Stellaris Printing Infinite Money - Stellaris Is A perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits

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Dude he made a species with -1 trait picks and didnt reference the fact just moved on. Ridiculous clickbait

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Phillip_Stevens 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Anyone ever watch "the spiffing brit" he likes to find game exploits and he has made several stallaris videos, but this one is a totally whacky and explotive thing one can do (until its inevitably patched) Figured Some body might enjoy this

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SerNapalm 📅︎︎ May 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yess saw this one a few days ago, immediately booted up stellaris and tried it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dymfaan 📅︎︎ May 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
we sell 100 energy credits by way over a thousand sell buy sell buy sell and buy and now we're at 7 800 energy credits the economy in this game is now ruined hello there ladies and gentlemen today we're playing stellaris once again it's a perfectly balanced forex space game and heck it was even recently covered by arty game although sadly he didn't use any of the exploits i've used in previous videos although probably for good reason because all of them have been patched oh the absolute sadness well what a shame if only there were more exploits in this game but wait there's more it turns out the developers have done it again in the latest very small update players have discovered something very unique the ability to trade untradable resources and gain infinite gold one of my very own discord moderators sent me a message saying load up stellaris and try and buy money and you know what you can you can buy money using money and guess what it gives you infinite money i love infinite money exploits and so we're going to be using it today in stellaris and i'm going to be showing to you the lovely ladies and gentlemen at home how to completely destroy all multiplayer games you might be playing in for fantastic profit you're going to be absolutely unstoppable and infinitely rich and when used in the right scenarios with the right empires you're going to absolutely decimate every single game you play in so without further ado i think it's time to jump into this game so make sure you sat back relax you have a nice warm cup of tea and hey if you're feeling extra fantastic you might even like the video my goodness now stellaris is a fantastic forex game ladies and gentlemen and we're going to be creating a brand new empire an empire so powerfully quite simply can't be stopped which one of these species just screams i love gold you know what i've got the perfect species look at this massive giant potato creature we have in front of us this is what several hundred years of evolution have now done to the common potato the common potato of course led a uprising against humanity in the latter half of 2020 which historians would go on to say was quite possibly one of the worst things to happen that year and after the potato uprising do you know what the potatoes called themselves lo behold ladies and gentlemen it's the irish too and in terms of traits what are our potatoes going to be well naturally they have to be good food producers because they're potatoes but equally potatoes are famously intelligent and they are to be fair very rapid breeders i'm going to add an unruly though because that's a trick which literally adds nothing to an empire trust me it's basically just free and we can also add in wasteful because that's another free trade because when paired with this exploit you're going to have a lot of consumer goods all right let's make the potatoes natural engineers as well okay so we've created the perfect potato it's going to be intelligent rapidly breeding but unruly wasteful and also a slow learner but on the plus side potatoes trade for fantastic amounts of profit just look at them they're amazing so with our potato created it's time for us to place the potatoes on the one planet which makes sense the soul system that's right we're going to be starting in our very own solar system set several hundred years in the future on earth or as it is now referred to potato prime which orbits the mighty glowing spud oh wait now the homeworld doesn't actually make much sense however because we're going to be doing something very unique we're not going to go for a very classical start in fact we're going to do something very different indeed we're going to start with void dwellers this is very important because void dwellers have some glorious bonuses oh but we can actually put them in void dweller's soul apparently lovely stuff void dwellers are going to be great because they have a couple of issues but their economy is absolutely borked and they're completely and utterly overpowered especially when you make them corporate so we're going to have a fanatically xenophile egalitarian trade empire which is going to be entirely focused on making a lot of money we're going to pick up private prospectors to decrease empire sprawl from systems because that's lovely and then we'll also pick up free traders lovely stuff indeed and of course our empire will be called the great sprawling spud a spud which continues to grow and expand never stopping never changing always growing now who is our king going to be the king of the irish too well it's going to be