Asmongold Reacts to "Leeroy Jenkins - The Man Behind The Meme" | By Internet Historian

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the man behind the meme [Music] okay oh wow it's wow yeah was this like a talk show see didn't wait didn't leroy jenkins get kicked off of um wasn't like blizzard working with him until he said the n word didn't he say like the n word on a live stream and they got mad about it i i think that's what yeah that's what it was something like that i i don't remember it was a long time ago tonight the story of leroy the man who got famous for prematurely ejaculating himself onto the face of battle that's good he is ben schultz a regular guy from lafayette colorado at the time he was 24 years old and earning his degree in electrical engineering oh i don't think you're supposed to put those so ben and a few of his mates got drunk one night on 40s and decided to make a guild yeah they settled on the most sarcastic this guild used to actually be on my server pals for life i think they still might be on the server it was the actual leroy jenkins guild naked belts for life but they needed more people to join so they could raid yeah of course so they made this video so that video yes it's stained that video was a guild advertisement so it goes on they get 720 no scoped by the welts yeah here i made a map so you can see what it looks like without all the chaos find a full version on my second channel wait what the [ __ ] as soon as they uploaded a breakdown people went crazy over this [Music] people started to follow him around in the game because it's [ __ ] annoying because it's [ __ ] annoying if they follow you around see is it just [ __ ] it was annoying then too camp outside ubrs hoping he would show up yep he would get hundreds of whispers every day yup something like this something like this exactly even had a stalker who would follow him day in and day out trying to find personal information yep in those days wow didn't allow crossover play either this is what they were doing queues and wait times but i have to deal with these [ __ ] people dude there are people that they will put me on their friends list and message me the moment that i log on and just be like hey dude hey you want to do like a mythic dungeon with me hey dude hey what's going on man hey dude uh hey dude uh would you want to come to this raid that i'm doing it's like oh my god man just like leave me alone like i wish that i could do it as like incognito man it drives me insane i know like some people like it's like yeah they're fans but like there's there's like being a fan like being weird you know i mean like i don't know i think it's weird all right it is [ __ ] weird uh yeah i mean come on no offline mode i like the thing is i'm not very social okay like whenever i play games i am i am anti-social [ __ ] full laughing skull yeah there you go and when you got in there were even bigger problems yeah loot lag roll back disconnected which meant re-cueing right so the the server for leroy jenkins got full just because of we just because of leroy jenkins is that for real like i've never even heard of this before what the [ __ ] that's insane oh my god man leroy's video was attracting tens of thousands of new players to his server yeah it was beginning to impede the way he played the game get richer cry trying it's about right worse it wasn't the kind of fame that allowed him to get rich either that's disappointing it was meme fame he and his girl tried to make money by selling merch but they had trouble with blizzard's copyright yeah so the best they could do was sell shirts with ben's face on it they didn't sell very well they invited him to host at blizzcon all right i was canon rushing just being a jackass just drinking it went okay ben was offered a job at ea oh my god but he turned it down because the pay wasn't great and it was only a six month contract that will require him to move across the country [ __ ] that dude sounds like a blizzard yeah it sounds just like blizzard uh drinking what a surprise well yeah i mean drinking on the job like that's what blizzcon is supposed to be like if you go to blizzcon like there's like a hilton hotel that's like across the street from the convention center and everybody that goes to blizzcon spends more time getting drunk in the lobby of the hilton hotel than actually at the convention like that's actually what they all fly out there to do like the convention and all that video game [ __ ] is secondary okay if you ever go you'll see it's true meanwhile blizzard sees the popularity of leroy and pumps out figurines and lore cheers ever notice how leroy gets whiter over time interesting they even make him into a quest but it's voiced by some random guy yeah ben decides to send an email to blizzard and say uh yeah what about me yeah so they let him vo for it okay and then that's it he was invited to a few other events [Music] i didn't even know anything about this [Music] yeah i'd never even seen this before at all like i never paid attention like internet culture [Applause] but that's about all the recognition offered him yeah how's the girl doing pals for life had become the most attractive guild on the server and it was turning into a veritable [ __ ] of success with glistening splashes of legendary items and trophies blazing its founders we'll be right back police are on the lookout for leroy jenkins jr of jacksonville