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[Music] we have sidemen easter eggs collect the different sidemen on the side of the box on the 27th you can get these bad boys don't miss out simon has actually hidden four of these in this house there's five of us searching for them oh no don't do that it's a beautiful egg look at that look at the integra structural integrity they're gonna be they're gonna be five of us looking for four eggs if you don't find an egg you are out there will then be three eggs two eggs one egg the last person who finds an egg will win ten thousand pounds all right we need to hide four of them i think one maybe let's see they're quite big that's the issue josh isn't here today no one else is above six foot so i feel like that like i'm struggling to reach that so how are they going to get that i feel like i need to leave it a little bit obvious you've got to remember that they're all short see there now you've got now you've got vicks for you can you see it no see all right we're going to take one upstairs oh wait is there a way i could put this in there yeah like that and then lift it that is a banger that is a banger okay maybe one up there and one outside that's what i think okay surely not surely i can't put this it won't even touch the wall would it just it's done it's done that's the upstairs one now we go outside all right final one we have to be outside now do we go like in a random bush i think that's too too extreme so i reckon we just chuck it under one of them it's pretty obvious but we like it okay that one like that you ain't seen that and that's done round one let's play again okay i'm thinking of a number lads no you don't yeah this isn't fair simon you think of a number you think of a number i'm thinking of a number between one and a hundred sixteen sixty-nine seventy-two forty-one eighty-four one you can't guess twice okay you guessed 16 you were furthest away okay i need to find an easter egg off you go harry yeah well you're good all right sweet i'm just going to get my brother's last alrighty there i'm upset with my performance that was greedy you know that was great i wasn't i wasn't feeling on the rules of one vote i wasn't i didn't know i had so many two i knew i had one vote i already used it wisely what would you have guessed i love it you've gotta have one in the garden surely uh in the barbecue would be a great hiding spot nope okay they're no fun there has to be one upstairs there has to be okay i'm gonna go sabotage no it did fall over but it's the second time time to look for some eggs it's time to look for some eggs [Music] i'm gonna look for some nice eggs would it be a sidemen video if we weren't just like rummaging around someone else's house five four three two one going all right all right boom outside i reckon who's gonna find one first toby's gonna find my first token help well i should hope so yes exactly there we go yes how do i get up here how do i i don't have the height for this wait have you seen one oh you're bob no no that's right it's mine no i found it i found it get off the table let me just simon i found that again oh no no go away go this is my egg bro you have your new yes yes hi piss off i'm taking outside now [ __ ] off oh no ethan's joining me i feel like i'm like the weekend meeting dislike he's i don't think he's put one in the garden he has to but there's no way he wouldn't put one in the garden well you know what i'm going inside fellas i'm gonna have to go inside as well i can't believe my eyes there's one out here that's bro yeah i thought that but no there has to be these are little white things on the floor in the middle of the garden [Music] under one of them that's so sick you're sick you're a sick guy i am so confused mito bug i'm so confused bug i think we've been swindled um hey i'm guessing there's one in here all right this bedroom here this is a cool bedroom uh there is no egg to be seen though a little toilet well this has potential what about this toilet i knew it would pay off at the end are they looking the toilets will pay off yes yes jj was looking at all the rules oh mate i've been checking every toilet i've gone i'm like surely not the toilet and finally it's paid off but i was here oh i've been so close every time two remote there's still two oh my god wait why's the october josh on it the stinkers that's why they're in the toilet wow am i dumb stupid or dumb no they're really good hiding spots you will do well to find these do you know where they are toby i do and i'm not saying anything all right do you guys want a clue yeah please well i'm just gonna take out one area okay there are no more upstairs so you don't have to worry about upstairs at all you've got still not farming out there no that's poor i did not find one out there no is that it but i now have knowledge that there may be one out there um i've got british i'm going to hurt myself as if you had that feeling about five minutes ago you would have found an egg that was one was in the toilet if there was one under there i would hate you i would hate you so much gonna lift it first back left one left at first cute little rabbit hey what's up rabbit oh you little kid jj is distracted so that that makes my life supposedly easier okay i've got to go i've got to go i simply have to go if we lose to a guy who's going for a dump mid-search yeah yeah that's that's enough no i've already checked in there don't worry bro ah [Music] [Applause] this man will never stop betraying me i was just like yo i've already checked in there and then i saw i was like oh [ __ ] i haven't checked there there is one there's one there wait shall i tell you guys another clue do you want to know yeah this is scumbag yes the game bro is not outside and it's not upstairs all right so you have a very like small area to work on shout out these bad boys man okay where's the [ __ ] egg i'm so humid i'm megan megafumi it's a [ __ ] egg bro where is this egg oh i just want the egg i kind of want to like keep zoning it down like come on man like a battle royale you want another zone yeah what's the next zone it's not in that like where con is now it's not past that it's not past that you have a very small zone you listen we know it's a small zone fella we're looking in the small zone somebody just got very close i wonder who it was somebody got so close should we do uh cold or i was thinking that but i reckon leave it a little bit let them scare you around this is pain this is you guys want a smaller zone not really because it just makes that seem dumb just do it no no no no no i don't care about being dumb i don't care about being dumb don't tell him tell me i don't care about not being no it's fine i want to know it's not behind me so it's not in the kitchen so you now literally have this hallway in this living room that's it it's also not here it's also not in front of me so you literally have this narrow pathway is that is this in the wrong thought i put my hand in first i'm touching it i'm touching the box okay [ __ ] i put my hand in about first you gotta get in the room oh [ __ ] you can still win he can't get it even he can't get it you can still win drapes in his oh all right three to hide you've used some really good space to have obviously the rug was elite what about this is