Asmongold Reacts to Preach Quitting WoW

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this resonates.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/NalanaVos 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

That's a good one

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Elderik 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
after so many years the road has come to an end time to give up on world of warcraft uh this has not been an easy decision as you can imagine we have a team of people who work here now putting stuff together for you guys to hopefully put a smile on your faces that is all we aim to do and uh in terms of wow we have to kind of stop right there so i'm gonna clarify a few things not everything is going away i'll explain why shortly um let's do the reasons first let's get that out of the way so first reason obviously is the recent allegations that was really the straw that broke the camel's back that is the keeping points that's the same metaphor after all we've been through with world of warcraft since probably the beginning of bfa that on top of that this environment uh has existed within blizzard to the point now where they're staging a walkout i've just been checking and updating myself on this is that the staff are doing a walk out due to blizzard's awful reprehensible response to an abhorrent situation that has been plaguing blizzard for a very long time in terms of its harassment of women and then it's not really the time or the place to talk about this but the reality is like preacher's hair is actually looking pretty good like his hair is looking pretty [ __ ] good man and this whole hair transplant situation uh is uh looking a little bit a little bit more positive feel comfortable promoting and advertising the game which is essentially what happens that is the relationship i hold with blizzard with having a large audience is that we produce content we check out uh content that's in development we get to see things a little bit earlier uh in order to get that out to you guys as a promotional tool that's how blizzard sees it and in return we get to make fun content about a game we absolutely adore imagine that don't feel i'm doing that at all uh that's reason number one it's it's hard to get past that for me it really is it's too it's too hard it's too big of a hill to climb uh reason number two is at this point i honestly have very little positives to say about world of warcraft that it does feel like for the last few years blizzard has really pushed to have players like myself leave it does feel that way we've talked about a number of yeah i feel like i'm not the target of the changes and directions that blizzard have gone in i've been very outspoken about and bfa in particular and this is relevant now is one of the expansions where i essentially had some [ __ ] and moan throughout the entire expansion because systems like warfronts which are unlosable content islands that had actually that's not true preach we spent 30 minutes standing afk all together collectively and we intentionally lost a warfront preach that's not true you can you you can lose warfronts actually azerite armor which was just a plague on the game since it came in with refusal to allow us to even trade it at all at one point it was it didn't matter on item levels you couldn't trade it whatsoever you were locked into it it was super special or blizzard believed it was super special and that's the line that we draw is what blizzard believes is not what i believe for a long way i agree further exactly the exact same way near enough every feature of the game that has come in since bfa has been either half developed undercooked uh a missed opportunity is how i would describe it most accurately certainly when it comes to shadow lands tall gas the way that the blizzard cooks things is they cook things like you cook a floppy disk or a cd rom in a microwave that's how blizzard does cooking with the game now they throw a [ __ ] you know one of those aol free trial cds from back in the day they put that in a microwave and they say boom there it is it's cooked guys look look how hot it is it's on fire no i and like preach was one of the ones like i remember even back in legion he was one of the first people on the legion announcement i remember watching his video calling out blizzard for this [ __ ] with the legendary system and even i gave blizzard the benefit of the doubt preach didn't back then preacher's like this is gonna be [ __ ] and he was right opportunity the covenants are a missed opportunity there is so much that could be done with each of those features uh that just hasn't been done far too often uh shadowlands launched with the idea that they would we're going to put all the systems into the game at the start so we can just tweak and modify them and make them more fun as the game goes on yeah i'd have to constantly reinvent the wheel they let us down with that and immediately in the first patch uh with the addition of the shards of domination uh take a moment to really emphasize this because i think the shards of domination sockets and the armor really exemplifies just how distant my point of view is with world of warcraft and blizzard's vision of world of warcraft um i have heard reports from the in the last week or so directly from some contacts that blizzard is confused as to why the players are disgruntled with shards of domination because in the eyes of some people blizzard they're basically tear sets now let that sink in for a minute because that when i heard this first and then heard it multiple times from different people i was honestly gobsmacked this is before the no it's it's not there's no reason to be surprised preach everything makes sense if you operate under the premise that they don't play the game if you operate under the premise that they do not play the game everything makes sense like like it's like oh well they they yeah oh of course they think that they don't play the game well of course they think it's like tier sets they don't they don't play in the game like everything or they're dangerously inept no i think they actually just don't play the game that's that's really what i think and if they