none other than the future evolution of all of youtube which is going to be arty kevin this is what the future holds and i for one personally think it's glorious right now what we're going to do is we're going to actually put ourselves onto an iron man game so that we're eligible for achievements because i want to show off that this is actually going to be a perfectly fair game i've cranked down tekken tradition cost but this affects both myself and the ai so we're going to all have this bonus basically just makes the game a little bit faster and you know what everything looks great i could really crank up the difficulty if i wanted but there's absolutely no need i just want to have everything set to default so that we can have a fun little game welcome to the great sprawling spurt it's time to begin oh wait what starting system is this this is earth slash potato prime here is it what on earth is i mean i love the habitat we have going on here this looks incredible and i guess this floating planet underneath us was earth but i'm pretty sure i said i wanted to start in this sol system and i've got to be honest last time i checked there weren't two great glowing spuds outside of my window i guess i could be wrong anyway it's time for us to get our empire set up get quantum theory going get biodiversity studies going gain the ability to build advanced habitats oh we are lucky sausages aren't we now this is going to take us ages to actually research but it is important because we need this bad boy to get technology going although to actually make it faster we're going to first research nano mechanics and then research that right now to get our empire up and running how do we start min maxing this thing to success well firstly in the policies switch trade policy to marketplace of ideas we want to get some of that unity going then we can switch our economy entirely to civilian if we wanted although we can keep it up mixed for a while now annoyingly part of the latest update has removed our ability to just force feed our population to get them to grow faster so our pop growth speed is going to be a bit slower than previous games although fear not we're still going to grow right now our factory station here does need some work it's not the best in fact it's quite small really only four districts and they even have space for a building although we can't actually build anything here as we don't have minerals and we get minerals really slowly so how are we going to have to work around this bad boy well it turns out ladies and gentlemen it's rather simple you see when we go to the marketplace here we can buy and sell goods of course there's a market fee of 30 in place which makes the trading of goods not necessarily very profitable but say we could sell all of our minerals here for 70 gold so let's do that oh now we have 170 gold and we can buy back our minerals for 130. this is basically a loss we've just wasted 60 gold on that and we've gone right back to where we started so how we going to generate infinite money well what if we started trading energy credits oh this resource is not tradable oh game that's a shame now as of the latest update the game added in shortcuts so that say you're running low on minerals you can click here and go straight to the mineral screen and buy yourself some minerals the only issue is energy credits as you can see here a resource which is not tradable can also be clicked on and now we are in the tradable screen for energy credits but remember energy credits they can't be traded and so the game has not actually got an economy built for them you see energy credits are completely and utterly broken if i wanted to sell energy credits here apparently i'd be selling -100 energy credits and i would be selling them for 1456. but of course as all resources are paid for by energy credits when you sell them i gain energy credits back basically it's like selling money for money imagine going to a shop to sell them some apples you of course give them one apple they give you 10 pounds and then you sell them to 10 pounds but of course they can only buy from you using the gold they have they give you gold for that gold this is a bit of an issue in stellaris because this means i'm selling energy credits for energy credits so i sell 100 energy credits and apparently i'm at zero energy credits which is fantastic although i'm not actually zero energy credits because as you can see i'm able to buy energy credits here so i'm going to buy 100 energy credits and now i have 2.6 000 energy credits you might be a smidge confused as to what's happened here ladies and gentlemen because basically all of this is broken we sell 100 energy credits by way over a thousand sell buy sell buy sell and buy and now we're at 7 800 energy credits the economy in this game is now ruined and you can actually just repeat this indefinitely there is no way to stop it in a multiplayer game and we can just keep doing this until we gain infinite wealth it's a silly system but it's meant we now have 8 600 energy credits what do we do with those 8 600 energy credits you ask well we can buy ourselves some food let's say so our population is now not hungry we can also buy say a thousand minerals or 250 alloys with those thousand minerals we can immediately upgrade this planet and we can also upgrade the next one we might as well we've got the spare minerals lying around we can build another astro mining bay and it would seem this population is upset due to a lack of amenities well don't worry we can quite