a bit of a basic [ __ ] one but down there that's good it's open like that you'll see this and you might go like that and you can't see it there's another rug here i got one left they're both here they're somewhere in the toilet again shall we all right yeah sure ethan is thinking of a number between one eight and fifty forty nine eight twenty five eight uh seventeen eight okay it was forty two so he is the closest you're right i'm old he's first to leave twice now almost second last time he's in the garden boys who knows all right um let's get it started in here it's time to go all right i'm out into the wild again we're not having shockers like last time no fighting for the boxes now they wouldn't put it in with the rabbits would they hello geezer have you hidden an egg anywhere have you hidden an egg no actually why are they putting right now rabbits don't lay eggs what am i talking about would be a chicken wouldn't it come on toby do you want to go no i'd see you in it you weren't going to let you go yeah i know i wasn't going to let you go i might have all right okay [ __ ] you i'm checking behind the summer house again this is exactly where i'd hide it if it were up to me i would hide it behind here somewhere ah but they have not seemingly done that where where is the almighty egg because i was gonna do a pull-up oh yeah that's a beast that's a beast look at this beast welcome to bees so so there is there's one outside right oh yeah 100 actually upstairs of course it's not in like cobblers and stuff right i haven't been checking bro look for your [ __ ] egg but i thought we weren't supposed to be honest [Music] he sniffs out food like his life depends on it you know it is yeah you can hear it speak to me first where'd he find it he found it actually uh vic would you understand in here i checked behind this door it was here under this i checked behind there man my tactic worked all right i don't want to look in this toilet because bez just went to the toilet here oh my oh my god it stinks jesus christ ethan that toilet honks bro i know jj you want a clue yeah not up there there is none upstairs [ __ ] i'm looking in the garden again i refuse to be beaten by is it in here is it the place that i looked originally the first time which keep asking questions you can keep asking questions i'm talking to myself but is it in the barbecue it's not in the barbecue oh my god he's hitting another one in the toilet what's wrong with this car simon why did you keep putting easter eggs in the toilet what's wrong with you i looked in the gym where was it in the toilet in the toilet it was sitting in the final one has been found literally in the same spots but like did the toilet give it away so yeah yeah same but definitely three remain two eggs left oh where are we going i want to put my it's my favorite spot but no one ever looks at it i don't know if they do look or not but okay um i was going to put it in the barbecue i mean they can probably hear you sorry okay well i won't put the barbecue then i hope you know that i looked in the barbecue as well three whacking top bins no just hide it in top bins oh yeah because that's hidden yeah that's classic is that hidden no no not at all mate we're saying wait oh [ __ ] oh that was really cool all right so not the top bit you're saying that's a bad a bad shout out i mean it was very obvious okay so let's throw it in the tree no no no i'll bog yeah don't know what yeah all right crossbar this one's going inside oh oh no oh for [ __ ] sake oh no yeah the wind is an issue yeah the wind don't worry i'll go i'll get up again i'll forget it's worth it but what if the wind could do like an outside round shall we is this one this one's landing crossbar there we go okay so where should we go for this one i've been put on the rabbit cage like the back nice all right belter all right semi-final you three this is a special outdoor round only don't open the rabbit pen yo just had to check you never know yeah that's my guy thank you that that's so good it's like proper swiss chocolate though it's like proper swiss chocolate vic's bush camping pass it on big bush camper yeah did you see it oh my god i saw jj run over and i thought you'd found it i get nabbed i'm always close you would have seen that if you'd have been a bit quicker as well well i was just being thorough jj if you can hit the crossbar you're getting hit [ __ ] it yeah all right one go each actually it's gonna don't if you're kicking out just you a clue yeah okay if he kicks out he loses oh my god so bad go on vic go yeah bro if i had a garden like this as a kid i'd be so gassed what too yeah this is sick this is so safe oh no yes we owe them a ball well the kid's going to come up from school and start crying now your boss's ball bro i think there's a bit you can get me would you but i hope there is i think there is getting a bill probably hit the base you know yes down narrow it down yeah and down it's yeah it's not past that wood i've got the next clue so it's here yeah yeah that wood there i've got the next clue it's this side oh definitely let's keep it up oh keep it up all right after his hands keep up the search i hate how they're just playing football wow i'm here we can see a wild vic and ksi looking for that evening meal what i've no idea don't do it to embarrass oh he's look he's only gone a dollar too do we give him another clear yeah it's higher than me what you got jordan's on there you jump like that don't do that again take those off bro how do you get jordan [Music] jordan no ezra oh my god wow i've seen it you have to get it right yeah if you don't have it yet there you go all right you gotta be quick make sure you don't get it don't throw the ball over i'm gonna get just shake it right a little bit bro a little bit give it a jiggle oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh here comes the wrap [Music] all right this is the final jjv toby we have one egg hmm i feel like we have to give jj an advantage here toby's too yeah we now have that room remember oh yeah in that room in the box with all the other drag through this restaurant yeah literally just put it on the sofa in here just here yeah there it is there it's just there that's it that's it that's it oh my god final round myself and your boy ksi you're a boy ksi i don't even know how i'm at the final firm because you've browned the eggs before everyone else yeah well it's like the loser of every egg versus the winner of every egg all right there's one egg one egg outside it's not outside yet one egg an egg egg go it's blue because we're all sat on the table it's not it's not okay glucose glucose speak to me i think you tried to you've done this small really yeah yeah right right right where you are funny you know you know funny mountain oh god right in here no yeah in that bit i mean yeah there's no egg room done though found it if this doesn't count then well what's it tell you it's not fair well i got the egg first yeah i was like you guys would definitely try to oh yeah yeah eat it [Music] there you
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 3,862,133
Rating: 4.9784288 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: ilQzFk2T4kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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