do they play the game and they log in and they do like a heroic dungeon with their wife and then they log off revelation i hear things a lot that they don't talk about on the channel and that's it uh but to hear that like two weeks ago something like that i was really shocked that anybody at blizzard would equate shards of domination with tear sets how can you equate something that is not stylized specifically for your class one of the most exciting things that people get about tier sets is seeing that you're ability yes what's the new theme around my class that i love and enjoy and my main character what is he going to get uh going into that new raid a lot of them don't even care about the bonuses they just want to see how cool they look and is it got the warlock themed going to be plagued one is the rogue one going to be stealthy in some way how's it going to equate to daggers and all that kind of stuff but shards of domination don't do that at all in any way uh the bonuses that come with two sets are spec specific no they're not always enjoyable but they usually offer some sort of gameplay variety they change the way you play the game throughout the internet expansion yeah it might be something as simple as death coils uh proc more often so you get to throw a few extra ones in yeah something that gives a little bit of flavor a little bit of spice to your character gems that provide yeah tier sets were like tier sets were what made game play and each tier feel different a little bit where like in bfa basically every single tier that i played in bfa felt kind of the same it did it felt like it was pretty much the same thing every single one it was it was the same [ __ ] thing man it was boring at the end with uh i i want to say at the end with uh corruptions that did change flat damage increase are about the least creative thing in the universe for a video game they're not interesting at all i can't even tell if they're working without using third-party add-ons how they've been equated to tsx is beyond me now we look at the further problems and i'm glad i'm recording this in the evening because what we've also seen was shards of domination and we saw this on the ptr we told blizzard about it they're not balanced the unholy one is way more powerful than the frost one and the blood one so everybody wants to get the unholy one we could test this within minutes minutes of acquiring them on the ptr this is the quickest easiest check in the world to figure this stuff out because it leaves it as it is so when the game comes why is that because they're not playing the game they're not playing it that's why every problem in wow can be answered with that simple explanation and we point out all the problems with this acquisition not getting the ones you want the randomness of it and the fact that you decided to add like a 10 percent dps increase for several classes should they get lucky no tear tears in the game has ever been like oh you just do 10 more damage than everybody else in your team now because you managed to get your two set bonus that's not how this works but this is our shot they're really boring a bit of leech a bit of flat damage when i attack a mob for a few seconds i can't tell if it's going on does nothing for my gameplay they're really boring yeah proc it does more damage so this is how it changes your character uh so there was three numbers now there's five that's crazy huh so you made a massive damage increase you made it really boring and then after weeks of players scrabbling to get these things being disgruntled with them being frustrated with them being relieved when they finally get them being even angrier when they still didn't get them farming raid finder normal heroic etc to try and get the armor to put these things in because unlike tier sets you made them twice as obnoxious to get because you needed the gems and the armor to put them in well that way you got two things the person's got to do and that they've got to spend twice as much time on this that that's what it is that's what it comes down to it's like it's all time extension mechanics now i've heard that um i've heard that the blizzard uh players in wow right now are doing like a log out or a mass log out in oribos or something like that i feel like it's just mostly performance like i've been staging a mass log out for a week like i i don't know what else to say really i i don't know what else to say just don't log in yeah i'm already ahead of them right they've nerfed them into the ground it's embarrassing for you blizzard and this is the reason that people are just angry and frustrated you create an entirely frustrating annoying system yeah when you said you wouldn't then you made it really boring then you made it super powerful and then after all was said and done you then crushed it into the ground embarrassing because everybody told you about this stuff before the patch even came out well that's never happened before see it's never happened before that blizzard has introduced a system that was widely unbalanced or wildly unbalanced and then players told them that before the system was introduced and then the system got introduced and it turns out that it was imbalanced that's never happened before shows a lack of effort it shows a lack of quality control a lack of regard for players time it just comes across to us as players as you don't give a [ __ ] you don't care you just make us jump through hoops and then you move the hoops and you make the hoops smaller and then you tell us the hoops are pointless they don't earn you anything anyway it happens time and time and time again and it's always plagued by problems that players such as myself see within two to three minutes of checking the system out hey guys this isn't gonna work it's got this problem this problem this problem this problem these are glaringly obvious problems you don't need to be a specialist in game design or a master video games critic to spot these things yeah and here we are we're doing it again i'm i'm just lost for words with the direction that this game constantly goes in i don't recognize it anymore i don't and i'm so sad because the idea is i should grow out of the game and go out to do other