Asmongold Interviews Girl RPer Selling Her Body for WoW Gold

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wow i can't believe it have you ever had a threesome me and my me and my friend who got her long boy from erping we have done it in in the past a couple times she got five million gold for this yeah and you got these kids over here farming out world quests whenever they knew all they had to do was just to just do that all right guys i'm over here in moonguard and so there's a lot of people here in moonguard this is pretty much what you expect to see there's a lot of girls with like these uh thigh highs stuff like this it's very common and they have if you download there's a special add-on and if you download the add-on you can actually read and see what they say about themselves so we've got here sonia lightheart and you have all over here okay here we go so i'll read this to you guys the renderer in front of you is short about five foot three in height her arms and calves are thin as her hips and thighs are thicker her breasts are small yet humble her skin is pale yet her cheeks have a pale pink tint her body being almost hairless i don't know if i can do the rest of this i really don't not safe for work info okay we'll dance and erp for gold only 21 plus let's play a game death roll me for 10k whoever gets one loses if i lose you get a free 20 minute dance if i win you pay the 15k and get a 10 minute dance erp prices for a vanilla scene 30k for a bdsm scene 50k for any extreme fetishes or kinks 80k to 100k gold my message her i'm gonna get her in discord like i'm actually gonna get her in discord and have her talk about it let me get back over here she answered no way i did person a missed person to discuss the inner inner workings of role-playing with all right let's see what she says chill out boys chill out let me just move around here i'm still fairly new and unexperienced with roleplay but sure i can answer any question i have to the best of my ability okay i'm gonna say it um just give me a second uh let me let me just look at this uh [Music] willing to do discord for for an actual interview on voice i'm gonna move this down in case she she says what her discord is i don't want you guys adding her she says wow putting me on the spot uh i guess ha ha all right let's go let's do it let's do it hey can you hear me yeah i can hear you okay good how old are you i'm 24. okay good that's that's great um so anyway i uh i was looking at some of your uh your profile here and uh part of it was really kind of interesting to me and i thought that i'd ask you some questions about just kind of uh what exactly goes on behind closed doors uh like i said i'm really new to like rp and stuff so i i i've played wow for a long time but i yeah i choose to spend most of my time just doing stupid stuff in goldshire so um wow lore whenever you say stupid stuff what do you mean by that i would just stand around and just talk to people go around kind of like just when you log on a alt or whatever and you're just around i uh i recently started doing like uh art like rp with like people my guild and stuff like that um but i'm still like i get the practice so i guess that's okay so i saw that you do certain uh rp's for gold now i thought that was pretty interesting and uh i i'm gonna ask the obvious question that i think a lot of you guys probably a lot of my my viewers are wondering about um how much gold do you make it really depends um there are certain people that are willing to pay like 100k others or just like 10 15k it really depends on who it is the day the timing of the day and the kind of rp that people want because like if somebody's coming up to me like yeah i want you to eat me i'm going to be like that's weird yeah yeah like that's weird you're going to need to pay me just a little bit more for that because it's out of my comfort zone but you'll do it it's just uh it it's just gonna have to cost a little bit more money yeah yeah how many people how many people have asked about that uh i know of one person who will ask for vore and he pays like a lot back when the uh sandstone drake was like 100k on the auction house that's how i got it and one pop with him so he gave you an epic mount for an epic mount jesus no because i mean i didn't i just ate him okay i i well played as a pregnant night elf uh-huh and i ate him and then he fist bumped my unborn baby that's crazy so that was interesting and that was for a hundred thousand gold ah about 120 000 yeah wow that's crazy and so is this person do you talk to them regularly um i don't anymore i think that was the only time that i rp with him yeah uh one of one of my friends uh regularly rp with him and he he pays her quite a bit really then did he want the same thing or is it something different oh yeah he it's always war with him yep wow um what uh what other uh besides that uh what other things are people curious or interested in are you talking about like erp specifically yeah well there's one person who will pay me about 30k for something called tit fighting i don't i i don't fully understand it but okay um arp is a female character and they try to rp with other female characters where they just hug each other squeeze their tits together as hard as they can until one absorbs the other's essence in its entirety so it's like four but with titties but yeah actually wow all right that's really interesting um um most other people i've arpied with just one head which is kind of like boring in vanilla so that's only how much is that uh i usually still charge like between 15 and 30k because you know that's a good idea girls got to eat right yeah i got cat bills to pay exactly yeah of course i've got bills to pay tokens to buy so uh how much gold collectively have you made uh through doing all this like is it enough to buy a long boy no well considering i still recently had started doing this not yet but like i'm usually pretty broke because like you know i buy for my guild so i'm usually pretty broke i have gotten collectively over the last like a week or so about 300k 300 000 gold in a week if somebody's wanting to start trying to erp and rp for gold it will probably take some time for it to pick up but like once people know hey this person's decent our peer will do just about anything you just gotta pay her right um the word gets around and you'll have something called