Asmongold Reacts to Madseasonshow Quitting WoW

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we're about to see is made before the recent investigation of harassment discrimination of female employees boys and entertainment little clarification for the downing andes uh obviously it's covered up a little bit my my text my support goes out to all those effected but it's not the reason why i'm moving on just wanted to make clear that's the first thing many people are going to be thinking hey guys what's up mad season here back with another video for you yo what up we got a pretty big one today i'll tell you what i'm quitting world of warcraft and no you can't have my stuff that's about it though hope you enjoyed the video check out my patreon by rage shadow legends and also ridge wallet like the video if you liked it and i'm seeing the next one it is what it is we'll do an actual video this isn't the last world of warcraft video that you'll see i do have one more planned after this simply due to the fact that i don't want this one to be my last but honestly i'm not even sure where to start here i guess from the beginning would be the most logical step in march of 2005 mom season trill drove me to the veggie game store yeah all my friends were quitting another game i played star wars galaxies for this new mmo that took the world by storm wow world of warcraft all right imagine check it out i said to myself it sounds like it could be pretty decent the graphics are kind of awful i don't see how it could be so they were really good back then okay the graphics and wow were really good back then but let's mess around with it fast forward 16 years later here i am i've played the game pretty consistently over the years yes even all of the warlords of draenor expansion people ask me all the time what my favorite expansion is and the true answer is the warlords of draenor because it was so bad and i got so bored that i started up this very youtube channel as a way to keep myself occupied because playing with myself and my girls ensures hell wasn't enough for me or the other seven people who played it through its entirety look all we did in wow was talk about politics and run circles in the garrison in wad i mean that's all we did that's the whole thing one thing led to another and about six years after that here i stand with a youtube channel that's grown far bigger than i could have ever hoped or imagined for yeah case i imagine it's pretty common to dick around with videos here and there expecting nothing more than your own amusement but somehow someway things sort of spiraled out of control yeah channel is now a responsibility hey wait a second i didn't sign up for this crap yeah [ __ ] this responsibility stuff subscribe it is though it's a responsibility and i've been very vocal over my time on youtube about being well vocal [ __ ] blizzard [ __ ] and that's what we're doing today we're going to be pretty vocal as always that's my that was the mcconnell one my usual spiel of it's all my opinion oh my god everyone has one world of warcraft is a good precursor to politics i feel even people trying on other mmos there's the pot of controversy i feel like i need a pr agent to proof watch this video unless i offend anyone with my brazen taste in gaming oh you will character progression and services has ruined world of warcraft [Music] consider this video a form of that survey that you guys give people when they unsubscribe because admittedly mine was less than constructive so let's step on our big boy underwear and handle this like grown neck beard shall we okay you guys are about to make me bust out the spray bottle on your asses no bad neckbeards bad no look at those faces since why i'm moving on and i'll explain them but i'll go in an order of what i think you'll find the most interesting okay starting with the fact that i just simply don't find it worth my time or money wow i'm moving on it's something that's crazy i didn't enjoy the battle for azeroth so i quit about halfway through the battle for azeroth classic came out in fact i've expressed this several times that if classic were not out i probably would have quit world of warcraft a long time ago mad season went so hard on classic wow man like he really did i remember he went like for grand marshall and then they brought out this dark i actually talked with mad season and dms about this uh dark portal thing whenever he was bringing out the video and i was so glad that madden season brought out the video about the dark portal because i'm like everybody in the wow community [ __ ] hates me right people are like oh it's [ __ ] asthma gold it doesn't really count if asthma gold says something because he's an [ __ ] but whenever mad season made the video saying that the boost was bad i was like thank god like now there's somebody i come back see i'm not the only one he's saying it not me i was so happy whenever he did that reason for that is probably something you guessed by now if you've paid attention to my previous videos yeah and it's mainly microtransactions there are a lot of other reasons but the primary one is the cash shop i know to any long time subscribers i'll sound like a broken record here but current world of warcraft i don't find to be worth my time because time isn't the most effective way to progress your character money is since the release of the wow token and the inception of carry runs you can now buy anything