simply buy a bunch of consumer goods with all of our extra gold hop into decisions and ban distribute luxury goods same for this planet over here there we go now we've just increased the amenities production on the planet and everyone's a bit more happy then back on our primary planet we can do the same distribute amenities and also if we have some spare minerals we can build another science lab which is of course exactly what we want to do because science is incredible in this game now when it comes to building habitats we can do it right off of the bat habitats require 1 300 alloys and 150 influence influence isn't too hard to come by it slowly ticks up and once we get factions we can gain it even faster oh my goodness we've discovered a new alien system oh good god this is one hell of an alien system wow okay right we're just going to ignore this system my god for the best what is going on in here it's like a million gas clouds i love it anyway we need to adopt a new policy and naturally we're going to go for expansion just so that we can get our pop growing even faster and you know what on our factory station i'm even going to build another factory that's how nice i am more civilian goods oh i'm so generous anyway back to trading energy for energy we're going to once again sell energy to buy energy sell and buy just so that we can keep our energy stocks nice and high i'll see you in a couple of minutes once i've hit the energy cap of 50 000. so the reason this is actually working is because it's technically causing some kind of complicated underflow error in the game as you can see we're basically trading in minuses and actually on the sell side we get we're trading in plus minuses on the buy side we're trading in double minuses which is very complicated basically we lose energy credits to gain minus 100 energy credits but the mathematics on that doesn't actually work out it's just a really complicated situation which doesn't actually make much sense but it's absolutely fantastic nonetheless and if you look at what we've done even though our energy credits have gone up by almost 50 000 according to the trade tab we've only sold 6900 energy and we've only bought 6800 energy well this kind of says otherwise we now have 50 000 the game has no way of processing this and equally it has no way of stopping this as for that same reason i'm about to buy 2 500 alloys completely destroy the alloy market and now ladies and gentlemen after 41 influences time we can build a second habitat and we're only four months into the game this as you can guess is a bit of an issue oh and some caravaners have rocked up lovely stuff this is great for us because cara veneers can sell us random stuff and in return we get a bunch of bonuses and seeing as they only take gold that's fantastic news for us because we only have a bunch of gold so hello there the nomastic order i'll buy your random new mystic visualization box i have no idea what it is oh and some more caravans have rocked up what can you offer as friends a caravan destroyer for 200 minerals sure i'll take a destroyer lovely but that's just doubled our fleet size and our fleets are still tiny but still and there we go we can also adopt the new tradition of new life and that's going to allow our pop to grow even faster which is necessary because we want to get as much pop growth going as possible to help with our colonization effort now the game has tried its best it really has to nerf us although it's just not actually going to work you see they made all of the habitats a little bit smaller oh what a shame limited to only four districts on this habitat well yeah we're going to be able to bypass that very quickly aren't we we're now going to start researching the advanced habitat it's only going to take us 94 months and this is great news for us now naturally you'll notice we're consuming way more goods than we actually have means for but don't worry we can just buy any resources we need if you're losing food just buy more food you're losing minerals buy more minerals you need alloys to build the biggest fleet in the world just simply buy and trade a bunch of energy credits back and forth anyway it's time for the construction chip you know that means it means we're going to build a fantastic habitat so let's build a habitat above xi'an yang remember we are only one year into the game and our first habitat is under construction oh stellaris you tried your best to nerf the merchant trade republic but uh if anything you just made it more powerful with this update if anything we could do with more storage so that we can keep these energy credits somewhere that might be a good idea actually and there we go with the expansion tradition completed we've gained our first ascension perk which allows us to pick up voidborne this is going to allow us to improve the habitability of our habitats habitats own bioempire now have two more building slots and upgraded habitats can support advanced housing buildings basically what they did was they nerfed habitats in this game but also gave them a little bit of a buff so they weren't useless this means for us is they're broken again and we're just absolutely overpowered so we've picked that up and now all of our habitats can just have more buildings oh no we're lacking minerals okay let me just buy 5000 minerals lovely and then just use that to build a bunch of science labs great stuff and what we can now pick up is also the discovery tradition which is going to allow us to increase our research speed