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- Welcome to the Sidemen video. - I Can't believe this. Ladies and gentlemen across the world, Welcome to the Sidemen punishment pool. (shouting and clapping) Today, we're going to have two teams participating; House versus The Rest. - Yeah, house, house this side, house this side. - Fuck you man! - Hey, hey! - No, no, no, no! (punching sounds) - Hold this. - Beat him! Beat him. - So the name of the game is Punishment Pool. In this glass we have a load of punishments. (group laughing) - I feel like as the years go on, we've just given up on it. (group laughing) - So, the rules are as follows; I give you the cue, you take a go. You pot, you pick a forfeit for the other team. - Why do they get to go first? - Do you want to go first? - Do you want to go first? - Yeah, yeah. No, no, no I was joking, I was joking. - Welcome to Punishment Pool. (upbeat music) - Fisting! - Fisting time. - Ooh, na, na, na. Let the games begin! - Spin it, spin it. - You have to take this off. - Spin the middle one. - Spin the eight. - What like this? - No, you go like put it there and then you go and take that off. - Oh, that was tekkers bro! Can you just do it for me? - It's easy - I'll do it. - Ethan doesn't go outside much. - It's already stopped. (Ethan laughing) - Yes, lets go champ. - They are yellow team. (cheering) They are yellow team. - That's why we'll go first. - The action begins, instantly. - My hand's stuck in the jar. Guys, you have won yourself a limited edition "right hook to abdomen with glove". (cheering and laughing) - So who gets to punch me? Vikk? - No, no, no. - Yeah, Vikk got it - Yeah, it's you. - Okay, fine, all right. (laughing) - Get your farts out. - Do you wanna pick a spot? - I really need to shit. - Do you wanna pick a spot? Ah, just not here and not there. - Go low, go low. - There? - Bro you got to hit in here, yeah. - No, in here. There? Fam. - Bro where you trying to hit? - On my bone? - Abdomen, abdomen. - There, there, there, there. - Oh, I can see Vikk breaking his wrist. - Innit? (laughing) - How am I going to get hurt? - Bang! - He's got proper surfboard abs, bro. - Watch the technique. - I'd say, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Twist like a - Ohh, okay. - I see why JJ gets a kick out of it. - Okay. Okay. I see. I understand. - What have you done? - Nice, nice. - You regain control red team. - All right JJ, come on. - Come on, pot this. Pot it! - Please. - Long range. From five miles away. - Please, please solid. (cheering and clapping) - All those years at private school, that's what it came to. - About to get finished! - I'm gonna scream if it's an own-team forfeit. - I swear, if this is an own-team. - Read arse from everyone. - Shot-gun not, shot-gun not. - I'll take it. - I don't mind taking that. - I'll take it. - Yow wanna take it? - I'll take it. - All right. You can take it mate. - You're part of everyone. - [Vikk] Just three, just three, come on. - Haha, yeah, come on then. - Say something dirty before you do it. (laughing) - Don't make it mad, don't make it mad please. (slapping) (clapping) - Nice, come on Josh. - Are you seeing this? - No, he's going last. He's last. Josh. - Are you all gonna target the same cheek? (Ethan laughing) - He's going to hit it really hard, so I'm gonna be nice. (slapping) - Ohh (group chattering) - That was about the same level as Simon - I may be the host, however. (slapping) (giggling) - The final one. - Wait let me change my pose. - Oh he's shaking his hand. - He's winding it up. - He's milly rocking into it. (group laughing) - Arch that back. - You dirty whore. (slapping) (group chattering in discontent) - That was the worst. - After all that? - Let down! - I survived! I survived! - Shit. - I'll be seething if they get this. (Ethan and Tobi laughing) - No, no, no. - Not like this! - NO, no, no - Yellow team regain control. - Oh, fuck Jesus lord. - That was poor. - What the fuck are you doing? - That was pants. - Gentle, gentle. - That's a smart shot, you know. - I like you, you smart. (gasping) - Ow, I headbutted the stairs. (laughing) (gasp) - What the fuck