officially from blizzard through the end game it's paid to win that's it it's pay to win you pay like final fantasy has storm outs and i don't like that final fantasy boot has boots and i don't like that either i think that's dog [ __ ] but wow has unlimited amounts of money that you can inject into the game that will then get you an item get you gold to buy any other item that you want any carry that you want the wow tokens have had the worst lasting effect on the game more than store amounts more than uh faction transfers maybe probably probably more than faction transfers they have completely cheapened every accomplishment in the game especially with the way that people play it nowadays cash up just because you don't see swiper nose keystone clears or arena carries or heroic or mythic rate bosses doesn't mean they're not there don't get confused they are there these carry runs are officially sanctioned by blizzard in the game you can't pay real life money for an in-game service and that's completely [ __ ] fine the problem is that whenever you can pay real money for in-game money and then take the end game money and pay for this service that's the [ __ ] problem it's not that people are buying carries is that people are buying the gold that they buy the carries with with real money that's against the rules as it compromises its integrity however in the game you can pay real life money for gold and then use that gold to pay for in-game services and that isn't against the rules come on down you're the next contestant on the price is [ __ ] it still completely compromises its integrity but blizzard now profits off of it so don't worry about that too much if they were to announce tomorrow that in the cash shop you can now just buy raid clears you can now just straight up buy gear just make it easier plus 15. just make it easier for the life flip an absolute lid but because there's this one extra step it's obfuscated enough to be deemed acceptable but they think it's okay they're like oh well somebody else buys the storm out somebody else is buying it it's not i'm not just buying it with gold as if like you just invest like what is this like chuck e cheese you take your chuck e cheese tokens and you put them in there and they give you real money that's not how it works truth is ever since the token's inception these have all been purchasable with real money completely in the clear of the terms of service and many people are doing it which is why you see so many of them instead of banning cheaters blizzard now just profits off of them has too much of an influence got something that might interest you what's that oh no for example in their legendary system those base pieces are pretty expensive you could go mining or herbing do some crafting and farm up enough gold to get them sure but you can also just click a button three or four times and get it instantly being able to say that i earned this thing that's only attainable through an investment of time is so important in games with character progressions and when that line is crossed where time isn't the only path to get something the experience as a whole is made less because surprisingly there's no accomplishment through swiping a credit card swipe for no swiping swipe or no swiping swipe swiping you're too late i'll find it now there will always be people who will find a way to do it i'm so glad that that's the uh that's what people are calling it man yeah that's what people are calling swiper no swiping i really hope that that continues that's so great i love it through a third-party website which are really hard to find by the way because blizzard does a really good job of keeping your game clean as evidenced by their group finder still to this day being infested with advertisements but i digress there will always be people who go through these sites and get by a ban but the issue is if the people running the game cut themselves on the profit it of course causes more people to do it right no longer do people have to go through these shady ass third-party websites where yeah possibly your card number gets stolen yeah possibly your account gets banned or more than possibly your personal information gets stolen absolutely of course if you're able to buy currency through a secured instant guaranteed and officially advertised and supported service people are going to be doing it now more than ever before absolutely plus i just think that a failure in enforcing your own rules doesn't warrant cutting yourself in on the profits and contributing to the destruction of your own gain the line has been crossed yeah for me it's no longer a game to me it's now a scheme to separate me from my money by dangling instant progression-laden services in front of my face that's right you now disadvantage yourself against other people this is damn bro that's that's rough that i never seen this one before this is a good one dude so yeah it's just sad it's a service not a game yeah you don't own anything anymore you you don't [ __ ] you don't own [ __ ] anymore it's you just pay to rent the game you pay for the service like you don't own a goddamn [ __ ] thing that's so annoying free users and pay 25 15 i just play it as a game i feel like i'm disadvantaged again this is me i'm not telling you how you should think about it this is what i feel whenever i played current and it's gotten to the point to where the game itself has to be so over the top exceptionally