How Hive Minds SHOULD Be! | Forgotten Queens | Stellaris Mod Showcase

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris with me alathrix and of course welcome to another mod showcase where today we are looking at a mod which very well may be the mod i am the most excited about out of any mod i've looked at so far because for those who've been around on the channel for a while you will know i adore hive minds hive minds are by far well they're in the contender for my ultimate favorite empire but the one thing holding them back and that's why they're only a contender is there's not all that many ways of playing them with the regular empires there are so many different ethics and civics even in the vanilla game you can have your own unique experiences with the hive mind you either have the standard high of mind or you have the devouring swarm and that's pretty much it at least that's what i found i'm sure there are plenty of ways to specifically tailor your empire but every time i've tried it's always ended up a variant of the two and a bit too close to be anything too unique well this is the mod i've been looking for this is the forgotten queens mod and it is adding loads of stuff all to do with hive minds now for this run for this test i'm only going to be using that mod and no other mods because these are all kind of um things i would love to see in the vanilla game so i'd like to see how this acts in just a vanilla game with the extra hive mind stuff so what exactly does this mod add to the game well as you can probably tell by the intro it's all about extra stuff for the hive minds first of all we have brand new appearances ranging from honestly terrifying to kind of adorable and confusing looking and then this thing i love this one but honestly i just love the standard insect just going with the insectoid hive mind always makes me very very happy so we're going with this one i think these tendrils actually from one of the machine portraits am i correct there yeah that's what it is i've only just realized that either way love this sticking with it but let's go into the features a little bit more methodically rather than me just pointing at things and going i like this because we'd be here all day otherwise so first of all we have the new civics so we have organic structures now this means you also get the organic ship type which is just i believe it's the scourge ships so i'm always happy to see those back in the game rather than whichever you choose normally so happy with that but then it massively changes how your empire works you get queens you get brood queens and as someone who has an ant colony who used to have multiple ant colonies before giving some of them away i love all this kind of concept absolutely adore it you get a brood queen which will produce larvae larvae are needed for almost everything do you want a new starbase get some larvae do you want to get some new buildings you probably need some larvae as well so lots of lava always very very useful also is it larvae or larvae i always get those mixed up you know mean words not exactly the best of friends there the point is though you need lots of them next up we have mutualistic behavior now this gets really weird because with this you can have branch offices on other empires world similar to honestly a criminal syndicate because you don't need a commercial pact with them you can just pop them wherever and when you combine it with organic structures you can actually have farms there which produce more larvae which obviously is very very good for this empire you can also assimilate biological pops from the very start this is being nice mutualistic behavior is all about being the bestest friends with all other empires in fact you can't even have unrestricted wars with this obviously we're going with this because i want to have branch offices on every world so every world is producing our offspring and you can get really creepy with this by the way with things like oh i don't know parasitic embryos this hive uses other organics to lay embryos in their bodies to increase pop numbers yep allows your empire to process organics infecting them and giving birth to new pups of your main species when purged has the demand sacrifice war type yeah you can just make them sacrifice their pups so that you can plant eggs in them and get more of your species i would definitely probably go with one of these two if i was going with that option unless i was trying to be adorable but we're being nice today we're being the good guys so going through some of the other civics a little bit quicker now because quite a few of them actually we have autonomous drones which allows your unemployed populations to voluntarily resettle themselves to other planets that's similar to the edict you can get from the galactic council all very well and good there you get extra population growth from immigration extra diplomatic away from populations probably something i wouldn't really pick but still makes the empire a lot easier to run especially for going with a very wide empire biointegrated tech gives you extra hold and armor regen once again one more regen your ships will never die you have focused collective which allows you very weirdly to specifically choose between society physics and engineering research and focus on that for your empire essentially gives you an extra policy to choose from want some more anomalies here's a civic for that would you like some more food and especially from livestock well natural attraction for when you really want to eat other sapiens and we've already spoke about the parasitic embryos so next up we do have two new origins the first of which is this one which allows you to start off on a hive world from this hive world you can send more expensive colony ships in fact that's the only colony ship you can create which will slowly convert other worlds into hive worlds the downside is that you have zero percent habitability on all of these worlds and it does take a very long time for that planet to be converted into a new hive world so until then your species isn't really getting anything from the planet we're just kind of sitting there waiting for it to slowly turn into a giant living organism which is part of the hive mind itself but of course hive worlds are very very powerful so getting every single world into a hive world essentially for free except for the slightly increased cost of your colony ship is very good in the long run terrible early game amazing light game then there's this one overmind this is a very very interesting one to say the least your main species can no longer exist you