are you doing? - Why am I sweating, bro? (gasp) - Fam, we are something. - This table is ugly. - This is free for all - Oh I set it up for a peach. - That one. - oh, fair. Yes. - Come on Simon. - What the fuck are you doing? - Yes! Yes! Yes! - I'm sorry if I get an own-team forfeit. - Be careful. - I'm very sorry. - There's own-team ones in there. - There's own-team ones. - I'm sorry if it's that. - Oh, that looks like one. (Ethan laughing) It looks like one. - Ah, you're kidding. - It looks like one. - Should I change? - Nah, what is it? Nah, allow it, allow it. - What is it? What is it? What is it? - Eat onion. Own-team. (cheering) - I done it before, I'll do it again. - These are ideal for stir fries and salads. - Fuck it, I'll just do it. - Ow, that's hard. (laughing) - Well, it's not a chocolate orange! - What is wrong with him? - Yeah. Wrong tactic, I think. - That's grim. - That's a decent bite. - One more, please. (laughing) - Fam, he threw it on the floor four times. - I'd say that's enough. - There not gonna be merciful. - My guy, that's my guy. He's got bonus points from me here. - It's spicy. - Anyway, let's carry on. - I got this. - Oi, it's spicy fam. - Hit it hard brother. - It'll cover that pocket. - Jeez - You bloody bastard. - Oh my fucking God. - Oh. Oh my fucking God. - Oh my God, his balls are out. Oh my fucking God. (josh laughing) - You can, you can, you can. - Yes! Come on! - Good thing innit. - Is this a dub? - This is it. - He knows what he is doing. - Is this a Victory Royale? - Get it in the pocket. - Stinky virgin. - Oh my goodness. - What? - I told you. - That's solid. - I think you're all right, JJ? It's not me. - Oh it's you. (laughing) - Don't be looking at me. - Shit. (cheering) Prick. Such a prick. Dickhead. - Oh. - Oh. - Okay we're good. I think we're good. - It's one of them ones where you can't just, once the videos done, you're not finished, eggs on the head. - I mean, I'll take it if you want. - Oh, for real? - It's because, I mean, look at this. (laughing) - This means if another worse one comes up. - Okay, yeah then I'll take the worst one next. - Yeah? - Yeah. Bless. - Welcome Simon. - Oh. Oh no, it come out in my hand. Oh no! - Oh wait, do you want me to duck? (laughing) He knows. He knows. He knows. He went down the back. Oh, you went down the back worse. No, you're not doing it on my head. You're not doing my face. - No, no, no. - You literally just went like this - Yeah, cause you were like this. - Yeah, and you went like this. - Yeah, to hit you over the top. - Don't, just- - Mate, I'm gonna whip it - If he hits me in the face. - I'm not hitting you in the face. - I crashed. - I crashed. ♪ I just flipped the switch, flip, flip. ♪ - Whip it, whip it, whip it. (gagging sounds) I just, I just kind of whipped in a bit of like albumin just flicked me in the face. All my friends have left me except Tobi. Real friends. - Can you even see me in this light? You're fucking blind, you can't see me. - Let's carry on with the game of pool. - Hit it lightly. - Yes! Come on! - Harry that was all you. - Nah mate, you smashed it. - This is an own-team. Own-team. - 10 clothes pegs on face. - Enjoy lads. - Yeah, I haven't got excess skin on my face. - Simon's banged it. - This hurts so much. I am in so much pain. - I mean, this works. Wakanda forever. - Don't fluff this one, mate. - He's nervous, he's nervous. He's so nervous. - Okay, something good please. Eat cat food. - You've done that before. - I'll do the cat food. - I'll eat a bit of dog food. - I'm going for this one. The Cesar classics. - Do you want a spoon or a fork? I'll take a spoon. - Your a classy guy. I'm just saying, dogs don't use spoons. - I keep dribbling whenever I talk. - Don't talk then. - Good video, guys. - Ow, ow! Ow! - Fam, are you seeing this? - Oh my goodness. What's happening? - I'm doing it like a dog. - Bark for me, bitch. - Woof! - Eat it then! Oh my god, he's actually eating it. - Little bit more. - What has Sidemen video's turned into? - And now woof, now woof. - Woof. - Oh, there's jelly, yuck. - Is that it? - Yes, that's it! - Fam, fam, you hit the black ball