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- [Host] How's it goings guys? And welcome to "Sidemen Guess The Millionaire." We have got five people stood in front of us and we have to work out which one of them is the real millionaire. and which ones are big frauds. Every five minutes, we have to eliminate one and hopefully we're left with the millionaire. Enjoy! - Ay yay yay. Ah, not this again. - What, what you mean? - It's just so hard to work out what's going on. - I see money. (group laughing) - Well hello, we are the Sidemen. Parts of the Sidemen. - What's all your names? - Abby, my name is Abby. How'd you do? - I'm Bonnie. - Dustin, hi. - Dustin. - I'm Josh. - My guy, it's him. (all laughing) - Just cause you've got the same name? - It's gotta be bro. - Who are yo? - Brian. - Brian? Interesting, okay. Everyone, show me your teeth. - That is good, you're on form. - You're definitely not millionaire. (group laughing) Yo, you got a little. - Yeah, got it from a mom. - I'm looking at, I'm looking at shades right now. - Hey. - Oh the watch? - Hey, hey hey hey. - Hey. - Hey. - Okay, okay. - What time piece is that? - It's a Richard Mill. - Wait, hang on a second. - Okay okay. - So how would you make your money? - What are you invested in? You, mostly you. - Okay, so I, my, my main business is called Bobronze limited. I basically was the first person to bring spray tan into the UK, into the UK, back in 2001. So I've had my Italian brand for over 21 years. I distribute into Germany and Holland, but I also have Boskin London and Boskin Surrey which is an aesthetics clinic. - All right, she knows, she knows her stuff. - She knows too much. - Okay, all right. - Who's next? - Brian, how did you get rich? - Property, I invest in property. My parents are from Zimbabwe and they built a house there but then I bought that to England because there's a massive source of student flow in the Bournemouth. You've got 51,000 students that go to Bournemouth. You got 3000 in that goes to Bath. - Hey the man's packed! - Property. So I've got four properties, and... - Whereabouts? - Surrey, all in Surrey. - Where's that? (men laughing) Is that in London? - No. - It's just the outskirts, outskirts of London. - Would that make a million? - There's a lot of money in Surrey. - In Surrey it's better? - [Bonnie] The wealthiest people live in Surrey. - Okay, okay, all right. - Also cars, I love super cars. - Just love supercars? - Yeah. Big car enthusiast. - They don't make money. - So you just have a load of Supercars? - I mean, I have one. - What's your favourite. - One? - My favourite car? - Which one you got, sorry. - Oh, Ferrari California team. - What's the capital of Zimbabwe? - Not too sure, so the currency you're talking about? - The currency? The capital city. - Oh Harare, that's where I was born. - Oh he knows, he knows. (group laughing) - I thought Harry pressed him. - That was mad. - That's, that's peace. - That's the one you have? - It's a sick car, yeah. Currently, yeah. Yeah, I used to have a Lambo, but I got rid of it. - So, what, how old are you? - So I do OnlyFans. - Fair enough, fair enough. - That's bread bro, that's bread. - That's P's - It's P's but is it... - Is it a mil? - Is it a mil? - A mil is a mil. - It's over a mil! - Oh. - Oh! - I buy and sell aeroplanes and helicopters. - Damn! - All right, all right, name a helicopter. - Name the helicopter. (group laughing) No no, name a helicopter. - My specialty is agusta helicopters, so... - Okay, and now a plane. - A gulf stream? - Yeah. - Another one. - Orca? - Another one. - Flightation. - Fin, you don't know the answers. - I have no idea. He could be random things, I'm like yeah fine. - He could say blue whale and you're like, oh yeah-- - Yeah yeah yeah yeah. - That's the blessing. - Josh. - Yeah fair enough. - Where did you get that down? - Where did I get it? - No how did you get it. - No how did you get it. - How did I get it? I bought it obviously. I got it from the Richard Mills store in Miami. - Oh. - Oh, Miami. - He's a traveller. - I think he's rented it for the video. (group laughing) The thing is, I've seen people do this. But no, me and my two best friends were the first people to put water in a can. So in 2015, we went to Thailand and saw how bad the plastic problem was. And yeah, came back, did a lot of research. Notice that cans are infinitely recyclable and yeah, we put water in a can. - I get can of water. I got some in the fridge. I got some kind of water in my fridge. - All right man. - You paid for that Richard Mill. - All right last but not least, my man. - So it's invested in property. Essentially got it from my-- - Why is the money in property? - What do you mean why is it... you're in property! - Because it makes money. You're in property, you know what I mean, exactly. (group laughing) - I don't know if you're playing me. This is sad now, because I'm invested. - Ask me, guys, listen, ask me questions. - [Sideman] What are your two friends called? - Areo and Perry. - Sound like real people. - I think it was the piece. - I think they've all got lots of money guys. - What about you sir? - I buy and sell private jets and helicopters. So I'm here today-- - Geez. Geez Louise. - So you got Bournemouth which is what I look at. I got Bournemouth where you are a huge student market there and I've made, three, four houses there. Nice cafe man. - What? - Why? - I don't know, it