which will hopefully give our empire even more of an edge against the ai we're going to basically create one sprawling mega science conglomerate which is hopefully going to be absolutely overpowered now one of the great perks about everything we do is we can just recruit a bunch of scientists because we have infinite money and then sell the ones we don't like the look of and eventually you'll end up with a scientist like this a scientist who's perfect for going out and exploring the universe and what do you do with all of the other scientists who you no longer need well quite simply fire them ah rest in peace they are gone now in other fantastic news we're actually almost ready to build yet another habitat so we're going to need to actually build another construction ship so that we can get another habitat under construction i suppose we could wait 33 months and build an advanced habitat oh that sounds lovely oh now of course what else can you do with your infinite energy credits well i've got some great news for you ladies and gentlemen you can go over to these lovely caravans here and buy yourself some caravan coins we can buy 26 000 caravan coins for just 8 000 energy but we can buy even more and even more there we go we've bought a bunch of caravan coins now with 78 000 caravan coins incredible and with those we can now open up reliquaries these can be anything from absolute garbage but basically their space loot boxes so let's buy one we've gained ancient trade route which has increased the trade value of our capital system by 10 which is just something we effectively gain for free or we can also pull the lever 2 000 caravan coins and we got nothing okay lovely and there we go we've researched gene clinics which we can now pop down on every single one of our stations these bad boys will increase pop growth speed even faster an extra 10 is absolutely fantastic trust me it all adds up in the end and it's going to make us very very profitable oh yes we picked up new mystic visualization ah that was what we gained it's basically just needed which allows you to research a little bit faster but only statecraft it's not the best considering costs 180 influence later on in the game it's quite good anyway what we can do is we can spend some of our infinite energy credits to i don't know get the education campaign going anyway in three months time we'll have our advanced habitats oh and one of our habitats has been completed lovely alright let's colonize it being send over a private colony ship as well and there we go our advanced habitat is done this now allows us to upgrade our existing habitats for a thousand alloys although it will take a while and from here on out i'm pretty sure it allows us to build upgraded habitats or we have to upgrade them i'm not sure one of the two anyway we need to get some science habitats up and running and for that to happen i think we need to colonize this gas giant system next door to us so we're going to spend some of our alloys on upgrading all of our existing habitats making them even more jazzy this would cost a lot of money in the game but don't worry we have infinite quantities of it so everything is fine and once again we can spend 33 000 energy credits buying 2 500 alloys and of course as soon as we buy it the price of alloys actually crashes because the ai is either panic selling alloys or something along those lines but basically we're turning a huge amount of profit and gaining infinite quantities of resources anyway there we go we've colonized the space way or lands and you know what that means it's time to start building some habitats around these planets not really sure how happy they're going to be about it but they'll probably be fine with it and there we go eight years into the game we've also finished up the discovery tradition allowing us to pick up yet another ascension perk and you know what i think we do have to go for technological ascendancy it's just such a great little bonus that increased research speed and also the more rare techs oh they're just absolutely majestic and we can also build habitat worlds which are even bigger what are these newer more efficient designs okay this is 10 000 energy research is going to take 107 bumps apparently okay that's not too bad we can get that and our brand new station is up and running lovely with an entire two people living on it right let's give them some jobs we're going to be mining my friends but actually why have we got people mining we don't actually need people mining we only need people researching because we don't need minerals at all we only need research ah maybe i need to switch up my economy plan oh definitely definitely i do i want more research vessels i want them everywhere anyway this new habitat it's good but it needs to be upgraded so let's buy some more lovely alloys oh that's a lot of alloys i just bought okay let's upgrade our brand new station now that we've actually done discovery we can also start picking up even more things like harmony there we go this will help our pops live in harmony a bit better which is also another great way of increasing prop output as well as also the amount of influence we have and influence is incredible because we need influence to effectively expand our glorious empire oh you know we can also get another habitat under construction in this lovely brand new system all right let's build one more hopefully these whales are going to be fine with us building all of these habitats just in case they're not i'm actually going to start