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- You ready? - Yep. - Bap. - Shit. (everyone laughing) - Bro, I have to get on a train, and the guy is gonna be like, "Yo, you good?" And I'm like, "I don't know". They're gonna wanna, bro, I'm gonna go into an institution. - I'm fading. - Fade more, fade more, bro. - Boy, what you fading? Hey, no. - Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sidemen Barber Shop. Today, we will be cutting seven other YouTuber's hairs, and giving them the looks that they desire. The discount code today will be TRIM. - Come on, man. - Come on. - Geez. All right. So first contestant, who's ready? - Who first? - I'm nervous. - So, Nep, who would you most like to have as your barber today? - Anyone but JJ, please. - Okay, let's spin the wheel. (everyone cheering) - Hey John. Take a seat, mate. - If I'd known meeting you would have led me here. (Ethan laughing) I think Toby would be the nicest. - Yep. - Like, I genuinely do. - [Ethan] Right. - Fuck you. Everyone outside was like, you'll mess people up. You ain't got brain cells. I don't even know what to say about you, so. - Why am I scared? (everyone yelling) It's me! (everyone cheering) (everyone applauding) I'm the first up. - We'll be all right. - That's good, that's all right. - 'Cause we go back. - Get a seat. - We do go back, we do go back. - I think Simon would be a capable hairdresser. - Oh, let's spin that wheel. (everyone laughing) - Yeah. - Oh my god. It's TBJZL. (everyone yelling) - I think you're all right. - That's fine. He's lovely. - Is it? Is it fine? - And your fate now lies in the wheel. Oh my god. - It's me. - He's done it. - Oh god. - [Ethan] For the bridge. - He's literally the one, literally the one person. - The battle of the bridge. The battle of the bridge. - It's fine. - We're good, we are good, we're good, we're good, we're good. - Hey mate. - [Charlie] Hello lads. - Welcome. - [KSI] Charlie. - [Josh] Good to see you, man. - Thanks pal. I'm terrified. - Your barber's Vik. - [Sidemen] Oh! - It says, KSI! - No, it didn't. (everyone yelling) (everyone laughing) I've left my wallet downstairs. - [KSI] Yo! - Oh my god. - Hey! Oh! - Wait, my COVID test came back positive. (everyone laughing) No, no, no, no, no, I'm out, I'm out. - Welcome to my shop. (everyone laughing) - I don't mind anyone now really, now JJ's out of the way, I don't mind anyone. - We're spinning the wheel. - [Sidemen] Oh! - Oh it's me again! - It's actually your man ZerkaaHD. (everyone yelling) Christ. (Kon yelling) You've got Miniminter. (everyone cheering) - Here he comes. - There he is. - You all right, mate? - You've both got similar haircuts, really. - Yeah you could-- - Not for long. - [Ethan] No? (laughs) - This isn't a bribe, but this is a free gift certificate for a free video. - But you employ him anyway. - Yeah, you got the wrong person. - You got the wrong person! - Just read it. - I get a free video filmed by Kon, from the Constantine BTS channel. - What would you like today? - Not to be butchered. - Should I try a skin fade, lads? (KSI laughing) - You might want to like- - Go on then. - You should. - You might want to shorten it first a little. - Short back and stomping. How about short back and stomping? - That doesn't sound good. Short back and sides will be all right, yeah. - Short back and stomping. - I'm about 5'4", a bit overweight, not good looking. The one thing I've got is a barnet. - Why have you come here? - Subs. (everyone laughing) (Vik and KSI clapping) Do you know what you're doing? - No. - Have you got like. - [Harry] Is there any style you're after here? - Oh what, if you're genuinely going for it? - Yeah, I'll try, I'll try. - What would you like? - Okay, in that case, would you mind take the weight out the back. - Yep. - Try and preserve the length. - Okay. - Have you got a GQ? - What's a GQ? - Magazine. - No, no. (everyone laughing) - Charles, we're gonna get some of these curls out. - You're not even gonna ask me what I want? - This hair's tough. (everyone laughing) No, it doesn't matter what you want, really, because I've actually, I've sized you up, and worked out what will be- - He's sized you up. - What will be good for your style. It's called a reverse