for yourself. It's pointless. It's got supremely. - It's so pointless. - Frank and a knob that backpack I bet you now. - Support yourself and what you fit in there, but nothing at all. - That's probably got 5k budget. - Look, we will spend about 10 pounds. - Now we will spend, we will spend bro. - That's drip. That will fall on the side. - If it does got fits on him. I'll be amazed. - Oh no. He's tied up. He's tied up. - Oh, okay. That's quite sick. He's like, he's got a ruler as well. Multipurpose bag. - I want to say pick up bus man as well. You know let's film in the shop. - What's the shop called bus. - Yeah. There you go. - Oh, this orange. - Is hard. - That's orange. - That's more rad. - That's orange bro. - It's rad. - I feel like it's orange. - No. - It's slightly orangy red. Best, closer to red than orange. Like a little. Think about it. If you're struggling at the end, you can bring him a bike. - Have you got any lines? Just standard red supreme-a items that are like not crazy. I've got my red for someone. So I'm trying to get, I want the best and easiest thing. That's red is just massive. I don't want to carry it around. - Well Jolie raunchy was on. Let's throw. You're just, you're slapping sweet bro. - We should have no budget. So you can like steal off the street. - Like wherever you can find. - Should I like can buy a chair. - I doubt it. 'Cause you know the people here on like the managers, they're not gonna be able to like give you the chair. - Or maybe on the way back. - On the way back I'm going to grab the chair. - Go ahead. - I think that's the best way to do this. Just any ridiculous thing that we can try and buy off someone, we just do it. - What is it? - It's bodyboard right surf on it. - It's a bodyboard. He might like a buddy ball. You know what? You've got to be at brains sometimes. You look at you and you think, you know what? He ain't got a brain, but you haven't got a bit yeah. - 20 Quid, big baller. And that you spent over a hundred now. Definitely. - Oh, it's a hundred quid. Yeah. That's me. So it's going to be guys. She'd be like, oh, well you got me green TEDx. Call it a green on umbrella walk. You though be outside. - Wow. - That's a new one. - They don't let you film in there, but you're welcome. Just going on a browse. - So you guys just kinda have a browse. If you want last shoot let's go and have a brown. - Now. It's all kin. Can I get chops and bottle please? Don't have my say. But again, it's like, by the way that bottle was like 400. - I call it get my dress. - Figured out the green porridge. - Wanna go downstairs. - Oh yes. This is the business. - This is the business. - I mean, it is pink. - That's pink. (laughing) - But, but then they ended up doing some Sydney, doing some weird. - Fill up all charter Darrow's ended up being a little bit corrupt. - Well, I used to really like blue and then I found out they will each other on the door of us. - Oh, okay. - Yeah. You don't know that? - Yeah. It was pretty bad. - Yeah. And that just sort of, I said to me sound. - Chopsticks are $190. - Yep. - And water bottle is $197. - That's fine. Yep. This is one of those two. That's your star and, and this is here. So you can come back. We have got a bell to me. I'm absolute corker. The face Jesus. She's just ever get like, should we have to be like that? - How was that ever going? - I thought like, okay, well Josh can find out. - Yeah. - Fred is gonna have a field day mate. - Food shop flannels. They go women's dressing your mans up inside special for tonight. - Well, I'm not going to Simon. - Hey, that that's what you do. You see even now, Hey, does this get it? - Ooh. Do you have any I'm looking at that. - That I swallow ones. - Yeah, the board's on for saying that was just for show. They are, Ooh. It's gonna come with trucks or not. Is it just the board? - Just the board, the rack and JJ want love Supreme skateboard. - I really I think, I think, no, I do think, I think if anyone in the sideman was going to get bought a skateboard there's from the button on it, the least. But, but, but. - I'm getting a skateboard skateboard around 200. How much is that? - The skateboard. - Yeah. - 2.5k. (laughing) - So you felt you have to buy night, like a friend or pounds and I haven't done that wife one night each. I think I heard 119 hundred shops. What about that Vic? - Well, no. - I already got the power ranger. - Do you do like smaller ones of those? Like those but other. - That's the only one small. - Okay. Okay. It's fine. It's here. - We might be back very soon. - 6, 2, 5. - Jeez. That's over 300. - See if we can get this in 11 and a half. - Oh, sorry, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. - The biggest. Okay, well that's okay. No, there's no women in the world with over six. - But normally the biggest woman is eight. - Oh my God. There's no ways he gonna wear that right now, but you might one that you remember. Well, if you go Paul, me one. - It's just any, you got 20 seconds. - Oh. - I see up at the top. Goes to the top. - Way too early. - Okay. One more. - The slight delay in what you do. - Can I also get this pink today? Do you have it in a large? You got a medium? - Yeah. - I'll grab it for JJ. - For Josh unlike Supremes. Usually a bit bigger here. He'll be all right. How much? - One thousand. - One thousand? - But you're a good friend you know. - He's getting nice. Do you know what I do. I'm going to nice Vic at night. Just ugly design. This like, you know, like this is it's MassArt but bro, 245. - I don't know if you like it. That's