The Greatest MMO Crossover! Asmongold & Zepla talk FFXIV vs WoW

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uh thank you so much for having me i'm happy to be here i think we're gonna have fun today yeah we're happy to have you so uh what's going on with the ears that you got you got there uh what do you mean uh i don't know it's a little bit it's close to your headset i mean it's a little bit interesting uh well um i'll just i'll be honest i started wearing the ears like when shatter bringers came out and it's like i've been wearing them for so long that i don't remember who i was under the ears anymore it's just only like i wake up in the morning and i just immediately like looked make sure i i got them and you put it on before you even go to the mirror oh yeah i i make sure that i shower i shampoo them i condition them nicely every every morning okay that's great i can see that they actually do look very good they look better than my own actual hair i think this is a good place to start with uh i feel like there's been a crazy not like resurgence in final fantasy but like everybody's just jumping onto the game now i wouldn't call it a resurgence i'm not sure exactly uh what i would call it but a mass exodus maybe to the game and is there anything in particular because i i've been playing the game but i'm still very early in the game so i'm not up to current content is there anything that you think is driving people to come over right now the thing is i i'm a little torn by the situation because yeah obviously i'm happy that the game i love is succeeding but at the same time i love wow i loved wow wow was my life for years and years like wow was the only thing that mattered to me for years to a point where like it was actually destructive in my life because i only wanted to play well but it was giving me so much joy that i didn't even give a what was happening outside of well and so like to me while i was like this old friend that was there for me when i was not in a good place in my life and i don't want to just turn my back on that old friend i don't like seeing my old friend suffer and struggle and like nobody's having fun with them anymore but i still like i will always want them to get better i will always want them to be the person that made everybody happy like they used to you know i get that it's like if you had an altercation with somebody in high school and you found out that they're a crackhead later on you're still going to feel kind of bad about it yeah exactly exactly well there's been a lot of cracks let me tell you that when did you start playing wow at christmas around christmas time in 2004 yeah and man that was one of the best days i remember my dad driving me to a game stop way out in the country because it was the only one that actually had world of warcraft in stock everybody wanted it i remember like looking at the book on the way home and being so excited thinking like oh my gosh i'm gonna play an undead or i'm gonna play a night elf i can't decide i figured out when i get home and so yeah that was a long time ago and then why'd you uh why'd you quit i quit and uh around rulers of draenor oh that's what really did it for me i think that was i think the warlords of draenor time was one of the first waves of so-called wow refugees so i was part of that wave uh and heaven's ward had just come out at that time for family to routine and uh at that time i mean i had heard that final fantasy sucked like i heard that 1.0 failed and i was like why am i going to waste my time i heard that game failed i really didn't want to play it like i had a friend of mine just say you're not having fun and well like you might as well try it i was like well i'll try it but only because i i'm so bored i have nothing to do i'll try it because i can really travel so i did the free trial and i never played final fantasy before at all like i didn't know anything about final fantasy as a series and i think that was another thing that kept me from trying it because i was like don't i need to know like final fantasy stuff do you need to know a whole lot of that stuff or can you just go into the game without knowing anything no you really don't need to know anything because i didn't and i had a great time uh from the get-go really like after i had a pretty good time as soon as i got into the game even though when i looked at character creator i was pretty turned off by cat girls in the character creator actually well i had a very different experience look how things have changed i just a lot has changed this game changed me when i first looked at the character creator and i saw the cat girls i was so uptight at that time in my life i was like oh is this some kind of a fetish game who is this for why are they dressed like that and they're not like now like i'm like oh yeah show me that ask show me that i love this game i love that give me i love this game the butt slider and like i love this game so much has changed man i just chilled out a lot because i've been happy man i've been having such a good time in this game and it's like that's what's still like exciting that's what's so upsetting about it is like i play wow and like everybody that plays wow hates wow and like everybody at final fantasy is enjoying themselves it's like we're at this party and like we can see like next door everybody's having fun and like you know they've got like it's probably like a furry party right and they're all enjoying themselves and it's great and so i i feel kind of left out in a way i mean it's gotten to the point now where i've pretty much i've agreed to play the game right but it's still kind of weird to even consider it especially and i think it was probably for you i mean i would say that you know maybe because you you quit a little bit after miss the pandaria you see you have like the pandarens to kind of you know uh it's like a gateway well i mean i guess i am now like i guess furry adjacent so um in in uh let's just go ahead and get right into