I Start On A SPIDER & PARASITE World | Stellaris Guilli's Planet Modifiers Mod Showcase!

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris with mia lathrix and of course welcome to yet another mod showcase where today we're going to be taking a look at a mod which has been recommended to me probably the most outside of maybe gigastructural engineering this has been recommended so much ever since i mentioned i would be using mods on the channel today we are taking a look at the planet modifiers mod this adds a whole host of things to the game originally i was actually going to do a full play through just with this mod and checking all things out but there is way too much to it and honestly some of it i really do feel like if you want to play with this mod it would just be complete spoilers because it's a lot of story driven things loads of new events on different planets we have loads of modifiers on planets so each world is a lot more unique and you have to choose your worlds for what jobs you want on them and honestly i adore that absolutely adore that along with wondrous worlds and loads of little events throughout including the precursor archaeology sites which seem a lot of fun as well adding loads of extra relics to the game this essentially builds on what's already in the game and adds loads more to it from what i've seen it's gonna be really fun i've done a very very quick test just to make sure it works and that's it so in today's video i'm only going to be playing maybe for the first 50 or so years just to see what events happen there that way it's not too spoilery because there's no way i'm going to meet absolutely everything this mod has to offer so how are we going to be checking this well we are checking it with the feather fellas if i can actually say they're not stammering there naturally the phone would go their mid-sentence so the empire we're going to be using is this the feather fellas this is the empire and it's all about one specific goal expanding as fast as possible having loads of growth from immigration and just making sure we find absolutely everything we can it's honestly a really weird empire type i would normally not put together but all of these ethics are needed for the civics i want to make this work so we are regular materialist fanatic authoritarian regular pacifist and regular cooperative ultimately probably not the most evil of empires though we do have our people under an iron grip just to make sure that they do exactly as we wish and we can find everything we possibly can of course we get all the extra ethics and extra civics from the mod extra ethics and civics classic all of the mods i'm using by the way in this video will be in the description so you can see exactly what i'm playing with i think i'm playing with five different mods though of course we are focusing mostly on the planet modifiers so for our civics we have immutable hierarchy plus 10 stability and plus 0.5 monthly influence this is all about being able to spread very quickly extra influence straight away is always great in addition to being fanatic authoritarian giving us plus 1.5 per month as well we're starting with plus two influence a month that's pretty good considering the default is only three we then have star seekers and star settlers these both have a very similar effect of just making it way easier for us to expand with star seekers our survey speed is increased and we also have extra archaeological skill which means we're gonna be able to do all those extra events very quickly and find them very quickly we even have a higher chance of discovering anomalies and then we research them faster as well as you can imagine this is gonna be key to finding as many events as possible in the first 50 or so years after that we have star settlers meaning that our star bases are 15 percent less in terms of their influence cost obviously really good for expanding and we can get our colonies up and running faster with extra colony development speed and starting off with one additional population each this empire is all about spreading and spreading and spreading we then have migratory this is from the species diversity which means we have a load of extra population growth from immigration normally i wouldn't pick this but plus 30 is lovely then we have rapid breeders unruly quick learners and deviants and death worlders and we'll get onto that in a second as for our homeworld i'm now realizing i've misspelled rather than death world this death world that's what i keep as we have a primal world this is from planetary diversity the primal world has been chosen because i love the concept of it it's a very early world which is still a little bit on the unstable side and this world is great for extra alloys i'm not sure if it's the best one for extra alloys i can't quite remember each of them but this one has a unique building you can build very quickly which gives you loads of alloys and increases the amount of alloys you get from jobs we're gonna need a lot of alloys for everything we're doing naturally that's gonna be fantastic for us and it also matches our origin now these three origins are all from the planet modifier so these of course i had to select we have death world rebirth and lost project lost project seems incredibly powerful by the way plus one influence per month at the cost of minus 10 research speed i would gladly take that ride in almost every empire i play unless i'm going super super tall