fade. - I just want you to know, Tobi, that he's got a Brazil Ronaldo shirt. - No, don't tell him. - All right, you got two options, one or two? - He's got two specials. - One or two, as in. - Pick a number, one or two? - One. - It's Brazil. It's Brazil. (everyone laughing) - So you wanted a mohawk? - Yeah. - How about a skin fade mohawk? - That sounds good to me mate, yeah. - A skin fade mohawk, all right, cool. - There's no rules here. (Josh laughing) I'm not a professional, by the way, let this be known. - Bald on the top, leave the sides. (everyone laughing) - Simon, please. - A little bald patch at the back might be all right. (laughs) - We've been on good terms, let's keep it that way. - Yes, yes, yes. Let me start with this. I've been doing this for many, many years. - Why are you drying his hair? It's dry. - Yeah, what? (everyone laughing) (Ethan laughing) (everyone laughing) - He's certainly wetting it up. - Aye, yo, bro, you're giving him a facial. - They usually don't spray the face. - To be honest, I haven't really had a haircut since the pandemic started, so. - Ah, you've been good. - He's a good man. (everyone laughing) - He looks like pro. - I mean he seems comfortable with it. (KSI laughing) - He said he looks like a pro. - I didn't sign up to a bukake scene. At least if I cry, you won't be able to tell. (everyone laughing) - [Josh] He's just cutting it like he's in school. - [Ethan] He's taking away out the back. - [Josh] He's cutting in a straight line. - [Ethan] Oh my God. - He thinks you're A4 paper. He is cutting you. - Harry, you're doing it like, yeah exactly, you're doing it straight along, I can feel it. (Josh laughing) - I'm worried that this is him trying. - No, he is trying. - He is actually trying. - He is trying. - Do you know how- - Harry, Harry- - To take the weight out? - He said the weight out. - Keep the length, keep the length. - [Harry] How do you take the weight out but? - [Vik] Make it thinner but not shorter. - [Josh] Make it thinner but yeah. - Oh my God. - That is a lot of weight. (everyone laughing) - Harry, cut into the hair. - Yeah, can't wait for this. Getting blown by KSI. (everyone cheering) - Oh yes, oh. Oh very good, very good. How you feeling? How you feeling my man? - Pretty blown. - Oo. - Yeah, pretty blown. - [Harry] What is he? - Oh you're getting pampered right now. - Yeah! - Have you been doing this long? - Oh very long, very long. Just making sure you are feeling fresh. - Oh, do you know what, I'm taking care of you right now. - Yeah, I know, it feels good, it does feel nice. - Does it? Does it feel real good? - I didn't get the massage with the hair wash but. - There you go, how about that? - Whack that on the top, get the scissors and just go around. - Seriously. (everyone laughing) - Bro. Your mom's gonna be so disappointed with you, Josh. - That looks good. - He hasn't even started yet. - Just leave it at that. (everyone laughing) - All right, just start taking lumps out, I think. (Ethan laughing) - Okay. It's so wet. - I prayed for the first time ever last night. - You prayed for the first time ever? - [Alex] Yeah. - How'd that work out for you? - We'll see by the time. - We'll find out after this. - When we're finished here, really. - You got any filming this week for the Eboys, mate? - [Alex] Yeah. - Who do you prefer, Sidemen or Eboys? - You guys. (everyone laughing) - Do you have any idea where you're going? Have you got like a long-term plan here? - Do you know what- - What you're doing. - You know what, I've taken the length out. It's actually- - No, no, but he wanted the length. He wanted the weight gone. - You're taking the weight out. - He wanted the weight gone, not the length. - Taking length out, you know what. - [KSI] Taken the length out. - What one did you start off with? - This is a 13 mil. I'm just seeing what it does. - Oh, nice. - [Josh] It's not really cutting much. - What that razor do? - What that razor do? Show me what them clippers do. - Nothing, no hair is coming off. - Yeah, nothing's coming off this one, hang on. - It's literally doing nothing. - Nep's still smiling, 'cause he can't see the back. - Make sure it's symmetrical, init? - Nep thinks it still looks all right. - How are you