Asmongold on Blizzard's New "Anti-Harassment" Changes

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we've heard about blizzard far too often recently far too often we've heard about this group of individuals at this company well guess what blizzard is committed to dealing with abuse and harassment we thought it wasn't true we thought that you know they just let their employees get sexually harassed they treat their employees like [ __ ] well guess what guys that's not the case anymore blizzard does care about that stuff and they care about it so much they're removing slash spit from the burning crusade clients whenever targeting another player that's right that's right uh blizzard does care about harassment uh they do care about these things and that's why they changed it and here's here's what i think is kind of funny about this well there's a lot of things that i think are funny about this but out of all the problems that they have identified with uh you know their company out of all the problems that i've identified with this thing the one group of people that they really go out of their way to protect first even after they couldn't even figure out how to get all the alex afrosabi uh [ __ ] characters out of the game they couldn't even figure that out but the one thing they could do is get rid of slash spit and here's the way i look at it right is that guess which decision gets which group of people makes them money storm mount andes store mount and these are the ones that make them the [ __ ] money that's what it is because that's the ones they're protecting they're protecting the whales these are these are the whale watchers man [ __ ] exactly no i i really mean it like this is the one group of people they don't protect their female employees they don't protect their customer service people they don't protect women that play the game that get constantly stalked by weirdos in the game they don't really cooperate with the authorities unless like explicit threats are made in terms of stalking etc they don't do any of these things and you know why because these things don't make them any [ __ ] money but the moment the moment that you sit there and you [ __ ] with their money you [ __ ] with the opportunity that they have to milk their [ __ ] dying player base out of just a few more little [ __ ] sense suddenly they're changing the game in order for you not to spit on people as if that's [ __ ] any different swiper no slapping yes that's what they care about that's what matters to them and it's just so [ __ ] sad isn't it it it's just are they gonna get rid of the other ones no because obviously they're doing it as a response to people spitting on players for the storm out okay this is one change they're doing that makes them money uh it's pathetic in my opinion because the reality is like i actually the way i look at it is that i never thought the spitting thing was bad i i genuinely don't think that it's bad i think that people that complained about it were [ __ ] the reality is there's a lot of people out there that don't want to have micro transactions in their old [ __ ] game like this is supposed to be like a [ __ ] old game that's supposed to be one thing and everybody knows what it is because they played it back then like if you act like spitting on somebody is like harassment why is it okay to harass somebody in burning crusade or why is it why can you not harass people in burning crusade but you can in retail wow so so you can't harass people and burning crusade exclusively so if it's harassment it they should remove it entirely you see what i'm saying like it's just it's stupid wonder why there isn't a store mount already i'm sure there will be here's what i think blizzard will do this is how they can redeem themselves in my opinion is that what i think would be really funny and i made a tweet about this is it blizzard sold the ability to spit on players and burning crusade back to the players as a micro transaction for the same price as the store mount if they sold it right back to them to where like if you want to spit on players you have to spend the [ __ ] money as well that in my opinion like that is so just bald that it's just so shameless that if they did that i would commend them i would be proud i'd be like yes this is [ __ ] this is a big dick move okay it is a bald [ __ ] it is it is it 100 is uh what's this here you can't type the inward in retail but you can in classic well you can't take their only word away from them right i mean if you take the n-word away from classic players what else do they have what like boxing like that's about it i mean ddossing i mean it's not a whole lot that they've got left okay so yeah listen classic players you know they've had the walls closing in on them for a while and i'm really glad to see blizzard holding the line with not blacklisting the n-word okay it's just you know really good to see that they really care about these kinds of things and uh back then you were able to blacklist words too by the way it is still the same thing and so yeah uh anyway android is an offensive but yes uh they removed the wait a second they removed slash spit but they didn't remove the n-word i i mean like what is this what is this this is this is this is the these are the things that they care about how much should they charge for them to remove the black sun the n word too like this is the way these people it's a clown world yeah it's got to be a clown world like i don't know what else to say you know what i've thought about this right defending people who purchased their and boost but yeah they're not going to defend uh people that are using the racial slurs right it's crazy to me and it just the thing is to me it's like if they have a was a fair approach to it and this is the way that blizzard has always had so this is the problem whenever you begin doing the excessive moderation and this is always the issue that it that it runs into is that whenever you have a laissez faire which is like anybody doesn't know what that means it's basically like [ __ ] do