just, my man stuttering in everything. - Basically, what you said he didn't understand. - It's true! (group laughing) - Where does most of the, if you don't mind me asking, where does it come from? Is it like tips? Is it the subscriptions? Is it... It's a bit of everything really? Mainly the messages, yeah. That's where you make the money. - That checks out. - What so everyone's just got money? What you're all balling? Lies! No, no! - We gotta count the lies. - All right, no no no no. All right, dress sense. - Crep check. - Crep check. No, no, if you're rich, you wouldn't normally buy super expensive stuff. - [Sideman] What kind of TikToks do you do? - I mean, as sexy as I can get away with. I've been banned multiple times on the platform, but I've managed to get it back. So I'm still there. - I believe her, I fully believe you. - I wanna know what their latest tax bills were. This is what I want to know. - No no, don't bring in, don't bring up tax bills. (group laughing) - Look what he's wearing, it's so boring. - [Sideman] That is a rich man swagger. - That's a rich, man swag. - That's rich man swag. - That's all it is! If you're rich, you were, yeah, you're so with it. - You ain't seen Bill Gates. - Look at his wrist! - Oh shit. - Oh! - Richard Mill on the wrist. - Ay yo! Ay hold on! - So how do you get into this, into this world? - I started when I was 17 years old, I ended up as a pilot and I went and flew for one of the manufacturers demo flying aircraft for their customers. - Is there a watch on the hand that you're hiding? - There isn't. - Okay. - Well yeah sometime, if you don't wear a watch, this is what I'm saying. You don't have to let her know. - Too obvious. - I'm regretting that. - [Sideman] Cans of water. - Hey yo this guy is balling. Hey yo this guy has money. - That's where they hide the wealth, on the wrists. - Let's see your wrists? - I got a FitBit. - Let's see what you got? - It's a family piece, family piece. - What is that? - A Cathill, little family piece. - What's it called? - Athia family piece. - Casio bro, that's a classic. - Casio! - [Sideman] You don't know what Casio is? - Don't remember a shot, you don't know what a Casio is? - No I'm sorry, that ain't in my wishlist. - You know calculators? - Casio calculators? - Hey wait, they calculate? Guy's got a calculator on his... - Yeah, saw them coming, how much they come down, don't doubt. - Hey yo, get him out. This one with the Casio team. - But I've got a FitBit on. - Eh, still! - I don't think Zimbabwe. - I had a tickle that you might be a fraud. - Oh I can speak to you surely right now. - What, I'm gonna be honest. - I don't know if he's a fraud. - No no, in this scenario that we stood in. - His statement in half. - What shoes are they? - It's from shoe. - Huh? - From shoe. - From shoe? - Yeah. - From-- - So I do a bit, so I do... - Are you kidding me? You shop right at the brand king. Oh surely, yeah! - Got red buttons on, she got piece. - I thought it's like-- - Well nice. - You can't rent a watch. You don't rent like, do you rent? You don't rent shoes. - You can rent shoes. - You can rent shoes, yeah. But then, look. He's got bread and he's wearing converse. Elite, I love it. - Are they real converses? - I don't know, I picked them up on the way down here so I didn't look too rich. - Yeah. (group laughing) - Bro, it's- - Oh! - I vote, he needs to go. - We need to speed this up. - He needs to go. Hey yo, let's go! Yo, are those-- - Red buttons, red buttons, red buttons. - See? She's doing too much, she's doing too much. - Bro, I just don't believe. - I agree. - You say you're... - My only concern is it's the most realistic, like, level-headed. - I'm not the first person to do that, I'm not the first person to do that. I'm just copying what already makes money. - Oh. - Oh. - But also, the way he speaks is so like, oh, he's here. - It's deliberate, it's deliberate. - He's performing these stories, you know what I mean? - What was your name again? - Brian. - Oh, he needs to go. - How do you- - Brian needs to go. - How do you spell Brian? - B-R-I-A-N? - Yeah, he's gone. (group laughing) - What we saying? - If it was a Y, if it was a Y I thought maybe it was different, yeah. - All right, all right, do a money dance. - Oh, oh-- - Yeah, I think he's done some Shakespeare acting in the past. - And it's the facial expressions with the toolkits and all that. - But it could just be all... - An elaborate rouse. But and I'm with it, I think we have to go with our guts. All we can do here. - A money dance? What we talking rich or badass? Connor MacGregor, we talking that now? - He's gone, he's gone bro. - Brian, I don't think I can save you right now. - Now wait, what what, what are we saying? What are we saying? - The money dance! - What, you did a money dance, - All right all right. - On camera please though. - That's it, this is the money dance, I'm doing it. - Well he did that-- - No. - I told you-- - Man was doing this! If you've got money, you ain't doing this. - I'm talking about the belly walk, Connor MacGregor, he used to do that, no? - If you've got money, you just walk because you know you've got money. - Get rid of Brian. - All right. Hey yo Brian, austa levista baby. - [Josh] I'm sorry, Brian. - My pleasure, my pleasure. - You're the first to leave I think. - You may as well be a millionaire, but we don't believe you. (group laughing) Yeah but we don't believe you. - This