things and be tempted by the new biggest thing yeah but that's not what's happened you've just ran it into the freaking ground for players like me and i i say for players like me because i'm not speaking for everybody but players like me are just endlessly frustrated and disgruntled with being treated like this because we enjoy your game and you we constantly end up chasing the [ __ ] feather at the end of the stick around in a circle and then you just tell us it was all for nothing anyway yeah that's the that's the worst part is you work your ass off for something like this and then they introduce the new tier and everything that you did is deleted like it doesn't matter anymore at all like it's just like it's they take it and they put it in the garbage oh because you didn't plan it out properly you rushed it you didn't take care and attention i can tell you now if i was sat in that room and this thing was suggested i would have said no why are we doing this who is this benefiting why is this fun yeah why the hell would anybody be excited by this why are you giving it a crazy damage bonus didn't we say we weren't going to add more systems isn't there room in the conduit system for something like this can't we focus on making legendaries more interesting can't we focus on making contra conduits and soul binds more interesting because they're really boring and you keep making us grind renown for it so all through bfa i spent my time trying to get these changes implemented which we kind of saw at the end of battle for azeroth at the very very tail end of the expansion they finally started to relent on these things and probably with 9.3 or whatever they'll relent on some of this of course i can't wait for nine point three whenever the expansion will finally be ready to play good conscience it's gonna be great consider spending the next six months of my time yeah however long it takes for 9.2 to moan about this game because it does it just comes across that you don't care anyway when i see changes well you don't care so why the [ __ ] should i care exactly yeah right if you can't tune legendaries before a patch comes out or domination shots or even slides which are all completely out of whack i'm sorry but like if you have to do like 50 nerfs and 30 and 50 and 40 nerfs it's because you didn't even try like whenever every single player that is able to make content and everything like this is able to figure this out and the only people that don't understand it are the ones that work on the game you have a problem a big [ __ ] problem why the [ __ ] should i care why should i and i don't anymore it's run out of me you've killed my passion for this yeah absolutely killed it i was presented with two options which is either i spend the next six months bitching and moaning which is somebody who just wants to make videos that essentially not for free because we're supported by you guys financially true and we hope you continue to do that but my channel was demonetised and the rally of support was entirely because we wanted to keep pushing because we loved the game and we wanted to make these videos we wanted to talk i want to talk about with you about world of warcraft endlessly i want to do that because usually we're talking about great fun stuff little fun builds we can do classes that are more interesting than they seem to be all that kind of stuff and i passionate and care about doing those things and all of that has been taken away all of it and it's been done lazily it's done haphazardly and believe me to the devs who may watch this i appreciate how hard 9.1 has been i've seen all your tweets that you had to do entirely from home i truly truly appreciate how hard you had to do it but at the end of the day i'm a customer the game sucks it's sucked in bfa it sucks now the philosophies that they've developed develop the game around and design the game around are bad they don't play their own game they are incompetent yes it sucks that you have to work from home but whenever you are working at the office you are making garbage too i've served a half-cooked steak i don't want to eat it still i don't care like it's not i don't care is the wrong word but i'm i'm not overly it's not my issue that it was hard to be responsible the oven's broke or whatever it might be that's i still don't want to eat it i understand that you worked hard on it i really do well here's the thing right if i go to wendy's and i ordered a hamburger and they say they ain't no hamburgers you want a chicken sandwich i say [ __ ] no i'm going to mcdonald's well burger king probably but like that's the thing right if they don't have the [ __ ] that i want i just go somewhere else i'm not invested emotionally in wendy's well i am but not in that way and i wish it wasn't this way yeah but it is this way it's absolutely this way and so for that reason we can't do it so i hope that i can go endlessly because it literally as nearly everything in shadow lands is just is the same it's a missed opportunity it's half developed it's the bare bones of what it could potentially be and it's just sad to see so much lost potential uh going along with it there's no end to the amount of subjects i think the shards of domination one is a prime example do you feel like you want to know what felt like the the [ __ ] there's just too much that made me think that like blizzard really just had no they had like no creative ideas anymore it was the 9.1 invasions in the maw because that is the same thing they did in 8.1 that is the same thing they did in 7.1 i just it you just have no good ideas that's all there is to it it's just there are no good ideas so what are you going to see from us then well there's a few things i still want to do because i care about them and i think they celebrate the player yeah um and i think that's the important distinction that we made in our team meeting where we decided this because obviously it's extremely scary times because you know losing a lot of your audience which is no doubt there are only there are people who only care about world of warcraft stuff yeah fine uh if if that's the only game you ever want to see videos on okay um drama time is going to stay because that's a celebration