the worst part. - You got a job. - What you got? - This one like sometimes it goes fast. Sometimes it goes slow. - It's hard to gauge. - This is the one. That's the one, one. - Oh, I'm going to win. - This fire is yellow. Well the Versace jacket. - He'd like that though. It's big stuff. - It's big stuff. I'll be nice to Someone's going to be like. - Sorry no worries. Thank you. - The dog, the dog's great. Sorry. - Hello? Hello. - It's a lovely dog. Thank you. - Green stuff over here. But I think JJ set on dressing his mom, like a woman. Then this is finally the change of KSI. I think this is the official. They're gonna what'd you call it consummate the marriage. They're going to consummate the marriage. Do you see them on the stage? I see seven and outfit now it's done. It's done sex time. (upbeat music) - I'm behind this. - You know what I mean? This is funny. I did attendance. - All right. Where are we going? That Selfridges. - Yeah. - Yup. It's straight down the road. A decent Walt in the rain and she done my bag up, bruh. - Fuck. - Probably boring as. - Well. Right? Which way we got sorry guys. (group chattering) - I can't believe that many people just gathered outside the shop waiting for us. I can't believe that they're in there for 10 minutes. - We're doing well though. We've got a good couple parks. - How many you got? What do you want? - Four things. - Four things already? - Four things. I need to get him some pink leggings. - Fucking him - Yeah, I think can get the van. - These videos are all for, you know, because we just go around. We spend X amount of money on stuff and stuff that people aren't gonna use again. We'll be in my way, the shop now. - So we'll probably give everything to Tyler. - Not bad, not bad. - Actually, he would be thanking you. - I wanna see it on you one side and that's it. - Fuck you though. - And then you do what you want with it. Just bought them a red game, dead redemption. - That's nice. That's smart. - What we 360. - Yeah. I can. - I still have one. - I am the genius. It's got a big head for a reason. You see? - This two types of stuff. - We'll bang, you know, two times gloving, Teton, common sense. But the thing is is I stuffed looks so much better now. It was not too much, but basically that's your coven. Nah, I fuck it. I have a discount code right now. - Awesome. - Awesome. - Oh, 'cause that's what the connection is awesome. - This is the London weather like it's sunny one minute. - Yeah. I'm buying a beach fit. Next minute is raining and yeah. - You start in the ground little things codes. - Just allow it man. - Just allow it. This is making me sad, man. Can't see I'm a glasses, man. I need a haircut now. I'm what? - Oh, wait the shorts. Look at the shorts. - Wait shorts. Oh yeah. I mean, that was but yeah, it. Nah, that's still fitting bro. - You got the biggest size. They have the best. - Thing about going out to KSI is right. Everyone forgets about you. Look I'm calm, but I don't get. I don't care. I'm actually two payments for these. No, I just say the best thing about going out with you. Yeah. The best thing about going out with you, everyone forget. It's probably about me. - Yeah yeah bro. - I'm living bro. - I'm just keeping it moving a lot of people over the video. - Please, please just let me, let me please, - Please let me do it piano. - I mean like I think about getting like a instrument. That's blue, like line your eyes through the middle there and looking at. - That violin here. - Let's see how let's see how much it is. Let's see how much it's. 'Cause I bought stuff before. - It's full centre - That will be brewed. - That it's full centre. - That will be like 400 quid. - There is nothing orange hair possible to show you though. - Yeah. Orange is way harder on a falls. - Orange is really difficult. - Oh, can I buy the bus bro? Hey, how much for the bus please. Let me have your bus. My friend needs a yellow bus. - Take it to the, I mean, I don't think JJ is going to complain. He probably has pumps. - Or I think we definitely buy. I think we buy that. That's good. - Very good. Blue violin. - That's pretty. That's pretty light. - No it's blue. - It's very blue. - Easily AstroTurf or proper boots. Something Astor to us. - How are we doing for time? Let's say we've got another hour and a half. Start it. - Yeah. - No shorts, no trousers, no tops. - We will find an orange jacket on this road for us. - Two presents, three presents. One of them both are stinky. I need to get know something basic, something like cool and big. - Is there any cash? He's got everything anyway. - Literally 10 minutes ago. 10 minutes ago, bliss. Damn. - This is, I can't believe I was here. - It's about to be hot boy summer for jokes. - Jesus. Those are those actual laws Jesus Christ. - These are just large, bro. - Bro, they call me women's washing a women can be lodged too I don't. I'm talking about like, I just say that they seem big for women's shorts. - I've dealt with them a whole little good little good. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. - Singing involves. The singing. Tony's just been around. Wow. That was good. Wow. Has sold. - How much is that one? - 50 - Oh yeah. Yeah, definitely. Definitely. - Don't forget about the red kazoo though. I'm going to get, I'm going to get this little bread kazoo. - This is vital. This is vital. It's vital. It's going there. I see orange. I see orange. I see orange. I see bright orange. - Oh Kara sign this please. I'll make the slides. Those slides. - Please Kara sign this. - How much is this man? - 895. - I think that might be the one. - Yeah, I think let's go. - You want this one? - Yes. Please write. - How much money you spent. - I would almost want to grind, you know? - No I haven't. That's 895. - Yeah. Have a good day. - Solid violin and a bowl. - Hey, Hey. Hey, I made the biggest investment into it. My friend today into your friend. - You can't tell you how to play it though. - Why? - 'Cause COVID. - No. - Oh, how'd you play it? - For some reason I think Harry's got me. I don't know what Harry's like, bro. Just buy big shit that I cab put anywhere. Okay. - Yeah. Oh no. I've red bad. - Yeah. Red, huge. Or like a red scooter? No, I can't do anything please. - Do you have any light really pink? Light pink roam. - Well, I would you wanna a dress? - Do you know what it up? - I love the dress. As long as it's big enough. I'm not smart. I'm not exactly the most petite woman. - Quite chunk. - Oh yeah. Yeah. I got the biggest one. - You sure? - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's got a big head. - Finger over the thing that bit. - You go, oh wow. Some pink Ava. - They better be bright pink. All right. They're not bright pink. I found an Onyx spot around the corner hamlet's. - Hamlet's? - Yeah. I've got him a giant orange toy. - I think needs to be able 300 queen. That's all. - Yeah. As soon as you turn the camera off, he'll stop the camera. Turn the camera up and he'll stop. - Okay stop. - That was such a sovereign dress. You know what I mean? - Where can we find this? - Is a dress it's not extravagant. It's not flamboyant. It's just a dress, Simon dress. - It's a lovely dress. - I gotta go. I gotta go. - They bought a guitar pick. Okay. Or a guitar and a guitar pick holder as well. - That's another gift. Counselor's yellow. I'm getting an inflatable ice bucket. Can I get this please. Thank you. - I'm just chopping down the list. That's a great yellow gift. That that's an amazing yellow gift. - Oh the lovely British weather. It may seem like we're doing a spending video pretty soon. After another spending video. If you take a look at this weather, it really limits anything you can film. A lot of our best video ideas are outside and no one wants to do any of them in this weather. We can't and the cameras would get broken. Yeah. That is why we're shopping today. We've got to keep it delivered for you. - We're in Selfridges trying to get Vic's some yellow shorts or yellow trousers. Maybe some yellow socks as well. Finish off the outfit. And then I think I'm just going to go to the tech floor. I love some yellow techie gifts. - I see some blue boots losing it again. Cool. - It's Harry supports what team? - Chelsea. - Does though. Oh, that's the one I said he supports awesome. - He support soccer teams. - I heard he supports United. - That's what I'm thinking as well. He might do that. - Well I'm buying Ethan this year. - A rock cruel. - Harry look. - That's it. There isn't a lumber. - Saw it I'm getting him a car. I'm getting him a car. - This is how it's lumber used to look before he painted it purple. Right? - We got them out the door. - We threw 300 pound person, bro. Why am I a 300 pound present? - Yes, please. Yeah. I love the top of it all. - You're nice to them. - It's being star now. I feel so bad. - They're perfectly small now? - Yes. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. So if I get into getting myself, that's about right. - Yeah. So I have to, I have the state fund ready. I will never sneak one. - This will be all right. Should I just buy him this? - Yeah. He's not going to wear it realistically. - It's just one thing. - And then we need some shorts. - I've got an hour and a half until we need to be back here. - Bobby yellow bag. - It's not a gift. It's not part of the outfit. - 75 quid bro. - Yeah. JJ is gonna drop it down. (upbeat music) - Okay. We've got some options here. We've got some nice options here. I mean, that's just lost my whole rack. - Lucky so it's not brown. - It draws orange. - They are normally orange. That's not an orange. - The Roth though is five $50. - I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get, I'm gonna get it. - Should I just give them different dresses. - Even to get one out and fit and then gifts. - This counts as a gift. - No. (laughing) - I'm getting them. But Tayga Veneta. - I lost the bro. This is it we're done. - Can I leave these here? Can you guys have asked this basis on me? Got it. - He sent me a gift side to pay me back, but love heart in the comments. - He find me a gift. (upbeat music) - Come off. The Yankees had done. - Yes. - Say he's mastered enough. - You can stop. You've mastered it. - Now you're going to tell him what you got. That was an announcement. - Yeah. - Okay. Now announcing Simon, I've bought stuff. - I think I love this. You know? - It is definitely not orange, but it should be orange. - People are laughing at you Harry. - Why? - I walk up the street, but you cover yours run your arm as well. You all you're hiding it in the bar. You'll cheat it. - These are quiet, sick, but that's triple lessors or coders up high. - Low key one this. - Just have a bite in your size. - But let's say 500 bucks. - You're shopping? - Yes. We're shopping. - Okay. Cool. No worries. - We're looking for something bright orange. Yes. Okay, great. Do you like have something for girls? - It looks quite big though. Give me if it's big on John. I think it works a tiny bit big on me. Yeah. That's it if you Harry, right? - Yeah. It's a lot of money there for 678. - What is this? - It keeps