is pain, this is pain. - Okay. - Okay. - Dustin, why is there money in buying and selling helicopters and planes. They'll depreciate when you buy them straight away off the car. - If you buy them well, they don't appreciate but they're still an asset that takes you out and about particularly in COVID, you know, it's a good way of travelling people- - Is there more money in buying a gulf stream and then renting out privately. - No. - All right. Each of you, what is the most expensive thing ever bought? - Probably one of my properties in Putney. - Putney? - One of the properties in Putney. - How'd you make your money? - Me? OnlyFans. - OnlyFans is pretty possible. - It is feasible. - What did you say OnlyFans? - Yeah. - OnlyFans, yeah. - Only, yeah bro, they make money man. Shit. Fuck! - No point, no one percent. I don't know if you know what that means. - I've seen the screenshots, they all say that. - You're in the top no point, no one percent? - Also one of my properties. - Okay. - Okay. - Is that a new dancer? Is that a copy of her work? - Oh. Oh! - In Lutney. - Wait how many followers do you have? - Well on OnlyFans? 30,000 at the moment. - What's your price? - Subscription price? $15.99. - Your girlfriend is clenching her first right now. (group laughing) - They're like, I think that's a price. - Bonnie Lockett baby. - Wow you just gave her the plug. - No anyway... Hmm. - Try to do the math? - Yeah, I can't. - The thing is though this subscription price, that doesn't really factor, I make all my money from the messages. So that's just a bonus. - One of my jets, probably, $20 million. - What's the jet's name? You know how they have names, what's the jet's name? - Probably the most expensive one I've ever bought is a gulf stream, I would think. A gulf stream 550. - Okay, okay. - But do you, do you name it yourself? You know how people like name their cars? - No. (group laughing) - That's level to up his game. - That's a boat, that's a boat. - $600, $700. - Actually, we haven't talked about her. We've left her alone. - Spray tans. - Hello. - [Josh] What do we know about spray tans? - Well it's spray tans and also skin clinic as well. - Okay so then your business must be done now. - What I did is I launched facials in a box, which was prescribed facials to be sent at home. I also invented the crier globes, which are golden balls that you put in the freezer and you use on the face to do a facial at home. So I just kept adding to my business- - Golden balls in your face. - And changing my business in the direction that you needed to go, because it is a pandemic. You don't want to spray tan, fine. Have some golden balls instead. You're going to have something. - I'll have a golden ball, babe. - I'm gonna give it to you. - Story is bad. - You know how it is super sexual as well fam. Golden balls-- - Please use them for me. - I will, get some babe, I'll get on there. - We all need the golden balls. - I don't spend loads and loads of money, to be honest. Most of the money I put back into the business. - He says with a Richie- (group laughing) - The watch, the property. - What your Richie Mills is the most expensive thing you've bought? - No, no property, but, apart from property-- - How much was Richie Mill? - $150. - Eeeee! - Can I smell the two men please? (group laughing) - What's wrong with the men? - Give it a good sniff. - Smell me! - It's nice. - That was nice? - It's like woody, woody outdoors smell. - Mahogany. - He's going for the seconds! - It's good it's good it's good. Let's smell you. - When was the last time you had a McDonald's? - I need one actually. It's been a very long time. - A few days ago. My favourite food is KFC, I love it. - Where are you doing your grocery shopping? - Waitrose? - Pesco. - Ricardo. - Yeah, Ricardo. - What? - Ricardo. So Waitrose delivery. - Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay. I've never been sniffed by another man before this. (group laughing) - Oh, this one smells nice. (group laughing) - [Sideman] We got money over there! - Do you mind if I smell you ladies? - No. (group laughing) - Nice, smells pretty nice. Nice, they all smell nice. - What, you've come back from this, this-- - What have you achieved then? - He seemed like a Tom Fordy, classy man this one here or something like that. Like there's Woody undertones, like there's something there. - Okay. - Mature. - What's your favourite holiday destination or the patient go on holiday to? - Most regular place for me as Thailand. I've been lucky enough to travel everywhere else in the world that I want to go to date, but Thailand is the place I go back to again and again. - Whereabouts in Thailand? - So I got to Koosa Mooy, and I will do four to six weeks every January because I hate the winter. Hate it. - Every January? - Don't do English winters. - Damn. - How about you? - Mine's the Caribbean. I just love the Caribbean. What's your favourite island in the Caribbean? - Grenada. Or, Jamaica. Jamaica's amazing, so much to do. - Whereabouts in Jamaica do you like to go? - Oh God, I mean, I haven't been there for a long time, so you've, you've stumped me there, but I know... - Interesting. - There's a nice waterfall that's in Jamaica. - Yeah. - Really popular. - Dund river! - Dangit, she knows it. - Dund bloody river! - I'm trying to cut people out! - I think he does sell planes. - Yes, but you don't think he sells big planes? - But I don't