they now have a first-degree murder board but back to benjamin's okay [Music] so see like i never cared at all about like internet celebrity culture like i still don't care but like back whenever i was like younger the only internet celebrity i even knew of was boxy that was it because she was on 4chan and i thought she was moderately hot like that was it and like i'm trying to think of like any other i guess athene yeah i liked watching athene's videos and i swifty's videos yeah that was okay and that was [ __ ] it man like i never gave a [ __ ] about like this like internet celebrity [ __ ] that people cared about back then they're like oh did you know about this guy or that guy or whatever like that yeah i never gave a [ __ ] jesse slaughter during an interview he says he's working on a new viral video that will be out by the end of the year okay but instead of another viral hit the new video he dies what okay no he didn't die but he did quit the game oh wow he was bored with it well that all of his friends that's jamal and anthony quit in 2007. oh no and abdul in 2008. it seems that pals for life really meant pals for about two years [Music] leroy comes back in 2011 but he doesn't stay around for long he doesn't even play his own quest geez [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] dude in 2011 he makes an appearance in a fake trailer called the chronicles of rick roll of the chronicles of rick roll yeah okay is this a bunch about about a bunch of [ __ ] internet memes yeah i'm sure it does i mean like i get people i guess people just like grow up and stop playing the video game isn't that kind of sad to think about people that are just like they're just not playing the game anymore i don't know yeah it's like [ __ ] boomer or real life [ __ ] it just sucks the tabard yeah tabard is good full version of the movie of course was never to be made all right probably a good idea do this [Music] but in that same year he gets a proper brush with hollywood what the [ __ ] is the warcraft one of the first versions of the script here yeah features private jenkins a rogue soldier who breaks rank and charges into battle before and then they cut it out but before production they cut him from the script that's the way she goes they do invite him to the premiere though that's sad here he is with jamie lee curtis yeah jamie i hear you've been yelling leo jenkins all day yeah i'd love to hear your best one all right ready oh my god i got a surprise for you though yeah i know yeah i know all right drums let's do this okay dude i feel like it would be kind of around me or from me oh no [Music] just like that guy looking straight into the movie dude all right in china so they'll probably make a sequel and if they do it'd be nice to see ben make a cameo yeah it'd be cool i i guess that would kind of suck if like you get really popular or famous for like one like kind of little thing like that and then everybody only knows you for that one little thing and people don't really give a [ __ ] beyond that that that would kind of yeah that would fit yeah that would suck wouldn't it like like save the thing horrible yeah i mean imagine horrible imagine getting famous for one thing ever whoa wow holy [ __ ] that would be the worst thing ever i can't even imagine that well no that's not true there's people asking you to say the one thing that you were popular for that one time for years and years and years and that's the only reason anybody ever even knows who you are they yeah that would suck man [ __ ] dude that's not true because now it's time to feel so bad no you've got two things now you've got re and what a day what do you what do you mean i'm not talking about me oh okay never mind then all right yeah okay yeah all right well that's true yeah of course this makes sense yeah what a day man ben has gone back to his regular life as an electrician how about that and that's the story so far the man the meme the icon of internet history ben schultz good night that is kind of weird how it's like people get famous for like one little thing like that all right and that's it i'll just be here doing my research oh okay what the [ __ ] is it oh no oh oh my [ __ ] god jesus that is so nasty that's so [ __ ] dirty man you should have done streams well here's the thing right is that um like he couldn't do streams because they didn't have streams back then by a time it was like 2011 and like people the thing is like you couldn't really like look at a theme for example it's like you get famous for like one thing and then like that's about it i don't know i feel like that's kind of sad you know it's time to toast to 15 years everyone raise your sword no enemy can defeat us there's no battle we can't win when we crunch the numbers stand together wow [Music] [Applause] that was actually really good [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 430,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold internet historian, internet historian, internet historian reaction, internet historian react, asmongold internet, asmongold historian, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold classic, leeroy jenkins, leeroy jenkins original, asmongold leeroy jenkins, leeroy jenkins scream, leeroy jenkins classic, leeroy jenkins meme, hearthstone leeroy jenkins
Id: jc8JlK9Ex_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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