first. - Yes! Foul! - Ugh, so dead. - Don't get own team, please, come on. (gasping) - That's a butters one. You're getting a lot of butters ones. - Pickle rick! Drink pickle juice. - What're you doing? - Well, you're already drinking pickle juice fam. - So why's your fucking fingers in there? - Fucking asshole. - Like to drink with JJ (KSI screaming) ♪ Like to drink with JJ cause JJ is our mate. ♪ - Yeah. That's better. - Yeah that's good. - Our team smells. - Harry's going for the trick shot. - Go on. Give me another one. - Its all right. - That's pot season baby. - Oh dear. - My eyebrow's fucked. What's going on? - Is this what it feels like to have earrings? - No. (laughter) - Oh for fuck sake. - Oi you lot, that team smells, boy, I'm actually revolted. Oh my god. - I'm trying to burp on him, cause my breath smells. - Not like this, not like this, please. - Big ol' bang - Go! (group shouting and cheering) This table is horrible, dude. This table is not, it's not good. - Take your time. You rushed the last one. - Don't hit hard. - Nice. - You're taking the piss, you have to be. - I'm actually not. Bro, I'm actually sick. - He said I'm actually sick. - All right, come on Harry. You can pot balls like this. - Mate you're shit. You've done it before. - Do it again. His mom. (cheering) Don't be own-team. Don't be own-team. - I think we're good. - For the love. Of all that's holy. Eat the world's hottest chip. - I ain't doing that shit. - Fam, that's like a video in itself. - A nibble, nibble. - JJ said he'd do the next mad one. It is true. - I'm about get fucked innit? - I will admit this one's a bit extreme. - I feel bad because I know JJ doesn't like hot food and don't, don't touch your eyes after. - Fam that is fully loaded. - How much? - How much? - A bit - No you can do more than that. - Is that enough? - little bit more. - Chew it and see what happens chew it and see what happens. - Oh no that's nuts bro. - No it's a chip. - Oh. Shit. Oh no. - He just stares at me like "Dad help". - Just so you know, there is an own-team hottest chip card. - That's nuts bro I nibbled it. - Oh no, it's actually nuts, bro it's over for me. - Legit that's not a KSI reaction, that's a "I'm panicking, help". - Guys, Harry just ate the bit on the floor. (JJ coughing) - Oh man, it's fucked. - Again JJ? (group laughing) - Oh it's hot. It's hot. - Why wouldn't you wait? We could have got the card. - Oh Harry's done, Harry's done. - I can firm it, I can firm. - Why did you not wait? - I can firm it, I can. - We can get the card like real soon. - You'll do it again? - I'm fine, I'm fine. - Bro it's over for me. I can't even talk. - How you feeling? - You seemed to have calmed down a bit though. (group laughing) - Is it bad? - Fucking play. - Gimme a sip of the milk. (background chattering) - Harry your mum's a little slag. - Oh this one is a bit of a big one. - Go on then. - Own-team hottest chip please. Please. (dramatic music) - Is it hottest chip? - Hottest chip, hottest chip? - Open it, open it. (Ethan laughing) - What is it? - Own-team hottest chip. - You've done a bit. - I've already done a bit. I'm prepared to do another bit. - I've got more. - Honestly, I'll take a hundred chicken periods for that moment again. - Bro you can smell the heat, like you can actually smell the heat. - [Cameraman Charlie] How you feeling? - That was a big bite. - Big bite. - I rate you boy. - He always does it wrong. - Bro this is fucked, why have we done this? (Harry coughing) - Oh no. What's going on? Why did you bite so much? - He's not gonna firm it. - Fam that was a lot. - Why did you bite so much? - Why's it not getting better? - Oh, he's gone, he's gone. (group laughing) (Harry shouting) (Harry gurgling) - Oh it's so hot fam. - Boys we're losing, but I feel like us four are all winners. That's a foul, that's a foul. - I put nothing in that. I put nothing in that. - Go on, be smart. - Who wants to get turnt? Three shots. - They get to pick the alcohol. - To all the people out there, I'm the organiser of this video and I feel terrible. - It's okay. Ethan you're doing such an important job hosting. This video wouldn't be able to