feeling? - A bit like, it looks all right at the moment. (everyone laughing) It doesn't, does it? - Just look forward. - You didn't spin that wheel, did you? - Bro, I did, I did, I did! I did, look. - You didn't spin the wheel. Bro, bro. - Nah, you can't use scissors. - Bro, bro, it says JJ. - You're not using scissors. - Bro, it said JJ, bro. - I just need to- - They all say JJ. Oh mate, this is bleak. - I need to check, I need to check, huh? There's a little bit there. Okay. (everyone laughing) A little bit there, and a little bit. - [Vik] This is just torture right here. - [Harry] Why are you just flicking it? - Bro, look at the flick of the Vik. - Look at the flick of the Vik! - Look at the flick of the Vik! - Look at him, fuck sake. - I think he means sort of like. - No he doesn't, oh look. - Does he mean, do you mean that picture? - Let me see, let me see. - [Ethan] Is that picture? - [Alex] Not that one. - Okay, so we've got a long way to go. - Maybe, look. - I don't, I genuinely do not, I don't have the hairline for that. - No, that's a handsome man. - I don't have the hairline for that. - You don't have the hairline for that? - Oh no. - It sounds like a you problem. - Oh no! - Can I get Alfonzo to hold the bowl for me? Is that all right? - Oh no. - He's on his lunch break, bro. - Come on! - Alfonzo was on lunch break. - Harry, that feels bold to me. - Harry, give him the Zola. Give him the Zola haircut. - What is the Zola? He's before my time. (everyone laughing) - Just envision Zola and just cut it how you think. - Harry maybe like make it a bit wet, groom it a bit, and then. - Yeah, be one with the scissors. - Mohawk. - How do you do a mohawk fade? - First time I've ever heard my brother say "Don't worry." (Ethan laughing) - Nah, stick with scissors. (everyone laughing) - Now we get to play. - Simon! - There's nothing I can do now. - Simon, Simon help! - Let's start from here, huh? - Wait, are you going to tell me what style you're going for? - I'm going for the special, the special. - Yeah, it's cutting. - I'm gonna start cutting it myself in a minute. - (laughs) Just get the scissors out. - If you want to big mouth it. (Sidemen yelling) - Give him the special. (laughs) (KSI laughing) - There's a lot of pressure on that as well. - He's a boxer, if you didn't know. - (laughs) Yeah. - It's moving. - Its JJ. - [Josh] JJ, hold it still. - I am! - Both hands, both hands. - Look at it moving, bro. - Both hands. - I can confirm that is moving. (Josh laughing) - [KSI] You know, it's all right. - [Josh] Look at him tryna cut that hair. - Bro cut it, you're pulling me. He's pulling it out. - Big man, if you're gonna do it, do it. - [Rory] Do the scissors work? - Probably not. (laughs) (everyone laughing) Okay, okay, okay. - I'm gonna go from like this point here. - [Josh] On the M25? - Oh wow. - I actually called my mom before this. - And said what? - I said, "I'm really sorry." - Harry. (laughs) - Boys, how. (groans) (everyone laughing) - What is he laughing at? - Why is he laughing? - [Alex] Yeah, what's so funny? - Bro! - Bro, can you not feel what's happening? - I'm so sorry. - It actually looks pretty good, to be fair. - You know when you go have a Turkish barber, and they just keep going. - Yeah, yeah. - That's long hair. - [Tobi] I'm so sorry. - Realistically- - So much hair just came off. (KSI screaming) - [KSI] Yo! - All right, all right, so all this front bit is gonna stay but we're gonna go. - Okay, so I get, oh, keep the curtains. Yeah, look, I won't be able to make any TikToks without them, so, I need those to stay. - Why is there a rectangle? - Because he said he wanted a mohawk, so what I'm thinking is- - Yeah but it's like at an angle, like a straight edge angle. - So you want a mohawk like that. - [Josh] Do a little V at the bottom. - Maybe not. Maybe a mullet, maybe we'll go back to the mullet, yeah. - I'm afraid there's no hair left. There's no hair left for a mullet there, mate. - Right, how's this boy work? - [Josh] The front is just still bear. - Don't wanna hear at your barbers. - How does this boy work? - A special on the sides. (Ethan and KSI laughing) - [Vik] Oh now, now. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. - [KSI] Oh my God! Oh my God! - Why did you move? (KSI screaming) - 'Cause he was gonna go, what happened? What happened? - Why did you move? (KSI screaming) (Ethan laughing) - [Josh] You were talking big, so I gave it. - [Harry] Oh no! (KSI screaming) (everyone laughing) - Okay, we can fix this. We can fix this. - Oh my God. Now you're talking. - Now we're talking. - So, so special, okay. - [Sideman] Ah! - [Vik] Oh yes, that's the one. - [Josh] There you go, that is the one. - [Vik] That's the one. That's the one. - Oh here we go. Oh John. - Oh yes! I'm so good as this, oh my God. - Can I ask why you're so close to me? Can we have a bit of social distancing? - Sorry, sorry, just making sure. - For the sake of everything. - Making sure. - Oh my God. - Just gotta make sure. (everyone laughing) - Oh JJ, I mean. Wait, what's his name again? What's his name again? - Alfonzo. - Oh Alfonzo. - [KSI] Alfonzo. - Oh great. - Oh you looking. - Can I have a mirror behind me? - You don't need a mirror. - You don't want a mirror. - Guys, come on! - You don't want one. - Guys, come on, help me! Help me! - It looks good, bro. - Dude, I've said how many times you've looked good from working out. Help me! - Charlie, mate, your getting niced. - Niced? - Yeah. - Oh no. - [Ethan] Trim and a half this. - I can see why you said he looks professional. He looks like he knows what he's doing. - [Ethan] He holds his clippers like he holds his fork. (everyone laughing) - You're talking it off so square. (everyone laughing) It's so square. Look at that. That is just square, like Lego. - He's like look at it, it's fine. - The trim is perpendicular. - It's like a Lego haircut. - Perpendicular. (laughs) - [Harry] I'm tryna avoid the ears. - You've got my ear now. My ear's bleeding. - Said no, I'm actually gonna try. I'm trying, lads. (laughs) - Geez, look at that fade. (everyone laughing) - Just got faded. (everyone laughing) - Don't worry, don't worry. I don't wanna hear this "Oh God" now. I wanna hear "Wow Ethan". - No, certainly wow, yeah. - I can't believe you've not fucked me up. This is incredible, bro. - That's actually perfect. - I've given up the bowl. - With Alfonzo holding a plate on my head. - No, no Simon, no Simon. - [Tobi] Simon, keep going. - The whole way round. - Level it out, level it out. - It looks good. - That the whole way round- - And you're in the money. - That's what I'm thinking. - Forget, bung off the bowl, don't need it. - I know, I'm just keeping him. - For the aesthetic. - You got that, keep doing that. - [Tobi] It's part of the experience. (KSI laughing) - It's really good for your head. - Is this you trying to fade? (Ethan groaning) (everyone laughing) - He's just like. - He's doing it so reckless. - [Vik] Do you wanna keep the fringe? - Well that's too late. (everyone laughing) - I had half a second to answer, oh no. - [Vik] You've gotta think on your feet, bro. - Not even half a second. - Vik, you're getting rid of my hair, what do you mean think on my feet. I had no choice in the matter. - You know what, you do you, bro. - Hey yo, I think that bangs. (everyone laughing) Bro, bangs. - Got bangs at the back, look. - That fucking slaps, bro. - [Ethan] TikTok at the front. (everyone laughing) - [KSI] Oh my God! - [Josh] Oi, that's clean. - [KSI] Oh my God! - [Josh] That's clean, bro. - [KSI] Turn to the- - JJ, do you have a spare headband? - That's clean, that's pretty clean. - Wait, turn the other way. Turn the. - Oh my God. - Oh no! - Oh my God. - It looks good from the front, it looks good from the front, it looks great from the front. - We can fade that up. - (laughs) Fades on tag. (Tobi and Ethan laughing) - Oh my. - [Tobi] Oh my God. (laughs) - Oh my fucking God. - Tobi's gone. (laughs) - [KSI] Oh my. (everyone laughing) - He's crying, bro. - [Tobi] Yo, you can't cry. - [Harry] He's crying. - Give me that voucher back. (everyone laughing) Give me the gift certificate back. - Yeah, you're getting the Skrillex, Tom. - What? - [Vik] That way, look that way. - Unbelievable. Oh my God. Okay, now let's blow this thing. - [Simon] JJ, you've got to style this. - I will style it, can do styling it. - Alfonzo. - Alfonzo. - Alfonzo, bro, Alfonzo. - It's getting styled, it's getting- - Bro, I have to