it uh so in in wow you're familiar with the uh moon guard gold shire in right um why would you ask dude what are you talking about i wasn't on well i mean i was only on midgard for a little while i mean i i did a little role play but i mean nobody yeah yeah yeah okay you're cool so you know the bedrooms at the top the dungeon in the basement so like is that like all final fantasy or is there like a specific place that you uh that you just do that in you gotta go to elizabeth you gotta go to lisma balmong has a reputation for that okay so there is definitely so which server is again let me write it down it's uh belmont okay but i mean not all role play is erotic asman really why because it has to well let me rephrase not everyone uh has those urges but if you have those urges then i mean that's just another thing that fallout 2014 can handle for you didn't they didn't the devs actually get mad about people advertising their erp venues recently oh you talked about it in wow no in 14. uh i wouldn't be surprised it's definitely not the kind of thing that you want to talk about at fan fest right have you ever been to one of those fan fests before zepa i did i went to one in 2019 that was the first time that i'd ever been any kind of like i never got to go to blizzcon in person so i didn't get to see that in person but uh it was amazing like do you remember the tauren chieftains yeah yeah yeah okay so i experienced that at fan fest with the primals band of playing oh wow so yeah those are uh people in the dev team are part of the primals band and they did this incredible concert at fan fest that damn even yoshi p our producer director got on stage and was singing a song in a kimono it was absolutely incredible it reminded me of tauron chieftains it was like that's actually so cool because like i saw the picture of him with like the reaper outfit on and honestly like if it was a like a uh i was just a transmog if this was a uh a cosplay competition that would have been like first place man he looked like he looked awesome like that was really really cool like if i see someone dressed like that i'm gonna want to play the game like that that straight up impressed me like the fact that they get so involved with the community i think is one of those reasons why you have that good relationship that final fantasy has with its uh with its audience man if i saw somebody dressed like that i'd run he's got a yeah that's a grim reaper man gotta get out of there save yourself nah no i mean i think it's like no i'd wanted to teach me how to do it because that looks really cool like that look my my goal in final fantasy and every game i play is to have a character that is a it's a a big beefy guy with a big two-handed sword and that's it that's all i want to do in every single game so do you know like what race do you want to play uh no i'm not sure yet i mean i'm going to kind of go in and i'm going to decide what i want to have i want to have like kind of like a humanoid type character you know because it sounds weird but i like to have my characters that kind of look like me i look at like my characters like this is me and the world so i don't really play a lot of like really weird like usual races i i have the amazing and super um you know unique decision to always play human warriors in games and so uh i'm probably going to stick with something like that i've heard dark knight looks cool well you are a pretty beefy guy so that does make sense i mean i i don't know i i do think that you should at least consider vieira oh yeah absolutely it's uh yeah it's uh i just oh my god like whenever i saw so i saw that trailer like and it's funny for me because like as like a non-final fantasy player whenever i see these things the male bunny boys it just like it was the lalafells you see you see those little falafels and you're just like oh hey yeah but no it's like it's you literally you see the you see the little falafels and you're like what is this game and then you start playing for a little bit and then you're like man they are adorable the falafels that's the same experience i had because when i started i was like ooh what are these lollipops are this would be like the children oh what and then i started playing and the story teaches you what they're actually like and you your perception will change because of the story say with the cat girls that's what changed it but my uh one of the things that i want to start with because asthma has not played yet i've been spending quite a decent amount of time playing the game and instantly the first thing that i noticed was you see people when you're playing the game like do you feel like the world feels more alive than it does in world of warcraft i mean right now yeah hell yeah i mean it might just be because there's nothing to do and wow right now but i mean i've always kind of felt like there's a lot of people doing stuff like if you ever go on a hunt train uh hunting is like when people get in groups to go kill world bosses yeah and uh it's like a massive swarm of people going from boss to boss and that's really fun like it always does feel pretty crowded yeah i would say that yeah that's one thing i think wow really kind of lost over the years is it lost that shared world because you had like phases you had the different realms that were becoming less populated and you had like these cross-realm zones and you'd be cross-realmed in and there'd be like five total people in the whole area and i don't know i thought like i did i don't know if you played classic wow at all whenever it came out but it was one of the coolest experiences to just go out there and see dozens of other people doing the same thing as you did and like yeah made things take a little bit longer but like it reminds you of the fact that you're playing an actual mmo i mean that was that just brings me back to the first time i logged into wow like i remember logging in i mean i thought it was so long ago the first time i logged in it was me and my