essentially don't have the main species on any of your planets they can't be um grown or anything else but they will still be available to be leaders these leaders can have a special trait which makes them more powerful think of something like cyborg with the extra bonuses that's what you can get on top of this you start off with a secondary species which is actually your main species to grow which is your remote drone so one good thing about this straight away is that you don't really have to care at all about the remote drones um leadership capabilities because that's all being taken care of by your main species which then you can focus completely for learning things like quick learners talented and venerable i believe that's the only options you can even have so very powerful main species and then you have your remote drones on top of this you instantly start with the capability of assimilating all biological pops which are on your planet so you get lots of them if you invade other worlds all of the species will be part of the hive mind but they will never have their voices heard within the collective on top of this your remote drones also have a plus 10 habitability this does cost one point but is essentially adaptive for cheaper and you can still have adaptive if you want really really adaptive species and if you find any other worlds well if there's any people there they'll be part of the collective as well but for now we're going to stick with this i do want to try and turn every world into a hive world and we can see all the effects as the world slowly gets converted i just noticed my audio has been a little bit weird so far hopefully it wasn't too distracting i have fixed it i was messing up there i simply had the wrong microphone plugged in yeah so i was recording from two locations rather than just one and it messed up everything again hopefully not too distracting the final thing we have though before we go into the game itself because we also have ascension perks to look at once we're in the game is we do have a brand new advisor voice and you may recognize this from starcraft interaction concluded new specimen must experiment social interaction irrelevant also the co-operators name is the automatic name because we are now mutualistic cooperators this hive continues its relations with other species seeking mutually beneficial arrangements and so we begin the game so we can showcase the ascension perks and just how this empire applies in general hopefully we'll find nice friendly empires that we can start our little brood cults in i mean our friendly branch offices they grow our species because they love us and so we begin and here is the complex updates complex being the fellow who made this mod and they're the other ones which are available but for now we're just sticking with the forgotten queens that's data world here as you can see minus 50 percent energy for our buildings upkeep but they do cost food consumed i believe it will say yeah planet structures there we go so straight away the food upkeep is instantly a problem there and as you can see we are producing a special resource which are our larvae and there's our brood queen happily creating them and also increasing our population growth by two percent every 50 population you have you will get an additional brood queen so these will eventually stack up and then you can have loads of extra population growth and loads of extra larvae when you get a new world you will start off with a brood queen as i think you start from the brood queen fairly certain might be wrong there but that's what i understand it to be as you can see as well all of the buildings do cast that special resource so that will hamper you to begin with at least that's what i found in my very quick test i only tested it for a few minutes and instantly realized i love this mod so that's why we're doing a video today wasn't gonna do a video today but i couldn't help myself now i need to spread find a new world if i found two straight away which is great so that we can showcase how the world will be converted and infested by our empire here's a new policy brood focus we can either have balance brood which gives us a little bit of extra population growth from our brood queens and our brood queens produce more larvae or we can have extra larvae or we can have extra population growth all focused on different things the nuptial flights that's something i know far too much about because that's what happened to me this year for the very first time my aunt ness managed to make a lights and we had them everywhere because i didn't really prepare for it and i didn't expect them to because normally they don't do that when they're indoors because they don't get all the different signals from the outside but yeah flying ants everywhere what we can focus on are sterile workers giving us extra population growth so here are the new ascension perks sadly with some of these because i haven't actually experienced them yet myself i don't fully understand exactly what they do but they certainly do sound very interesting so to begin with what i do understand hollowing project with this we can essentially hollow out one of our worlds turning into a giant ant nest giving extra housing and resource production and pop growth and also giving us special hollow districts at the expense of the planet's natural resources becoming inaccessible so i assume that's things like the rare resources and search the red the rare features probably vanish we also can't produce generator mining or agricultural districts so i'm seeing this as kind of the arcology project but for hive minds that's how i'm reading that so i say i understand it but i understand it in theory it's a powerful world type which certainly does seem interesting the next two are ascension paths similar to the genetic path and search for their empires we start off with this why not grow our species in artificial environments giving us genetic chimerism again i don't fully understand what that does but it is an option there and that also unlocks xeno transplantation biotrophy citizenship enabled it also allows us to assemble any species from our empire with the genesis chambers mutagenic evolution modifier added which grants a bonus per unique species so obviously you want as many species as possible with your empire and then you have the research option gained genetic alterations again not fully understanding exactly what they do i will try and go for at least the start of one of these in this quick test run but i am also very tempted to do a full play through with this empire because i think it's going to be