SHE'S REAL!? Asmongold Reacts to Fan-Made Memes | Reddit Recap #32 (FFXIV Special)

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yeah somebody did show me they found a former blizzard employee in final fantasy 14. when i speak to you i expect your full attention i'll teach you how to behave okay all right that's i was wondering which direction they were going to go in but that that would be i guess that makes sense yeah sure okay onwards t with no veterans listen are we really saying that i'm getting carried less being carried though people feel like i'm being carried i don't think that i'm really up i i don't i i don't think i think that i'm doing my job i am doing what i need to do am i playing perfectly no am i playing close to perfectly no but i am doing enough i'm doing okay all right guys keep that in mind first off i want to bring up the elephant in the room all right i'm a realistic person okay nine trying to kill the hype ain't trying to kill the kill the okay but all these that are like cheering them on and or some of these when he does you cobb he is definitely capable of clearing you cobb when he clears you cobb there's gonna be some that are gonna be super salty and they're gonna be super pissed because that's what this community does that's what this community does one right now they're like oh yeah have fun have fun but it happened to dyrus it happened to scott it's happened it i from from what i understand it started happening to zeppo when she cleared tea yeah i saw that they're really salty man yeah really salty and they're gonna and they're gonna start saying like oh he got carried oh streamer privilege oh never that never happens to me i don't know what i don't know what he's talking about here's what happens right is so like yesterday for example people said because i've read feedback right it's saying that like the raids are they're too easy because i'm playing with people that have already done the raids and because of that uh we don't wipe for seven hours and you know they don't like it as much so i thought to myself all right it and i'll do the mogul mug with only people who have never done a fight before and i do that and people still find a reason to explain why i'm getting carried and i feel like at a certain point i i can't like what do you like there's a certain i feel like it's not even about the way that i play it's about the time that it takes me and if we clear it and we figure it out faster than the way they figure it out personally they will say that i got carried some someone actually thought that they typed it out on their dumbass keyboard yeah i'm gonna message the streamer that's what they did wow content creator 2021 starter pack my thoughts on the recent allegations we're quitting wow that's one finally pulls the trigger and plays final fantasy rich's descent delaula fell madness no king rules forever has final fantasy 14 kill world of warcraft fat boss tv last uploaded seven months ago 15 years of wow versus one year final fantasy 14. yes it's been very sad it really has been i'll definitely agree with that uh i'm i'm embarrassed honestly to see how bad it's got but that's the way it goes man let's see here when asthma gold steps out of a quest instance in final fantasy 14 at the clown college you know there's something that's just funny about the that it literally says clown college invite me to pt and i'll draw you you slaughter porn what the what the is this oh my god damn look at this oh my wow what a what an interesting uh what an interesting little adventure that we're having here today gentlemen you're in yeah that looks this one actually does look really good i'm gonna be honest guys this is great what is this reddit now yeah i feel like this red it's about three days away from just posting straight up hentai uh let's see here when's the wedding mario luigi princess oh get the out of here get the out of here no we're not gonna do all right the summit's mustache look this is the mario and luigi part is really good but do i really have to be princess peach are you kidding me dude it's cannon i hope not as i'm preparing for fan fest okay um let's go ahead and uh yeah i'm gonna ban this person from the chat uh we're gonna ban them from pretty much everything i think that probably abandoned from life uh just in general from posting anything on the internet again i think that's a very smart idea what do you guys think it seems like a very very good idea i like that a lot what is this here embracing weebiness for boobiness asthma go bald what the okay this is not look as i said this whole idea that like the cat girls or furries i we really have to get over this because i really do mean guys i really mean this i'm not joking or around cat girls are not furries this is literally a female girl that just has weird ears on her head and a tail okay it's completely different it's a dragon girl oh i'm sorry i wasn't paying that good of attention okay yeah that's great now i do like the uh the way my character looks my character looks amazing i love it aoc yeah there we go look at this uh ashes of creation intrepid studios and the ashes of creation communities support you enjoy lunch and stay strong this is really cool uh i think this is so nice man so obviously all the blizzard employees staged the walkout yesterday because they're tired of uh of being molested by the executives at the company i