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- Oh, I thought that was me. Bro, I just go scared by me. (scary music) - Whoa, why, oh. - You think you can hide from me? (laughing) - Today's Sideman Sunday is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Have you ever run out of shows to watch on Netflix? 'Cause I know I have, but they actually have tonnes more shows they're not letting you watch because they're only available to watch in certain countries. However with ExpressVPN, you can control where you want sites to think you are located in the world and you can choose from any 100 different countries around the world, giving you access to content that isn't available in your country or your region. - ExpressVPN lets you access thousands of new shows and movies on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, and many more streaming services, it's a no brainer. And it is so easy to use. Just fire up the ExpressVPN app on your computer or TV, select location and hit connect. This is how I did it to watch "Villain" on Netflix USA, wow. - So to get three months of ExpressVPN protection for free and watch all the shows that you want go to - Before the video starts, we want to say a huge thanks to The London Dungeon for letting us film there. All footage was captured as part of a COVID-secure shoot. (upbeat music) - Welcome ladies and gentlemen. I am Count Blackula. - He's not even a vampire. - Today, we are going to play a game. (laughing) You're in my dungeon. I wonder how you got here. I teleported you here. - What? - I have powers. (laughing) - He can teleport anyone anywhere? - Shut up, anyway, today we're going to play a game of hide and seek, ooh. - [Sidemen] Ooh. - How reliable. - You guys scared? I'm going to find you, but I'm going to give you five minutes, yes. That's more than that KSI guy gave. So, without further ado, hide away. - [Sidemen] Ooh. - Don't let me get you because I'm going to whip you hard, real hard. - Hey, hey chill man. Chill chill chill. - Are you doing the L-dogs? You taking a piss? Okay, we'll see. Straight up your ass. - Yeah, no one's hiding here. Would you try look at that. Vikk in a box. (crosstalk) - Vikk in a box. - Whoa. - Can you get your legs up? - Can you even do that? - No way. - No, he can't do that - No, I can't do that. - And Harry almost killed himself again. - That's a few traps, a few random things to get in the way. A little bit of fun. Hopefully my minions don't scare me. - It looks very bright here. That's why we have torches off. Wait until we turn the lights off. - It's this dark by the way. It's this and then it's this. This is what JJ was saying. This is what he's going to say. - It's dark. - Oh, hey, hey. Harry let's go. Harry went wild. - That was insane. - Harry you went scary. - Look at Vikk, Vikk's having heart palpitations, bro. - One minute has passed. Why did I say five minutes? - Come through there, come through there. - This is not, not through there though, not through there. - This one? - [Sidemen] Ah. - We got a friend in the hangers first. - I don't like these things. - She's got a penis around her neck. - What's that? - I'm going through, I'm going through. - Oh, all the way through. Oh God, how do we get through? - We've been locked here. - Lovely weather we're having. - We're half way through and we haven't hid. - None of us has hid yet. - Simon said we go hide, we go hide, we go hide. - No, one's hidden yet. - Where's your door? - Where's my what? - Your door? My Donny. - My door? - The door you were gonna hide behind. - Oh, yeah, where is it? - I think it's by the back, that whole line. - Why are you walking into me though? (Sidemen get surprised) - I'm trying to get a hiding spot. - Yo, where did she go? - Two and a half minutes have passed. Wow, this is taking a long time. - You can go back through that door. - Who wants to hide behind this little sack? - Oh, this is the pies. Ah, I think this is where to hiding starts. - Do I smell, who is small? - Me. - Vikk's small. Vikk is small. - Like in there. In there maybe. - Wait, everyone turn their light off. - Lights off, lights off. - It's quite light. Yeah, that's quiet light. - No, no, no. Keep moving, keep moving, keep moving. - Guys, guys, none of us are hiding. - You saying that but you aint hidden either bro. - No, cause I'm about to hide. - Have you ever farted in someone's face while they're sleeping? It's hilarious. Obviously they don't react, but you know what you've done to them. - Oh, I got first hand. - Stay, stay, stay, stay. - I want to hide. - We'll see you in a bit. - I'm so gonna get found here, man. The men stuck me at this hiding spot. - Someone's got to hide here. And that room is lit. - I'm down. - You will hide in the chair room. And someone to sit under there. - I might just hide, over that corner obvious thought, isn't it? - Can I get? - Who barked? - There's a dog. - Is there a dog? (Sidemen get surprised) - Hello doggy. What are you doing