Asmongold reacts to fan-made memes | Reddit Recap #30 (FFXIV Special)

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yeah right here if you dude if you missed yesterday's effort kill you missed out new bass you got it man look at their health got it man look at this house he [ __ ] does a mass rez right there with only one player alive it felt bro it felt like he was uh like anduin in like the bfa cinematic you know okay i'll pull this one up right now all the wow drive to limit breaking survive to limit [Music] survive with the full bar that's so cool [Music] all the players coming back to life [Music] wow [Music] okay stand [Music] god this is so good i love it [Music] take it home take it home get out of it this honestly was one of the coolest moments i've had in the game i'm gonna be honest that was really cool that dude this video is so good man it's actually so good straight up it's so [ __ ] good genius editing yeah whoever did this editing for this is a [ __ ] absolute [ __ ] god man suck your dick right now let me see what is this welcome to heaven's worth oh wow this is actually pretty good damn damn look at that dude there's rich over there in the background and then me with the weird [ __ ] face dude see that yeah let's see here ass bun that is i i i don't know what to do i i honestly don't know what to say about this i really don't this is listen we're not well i'm not race changing okay guys like i'm sticking with what i have i think my guy looks way cooler and we're sticking with that even though this guy does it looks like he doesn't have a chin and that's why he has a goatee okay guys stop shipping is okay that's yeah that one's definitely [ __ ] better i'm not watching that no i'm not watching that [ __ ] that i made this uh animated sorting screen celebrating asmingle's ball journey to heaven's word okay let's watch this there's no sound this is actually pretty good yeah yeah i think this is this is cool because you can see it's like kind of like half my face there with like my characters oh yeah you guys can't see that yeah it's got like uh it's got me and my wife there that's crazy guys it really is i i like it a lot yeah this is really really well done private bulb i assume no i don't shave down there okay yeah very [ __ ] funny uh as requested there's a mighty scars friend say which primal beast gave you these yeah yeah i mean look though well it is what it is man it it is what it is you gotta do what you gotta do it is what it is yeah of course man all right so let's go back over we'll look at the other ones are you winning son oh good uh this [ __ ] picture man oh this picture is so [ __ ] ridiculous yeah yeah are you winning i see that now there's a pretty good fan art of her i see that well that's crazy a brief history of asthma and final fantasy xiv asthma get that thing out of my face chomp chomp chomp look i mean here's the thing right is it i think anybody listen let's be honest right nobody wants to get [ __ ] around and annoyed by uh by people spamming at them to do something it doesn't matter who they are it doesn't matter what the reason is nobody's gonna [ __ ] like that so yeah people were spamming at me to play this game all the [ __ ] time constantly yeah of course that's going to annoy the [ __ ] out of me now it didn't mean that i didn't want to play it at some point yeah sure but yeah of course i was going to react a little bit negatively 100 [ __ ] percent man oh my god what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this oh my god no no guys guys stop it stop it stop it this is ridic this is absolutely ridiculous you in 20 years oh my god no it's not listen guys it's just so you in two years no what's this look over the water here she comes this [ __ ] she's come wow all right that's crap damn dude okay damn um so look here's the thing is like sometimes whenever you hit a button randomly and you don't really mean the you don't mean to hit it right because like sometimes it's just like it's uh you know you like fat finger the wrong button or you just like you hit the wrong key or something like that that's crazy how these things happen sometimes because they really do what's this here what a time to be alive never thought i'd be fighting side by side with a cat girl what is this final head squares what about side by side with a friend osmond all day i could do that all right yeah it's actually you know what that's pretty positive man that's actually quite positive look at that boy asthma is then i swear to god if this is shipping content i'm going to explode please stop guys am i going to play with absolutely ask i guess so listen here's what i was thinking about doing i was thinking about doing a uh a wow uh or sorry final fantasy a transmog comp and we could have like three judges or like a talent contest or something like that and it could be like me rich and zepwa and i'll see if she's interested in that i we talked about that yesterday like rich and i and i think it would be really really funny asthma okay i see oh my god this one is actually pretty good i i'm i'm i'm relatively flattered by this thank you i appreciate that okay let's see if i can find any wow they have a body pillow of that that's crazy um i'll have to look at