coffee or water please. - It keeps it warm for you. - Yeah. - Oh wow. Can I grab the yellow one please? I go down the elevator. - And I see something yellow and I don't, I'm just buying it. I hate it. Yeah. Scarf would be ideal actually. - Yeah. There's a second one here. - No scarf is a scarf from Baltimore. - I thought you were... - He's a flamboyant guy. He'll wear for power banks and the new one. - It's not, it's not, it's not. I need to have a yellow unfortunately - Yellow? - Green. He'll take the green one. Yeah. - That's orange. That's orange. - How much is this? - It's 390 Pounds. - Oh ideal. - That's okay? - I'll take that. That'd be perfect. Thank you. - 11 Plus me. So it comes in, right? - So we literally have like 30, 40 minutes. - Does that count as blue dragon ball Z? - That was for JJ. - I know it would have been perfect, but still blue. We've got like 30, 40 minutes left. So I'm literally just buying anything that I see this blue. Medium perfect. - Give her a name. - Gerald. - Gerald, Gerald. - Well, Geraldine was there. We'll find out, but we could be wherever he wants and I'm gonna choose four. - Yeah. Do you have anything else that's just green? - Does anything green? - It's not really green though. - What's this? Yeah. It's green. I'll take it. - I like this, but it's on green. So that's the thing. - It seems great, man. I'm not gonna lie. It's not a green. - Well, this was 30. - Yeah, but that's more like a flush toy. This is like it's got some structure to it mate. - Hi. So I've got some blue perfume, candle, a shirt. Some alcohol. - I have a red jacket. I have red sliders. I have rebel Lynsey shoes. - I've Aperol. Right? I think that's it be more red or red hat. - You shouldn't have to carry your unicorn. Like I'm carrying this thing. - I went and smart. - We drawing enough attention to ourselves without a massive Gerard. - Also has some gaming on this. - Oh wow. - I was like, that's green. - That's green. - Yeah. I'll take it. - No, you're rocking it now. You're rocking it when they roll with me food and something expensive. - Yeah. Can we get this? - Yeah. - Do you have anything else that's green? - All right. We have literally 18 minutes left and you need to get a T-shirt. We need food and I need to go into presented by again, you by the bat. So you got to get this, get a candy. Can you get me to bodyboard. - All right. See you in 20 minutes. - All right. - Meet outside of here. - Yeah. - Downstairs. - Yeah. - Oh, it's meant to be. Oh, it's meant to be. We can't get out and pick it up. - We're back in presented by where we started. And Josh wants that board, the Supreme board. And I'm buying the bear, the two and a half grand bear. I'm getting it. - The state of this man, this man looks like he's had like the most horrendous night out. And this is the result he's headed in home. Walk of shame with a giraffe and a comb. - Oh Lord. I feel bad about I didn't Nikki from building site. I didn't like disrupt benefit it was going on. It was just on the side of the road. - It was meant to be. - Yeah. - Yeah. And you'll play it back afterwards. - Oh, of course. Of course, JJ. Well, I'm sure. - He cares about the environment up. - Let's get the most random of similar stuff. We have rugby. We have spite about, we have boxing gloves, also sweat buds. All right top of best. Who knows? - Does that count? - All right. We're back at the ends. - Toby what'd you get? - He got COVID on him. - He got to sign the videos off. - No Toby text me saying we should get him to get well, soon present. - Did you get me off his head? - No, no, no, no. - This is Toby. - Yeah. - Get well bitch. (laughing) - If it helps before people think we're being mean, he doesn't get to miss two sidemen visits. - He's going nowhere. He's got two weeks off. - Sit back, relax, cough a bit. Inshallah. - All right. I should we go first? 'Cause we're on the edge. All right. - I bought four de de de happy. (group chattering) - Happy they were out for a while. You know, for a long time it was me. - So I think sometimes just starts. - You've got me too. - No. - The first thing is we went to Sachs. - Oh wow. - I got you part of a Nintendo switch. - But wait, how did you just get that's the extent of it? - So yeah, Quincy. Yeah. It's pre-owned stuff in it. - And then this is your outfit. - Should he go put it on and come back in to see us? - Because I want to see his reaction to. - The main thing is yeah, we got your Chelsea shirt. - Fantastic - Oh yeah. - He's extra large. They didn't have any other size. - And I have to, but yeah, he's really fun to loophole in the whole. You have to wear your outfit. - Wheels and go use the blue socks. - Come on. Oh, oh, oh, this is amazing. - The blue shorts. - Oh, we got you. Some balloons. You got away. (group chattering) - Expensive. - Yeah. And then obviously you've been, you know, your relationships go going pretty quick. So I got your baby one too. (all laughing) - Oh, lovely broody. - Very quickly. Thanks. That's cute. - I can't look better than I thought it was like. - Maybe Steven. (group chattering) - I mean, this one is just kind of, I feel disgusting. So it was kind of just, I saw it and it was blue. Well, it. - Was a candle guys. - That's a good candle. - Crushed the whole video though. - That was nice. - Oh, how many? That's that's all over clothes. - And then some blue laces. This was actually last second just by. - It's not getting your boots. Put those on your boots. I know you have a blue watch on, but we bought you another blue. - A lot more blue. - It's diesel mate. - Diesel blue watch. - It's diesel. - This ain't part of the outfit. Now this is just a gift. - No, it's not part of the outfit. - He's wearing a blue. - Look at the flicker the Vic. - There was a couple of things which I just kind of bought. 