there? - This hiding spot is not good enough, man. They made me lower my standards. - I'm hiding behind electric chairs right now. I feel like there's no way he doesn't see me. Actually, it's hallowed. Look at that. You can't see. - I want to look at the pub. I want to look at the pub. - I fell like the further we go, we might be able to win. - Yes. - Which is why I'm keeping it walking. I haven't hidden yet. - Keep it moving, keep it moving. - All right, then there were four. - Harry, that's your spot. You said four, right? - With the prostitute? - You do love them frosty, right? - Oh, well I wouldn't that. Wait, hold up, I could be under the sheet. - You could. - Come on mate. - Lie next to her. - Wait, Harry what? You want to lie under a prostitute bro. - You want to lie under a prostitute. - Wait hold on. - You can fit under there bro, I swear to God. - [Random Person] Ready to play? - I love it bro, I love it man. I love it. - They're gonna get me. - I like that. - What was that, he just walked past me. He didn't even see me. - It's time to play. Ready or not, here I come. Oh. Whery whery art thou? - Bro, when you pay for an hour. Vikk, I swear, yeah Vikk. Nice bro. Get her my guy. - This is goals, this is goals. Wait, does this work? - Yes bro. That works. - That's so good. - All right, yeah. That works, yeah. - When I do it with my camera though, you have it under here with me. - Yeah, I think so. - So this is me. - Don't come from under there until you hear him. Yeah, Vikk, it looks great man. - Who wants to play? Are you in here? It doesn't open, I knew that. - The good thing about JJ seeking is usually you can hear him from a mile off. - Let's see if you've entered here. - Oh, these are just the toilets. I knew that. - Oh, get out of my pub. Get out of my pub. - The cheeky poop. Okay, we're in the pub. - It's lightening, Harry it's fine. J. - Oh yes, chains. I used to enslave all my men and women. I'm non binary. Inclusive. - Yeah, I'm just gonna get in here, let's do it fellas. (scary music) - You hear a thing. (scary music) - You think you can hide from me? Is this someone? You think you can hide, ah? It's just my dummy, that I still shake every day. - There's like material here. - Is there actually any alcohol here? - Oh my God, its alcohol. Oh my God, oh my God Ethan. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't break it, right? Yes. - Lads, there's space next to me, by the way here. - I don't want you, you fart too much bro. - Everyone's gone now. - I'm gonna hide in the trap doors behind you. - All right, do it. - [Random Person] Come alone. - Come back and find me. - We will. (Josh laughing) - It's you turn? Are you sure its your turn? - Are you sure? - I feel like someone was in here. God man, what's up with these people trying to scare me, man. Hey, yo, I'm about to knock one of them out. I swear to God. - Let me show you where Harry is. Okay, go in there, close it. Oh, I can't see. Harry's in there. And then if you want him to, come out Harry. - Tadaa. - Lovely. I want to sit in there though. I'm sitting here. - There is a lot of commotion in here. - [Random Person] Hi my puppet. - That's a trap door though. I mean that's another door. I can just hide on there, here with you for it'd be more fun. - That's why I love Josh. Come on. - It's not very comfy and its dusty. - Well, oh well. Sweeney, Todd bubba. Oh, it's dark in here. Oh, it's surely there's someone in here. Surely. Yes. I can smell your fear. - He's right there. - Yes, even the random person thought that was funny. - [Random Person] He's not in here. - What? Are you not automated? Talk to me random voice. before you all chat and now you want to be quiet. Yeah. Watch when I find you fam. - I'm not going to lie, I think this is a winning spot. - Harry's in there. Okay. (frightening sounds) Hey. (Josh laughing) - Off. - Hmm, it seems these guys are very good at hiding. One will we found and when I do, straight off the bum. - He already went past me. He went right past me. I could go back to the store and chill. I won't lie, boys, I'm quite bored. But do I want to risk going back and JJ spotting me? I think what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna go back and if I see him coming, I'll run back to this spot cause he's not gonna find this spot, I think anyway. - [Random Person] Told you he's not in there. - Nice. - Jesus Christ. Hello, is Josh not here? I'm trying to find Josh. Ethan, are you still there? Where did my friends go? Oh no, there was a boy that was a boy in here. Is he still here? - He is still here. - I'm going back. I thought I'd come and find you guys, but evidently it was never be, there's no room in here. - I'm free. I was on shitting on that hiding spot as well. - Any one here? (random person scares JJ) Okay. Nice, nice. That was good, you know what? He got me. - Well, I found my friends. However, there was no room for me to hide with them. So instead, I am here again. Ooh, Jesus Christ. - Okay, I don't think anyone's there. - I've got a pie, I just want a pie, I just want a pie. Can I interest you in the pies though? Meat pies for sale, all the pies. Finger pies. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - A mirror place, great, my favourite. I love mirrored places. Okay. Nope. - Hi friend. - What's good? - What's good bro? - Were you hiding in there the whole time? - Yeah. - Pretty sure that door just moved by itself. There must be someone behind it. Yep, I knew it, yeah. Thank you for that. - I was there and I heard him check. I heard him check all of the, like each at that far corner, he checked over there and one of the Donny's was like, he's not in here. I was like, that's my cheat, that's my cheat. - I don't know what to do. - If we sneak. - Yeah, let's fool around. - All right, we are gonna sneak. - We can't lose now, we've won. - Maybe he might get scared and come back. - Anyone here? (scary music) - [Ethan] Hey. - Okay. (scary music) Really? Come on. All right, is that the best you got? All right. I'm gonna, okay. - I cannot believe what just happened. - Bro, bro. He was poking me with a stick. - Where were you? - I was under the sheet with the prostitute. He was poking me with a stick. - Let me just continue sticking my thing in this. Okay. Okay. It's taken my, okay. - Where are you going? - I don't really know. - I say we follow him. - But the thing is, is he gonna turn back soon? - He will. Yeah, I think he will. If we can't find another hiding spot. - Yeah, that's what I'm doing. - Give me your phone. - [Ethan] Get out of my pub. - What? - [Ethan] Get out of my pub. - Get out of your pub? I just want some beer. - I prefer the cruise ship hide and seek I won't lie. I also prefer the, even the prison one was all right. I'm genuinely scared on this one. - Can I have some beer? - [Ethan] We're out of stock. Go to the next room. - You are out of stock? - [Ethan] Go to the next room. - All right, how about pina colada? - [Josh] Sorry puppet, it's not in here today. - Man, I'm scared of the actors. - Yeah. - One walked up to me and just said, I smell fresh meat. - Vikk meat. - I was behind the thing and one of them goes, I know there's a puppet in here. I was like, you don't know nothing. - Oh, I just get off mate. - Okay. What is that? - It's a drink. - One more drink. One more drink. Are you gonna come out here? Oh, perfect, thank you. Okay. - We should have just chilled. We should have just chilled in the backstage. - This is no, we can't do this. This is too unfair. He sucks anyways. - He stinks bro. - Great. That was fantastic. (Ethan mumbling) (Josh and Ethan laughing) - Oh, you found them. - Well, I think I thought one of them. - What you found, what do you mean? - I think I found one. - Who? - Only one puppet. - You. - You found me? - Yes. - I really hope it pains JJ, that he can't find any of us and three of us are just wandering around together, not even hiding. - Can I have my stick back? - I don't know where your stick is bro. - I'm pretty sure you took my stick. - Did I take your stick? Let me even look. There's your stick. There's your stick. - You with the stick. - There's your stick, bro. - What did you do to it? Did you eat it? - It's probably it's just stick. - Boys, I found another uncomfortable hiding spot. - That's where I was gonna lie. I used to fit into hiding spots like this. - My chest is too wide bro, my chest won't fit. - It looks like your face won't fit. - Why are you looking at me like that? - Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I'll support this? - What are you talking about? - Let me just randomly, let me just put this stick in here because there's no one else. - Well, I took it last time. Who's taking it this time? - Go on Tobi, lips in. - Lips in? - Yeah. - Mouth to mouth resuscitation thing? - No, no, no, just your lips. - Just lips? I aint got any lips. - He needs the kiss of life. - He needs the kiss of life. - Bro, he's got no lips. - Bro, he needs more than the kiss of life. - Bro, I took the stick. - The stick is gone now. I have no stick. I have no stick. I put it in the hole and now the stick is gone. Great. Mystery man, do you want to reveal yourself? The stick, I got the stick back. I got the stick back, goodbye. - Wallahi, that light just turned on. Did you push a button? - No, I think, I think the, the whoever's in this room with us, he's trolling us. - No, get me out. - I know they're there. Who's this, bro? - They have super powers bro. - Who's this? - We're not alone. - No one's there. - Well, which way do we go? - Who did we see, who did we see? - No worry. Try the double doors. - Well, hello. (Sidemen get surprised) - Can I get a fist bump? Can I get a fist bump? No, no, no, on second thought, you know what? It's cool. - You're welcome to come to chill in the curtain with us. - No, no, no, no, no, no. - Come on, yo, come chill. - That light wasn't on before. - We just chilling in here. This is where we have our meetings. Right, should we go continue find us somewhere to hide? - Oh well, hello there? Stick eater. - We got lost, so now we're backstage. - Did we come through here? - No. - No, this is just gonna take us back to, that way it goes back to where we just were. - Right, we've got to be able to work this out. - What the? Three of the smarter Sidemen. - Oh. - Oh, you've missed the whole section. You missed like three rooms there. - Oh, well. - How the did he get all the way to us? You got us and you by-passed three rooms. We're at the end. - This is the end? - There's one more room. We were the last two. - Yeah, we did come through here. Yeah, we did. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, so this is the start. - We're back at the start. - All right. - Okay, so now what? It's like that scene in "Finding Nemo". - The others must be hidden well. - Bro, we weren't hidden well. - All right. Very guilty, yeah? - Let me guess, someone's in here. - Whoa! Whoa! - This is my guide. - Oh my God bro, I just my pants. Oh, I just my pants. - You know what? I'm all right. - Oh, I just my pants. - These are his parts though. He told you it's his parts. - We should follow him. - Can you see that I'm on cams? - No, it's the next one. - Tobi's on cams. He's the imposter. - No, one's dead and you're on cams. Don't sweat bro. Don't sweat. - Why does this feel weird, this section? Okay. Are we getting judged right now? - That was in the other room. That was a cold house. I think that's, there's stuff in here. - Okay. Well, I definitely heard the noise. - I think that was the speaker lad. Get out, get out bro. - My God, I escaped. My God, I escaped, I escaped, I escaped, I escaped, I escaped I escaped, I escaped, I escaped. - Freedom. - Yeah, that's the exit. So look, that's to show you how far you got. - Bro, you got to the end. - We got to the end. Sorry guys. - This is why me and Ethan were under the bar thinking we're fine. - Bro, you bypassed us all. - I escaped him. I escaped, I escaped, I escaped, I escaped. That was me, bro, I just got scared by me. Can I find a friend? - Harry's gone away. - Wait, JJ. - Yes. - I swear this door wasn't open last time so someone must've been in that secret room cause the door's open. - We're in a cell. - Yeah. What? Josh run, Josh go. Josh go, Josh go. Josh go. Josh run. - How did he actually just run off. - Can I get one of the, - Little one. - The finger pie specials please? - Cream pie? - No finger pie. - Oh, this one. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. What kind of fingers do you want, sir? - Can I get an exotic please? - Who is there? - So where is everyone? It's Harry. Hello, hello boys. Boys, boys, boys, I was hiding in this little cupboard thing and I hear him like walk in the room, him even Josh walking to where I was, I opened the back of the room, boom, just hit the door. He's got Josh and Ethan. - Which way was he? - Right there past the bar. We can go. - I mean there's not much that way. There isn't much. We've got to get away from that. - We got time. He's all the way at the end. - Hey. - You thought I'd run. I won't run. - He thought I'd run. - What are we gonna do? Where are we gonna hide? - I don't know, there's nowhere to hide this way, bro. - Yo. How are we here? - You're too scared. - Shut up. - You're scared. You scaredy cat. - It's dark. - Should I just sit in the corner? - Tobi hides behind the double door. - If it works, man you're a legend. - Let me try. - See the whole block next to it, yeah, hit that. - You've been judged. - Yeah? What have I been judged for? - Watching porn. - Is he guilty or not guilty? - Guilty. - Oh wait, that's a crime? - I'm gonna stay like this. There's no way this works. If this works, I'm the king of hide and seek. - Get that door, mate. - I just don't want to be in here anymore. I won't lie to you, it feels as if I'm in a nightmare. - I told you, I told you I heard the door, bro. - Where can we hide? Where can we hide? - [Random Person] Where can you hide? - Oomps, oomps, oomps. - Come on. - Oomps, oomps, oomps. - Lyrics, lyrics. - I got a big dick. And I'm called lucky though. - Come on. - I'm gonna shake your mom, then I'm gonna suck it out. - I'm gonna sit here by the pumpkins. - Oh my goodness. Just stop and hide there. - I keep hiding in the loudest rooms which is good cause I can make noise and I can talk to you about under the volume. But its bad because I can't hear them coming. - Shut up. - Chill out. - Well, its dark in here. Where have they gone? Where have they gone? - Shut up. - It's the pumpkin, not me bro. - Shut up. Pumpkin. - Oh they fully just, great. Yeah. Okay. All right, it's this way. I'm getting trolled, ain't it? - I think we can go meet him. Confused the out of him. - Okay. Nice. Every time. Like, what were you doing over there? Why were you there? There's literally nothing here. Are you reading this? Why was he here? - Don't break it. You can do your, mute the sound wave, your favourite, you're dancing move, your favourite dance moves. - This is a bit offensive. I'm gonna stop this. - Why is it so dark in here? - I'ma swear, he just walked past me. I'ma swear, he just walked past me. - We got to go backwards. Let's go to the start. - The start? - Here, come, come, come, come, come. Come hurry, hurry. Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick. - This cave is quite annoying. Which way did I come from? Okay. Okay. Where did you two go? (Ethan and Josh running) - I've just see Ethan and Josh. I think Ethan and Josh escaped. Like either, I've won, I don't care, I've won. (Ethan and Josh and Tobi laughing) - We had fun. - Did you enjoy yourself? - I had a great time. - Wait. That's a new person. - Bro, have you not found anyone else? - It's just you three. - Are you taking a piss? - I think Ethan's run away again. - Hey, let me show you where I was. Let me show you, come, come, come, come, come. - I thought you were done and that's why I hid there. - Oh wow. - Word. - All right, let me show you my hiding spot. Simon was hidden there. - Oh, for God's sake. Simon was here? - Yep. Tobi was hidden here. - Oh my God. - Yeah. - Tell me when you passed sort of everyone. - You've gone past Vikk and Harry as well. - I think we follow them. - Okay. - They'll protect us. - For now. - What? - I've been hiding in hindsight for the last like 20 minutes. - Oh, you poked Vikk with a stick. - I poked Vikk? - You poked Vikk with a stick. - Oh my God. - He was under the sheet with the prostitute. - No. I honestly poked him so many times. Why'd he move? No. - You just get to the good stuff, is that what it is? - A little bit, right? - Tobi, we were hid under the bar and he didn't open it at all he just poked. He just poked it until we started pissing ourselves, get out of my pub. - Yeah, there's someone here. - We can just chat. We can get to chat again? - We could but you wouldn't find me. - Yeah, I think people if they knew it. - Where are you going? Where are you going? - Is Vikk is hiding in the back area. - Hey you good. - In here, is anyone in here? Hey Simon. - Keep going, keep going, hide. - Where'd he go? - So you come through before? - Yes. - Yeah, all right. So you can short cut in and out rooms. See? - Oh, hi Josh. - I found one. - There he is. - It's too bad. - Hell. - You. - Did you go back roads? - I used it once. - And you might've missed two people run that way. - Just now? - Harry's like Harry's kind of diet. He was like, I'm gonna stay here. - That's why I sat in it. - They just had enough dissecting the venues 10 hours. - Come here fam. - What's going on? - Oh my God. - You just left the punk. (Ethan laughing) - You just let him go. He's that way. He's not very good at seeking. - Shut up. - So you'll check every single corner. Someone could be in there, a prostitute you know? Someone could be under the sheets. - Oh my God. That's actually, oh my God. - Oh wait, he's gone. - I literally poked this so many times. No. - I'm staying here. Just don't look at me, all right? - Well, he's just gonna stay there like that as well. - Come on fam, where are you? - [Random Person] It's getting warmer. - Shut up. - Did they find you in the spot? You sit behind the door. - No, I sat in the corner and everyone walked past me. - Me and Josh were running away again. - Hello there my G. - Hello brother. - Oh Vikk saw me and Josh and went, I'm just winning bro. - Who's been found? - I got found. - Has he not been found? - I have not been found either. - How many times have I gone through here? Jesus Christ. (Simon humming) - That's your favourite old school like church tune. - I know I saw tik-tok about top 10 primary school songs. - Well then, there you are. Oh you. Found him. Piece of shit. Sake. That's it. Simon, oh there he is. (Sidemen laughing) I wanna die. I hate this. - You know when you found out. - I was literally right there. - Oh my God. This is a hour. I hate this. - So I guess, well done, you won JJ. You know, you poked Vikk with a stick? - Yeah. I caught him anyway, I literally was poking you with the stick. - You didn't know it was me? - I dint know it was you. - You were poking me. Okay, so you were hitting me here, here, here, here. I'm like, no balls, anything, but you so nearly round by my balls. You didn't know? - Bro, I didn't know you were there. - I thought you were like tormenting me. - No, I was just like, I was poking hard cause I was like, oh, surely like if there was someone here they would make a noise or something. - Bro, you so nearly hit my in my head and hit my balls, so nearly. That was hilarious. - This is an L for me. I didn't feel like I won. - Yeah you didn't. You didn't. (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 7,023,231
Rating: 4.9699721 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: 9NLjHE_vP4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 9sec (2229 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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