of the players and the silliness that goes on being anonymous in video games we even include other games in that already so drama time is going to stay there are two projects with world of warcraft i would like to finish which i preach wanted to actually have longer videos and more videos and more content just add eve online into drama time and you'll never run out of content you won't even need to do any other content at all on your game believe celebrate the player one is the legacy series and the fact that i no longer because what i've been doing for months is i don't stream world of warcraft i stream five days a week and we don't stream wow because it's very boring to watch so we do variety so that means for the world of warcraft stuff i was then finishing the stream and playing six or seven hours of world of warcraft afterwards in order to create the youtube content yeah i'm not going to do that now so i can have that time back vlogs on the legacy series and i really want to finish when the classes were the best series uh we started that last week and you guys absolutely adored it and it was fantastic mr pandarian legion easy answer problem solved series because i think it's super fun series and the legacy series is focused on the players the players behavior with these specs and classes and that's what i find really fun and plus i love making them it's as simple as that i love making them and they're not relevant to what's going on uh in the current day world of warcraft that's there's nothing to do with them in any way so some of you can say well you're not walking the fine line or whatever but i i don't care that's what i want to make on top of that with luckily we've been producing or getting ready to launch a second channel we always wanted this channel to be the world of warcraft channel that's smart couldn't see a reason yeah to do that that's smart is to have the main channel of what we call the main channel is the world of warcraft channel because there was no reason not to do that uh and so we were preparing to create a second channel with with the team and they've been working on that in a while that'll obviously be coming over here we're going to make some mistakes that's the way it goes with uh launching new styles of content we are going to make some mistakes so hopefully you'll ride along with us for that that's all i can ask for really is uh i hope and pray you'll ride along with us uh and give us a chance if you're interested in those things we will look at other mmos we are going to look at all sorts of video games and basically i'm going to make what i'm passionate about because that's smart all the passion is gone for me from world of warcraft um am i quitting the game uh i guess obvious it's obvious that he feels this way and like i think that a lot of other people feel the same way it's just sad like in a way i kind of feel that way the real passion that i get out of wow is playing with you guys and i know that sounds sappy as [ __ ] right but it's true like i like doing the little mount runs together i like jibu is jibu on well he's not anymore because he quit the game but you know is whoever the [ __ ] out you monked up on i remember there's this monk from proudmoore that would also have lockouts that i could do too and it's like i had these people and we had like this extended community and this extended family of people that would play together and it was like this cool experience and there's tiger panda and bodegro and you know all these people right like i just i can never give i can never give that up i can never replace that and that's something that transcends patches it's something that transcends raid tiers uh it's something that even transcends expansions it's something that is uh uh that is a a perfect experience and i do look forward to the day that wow is good again but i think that the reason why we got legion is because people would not accept wod and i think that people should not accept the [ __ ] that they're doing in shadowlands the only commitment i had was to my team i put together a raid team to clear sylvanas heroic uh with old mythic mythic raiders from varieties of guilds now i will say i have done that we did that this evening just before i recorded this uh yet they want to do another kill next week for some guys who couldn't be there tonight so i'm going to do that but in terms of day-to-day play absolutely not damn not doing that it won't be on stream or anything like that i'll finish that and then probably stop uh i did say this this morning and i'm going to link to a more emotional take on this down below damn which you can look into if you want to if you want more context for this it'll be on our highlights channel uh which is sword thanks for tuning in the entire blizzard culture i never say no the entire blizzard culture comes across like they've done something positive and good like they managed to fix this atrocious awful internal situation they've got and they managed to get their heads out of their asses in terms of what direction this game should go in and what they and more respect for the players because it feels like there's no respect for the players it almost feels like blizzard resents the players i think that's what i was saying before yeah absolutely i'll come and have a look yeah i'll come and check it out uh it's not going to be wow coverage but dude that's so sad man like i i don't know like this kind of bothers me because like preach is it's the same as like mad season but like for for me like i always would watch preach like i watched preach forever like longer than i watch mad season honestly and it's like he was playing in vanilla wow like i remember like he has one of my favorite videos of all time the legacy of the burning crusade i watch that video about once every six months man i just love it and it's just so sad for me to see this man it really is and it's just it's disappointing man it's just [ __ ] disappointing i i think that like i think things will get better but it's not gonna be anytime soon maybe i'm never going to say never if uh but for the now i can't see it i certainly won't be covering things like upcoming 9.2 changes or anything like that that's