'Cause it was last second. - You really went for this. - Like this is a blue shirt, which is not your outfit. This is a gift. - Okay. - JJ might like it. I've asked for, oh. - That is cool. - I might want it there. There you go. - All right. Hey, cheers. I'll leave that there for you to watch. - Oh thanks Simon. Wow. - This is a blue drink. - Of course. - Blue sweets. - Oh thank you. - Some more blue sweets. - Oh my goodness. This guy's going above and beyond. - We want our bears back. - Bring bears back. - Pull this much stuff you guys have got in. - Some blue sweets. Blue Hubba, Bubba. - Oh, you've been nice. - Now, I feel nice. - These watches, sorry, diesel. This watch stain. It's really good mate. - It's almost a little bit odd. - Okay. - Why is it in it? - we've got to got loads of stuff. - Yeah. - So this is called a singing bowl. - Oh I know what's that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - It first and then. - On the outside and outside. Oh yeah. That's it. I want a guy in the store or did it really well. - Sing into the bowl. I see like the Instagram girls will do it. - I mean, if you just want to eat from it, you know? - Yeah. Probably go together. - You're in the instrument store don't you? - That's an instrument. - It's a singing bowl. - Yeah. - This one's dope. - This is actually blue or just the case blue. - The case is blue. - Okay. - Even if you see an Asian space. (group chattering) - Printing ready for you. - It's tunes. - It's tuned and everything. - You need not how you play a violin. He played it like that to be fair. Really? - Well, bear with me. I just play. - Let him do it. - This one's called guitar, but this one's called a dad. My dad left me. - He went, I'll never go back. (all clapping) - My first ever. - That is cool though. - That is quite sick. Yes. - Christmas is not. (group chattering) - It's not all about you sometimes it's about her. So I'll put your ring, the blue one. And now he's talking that he's actually, and it's also about her. So you might need to make it bigger. - Fuck me. (group chattering) - And then pumping. - I've always wondered about that 'cause my Cox, is not making it seven and a half. - Now, but it brings blood to it. - I had a metal strip and once they came round and he pumped it up. - I've never seen anything like. (group chattering) - You just pump your Dick. - Make it even squeeze it. - Yeah. - And it gets bigger. - Not forever. But just for that moment forever. - But yeah, it brings all the blood to it. Yeah. - He's like fuck, I've been missing this. - All these girls I've let down. (group chattering) - Ooh, next up we got blue skull vodka. - Oh, that's dope. - Fleshy. Nice too, bro. - I don't know what this is but it was blue. - What is it? - Is it the cure of some. It was minimum of five gifts. - Yeah this is a cock tail. - Minimum. - Yeah, sure. - There's one more gift might need everyone's close the rise. - No problem. - Everyone got five gifts, JJ. - Yes. - Close your eyes. Close your eyes. - Keep your eyes closed. - I closed. I closed. Closed, closed. - I'm scared. - You know I like on from being like intrigued the sky. - Keeping them close for a minute. - A minute. - Pets at home. - Oh no. - Is that I'll have to kill it. - Dragon. - Oh my Ethan. - This was the majority of your budget. Was it? I don't know why it costs this much, but it does. - Oh no. Oh no. Can I look? Yeah. 3, 2, 1. - Oh nice. - Yeah. That's peace. That's peace. - All three of them don't understand. - A bait bare brick. - No one knows what it is though. - This is two and a half grand. - Post fucking shitty plastic. - Take it back Sam. - No, it's yours. (group chattering) - Two and a half grand. That limit back. Very limited. Yeah. Yeah. - That's pretty sad. - You have a big bait that fabrics. - It can hold stuff. - Well done Matt. - Could you fit your? - You know that's a penis pump? - Yeah. No. - Let me see. - I told you he would be really happy. - Thank you Matt. - I'd be happy. - There's usually bad ricks are like this big in that way. It's a off bear. - They're normally like a thousand pounds. - The bank cost that cost. - They have absolutely no money. What's get paid for this one. What's good money. - That's great. Well thank you Simon. That was really nice. - He's ecstatic. - Well, I thought I did. All right. (group chattering) - The taste message didn't outline. The checkout was quite long. I'm just stabbing myself. I bought for the man, the myth legend Josh. Jack and you know what funnily enough, you got pink again. You got pink in there in the field video. You got pink. - Yeah. - Hey. - I have my pink cat. - You look good in pink. - All right, let's gets started. - Guys remember, I had this in the food videos. - I'm just slowly realising that. There's less and less people that could buy for me. - Oh, that is soft. Oh, it's the unicorn. - 75 quid unicorn mate. - Fray is going to be on her Lauren Alexis. - There you go. (laughing) - We'll wait for the streets of Oxford black - Hamlets lads. - There we did. - I thought this was a lot of you. Really nice Disney backpack. Also it's got a measure, so if you need to measure anything like doing penis pumping. We can measure it. - Hey, everyone loves the pink power ranger so you can see I've really I've thought these