tech rush i mean even then with the gaia world to begin with that is insanely good you also get unique planet modifiers three elder modifiers these can be utterly brokenly powerful so it's like where are you it's like life seeded but significantly better in every way it is just insanely good we then have rebirth your um your pop amenities usage is increased but you do start with ancient ruins and ancient modifiers on your starter planet which is nice and then we have the more brutal one which is what i'm choosing death world start on a very inhospitable and deadly world a world that has forced your species to evolve into a highly adaptive and strong species start with two harsh planet modifiers these are the negative ones and you always get two random ones some of them are a lot worse than others you um you start with more blockers on your planet which is just great and you need more amenities and consumer goods on that planet however your species gets a unique trait in return plus thames inhabitability and plus 20 minerals and food from jobs i just think it fits the theme of the empire more honestly lost project would work great for us to just spread everywhere but we're going to go with the more difficult option we're on a death world the primal death world where everything is toxic and wants to kill you kind of like the internet almost forgot to change my ships we're going to use the avian ships that makes the most sense so with that let's get going now once we start we will have the option to change the settings of the mod to the planet modifiers so of course i will be doing that i'm going to make it a little bit on the extreme side basically all the options as i almost knock over a drink there because i am smart and professional there we are we have the planet modifiers mod here and what we're going to do is number of modifiers you can have it as max only one per planet low default or high we're going to set it to high so there's always at least one modifier on each planet i don't think that applies to the planetary diversity planets things like the um the primal world the storm world things like that but i could be wrong there for galaxy age we're saying it's old this will increase the chance of ruins and signs of previous civilizations and we're going to make sure all of these are on in my first test i actually got this wrong and i turned them all green thinking oh i'm turning them all on no you press to enable it's now enabled and i was wondering when nothing was working i thought i had some kind of mod conflict nope it was just me being dumb and so we start the game we're starting oh in the very centre of the galaxy so i'll be right back once we start seeing some of the unique things which can appear i'm getting these researches because of my civics wow yeah consumer goods already down and our immunities are gonna be utterly dreadful okay so we need to find the new planet as soon as possible and get off the death world oh no it has one of the worst ones oh god has two of the worst ones this one actually isn't too bad because it's a capital it can't be lowered in habitability resilient parasites and arachnophobia both of these are modifiers from planetary modifiers one of the parasite species on this world is withstanding all efforts of our doctors to remove it potential colonists are doomed to suffer in the long run my entire species is riddled with worms and then arachnophobia the world is overrun by packs of giant arachnids oh no minus temps and happiness and even more amenities yeah we just need to get off the planet simple as that use this planet for alloys and make sure we shift our people off as soon as we find a half decent planet that's exactly what we're doing we're going to actually pay to move them off i have not seen i've done i think was it two runs i've never done two runs but yeah i've not seen a world that bad yet so let's um let's save up and get ourselves the magma mine increasing our alloys so i need to do is quickly destroy our corvettes get ourselves some extra resources and then save up for some free stuff the very first system and we have something to talk about so star of the opera i will actually be skipping quite a few of them because there are loads of these extra events which i really like while scanning the star our science ships onboard computers quickly detected repeating patterns in the radio frequency signals it emanates an engineer recognized some of these patterns from a piece of music it once observed this engineer proceeded to convert the patterns using a particular a particular clear instrument and managed to produce quite a unique sound a full recording of these patterns has produced quite a beautiful sounding piece of music with the right equipment you can practically hear the stars sing so we either get incredible or we can play a little bit of influence and get some extra science from the star and a little bit of experience for our leader knowledge is our priority what i like as well is you have a lot of these smaller events which essentially explain why certain planets and everything have the resources they do why does this one have alloys why does it have minerals sometimes it's got a more interesting exploration and then you have the extra stuff here lava geysers and heavy metal ridge singing star oh and we've also found another one so dead planet getting really lucky with these early on so with this one oh i thought i could go a bit further with this now this is