know if he owns the planes. - You know what, I could get behind that. - He smirked. He's tapping and he's smirking. - Oh, he's so annoying. - Yeah but that doesn't tell us anything. - No but he's body is angry, I'm judging by the body language, and he's tapping and smirking. - Yeah because he's laughing because he's like these fools don't know I own 25 planes. (group laughing) - Who's invested in Bitcoin? - Not yet, but I want to. - No. - I want to. - I have it out, yeah. - I was told to, but didn't. - What, you guys haven't... - I'm the wrong generation I think. - A little bit, not a lot. I was actually warned away from it. - Okay think about it, we're turning down the opportunity. of getting on the private jet here. If we get this wrong... - Could you sort us out at some point? - Definitely. - Is that Richard Mill yours? - A hundred percent. - A hundred percent. - It's just there, isn't it? What's it called? - It's a Rafael Nadal RN35. - Fuckin... - Josh, I thought he was joshing you from the get go. - [Josh] Free water for the next 10 years. - Oh. - Oh, we're getting offers now! - Spray tans for 20. - Free subs guys! (group yelling) - He does it! - What was the single largest... You can call donation, like what's the... - Oh okay, I like that, - Yeah, amount you've been given from one person? - I think she's talking too much. - I love talking, that's why! - But she's knowledgeable. - [Ann] I promise you, I'm not lying to you. - But I think she's overdoing it. I think she's overdoing it. - You can be clued up about your business and not be a millionaire. - Fairly true, and not be a millionaire, yeah. - He's definitely in the thousands. Not all at one, do you mean only one go though? - No, 'cause I imagine there's blokes on there- - Cause there, yeah, always, so... - Constant stream. - Do you have names for your tiers? - Um... - Like peasants? (group laughing) - I label the guys that spend money, big spenders. - Okay. - Font fool 'em. - Call 'em daddy or something. Make them feel, make them feel something. - Or, no, not to their face! They're like private labels for me. - Make them feel something, make them feel appreciated. - How many followers do you have-- - Happened to us. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, how many followers? - Instagram? - Yes. - 700K? - Please, go on. - Can we verify. - 1.8 Mil on TikTok? - Wait, how many? - 1.8 mil. (KSI grunting) - Oh, I'm confused because I believe all of them. - Yeah same. - I believe all of them. Uh, to what extent... - What if we get to Brian Zimbabwe out? (group laughing) - He's the only one, he's just out there grinning. - I didn't get to smell Brian! - Do you wanna go smell him? - Brian, can I smell you just to make sure? - You can't bring him back. You can't revive him. - Listen, that's just good cocoa butter. - Oh, he smells good, he smells good, he smells good. - The smelling thing really hasn't helped, has it? - But I was going to choose the person that smelled the best it would be Richard Miller. - I want to talk to the helicopter man more. That sounds mad. - Okay. Have you ever Apache? - Nope. - Do you know what Apache is? - You know the (KSI mimicking helicopter sounds) - I said buy and sell helicopters, not arms dealer. - All right, we need to get rid of him. We need to get rid of him. - Ah, shit. I have no fucking idea. - Is anyone married? - No. - Kids. - No. - Nothing? - It's that's a common trait though with grinders, you know? Like they're out here working, making their money, they don't, they're not wifed up, cuffed up. - [Sideman] Oh someone's got to go. - Yeah yeah, someone's gotta go. - Who's getting the chop? - Ah! - Ah... - I'm leaning towards...the back two, to go at the moment. - Okay, wait, wait, wait. Put your hands up if you're a millionaire. - Oh hesitation. Oh, eagerness. - She was way too fast. - She was way too quick. - What so you're thinking treatment as more like...okay. - Yeah, like, I mean, I must say I'm rich, I'm rich. - The money I've made, I've got time for it. - Yeah, you'd be proud of your success as well. - Nah, I'm getting bad vibes from her man. No. Oh, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. - I didn't trust JJ last time and he was right. - Why her over Dustin? - I think it's OnlyFans because I believe she's minted, but I don't know, if she's have made a mil this early on the platform. - It's been about a year. I sort of, I don't know. I want to go with the spray tan. Maybe, I don't know - That's where I'm leaning somewhat. - What are you leaning towards? - Yeah? - Yeah. - I believe spray tan. - I've been leaning towards the plane. - Waitrose, Ricardo. - Okay, get rid of OnlyFans. - What? - Nah, not... - We're thinking of sending out the back two. - Yeah no, I think these two, yes, but I think OnlyFans in a year, that's just not- - I think helicopter- - Maybe in two, three, yes. But like- - I think helicopters and planes are too easy. So that's just, we make our minds go to oh that's rich. Like we think of helicopters and planes, we think- - It is too, yeah yeah. - Where like, OnlyFans, we know it exists, like spray tan, I wouldn't instantly go, that's not an obvious thing to go, oh that's gonna make you P's. - Beauty is going to make you P's though. (man yelling) - I'm still leaning towards the planes. I'm still leaning towards the planes. - Are you saying that's bullshit? - Yeah, not... There's some truth but I don't