building up a fleet oh and our factions have now been founded lovely stuff this is brilliant for us because factions are a great way of generating extra influence which is exactly what they're doing for us so we're now gaining 4.6 influence per month instead of just free what this actually means in practice is we're going to be gaining a habitat a lot faster and there we go our habitat's been complete as well so we can send over our brand new private colony ship lovely stuff these only cost 500 energy which is absolutely brilliant and also it's around a science system what that actually means is we can build more fantastic science districts on our habitats and science districts on habitats they're very bloody powerful oh now this is very good the living state basically increases our faction influence game by one basically catapulting our influence up into much higher numbers and with higher numbers that means we can have more habitats going more habitats means more population which means more resources which means more science which means more everything we can have the biggest fleets at the moment and we are by far the strongest force in the galaxy even if we were attacked by a fallen empire at this point we can technically with enough pausing and micro inc destroy them we'd basically need to build infinite quantities of ships to go over our fleet cap but with enough we'd be able to do it anyway it's time for us to once again build another habitat and you know what that means time to trade some energy credits so we sell our energy credits buy some alloys and then mr construction ship who's not building a habitat hello there friend you're going to build yet another habitat in this fantastical system of science oh this is glorious it really is there we go now our influence gain has risen even higher we're now gaining 5.18 influence per month from our factions this effectively allows us to build almost twice as fast as previously in terms of habitats which is absolutely brilliant uh now even though it might look like our empire's in a death spiral given the fact that we're losing literally everything the statistic to look at is the fact that we're gaining 300 signs per turn this is lovely this is fantastic and this is absolutely stupid considering where we are in the game oh and fantastic news our newly founded colony has been colonized we have a brand new science station up and running naturally in your science stations you want to immediately build a gene clinic and then just fill the bloody thing with science districts there we go that'll get our signs up and running i'm fantastic we've unlocked habitat world these are some fantastic and brilliant statistics for us as i'm pretty sure this allows us to upgrade our habitat from size six to now size eight oh my goodness for 1 500 resources this is 100 worth it let's go to a market and buy some more alloys ladies and gentlemen but first energy credits so with those extra energy credits we're going to upgrade our capital to a size 8 habitat and another one of our habitats is complete so we can send over our colony ship and there we go 15 years into the game we've got five habitats up and running we've got another one being built and you know we're actually just about ready to start construction of our seventh habitat i do believe we just need a little bit more influence and then i need to buy myself just a few extra alloys there we go that should do lovely and then mr construction chip would you like to build the final space habitat in this absolutely glorious system just full of science just science waiting to be harvested it's absolutely beautiful oh we've got some unspent civic points as well which we can spend on reforming our empire this is very useful because it allows us to pick up pr specialists which just increases our diplomatic weight in a very glorious way basically meaning we can have control over the galactic council when it eventually forms oh we've made uh interactions with a creator order this is lovely creator orders are brilliant because they're effectively free signs and go to these guys here and say hello um can you add us in our research here take a thousand and give us plus 10 research ah lovely no longer will we be making 350 free signs it's 365 and just for some extra gold you do have to love infinite money it's just absolutely fantastic the thing is you don't even have to pause your game to do this exploit you can straight up do it whilst a multiplayer game is going on at fastest speed and still just make stupid amounts of money there we go it just absolutely works this game what have they done to you i'm wrong we're actually building habitat number eight at the moment oh this is stupid this is absolutely stupid oh what's this oh we found primitives primitives yes they've built stone palaces and primitive dwellings what are these people they're a civilization currently in the iron age i love it we need to definitely occupy their space there's another research station up and running these are brilliant i don't know why they want to be factory stations though you silly sausages you are research stations this increases the research output of the planet come on you guys give me some lovely research and there we go we've also just finished off harmony which allows us to pick up yet another unity ambition i think it's time to go for engineered evolution this is absolutely fantastic engineered evolution is great for us mostly because it allows us to modify the heck out of our species creating effectively