get on a train, and the guy's gonna be like, "Yo, you good?" And I'll be like "I don't know". They're gonna wanna, bro, I'm gonna go into an institution. Bro, what the fuck is that? (everyone laughing) Are you even serious right now? - So what are you doing at the minute, Neb, on YouTube? What's happening, bro? - Don't try and make nice conversation, bro, look what you've just done to the side of his head. - Oh look, that's icy, bro. That's looking cold, bro. - I'm just tryna take a bit of weight out the bottom. - No, see, this is where it could go drastically wrong. (everyone laughing) This is- - Just genuine panic. - Just no, just no- - I am trying to lighten it. - Be sure, no, one false error. - Do it with confidence, do it with confidence. - I don't think that's a good change. (groans) He's terrifying me. (groans) That physical pain. - That's fine, that's fine. - If you actually look at your friends. (groans) - [Harry] What's happened? - No, no, it looks good. - It looks good. - It's actually looking kind of impressive, you know. (Ethan laughing) (KSI laughing) It's the way that the lines, it's quite something. - Yeah, that is quality, to be fair. - That is sharp. It's sharp, that's HD. - [KSI] Top corner stuff. - I actually, I brought a cross with me. - Stay still, stay still, stay still, stay still. - Just so I can pray. (KSI laughing) - It's too late now, bro. He should have done that before. - Bro, that's on a coffin. (everyone laughing) - Oh my God. - Hey, fuck him up. - [KSI] Yo, finish him. - Okay, okay. - Finish him. (laughs) Josh, Josh, just go all the way round. - That's what I wanted to do. - Over the top. - Fuck it. - Have him do that, have him do that. - Yeah, I think- - Do you want a ring? - Look, just like a nice road. - Kon, can I draw a road in your head, please? - Show me with your hand. - So it just goes across. - No, no. - Go round, go round. - Go round. - I'm tryna make it blend. I'm getting a lot now. I'm getting a lot of progress here. - He's fuming. He's fucking fuming. - Now I see movement. - [Ethan] He's fucking fuming. (laughs) - [Tobi] I think he's styling it out for you now. - Yeah, styling it, styling it. - Oh wow. - Yeah, it's 'cause you can't see the other side, mate. (everyone laughing) Look, mate, look at me. It looks like someone's taken a blade straight to my head. - Styling, styling, I'm styling. - If you just walk that way, then it's okay. (everyone laughing) - I think we might leave that. (laughs) - You haven't prepared for this at all, have you? - No, not at all. Mate, no, no. We've spun the wheel and you've ended up in the seat, but you know, there's no rules. - Having seen this, Vik, how much to get you in Ethan's chair? - I'm busy this whole week. (everyone laughing) - The biggest shout out and I'll do the road. - The biggest shout out? - Yeah, just drive some subs to my channel right now and then go for the road, go on. - Oh mate. - KSI, say it. If KSI says it. - Hey yo, get Kon to a million subs, come on. - Right now, right now for the road. - Straight away. - For the road. - Get him, if Kon doesn't hit those subs. - Everyone just subscribe. Link in the description. - Look forwards. - Now do the road. - Do it! Now road him. - I was on this journey this way, and you stopped me on that journey. - Josh, I'm not gonna stop you from your journey. - Exactly, I'm on my journey. I just wanna go. - It was a red light, Josh. (KSI screaming) - Oh Jesus! - [Josh] Straight on it looks all right. - Oh man, I shouldn't have leaned down. (everyone laughing) - All right, let me just clean up the neck. - Am I to walk around like this forever? That'll be all right. - Forever. - I've got wax all over my fingers now. - Put it in your own hair. - That doesn't mean you have to. That's not the reason. - [Josh] He's put it straight in. He's got wax and just go bang. - He got wax, he didn't even do this. - You literally just dolloped it on. (everyone laughing) - [Ethan] You got it out the bowl- - I've got it on my hand. - He used my hair like a towel, just get rid of it. - Put wax on your hair. - Right, so now we're really gonna get to it. - Oh no, that's not what you wanna hear. (everyone laughing) - Kon, if you walk around with a headset on all