think... He did this while he was tapping. It's between spray tans and planes for me, I think. - I'm saying Dustin. - All right, he's got rich man swag. - Yeah but then... - Then he's got some rich man swag. - All right pick one. I don't care, I don't care anymore. - I'm going to, I'm going to go planes because I still believe, I think, I think he's fibbing. Yeah, you know what? I'm with you, I'm with you. - You think he's in the business, but... - But I don't think he's-- - Yeah, you know, I'm with Harry on there. Call us, call us fools. - Planes? - Planes. - Planes. - Sorry, but we think you're lying. (group laughing) - We'd still like a private jet. - I'll sell you one later when you're finished. (group laughing) - Dustin, would you deem you'd be a millionaire as liquid assets or assets that you own in the sense of like, I've got some planes man? - You know, that's your business man? - Both. - What? No, get him out. Nah, what is that? What is that, both? Nah, get out. - Are you just jealous? (group laughing) - Nah, that's not. - You can earn both though. - You can't be rich, rich. - No that's just a dead answer. - Well that's, it could be the truth. I'm still saying Dustin though, I'm still saying Dustin to go. - Dustin, looks like you're going mate. - It's time to go Dustin. - Thanks guys. - Thanks Dustin, Sorry. - He doesn't look bothered. So I think we're good. I think the millionaire is still here. - I think if he was a millionaire, he wouldn't be bothered. Oh, they don't think I'm rich. I don't care, I'm rich. (group laughing) - Fair. - The money walk. (group laughing) - Shit that was the money walk, he did just walk. - No! - Oh shit! (man yelling) - All right, I've got a big question here. This is really going to help us out here. - Okay. - I need to know what you guys had for breakfast, starting here. - I had a Herbal Life shake, protein shake. - Okay, okay. - Okay. - I don't have time for breakfast. I don't eat breakfast. - See, I don't like that one. - Okay. - You need breakfast. - Yeah! - I have oats and a coffee. - That's the serious breakfast. - That's a good breakfast. - That is the breakfast I was looking for. - What coffee did you have? - Americano, oat milk, with oak milk. - Oh, business, that's business, that's straight business. I like that man. - Was it at your house or did you go out and get it? - It was at the house. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - OnlyFans, I want to dive deeper. (group laughing) - Okay baby. - Wait... How many, how many photos or videos have you done? - I mean, I think there's about 850 photos on my OnlyFans page. And there's a few videos, but I usually save the video for PPV, pay-per-view - Does that help you? - Uh, no. - Not really, not really, that was a crap question. - He's just finding out like... - I'm just curious. I know her name now and... - Let's try, let's try what did before. I have in my hand... I've dropped it. I have a hundred pounds. - Would anyone like the hundred pounds? - [Ann] No it's fine. - You probably need it more than us. (group yelling) - He's done bad, he's done himself bad. - If you want to give it to someone, I'll have it. - Wait, I want it, wait. - Would either of you like a hundred pounds? - [Brian] I'm okay, trust me. (group jeering) - [Dustin] I'll always take free money, that's fine. - I think he's the millionaire. - I think he's the millionaire! - Yeah you said that before. (man yelling) - Because yeah. If you, if you bread, you've got your bread. - Why would you turn down a hundred pounds? - I think we got rid of him! - You're not married, are you? Girlfriend? - Girlfriend. - What does she think about the watch? - She likes it. - You ever bought anything nice for her? - Yeah a few things. - Like what? - Like what, like what? - I'm trying to see how much he spends on them. - Not mad, like, purses and stuff like that and I pick her up. - What type of purse? - I'm quite humble. - Richard Mill on the wrist. - Does everyone drive. - Yeah. - What car? - An Audi convertible. - Ooh, okay. - Okay. - A Ferrari California T. - [Sideman] A what? - A Ferrari California T. - Oh... - I drive a Jeep Wrangler. - Oh, club. Our friend Josh will like him. - There's not many Ferrari's. Where are you from? - Originally Lincolnshire but I live in Surrey. - Eco- friendly car. I'm looking at a Tesla but I've got, I'm not going to lie, I got a Jeep Wrangler. - That's like a very specific and rare model. - He's not chosen- - I didn't like the Ferrari California too. I didn't like that. That's a very specific, rare model. - I think we got rid of the millionaire, by the way. - I think you need to learn more about your cars. (group yelling) - Oh! Oh! - Think I bought like Tom Ford, purse. I haven't been with her like too long. But yeah, I'm a humble guy. I don't really spend mad amounts. - Do humble people tell you they're humble? - No bro, I think he's too, he's too well kept. He's too, like in shape. He's too- - So he could be a copper? - Well maybe not in shape. Yeah, maybe that, yeah. - Does that make you not in shape? - No, no, no. I mean, I don't know. - Oh, I'm actually really stumped here. - I think we got rid of him, ahh! - Do you think? - Yes. - Because I believe all these guys as well. - That answer is exactly what I think he would, yeah. - But you're saying that these three are lying. - Nah, they're not bro. - I believe them all, I believe them all. - They've all