Asmongold Reacts to "Is FFXIV Winning the MMO War?" | By Zepla

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is final fantasy 14 winning hey buns so yeah first of all obviously i did change my hair i got a cut and a color uh but i am going to get more changes to my hair this upcoming week so let's look forward to it however that's not what i want to talk about here today today i want to talk about something i've been meaning to discuss for a little while now since we are here in the craziest month i have ever had on youtube um on my time playing final fantasy 14. uh things that are popping off i said it see guys uh it takes some time but the language and the vocabulary it's only a matter of time until big dick damage i'm telling you guys it's only a matter of time yep so the things that things are popping off and uh there's a ton of time a ton of new players coming in and i want to set aside for the moment the new uh allegations against activision blizzard i will talk about that more at the end of this video but i want to talk about why i think this is what's behind the exodus this time and um kind of just talk about my perspective as a finalizer 14 creator on all of it so obviously when people are dissatisfied with something they're gonna look for an alternative and that's the case right now with world of warcraft we have a ton of people coming to phones we're taking that we're playing warcraft now they may even be boycotting activision blizzard there's a lot of people like that absolutely for that reason but for the past couple of weeks obviously finance 14 had already been breaking its concurrent player count records on steam here's an article from forbes where uh it documents all of that like family 14 have been breaking records day after day after day i mean this happened this month it's a [ __ ] it's a video like i i find it so ridiculous i'm gonna be completely honest with you guys i find it so ridiculous that like there is a video of me playing a video game in a forbes article you know what i mean like that's it it's quite a lot i don't really ever like i'm gonna be honest with you guys like people need to remember that like if people say ego or whatever i genuinely had a way bigger ego before i started streaming and anybody who knew me knows that like i was the biggest [ __ ] that you could ever [ __ ] imagine like nowadays i don't really like none of this stuff like i want to say it's like none of this stuff gets to my head or makes me think anything more of myself like it's just i just think it's funny right yeah i just and the way i do that is like i just uh i live with my mom i live a very pretty simple life you know like i just i do what i do i log on and but like overall like i uh i don't have like a big ego about like myself in general like i know what i know and i know what i don't know i think it's important to know what you don't know more than it is to know what you do know that's a little it's a lot to say but i think it's true and this was all happening around the time that asman gold decided to come and start playing fallout 214 and he had over 200 000 people watching his stream it was a good day he has i think one of his vods has like 2.8 million views on it so yeah that's a lot of eyes on policy 14 and i think these eyes are watching and seeing that he was having fun but he's not the only one imagine that content creator from the wow community that has happened annie fusion is clearly enjoying the game uh also jesse cox yep played with watching the great video comparing the two games and so that was a good video getting into the ether appreciate it and also bellular has been very positive about final fantasy 14 as well lately so i think that follows 14 it's it's more than just this alternative mmo that is you know people are talking about now probably 14 stands on its own two feet this problem 14 is a damn good game that's what i've been trying to tell y'all the whole time i've had this youtube channel what do you think i've been that's what i've been doing so i made this channel like a lot of the videos i've made on this channel have been about you know encouraging people to come and try the game telling people how can you get your friend to keep playing the game how can you have more fun playing the game how do you understand the game like this is what i'm here doing uh i used to do the same [ __ ] with wow like that's what i used to do with my wow videos you know like i used to try to encourage people to play the game and like get them invested into it and everything like that uh like this is one thing i used to be really [ __ ] into man yeah i used to love this [ __ ] i was so like i was all about this time i'm out here um shouting from the rooftops about how much i love this game i actually made a video a little while back where i talked about how the policy 14 communities bubble is bursting and we'll watch a little bit more about the things that i discussed in that video what she's saying basically is there's an influx of degenerates primarily from the world of warcraft baldwin community and uh because of that uh you know the game will have a culture change because of those uh those mulders and balders that are coming over well i do want to say though like there are still games like i would not necessarily recommend playing wow right now until they get their [ __ ] back together but overall i would recommend playing a lot of games like games i would like like i would recommend playing final fantasy 14 like if you the thing is like if you like story games you will like final fantasy 14 absolutely but if you don't like narrative story games you will probably have a really hard time getting into the game now i would i would recommend it for sure there's a handful of other games too that i i would recommend also at the time i think it was just when asthma gold had decided to start playing 14. yeah big surprise it really shook up the 14 community i'll tell you that because they were not a pretty small bubble before well change has come you know lots and lots of new people with lots of different ideas have all come in and uh this is shaking things up quite a bit and not everybody likes that too much there's some people that get very set in their ways very comfortable with the way things are