that later on off stream there's all three of the top threads on the final fantasy thing are all about me like there's me right there as well this is really good way to make the community look i never i'll be honest this is so good uh don't you dare lay a finger on his wife i've only had joshua for three days but i would kill anything but if anything happened to her i would kill everyone in this room and then myself oh she's hot listen it's the same as this is not here's the reality okay is your father has the same effect that like being in a uh being in an office has okay so whenever you're in the scions office besides milfina there's no other girls so the only girls that are there if they're actually like a six now they're a nine there's like there's an effect that that has okay that's really what it comes down to there's an effect that that has wait why'd she have ears oh no cat girl [Music] she's so hot ladies and gentlemen we got him okay yeah very [ __ ] funny guys hilarious asmingle bald in final fantasy 14 saving one cat girl at a time gets the job done boys without even washing his hands this is a very accurate picture do they show her nipples no no she's got covers on her nipples it's fine it's fine guys it's fine uh this is totally okay yeah this is this is actually a screenshot from the game warrior of light what's this here asmongold lisa lamassa's greatest hero oh this is badass holy [ __ ] this is cool yo i should use this as my starting screen this is amazing i love it look at that you have hair yeah exactly i do look like weird yeah i do look like weird owl what the [ __ ] dude i didn't even notice that sir bald what the f dude this is crazy look at that i i [ __ ] love this what the f dude this is so cool like this artwork that people are doing of my character is actually just so well done man i absolutely like this is incredible guys like you guys are really doing an amazing job who did this uh two bells one ravine i don't know if this is the person that wrote it but either way i really really like it a lot so uh yeah and also this one too sarah you guys are killing it man as well pov trying to survive the consequences of his actions this is what it looks like whenever you make a mean tweet and minecraft twitter gets mad at you let's go ahead and move down let's not forget transformation macros what's this why'd you have to put on the coat what is this sailor moon yeah what is it is this sailor moon that's the first thing i thought of whenever i saw this man oh my god uh the messiah of mmos will you please listen to me i'm not quitting wow he's quitting wow i remember whenever he used to play wow a long time ago man so you were a real one so you were there three thousand years ago yeah right next to elrond um i'm happy as long as he's streaming and finally streams we're more enjoyable singing farm stuff day in and day out i think that like the farming the wow farming streams are actually really good in a lot of ways like they're really relaxing for people that just like to sit down and talk about other stuff right whenever i'm playing wow you don't even there are probably people that [ __ ] that watch my wow streams that don't even know what i look like okay what wow players are like right now what is this this is one of those videos where like because of that the cat ears make it funny the cat ears make it funny like the other part of it like yeah yeah okay this is good yeah very funny ha ha you know he's gonna go out with the final fantasy but then the [ __ ] cat ears pop out and fox ears yeah whatever they are okay thanks asmin gold who wants a dailies uh time gaining whenever you can have cat girls the thing is about like the time getting in the dailies as i said it's just this simple players are sick of getting [ __ ] around they just they don't want to get [ __ ] around what have you done lol katman gold what is this [Music] what did rich commission this or what bro that face bro that is just so bad oh my god [Music] oh my god rich and i have actually talked we were talking yesterday about uh going to a furry convention and streaming and live streaming ourselves going to a furry convention and uh it's something that i'm strongly considering i i would love to do it if they let me do it i will do it okay i think that guys you're gonna love it it's gonna be great content i promise you that so let's go over we're gonna holy [ __ ] enjoying the stream i hope you have fun in the northeast oh my god they made this holy [ __ ] that's amazing oh my god it's so good man it's so [ __ ] good as well before playing final fantasy what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] weeb game has been gold in two days good girl i'll say it's not like that no the thing is that it's just you know you gotta be you gotta be nice to him okay like i'm just trying to look i'm just trying to be a nice guy look what's wrong with being a nice guy now was it being the nice guys against the rules now is that right guys jesus i can't wait for ajman to catch up on the latest hit expansion look at this yeah i see this look at my head look how shiny it is like you can see the sun and like the the light reflecting off of the grease on my head this is so [ __ ] ridiculous i might actually