another one where we can add some science so it seems like big materialist allows you to do this with pretty much everything sure we're gonna have a really high level leader which is great if you find some of the archaeological sites you really can do though every single one of them i don't think it's really worth it ten influence each time for those plus one tall sciences but i can't help it metal coral i've just realized something i said i was getting lucky no i have purposefully got civics to make this happen more often now before i forget because i've got last time we do also have this a unique policy which is the surveying policy we can either send away teams giving us more experience from discoveries in addition to extra rewards but surveying speed is far slower but we get even more anomalies or we can have orbital mapping doubling our survey speed but decreasing the chance that we get anomalies obviously we want as many anomalies as possible we are purposefully pushing for that so we are sending our away teams we have found of our precursor relics and it's the orbital complex sadly above a molten world if you get lucky and get these above a regular world the benefits can be very very good as you can see here this one's giving plus 60 research and it's also a valuable world which allows you to terraform it even though it's a molten world so i will be terraforming that as soon as i can if we get to that point in terms of our tech right now i'm just trying to survive and make sure i can still keep on sending out new science vessels it's been a bit difficult i have had to sell every single relic and we have got a little bit lucky with energy from various events but we're doing okay the birds shall fly also on my first world the growth from immigration is 4.39 which i think's the highest i've ever seen this early in the game ever anomaly found i also believe that once we research the orbital complex we will get an archaeological site floating kelp and a really grey looking gas giant there the gas giant seems to have colossal kelp like flora floating in its upper atmosphere these floating kelp are hundreds of meters long and have giant leaves all tightly wound around a central tube filled with plant sap a little bit of society research and that's that one done so i was correct over on this world we do now have we do now have a precursor expedition which of course we're going towards as fast as possible so we can hopefully get a brand new relic and toxic fumes oh pretty antarctic worlds are very very pretty antarctic worlds are from planetary diversity lingering pollution so that's from this whatever civilization left these structures behind has been really irresponsible with taking care of this world for shame minus one to all districts at least all the regular districts and then plus 15 physics research at least anything unique nope just colossal crystals lethal undergrowth so overgrowth here undergrowth this will give us 100 food for clearing it but he's still blocking a lot of our districts it's both a good and a bad thing discovery plasmoid life scientist lafayette on board the science vessel has made a substantial discovery on trappist somehow life comprised entirely of plasma has managed to evolve in this star unfortunately the ship cannot venture closer for a better scan as the sun's thermal radiation is proving too much for the ship's onboard sensors we need more information allow an expedition updated we also just found a magma ocean somewhere oh right next to in fact oh that's a pretty pretty closest to the star either way look at you please do the life one first that would be great also lethar change your r for an x and i'll like you even more scientist lathrix i was a scientist once i could have been me next to the molten world now i haven't seen this yet but apparently on some worlds you'll get events upon colonizing them this seems like one of them which it might be unnatural world there is something unsettling about this world explorers speak of hushed voices on the edge of hearing and things moving unexplainably indeed sensors do report this world sits slightly out of sync with the reality what sensor would say that exactly what would that say unnatural crystals oh that's what it has a gorgeous sky it is a really pretty world and over here we have a fairly standard world we have well just the normal effects and then we have this one which is one russian going to go for which has an unusually thin atmosphere giving extra physics research but more amenities usage and less agricultural districts and then constant sandstorms increasing population consume goods upkeep and as you can see i'm not reading all the descriptions here otherwise you'd be here all day if you're into really delving deep into your empire and figuring out every planet and its lore and how it fits into everything this mods definitely for you it adds a lot of stuff like that or if you're more like me and just like more unique modifiers and everything so everything's a little bit more well everything's a bit different still seems very good i am really glad i brought a materialist because i didn't see any of these extra things here in the two test runs i did is it really worth it probably not but definitely if it's the empire we're all about exploring we are star seekers by discovering plasmoid life we get extra physics research ooh living plasma extract modifier added giving in the following effects plus temps and energy growth from