Holy Machine Cult!! | Stellaris Mod Showcase | Extra Civics, Ethics & Machine Ships!!

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris of mia lathrix and of course welcome to the beginning of a brand new mini series taking a look at the various mods which are available for this game for the longest time i've ignored them honestly and i really shouldn't have because just after going into a few of them for the last few hours checking what's available my god there are so so many options originally i was going to just go with one and just do a full playthrough but instead we're going to be taking a look for the first 100 years or so of gameplay of several different mods one at a time or perhaps a combination of a few but today what we have to begin with is this the machine cult now all of this is part of the mod ethics and civics classic 2.7 there will of course be a link in the description in each of these videos showing all of the mods so you know where to go i'll be getting them all off steam of course so what exactly is this and am i using any of the mod well yep i am also using the machine ships mod which means we can now have a full set of machine ships which will really really fit this empire though this won't be the focus in this video because i do want to do a mega megastructure run going with gliger structures or the gigastructures whatever however you pronounce it i will be doing a run with that fairly soon probably a full run because that's going to be really complex and i will be using this as well but of course once again link in the description so what exactly is going on here because there is a lot of new stuff to look at honestly for the first hour i was just completely lost because of how much stuff this adds to the game now i'm not sure if these things were balanced but i love the fact you can make some really interesting empires so essentially what's happened here is the ethics system and the civic system has been kind of overhauled and a lot has been added in addition to this there is a whole new host of jobs when you get into the game and new policies and loads of other stuff which i'll be trying to get into as we continue so let's just have a brief overview so let's have a brief overview then of the ethics since there's a lot of them here if we go into too much detail we'll be here all day and not really testing anything out so with the ethics you do have a lot of the original ethics but even those have been changed quite dramatically so just going from the top we have fnatic libertarian of course normal libertarian these will increase your faction influence gain they will increase your admin cap which normally is from pacifist and will increase your ethics shift chance at the cost of minus five stability for the fanatic version that's something i really love the look of so all of the fanatic versions have a negative attached to them i love this idea because you're going so far into this ethic it comes at the cost of something else although they are incredibly incredibly powerful fnatic militarist extra fire right less influence cost for climbs which is great the fnatic version less trust growth because well you've got nukes pointed at them they're gonna be a little bit less trusting of you in general fanatic xenophobe tradition cost from empire sprawl is reduced which is uh so so as long as you control your empire sprawl that will never really come into effect home territory fire rate has increased population growth has increased diplomatic influence cost is increased so you really really can't do much with other empires unless you're willing to spend a lot of influence so i need to speed this up a bit so you have competitive which is all about trade value and market fee you have elitism which is all about having power to the leaders and you even get nobles per 25 populations which increase your stability fanatic militarist sorry materialist its research analyst robot upkeep at the cost of happiness with the fnatic version you have this over here which is the opposite of ecocentrism and this will give you extra food extra minerals more districts per world but less habitability because you're ruining the planets fnatic authoritarian extra influence extra enforcers and all that but less energy fanatic pacifist more stability less empire sprawl oh i didn't realize that also had less empires for all well you could really combo that and it'd be really oh yeah that's empire sprawl that's admin cap okay similar effect but the opposite side of the coin but you get less navy capacity now fnatic xenophobic xenophobe in general it's all about actually making others like you it no longer has the trade value aspect again something i actually really like there cooperative is all about propping up your people so workers are really happy you need less housing your research speed society is increased but you get less trade value so less money for your coffers then you have pluralism which is all about your leaders and you even reduce your crime well it is about your leaders but it's more about sharing everything it's all about being equal so your specialists get more political power your leaders are more expensive but you get more options for them since you're choosing for more people and you get less crime in my opinion this one seems like the weakest out of all of them but i could be wrong this is a first look kind of thing fanatic spiritualist i love the slight challenge here less amenities usage but less physics research love that idea and then we go back to loving the planets extra habitability you consume less consumer goods as you would imagine the population grows slower but buildings and districts are so cheaper to keep around and you have waste recycling your alloys and consumer goods cost less minerals