day, it's fine. - Yeah, at least that fixes the headset problem. - Headsets will fit perfect now. - Oh God. - Yeah you gotta make it sharp. (everyone laughing) - What actually is still on my head? Let me just, if I just quickly. - [Tobi] Do you wanna have a. - Oh my God. - This is good, bro. It's style at the front, business at the back. - It's not even even. - Go on Tobi, you've gotta make it even. - All right, all right. - Oh my God. - [Josh] You can still make TikToks on the front. - I've got hair in my mouth. (KSI groaning) - Yo, I see where you're going. You stay away from the eyebrows. - Oh, so beautiful. - If he touches the eyebrows, I will, I will pin him down to the ground and cut them things off. - No eyebrows, no eyebrows. - No eyebrows. - No, no, no, no. - Scissors at the ready. - You go home with this, I'm telling you now, you're having a great week. - Yeah, because my kids won't wanna be near me. - More time for Clubs, more time for Pro Clubs. - Yeah, Lauren will never wanna see me. - Can we see it without the bowl? - Yeah, lift the bowl. - Can we see it without the bowl? - Viola. - Oh I'm liking it, you know. - [Ethan] Oi, I'm liking this trim, bro. - [Harry] I think it's all right. - [Tobi] You're halfway to the- - I swear, one of the guys on "Love Island" actually had that trim for real though. - Ethan, scale of one to 10, please, honestly. - You're fucked, you're fucked, bro. (laughs) - Now there is light for this haircut, there is light at the end of the tunnel, for sure. - When you go downstairs and you say, hey, can you save this? You can't. - Oh my God. - Oh my. - Shall I fade it in? - No. - Fade it in. - Fade what, bro? Fade what? - Boy, what you fading? - [Ethan] Fade it into the back. - Need pavements on the road, don't you? You have a road, and you have pavements on the side. - Do a whole infrastructure, go on. - Go for it, bro. - Let's see a motorway. - Come on. - [Ethan] Let's see a roundabout. (everyone laughing) - You ready? - Yeah. - Bap. - Shit. (everyone laughing) - Bap, shit. - I don't know. (laughs) - Alfonzo, it looks pretty good from that angle. - Yeah, just look at it that way all the time. - Yeah, just look at that way the whole time. - That's fine. - You'll be good. - [Ethan] I recon you whack some product in that, you'll be quite. (laughs) - I'm like- - Do you want some colour in it? - Yeah, go on. - Okay, Alfonzo, come on. - Alfonzo. - He's the colorist, he's the colorist. Don't worry, he's gonna fade it in, lads. - [KSI] (laughs) Fade it in. - Don't worry bro, he's gonna fade it in, like pavements. - Wait, why are you doing? - I'm cleaning it up, bro. (Ethan laughing) - [Vik] Make it voluminous. - [Ethan] Keep going like you did before. - [Josh] Voluptuous hair. (laughs) - Voluptuous hair. Gonna run out of spray. - The wind swept. - I think JJ's used a lot of it. - Caught in the rain. - Bro, that's Sonic, that's Sonic. - [KSI] Sonic. (laughs) - [Josh] Bro, if you brush it upwards, it might stay there a bit. - [Tobi] Hey, just spray it blue. (KSI laughing) - So why have you just shaved one side of his head? - Because it's edgy, look, edgy. - Is it? - Edginess, look. Look, edge, edge. All I'm seeing is edge right now, edge lord. - He looks like a stressed chicken. (everyone laughing) What's going on? - Oh my. You're hair's gonna be rock solid. - Bro, he's actually done, you know. (laughs) - [Josh] Your head's rock solid. (KSI laughing) - All right, it's time for the signature. - Signature? - Signature, we add a little finesse to every- - Are you putting your name in my head? (Vik laughing) - We're gonna, are you all right, mate? - Why are you here? - I don't know, I just wanted to get involved. - What's just happened? - [Ethan] I'm helping. - You've just sprayed it with water now. - Honestly- - Yeah, now, no. - [KSI] Hey, he's got that emo look now. - Okay, so now I just level this bit up here. - Is he supposed to have an F at the back of his head? - [Ethan] There's an F, there's an F, there's an F. (everyone laughing) - F to pay respects. Leave it, leave it, leave it, leave it. - All right, just level this. - All right. (everyone laughing) - Hey yo, there it is. (everyone cheering) (everyone applauding) - Perfect! - Wow man. - Is this