good for me to look past it and although i do think shadowlands is an improvement over bfa it is it's nowhere near close enough like there's very little that you can't buy with real money in the game at this point you can actually yeah that's a good question what can you not buy with real money through wild tokens rank one okay so rank one friends uh sounds that sounds like somebody doesn't have enough money mount drops i guess yeah i guess so a good game experience i don't know about that family true what if you guys can order you can buy currency you can buy gear you can buy great progression paid progression is bad enough for any genre but it's absolutely terrible for rpgs a genre that centered around character progression it was so now it's on seasons many other issues that the game has i quit and the only reason i stuck with classic is because it was promised to be a re-release of the game in a state before it was bastardized beyond redemption and see ah well we say classic but classic burning crusade i mean these are two different things i mean because you have classic and you like because you add the burning crusade and now everything's completely different the game in a state before it was bastardized beyond redemption and they flat out lied about it with the character boost i felt like this was such a betrayal to the classic community true it's over [ __ ] jesus and i'm not alone in this what you're looking at is an unedited capture of the comments section of one of their burning crusade videos don't believe me just go check it out for yourself this is what blizzard has done to the classic community just an ongoing stream of people tired of the bs people tired of the lies and people tired of the greed and can you blame them i have zero trust in them to put gameplay first as they so claim so i'm quitting we now have leaks of the wow token in the cash shop which blizzard has said oh bro they're going to put that [ __ ] 100 on in wrath man like there's no way they're not going to because there's so much gold buying in bc because you actually can buy gear directly in bc like 100 like 100 man but i am not doubting that for a second like a boost to level 78 and a half and you have rested experience to 80. and uh you get the timeless porn drake i don't know right but like what i'm saying is they're already talking about classic wrath yeah exactly it's nuts dude wrath will die class faster than tbc the pro wrath will be over in a week i'm not kidding wrath will literally be over in a week nobody will be playing it after a month thing about which should tell you all that you need to know i mean come on it's the very definition of this meme if something is data mined and the forums are filled with threat after threat asking yeah uh this isn't actually coming to the game right blizzard right and it's met with a deafening silence actually so yeah they never did say that did they because people were wondering and they never gave an actual answer i never thought about that yeah i actually never thought about that holy [ __ ] i wonder why that's crazy i'm here i'm seeing a lot of pepe laughs in chat isn't that an interesting little coinky dink that's all i need to know even if it doesn't come out that's the thing with trust it's hard to gain and easy to lose and if you lose it the player feels like their time spent isn't worthwhile for example unlocking your epic flying or getting all of this awesome crafty gear or having a big nest egg of gold yeah it all has this black cloud hanging above and that's telling me this is a waste of time because it's likely that eventually people are just going to be able to buy this officially through blizzard's cash shop with no risk of a ban i know to a lot of you it's not a big deal whatever that's you i acknowledge that you exist but i think it's fair to acknowledge that i and many others also exist and if you're a group yeah true like i think that people if you think that buying things with pay to win at the wild token is okay i cannot express how wrong i think you are but i do know that you exist and i am so sorry with what i'm saying here i encourage you to let your voice be heard and show everyone just how much you supposedly don't exist i make this video not just to express my own voice but to the countless voices no one can hear anymore because they've moved on and we're just labeled as haters yeah now they're cat girls my friends by the way which is another reason i'm quitting friends i did the rank 14 grind with casual friends so i [ __ ] hated i hate it let's look and see who all these guys are that's another reason um friends i did the ring so uh i like this guy this guy's okay geomar oh this guy i played classic wow beta with this guy was okay bro there was this one mage and like he and i would get in fights every single time that we were in uh we were in premades together that [ __ ] was funny man it was [ __ ] funny coleman rampage no colin rampage was good i i was okay with him i thought he was a human for sure from all levels of gameplay have quit due to the cash shop so even if i were to personally look past all of this my experience would still be lesser because i now have less friends playing yeah i know that this is a cliche of every youtube channel that's ever existed but i don't see pleasure in [ __ ] on things you may find it entertaining i personally don't enjoy it that's not to say it shouldn't be talked about after all it seems to