and we're very threatened by the new wave of players coming into the game and now there's a lot of people that were tweeting about me they were like asmin gold i don't know why you guys like asmond gold uh he made a tweet four years ago that was mean yeah he made a tweet and uh yeah i don't know why we like this guy this guy's a piece of [ __ ] uh he's a complete piece of [ __ ] remembering whenever he made the tweet uh-huh that's what i thought and you like him huh yeah remember the tweet idiot they feel even more threatened but um yeah i got quite a bit of hate for that yeah yeah people were mad at me and like you know what i do whenever people are mad at me like that i just ignore them because they don't matter i ignore them because they don't matter their opinions don't matter their thoughts don't matter everything they do doesn't matter and they're just stupid and so there's no reason to care about it it's literally that simple one of the like less offensive messages that i can show you here this one i got like immediately after i posted the video someone said well i'm leaving this server they're talking about my discord server tell her to quit inviting the toxic community of wow to fxv for goodness sakes and um it's like it's so weird to me when people say this kind of stuff yeah i was like do you realize how antagonistic you sound like you are telling me that that community is toxic and yet you're angry with me just because i've been inviting just because i've said welcome come on in like the water is fine uh i'm never gonna apologize for that i'm never gonna stop doing that and uh for all the new people coming in now welcome welcome welcome come on in uh i'm so happy you're here i don't care uh if you don't fit into a particular mold of what people think that you should be because the case is when you've got lots and lots and lots of new people is going to have different opinions on things people are going to have different perspectives on things and i just don't know how you can get by in this world i'm getting a little off track but how you can get by being so intolerant of differing in viewpoints shadowbringers has been able to it's simple the way they do it they spend all day in a little echo chambers agreeing with each other and shutting out anybody who doesn't and they do that for long enough that they believe it's real critical success so we had already been seeing a lot of players comment as the words started to spread about how people were saying actually this has one of the best final fantasy stories ever written in this mmo and you know i've told people that in real life you know i've spoken to people who don't play uh any mmos ever but liked final fantasy games and i'm like look you gotta try yes i'm doing this to people in real life as well i'm like yes you've got to try it final fantasy 14 at least play through the story at least go through the story i remember that the rider for uh shatter bringers was given a standing ovation at pax west that was the link that people showed me she brought to tears because of that gesture but it was well deserved i mean she got the standing ovation because of all these people that play through shadow bringers but they probably still had tears in their eyes from just playing the damn game to have an experience happening at a time when in the backdrop we have people in the world of warcraft community more upset than ever before about the treatment of certain characters in their story like sylvanas has received a ton of criticism uh it's been like a natural transition for a lot of people who are really caring about the story because of the massive numbers well the story sucks that's why people are mad is because it's bad it's a bad story uh everything every cinematic creates more questions than it answers it's just it's bad storytelling that's literally all there is to it it's just bad storytelling even if the story is good the way that it's being told is bad it's being told in a completely disjunct way you have no continuity between the different things in order to understand the context behind things you need to read the books it just sucks people that have been joining me yeah now to write a giant essay explaining to the play well he didn't have to write a giant essay okay he found time to write this huge essay regarding the growing player population and plans to alleviate world congestion this was crazy like that he spent so much time on this explaining to the player base exactly what they're going to do to let the servers allocate more people logging in because there's just so many people logging in the servers can't can't even handle that's a lot he explained you know well they need seven devices to upgrade the servers and here's the how the way the server infrastructure works and here's how the login caps works and a lot of people were really touched by this they were touched about yeah we read this his care and his transparency and making sure that players understand every little thing in the end of his letter he said as producer the responsibility for being unable to predict the current influx of new players falls to me the days before an expansions launch are supposed to be ones of excitement but instead they brought many players grief and for that i personally am extremely sorry like there no one would blame him for not being able to predict the current influx of new players they're like he doesn't have a crystal ball well maybe he does have a crystal ball but island isn't really a bomb right highland doesn't have hud only definitely doesn't have you have to know like you you can know what's gonna happen right and it's also about like it's not necessarily like his there's always a big difference that people don't really understand and like in leadership there's a difference between fault and responsibility like whenever you're in charge of something things going wrong are not necessarily always your fault but it is always your responsibility because your job is to make sure things go right and whenever things don't go right that's your problem and it doesn't mean that you did it it doesn't mean that you did it wrong but it is ultimately your responsibility to make sure that those things do not go wrong and uh i think that people oftentimes especially in in western