regulars yeah i could pretty much expect that i mean i think that's quite interesting so it's kind of like uh only fans for wow kinda yeah that's really that's really interesting and i guess what are some bits of advice that you have for anybody who's looking to get into this as a buyer or a seller for as a seller i would say be patient because i mean i sit in gold tire when i'm not doing anything else and sometimes i get whispers sometimes i don't um if you're wanting to sell just be patient and um i don't know like i guess try and be nice make conversation be interesting and as a buyer uh i guess some some people who will sell don't just be mindful of how you approach because i don't i'm i've i personally don't like hate it when oh i'm not going to say that i'm not gonna say that wait what what what do you mean what do you mean what's going on as a seller yeah i if somebody wants to erp with me for gold yeah it just depends on how they approach i guess the approach also matters so yeah that that would be my uh my idea so it's a matter of kind of talking to the person and being a uh being a normal person because you don't want to erp with somebody who's crazy is that pretty much it oh yeah yeah have you had that happen i have not yet at least um one of my friends have uh an erp session has turned into the guy being kind of obsessed with her like in real life or just like in game no game well at least that's good yeah at least it's not in real life yeah i i guess so there's probably a lot of guys that try to try to kind of take it to that next level it could be a little bit much well i was wondering so you said one of your friends how many of your friends do you know that do this uh one that does it regularly um uh really close with her um there are a few people and like that i've met that do this yeah sorry i'm trying to hold on to hiccup oh it's okay i i do know quite a few people who do this um who rp for gold um how about like what like 10 half a dozen um probably close to that maybe more it's it's a very common thing at least i know for a fact on moon guard it's azeroth sold this profession right yeah it's very common on moon guard most of the at least female tunes that you'll see will advertise either dancing for tips or in their actual profile will advertise like doing more for more gold doing more for more gold i like that because it's very uh it's very vague and it leaves a lot of room for um excitement yeah exactly uh have you ever had a girl approach you oh yeah oh yeah really wow like not a not a a you know a guy but like like an actual girl approach you wow that's usually just heard just for dances um is that there was uh well so for dances i actually one of my friends saw another person on moon guard that has a death roll game in her trp profile yeah and i was like hey is that a theme yeah i read it i was like do you mind if like i do this she's like yeah just you know quote like just give me credit i was like hell yeah i will and if if well death roll and if i win uh i get paid 15k and then they get a certain amount of time for a dance and usually if somebody asks me for a dance i'll be like do you want to do that you want to do the death roll or sometimes if i'm just dancing they'll just hit me between 5 and 10k just all depends so that's crazy because back in my day you would tip a girl between five and ten gold and now it's five and 10k oh yeah wow that's insane that's a lot of money and people can afford that how do they just buy wow tokens or how does this happen i do know a lot of people who just buy a wow tokens for this kind of stuff well the funny thing is it's probably still cheaper than only fans true very true so do you have like a guild that's uh associated with this or is it just kind of like uh every uh every lady out for herself uh no i'm my guild doesn't we're not an erp guild okay um for more of a more more of a social guild yeah but there are aspects of the guild that are like not safe for work and like that like not safe work friendly yeah but um there are i believe there are guilds on moon guard that are sent around erp and dancing for gold and stuff like that how many guilds do you think are like that on moon guard like erp centric guilds oh i know i know that there are tons i know at least uh two oh my god that i've been in but wow so uh do you guys do it on like uh do you ever worry about like blizzard getting upset about it or you know like trying to avoid that see with that kind of stuff i i mean they allow rp yeah um i don't i mean if blizzard actually knew that you know people were doing this they probably wouldn't be too happy but i mean what would they be able to do because you know it's just rp and we are on an rp server that's true it is just rp i mean even if it is uh vore at the end of the day it is just rp so uh you don't try to do anything to like avoid getting in trouble or anything like that it's just kind of uh the wild west i'm never really worried about getting yeah in trouble um it's see the way i see it is if i'm not trying to bring anything in real life like do it for like real life money yeah um i'm never worried about getting in trouble and i don't i don't think most people do either um you know if it's just in-game currency i mean people can trade gold in rp i don't see i never worried about getting in trouble that's good yeah i think it's completely fine as well it's totally okay in my mind and uh another question is uh what what's your your goal right are you gonna like if you get like let's say 10 million gold five million gold do you just stop at that point um i would have enough uh gold to keep my wow sub without having to use real money to pay for it so that's really what it is yeah i mean i think that's a lot of a lot of people at least that's mine um it uh it helps with that um also when i get bored or at least the rp practice because i don't i don't really reach out for rp regular rp much well it doesn't pay as well does it i mean you're right true there it is yeah there it is i i that's very interesting i mean especially to know that there are a lot of other girls that are like do you guys ever share um is there ever like a time whenever like one girl will get mad at another girl for taking her person that she talks to [Music] like a little bit of jealousy i mean there probably has been um but you know if it's just for gold and you know