be the only way to get things changed as evidenced by them lowering their completely ludicrous 35 charge and cloning your classic character down to 15. i remember that forgot all about getting screwed a little bit instead of a lot thanks for putting the player first blizzard by the way am i the only person who sees something wrong here there are like five level 60s playing on these classic era servers at any given point so why are they even charging people for it forget raiding and battlegrounds it's hard to even form a dungeon group at this point the game is nigh unplayable so how about a widget showing how many players are currently online before you charge people fifteen dollars because if they showed you that and the numbers said six and a half because one guy's level two and it's a bot then nobody would [ __ ] buy it that's why it's actually so simple they're doing it to extract money from the players i i knew this was gonna happen with the classic servers i knew they were gonna die i knew that nobody was gonna play on them everybody did and that's why they charge people money is because they're like listen if you want to play this [ __ ] game you've got to pay at least like a 15 fee for the [ __ ] server because we're going to be dealing with this [ __ ] forever and we don't want to because we know y'all ain't going to play on it and then people are like oh no yeah we will yeah we will yeah we will and they don't because i [ __ ] obvious like the characters they've already leveled and geared no asking too much okay just so we're clear here how often is it that the player base feels like they have to fight for the game against the very people running it it's exhausting that was the first should be in the best interest of both parties what's gameplay first about paying money to skip 57 levels of character progression and if your response is improved accessibility isn't it this very same gameplay destroying accessibility that current has been suffering from for the last decade yeah it's [ __ ] obvious it's trash oh making things more accessible yeah sure by invalidating the work of the people who got it before it was accessible uh this is exactly right is the way an audience large enough to populate 70 servers for a 15 year old version of their game in the first place it's just so fruitless and no one can say i didn't try i mean when you take the time to make a one hour video saying we watched this entire session at the end of it yes we'll do mounts pets toys and so on and in return people call you a conspiracy theorist to call you alex jones and then like a week later oh [ __ ] well i for one am shocked i mean what could go wrong in putting your faith in a company that's already gone back on their word multiple they literally just lied about it i mean i don't know why this is hard to expect that they're gonna keep doing more of it there's really not anything else more to it than that or maybe showing basic math like two plus two equals four and that bots will abuse the level boost and then people reply nah fam two plus two equals negative seventeen it's not viable to skip 57 levels of progression well apparently they invested into the name change service and switched to harry houdini because ever since screenshots like this came out they've magically disappeared what is this run on the reason why people think that is because they're stupid and they don't know anything about the game mad season and me i we've played the game for 15 years we know what's going to happen whenever a change is put in the game i love this video and they're all boosted andes man yeah anybody could have seen this all boosted andes it doesn't look like anything to me i cannot see the things that will happen i've spared them that their lives are blissful in a way their existence is purer than ours free to be i don't understand you're a [ __ ] monster or how the old world is now abandoned because players feel a little silly leveling in a completely barren world yeah there's a big button on the login screen that sends you straight to the outland of course yeah i mean the button saves you 200 hours you'd have to make a quarter an hour at your job you would make more working at a sweat shop in a third world country than buying the boost than you would leveling yourself this is also due to dungeon boosting but even though that's harder that's why people buy it it's gotten way worse ninety percent of the alliance if they boost do so at level 15 and higher as that's the minimum level to enter the stock aids westfall the most popular alliance leveling zone to get to 15 is a good example to provide here's westfall before the boosts were added oh wow and here's westfall in the afternoon on one of the most populated servers after the boosts and the expansion is still fresh this is when the game gets the biggest influx of new players and it's what a loser and one of the most popular what a loser not boosting nostradamus level predictions anyone who wasn't willing to throw away common sense and over a decade of history could have made these predictions anybody could have literally [ __ ] anybody could have assumed this was going to happen yeah the draenei the only reason the draenei wasn't boosted is because he couldn't and it's just so sad it's just it's so [ __ ] sad man that and the worst thing about it is you have the dick riders and what i mean by dick riders is i mean people that ride blizzard's dick literally not