use this as a starting screen uh this is actually really really good i like it a lot so uh whoever made this thank you it's great rtx on yeah that's about right man speaking of a balding man look at this you know this guy boys wow look at that that that guy plays that guy plays an orc warrior i guarantee it anyway i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to look at these right here this is [ __ ] amazing i've got to say this enjoying asmingle journey and final fantasy 14 so far i made them into an shb poster boy this is impressive this is the same with the shadowbringers one it's this one right here take a look at it there it is and there it is i like it dude it's [ __ ] amazing really really really nice job this is so good like there are so many great artists that have done content for me recently uh i'm i'm so lucky and i think that they're absolutely phenomenal man it is amazing are our boys community different man the heat of the moment when you deny all claims you have changed your opinion on cat girls only to realize that two hundred and ten thousand people have seen you specifically ask for romance and marriage question to specifically uh yeshuata the maine cat girl look it is what it is all right where is this asman's magnum opens this is crazy like this is the kind of stuff i saw in 4chan so there's this guy that i did a group with and apparently everybody on 4chan has latched on to the idea that this guy's an [ __ ] they're so angry about this guy and i feel bad for him because like why why why is this happen and then out of this came sea lion which was this other guy that i did tank i tanked with and everybody loves sea lion because sea lion is just he just showed up and did his job and everybody [ __ ] loves him man and that's all it comes down to let's see here mayor wait i appreciate all the literally see why in comments cyan actually comments in the [ __ ] thread appreciate the love guys but we don't make sure to bully anyone focus on the hype moments yeah focus on that guys coils in a nutshell all right boys this is a day we killed bahuman so i'm gonna be honest with you guys i was ignoring all of these [ __ ] comments about the family thing yesterday i was totally ignoring them because i had no [ __ ] idea what you guys were talking about i was like what is this family [ __ ] why do they keep saying this and it wasn't until like two or three hours later that i finally went back and i watched the vod and i saw the screenshots of the character that i was playing with oh god this is so good i love these man they're very uh it's very flattering for me to see this this is great this is just this is just [Music] this is just too much guys this is too [ __ ] much yeah this is the picture this right here is a picture right here i had no idea like because i didn't recognize like i didn't know what his name was in final fantasy it was vin diesel like i like that's who's in five who not find fancy and [ __ ] fast and furious like i knew who that was it's vin diesel like i didn't know what his name was zeppo's been watching too much asthma i'm like i've genuinely been watching so much of his stream that i'm now having to like physically restrain myself from picking up some of this lingo yup like i don't i don't want to start attacking a boss and being like big dick damage boys well you're going to have to get them no it doesn't work quite as well right yeah that's the thing is like this is what happened wow like i've said it so much that it's like a meme and wow now it's totally normal oh what the [ __ ] is this bad personal hygiene balding no girlfriend living with mom not going outside so this is the exodia wow player thought of to only be legend but here i am you can't defeat me i know but he man these are so sad these are honestly so [ __ ] sad dude i see this so often how y'all got a spice well i look like the undead joker what the [ __ ] look at this look at that [ __ ] i look like the undead joker i'm not even kidding look at that it's crazy it does look really really badass though i like this a lot this is cool oh god this is just crazy man this is just [ __ ] crazy god oh my god oh my god oh my god it's just a [ __ ] [Music] i'm gonna do that i'm gonna do that like every i'm gonna do that i'm gonna get that done for sure like say 80 hours i mean sure but i can i can do it it'd be fine 80 hours of prague that's fine i'll take me two days uh grab oh [ __ ] dude i saw this just whenever i scroll down this is dude some of these art like i love this art because it's like uh it reminds me kind of like a diablo in a way it's like very dark like everything's black and red and it's like evo it's it's just it's [ __ ] serious man i love it dude i absolutely [ __ ] love it let's see here enjoying final fantasy enjoying wow as well yeah it it's not that hard you just play two games i know it's crazy you know what else is gonna happen [Music] what the [ __ ] oh my god yeah it's the alamegans yeah look at that oh it's [ __ ] funny man i want to beat something hard today yeah well i did do this whole quest line so what do you expect don't forget to read the minion descriptions an adorable raccoon dog pup with the big heart and even bigger testicles [Music] what a game what a game