got bread. I think that's what, I think that's, they've all got lots of bread. They baked a lot of bread, that's what I think. - Have any of you given to charity? - I- (group laughing) - I just won charity champion for the UK this year through BAPTA, which is the British Beauty Council, for volunteer throughout the pandemic. - Got answers for days. - You've got a lot to say. - I think she might be the millionaire, you know? - No I just give it to like local, local charities. Mainly environmental charities. - Makes sense, kinda well. - How much did your company profit in the last year? Can of water? - The last year has been obviously very, very tricky. But the year before was an amazing year. Wouldn't say that we're in mad profit, but yeah, we were, we hit over 4 million, 4 million revs, - If you're not- - And we sold over 12 million cans. - If this is all a lie, you should just play this. (group laughing) - Business is great, this is so good. - When was the last time you guys went on the bus? - A bus? - Yeah, public transport. - Probably when I was like 14, 15? - My guy, that's me. - Same, same. - Interesting. - Wouldn't catch me on a tube or a bus. - A tube, really? - I drive all over London. - Oh yeah fair. That's true, she has a bit of time. - I know London like the back of my hand. - If you was to travel across London, what would be your mode of transport? Would you get the tube or would you get-- - No, I'd drive or get an Uber. - What type of Uber? - Well, the one on the app. - No but like, what car? - I really don't care. It's been a long time since I've got an Uber, but if I need to get somewhere- - No, no, if you were rich- - Normally if I get an Uber, it would be after a few bevvies. - You would know, no no no. - Would you know? - I know, instantly. I always go Lux. - Oh! - Always! - I want to go back to Harry's original point, like, I think there's OnlyFans, I think you do, I think there's a lot of money in it. So you've got so much money, but like a mil, I think that would be rare. - Also if you bought a ferrari does that. - I think it's rare. - I mean it's an asset, we're counting that as an asset. - Are we, does everyone have a million in their bank, or is it assets as well? - Like cash, like we've got liquid. - Cash. - Liquid cash. - Liquid and assets. - Oh... - We got one-- - I think we have assets. - Of course, everyone's got assets if they got property. Everybody, yeah, of course. You never pick the one where you're with other people, would you? Who would do that? - That's crap, nah nah nah. - I wouldn't even think that would be a question you would ask. - Hey yo yo yo. - Josh, you get the tube still right? - What? - You like getting the tube? - I get the tube now and then. I haven't for the past year, but yeah. - I get the tube all the time. - Yeah I get the tube- - It's a Josh thing, it's a Josh thing. - I'm a bull man. - I just came on the train. - Well, I think she's...she's done herself. - 'Cause you know who the different people- - If bro, you would, you would check! - Okay, okay, I'll back it, I'll back up, because I said back to any- - Oh. - I think we've messed up. - Can I inspect this watch? - I think we fucked up bro! - Can I inspect it? - This is what I'm saying. I think we've fucked up. - He's on his phone over there. - He don't give a fuck. He's just, bro, he's selling another jet! - And he was a little bit, he was, you said he was a little bit like nervous. - Didn't have a watch. - Everyone else is actors. - I think the watch is legit, like, I don't think it's an imitation. - The story was, your story was so in depth. I think it's a lie. - You think it's a lie? - No, it's not a lie. - It's so in depth. - It's so, yeah, it's so detailed. - I'll give you some of my client names. Lady Gaga is one of my clients. I worked on Dogs on Ice. - Bro she's pale. - For four years. Four years in a row worked on Dogs on Ice. I did all the turning for all of the skaters and all the celebrities. - Nah, this is overdoing it. - I'm sorry. Yeah, you got to go. - Can I get a spray tan after? - Of course you can. We work into Brown's Spa Hotel in Mayfair. - Bro, we could be wrong, we could be wrong, we could be wrong. - Are we doing it? Are we? - Wait wait wait. - We're doing it, let's do it, let's commit to it. - We don't do freebies. Everybody pays for the treatments. - Ah we are fucked- - We're going for it. - Too much energy. - No no wait... - I'm saying go for it. We have to go for it. - Are we sure. - Shush, we have to go for it. - But look... I, look. - She choked that question hard. - I know what we can do. - Go on then, do it. - Eh, dep doo. (group laughing) - What is...all right fine, she's got to go. - Gotta go? Bye lads, take care. - Ah, I think we just fucked it. - Congrats on your success regardless. - I think it's OnlyFans because I still- - How many followers do you have on TikTok? - Uh, 1.8 mil. - And there's a lot of horny little boys on TikTok. - But the horny little boys aren't on my OnlyFans. (group laughing) - Ah, I don't know. I think we messed up. - I hate this. - I think they're all millionaire, I think we messed up. I think you messed up. - Yeah, you think, you cast the studio wrong. - I thought both! - You cast the studio wrong. - Oh we fucked it. - We fucked it! She gave us a look, we fucked it. - Oh she's rich! - She's rich, we go back, we go back, we go back. - Hey yo, can we go back? - No no no no. - I don't