physical like they they would they they will post their their profiles or their like fan art that they commissioned of their character and their character looks stupid and this is what they do with their wife and they can't bear to hear anything bad about their video game because if they do hear that they'll think to themselves oh my god i just wasted the last 10 years of my life sadly even with everyone collectively agreeing that bots had overrun the game it wasn't enough and now that it's in it's here to stay yeah they're actually getting level 60 now to make themselves look a little bit less obvious oh another one here we go quick inspects oh wow full communal oh wow another one bro that guy's good verrani exactly the same talents as all the other bots damn they always sprint back they're also in stealth so they'll be less detected by other players and less likely to get reported and that's probably also why they sprint inside so they can minimize the amount of time that they're in the outside world and detectable by their players that's what they're doing that's why yeah that's what it is man tv hype tbc jesus i've only been standing here for a few minutes another one night elf bring it to me oh yeah you're really you're really fooling everyone else with that name look at all these bots two three bro i see all these like [ __ ] spectral people and i feel like it's aragorn's army and [ __ ] it the return of the king the [ __ ] army of the undead just one after another oh god the character boost has already damaged the game irreparably yeah and if slash one they release the token it'll mount even further so again this is me i personally am unwilling to go through it again yeah they are a business yeah it's their right to earn money at the cost of gameplay but it's also my right to unsubscribe because the product they provide is now compensation point of playability clearly speaking up against it isn't enough so the only route left is to speak with your wallet they ostracized a community large enough to warrant over 70 servers for a recreation of a 15 year old version of their game just try to wrap your head around that for a moment and when you do try to wrap your head around the fact that they're now doing it for a second time i mean if i truly wanted to turn my channel into a [ __ ] on blizzard channel it would be trivial it writes itself there's too many of them yeah and also there you don't need to do that because i you can just watch my channel and you get all of them together because i'll watch all of the videos so you don't need to you don't need to find any other ones somebody said good riddance because mad season sounds like he has a dick in his mouth listen i'd rather i'd rather have a random dick in my mouth than blizzard's dick okay i i i see you in chat talking [ __ ] okay talking [ __ ] good riddance don't make excuses for dog [ __ ] i'm sure they're really looking out for your best [ __ ] interest whenever they add in wow tokens and boosts i don't give a [ __ ] about you but it's just not what i want my content to be i mean of course why would you surround yourself with things that annoy you yeah it's a pretty normal reaction it's not the atmosphere i want to set for the channel but you're put into this awkward position do you continue to do this and share your true feelings and thoughts do you stick true to your subscribers in this way even if it takes the channel into a direction you don't want to go in or do you sit down shut up and mute yourself because you don't want to churn waters and turn your channel into an outrage machine you should have seen this video in its first draft it was over an hour long i was going ham but i had a change of heart yeah if my heart's behind something i want it to be an expression i'm so sad i'm so sad the first one was not uploaded i'm gonna be completely honest with you i would have loved to have seen that one of care and passion that this game used to give me not the frustration and disappointment that it now gives me yeah so negative honesty or positive indifference these are the two paths that have been laid before me for the past few months the mad season cut yeah i instead choose to carve my own the passion of the neck beard the second reason for my quitting is for all intents and purposes this is a classic channel as mentioned i quit playing current yeah i don't really have an interest in that classic overall i enjoy more but there's a drawback and i've known this ever since i made the transition the classic is classic it's a solved game yeah it's a beaten game therefore in the long run it's always so much doesn't lend itself very well to a youtube channel there's an eventual finish line of things that i can talk about and while i feel like i haven't reached it yet there's a ton of stuff i still want to talk about it just makes sense to put an end to it before i reach that point i have at this point over 600 videos about world of warcraft i'm very proud of that number these videos were great with the passion behind it i've watched 600 of his videos circumstances and running a youtube channel or a stream or any form of online entertainment there are a lot of abstract things that the viewers don't really see one of the most important being passion it's the reason why we get out of bed in the morning it's the reason why we care for things and people is the tender that lights the fire and keeps it burning bright and it's important