insanely fun i'll definitely go with one of these two options next up we have something which i've really wanted in the vanilla game for a long time i've never fully understood why we can't have this essentially giving us the psionic capabilities for a hive mind only a fraction of the potential contained within our collective mind has been unlocked the psychic link that connects the members of our species can be used as a bridge to connect with others it also allows us to have mind meld as a research option after that we have omnipresence we stand on the threshold of awakeningly true sonic might of our species soon we will be able to tap into the very mind of the galaxy the hive will unlock their full psionic potential i really don't know which one of these i want more i really love the idea of this one because i've wanted this in the vanilla game but this sounds really interesting and those are the five new ascension perks so tempted to do a full play through if you would be interested in that feel free to tell them in the comments i would love an excuse to just play this empire i think i underplayed how expensive these uh these chips are yeah 2 000 food to get a colony ship and that brings me to this because we've chosen the organic structures this is what our lovely empire looks like because wouldn't you trust this to be your ally remember we're the friendly empire it's all based of course on the scourge in fact i think it's the scourge models i believe these are the strike craft right well now they are our corvettes terrifying terrifying corvettes there's one of our science ships so one of our stations there's our little worky boy and there is our science vessel it is nice playing as the scourge again the friendly scourge we're friendly we like people really like them the amount of larvae we need for things like our corvettes is a little bit insane five each currently we're only producing one larvae per month so 1.6 per month that really hampers us but as we get more colonies as we get more population that should become less of a problem objective achieved i guess that's the problem when you're transforming your children into ships of war but what parent hasn't had that problem there's our colony ship so does that mean our population's just like in this thing's stomach perplexing must examine i'm assuming they're in the stomach i'm hoping they're in the stomach the first of our world is now colonized as you can see zero percent habitability meaning we are getting very little from here but then we have this growing organism at stage one the planet is being wreathed by a giant living organism to become one with the hive and that's gonna take 3376 days i think it indeed begins with essentially 10 years ooh is that because we're plaguing it so in 10 years time stage 1 will be complete it's gonna be a while another thing i've been underestimating is just how much everything costs food it costs food to build a starbase it costs food to build any type of mining or research station it costs food for your ships everything is food based because of course everything is made from your larvae the larvae transform and so we need more of them to make more of everything we have found our first other empire and so let's put down a branch office so as you can see we have all the unique buildings here the first of which i'm going to look at is the lava chamber the larvae chamber which will increase our larvae production by one each month it will cost us five food and we'll give them a medical worker for extra population growth it will however make them more xenophobic xenophobic ethic extraction plus 200 percent i guess it is a bit weird to have these being grown on your planet especially since we didn't get any you know approval to place down these buildings we then have all sorts of other things though we have the tourism center increasing our diplomatic weight from economy by just five percent it's a much weaker version i think than the regular corporate version we have one which produces unity minerals food all the usual stuff but then we also get specific sciences engineering society and physics but the main one for now we just need more lava actually we kind of don't because we're not building many ships i'm just about staying actually now i'm gonna do more stuff yeah right now i am just about staying even with my larvae production i do have additional brood queens now all helping out with that oh the brood queens do not produce larvae oh because i've just recently changed the brood focus so actually yeah we do need the larvae because i've decided my brood queens are only producing extra population growth they are producing sterile larvae which are not able to be used for all these other things so yeah we definitely need the larvae chamber as soon as we have the minerals to do so one is now complete on this world which means now is least somewhat habitable however stage two is going to take another 7 000 days so right now we have less max districts and it is consuming a copious amount of our food it really is really really slow like if you want an early rush this is not the empire for you going with the organic structures is kind of horrendous with this no sorry not organic structures with this specific origin is not good for an early rush it's all about the light game we have just reached 50 population on our home world so we have the initial brood queen and now we have a second and because of our policy they are both increasing our population growth by five percent each not really all that powerful but at least all they're taking is food eventually we're gonna have so many of those i've just got the tech cloning which means now we can go ahead with our first of the new ascension perks i was going to go in the psychic option but this one's a bit earlier so we're going with this unlocks the building genesis chambers and the research option for genetic chimeraism so then what do the genesis chambers do exactly genesis chambers genetic assembler jobs plus one every 30 populations oh we literally construct our own species that is really cool actually yeah that is really really cool uh yeah let's go with that let's start putting down the genesis chambers we've put them here as well we can but they're very expensive let's focus on tech for a while achieved i wonder if we can go with both this and the other no sadly not you can only have one or the other okay that makes complete sense so next up we need at least two other ascension perks to be selected and we need the gene tailoring tech then we can go with this one actually i've just realized i may have been wrong i don't actually