as long as it stays in dms yeah like i mean i don't i don't get jealous i don't really care i more do it um at this point at least right now when i'm bored have nothing to do if i need gold i'll try but if not i can always make gold the old-fashioned way like the normal way how everybody else does it um i'm just yeah i'm still i'm still fairly new to this scene um like i said one of my one of my close friends does it how long have they been doing it uh she's she's been doing it for a while that's how she got her long boy that's it took her a few months but yeah that's how she got her long boy holy so she actually she paid five mil she got five million gold for this yeah and you got these kids over here farming out world quests whenever they knew all they had to do was just to just do that wow i can't believe it have you ever had a threesome that's a serious question yeah how many what's the most is it just two i mean it's usually i mean i've had one or two uh me and my me and my friend uh who got her long boy from erping we have done it in in the past a couple times a threesome with somebody else so the two of you were like it's like a like a like a 2v2 arena kind of like you're on the same team oh yeah how do you split it um well i mean [Music] it really all depends i mean sometimes we do it for fun but usually when we do it's like 50 50. okay all right that's good it's good that you know you've got a certain amount of fairness it's definitely a good thing uh that's really interesting i mean i i didn't even know it was as prevalent as it is that's incredible that 5 million gold that somebody made from doing this yeah just erp no pigs no voice even though there are some guys out there who will be like yo i will pay you 300k to voice with me wow have you ever done that oh no you're not you're not down for that no i keep that stuffing game yeah that's probably a good thing especially with the weird boys definitely true i i find this very interesting i mean i think this has been a very common thing in wow for a long time and to just kind of have somebody talk about it candidly is really really interesting have uh i got a couple more questions uh basically one more um have you ever uh have you ever paid for somebody to rp with you no no i'm usually broke all right that makes sense okay it's a lot easier for a at least a female character to get that kind of thing um more so for a male yeah i know how it is it does i guess it does happen for males but it's more it's easier for women to do it do you know any guys that do it uh some yeah all right all right maybe two people hell yeah that's good i'm glad it's it's equal rights equal representation that that's always great well listen i wanna say i really appreciate you coming on and talking about this it's been eye-opening for a lot of people in here i really appreciate this do you have anything you want to shout out or anything you want to say before you go oh my god i i want to say no but my friend troy has been spamming me yeah yeah yeah he's been spamming me forever now he wants me to give him a shout out shout out to troy the monk he said he was gonna message her yeah he he was actually really trying to do me a solid making sure that this uh uh this actually happened i really appreciate uh i appreciate you coming on and doing this thank you very much you're welcome no problem all right well listen uh good luck and i'm sure you'll have your long boys soon especially at those prices well thank you yeah thanks a lot i'll talk to you later bye have a good day and let's see here [Music] to get closer to god i had to quit vaping this is not a vape this is a microphone okay what the is this where's pope francis where's pope francis we've gotta find out there's something we gotta do here yeah we gotta talk to somebody listen talk to it uh yeah i mean i just said that to her right i mean that that honestly guys holy was that good that was shocking wasn't it that was very very shocking i um i i didn't even know what to say i did not even know what the to say oh my god asthma gold investigates azeroth yeah the interviews i mean listen i think i i asked all the didn't i ask all the questions that you guys would have wanted to see like i mean i i think i asked all the all the good ones the way i look at it is that um like i i don't really mind a whole lot about like there's a lot there's a big part of me that like i always worry about like interacting with streamers and stuff like that because i don't want to offend them but if it's a random person i will just segway into threesomes i don't give a okay uh most important part is that girl is not weird people use this weird just market no the thing is like the girls that do this kind of stuff um it's it's good because guys listen you gotta understand there are a lot of guys out there and they just they will pay for a girl to look at them like literally like there are there are girls that aren't only fans i'm not even kidding you right there are girls on only fans that do dick raiding services and they uh they will rate guys dick like guys will pay like actual money for a girl to just look at their dick and tell them what it is about it no i'm sorry it's very sad the thing is is it is sad and here's the best way that you can do something about that okay is you can if your friend is doing that kind of stuff goof on your friend a little bit about it don't make fun of him a whole lot let him know that he's a bit of an idiot for doing it and then after that go out to mcdonald's and just do something else with them and get his mind off of it okay get his mind off of it but how do you know well how do i know this what do you mean how do i know this how wait that's a that i i look how do i know it's simple because i am an educated individual all right i'm an educated individual who no i this is my it's my job to know these kinds of things okay guys it's my job [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 845,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, wow rp, wow roleplayer, wow gold, asmongold rp, asmongold roleplayer, selling her body, asmongold interview, rp, roleplaying, wow roleplaying, world of warcraft rp, world of warcraft roleplayer, gold wow, wow girl, world of warcraft girl, asmongold girl
Id: xWOqzzbuIfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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