in the realm of content creation because the more passionate someone is about something the better the end product is for example you have two streamers one is completely miserable they're not engaged it looks like the last place that they want to be in in the entire world is in that chair in front of that camera and you have streamer two who's having the time of their life they're clearly enjoying what they do glad to be a part of the community yeah i think that's very true you can definitely have people who um zach rawr wait what do you mean zach rawr i'm so confu y'all think that i hate streaming is that it which wait which one of me hates streaming and which one of me likes screaming zack hates it both i'm gonna be honest with you guys okay do you want to really know the truth it's both for both i have a love-hate relationship with streaming and i've had that for years and there are a lot of things that i love about streaming and a lot of things that i do not built excited for the future happy the show that streamer 2 puts out unless you're into misery porn is superior to the show that streamer one puts out true if you care about something more you care about putting more effort into it it's the same with videos you'll think about what you're talking about more run it by other people get other people's perspectives and learn new editing tricks if you're passionate about it you can say it with anything in life really and everyone relates to this in some way so that's where i stand right now i feel really frustrated and stifled creatively because i've started to lose that passion not for video editing but rather for the subject matter world of warcraft and if i were to continue to force myself into it it would just result in the videos becoming less and less interesting less entertaining and lacking passion it hasn't gotten to that for me yet but i can feel it coming yeah so what i need to do is to channel my energies into other things of which there are plenty i already have a bunch of stuff finished in script form but i haven't put in the time because and just preferred to spend it with classic but now with the level boost and the revving of the micro transaction chainsaw and the distance the skills are tipping i have no idea what will happen or if you guys will even like it some of it is out there not gonna lie got some pretty weird [ __ ] coming your way i fully expect after posting this video that this is goodbye to a lot of people but before you head out i want you to leave with my sincere and undying thank you for the time that you've given me over the past six years time is the most important thing in life that you can spend and the amount of people i've reached over the years is something that's so incredibly special to me and i mean this from the bottom of my heart it's something i'm very proud of back in the day when youtube was first starting up i was the viewer who when a certain channel released a video it made my day it turned a shitty day into a good one no matter what dude i remember being on this exact screen man like this exact screen laying in bed with jeff watching wow hobbs and being like bro do you want to watch the new athene video after this like yeah man dude do you think your mom will order us pizza could she order pizza to the house man oh dude that'd be so good yeah man those were the the beautiful good old days man flashbacks yeah it makes me [ __ ] depressed to think about it i'll be honest i was so happy then it was great what was going on so having known this perspective to be that channel for other people yeah something i'm very grateful for absolutely and i wouldn't trade it for anything well almost anything i will trade it for my personal happiness because as i've explained i think it's just the best thing for everyone involved i have no idea what'll happen but i follow my heart in all things in life and this is what my heart is telling me the fact that this channel exists at all is a result of me following my heart the only thing i do know is that i'd rather have a channel that's dead instead of one that isn't alive okay all right i got it true third and final reason for me quitting is the biggest one even bigger than the previous two points it has nothing to do with the game youtube or anything like that it's a very personal one and i'm gonna keep it that way i've bared my heart up until this point but this is where i'll draw the line a trap that i feel a lot of content creators fall into is that they overshare they let go of too much personal information about themselves or their personal life yeah you guys relationships and unfortunately it's later used against them in various ways and from the beginning i promised myself that i wouldn't cross that line yeah one of the reasons why you haven't seen my face as far as you guys know i'm just another voice in the ether government program meant to spy on all of you yeah collect data there was a glitch in my code and i just sort of talked about world of warcraft i'm getting nervous saying it's been tough is an understatement but it's given me a lot of perspective of the value of time and how i need to use it in the best way that we possibly can no exceptions no compromises no settling on youtube and out of youtube i want to do things that matter i want to make things that are close to my heart and share things i'm passionate about and meet people who share those passions ultimately i feel like i don't