it? - Yeah, it's perfect. - What, so you don't want to colour him in? - I'm allowed to colour it in a little bit. (Ethan groaning) - Oh not a Swastika, Jesus Christ. - Oh my God. - For goodness sake. - It doesn't really show up there, doesn't really show up there. - Oo! - What is this crazed character you've invented here? - I'm gonna leave you in the capable hands of Alfonzo. - You're hair spraying his head. - There's no hair there. - [Simon] Hair spraying- - Where's the colours? Wait, not in his. - (coughs) I'm gonna choke. I actually could choke to death in this chair. - I look like a potato. - It doesn't look awful, you know, it doesn't look- - It doesn't look awful. - When he turns that way. - You look. - Because Harry, you can't see it, mate, look. (everyone laughing) Actually look. It's okay from your angle. - [KSI] Oh. (everyone laughing) - Oh, for the blues, for the boys in blue. - Blue? - [Harry] Mate, can you stop? It's only temporary, it's fine. - What colour is that? - Blue, for Chelsea. - Oh my God. I didn't know you were dying. - It's not dye, no, no, no, no, no. - It's temporary. It'll come off. - Don't worry. - It washes off. - This man's going through trauma, trauma. - [Vik] Oi, that's sick, kind of. Yo, yo. - Kind of? What's he done? - [Ethan] What have you done? - [Tobi] Yeah, I guess. Wait, try it out. - I lost the bottom of it. (Ethan yelling) (Vik laughing) - [Josh] Oh! - Yeah, I mean a bit. - It's in there somewhere. - Try and put it up. - [Vik] I think, bro, it doesn't be like- - [Harry] Let him go. - Let him go. - I think it's time. - Let's wrap it up. - I'm not like a Ferrari. (everyone laughing) - [Josh] No, you're a Lambo. - It's just a atomized paint job. (everyone laughing) - That's gonna hurt, bro, you're gonna burn the scalp. - Bro, bro, bro, bro! - Can you do me your Lamborghini colours you used to have, JJ? I'd really appreciate it. - I don't know what you're talking about. - He doesn't know who JJ is, bro. - Who's JJ? I am Alfonzo. - Go round it, go round it. - It's dripping. - It's dripping, it's dripping down his neck. - Stop JJ. It's dripping. - I've heard, can you hold his hair up? - Alfonzo is back. - If you could just hold the middle bit up. - The glamorous assistant. - Yeah. - [Harry] Just like hold it. - [Josh] All of it, all of it, JJ. All of it, all of it. - Sidemen technique. - [Ethan] Better than two hands. - [Tobi] Yeah two hands, all of it. Get up there. - Come on, Alfonzo. - [Josh] That's it, that's it, yeah. (laughs) - Anti gravity hair. - I'm quite happy with what I've done here. You've got a nice sort of like, I'm seeing a lot of speed coming down this angle. - I'll make you look like ImAllexx. (everyone laughing) - He's always wanted to look like that. - That's actually like that. - Oh shit. - Oh yeah! - [Josh] Hitting the gain real quick. - Great, yeah. Love it. - I think that looks good. - Yeah? - [Josh] Yeah. - Yeah. - Nice! - Is it good? (everyone laughing) - Holy shit. - Wait, that actually looks good. It actually looks good. - I think, John, I think you've got the best one here today, to be honest. (KSI groaning) - [Ethan] I mean. - Viola. - It looks- - Wait so. - [Harry] That's it. - That's it? - It's done, that's it. - The special. - Get the blow dryer out. - The special is done. - Do you know bro, that actually looks kind of cool, bro. - Do you know what, can I see your ticket, sir? Yeah, yeah, sure. I'll be like taken away. - What's he? There we go. He's got three styles on the back, reverse fade. - [Josh] With the hair, can see what you've got left. - [Harry] Reverse fade. - [Tobi] There's no fade. (Alex coughing) - Oh that's so cold. Oh that's freezing. - Why did you make it? That's a Brazilian. - Alfonzo. - What's that? - Brazilian. - I can feel it dripping down my neck. (everyone laughing) - [KSI] And Alfonzo is done. (laughs) - England. - Dry it, dry it. - England. - Dry it, look. - The Euros are coming home. - Lads, lads, lads, if you just wanna give- - Stand up, give us a little spin. - If you wanna give one of these- - [Josh] I mean it's not, it could be worse. - [Tobi] Turn that way please. - It's not good, is it? - No, no, bro, I'm telling, I'm telling you now, right, handsome. Good looking. - Yeah. - Stylish. - From