know if you need what we've just got to get that i thought it was one than the other perhaps that's not quite the case it must be because otherwise you can't produce the genesis chambers and that's what this gives so it's either you need the other one or the other one makes this one significantly better i can't quite tell which but either way doesn't really matter too much we'll go for this one second anyway since we need to grab some of the other things first oh okay so it's basically xenomorphs um so that's what the tech have just unlocked is you can produce xenomorphs although it does lead to other things okay here we are with the genesis chamber completely online as you can see we are assembling our own species as if they're machines a lot of population growth very quickly also something very interesting i've noticed is we are also converting this world which i kinda wish we wasn't this is a relic world by the way but uh doesn't look like it anymore and we are going to turn into a hive eventually our first colony is about to finally upgrade itself and there we go oh that is gross i love it we have our first hive world as in the first one we've actually created 100 habitability plus 10 resources from jobs and we are no longer restricted from the planetary features to how many districts we have that is how many generator mining or agricultural districts are now completely tied to the size and nothing else augmentation glory to the swarm also i forgot to name the hive mind and it is a lethera it's close it's almost lathrix just sounds cuter honestly shame the face doesn't quite match no to be fair about my level of cuteness honestly so i've now hit the point where i can't do anything else because i'm just not producing enough larvae i don't have enough of that lovely children to mutate into new worlds and new ships i'm completely stuck so i am completely relying currently on the lava chambers larvae chambers in other empires the problem is machine empire can't use them uh trade empire can't use them tried empire can't use them so only have two currently and you were just too far away and too expensive might need to make sure our brood queens are producing brood again you know usable brood lack of larvae is a problem regular nuptial flights help brood queens line more a light larvae which will help the colony expand and grow so now the brood queens are back producing usable larvae interestingly we can have migration treaties that's certainly a first for a hive mind sure come to our worlds you totally won't instantly be assimilated that's good though because our next ascension perk gets a bonus for how many we have in our empire there's how many species where are you there we are mutagenic evolution modifier added which grants bonus per unique species we can now add another civic so we're going to add focus collective to see this new policy objective there we go now we can choose so right now all of our research has already given us a little bit of extra research that's actually really nice this is a passive or i can focus on a single one of them so the focus is definitely worth it overall in terms of sheer research this is essentially giving plus 1.5 research per researcher whereas this is giving plus two since this is just giving plus 0.5 in all well right now what we really needed society since that ties with a lot of the stuff i'm trying to do so sure selfless curiosity so all of my researchers are now producing plus two society research if i can find them there they are lovely xenotransplantation biotrophy citizenship now enabled genesis chambers can now assemble any species and we now have the new modifier whoa plus four gene modification points and plus eight percent so it's every species then is adding two percent resources from jobs which is honestly one thing i was most amazed by there and one extra modification point for every species okay so far not as good as the regular genetic but we do have an extra research option so what exactly is that genetic resequencing no longer will be limited by the basic biological structure of a species when striving to improve them dna is just another material to be shaped as the sculptor wills it but what does it do ah allows us to remove beneficial traits add detrimental traits and alter pop appearance okay yes essentially that's just you can do that with evolutionary mastery correct ah but this only gives okay so this gives three modification points but it also gives you the um the special traits which are really really powerful obviously we're not getting the special traits but instead we're getting this passive and i don't know which is better because if you can stack a lot of species that would be truly amazing now i should actually be getting another species soon as well on top of what we've already got you got you've got you've got you haven't got one of you yet i'll force that at least once and that will give me one more oh but of course now we can also have biotrophies which the other one doesn't allow okay so it's already been assimilated so what i need to do is once we get another one of these let's see what the bio trophy is like is it just the same as with a machine empire or is it not so we will oh why can't we get one of you i can't hear can't there oh because of habitability okay but there we go let's force one of those here give them bio trophy and then we'll see what that's like so that's something else the ascension perk gives social interaction irrelevant now the last one i really want to check out is hollowing planets but that might take a bit too long i am running out of time already stellaris games take a long time to do but it is a lot of fun okay so this is what you get biomass contributors this is the biotrophy it's not quite the same as the usual one it's generating society research it's incredibly unhappy it's using very little actually about the same never mind i say very little no yeah a little bit less in terms of housing and immunities as a regular population but then it has this monthly pop assembly plus zero oh it actually isn't look it's 3.05 so each biotrophy i say biotrophy biomass contributor is actually increasing the pop assembly speed by 0.05 that's very little but at the same time it is still producing society research as well quite cheaply um would i really stack these probably not though you could probably get a planet with these if you do stack them to really really ramp out symmetrical population but yeah doubt i would go with all their effort honestly objective but ready our mutagenic evolution is now on plus 12 resources from all jobs and plus six to our genetic modification