brother and we were both so excited to play and we both walked into mulgore for the first time and i remember like we both we're both like next to each other and we got to the camp and we he saw other people around and he was like look there's other people around and i was like what this is so crazy oh my god it's other people they could be from anywhere this is amazing and i mean that's the magic of it yeah that's what i always loved about that's what it's about i mean it's not hard for wow to get their together all they have to do is start actually listening to the players this is this is the thing that will kill well they refuse to listen to the players the players tell them exactly what they want and they keep stubbornly going to the same mistakes over and over again to the point that it doesn't even feel like a mistake anymore it feels like on purpose yes yes i'm familiar with that um so there's a new change i know like we're not going to get into it very specifically but basically there's like legendary armor that you can now make i know about that yes and and now you have to remake the exact same one how's that coming along for you asthma how's your uh why check seoul ash farming uh well uh i checked to see if there's a dick in my salad and it turns out that the entire salad was just one big fat dick so i've got to recraft my uh yeah i've got to recraft it yeah well finally a salad that you'll actually eat okay uh honestly it tastes better than lettuce i would assume i assume my heart really goes out to you because like you love wow like you have a true loyal and abiding love for well that is something that i think is admirable you know that's a game that i loved and it was very difficult for me to finally admit that it wasn't the game that i recognized anymore like are you familiar with uh the ship of theseus problem that's what wow has that's what it is for anybody who doesn't know it's a question for if you take the ship of theseus and you replace every single nail every piece of wood the sails and everything inside of it and every piece is new but it looks exactly like the original ship of theseus is it still the ship of theseus well what we kind of had is originally we had the titanic and then the titanic had an iceberg which was activision and now it's at the bottom of the ocean which is called shadow ends one of the most foundational design philosophies of phallus 14 is that it respects your time and because of that oh we're not used to that yeah if you're used to mallet farming you probably are used to wasting a shitload of time yes and uh and palsy routine it's not really like that it's more like uh there's not going to be a mount that has such a low drop rate that you need to farm an environment environment environment until you hate it right instead it's like there's trial bosses that drop mounts but every time you kill the boss you get a totem and if you collect 99 totems you can go and buy them out after if it's a brand new boss you have to wait a little bit for you to be able to buy the mount but eventually yeah you just need to get the 99 to kill the boss 99 times and that's enough you're done you don't need to do it more than that actually so are there any mounts in the game because like this is a big thing with wow and like you played bob back in the day you know what it is if you see somebody posting up on invincible or you see somebody on like ashes of r like do you have those like bad ass mounts that like if you see somebody on this and you know like this guy never leaves his house or this guy is like a really good raider or something like that uh well yeah i mean there's the amount that came from the nude oh yeah more bull that's the sony side of my chest more bull mount like pretty difficult to get it's like the the amounts that are like that are ones that are are difficult there are amounts in the game though that do have like that super high like prestige reward associated with them yeah okay my favorite mount that i have is demi osma because it was a colossal amount of effort for me to get it i had to go through four different zones of eureka which is like a i don't even want to explain what it is yeah a shitload of content it took a long time when i finally got to the end i then had to go to a raid which there's no party there's no duty finder for you have to assemble that group completely like with discord or whatever and then the raid is like quite punishing you cannot res normally in there and it's like it's a whole ordeal and uh so i cherish that mountain it's cool like people see that and like wow you actually you you did it you cleared by destiny and arsenal that's how you got that the ultimate weapons like in wow you know like how i get an expansion comes out and then all the content from the previous expansion is just basically like super easy is that the way that it works in final fantasy 2 or does the content continue to have like a challenge to it uh you mean for ultimate uh for any of them really i mean but yeah well yeah i mean several ultimates have been released already i think there's three in the game right now and what it it sinks your item level down when you get in there so your gear outside of it doesn't actually matter oh wow uh but you do need to have cleared uh some savage tears i think to be able to unlock it that's the ultimate weapons right there for tea oh holy dude what yeah they're incredible they're they're amazing in person so i didn't do somebody with that and you just automatically know that they're like you know they're an amazing player yeah okay that that's that's the one thing that i'm gonna get him yeah i do really agree like that's the one thing i used to love about wow is you get that really good gear like i would even have this sounds ridiculous but i would literally have places that i would stand at and i planned out for the most amount of people that would like inspect me i'm like if i stand right here on this pole everybody's gonna click on me and like you're