get that anymore from world of warcraft so ultimately i'm moving on it's a decision that brings all sorts of emotions i'm sad because i'm moving on from something that's been a part of my life for the past 16 years i'm sad that i'm leaving behind the people playing it i'm sad that i'll be leaving the world of warcraft community but i'm excited about every time i now have because goddamn and mmos are time-consuming they sure aren't i'm excited to get into things i've been putting off for years and sharing that with you all and seeing what this next step of life has to offer but most of all i'm relieved [Music] it's over the frodo you know i want to give my thanks to you the viewer for giving me the time as you've done so many times i want to thank my fellow content creators in the world of warcraft community you guys know who you are behind the scenes is just a group of friends or like-minded people i know we all disagree with each other in various things sometimes but i've always had a great respect for the care and passion that they've shown and i wish them nothing but the best in their future endeavors in closing i want to say that i'm not here to take away from anyone's fun or enjoyment if you're enjoying yourself good it's nice to have things in life that you enjoy but it's also not nice to have things in life that you enjoy taken away from you which is why this video exists for me at this point i feel like the bad outweighs the good and why pay 15 a month for that i'm sorry if this disappoints you but hey disappointment is my middle name and i'm not really sure where i was going with that hang on let me redo oh dude unregistered hypercam 2. it's good [Music] [ __ ] man oh yeah that's what he said at the end of every video you are not prepared dark oh dude four strength for spam leather belt level 18. dude from ytm d oh my god yes epic mountain you are not prepared we're too late this entire city must be purged true arthas did nothing wrong it was so good wasn't it [Music] i was so hyped for cataclysm man i really was it was so badass [Music] to ask why we fight is to ask why do we really have to put this one in there do we should we fight do we have to deserve balance and bring harmony oh no [Music] for the alliance [Music] something daily [Music] hey there champion we got some more other night for your uncle magneto [Music] i just have one of those tvs [Music] farewell for now mortals we hope you enjoyed today's video look at the [ __ ] follow-up um oh man it was so good wasn't it it used to be so good and there was never a point where like it was like oh yeah it won't be good nobody ever really thought about it like it was just like uh a given you know what i mean it was like a given like okay you know you're gonna have wow it's gonna be good they need to in my opinion i think they just need to reinvent the whole game and as well as the company like they just they need to just redo everything like it's just it's it's just like there's so much wrong with it like i mean honestly like yeah a realm were born yeah i'm not kidding like that's what cataclysm should have been it fired jaylen bragg no the game was bad before him man it's not his fault like uh it's no one person's fault like there's not one person there's not like this [ __ ] evil person at blizzard you know [ __ ] you know twiddling his little mustache hairs let's add another daily whoo another daily boys oh boy how about another weekly quest no that's not what it is bobby bobby doesn't even give a [ __ ] man he doesn't he probably doesn't even know what the max level and wow is like really bobby probably doesn't even know what the max level in wow is and i'm not kidding i bet he [ __ ] doesn't there's no reason to even think about this like it has nothing to do with it man he has nothing to [ __ ] do with it so keep that in mind i'd rather have a dead channel than one that's not alive follow my favorite monotone voice whatever content has planned for us videos have been absolute inspiration spit my drink out thanks to the amazing content i was lucky to have you as a creator i'm not sub to wow i'm sub to mad season so wait the wow token is really just a way to hunt whales always has been just give us this dowry is back no i don't want another classic wow like please don't give us another classic wow and think that's a solution please don't do that because it's not we've already played through the game the game's [ __ ] dog [ __ ] like it's a good game in a million ways and it's a bad game in 500 000 ways i don't want to play a game that's bad in 500 000 ways okay i want a new game that's good period i am so sick of playing bad games i just i don't want to do it anymore like i i want to play a good game uh it's just final fantasy 14. oh that's a good idea that is a very very good idea all right [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,019,292
Rating: 4.9188681 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold madseasonshow, asmongold madseason, asmongold mad season, classic wow, madseasonshow, madseasonshow wow, asmongold classic, tbc classic, classic, tbc, classic tbc, madseason quit, mad season quit, mad season quits wow, madseasonshow quit, wow, quitting wow, unsubscribing, madseasonshow quit wow, madseason quit wow, no king rules forever, asmongold quit wow, asmongold quits wow
Id: DK4M4qhksrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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