know mate! - Bring her back, bring her back. - Oh man, all right. Oh, I bet you're both poor. Oh fuck mate. - We're peasants. - Shit! Oh we fucked it, no! - OnlyFans, OnlyFans, I'm saying OnlyFans. - I entered into grand last month. - I, I, ah! - Wait, wait, wait, wait, hold up a second. What if this is the whole, what if this is the video? The reveal at the end hah, we're all millionaires. You're all idiots. What if that's the reveal? - We're being set up, you got this! - No OnlyFans, I swear. - Pinky swear? - I promise, I promise, I promise. - All right he pinky promised, he pinky promised. - What if we're destined to fail? - I think OnlyFans. - Okay. - Okay. - I think we're all, all right. - But I believe you, I think you're a mil but out everyone, I believe you the least. - That's fair enough. - I think you've all got lots of money, yeah, but... - That is our decision, I think, we have to go with it. - Okay, no worries guys. - Oh. - Oh! - No free subs! - How did you find the money to start the company? - We've got an order from Selfridges, 'cause they were removing all plastic within their shelves. And we did London fashion week and with that we basically found some local angel investors. - There's two things here. He's either what he says he is, or he's just an act... - Big fraud. - A very big, Really good. - What did he say your agent was called downstairs earlier? - My agent? (group jeering) - She's trying to win! She wants to win! - That's a cry out. That's incredible. - Competition. - But, it doesn't matter anymore because I think we lost, I think we lost so it doesn't really matter. - Who is coolest person you've met through work? - David Attenborough, 100%. - Oh! - Has to be. - Had you ever had any previous experience in business before that? - Yeah, I did like a lot of events and stuff like that, but kind of walked in with just bright light. - He was a customer, he had to be. - Bro... why are you hitting them with all the stereotypes? - I don't know. - Before... (group laughing) Have you met Lady Gaga or just- - Yeah, I spray tanned her at the Royal Albert Hall before- - You spray tanned- - You spray tanned- - I spray tanned her, yes. - How did you get your OnlyFans, like, out there? - TikTok. Yeah, TikTok. - Wait, so what did you do on TikTok? - Well just like sexy dancing. - I was just there. - What just... - I do some special dancing, so. - Oh really? - I just yeah, I just started do dancing on TikTok and I kind of wore bikinis... - And yeah just. - And yeah just, just went mad. - I wanna be a woman man. - That could be a full, true story though. - Let me just... - Both of these seem to be full, true stories. - How much is your service, seeing as you're at the tippity top, how much is your service. - 345 pounds. - Just fucking around! Dude! - No no no no- - Not just for a spray tan. Facials are a lot more than that depending on whether it's skin boosters or chemical pills or microneedling. - Go for Ethan. - I'm gonna have to ask a question, you know? I'm gonna have to do it. - Do either of you have anything in crypto? - No, but my ex boyfriend kept nagging at me for that for years, but I didn't, I don't know. I just think I'm the wrong generation. - I told them, free water for 10 years, you're looking at free water for 10 years. - Lifetime subs guys, lifetime subs. - Lifetime, oh, actually no no, no mate! - I can't give you that. - Well I don't want that. - Free water for 10 years. I got bit in crypto, a little bit. - What coins do you like? - Dogecoin, don't mind it, I mean. - Dogecoin. - Dogecoin. You might have just ruined it. - I got in a bit in, well I made a lot of money in like Litecoin, Ethereum. - Okay. - I didn't actually have any Bitcoin, Chainklink. - I didn't like Dogecoin. - I feel like he's thinking about it. - Dogecoin, I didn't like it. - I feel like he's named the, feel like he's named quite obvious ones- - Like the ones that are on the front page. - But not everyone has to know it. - I didn't really invest a lot in, in... - He said Dogecoin man! (group laughing) - No he ballin'! He's ballin' bro. Richie Mill and everything bro. - You thought it was a rental earlier. - I thought but like the way he's swaggering it, no no, the swag at some point, he knows what he's doing. - What bottoms are they? - Rees or Coss. - Yeah bro he don't even know! He don't even know what he's wearing. - You can make money from Dogecoin! - Nobody's Doge, he's Doge! - Oh it's Doge! - Dogecoin. - Dogecoin! Dogecoin, yeah, not Dodgecoin. - I think, here's what I'm thinking. - This is painful. - I believe them both. I think there's more chance that he's lying there - Do ya? - Than she's lying. - Why? - I don't know why. I think there's- - Look at this honest face. - [Harry] There's a kind of warmth to it. - Look at it. - I don't, I don't, oh! - Do you know this pain? - I think we've already messed up! - There's a Richard Mill right there. That's what was giving me pain. But I don't know if it's, if it's... - It's so hard to send a Richard Mill off you know? - Have you ever had a 50 pound note? - Have I ever had a 50 pound note? - Yes. - I have had a 50 pound note, yeah. - I've seen quite a few. - I don't deal in cash though. - I mean, that- - I don't deal in cash. - A hundred pound note? - I don't, I don't ever have any cash. - Yeah but have you ever had a hundred pound note? - I don't think so, I don't know, I don't think so. I don't really