to produce also natural planetary blockers produce unity and amenities again something i love hence why i kind of want to do a hippie fly through it means the natural blockers of the world are actually something of value and civics will buff that okay that took way too long already let's just go into the civics i've chosen and a few i want to mention because there are a lot of them so like i said before we are the machine cult which is something i have always always wanted in stellaris the idea of spiritualists who worship the machine guard praise be to the om messiah the machine called they worship machines like gods using the vigor of their faith to power robots starts the game with robot workers technology four robotic pop buildings and the mecca monastery now the mecca monastery is my favorite thing ever because it sounds amazing and that produces techno priests which give unity engineering research and reduce the upkeep for the robots on that world love that so essentially what you're getting is extra engineering research but because i'm fanatic spiritualist less physics research so it's a way to really specialize in one type of tech again something i love the idea of and then if you combine this with theocracy which will change up your high priests you will get a really weird high priest which also makes i think your robots give you extra output so the more high priest you have in the world the more the robots give on that planet so a lovely combination of those there's a lot of text there so i'm just kind of um skim reading just to explain that again if i miss anything it's because there is so much to go through machine cult also increases your population assembly speed so as you can imagine that is incredibly powerful just as it is with theocracy it is as the usual theocracy was it's all about the high priests being with your capitol buildings but also you do start off with the holographic rituals tech which is how you build the i think it's the second level of temple so that's pretty lovely as well finally ruthless industrialism and finally for my choices of ruthless industrialism essentially this is a version of what i've already got over here with my fanatic ethics choice this will increase alloys and consumer goods from jobs it gives me an additional district the clear blocker time is reduced planetary build speed is increased habitability is reduced by another five percent so we are really bad at habitability our buildings and districts cost more to upkeep which is going to be really bad with the ringworld honestly and then our clear blocker cost is increased so it's faster but costs more i love this as well as you can imagine i've said that a lot today but we're really going with the concept of this being the machine cult why care about the world and the flesh and the greenery when you can make everything machine and of course normally this empire would probably go down the roost of becoming synthetics but i love the idea of them becoming cyborgs and still worshiping the machines they create probably not the strongest way of playing this but i really like that then there are loads of other choices so i'm going to do is jump over to the hippies and look at their choices and then a few honorable mentions because there are just so so many so here we are with the happy space hippie hierarchy so here are the civics they have gone with keepers of harmony benefits from a various range of planetary features and blockers which provide them with some housing and special priest jobs druids so if they have all these special blockers on a world which normally you'd want to remove they get druids from this and apparently you can get more of them if you go with theocracy which i haven't this time if i ever play this maybe i will they can instantly start building the paradise dome which is the housing and amenities building but this will also increase unity output as a special bonus for having keepers of harmony then they also get extra happiness from rare planetary blockers there's a lot to read there but it is very powerful and you can also remove certain anomalies from planets as a planetary decision things like hazardous weather wild storms damaged ecology a radiated planet you can just remove them the cost of this is that the mining districts cost one extra amenity which is really interesting they actually cost amenities so not one extra immunities they reduce the immunities of the planet by one you don't really want to mine the planets you're on because you care about the planets ever ever so much the effects are minus 10 food upkeep minus 10 mineral upkeep minus 15 consumer goods upkeep and minus 15 amino usage and minus one maximum districts which makes sense because you're trying to keep the planet perfectly clean and you don't want to overdo it they are then the harm the harmonious collective tour giving extra unity less empire sprawl populations and less crime because they all love each other and then natural heritage which is an interesting one certain blockers will give you worker jobs like mining from mountain range technicians from active volcanoes and farmers from dense jungles living with one with the world natural blockers also increase habitability and happiness by one percent and also increase unity so the whole point of this is to keep the planets as you find them perhaps turn them into gaia worlds but ultimately leave them as they are and try to make it as habitable as possible again i like the push for trying to make the planets nice for once normally it is more of a rush to utterly obliterate them so then just a few mentions uh straight away we have this the despot so this is a more extreme version of the guilds which is needless to say incredibly powerful an extra five percent output we've already seen