culture this is something that is uh it's very common people uh treat leadership positions like rockstar positions like now i'm in charge and i can tell everybody what to do right like you know like people they watch too many episodes of the donald trump [ __ ] show right where he fires people and they think that's what they want to do because they have small small egos and they're stupid but the reality is like that's not how you make that that's not how you make decisions as a leader that's not what you do and and a lot of people don't really understand that and it's become more and more the case the point is that it was very touching the way he showed his concern people can't handle power takes his responsibility of making sure everybody is really happy very seriously and it was very endearing and we have got to remember this this man he's working on two games right now he's not just working on as director and producer for probably 14 but he's also working as a producer for final fantasy 15. and i'm going to take it so much today to write all this i really appreciate it and i think this is another thing that you know people successful who may be less satisfied with this sort of communication that they have with developers they had seen this communication uh maybe this was another what do you mean encouraging those people what would come on over here something really clear because i know probably up to this point it might sound like i'm just sitting here and i'm like oh well you know there's clearly winners and losers here we got my game which is awesome and everything going great in it and so all the players are coming to play my game and then we have this other game which sucks and everything's going wrong in it and uh that's why everyone's leaving that game and they're coming in my instead well that's true though like i mean she doesn't need to say it i'll say it people are not playing wow they're quitting wow because it's [ __ ] garbage like there's a lot of great things about wow but those great things are usually vestigial from things that were great about it 10 years ago there are very few new great things about the game that that's the people had enough they're tired of it they're just [ __ ] they're just [ __ ] tired of it and it's just it's annoying and it's it's exhausting and i am just so it's crazy the only there's like a small handful as i said i think the new tour guest is great i think that the raids are always great in general like they're very well designed overall i don't care about the mythic raids i just think they look cool etc and they're they're good right these are positive things absolutely i think tour gas sucks ass as i said i will say this i think the new tour gas is a massive like material improvement on the game and it is uh great to see blizzard trying to salvage a bad system rather than running away from it and i think that it i'm going to give them my absolute support in doing that however i will say that but strong ass you guys might not like it right i i think that it's incentivized badly but i think the idea of it is good the point is that like yes obviously final fantasy it's the same with path of exile and diablo 3. so diablo 3 has been losing popularity for years because blizzard doesn't innovate the game like they just like innovation for blizzard and diablo 3 is making a number bigger that that's that's innovation for for diablo 3. oh wow it's just garbage like i quit playing in season six because it just sucked poe is just running laps around them and it's a [ __ ] indie company should not happen i try to drive home here is that i believe that policy 14 has a lot going for it yes and it's because of that that policy protein doesn't need anything bad to be happening it doesn't need some kind of cataclysm happening at another gaming studio to succeed i don't celebrate it when bad things are happening at this other company or without a good game i only wanted to explain to you some of the reasons why people might be looking over to false 14 and possibly seeing that as greener pastors i really want to quote producer director producer naoki yoshida here because i think that yoshida and i have the exact same viewpoint on this whole situation he said recently this whole conversation about surpassing wow is the wrong conversation to have and it's honestly irritating when the interviewer chimed in and told yoshida that he was hoping he would have said we are the best yoshida said if i was that type of guy we'd miss our footing on the way and 14 wouldn't be loved by so many people i thought this was a really interesting quote from yoshida because it's like he's telling us we know that one of the reasons people love well they built a lot of like you know the guy is a big wow fan so it would make sense that he would like wow and he would not have those opinions you see what i'm saying like absolutely all when you see 14 is because we approach the game we approach the community and we approach people from other games with an attitude of compassion with an attitude of love rather than with uh pointing fingers and competitiveness those egos that's what it's egos we're better than them he goes he knows that part of the soul of what phalanxes 14 is and what this community has become has been about uh kindness has been about uh consideration of others and i think that actually if you play through the story of final tennessee 14 time and time again you're told these stories that are like that stories where someone who was supposedly supposed to be your competition in the end uh usually might end up being friends hope is really a central theme of what pharmacy 14 is about and that's what the game has been about for me as well this is another quote that i want to share from yoshita because it's like he said what i feel me and eric eric's one of my best friends in real life we became friends because uh we'd always challenge each other about who knew more about lord of the rings uh it was in middle school and neither of us had girlfriends by the way it was me as a person that loved wow for many years and now you know i now love fantasy 14. he said regarding this whole conversation about is phallus 14 winning because wow is losing or any of that any of that nonsense he said without world of warcraft a