know that sounds crazy and being mistreated in general and uh they staged a walkout and uh you know steven and everybody there over at the intrepid studios nationals creation uh went over and they decided to uh to really kind of give them some support uh good king mogul mog whenever he sees palm flare or palm hallway being casted listen everybody thought this boss was gonna completely defeat us everybody thought this boss was going to stop us and you know what it didn't even put a dent it didn't even put a dent in our progression asmond you need to kill them in order asmond listen to the song asman i want you to understand something guys this right here is genuinely how i feel like i i really feel but the one thing that i'm missing here is a crying baby in the back seat rich is in the back seat yeah sure with a booster seat of course what if we use 100 of our brain the faster we kill it the faster it dies what is this here asmr it's time for my 4pm daily and it's time for my daily semping it's yourswada oh this is me this is actually good is that accurate boys what do you think yeah they even got the tendril exactly that makes it even better jesus christ like what is this thumbnail how did this even there's no way we're watching this one man holy blizzard found a way to approve for people i saw this i saw this do you know how it's not real do you know why it's not real it's because it's a reskin and they'd never sell a reskin on the store mount that's how you know it's on the story you know it's fake because it's a reskin that's the only that's the way you know that it's fake i'll be right back yeah i'll be right back um okay anyway let's go back over and we're gonna try to find uh find out what this article is okay uh give me one second uh team asman for the gold [Music] wait what subreddit am i on wait what yeah what's separated am i on man i'm a little bit confused here so let's go back over here and we'll look at this no fine i've never seen it got deleted god damn it okay yeah that's the way it goes this is why i quit go women yay we need more players like this willing to quit the game in order to show uh support the abused women me who quit because i was bored with the game this is true actually this is very true uh i'm sad to say this but um i think there's a lot of people that feel this way oh no [Music] no no man no i the thing is like look man this is not cat girl fan lala fell enjoyer no bro like i don't want to hear about this at all like the there's nothing wrong with liking the cat girls the cat girls are completely normal they're completely fine liking the cat girls is as normal as it gets in final fantasy at least your furry no it's not being a furry if azmon's raiding team was an anime anubis sea lion oh my god [Music] look at that is that dom there it is man holy this is crazy i love this thank you very much whoever made this is a literal god man swedish fish is that swedish fish i didn't even realize that oh my god family yeah obviously man that is so cool whoever did this i really do appreciate it thank you so much thank you thank you thank you bill of course swedish fish what am i like oh what was i thinking i was like what is this yes swedish fish it's the fish jesus christ okay cat girl cosplay uh eureka tank armor from dead hive weapon yeah this is like i always do respect uh i do respect people that actually do cosplays like this obviously there are some cosplays that are basically uh just lingerie which i actually think are completely fine i'm totally okay with that i want to make sure everybody understands that that is totally fine with me but also the real cosplays the legitimate ones like this and uh you know the ones that they could spend like hundreds of hours into and stuff like that that's really impressive to me too okay it's definitely impressive uh xenos is asthma's brother confirmed what is this look there's no way dude look look that's literally the same person literally the same person dude i when i dude i was 30. i was 30 years old i was 30 years old this is what i look like at 30 years old [Laughter] [Music] dude literally the same person man that's so crazy so crazy you got a few more years baldy nah man it it's gonna listen uh my hair is gonna start growing back man maybe if i'll take fish oil pills my hair is going to grow back i'll i'll send an email to alex jones and i'll tell him what supplements i'll ask him what supplements i should buy to get my hair back man it's okay but honestly like seeing that like yeah i mean he looks like an idiot with his hair right and like does that mean that i look like an idiot with my hair because let's be honest the guy looks great with bald with a beard he really does he looks great so it just does actually give me a bit more confidence i'm gonna be completely honest yeah i will actually be on this gives me way more confidence than the photoshops of people saying that it looks good okay that's one thing to keep in mind what is this here chad trio this face app thing as i said it's so weird because i still think that i look weird i still think that i do like that's how bad it is man is that even whenever you take a face app that's supposed to make you more attractive i still look like a weirdo the great battle of bathroom oh this is cool what is this like final fantasy v wow those are the good days man those were the good days i'll tell you that i love this