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no no what person comes in superwoman can't take constructive criticism what more thug superwoman can't take constructive criticism you probably can't say this but drive a truck is are freezing that's why I'm not even gonna try this is that again though I'm the right that's what I heard bro right you probably can't say this but Travis Scott is a budget ok all the time but I didn't just go you probably can't say this but Travis Scott is a virgin ah [ __ ] wouldn't want to say say bow your undivided to get much there at all and yeah happy testing one two right oh yeah that's creepy oh your phone just went I didn't quite catch that Oh a bridge by Isis that was not the same as the first one he was go again but your mom got carted off a bridge is there something else I don't mean by okay your bubblews narsing at Tesco bag your bum looks nice in that Tesco bag no I'm done one your bum looks like it caught a whole pack can I get it again yeah your bum looks like it can't hold back what the snow on the end says there's a very short sentence your mum it looks like an old man oh Jesus your bubble is good in that Tesco bag I said your mom got clotted up a bridge by Isis I said you probably can't say this but Travis Scott is a virgin right yes nothing cause sure it's good a second bit I didn't get so I said the first bit I thought I said you probably can't say this but drive over dry Drive a truck over freezing right and the actual sentence was superwoman can't take constructive criticism I was so certain with it I probably can't say this oh really those headphones are good apparently all right whatever you're ready lost Rudolf [ __ ] tinsel okay let's go get Rudolf [ __ ] tinsel Oh still by your ass a statement not to get you here hi I'm ready Randall has no chin oh yeah Randall has no chin I thought I think so let's see what yes how cute your mouth fit whoa tell me what that mouth dude dude Randolph is so [ __ ] okay focus Randolph is nice oh here comes the unit absolute unit Randolph is so [ __ ] Randolph is so [ __ ] okay it's become quite easy seven something else anywhere neighbor louder yeah she stomped it on it that's on let them know [ __ ] music music stop oh why did his hot mama he's confident it was under that minute just drove into that Oh Randolph is so [ __ ] now it's too easy Oh Randall its mouth go on say something say say how you said it just gonna go don't do underneath around how you talk I have literally a word one more time all I have is racial viscosity associate roundup is no [ __ ] sorry I said no face oh [ __ ] what did you said to me Harry I said Randolph has no chin I said Rudolph [ __ ] stencil well how they use way off a new disguise random it went way way way out of control and every dumpster you said you knew is your rattle that's why I say there is on track but Randolph the [ __ ] viscosity you're the are not swear [Music] okay hurry yes hey fat humps assignment there you go yeah a fat cat come to the side bangerang still a fact that haunts the side in fact that hunt assignment three two one I find sad you lot suck eggs they say that a fan said you lot suck eggs yeah Toby's mad that's good when anyone I heard effect that hunts the Seidman I said a fat cat Oh faceplant bet on the side man based on the Seidman thanks clan of a BTech Seidman like you to do the right yeah a fat cat came on I know we see where you could see the errors yeah I love the second hard part Bowser's like [ __ ] eggs Seidman clothing is the best in the game that's right I mean yeah I think do one properly do one properly opposite no do it normally but his reaction un us am what you heard no he's saying what you heard but he's not speaking I know he's not because right now I heard it on madness moving your lips he's doing on purpose yo because we racist okay I'm like yes I got big monkey lips allowing Wow [Music] Simon Simon bow he's on the computer this is the Boggs Paul's challenge Simon waffles for a living okay Simon licks his mum's nips I said Simon licks his mom's lips ah I said Simon lick my [ __ ] bibs and some incluing is the best in the game just to clear this up clear this up JJ purposely didn't move this Bank wavin is the best in the game oh yeah I can read your mouth properly I can't get anything nothing okay I'll slow it down are you sure you when I'll slow it out okay the antidisestablishmentarianism in this country is very unfolding I lost this is not easy give me a easy one one more please I know it but because I don't have anything to say right now nothing for nothing the antidisestablishmentarianism in this country is appalling no chance ever we already right oh it rose up again this is an always planner I know he's planar dantdm gets all his clothes from side McRaven comm shots are done to them you see I'm lost an orphan again slower slower hey Dan TDM get all his clothes from Seidman clothing calm I'm just gonna make up a sentence here that's why I have named you later this is that's what I did I'm not gonna lie to you that's it a long time listen babe it's tough with dawn basically I have no idea what Tony said so [ __ ] it but why you rather than Essen you mean that was insane basically I have no idea what Toby said so [ __ ] it [Music] don't worry everyone's had the same reaction with them I'm just sick of the song we belong basically I don't have a sentence States oh [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] basically I said basically I haven't got a sentence so [ __ ] it oh I said basically I don't know what Toby said so [ __ ] it I said dantdm gets all his clothes from he did actually say I said the antabuse establishment arianism in the hall in it everyone just acts it off after you to be said better well you sense a bucket your mom got a hand job at winter wonderland your mom got a hand job at winter wonderland but still bang around your wedding what a great time to be alone all right your mom has had a hand job your mom has had a hand job I went to one denial at this point [ __ ] it Shawn okay nice was that close yeah oh this is why [Music] your mum has her hair cut off and your hands down you know what all right listen I didn't say what yeah your mum's mouth doesn't move as much as toes [Music] Wow doesn't your mum's mouth more than Toby your mum's mouth doesn't move Oh your mum's mouth lose more than Toby's you change something I keep out you know a lot more than gravy decreasing your mum's mouth moves a lot more than Toby what do you think Issa your mum's mouth [Music] and then it was wait it sounded like boys felt like your mom's mouth has got more back boobs a lot more than one Toby I know it I think you said it doesn't move my head of my angle he said that instead correctly so yeah yes that's why I said yes I said your mum cut off her hair and dyed it I said your mother cut off her hair cut off her hair and liked it so your mom had her hand job I think I said your mum your mum got a hand over winter wonderland your mom got a hundred went to one the Heather but here's what I [ __ ] the others you cover to you I'm gonna vom get handle Josh where's it giimpse mask every Saturday every Saturday [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] it's the final sentence of a Toby you're a dirty Bing bong because these are this your dirty Meghna I said just wait some Pilates Saturdays I said Josh where's implants every Saturday and I said Josh where's a [ __ ] mask every if you sat down he sat like this and he just goes where he's looking well I'll pull up in the cold I'm feeling like I'm on the mine defeated I don't want to go for me damn I don't know what I do when I go for me leading to packing black and I'm on with the bat I stop over the phone and I boss up I'm out with the duster put him on the drip and sit blockbuster win win win that's the only mo ring ring ring I reply where I know who me let know how their heart horse which of the things I hate bellows which of the things I drink mellow switch other thing in my black and yellow so
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 7,290,065
Rating: 4.9616513 out of 5
Id: M3lBGghZbeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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