points so it's about time then we edit the main species let's turn into something far creepier uh which is creepy you know it's just it's the mouth it's the mouth on that thing it's so there so intelligent now i'm actually going to focus on engineering since i do want to swap over and is anything else you really want to get one track point left so one pick left adaptive is useless energy don't really care well actually we should care a little bit you know extra unity sure so extra food more research more growth speed okay let's go with that look at the mouth with domination and now finished we can grab the final of the new ascension perks i'll be looking at hollowing planet so how expensive and how long this is going to take i'm assuming yep take 10 years all district slots okay yeah so it is just like the arcology project all of the districts need to be hive districts so this is our smallest planet which is currently yeah these two so gonna go the smaller one because it'll take less time to build all the hive districts on now normally i would have never done that but i have just used a console command because i am completely out of time right now and i really really really want to see what the hollow world is like oh wow yeah you can see all the um cracks on the surface oh wow yeah that's cool looking when it's also combined all the lights that is really really cool okay so caves and caverns sprawl inside the globe's crust reaching the mantle and it is done scanned few years have passed since the start of this grand project in fact less than a year thanks to console commands but it is already difficult to recall what the surface of the planet was like okay then let's have a look-see at the districts so we have the hellford okay so straight oh i'm so let's call the hellforge all alloys should be made in a hellforge wait i hmm eight jobs for only 24 alloys i'm hoping that's a typo so let's have a look what else we have then so we have the soldiers then which gives plus 15 warrior drone jobs and plus 10 hunter seekers army build speed is also sped up when this is present so that's actually really good loads of extra navy capacity there so straight away this could be a really really good fortress well we then have the proliferation layers which give extra population growth because it's oh two spawning drone jobs per district and 10 synapse drone jobs so that's loads of amenities loads of population growth lots of unity and also lots of admin cap since that's how you get your admin cap from the synapse drones okay well i'm building a health forge because i wanted to see if that is a typo that doesn't seem right to me for eight drone jobs to produce only 24 alloys but we shall see oh one other thing i've got to check 100 habitability minus 50 bombardment damage yeah this would be the ultimate fortress as well and it makes complete sense everything's underground and then population growth plus 25 and plus 10 resources from jobs though we are losing a hive world to do that which has already got plus 10 that's still really good that plus 25 growth speed and then you can make it way faster by adding some of these layers you know what i've realized i'm dumb i know huge shock but no that uh that bass production is actually correct i was thinking of one of the modded productions and then comparing that to the modded version which is completely incorrect yeah a normal alloy foundry gives six alloys for two jobs which of course makes then complete sense that eight jobs would be 24 right yes yeah definitely okay yeah that was just me being very very silly and of course the base production is never exactly what you get for instance that's bass production at 24. i'm actually getting 70. wow they're giving eight each why this empire just oh yeah i've also increased um how much stuff i'm getting from complex drones my 20th in there okay yeah that makes complete sense i'm a dum-dum i know huge shock well i'm afraid i really am all out of time for today's video i was gonna stop recording about four hours ago and i just continued playing the game so i think that really speaks volumes for how much i've enjoyed playing this mod it is actually better than i expected it to be i think it works really well with the vanilla experience and honestly this is kind of what i would really love hive minds to be more like in the vanilla game i wish there are more options um having other populations move to your planets and such not necessarily instantly assimilating them as i'm not sure many populations would willingly move over but there are lots of options to play this particular hive mind this is just one way of playing it with the organic structures and everything else but there are plenty of others especially with the other origins as well parasitic embryos does seem absolutely horrifying for instance you take over a world and you turn all of its people into your people through parasitic embryos yep that is horrifying in every single way but i have completely enjoyed this out of all of the different hivemind mods i have briefly looked at this one right now is by far my favorite completely recommend and i'm definitely going to be playing around with it just in my spare time and if you would like to see a full play through of one of the hive minds then please tell me in the comments below i might end up doing it just because i've really really enjoyed my time here and tell me what combination of traits and such should i go for should i become utterly brutal and honestly vile should i continue to be friendly with everyone and just put a bit more focus on that should i continue with the organic structures there's a lot of options we can do or shall i be the over mind with loads of minion species and a unique leader class lots of things to do lots of options as always the link for the mod is in the description thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out and he helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future oh and before we go why does the phone always go off when i'm trying to record so before i go here are the different options for your ships we have the corvette the destroyer the cruiser and the battleship and i'm sure the titan will most likely be the brood mother design it's always nice seeing the scourge out and about again thank you so much for watching have a lovely day do take care until next time goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 57,677
Rating: 4.977849 out of 5
Id: spG1sheGAmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 42sec (2322 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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