i'll be completely honest with you guys i love this i think this is so it's very nostalgic for me like i grew up playing secret of mana like a lot of these games and i i don't know like super mario rpg etc and seeing something like this is very cool for me it really is i love it let's see here stop looking at her dude look at my eyes it's temporary uh where's the original picture uh where is the original picture let's see is there a comment um uh that that i don't know what that that ema that i i don't know what that is okay yeah never mind top comment yeah yeah are you suggesting cat girls aren't mounts oh jesus oh this cat oh my god okay listen guys it's not it is what it is okay let's just say that it is what it is all i'm saying is look at her dude look at my eyes champions cat girls are temporary but mounts are eternal yeah again they could be the same thing then we're going to watch the mad season video okay but okay all right let's go ahead we'll just get back down to here beware of the dementors in chat oh i see it's even accurate to how big look that's great look at that i'm impressed guys really really well done there did someone do this joke already look at all these chickens no i haven't dextero article on drama around asthma opinion of new world and there are people on uh i'm very disappointed in the new world community because they're making excuses for bad game mechanics do you know what happens whenever you make excuses for bad game mechanics you get a bad game that's what happens so how's final fantasy going bro this is the dream team right here this is the actual dream team look at that bro we need to get it dude i need to get anubis on my friends list man fraternity criticize rack division bush okay okay that bro if somebody was criticized for that that's bad like oh man that's really really bad let's be honest accurate list of wow killers powers powers that be activation blizzard world of warcraft itself and the california government [Music] jesus christ i don't even know what to say man i really don't even know what to say i guess that's probably accurate i i'd put tara and rift a couple steps under that i honestly think that elder scrolls online and guild wars 2 i think elder scrolls online is a good game i think guild wars 2 is i don't really like guild wars 2 that much but a lot of people like it i would put these two below that i would definitely say so arcade cage is gonna be good too okay here's our chat guidelines everything outside of the game is a spoiler as i said i feel like my chat is so overwhelmingly against spoilers that y'all would tell me that it's a spoiler to pre-order end walker because i could see the cover of the box final fantasy is only difficult because the classes are needlessly complex and the raids are boarded with mechanics wow difficulty is more genuine since it's based on gear checks whereas final fantasy difficulty is artificial since it's gate kept by skill very true very very very true that's a very good point i agree with that yeah i mean imagine like dude having a gate kept by skill just so it's like this weird like you know stupid ass like dumb thing like oh it's skill based like what does that even mean bro like what the does that even mean like oh skill based yeah right it's probably not the real reason but it's fun to move back a bald dude got mad at wow no more afk cack rolls in limsa end of the chair meta yeah uh that that's about right what's this here the chart asthma is looking for which i think we agree with oh the furry chart yeah yeah i mean girls with the cat ears is not the same thing as that right there bro like it's just not the same thing what's this here he broke up with me uh boys my modem broke i'ma be honest i was at a low point last night i was at a low point last night it was a bad bad time it was a time that was the opposite of good you know they said it's the best of times is the worst of times this was the worst of times and it was also the worst of times it was just really really bad it sucked dick and so yeah that's about where i was at it was awful i was so mad and yeah that's all it is snowflake report oh it's fine who gives a uh let's see here enough screwing around boys it's top time he went damn dude damn dude look at that look at that look at that dude yesterday i was actually gonna farm out the axe from baphomet but i didn't get a chance to do it it's unfortunate because i really did want to get the axe it looks great but i'll do it soon i call it asmon brow bro there's nothing to it though like this is just literally like i don't know about this it's just a picture of me i feel like i have enough pictures of my face you know it's a gift no no no i'm not gonna add that there's no way i'm gonna add that bro like there's not a chance that shit's gonna happen bro no because people are gonna spam that all the time it's gonna make me self-conscious insecure about it like oh man am i am i doing it again am i doing it all bro i'm doing it again like what is this the epic reaction to the bathroom raid what's this here [Music] i'm gonna be honest this was so cool okay all right moving back in this was so [Music] cool okay oh it was so bad ass man do it all right i'm doing it look at that it's up holy like the music shift like the color shift everything oh my god i did it boys it's just so bad there he is i'm back on him i'm back on him i got him that's whenever