gonna see how big my sword is like i did that for years that's the name of the game i mean that's reflects what i mean that's the for ultimate the reward isn't actually like the best numbers-wise piece of gear the reward is just this glamour piece really is i mean it's like not for stats it's just for flexing and the title you get just for flexing because they understand that's more than enough of an incentive that plus the enjoyment of the raid itself which is incredible here's the deal people cannot come in to roam reborn and expect that everything is going to be rainbows and sunshine from the beginning because ron reborn is pretty rough around the edges and realm reborn is like it's going to take a while to get through and you need to be ready to grind it you need to be ready to put in the time and i mean some people are weak and they just don't make it to the beginning this week i was don't i don't know what to tell you i actually didn't think that really reporter was that bad when i went through but i felt like well maybe i didn't think it was that bad because i played a ton of classic wow i mean vanilla well back in the day so that prepared me for the grind from reborn i was like this is nothing this quest told me to get three items and this twist didn't tell me to go get a hundred items with like a five percent drop rate yeah i always tell people if you feel like real reborn is a grind just push through it push through it but at the same time it's not going to be for everyone and i don't want to like make that claim either okay so yeah like i remember because a lot of people have recommended for me to boost my character and that's what they've said so many times boost your character skip the stuff go straight to the raid and i told them i was like listen if i boost my character like number one it's not like that's not the real experience of the game because you're just paying money to skip part of it and number two anything i say about the game at all nobody will take seriously because i boosted so i feel like i just kind of yeah i'm gonna have to play through the whole thing and i've done the same quest i've recently leveled through burning crusade which is only slightly better than classic wow and i'm very used to annoying and tedious quests so i think that i'm going to be just fine i think you are going to be fine yeah that that's the perfect training for reborn yeah let's get better after that yeah i think so that that's definitely a good thing so like whenever you play the game like you can play pretty much all the classes is there a reason to have alt characters no don't okay so you just have one character and you do everything on that one character yes it's really damn that's actually kind of weird to think of like especially from from like a wow perspective like to just not have alt to just play one character it actually is one of the things that will make it pretty hard to go back to wow for me because i mean look i guess i i think i've given a lot of people the impression that the transition was like easy for me like i just said one day i've had enough with wow that's it goodbye and it was like a divorce or something and then i moved on to this better game which is generally true but i think people just underestimate the amount of love and attachment that i had to wow because throughout the years i have gone back to check on well in a casual way like there were times when there were big patches that came out and i would see well maybe it's gotten a little better like maybe like just like a crackhead coming back for it like see like maybe i just gotta try it a little bit maybe it's gonna change and always there's the novelty of a new expansion that will get you hyped just because everything's new there's new lands there's new things and nobody's mad yet because nobody knows how the crap works yet so it's like it feels like a good time to see if it's doing better and there were times when you know i i did play a little bit like in bfa i am sorry i was listening to asthma streams at the time actually i was there in the chat and like just listen to asthma and complain about it and everybody's bonding over the hatred that we all have for the game that we love like we're all like together in this horrible horrible situation where we refuse to give up on this game that we lived with for so many years but i mean at a certain point it was like those visits back to the game became shorter and they became longer farther apart well i just kind of didn't see the point anymore you know so it was like there's that but i also want to say regarding the situation of like you know it's like a divorce with the other game you know i think this is not really a healthy attitude to have it's kind of weird because it's like this is a product this is a product made by a company and we have to remember that like it's not like actually a life decision it's not like you can't just play both games or hop from game to other games it's not like you're a traitor or anything i think a lot of these ideas that people get about it yeah i know it's really unhealthy like for me going into final fantasy the way that i'm looking at it is that i just want to be able to play the game and enjoy it and just like experience it as like a normal player right just like go in there see what's going on and i i know that people might not believe this but i am trying to go in with an open mind like i want to play a good game it's not like i want to sabotage myself from like not enjoying a game and also like i'm so much of a neckbeard i can play wow and final fantasy at the same time let's be honest yeah i mean like it's not like i don't have time to play two mmos i could easily do this so i i just i'm just seeing if it's worth the investment i think that's really the way i look at it i mean well you know a lot of people uh go into your point about like how you just want to be treated like another player a lot of people in the past week you know ever since you said oh that you're