three. - Her my head isn't on. - No, no, no. You can have helmet or pink power ranger. - I've started getting hot. - That's a pink power ranger. Are you happy so far? - This is incredible. - You complained about my candle. - You can get it. You're out the way and just wait for the outfit. - Josh I'm very excited. It's pink obviously. I could add a lot of options and a lot of options. That'd be a big Hawk. - It's a fast. - Pitch based on some pitchers. - Get this thing out. - That starts a series. - I'm almost getting up anywhere I don't know. - Dawn is moulded directly from Bella Donna. Who the fuck is Bella Donna? - You got like slowly ease the bend over. (group chattering) Real quick punch woman. Just getting ready. - We saw some crazy stuff and we thought that. - That's so funny. That's good. - You know what I wouldn't notice? Like if you just walked up like that, normally you wouldn't clap. - Oh my God. - I got some happy socks. - Oh happy socks. - So that's the first part of your outfit? - Okay. - What else am I going to have? - The second part of your outfit. - It could go well here. - It's hot boy summer for you. - Yeah, of course. - And I want you to come with me. - Also. - What's this? - This sunglasses, right? - Bound sunrise avenue. - Are sure they're pink? - But it definitely pink. - I'm not sure that's pink. - But I think they all pink. - Whoa, but I don't put them on, we in the light. - They got more pink in the shop but then... - I know it's hot boy summer look, you know, going it's true. - The final piece of the puzzle. We have to go in on something. Oh Okay. - Grand for that, you know, for one it's. - It's big. It's big. - That's big. - All right. Well it's time for. - I'm a big person to say. I'm gonna put on my bear. - Of course. - See my face. I was like, huh? (group chattering) - Yeah, bro. - Come on. - You've got some hey guy. I think I'm happy. - I think so. Right. I'm lucky. You're lucky we got this Supremes. - 'Cause otherwise it would have been around to be. - True. - Now the person I was buying for, so me was a haudial. We lost the blue. - Yeah. - I'll tell you that. I'll take that. - So where did we start with you? - You have so much. - You can actually the back packs. - Thank you. - Oh, it's like a proper like. - Cool, bro. You travelled light anyway. - Not this light, but okay. - I got you a rugby helmet. - That's part of the outfit. - Maybe I didn't want one sec. - And then these go my sunglasses. Five minutes on classes. - Have you got any scissors anywhere. - Boy nice. (group chattering) (laughing) - It was the best. - I got you some Austin, sweat bands. - I'll take you. I'll take you. - The boxing gloves. - This are the kind of sports you play. - I'll tell you, I'll take it. I'll take. - I think outfit you see, add to your outfit. - Ain't gonna stop your best that you're not going learn that. - The jacket you bought in the video. - We did ask people what the colour was. We almost bought a different one, but too many people said it was orange. Different ones. - You got some nice red shorts. - Orange. - What size are those bro? - Are medium. - Medium. - These are my diesel are my size so you know. - Okay, cool. - So the diesel boys like to wear longer shorts. - We got you, we got you. - We'll have to go over your fingers as well. Yeah, if you loosen it up a bit, - It just marked it. - Thank you, Simon. - Yeah, exactly. - I've actually got some things, - You got some bonded rope. - So I can hang myself? - It's fumble bro. - Okay cool. (all laughing) - Got you a red dead. - We shouldn't say. - He's going to kill me. (group chattering) - Oh my God. - Aperol love live. - My favourite. - If you get really drunk, can you get into some fun? You can have some big fox spray. We said, when you said you have to try it though. - Try it though. You have to try it. - Yeah. Well now - You can try the fish. They making a dominant. - Well, I won't try this, right? - Wait, wait. So you understand that it's a oral anaesthetic spray, right? - Stick two fingers down there and see. - You shouldn't gag now. - Does not say how long? - Wait, wait for temporary relief. All right. Okay. - How much? - Spray in to the affected area one spray at use. - Oh shit, one spray? - One spray per use, one capital letters up to four times daily. (group chattering) - Stick sticky fingers, please. (laughing) - I can't feel anything. - Really nice. - Sweet fetish play. - If you can't figure it out, you might as well use this. - What do you mean? (group chattering) - You've got feel everything here probably. There's a massive like deeping nothingness in the middle of light. It's weird. - Bro I'm telling you now it's just for one time that ain't no, I've got. (group chattering) - Good. Present time. All right. There you go. Sit in chopsticks. - Oh, Supreme ones. Okay. That's kind of cool. - Thank you. - The 200 pounds collectible stuff is fine. Look, I've still got the. - Oh, that's nice. (group chattering) - They gonna be red shoes bro? 'Cause I ain't gonna what's the late light. - Oh yes. - You have the other one. - Oh, that's not for your outfit, but you do get the other one outfit. - You don't have to choose. Right? - I mean, I go on, give me. - How much did you spend on me? Isn't it? The trip lessons. - You to go left one. There you go. - Oh Lord have mercy cold, bro. They wouldn't be here if it weren't bright red. I appreciate it. Thank you for more bold Supreme. Cool. Thank you. - All right. Got some socks. Your outfit again. - I'll take that. Yeah. Thank you. Oh no. - You got some sweets. - Oh bro. You got so much stuff. - That's fine. - Sweets. I've got you a guitar pick. - Nice. - It's a Morgan hotfix. that I think your topic holder. - Nice. - There's one more. There's one more present. - Okay. - Yes. - Oh, that's fucking sick. - You got a buddy bullets. Let's go away somewhere. - Is that like a solid bill Warren as well. - Yeah. That's cool. Thank you, Matt. - Here you go. - How much was that?s - 700 pounds thousand. 