i die okay holy i i love it man i absolutely love it and to think that raid is years old man that's what's so nuts about it that that raid is years old man that raid came out in like 2 000 and like that was like wad that's like wad times man and they brought that out it's on another level man i'm gonna be honest it really is on another level i think that transition is probably cooler than like any wow transition a boss has ever had 4chan reaction to asthma gold completing coils of bafflement what is this here why is it so kino uh what the it's 10 years old not even mythic garrosh was this epic that face when you just recep to wow a week before it died even the guys playing toontown online are laughing at us game fuel lala ig flight i'm literally crying i'm crying over the fact that i wasted my life now bros we lost wait a minute you're telling me that i could play a realm reborn all these raids and heavens were without spending a single cent how is while getting dabbed by a ps3 era content being done on 256 megabytes of ram you know what that's a good goddamn question isn't it that's a that's an interesting perspective this is harder than 9.1 raid it had better music mechanics and visuals better rewards everyone does it as happier writing is infinitely better get a cinematic on cut scene on par with an expansion trailer wait in final fantasy 14 you could just dye your gear whenever you want no you didn't see that wait you mean to tell me that wow has a dye system that doesn't let you die at will how does that work the devs diet for you and release it as new content that doesn't sound good that doesn't sound as good as uh that doesn't sound as good as uh whenever i think about it you know like whenever they just say it like that it kind of gives me a little bit of depression you know a little bit a little bit of depression a little bit i gotta go lay down a little bit uh i've got to go eat a mcdouble so i can die faster the bathmat fight was the best raid boss i've ever seen in any mmo see this is what really gets me man look at this bottom one right here experiencing finance before time uh limit breaking and getting by baphomet's oncorn realizing this is just the base game content and there's three amazing expansions that just keep getting better and better that's i think that's why i made this expression it wasn't because the baphomet fight was awesome it's because i knew that i had so many more of them to look forward to sir bald warrior damn this is good too look at this oh my god wow so many of these pictures are just so well done man they're so well done i love them uh sea lion every time asthma invites them to raids oh oh i remember watching this movie with my dad back in back i was like nine years old i watched this movie with my dad yeah yeah that's about right man all right i'm gonna look at one more and then after that i want to go over okay all right so echo gets world first sanctum of domination we gotta talk about this dude let's watch it i haven't seen it i to be honest i thought i was gonna wake up i thought i was gonna wake up and limit would have killed i thought limit was gonna kill it to be honest with you but i'm going to say like from everything that i've seen everything like that echo this tier has played out of their minds like they have been completely on another level echo has been popping off man like they were the first i think the sylvanas they were doing all these crazy like let's be honest cheesy strats but hey they had the balls to try it uh that's great all right let's go back over we're gonna watch this oh man that's so cool oh that's so badass man look at it i'll let you guys see the uh the thing itself here i want to pull this up so y'all can see him uh the the excitement of it man look at it dude look at genji dude look out dude look at that [Applause] that's so crazy man that's so badass i'm really happy for him that's awesome and i think that like for echo like this is such a big thing for echo like for limit it's like just holding the crown but for echo it's so much more than that because you know they originally were method and that didn't really go too well did it like that was uh not good right and uh anyway so people you know they moved away they made echo and they never really had anything that really validated them that put them on the map that said listen where you put your dick on the table and you say listen this is how it's gonna be and this right here was that moment where they put the dick on the table and they said you know what we're not down we're not out we're not an old guild we're not some remnant we're the same guild with the same players and we're ready to do the same and so this is a big deal for them this was such a big deal for them [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 305,526
Rating: 4.939074 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold reddit, asmongold memes, reddit recap, asmongold reddit recap, asmongold recap, asmongold subreddit, Asmongold fan made, wow memes, zackrawrr, reddit recap asmongold, asmongold reacts to reddit, reddit asmongold, memes, reddit, reddit funny, reddit memes, ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, wow ffxiv, ffxiv memes, fan made memes, ff14 memes, reddit recap 32, reddit recap #32
Id: 6kS8dZtQOL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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