gonna oh playing i've had everybody like oh are you what do you think about asthma joining the game do you think oh i don't think he's going to like this story i don't think he's like this i told everybody to shut up about this like just please let him decide stop like ex putting all the pressure and all the expectation on what you think he's going to like or not lying just let him play the damn game already i hope you guys know i think i actually do have bunny ears somewhere i don't know where the hell they are well oh my god unfortunately it was a little bit too easy for me production why do we just have that picture ready to go why do you have why does he look so upset yeah there it is yeah i do have the bunny ears i uh i got these for easter a few years ago and i've somehow just kept them the entire time i don't know aspen wow i've had these for a long time okay it's not what you think it is guys it's not what you're thinking this is there's a completely rational normal story to this it's i can explain everything okay chill out dude oh my god this production just has countless pictures of you dressed up as a butt oh wow yeah so we have a production team and this is what that gets you guys so i i don't know asmin if you've seen like the sims everything is like insanely close on the sims does that actually feel that way in practice upload like do all of the jobs feel like very uh usable and playable this is going to shock you this is one thing that will make it hard to go back to wow yeah the jobs are actually extremely well balanced and they've been like that ever since i started playing in heaven's ward you can actually pick any job you want to play and you don't have to choose based on what's going to be overpowered or underpowered right now man like the situation in wow with this right now is so upsetting because i've actually seen the spreadsheets where people like try to track over time which specs are doing shitty and which specs are doing good like oh you better pick a job that has three there's two dps specs so those one of the dps picks get messed up and you can pick up still play your job in the range like what are you doing how is this okay and accepted by everyone you could play a warrior and both of your dps specs are bad oh asman so yeah it's not things have been rough for you lately because i feel like you absorb all of this concern and and worry about the game every single day that i feel like it's just like it's it's hurting you i i just like i just want to log on and play the game have to be good like it's not like it's like a big thing where i have like a i'm like emotional about it i'm just pissed off that it sucks like i log on and i'm just like why is it the way it is anger is an emotion asthma yeah i guess so i mean you're trying to distance yourself from how you feel because it's uncomfortable for you but the fact is i'm worried about you too day after day after day is this an intervention join us intermission it seems like the way that they seem to think it's good to get people to keep playing the game is they they seem to think players will only want to play the game if there is some like power gain to be gotten from it like if they are going to be completely screwed if they don't play if they don't like redo the content they already did like in the case of the new armor socketed yeah domination armor is coming like they don't seem to really consider maybe people just want to play the game to have a good time like maybe fun can be the carrot on the stick well they had that the funny thing is like did you play shadow lines at all i did i played a little bit i i wanted to see what the story was like yeah for the cabinets so what did you think of it well i played the night face story i mean it was probably what it is hell yes yeah and um i it felt like a d campaign where the dm was not really well prepared it kind of felt so like uh none of the things that i did seemed like there were times when it was time for my weekly covenant quest and i just felt like you were sending me on this errands because you didn't prepare a story for today is that what's going on and at the end of it um i felt like there wasn't any like new interesting information that i discovered there wasn't like any wow like amazing moment where i it just all felt kind of leading up to nothing i really feel like wow needs kind of because like this is what happened with final fantasy 14 right is that the game was initially released and it wasn't really that well received and they pretty much just deleted everything and redid everything like they rebuilt the game from the ground up isn't that right yeah but it was really i mean it was yoshida it was because of yoshi yeah that that was possible like he's just an incredible person and without him i don't think it would have happened like that's one thing that like wow definitely i think should do like i i would love to see wow go through like an apocalypse event and just get rid of all of that and just wipe the slate clean make a new game but the reality is that like here's what i'm worried about is that like obviously you can say that like that's clearly what i would like to see happen but the most recent version of while wiping the slate clean is shadowlands and shadowhands is good in some ways absolutely i like channel lines in a lot of ways but there's not a whole lot of content to it and there's a lot of things that are problematic is there like what is the the grind uh like the daily grind that final fantasy makes you do like is there a daily grind that that you have to deal with uh i'm not grinding for right now i don't have to like like what what are like the the grinds that would keep you playing is there okay so maybe when a maybe when a patch comes out that releases a raid you would need to grind for tongue stents there's like tombstones it's basically like um badges were back in the day yeah yeah it's the same thing it's really just that so like you grind for your tombstones you can buy