realm reborn would not exist wow was the game we constantly admired our goal was to create a version of final fantasy from well so to say that we won or lost against wow it's out of place to start with because that was the game we aspired to be he sees world of warcraft the way that an artist might see another artist that they're inspired by i mean even if you're both selling art in the same museum then it doesn't necessarily mean that you need to hate each other or you need to like look at every little problem in the other person's art or be glad if you notice a problem in their art like it's not like that at all i mean always i don't think it's like that it's just like oh here's someone that inspired me and i respect them and they influence me in my journey in my creative journey and i'm grateful for that and i want to see them succeed too i want to see more great work from them and that's the way that i see world warcraft i mean i've said before i also see world of warcraft as like an old friend that i grew up with and crack um but yeah here's the thing is like yeah of course obviously wow it's very clear and i think that's one of the reasons why it's easy for a lot of wow players to transition and play final fantasy it's because they're able to see the way the game works and be like oh this is like in wow and oh this is like in wow for me that's what's made it easy for me to transition over because i know it's like oh mount tab uh you know group finder etc it's easy for me to understand i still i still believe that and i don't necessarily say any more that i feel like division blizzard is an old friend i know that a lot of people are seeing final fantasy 14 right now as an avenue for them to still play in mmo while they are boycotting activision blizzard and that boycott is completely justified but i don't necessarily take joy in that nobody in my community is happy with the situation that's unfolding at blizzard we do not celebrate it when bad things are happening over there especially things as bad as they are and i think it's very foolish it's very irresponsible to treat this like it's sporty sports teams going at each other when there's real human lives like on the line there are people at blizzard whose livelihoods are being threatened there are people who have endured so much harassment so much abuse people who have lost their jobs all this stuff was going on i don't know why anyone would try to paint that as a win for fatherless routine it most certainly is not so i kind of want to steer further away you can have like positive things happen to you because of negative things to other people but um the reality is like you don't really want to talk about that or think about that you know what i mean like you don't want to look at it from that perspective because ultimately the reason why is because you didn't do it anytime that you take something is a win and you take pride and you're happy that something happened and you take any accountability for something that you didn't cause to happen then i think that's just uh it's stupid it's like they didn't they didn't make that they didn't make blizzard do this stuff they had nothing to do with this they're just sitting there making their game yeah they had no control over this um how you know obviously i'm happy that people are coming to pharmacy 14 but i can't say that i'm happy for those reasons it's no it's just there's no there's no good there's no good take there's no good way to look at that yeah so i guess you can tell that i have a little bit of mixed uh emotions about this on the one hand i'm delighted that we have so many new players coming to finally 14. on the other hand i wish that a lot of it was happening under better circumstances that i wish that a lot of people didn't have to leave wow didn't have to boycott activision blizzard because i wish none of that stuff ever happened but unfortunately it is and uh we are here and uh we've got to face the reality and um i just can only hope that they have a massive restructuring and activision blizzard that's what they're obviously gonna do show accountability by firing people that have been involved in all this stuff and the workers start to be treated really well paid well cared for you know uh i really want really want to see all that i want to see world of warcraft succeed because that's the game that was there for me before fallacy 14 that was my first love and i will always be cheering it on what do you think about this whole discussion about has a false routine won some kind of contest or competition against world of warcraft what do you know what it's like so there is a gif of a mario party game and it was a game where all four of the players were trying to balance on a ball and the floor is ice and it's circular and the last person standing is the one that wins and yeah the luigi one and mario and peach and [ __ ] bowser are running around then they're just hitting each other and they all fall off and luigi stands there and does nothing and all three of the ones fall off and die and luigi is standing there after doing nothing as the sole winner of the game i think that's exactly what happened with final fantasy that's what that's what it mainly is about um so so so many new players coming to 14. it's actually i mean it's exciting um are you one of them he might be are you considering playing a policy 14. if you like this video please consider supporting the channel on patreon or on twitch you can also support the channel for free by clicking the subscribe button or by sharing this video with your fellow warriors of light thank you so much for watching oh that's great bye yeah i'm a warrior of light i forgot about that remember that boys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 380,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, wow vs final fantasy, wow vs FF14, wow vs ffxiv, ff14 vs wow, final fantasy vs wow, wow refugee, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, zepla ffxiv, asmongold zepla, zepla asmongold, zepla ff14, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, mmo, best mmo, most played mmo, ffxiv mmo, asmongold mmo, mmo 2021, new mmo, mmorpg
Id: bZYSBbzRqfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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