stuff that you're probably used to from my channel so i apologize for anybody who's like saddened that that's gone but i hope you understand why i've made this decision and i've had a lot of contact with people who are like you need to stay to to support the innocent people and i totally get that there are thousands of innocent people who do not deserve to have people like me bashing on the game and have worked there's actually been people who work at blizzard some of them you know their names they've reached out to me and they've even said thank you for what i've been saying on my stream they said thank you because there are a lot of real ones that work there like it's not like there's like a bunch of like it's everybody there is not bad like as i said it's like i think the best example of it right just like if you have a cup of water and you take one or two drops of red food coloring and you put that in the water that's gonna change the entire water but really it's just a couple of little drops it's important to keep that in mind really really hard and we'll be saddened that i'm bashing the game and be upset at what i'm saying but ultimately i have to measure it by my own moral compass and i feel like i just can't justify world of warcraft and support it anymore from my point of view i have been supporting a game that has been actively working against me true players like me true uh like two and a half years at this point really nothing feels like just actively doing things to just disrupt and frustrate uh players like myself i know other players have felt the same way not everybody will but that's that's where i'm at anyway uh considering it's been so many years i think we had a good time didn't we i think so i think we had a really good time yeah i'm gonna miss it because you know for a long time up until about two years ago this job that i made into a job from just enjoying this game was so easy so fun every single day but it's not been that way for a long time now it's not been that way but i think we have fun along the way we have some memorable moments uh chris is with the thing is like streaming is like it's the same thing right it's like whenever you have a game you want to play dude streaming is like it's not even a job right but if you feel like it's like oh valerian's really popular and you've got to play valorent but like secretly you actually just want to play minecraft you [ __ ] hate streaming because you not only have to play the game and do the thing you don't want to do but you on top of that have to pretend like you like it it's like whenever you have to deal with [ __ ] customers in retail you can at least have like a break in between the customer and be like i [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] right but on stream you have to [ __ ] fake it for six eight hours it's a lot very short notice a little montage of things which is a bit emotional for me i haven't even watched it all the way through but uh on to bigger and better things uh hopefully right uh so if you're looking for any more information we'll have stuff there and obviously the live stream if you want to ask me questions or anything like that that is the situation guys if you're looking for day-to-day world of warcraft content it will no longer be here damn okay [ __ ] i love you all you know it's you guys gave me great opportunity i got to travel the world because of world of warcraft and blizzard i was treated very well by them eventually at some point recently it's back it's been back and forth let's be honest i am at a loss as to how how this happened [Music] wow that's what everything hello bowlers what's going on and welcome to preach the daily preach was it used to make bosses that had just really stupid mechanics they made shows that were just fun guys know i love a good story a good story can be anything but especially that's the dragon take opportunity remember fight man raiding i do it [ __ ] sucked it's too hard but the truth is yes dude and then they go outside yeah [Music] in the last video you said we didn't transmog enough well here you go you should follow along with me see if anything relates to you or maybe different points of view oh man come on big guy come on that's looks like he needs help getting dressed in the morning it's you son you've got the higher gear score let's go give me your where do you live oh yeah i remember this year oh my god it's crazy it's been that long garrison resources [Music] wow wait never was doing this meta that long ago oh my god i i didn't even he's a pioneer [Music] i thought you'd never ask me in a fire [Music] oh we're not gonna bring the [ __ ] graces [Music] happy the spirits oh yeah island expeditions remember that dude those are the two yeah every night dude island expeditions is here to solve your problems [ __ ] you man are you trying to [ __ ] me on the stream you trying to make me look like a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] awesome big damage yep we watched that one stream [Music] it does feel like in the shadow lines blizzard went out of the way to disrupt you guys no chris yes they did no give me the mouse banana pearls from as an inspiration oh well you know that kid's not gonna play a moonkin yeah you know that kid's not gonna he's not gonna play a [ __ ] moon kid i say that for sure man oh my god obviously this is a sad this is a sad [ __ ] video it really is like i actually am so uh i'm so disappointed to see that it's just it's really awful and i see these comments and everything like that it's just it's just depressing man it's just [ __ ] depressing to see this [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,193,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold blizzard, blizzard lawsuit, blizzard sued, blizzard investigation, blizzard exposed, wow lawsuit, blizzard asmongold, blizzard drama, activision blizzard, preach blizzard, blizzard preach, asmongold preach, preach drama, preach blizzard lawsuit, ZackRawrr, classic wow, tbc classic, classic, tbc, classic tbc, wow, quitting wow, unsubscribing, preach quit wow, quit wow
Id: An1WpAgYThE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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