whites that's permanent plasma is valuable this mod definitely makes your empire a lot stronger i have to say that much flowing hydrogen mist thick rivers of dense hydrogen gas can be seen flowing along the surface of the planet an unusual combination of low atmospheric pressure and static attraction from the world's surface rocks produce these elegant slow-moving rivers of dense hydrogen gas and of course knowledge is our priority someone else's problem it looks like some uncaring civilization has used the planet as a dumping ground for their toxic waste billions of tons of radioactive caustic and toxic metals and chemicals have been dumped spread across the surface of this world most of the dumping must have been done from orbit for it to have been so spread out cleaning this up seems like an impossible task and doesn't it look so perfectly divinely disgusting but of course knowledge is our priority not exactly important for the mod but i've got to say uh this empire is horrendous it really really is star star settlers is a very very powerful civic in the mod but uh all this combined it's just yeah i'm not really setting up anything yet and that's a little bit sad hopefully i'll get some more of the precursors as well soon knowledge priority is our the of now if you go over here please and excavate that yep your joint our highest level so you can get the precursor expedition done now i haven't actually done one of these yet i know they're how you get the relics and i'm fairly certain from what i've seen they're essentially all the same except the reward you get and there's one per precursor event or something similar to that anyway so i am really keen to see what the relics are there are loads of an extra relics and i think they're a bit um they're not as powerful as some of the other relics in the game but you get them pretty much guaranteed which if that's the case i'll be really really happy meanwhile there's some lovely artwork there we're mining out an asteroid there are definitely positives to the empire implying but they're not coming from the actual civics and ethics themselves so much only star seekers and then the powerful starter world and apparently you can actually remove the parasites it just costs a fortune the precursor expedition base of operations the expedition team has found a safe spot to set up camp additional equipment and personnel are being dropped off to the makeshift camp with small drop ships an expedition is now getting under wise or getting ready to search the nearby precursor ruins nobody quite knows though why laflix is here and reading words aren't actually there here's our homeworld with giant arachnids and parasites as the world tears itself apart by the way most of our population doesn't even live past 10. and then we have these fellows in their homeworld got a pretty sky hasn't it it's a bit different you got a pretty nice world there but the precursor expedition has two more chapters unlocked first of all searching the unknown the expeditionary team has been sent out along a narrow path alongside the first outer ruins this to hopefully avoid any surprises that may lie on the main path it will take some time before they reach an alternative way into the ruins followed by old is an understatement the team has made it into the ruins and have found it to be quite safe several small artifacts have so far been discovered along the route the expeditionary team has taken trinkets tools but also small electronic devices a cursory analysis reveals them to be over 100 000 years old the supplies of the team are running low so they are returning to base camp meanwhile a secondary expedition team is heading out oh that's interesting i found some vaults but this wasn't one of the precursor well it's on the standard precursor events we just found the vaults the research team led by dorakina from the science vessel that i'm gonna try has found something remarkable scattered across the mountain of this world are what appears to be small outposts further investigation reveals various hidden entrances into large storage facilities most lie empty either looted in its ancient past or never filled to begin with a few however contain untold treasures both archaeological and technological in nature the survey team reports that the outposts outside the vaults are still functional and can be converted to our technology with minimal efforts given further study the vaults may yield additional scientific progress or secrets research option gained non-standard archaeologist safety gear that's a mouthful of a bit of tech what is it anomaly research speed increased by 20 oh lothric's like and it is one of the precursor expeditions okay okay yes we need to um go over there as fast as possible we've got another one of the precursor expeditions over here and on the world it has precursor outpost ruins precursor precursor outpost ruins which does which just gives it extra sensor range and housing nothing particularly interesting at least in comparison to the one over here which is like oh by the way let's give you plus 60 tech that's a bit better got to be honest a little bit better i love the concept of this clouds of life essentially there is plankton in the upper atmosphere of this gas giant just nice simple adds a bit of flavor to the world receiving new route our secondary expedition team has found a new tunnel system and as discovered they lead into a well-preserved six-sided chamber possibly leading into a