the most efficient race possible we can literally create a template of these boys who are just perfect for science or we could just remove all of their bad perks and so there we go we're now applying a brand new type of the irish population to earth potato prime it's a bit of an interesting move i've got to be honest but effectively we're making our capital city even better at doing the science oh my goodness and there we have it yet another habitat is completed so let's send over the colony ship again lovely stuff we keep surveying new systems we can build yet another habitat but i'd actually like to branch out and get this next system under our control more systems under our control is more good but my goodness this is absolutely stupid and broken we have got so much money so much power and so much research we're 20 years into the game and we're approaching 500 research output which is absolutely stupid oh we've met our first friends who are xenophobes but hey we're both egalitarians pleasure to meet you you're a bit wary of us mostly because you have pathetic technology in comparison to us it's actually the first time i've ever encountered an alien civilization and they've immediately been prophetic technology oh goodness this is a great sign right let's get a star hold up and running and discover some proton launchers oh we've also discovered yet another civilization as well these guys are also xenophobes well that's all fine how are they oh they're only inferior signs to us all exciting this makes it more of a competition i see anyway it doesn't matter that they have larger fleets because we can quite simply build better fleets and there we go our species has been enhanced so now our engineering research is about to heat itself up into space we've researched more systems there's an election going on where sorry what rule election does it process please vote for the candidate okay right well this is a bit of a strange election because you have a choice of voting for this guy here this lovely potato who's really good at importing and exporting but doesn't actually have there's no other options it's just this person i could elect him or i can abstain oh my goodness what a surprise he was elected who could have seen that coming the only candidate for the race is the winner well done oh that's stupid oh i absolutely love that and of course now we need to pick yet another tradition well we're going to have to go for of course i think it seems only fair that we go for something silly like prosperity there we go after all we are probably the most prosperous empire which is a bit interesting considering the fact that we control only three systems whereas our enemies control 20 or something but it doesn't matter because we've basically won oh yes this is perfect we can now build clone vats is increase pop growth speed by 33 we are going to absolutely take over the universe with these bad boys this just allows your pop to explode at crazy speeds also say hello to a brand new capital orbital habitat this bad boy has a lot of space eight entire districts and well guess what we're going to fill them all up with even more research and there's yet another habitat completed so let's send over the colony ships oh and of course our research station can also have a clone vat built clone vats are brilliant because they don't actually even take up a job it's just a single building which increases pop growth speed by 33 on that planet which is just brilliant i mean why actually grow a population and feed them when you can just duplicate them from each other oh yes and our new colony is up and running yet another habitat which wants to apparently be a factory no you are a research station you silly potato and because of that you're going to need a set of clone vats and then you're also going to need a gene clinic and there we go pop growth speed is now going to be up at 40 percent and then of course we can add on our own trade our species trait of rampant breeders because these are potatoes ladies and gentlemen that's another plus 10 we're adding on and you know we get yet another habitat up and running with the spare alloys for it so we might as well let's get the alamac one up and going we've also got spare space so i suppose we could build i don't know bureaucratic administrative office why not we can now research cruisers that's great anti-matter reactors oh this is all lovely this is some fantastic bonuses oh and of course when it comes to keeping your population in check make sure to always build one of these bad boys a deep space black site these guys are fantastic basically they increase the governing ethics attraction all of the planets in the system or in our case all of the habitats in the system and basically the government are going to be nerve stemming the population to always agree with their policies this is absolutely brilliant for us because it basically means more influence after all they believe what we're doing is the right thing and it is the right thing we're winning the game god damn it and not just in a slow way in a super jazzy fantastical speedy way but now in our glorious capital system look at that our pops grow at five speed per month this is absolutely ridiculous and i love it no longer we slowed down by the boring constraints of being a void dweller anyway let's try and upgrade some of these habitats so that we can increase our resource production and for that we need more alloys you know how the system works all right let's upgrade that mining station give it