happen without your host. I'm being sarcastic, you're doing fuck all. - Thank you - Cheers. - The side with the chilli has gone red. Oh Harry. (group chattering) - All right, we have our alcohol, we chose vodka. - This is for Harry, cheers. Wait I'm going to the gym after this. ♪ We like to drink with Vikkstar, cause Vikkstar is our mate ♪ ♪ And when we drink with... ♪ - Shot number two. He's just knocking it back. Oh, he sips. He's aT-Rex. - I'm ropey. I'm very ropey. - Harry has declined the third one. - Why? - My stomach's in the bin. - Oh no. I have to go to the gym. - I have to drive - He has to drive and he's had a hot chip. - It's all you bro. - Sidemen videos before gym. - Fuck you mate. I just can't be arsed. - Sorry captain. (group laughing) - Sink it. - Love that Vikk. - Nice work. - Big gym sesh, big gym sesh inbound. - Come on Josh. Okay well, we're going to do one here aren't we? - Yep. - God sake. - Own-team, own-team. - Oh my word. Oh my word. - We've been handed a life button. - There is a God. There actually is a God. - Simon's turn. - Don't put too mush power on it. - Harry's wiped out lads. - Are you eating ice? - Sink it. - Shot. - You're my hero, you're my hero. - It's a new cue. - This guy is smart you know. - Nice. - Wax armpit - Oh I don't like this. Ah mate, just do it. I'm not looking forward to this at all. - Yeah, then rub it in. - Well that got rid of him, let's go. - Okay, ready? - No, no, no, no, no. - This'll work right? - Oi, hurry up man. - Just. Do it. - Didn't come off. - Oh, It did. - A little bit. That's fine. - Now his beard. - Please I've been growing this for 25 years. - We'll put this on Ebay. - Only a little bit of hair. - Tobjizzle hair. - If you want that, all you have to do is purchase something from "sidemenclothing", using the code, Tobi hair. And anyone who uses that discount code will be in a chance with winning that. - I survived. God loves me. I tell you. God loves me. - Gentle boys. - Gentle, gentle. Beautiful. - We out here. - Who wants to get cream pied? - Rather not. I'll do it. - No, no, no, I got you, I got you. - Are you sure? But that was nothing. - It's ight, I got you. - Whatever's next I'll do it but, I can't be arsed. - Shut up, you're not okay. I got this. I got this. Let's go champ. - How much are we talking? - Keep going. Just keep going. Nah keep going. - All right chill champ. Chill champ. Chill champ. Chill champ, chill. - Keep going. - Oh my God. My guy, my guy, my guy, my guy. Stop this. - That's a solid amount. I think. - Brilliant. - One of us, one of us. (group laughing) - That's really bad, that's worse than I thought. What do I do? What do I do? My face is dripping. My face is dripping. - What's the brand of whipped cream? Never known anyone to buy tip top squirty cream. - It doesn't look edible. - Amazon prime now. Quick delivery. Quick planning. Efficient. Yeah. Alright. Onwards. Will I just finish it? (JJ shouting) - If it's own-team... - Own-team. - On my God, it's own-team. - What is it? Own-team. - We're back outside. - Pied. - I got eight cans. I'm happy we got some more tip-top squirty cream. (group laughing) - This couldn't have worked out better with the own-team ones. We got the chip again and then the pie twice. - Well. - Lets go. Hey guys. How much should we use? - The whole can - No, no, no. Just a good amount. A small, good amount. Keep going. Yeah. A bit more still. Keep going. - I'm going to try and make it all in one area too. - Yeah, keep going. - Enough is enough. Stop. Stop. - No keep going. - Chill, what the fuck? Stop him. - How you feeling? Does anyone have a bit of deja vu? (group laughing) - Go update your LinkedIn. - One of us. - Did you say update my LinkedIn? - See you inside. - Can I have my YouTube towel back? - Vikk, they've all left us mate. You're just here by yourself with a pie face. - Its quite tasty. To be fair. Make it stop. Make it stop. This ain't it. - Just dead straight. - I'm gonna mess it up. - You can't, it's dead straight. It's dead straight. - I told you. - Mad. - I'm shit. I told you. Leave me alone. I'm just trying to avoid. - Fuck off. Fuck off. You ruined