bigger complex the chambers fight at the doors but they appear to be locked tools and equipment are being brought in to assist in breaching the locked doors continue with caution a little bit unlucky there we have the precursor mines which is crazy plus 50 minerals but um it's on asteroid where i can't actually terraform i doubt i can ever terraform this even though some of the other worlds i normally can't terraform but you can because the whole it's a precursor thing [Music] what does that give plus 60 engineering plus 30 alloys the science expedition team led by the scientist from the science vessel has found something remarkable a colossal crater marks this otherwise unremarkable planet containing the remains of an archaic space station due to the extensive damage not much can be gleaned from examining the wreckage though our scientists suspect it belonged to a time lost empire studying the effects of the impact could garner additional understanding of velocity physics and durability of massive constructs and planets engineers have set up a basic outpost for continued experiments whoa 25 artifacts and that's another precursor expedition and yeah that planet now has plus 60 engineering and plus 30 alloys that's crazy talk i like crazy talk we're in also just taking a moment now to say right now i am selling all of my minor artifacts just to keep my economy afloat thankfully we are also producing quite a few minerals and alloys so it's not as bad as it looks it's just not great we have finally breached one of the locked doors it looks like this is a rather large complex part of the ruins above perhaps our expedition team is splitting up into groups of two in order to more efficiently explore the chambers of this complex who knows what they'll find or what will find them record everything i believe now this is the last of the chapters this one looks like bunker grid yeah so these actually aren't giving us um precursor points towards finding the home world are they i like that it's just more extra stuff the science expedition team led by valtteri you are keep finding everything aren't you lad i found something remarkable let's have a look at the stats first of all the bunker grid has has a unique building the precursor bunker command center less orbital damage i wonder what the command center is though oh and a really nice little uh extra energy extraordinaism there a massive planet-wide bunker system is all that is left from the previous precursor civilization as scientists surmise they are the remnants of a galaxy spanning conflict suffice to say the inhabitants were not the victors um this is new update to drilling methods a colony on ziaman prime has made a request the colony's mining division and would like to deviate from the standard mining techniques and modify the drilling equipment to dig deeper in the plant's crust while the surface of the planet provides ample mineral yields their mining prospecting assessment team believes much richer minerals can be found if they dig deeper and more greedy with your approval they will begin a different method of drilling and should bring in more riches for the empire i have a choice here but uh oh my god plus 60 minerals up from plus 50 what well that's the ultimate mining world a small satellite was found in the orbit of the planet it had been set up to continuously repeat a message until its power source drained millions of years ago like millions i thought it was only 100 000 years old well they're uh that age is very flexible here we salvaged it oh saying that perhaps they've been around for millions of years just the ruins they were only a hundred thousand it's hard to say we salvaged this transmitter array but could only recover a small portion of the transmission the main purpose of the satellite was to apparently uh to preach the dominant philosophy to neighboring civilizations uh the message speaks of the need to disconnect and to embrace true existence which is very on theme for that empire which i won't support either this planet when we eventually terraform it since i guess it's one of the special ones yep it's a valuable world size 26 will have plus 20 stability plus 20 amenities that's really nice and it's right next to us yay they found a hot planetary core one of the other precursor expeditions is moving forward discover more about its hot core the first of the precursor expeditions has been finished this is the one with the singularity drive endless rows of brightly lit data banks stretch out into the vast chambers they each seem to have their own endless power units and are mostly still intact and running despite the lives of dust and rock upon them we're pulling as much data from them as we can giving us the positronic microchip along with some influence and some relics oh we also get plus one to our research alternatives from now on okay relic what do you do whoa plus two robot modification points plus two gene modification points tactical retreat when it's activated it makes it far cheaper to modify a species that is insane plus two points for that never mind i was saying they're a bit weak no never mind that is that is incredibly powerful absolutely insanely powerful as i'm hinting it's quite powerful yeah why does it say 70 habits oh because i can grow these fellas now can't i yeah i'm little lithoids i think i've skipped maybe 10 plus of these now protoplanets much younger than the other planets in the system and of course knowledge is our