Asmongold LOSES IT While Watching "Twitch Analysis - How You Can Stream Like Asmongold"

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twitch analysis how you can stream like asmin gold ever but I like how many of you been talking about how its money I have holy [ __ ] guys give me a break true salt hundred percent true 100 it's it's not the Attic it's the room upstairs it's not the Attic [Music] [Music] okay all right [Music] god I was such a [ __ ] fiend oh I love it [Music] so birth of a champion right there get Zuzu it's me mr. Branson this is good rains get on them kill anybody whoever extends it oh yeah this doesn't kill this mage this undebatable is made I think it was [Music] was this the day this was the day doing the homeless fun this was the [ __ ] day kill every single one of them get them off of me oh my god this was the so [ __ ] guy appeared as me gold has claimed the throne of being the literal God in World of Warcraft and being the poster boy for what a true doesn't look like oh he's amassed over 1 million followers alone on Twitch and averages 40 to 60 thousand viewers each stream but the one question everybody asks is how how how did as many who go from this to this today waiting here to answer that question are you sitting here I'm going to teach you the values of the warrior okay and how you construe 35 questions I guess like ask me gold welcome to twitch analysis episode 2 why they have to use that one man like all these bad pictures of it I look like [ __ ] that day man looked like absolute I was pissed that was such a bad [ __ ] day dude I was furious step1 know everything about your game everybody knows that Desmond Gold is not the best World of Warcraft player even he knows that but one thing that cannot be contested is that he knows almost everything about the game asmin has been playing wild non-stop alright Burning Crusade expansion which goal has been taking every single thing in the game I played since classic ok guys I was 60 in vanilla like I don't want to hear any of this [ __ ] people I don't know where this [ __ ] meme came from that I started playing wow in BC I started playing in July of 2006 BC didn't come out until has given his life to this game people don't watch Esmond for high ranked arenas or world first raids I hope not watch him to collect things and talk about things yeah maybe running into old grade multiple times to get a certain amount I was so [ __ ] happy about that this gameplay is not exciting but it doesn't have to be yeah because while he's doing these things he's having engaging conversations with this chat sometimes yes well I'm just complaining about a pet bow may be discussing how Blizzard can make their game better yeah it is not your audience buzzer wake the [ __ ] up for making another joke about masturbation but at the end of the day what do you mean by that I never do that or to beat something because it's hard yeah because it's easy of course one thing is for sure people watch as me because he's one of the most knowledgeable critics on World of Warcraft Oh step 2 living conditions what the game of World of Warcraft has an air of stigma surrounding it Oh many non hardcore gamers hear the words World of Warcraft and a certain image pops into their head very well that's a winner right there out like this got to win or right there beings with normal lives there is no denying the fact that there are people like this mm-hmm and his name is as Ben gold as Ben gold is the embodiment of what an elite World of Warcraft player stereotype is oh my god it's almost the ultimate rebel it goes against everything the society supposedly tells you is good for you one of the most attractive parts of extremes white how unattractive they seem yeah he likes to surround himself with his own trash like the best food cups and bags moldy microwaved food and a 50 year old mattress on the floor that has been the victim of multiple soda spills and [ __ ] stains it's always extremely nono normies to watch because they aren't a list of the same things as me they have jobs families significant others and shut up already oh come on priority to not have any of those priorities holy priorities in the garbage don't believe there could be people like asmin gold in this world and that's precisely why a lot of people watch him well I got my unicorn my hand is that true guys like is this true they're like I basically I've succeeded or whatever or whatever you want to call it by doing everything wrong in my life and people just want to tune in to find out if it's actually real oh my god cuz you're special I guess I am okay here we go show me so much good taste good that's [ __ ] why she's like what is shitty video step three always be talking yeah about riots as Minh apart from a lot of warcraft players is that he's constantly talking I'm not boring as [ __ ] rumors are boring no cams who barely say a word I like monkey news a lot i watch the stream right growing which doesn't make sense because given the nature of the game many streamers would consider it to be almost a part of the gesture it is it completely has games on Twitch where if you want people to be