about here up, yeah. - Give us a twirl now. - [Josh] Yeah, let's see all the sides. Look at that. - You know what, it could be a hell of a lot worse. - It could be worse. - I think the key word is salvageable. - I don't know about that. - It can be saved. - I've got one line through here. - Your hair just fell out. - It's one of them styles where you can part it now. You can definitely part it. - [Josh] Bro, he's not happy with his trim. He's not happy with the trim. - You can thick part it. - Stop trying. (everyone laughing) - Yeah, it's a windswept. - Yeah, I like it. - Kind of car accident. - I look like. (everyone laughing) - [KSI] I think we're good. - I mean, he didn't really stick to the length bit. - Mate, I've done better than the lot of you. I've done better than the lot of you here, and I had long hair to deal with. - No yeah, it's nice. - Thank you very much. - No worries, mate, thank you. - Rory, take a look behind the chair. - Oh! So much hair. - Yeah, he kept the length. - That is so much hair. - He kept the length. - Oh dear God. - [Vik] You got the fringe though. - It's not even, that's not a fade, bro. - Guys, it's blended, it's blended. - It's reverse fade. - You haven't even reverse. - No it's blending bro, it's great. - [Josh] It's blended. - You know what, ah yeah. - All right. (everyone clapping) (KSI laughing) - Are you happy with it? Do you like it? - I love it, no. - Do you? - Yeah, I love it so much. - Your camera man friends, by the way, were asking us to fuck you up today. (laughs) - You bastards all of you. - Oh man, I feel like I'm gonna go defend some statues. (everyone laughing) - You know what, it looks fine. - Do you know what, it's actually not that bad. - It's not awful. - It's all right. Like no, no, genuinely, I've seen worse go out of here today. - It's not the worst haircut here today. - [Ethan] It's 'cause you've still got the curtains. - It feels so strange. - You look strange, mate. - Hair's still coming off. - [Vik] Ta-da! - [Sidemen] Wow! - Yeah man. - [Kon] It fits. - No one will ever know. He's got to wear a headset all the time now. - That looks beautiful, bro. - Does the headset feel extra cosy? Nice tight fit? - Yeah. - Fits right in. - Feels great. - Look at the shape up at the back, bro. - It's actually perfectly positioned. - Oh wow, yeah man. - Yeah? - [Josh] Do it without the headset now, let's see the actual damage. (everyone laughing) - Geez. - [Simon] Wow man. - [Vik] This side is so bad. - [KSI] Damn! - Thanks Simon, that's great. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Nice. (Sidemen clapping) - You've been niced. - Yeah, you did nice me, you did nice me, I owe you a beer. - If you could just stand up and give us a twirl please, fella. - It looks fine. - [Vik] You know what, that is the best one today by a long way. - [KSI] It literally is the best one. - It looks like- - Do you know what- - It actually looks like- - It looks like one of them edgy lads look like. - [Josh] It's Shoreditch, final boss. - [Tobi] Shoreditch final boss, for real. - You're welcome, mate. You're welcome. - You're Shoreditch now. - You suit that. - I might come back next week. - Honestly, we're here, we don't have any fans here. - I'd be careful with that one. - You're new full-time gig. - It's so weird. (laughs) - Bro. - I feel like it's- - Down the road. - It feels nice, you know, it feels nice. - Travelling down the road. Is there traffic on the road? - [Ethan] Road trip. - I better get back to filming you lot, so. - Maybe look in the mirror, give yourself a little rating. - [Ethan] Yeah, like what do you recon? - It's awful. (everyone laughing) It's certainly awful. - Jesus! - The question is, would you have preferred JJ? - Yes. (everyone laughing) - Are we still friends? - You'd have no hair. - We'll talk about that after. - Ladies and gentlemen, please subscribe to NepentheZ. Thanks for joining the Sidemen Barbershop. - [Nep] Thank you very much. (gentle upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 8,222,992
Rating: 4.9637747 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: 2EEABJp8g6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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