priority this world has the endless forest massive forests as far as the eye can see cover this world giving plus 30 food and plus four to max agricultural districts really does promote specialized worlds they're receptive to us but trying not to like us but too bad you're gonna love us what is that lovable the strange eggs just gave us influence but i've actually had ooh time displaced planet okay one second the eggs just gave us um a few resources nothing else but i have actually had that event before in my test is one of the first ones i got and it actually allowed me to spawn in xenomorphs every i think it's like every seven years i got a free army of xenomorphs which was really nice this early in the game so it seems like there's a chance you just get less now over this planet this world emits strange chronotonic recordings so readings somehow this world has been displaced out of time and is not known when this world was born or when it is from but its draw offers a lot of opportunities to learn about the nature of time itself so is this another one of those worlds like yep it's a valuable world which means i can indeed terraform it lighter giant mold blobs lovely okay ooh and a thing oh in search of time okay i really want that i think that'll be the last one we do that'll be the last of the um the archaeological sites we do because it seems really interesting we have finished off the next of the precursor expeditions it looks like this was nothing more than an outpost few tools containers and barely noteworthy amenities are spread out in this place some old devices and weapons have been found as well it appears to have been abandoned in a hurry though we did find a relic though a cloaking device passive effect allows for the stealth tactician trait to randomly roll for your admirals cloaking device for 120 months gives the following effects combat disengagement disengagement chance plus 50 cents uh that's it's all right i mean it's not the best not the worst it's it's a thing you know it's definitely a thing over on the world with the precursor bunker grid the unique building is this the salvage precursor bunker command in plus two housing minus 50 from orbital bombardment damage plus two precursor bunker unit jobs which both give loads of defense forces and some unity not really the best thing in the world honestly but i suppose if we're using this on a choke point it would be amazing i might eventually use it in search for time strange readings readings taken on the planet indicate that all time fluctuations are originating from a point somewhere in the northern hemisphere of this world it is going to take some time to pinpoint the exact origin of these strange time distortions while all data indicates the source is at one location previous in time and somewhere in the near future the source was moved okay and with time flowing backwards and forward so frequently it isn't easy to determine its current location oh that seems so annoying i found another precursor location just giving quite basic extra stats but also this because that's a very hot core it gives us a stacking terraforming bonus of 10 up to 30 percent that can really affect how you want to play our empire oh excellent i was hoping i'd find one of these before the end we have found a wondrous planet now these are very rare they have a unique trait to them in this case the discharging fields which give plus 50 energy and plus 10 um generator districts wow that's all serious energy plus the 20 from this and they also have extra happiness and immigration pull essentially they're just truly unique planets a very unusual feature was discovered on this world during one of the first scientific expeditions on the surface as scientists were all struck by the significance it represents of all the theories all discoveries all the worlds explored in the past no one has seen something quite like this before a true wonder of the galaxy strange stone structures cover large portions of this land erratically releasing hazardous charges of electricity whatever generates such discharges is beyond our theoretical knowledge as well as the conductive materials these stones could be made of also the constantly charging magnetic fields seem to excite most electronic devices over time we cleared the pollution from one of our planets we found the current location of whatever is causing these time distortions if there is such a thing as current on this world anyway the fluctuations seem to be coming from a half-buried strange blue rectangle box that has been left on this planet we're currently trying to get inside of it is it like brought to no police phone box kind of kind of size maybe we've finished another one of the precursor expeditions the walls and ceilings of these chambers are extensively reinforced with neutronium and some kind of moving or living metal they seem to repair most of the damage atolls did to the doors after we open them there are signs of firefights and explosions inside of the chambers but the walls floors doors and ceilings all appear to be in pristine condition this complex must have been some kind of bunker or at least very heavily fortified we get loads of minor artifacts but sadly no relic she's definitely the more interesting after an extensive search across the ruins the secondary expedition has recovered only a handful of small artifacts some small devices heirlooms and cultural artifacts as well as a single working data slide most of the data