40 pounds. - That's all you got a lot of gifts. (group chattering) - That's fine. All right, boys. Hello? (laughing) - Oh my God. - He looks like, I don't know. - Is he a wrestler? Is he a CPQ little superhero? - He's a huge as well spray boy. There's nothing too big. - All right. So the person I was buying for. - You got to get me I'm thinking. - Was KSI. - Oh God. - We're in the bad light. We're in the bad lens. No change of heart. Maybe there's been a change from one of them. Maybe one of them was nice and he ain't. - Okay. JJ. So you're orange. - Okay. - So first can we look on. - That you're so lucky that in smash, - That would have been really bad. - Welcome brad. - Fresh off the streets, bro. - You got to keep that even Anna, always. - JJ, we tried to buy a Just-Eat guy's jacket. We wouldn't sell it. We bought a gun, but you wouldn't sell it to her. So we got that in stacks. We wanted it to be iconic. Iconic. - That is so disease written. - I would say my corn is bigger. - Those bigger ones we saw. We were like, this one was like very light. - You never gave a Joshua's pink stuff. Food. Oh, I'll give it. - I'll give it. - Harry has it all. - So you got some pork bins. - Oh my God. Oh my God. - I'm a pink smoothie. Here you go. - It's very protein. - That's a lot bro. - You got Tropicana. - Carrots. - That is murky. What is this? What'd you get? - Boom let's go take your carrot carrots or it doesn't matter if you don't. - Eat your carrots. - I don't like I've got some orange socks. There you go. A bit sloughy stuff on the top. What else did I get? - Okay. Thank you. - Orange vest? - Okay. - Orange. Orange. Hard to find orange stuff. - Oh no, no, no. That's more. Oh, that's your outfit though. - Oh that got you some fire. Oh, oh no. Doesn't some boots. I bet they're not the AstroTurf, but I bet they're not the 120 calls. - No, no way. - I don't want to say well, they call me much quicker. - You can find me stop worrying. - I have my name on there. - I've got, you. - Know what? I'm happy bit. You're my guy, bro. - I know you liked your skateboarding. I got your orange Supreme skateboard. - That's quite cool. - I also had trucks and they're like, no, it's cool bro. - You take it snowboarding instead. - Snowboard. - How are you doing the old thing of buying things? (group chattering) - Next stop. We went whoa. - Never seen it. You had a bag. - Got you orange. It's quite drippy actually. - It's very cool. - All right. All right. - For the winter or just August the summer thing. - That's keeping warm. - If you on but Gucci, Gucci. - Headband. - Yeah fuck it. Yeah. - You made it into a bandana. Oh my God. - It's called Gerald. - Nice. - Cheryl, did you call it that? - Well you can name it if you want. But I think that was phrase. - That was 500 quid. (group chattering) - You'll be on the train. You'll be, you'll be at Comcast. - Good. Brian. - He's actually dripping Really? - That was actually a bit of a low you shoot orange. You know? - You know what you don't have in the last time you didn't like the outfit. I ended up doing a music video in it. - So I'm just saying no time video coming soon. - Not that nice angle to get. I'm going to giraffe as. - It could be. Put me the ringer right now. - Yeah. Wow. Wow. - He looks depressed already. His face is changed. - Name that. - Oh, okay. (group chattering) - Over off the side. - Are you boys ready? - I'm kind of happy. - All Simon. Oh well ladies and gentlemen, it had to be Simon. - Simon. I got a big boy Simon. - What colour? - Green. - It could go good or bad this one? - No, it'd be good both. - All right. So go your drink. - That's a cool drink. - I got grape inside it. - But we got back in here. Nice shit I got great. (group chattering) - It's gonna happen eventually. - I got you a green speaker. - That's cool. Yeah. - Then I have green, small tuck whites. - No, that's great. - This is, I mean, I take it. - I'm very happy with it. - Oh, this is part of the outfit. The outfit. - You can try that. (group chattering) - You can go on your best with Ari got you. - Yeah that's longer. - I offered it to him for free. And he said no. - Oh, I think very much. - Did not recall. - Those sexual organs too much for day. - You don't know what you're doing. - Then he would just sit really got a great. - You got me another speaker. - That speaker. - I say it plays games as well. - Retro picks a lot portable speakers. - He does play little games on it. - Eventually I don't know if it does. - Magnetic why this power bank? - Is going to go. Great. - I got you a movie. - I thought that was an iPhone. Any of these things are great. - Definitely green. A hundred percent green. - Is there a dog? - Yeah. - It's nice thing. (group chattering) - It smell like a soldier. All these things you like stick to yourself and then like there's like horses in there. - Oh cool. - Yes. - Anyway, I got you some shoes. - Shit boy. - They're outrageous. (group chattering) - I seen that part of the outfit. - Yeah. Yeah. - That's a drippy part of an outfit. - It's very different shades of green from the shoes for the head. - Yeah. It