more space oh and we can also give it some more amenities so the population is happy well the caravans are going to apparently give us some relics for alloys but we don't actually have any alloys oh what a shame except we can just buy alloys but but how many do you want 300 okay bam bam bam there we go deal lovely stuff and with that we can then hop on down to traditions and relics and whatever we want is this we can do a performance competition celebrate diversity or sell to a private collector well that's not really worth it precursor insight however now that is good um we can also create penal colonies now oh i love it soon we can create an alternate history where the irish created australia god imagine that now the game is technically going to class us as having a weak economy for the sole reason that we don't actually have an economy our entire economy is science we're gaining 600 signs per turn and we're kind of blitzing our way down the research trade at a very alarming rate so we don't actually have an economy for our planets oh no apparently we've got a new species of ovarian and irish the potatoes of crossbred okay how it's half the irish okay avoid dwelling rapid breeding's strong okay brilliant it's 50 potato 50 bird creature it's a flying potato basically ladies and gentlemen oh yes the galactic community is being created this is fantastic let us join the community this is going to allow us to meet a bunch of new friends friends and we're immediately in the galactic community and we're the most powerful brilliant let us propose a resolution i say okay diplomatic weight from technology is going to be increased oh i love the sound of this all right we're going to propose cooperative research channels not because it's going to actually increase our tech but it's going to give us more diplomatic power because we are ahead of time on tech especially we can also assign all of our envoys here and this will increase our diplomatic standing by 10 allowing us to go from 1 000 diplomatic power to hopefully a little bit more ah there we go 1 500 and now we're going to force through this which will give us even more diplomatic power basically we're going to become the strongest diplomatic force in the galaxy where whatever we say is going to have to happen whether people like it or not and sometime later we're about to build yet another habitat over yet another glory system as our empire grows at a glorious rate we are by far the strongest researching body in the galaxy the most powerful body in the galaxy mostly because we have a tiny fleet but if we wanted we could have the biggest fleet in the known universe we can attach destroyers we can attach cruisers now even oh look at these bad boys these look lovely don't they ah everything in the galaxy is terrified of us and the things that aren't terrified of us are too stupid to be scared of a potato but really this is just future proof that the potatoes will one day take over just about everything we know and love they are powerful they are scary and they will destroy us all and guess what we have no way of stopping them so let it be known that i for one welcome our brand new potato overlords i think they're brilliant personally and so please remember to kill me last when the potato uprisings happen thank you very much you lovely generous overlords oh and this is it ladies and gentlemen we've finally done it 1000 science per month ah it's not even 30 years into the game i do believe this is the fastest i've ever personally pulled it off and it is of course brilliant it's stupidly brilliant we're able to research text at a terrifying rate of speed and the entire galaxy is going to be ours there you go ladies and gentlemen that's how you destroy this absolutely perfectly balanced game if you've enjoyed what you've seen then feel free to give the video a like and do consider commenting about what you'd like to see me break next if you're new here do consider subscribing because i have some very strange videos on the way including hopefully a very early access look at the new civilization 6 dlc which the developers assure me will have no exploits whatsoever i'm sure they're right as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make all of these videos all the more possible seriously without your help go through this very strange month where youtube has basically decided to pay all of us nothing it's been really useful so thank you very much and i've got some interesting things on the horizon for you patreon so keep your eyes peeled on it and also a few channel members as well which by the way apparently youtube's having a free month of channel members so if you want to become a channel member and have the ability to spam emotes and also appear in the comments section with a shiny badge then guess what you can do for free this month anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 625,448
Rating: 4.9617438 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, stellaris, infinite money, stellaris gameplay, rt game, infinite credits, stellaris infinite, stellaris exploit, video game, video game exploit, spiffing brit, Stellaris Printing Infinite Money, stellaris funny, stellaris montage, funny, montage, sci fi game, 4x game, perfectly balanced game, Stellaris Is A perfectly Balanced Game, bannerlord with guns, stellaris is broken, stellaris overpowered, overpowered strat, overpowered exploit, spiff
Id: fMd7IIpatqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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