the tomestown gear and you can then go to the raid and get your gear from the right and like you just you got it so once you got it you're done so you finished your character like is your character like full best in slot there's like no other gear that you can get that is like better than what you have nope i have the abyss on my character and uh now i can get try to work for this on other jobs and how often do they how often do you have to get new gear um whenever there's a new raid tier released okay then there's new so that's like and i don't remember how many months are between the right yeah yeah i'm just like kind of curious to like all the time okay it's not like a constant grind it's it's not like that really so besides i'm actually curious like so obviously there's final fantasy there's wow and there's a number of other mmos that are coming out like very soon you've got ashes of creation you've got new world you've got these other games are any of those games like exciting to you were you like looking forward to playing any of those or you just happy playing final fantasy uh i actually don't know a lot about those other games okay i didn't look into it that much i haven't really been informed yeah yeah i don't know like especially for wow players like i have people asking me every single day what i think about all of these new games so i've been keeping up on a lot of them and i'm actually really curious to see what's going to happen because in my opinion i think that a lot of people that kind of uh that get involved with like you know wow versus final fantasy or whatever like i think it's just better for both games if both games are good i agree completely yeah yeah i hope all these other mmos that are up and coming are amazing as well like i do not want a situation where only final fantasy 14 is king or any other mmo and i guess it's bad for us the player like again it goes back to this thing with like the the weird brand loyalty i really just like that i i do not like that at all and i discourage the tribalism in my community very hard we enforce that pretty hard we don't enforce a lot besides being similar to one another but that's one of those things that like it's a brand remember that you're the player we're all players and we're on the same team zeppo so like do you play any other games besides like final fantasy right now like what other games you've been playing uh no just not i mean look and i'm not playing pause routine lately i've been trying to like have hobbies yeah like i've been learning how to cook i have been learning the guitar you can see the guitar back there i just got i have been reading i have been like going to the gym i work out uh fairly often and so i've just been that time when i don't want to play working on myself wow you're enjoying final fantasy to the fullest and you get to have a life what the heck i mean i'm making youtube videos so that takes a lot of time too do you think that uh wow could ever do something to get you to come back and play the game they could add bunny girls uh that is probably going to happen i would not be surprised i don't think we can stop them from doing that yeah but really in all seriousness if they if they had a massive shift in attitude towards the players yeah if they started showing through their actions then they're listening like not just once but over and over like show a pattern of listening rather than not listening show a pattern of setting up the game in a way that players like catering to how players want to play the game rather than forcing the way they want the game to be played on the player that is the paradigm shift that has to happen before i would even consider playing it in a casual way that is exactly what i've said uh yeah they they force people into playing certain ways rather than actually just letting people play the way they want and designing the game that way uh it's happened so long it's it's weird because like i feel like wow players almost like having that happen because it's just happened so much it's like this unhealthy dysfunctional abusive relationship it is it's really sad it's like there was a time when i was actually watching a lot of youtube videos about wow that we're just negative and i was like mad it's like sick but there was part of me that liked it there was part of me that was like oh i like being pissed off about this with everybody like like i'm in the room yeah this is like feels kind of good in a up way i didn't like it it doesn't feel good for a long it doesn't feel good if it goes on and on and on and on you know yeah and uh i i have a good feeling that this will probably not be the the last time you'll be on the stream you've been making a lot of really great videos and we've watched a number of them i think they've been really good so uh thank you very much for that well thank you so much for having me on this has been so much fun i had a great time here today i'm kind of sad that it's actually almost two o'clock morning i kind of need to go to bed but i really appreciate you all having me it's been it's really been a joy take care thanks again bye yeah thank you so much for coming on i really appreciate it all right gentlemen all right i want to go ahead and explain what's going to happen on july 3rd the 3rd of july the 3rd of july we will be doing final fantasy 14. yeah i will be playing final fantasy 14 on the 3rd of july in just a couple of weeks [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 809,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, final fantasy asmongold, wow vs final fantasy, wow vs FF14, wow vs ffxiv, ff14 vs wow, final fantasy vs wow, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, zepla ffxiv, asmongold zepla, zepla ff14, zepla final fantasy 14, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, mmo, mmorpg, 2021 mmo, 2021 mmorpg, allcraft, wow refugee
Id: NpbdxAFMzuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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