whatever you want uh unless it's like super super super super super bad right so like posting people's personal addresses uh telling people are gonna kill them you know that kind of stuff uh everything else is like yo just say whatever you want do whatever you want uh just don't [ __ ] don't don't be crazy don't break the law basically so this is the approach that blizzard used to have it was and they would ban you if they reported you if some people reported you but it was usually like a slap on the wrist it was like 24 hours and that was about it and um over time blizzard has tried to moderate this more they've tried to invest more and try to like over moderate and what they run into is these exact problems where you are banning one thing like this but not something else uh it's absolutely [ __ ] crazy to me yeah it's nuts and someone at boise is for sure [ __ ] with us at this point um i think that in my opinion like i'll be completely honest with you guys i don't care what happens in burning crusade in my opinion the second that they added a storm out and a boost to burning crusade uh the game was dead to me that's the truth it was dead to me like i i like this is not the game i played back whenever i was a kid this is not what it was this is just some [ __ ] that you've tried to make money out of and i i played the game i love burning crusade i'll even play it nowadays right i'll i'll play tier five i'll play tier six i'll play sunwell and i'll even look forward to it to be honest i will but the reality is that it's not the same experience and it's not the same thing that it used to be and it's very obvious to me that it's a cash grab they're just incompetent and greedy oh i i don't think they're malicious either i don't think that they want people to say the n word okay like i don't think that they're like wow well now that they now we'll have everybody saying the n word in our game no that's not what it is okay it's clearly not what it is however uh i do think that they are incompetent and at a certain point incompetence and maliciousness is the same thing and i feel like that's about where we're at what a devious little plan yes exactly and uh it's just [ __ ] crazy man yeah they're just completely incompetent blizzard the original clown college i mean honestly i feel like these guys are in clown graduate school at this point it's pretty [ __ ] impressive no anyway i want to look at some other stuff but yeah i just wanted to talk about that for a few minutes uh basically blizzard removes the spitty mode and burning crusade obviously toxicity is solved there's not like you can't use slash cringe you can't just keep kicking people out of groups with the store mounts etc and so to me here's the way i look at it is that each individual player that buys one of those things that buys that mount is actively saying i don't care about the authentic classic experience by riding that mount in the game you say i don't care it doesn't matter to me and it's irrelevant and you are actively working against the interests of every other person on that server that's there to have an authentic classic experience and if you think that i'm gonna turn my nose up and act like i'm too good to spit on somebody who's actively doing that you're wrong you're you're wrong i'm i'm a bit of an [ __ ] i don't know if you guys have noticed that but i am and i have no problem doing that i have no problem doing that kind of stuff and the player base the thing is this is the reality is that that actually makes change and you know how i know it makes change because blizzard is removing the emote it was working obviously it was working or they wouldn't have removed it it clearly had an effect and people were clearly upset about it and because they were upset about it was clearly serving its purpose so unfortunately some people were mad and uh you know it's unfortunate but [ __ ] them they're [ __ ] a lot of these people just want to that they want to defend this kind of [ __ ] like this so they can get brownie points for blizzard but nowadays nobody's talking about that anymore because the company's going down in flames you boosted as well my duke yeah and i deleted the [ __ ] character right like i i hate to tell you guys this but do i want to break the fourth wall guys would the last jedi have been a good star wars movie if the empire strikes back didn't happen you have to have the bad moments and you have to create a narrative i knew that whenever i was making a character i was going to delete it that's why i never geared it out or leveled it i did it because i thought it would be funny i planned it a month in advance that's why i never did anything with the character i knew that we were gonna do the charity event i planned it out all the way until then it is what it is i uh it's not necessarily like i knew that it was going to happen it's more that i was expecting something to happen and i was pretty much creating a situation where it would work out in the future listen scripted content guys look i what can i say i'm a showman i love to put on a show and guess what people love the show so who gives a [ __ ] trust is gone exactly everything's fake nothing's real this behind you is a set okay there's a giant [ __ ] mansion right behind this house and that's where i actually live and the [ __ ] well it depends on which lamborghini you're talking about but the yellow one is parked in front of the [ __ ] uh the garage with the uh the fountain in the middle of it okay that's being taken care of by my butlers yeah you guys know what's going on it's it was all it was all fake right from the beginning guys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 532,071
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, blizzard, blizzard asmongold, blizzard lawsuit, blizzard., lawsuit, asmongold blizzard, activision blizzard, classic tbc, /spit, spit removed, asmongold spit, tbc spit, tbc store, wow store, wow boost, wow change
Id: A-d_PX0vL2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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