does count. - What's this? - What the fuck did you get for me? - Yeah. I go you... - This at Natalia. - Nuts for Simon. - Are you sure? - Oh he's creasing. He's creasing. - It's a totally I do this. This is not all right. (all laughing) - Got you a bag. - That's a bag. That's like grinded it I swear. - It was Josh. - It's gonna be very. - I'm very happy with this. - Look there's that screen on tape? - Well, I think this is, I have accounts as a gift or the outfit. I give you options. - Okay. - What is that? - Is that it's leggings? - No, it's the top. - This is a button now that does not fit, but it's made to fit. - Get there's no shots, but you get everything else. If you want to make choices. - How much was that? - I think so. - It doesn't matter. - Now you've got. - Preston. - I will write this down. - So I'm wear that or imma wear this. - Is the a dress. (group chattering) - It's a dress too. - Yeah, basically. Is he always girlfriend? - You know what, I'll put the dress on over the top. I'll save this. - Is that your bit JJ? Is this what you got. (group chattering) - Very stylish. - You're cool bro. - It's fucking cool. - Let me put my shoes on as well. - So we have other options as well. - No, I'm all right. - Bro are you okay? - Oh, we got some more. - I am in my outfit now. - On site to be set though, to be fair. If you don't make use of it, you can use it with someone else. - That's why I didn't wear this. - Now you've got these. - Josh keeps hanging on to every gift the other one. - Oh, he's off the shame. - I mean it's a third green. - No, no, no. - The thing is great. Is it? - Is it how'd you know 'cause I've seen - Socks? - How long is it to get green socks? And he's not green. - I did. Green umbrella. He's always in the weather. - I'm happy to have that now. Now I'm inside. - Oh and got you Jolly. - Got you that. - Please don't tell me you keep company tips from... - I got you. - A whole jelly beans of one flavour. - I got you Tictac. - A nice, safe, safe, safe, safe. You know what? You can have that. Considering how hard you've clearly tried to get me keep it. - Okay, go on bro. (group chattering) - I found something and then he went. - And he came back with a helmet. - Thanks mate. ( all clapping) - Really great. Well, I got you. Okay. We'll call it that. - Oh, this is hell what colours left. - I got Vic star and yellow. - That's my colour. I don't have many yellow things the most. - You what goes well in this video? Ethan sits there knowing full well, but hit like him and his teammate had screwed someone up. - Hey, come play. - So big star. Starting off a big box. - Are these slides, are you ready? - I got yellow. - Okay. - Kind of cold it in it. - Those are kind of cold. Yeah. - Next up yellow socks. And I got you socks with a little bit of culture on them. - Just I mean sure. - Or you actually meant culture. - Bit more green than a nice yellow. - The bottoms the buttons green? - You're not one to talk with your off green colours. Going off white belt. Oh, got you an off white T-shirt. - Okay. Okay. - We'll see. I'm going to dress. (group chattering) - Banana millions. - I'll come on. - And then a happy a lolly is end though, right? - No, no, no. Don't worry about it. - I got some designer. - This is the finishing bit. - Your out fit. - Yellow. - I do see. We see. - Yeah. See you guys will see. - Come on. Let's see big drip. Hope my yellow big drip. (group chattering) - They're a bit big. - But you got medium shorts. - It's a bit long. - You know what? I'm looking around and I'm very okay with it. - This is good. - I also went to the same place you went and I saw a yellow candles. So we got two yellow candle. - Thank you. - And with that they, they gave, because I signed up, you got a little gift. - What's that? - Australian thing. - Awesome. Thank you. - And it's in a yellow bag. - Speak in a yellow bags bit crazy set that. - Yeah. - Yeah. From Prada again. - Okay. - I might go on bougie on this. - A yellow bag. (group chattering) - I don't know that it is actually 'cause now I see, I seen dudes cutting around the knees. I think I don't get it. - Next time. - Which just selection did you buy that from. - Men's? - Yeah. Man bags are a thing or a thing. - So essentially you charged like wireless pad and if you forget to drink your cup of coffee, don't worry it keeps it warm. That is it yellow as well? It's yellow bit. That means a pale yellow. It's yellow. - I will take your word for it. - This is a good day. - And then finishing up, it starts to go. Got big as dude they has to try. - It's a deal today has to try. - You intend it to try this yellow. (group chattering) - Thanks Simon. - Ah, nice. I'm a so horrible. Now I'm like you fuck. - Like I agree that iPhone and the green iPad, I was like, well, you wouldn't go over those. So you don't know. - It looks pretty like serious, like a good helmet. - Yeah. That's good.. - Wow. Wow. That was fun. Thanks for watching. Toby. (group chattering) - Toby what's the discount code. - We did the start. - Oh, Toby. You know what? We'll each donate one gift to you. - Yeah. Pick anything. - No, no, we choose. - What would I give them? - I don't want to give myself up. You're gonna have to beat fruit spray away. - Unfortunately guys. Nice. - Nice. Sweet. Thanks for watching. (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 12,714,418
Rating: 4.9627566 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 36sec (4776 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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