it. - Wait what's going on? - You're saying I'm trying to sabotage. - Yeah. Look. - if he pots this, I'll eat another chilli chip. - Pot the black. - Oh my word, what a sinker. - He's a pool shark, he's a pool shark. - Wear dirty underwear on head. - What? - I ain't going near yours. - All right. Calm then. - Oh my God. Oh. - Come on lads. - New sidemen bandanas coming soon. - Soft, soft. Yes. - That's a set-up. That's a set-up right there. - They put that one there for you mate. - Just don't fluff it mate. - No pressure. - He's fluffed it. - Bottom half of the ball, hit the bottom half of the ball Nice! - You hit that and then we got a black and we've won it. Come on. - There's only just enough dares in there. - It's not an own-team. It's a slap that is happy. - I'm just saying, one of our members is a fighter, so you should take it. You're used to being punched so you can take a slap easy. - Logan Paul fucked you up in two rounds. - I don't wanna be a snitch here or anything but I feel like Josh has not done a lot in. (group laughing) - Now you've said it, now you've said it. - My mans got a beard as well, that cushions it. - That was... - No it's fine, it's fine. - Hit the bottom half of the ball dead straight for the love of all that's holy, for the love of all that's holy. Yes! Come on! - Oh my God, let's go. - I'm just saying if one of our teammates wasn't an idiot. - I'd just like to point out that I'm shit at pool. Oh fuck off man. (group laughing) - Own-team eat a lemon. - They call me the citrus sideman. - I don't like that. - You don't like it? - Just eat it. - Just eat the lemon. - Oh, juicy. - Good lord, that's a bite and a half. I tell you what well done, man. - Boys, I think this is it. I think it's over. - The comeback. - Not like this. - That's fine. That's fine. (group screaming and laughing) - Fam it went up in the air and in. - Jesus. - He dunked it, he slam dunked it in. - This one. - This is a sing a cringey song. - Sing cringey song. - Twinkle twinkle, little star. Vikkstar will do the... - He's the cringey one here not Vikk for singing it. ♪ Twinkle, twinkle little star. ♪ ♪ How I wonder ♪ - I can't, I can't. ♪ How I wonder what you are ♪ ♪ Twinkle, twinkle little star ♪ ♪ How I wonder what you are ♪ I don't even know the words. - Up above the world so high, ♪ Up above the world so high ♪ - like a diamond in the sky ♪ Like a diamond in the sky. ♪ - No, no, no. This is dead. Do it again. What ya mean? What just happened? - Everyone's out here doing dares ya know, everyone's out here. - To be fair he did get slapped in the face with cream pie he's done his bit. - Imma finish this off. - No, no, no, no, we are red. - Oh - Oh my God. - He's hit it - That's a solid shot. - I'm actually dead at this game. - I reckon Tobi is gonna pull this out of the bag. - No I'm not. - Fam we're stuck in this loop. That was not keeping the white. - Oh this is Harry as well. - I said keep the white ball here. - Are you fucking serious? - You know who's fault it is if he pots this. - Harry please. - I'm dead. - I got you, I got you. Vikk help. - Yes! (upbeat music) - Okay boys what could it possibly be. - Own-team, own-team. - Oh nelly. The whole team has to walk on Lego. Wow. - Barefoot. - So that concludes another sidemen video. Thanks for tuning in. I'm sat here with the winning team. There's one thing left to do. - Easy money. - Walk on legos lads. - Toe to heel. - Toe to heel. - Just walk it like a tightrope. All the way, all the way. Oh he's got a bit stuck to his foot. - Fam! - Leave some for Josh. Josh jump on it. (clapping) - Thanks for tuning in. ♪ I wanna see you in slow motion ♪ ♪ Come stay the night we can stay up till its bright ♪ ♪ In the morning, got the top open come take a ride we can ♪
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 15,024,792
Rating: 4.9442806 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, Sidemen Sunday, Punishment Pool, Sidemen Punishments, Sidemen Forfeits, SDMN, SDMN Sunday, Sidemen worst forfeits, Worst Forfeits ever
Id: K33abKnKpEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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