draw out cash. - Get rid of her. Get rid of her, get rid of her, get rid her, get rid her. - There's no hundred pound cash! That's our man like, you can't get a hundred pound cash. - Oh, then I haven't. - I don't know mate. - I don't deal in cash! - Nice! - I've never seen one but... - If I believe you and it comes out the end than you've been lying to me this whole time, I'm gonna be devastated. - I promise you, I promise you, I wouldn't. I've got no reason to. - I think we've already lost anyway. - I think we lost. So now I reckon we'd just play ball. - All right, votes boys, who are you saying? - Different tiers. Unless you draw dividends, you aren't personally a millionaire. - And I'm self-employed. - Your business, your business could- - All right bro. - Sick turn, you may have sick turnover. - I think Josh got to go. I think Josh got to go bro. - Can we still have free water? - Not today, it's not really- - Otherwise, we're going to go buy hundreds of bottles of water. - No no no, you know you weighed, you know you weighed. - Lots and lots and lots of bottles of water. - I'll give you one water, don't worry. You'll love it, you'll love it. - Okay then I'm going to... (group laughing) - Shit. - Ah! - Richard millionaire. That's all I'm saying. I have to, I have to. - All right I think... My votes for you, but I think we're saying, but has he just swindled? - Yes yes he has, yes he has because it's the jet man. - Oh no I'm saying, no. - Jet man! - I'm not going- - Oh you're not going with him? Oh so we're split. So wait, are you not? - Oh. - So we're split, someone needs to change their mind. - Oh no. - Are you saying Josh as well? - Nah I'm going- - I'm backing my own name. - Are you saying Josh to go? - Josh to go, Josh to go. - Are you saying Josh to go? - No I'm saying Josh to keep. - Oh my God. It's on you Tobi. (Tobi screaming) - Tobi you like water, you've had can of water before. - So you're choosing water over free subs? - I'm gonna have to, yeah. - Uh, are you gay? (group laughing) - Just nearly 11 years deep, sorry. - I'm saying one thing, a hundred pound note, that's all I'm saying, a hundred pound note. - Hey I didn't say I've got any common sense! I didn't say I had any common sense. - Okay, all right, I've got something. So this is your Richard Mill. This is not your first watch, name your previous watches. - This is my first watch. - No, no. - It's my first watch. I promise you. - No one does that. - You don't go straight for a Richard Mill. You ruined it, you ruined this whole thing! You're the millionaire. You ruined this whole thing now. - I don't, I don't- - Are you switching your vote? - If you have done that, that's mad, right? - I respect it. - You're different. - This is new money, but this is new money. - Oh no, no one does that. - You don't go straight to a Richard Mill, do you? - I don't know anyone that's done that. - You don't go straight to a Richard Mill. - I think, I think, I think- - Unfortunately, based on that answer. - I think we're wrong, but I will but, - Okay. - You're the first person I've met that's done that, if so. So yeah, we have, unfortunately, - We think you're the millionaire. - Right, that's us done. - That's us done. - Ah! - Ah bro, next half hour will be awful. - We've got it wrong, we've got it wrong, we've got it wrong. - No no no, bro. - I was right last time, I believe it this time as well. - Okay I'm picking Josh as the millionaire. - All right. Austa Levista. - Okay. Your funeral. - Well, it is, it is a time to learn. - I ain't doing this. - I'm going to do a countdown, at the end of the countdown, can the millionaire, please place their hands in the air, or place their hand in air. (group laughing) All right okay, here we go. 3, 2, 1. - Oh guys please. - Go! - No! (group yelling) - No he's- (group yelling) - We were right, as soon as we asked. - Bad job boys. - Halfway through he's like, he's gone then, he's gone then. - I knew, look at him! He look at, I told you man. - Bro, as soon I saw him when he sat down and got his phone out, we were like, making money, right now. - I did Harry offed him man- - Shit! - I told you! - Harry offered 100 pounds. Everyone went nah, I'm all right, you keep it. - He went, I'll take free money. I was like, it's him. (group laughing) - A fake Richard Mill by the way. (group yelling) A can of water, real story, but a fake Richard Mill. - The price, the price is off. - When you mentioned the price of it. - That ain't the price of the Rafael Nadal. - $375K minimum. - Can we ask what everyone actually does? - Oh, so I'm an actor. - I could you tell you were an actor. - So yeah, I'm co-founder of can of water. - I Googled it, don't worry, I know. (group laughing) - Mine's actually true. Everything I told you is true. I haven't got a mil in the bank just yet, but everything else is true. - You keep earning it. - Elite, you're all Britted up. - Respect, respect. - It was the whole point, no! - Ah! - I thought we had it, I got baited. - Well, you're saying as soon as their off it's like fuck. - Yeah. - Bro, you just say fuck. - The next like 10 minutes, oh we're done. - So you'll buy a helicopter now you got it wrong? - No no, I'm good. (group laughing) Plane though. (funky music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 6,844,901
Rating: 4.9690309 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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