engaged with it yeah you have to always be talking or entertaining it because there is quite a bit of downtime in it whether you like as mints personality or not you can't deny his ability to keep yours listening to him what's up guys [ __ ] Esmond has always had an opinion on everything that's been has an opinion on everything yeah isn't that about right I mean listen I don't know is this like or do you guys think is this true is this video accurate guys what do you think he said the thing I mean no that was like a [ __ ] like that video was from a long time ago to like now that I think about a hundred percent true a hundred percent real Wow I didn't even realize that ever since he started his first YouTube channel Esmond has been telling us what he thinks of topics ranging from social justice warriors yep all the way to his thoughts of women's dreamers bending over for donations bending over subscribe okay it's a scandal all fairy clad [ __ ] and he's always been telling us what he thinks of Wow despite whether Blizzard listens to him or not yeah and now they're actually starting to listen was a good joke I liked that was funny I mean like let's be real that was a good and that was a great [ __ ] stream beginner-friendly Esmond it's great at making a stream beginner friend is this about my seer news is this about my stream being chuck-e-cheese hey people say a stream is like the lot the chuck-e-cheese while stream listen I used to love chuck-e-cheese so I'll take that as a compliment Wow an asmin is a fun person to watch streaming I know I as every other while streamer it has a UI that has 100 different things happening at once and youngin tell what's going on in the game the yachty world of warcraft streamers will never get more than one to 3k viewers because they're not beginner friendly there's nobody knows who the Fox Island a 15 mythic ki dungeon and whatever beginners do not know what heroic is they do not know what mythic is and they do not know what T's are what they do or even how to get them [Music] Oh Nightmare Before Christmas so so I want to say one thing is that I actually have thought about this and that's why I removed like the donation goal and like other stuff on my screen that I feel is like unnecessary clutter like I tried to remove anything that I consider clutter from my stream and that way people only are able to look at what is kind of like important and that's why I don't have a lot of add-ons or anything like that so the way that the the game looks on the screen is as visually appealing as possible I've actually thought about this and it's funny than he mentions this because nobody's ever brought this up before remove cam then hey hey that's about right you have no idea what's going on at all it's actually really do you know our mouths they're pretty they look nice and they're fun to get [Music] I used to do a celebratory head smash every mile I got even people who don't play well know that you can get amounts to ride on that look cool yep asmin has capitalized on this market and not only has he capitalized on it he's made it very beginner-friendly husband is always telling his viewers what exact things he's working on and how he's going to do it so here we are the dollar and fountain and we're fishing out for coins I didn't get the coin by the way 50 different coins and you need to get every single one of them I still don't have it how many coins have I got 49 he doesn't have any crazy you eyes that block the view of his cool-looking warrior character riding on a drag that's right this is talking someone's important only wants me in the game warrior character riding on a dragon yeah you see why I was not a game everybody can play a lot of people aren't able to see Wow because they don't have a computer they can play on all the time yeah in the price for entry it's too expensive along with the $15 subscription every month many people can't afford it but that doesn't mean they don't have dreams of leveling throughout Azra making friends I'm getting here he's not gonna oh no I believe there are still kids out there who aren't playing fortnight that wish they could play World of Warcraft but for whatever reason they can't and when they go to the wild section on Twitch they don't want to watch somebody taking down a boss they've taken down for the hundredth time with an interface that looks like a spreadsheet they want to watch asmin gold talking about masturbation while farming for mounts and achievements so true so true it is about being visually compelling it is like I would go like if you guys don't want it like I I kind of I've been thinking about doing a series for a long time actually about how to start streaming on Twitch and like what to do and like kind of what things are important because I think that a lot of people that do videos and they talk about this stuff they don't talk about the actual things that make people successful they only talk about the things that should make people successful because they don't want to talk about the actual things because it makes them uncomfortable and you guys know me I have no problem saying a very unpopular opinion and