has been lost however or has been corrupted but fortunately we've managed to recover some technological data so we have a new tech which is being unlocked i believe is one of these two star base outpost influence costs minus 10 yes please that is really great and then we have the soul prism lead a lifespan plus 40 years gain a random level five immortal leader sharing an ancient soul well i used it but now the people can uh apparently attack me to claim the soul prison there's a leader it's an admiral an ancient soul is sharing the body of this leader it's simply max level oh it doesn't have any um other trades though curious i'll have to use that again off smash down if we're still playing this i am getting very close to the end of the video because i don't want to go too much into spoilers all the precursors have different relics i think or at least there are plenty more than what i'm getting so i'm not spoiling too much and i have skipped so many events in the video i have tried to read this now 13 times this is attempt 14. as i read so much my dyslexia is getting worse and i swear i'm just seeing a blur at this point in search for time the final one the duck so i called it after multiple attempts we've finally been able to get inside this strange blue box it appears to be slightly bigger on the inside than the outside only slightly inside in the middle of the box or room at this point we found a strange spherical device this device seems to have some time influence over other objects near it the box however seemed to have amplified the effect substantially albeit uncontrollably some notes were also found across the walls of this box most of us drivel about time being a big ball of wibbly wobbly tiny whiny stuff none mention a name or owner of this box and the sphere except for one note which was signed with the duck giving us the time displacer whoa that looks technology really cool this effect grows stronger over time i mean that makes sense i suppose plus 20 to all research which is very very little and then active effect um added for 120 months the following effect fdl speed plus 500 that's interesting and it only costs energy as well so that's cool it doesn't cost influence because it's not really the most powerful effects but there we are like time displacer so with that i am going to be calling the episode here i'm not sure how long this video will be so i'm not 100 sure how many of the events i'm really going to cut out i've been looking the footage i have read almost all of them but i'm probably going to cut about 50 60 of them just to make it not completely spoilerific in case some of them are guaranteed when you first start this was a load of fun i don't think i would have all the settings on if i were to use this in a full play-through because not only does it take too long i actually think it's a bit overpowered the changes are insane some of them were just really really powerful but again really fun i love the fact it makes most of the worlds make sense why they would have certain traits that i really really like things like the radioactive mantle the notion it's just all these little details which make every world every asteroid a bit more unique and just gives a bit more reason to the disorder of the game absolutely adore that all the events are well done and apparently i am missing like 90 of them according to the stats on the steam page so would highly recommend this mod after this quick play through definitely definitely recommend it though maybe not if you're trying to be competitive and really learn the game because again some of them are a bit powerful though i think you could tone that down by either making them rarer in the settings or disabling some of these specific ones especially the precursor ones they seem a bit crazy so with that thank you so much for watching remember in the description there is a link to all of the mods i've used in this video and that will be updated if they have a change or anything or at least i will try to update them if they've changed because that has happened before in the past and with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future if you have any suggestions for mods i should take a look at and have a quick showcase slash experiment with then please tell me in the comments i do read each of them and honestly this was by far one of the most recommended i had seen in a very long time only gigastructure really came close to it and i will be covering that in the future though it's going to be a much bigger undertaking just because it is such a crazy mod with so much in the end game i'm probably going to do as a full playthrough which is going to take like a week plus to get the footage for so gonna do a few more small mods first because honestly i'm having a load of fun seeing all the different ways you can play this game and stacking all the mods together certainly has a very unique experience already thanks so much for watching i need to take a little bit of sleep because as you can tell i'm not putting sentences together properly thank you goodbye have a lovely day to take care and until next time toodle pip
Channel: Lathland
Views: 50,327
Rating: 4.973186 out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, stellaris mod, stellaris modded, stellaris gameplay, stellaris lets play, stellaris game, gameplay
Id: yymhIixMxKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 59sec (2399 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.