rich campbell freestyle rap all right we're gonna watch this we gotta watch this here dude i actually could have been a freestyle rapper chilling with my bros a sack of potatoes lots of dollar bells chilling with my hoes the viera [Music] [Music] that's this is good dude it's real good [Music] i like how i was just standing next to a girl with like a miniskirt cat wait what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this did you know the critically acclaimed mmo final fantasy 14 has a free trial this is actually kind of good that's the worst thing about it is it's actually kind of good [Music] [Music] jesus christ okay to be honest that's actually that's better than what i had expected okay uh small arthur's my son okay let's watch this oh it's got 500 upvotes holy [ __ ] okay i'll watch this right now [Music] bye [Music] oh my god [Music] oh wow that is so cool no [ __ ] way so i want to say i've been in conversations with some of the uh the people that are in like the bard communities in final fantasy and rich and i are planning on doing a talent show we're talking with them about how to do it in the best way i'm not sure exactly when that's going to happen like we're hoping like maybe a couple weeks from now asthma after eight levels of reading quest texts just up the road from clan by the perspective the temple you've got to 21 celsius that's 70 in fahrenheit yeah i would just call that place llama fairland yeah that would be llama faroland as a new viewer here's my take what's this eyebrows moving aspen gold eyebrows static zack aspen gold lives in zack's eyebrows just as yama yugi lives in the millennium puzzle okay so i don't know what the millennium puzzle is but i'm assuming that's some kind of [ __ ] anime yugioh reference okay so now it's not that simple okay guys i don't really know why i do it it's probably just something that's happened over time i i really don't know what to say guys i do not know what to say and it's all mcconnell's fault by the way because mcconnell was the one that originally pointed this out like years ago and then people never unsaw it it was very upsetting man seven plus wow expansions you have the look of a man who's seen the seventh helen back has it been seven already burning crusade wrath cataclysm misa pandaria uh warwick to draenor uh legion bfa shadow oh my god eight oh my god you i receive curriculum you receive lisa massa yashwata milfina and thaladred oh okay yeah very very [ __ ] funny dude has been after we played world of warcraft asthma gold after he's played final fantasy yeah see this was a very bad day like this right here this was a very very very bad day and you know the worst part about this is the fact that my own editor was the one that caught this like he was editing the video or something like that no the i don't this is zachary it wasn't really edited but like apparently somebody saw the frame and it was cat danny who posted and got this picture popular man our boy looking good in a new video how do you do fellow kids okay all right very [ __ ] funny guys all right sir bald yeah this one i thought was so well done like this this one was so incredibly good i need to show this to my mom she'll love it she's an artist so she'll really appreciate this a lot asthma next year what's this wait what the [ __ ] is this doing it's a sewing machine i'm assuming right [Music] what wait why that's so cool but like what the [ __ ] it's spot they got spider-man hey tom you playing final fantasy 14 no i'm not ready yet i gotta get prepared you don't need to train you just play the game why are you doing this for shadow bringings dude i'm training to be the warrior of darkness [Music] i must become the darkness i wonder if they actually did that there's no way better roommate it's true yeah all right you don't need that sword man yeah right that shit's probably like 50. you're from west london that's the really nice part of london relax man huh you all right you know you know not gonna be the warrior of darkness sir it's not about trying to be the ultimate final fantasy master it's what's in here that matters and what's in there is a gamer you can do this you got this you think so it's video games yeah it is a video game i never really thought about it like that yeah this is buttons let's just go and play yeah you can become the warrior of darkness final fantasy 14 shadowbringers pre-order today july 2nd all that training all those puss-ups and you died 20 seconds into the game i thought we said we were gonna be more positive about this okay all right that was actually that was good it was good it was all right man [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 409,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold reddit, asmongold memes, reddit recap, asmongold reddit recap, asmongold recap, asmongold subreddit, Asmongold fan made, wow memes, zackrawrr, reddit recap asmongold, asmongold reacts to reddit, reddit asmongold, memes, reddit, reddit funny, reddit memes, ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, wow ffxiv, ffxiv memes, fan made memes, reddit recap 30, reddit recap #30, ff14 memes
Id: GYvInM4K_Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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