then having everybody get mad at me remember whenever I defended a Linda D not getting banned for the cat thing and everybody started maulding that didn't bother me at all because I thought that's what it was here's the facts guys is that I will [ __ ] make these videos if I do it I will make the videos and it will be a different take on how to be successful on Twitch you don't I mean simp yeah well listen yeah I know I was simple that day but it's sometimes what you need to do and at least I was simple with confidence alright you can simplest then that's even worse Chuck Wow head we'll finish the video then we'll check Wow head okay you do that again [Music] remember that that's a good day step 5 screenshot what the [ __ ] is he saying what the [ __ ] is this every Batman needs a Robin and asmin goals Robin happens to be a useless retribution paladin a useless retribution oh man McConnell after McConnell commented on asthma's video about social justice warriors that's actually Jeremy's opinion on how annoying they are yeah they got on Wow together afterwards and Esmond has been ninja looting his gear ever since McConnell was the mysterious yet hilarious side character of Esmond story yeah he pops into azimuth stream every once in a while to make fun of him and call him a loser and leave or stay a while and hang around me yeah chat for subbing to a millionaire hey no no just give to ten sobs incredible how much money is that [ __ ] fifty dollars wasted nice job dumbass you literally just spent fifty dollars to do you did nothing with that no it's different if you sub McConnell is a great source of comedic relief for asmin stream when he's going to the bathroom yeah baby's back and forth sir this isn't the day is it Oh No the fateful day everything the day not always become known as as Minh synonymous sidekick that will say [ __ ] you to anybody especially people see even then just drive or anybody that thinks they can tell him how to run his own stream you know to any aspiring boat to ninja or any yeah just let me say chat loves mcconnell yes by how much they call him the cook they're always asking Esmond to someone McCool for hilarious commentary yeah yet they refused to follow him on his main account McConnell ret to watch his own streams of his own unimpressive gameplay the average is around 1000 viewers Wow do everybody knows is that as soon as McCool is summoned it's going to be a good as mingle extreme oh my god that was really good that was really really good I step six events Oh asmath holds events on a stream every once in while which not many other warcraft streamers do yep many times you will do transmog contests or mount competitions this is a chaotic robot game viewers yeah also give a lot of wild players one of the best opportunities to show up the coolest gear that's right and it gives asmin a chance to show off he really knows [Music] because isn't that what I was being able to show somebody else in Azeroth how much better you are than them solely based on gear yes yes exactly are interesting for Warcraft neckbeards as well as normies because who doesn't want to see other characters showing off so that the coolest gear and mounts in the game yeah that's right that's [ __ ] right these are the six steps on how you can stream just that's [ __ ] right if you apply these steps then your stream is sure to have an increase of viewership thanks for watching look at that see I told you I'm your host skid marks 30 don't forget to Like subscribe and leave a comment of who you would like to see in the next video that was a really good video I I actually really didn't expect it to be so good this is a genuinely good video I don't liked it a lot hey Chad I miss McConnell it's so true as mom is proud to this video by the way asthma ah so mongold reacted to your high quality video keep up the content dude here before the best while player sodapoppin forgot to mention that you've got to go bald to stop the video at fifteen ten to get a thumbs down no one likes macaque wait not even macaques macaque Jesus man this guy's pissed great video to be honest tried Savin my cool peppy hands here before the bald great thank you appreciate that bro you removed my comment what the [ __ ] no I didn't oh I wonder what happened to it then McConnell POG that's what he said Jesus dude okay um hi twitch too bad asthma didn't play vanilla I literally have screenshots in video I am the dark portal thing that you got in vanilla like how can you say that house how did I not play vanilla wherever I have the tavern from doing vanilla like oh my god and the thing is like 90% of people are memeing but 10% think that shit's true they're like bro he didn't even play classic what the hell man you [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 721,194
Rating: 4.9329314 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold loses it, asmongold how to, twitch how to, asmongold stream, asmongold twitch analysis, twitch analysis, twitch how to stream, how to stream, Skidmarks3, asmongold skidmarks3
Id: 8inkG9XcUBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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