how powerful this is so this is just even more so at the cost of their happiness and you even reduce their political power it's kind of brutal you also increase the ratio of owned populations by 10 and you can build a neo-coliseum where your own populations can fight for your amusement producing trade value and increasing army damage yeah pretty pretty brutal then we have a version of what's it called shared burdens over here with extra population growth and labor heroes and loads more stuff there if you want to go down that route with the perhaps the fanatic or are you pluralism and libertarian this one over here i think could be one of those powerful things in the world especially combined with the own populations this will allow you to have extra mining station output but most importantly per 25 populations you get a mogul the mogul job gives you extra energy and minerals from jobs on that planet combine that with the really powerful own population and you can see how fast that would be really really strong especially in the early game though it does restrict certain things like free markets public health care all of these being some of the new policy options just going through these i kind of want to talk about every single one of them so i had to stop here with this utopian democracy because this gives you thinkers which produce unity increase immunities and multiply planetary society research and this of course replaces your normal administrators you can't have production focused policy with the military and you get extra faction influence gain at the cost of extra war exhaustion so this is more about peace and prosperity and actually there's quite a few of those which all are about well piece of prosperity with this one over here you get researcher jobs per 33 pops you have loads of stuff when it comes to trying to value things like peaceful traders and if i can find it has a dollar sign there is financial elite which has a different version of the moguls which increase trade value per one so having worlds with loads of population would be insanely insanely powerful and then different versions of syncretic evolution which is interesting as well more to do with cyber stuff cyber democracy cyber dictatorship again there is loads here and we can't go over all of it otherwise we'll be here all day today though we are playing the machine cult just to see how this thing plays and we are starting on the ring world because i love the idea of this this species grew here and the machines were already here looking like gods they were the only thing to survive the cataclysm which destroyed the original population here seeing them as gods that became their faith so they are still fanatic spiritualists but they worship the machine god the voices in the machine which spoke to them and helped them out in the early days probably just going to play the first 50 to 100 years just to see what it's like so incoming highlights or cuts or something oh after this so yeah we start off with the robot assembly plans as you would expect and we're just going to grab extra research speed extra unity and extra resource speed so let's have a look see at the planet here we are we have the mecca monastery which is producing three of our techno priests the techno priests are if i go over to what they produce there we go they are producing engineering research unity amenities and reducing robot upkeep by seven percent is that each was that per one no that's each yeah so minus 21 rover upkeep um the mecha monastery is a unique building per planet so i don't think you can build more than one outside of perhaps if you get special techs but straight away then machines are almost free which is really really powerful which is a lovely thing to see indeed then over here we have the high priest and because it's combining with the machine cult the high priest is also increasing how much output is coming from our robots yep plus five percent robot output and engineering research from jobs is also increased by five percent so you can see how despite being spiritualist you could kind of push engineering research with this probably not as much as a fanatic materialist but spiritualists who love machines i mean again what's not to love just realize i had sound effects off because the last game applied bug downs so here we are with policies we have the new stuff we have transportation and logistics we have education we have healthcare we have personal weapons which is something i did not expect to see there which is interesting we have telecommunications the military telecom or civilian telecom and then we have mass media we have the free media or we have the state media so loads more options to make your empire your own i don't know what i'm going to choose here honestly an extra entertainer per 33 jobs i guess it is free media things like youtube for instance youtubers are now a thing confirmed just a quick look at our ships again i will go more into detail with this mod but from what i've seen it's awesome i've seen ice spec and a load of other people recommend it and yeah i can certainly see why an actual machine ship set and it's like every single ship as well even like the mining stuff which is really really high in attention to detail looks like it's based on the on the mammalian one which i think makes a lot of sense as well i'm not 100 sure if that's true we'll see as we continue but just from the early stuff that is just such detail for a mod i'll say for a mod again i just don't play enough mods maybe my expectations are too low maybe i'm a dumb dumb there is at least one new ascension perk if i'm missing any i do apologize there but here future society our society has reached an unsurpassed level of cultural development plus one civic slots considering how powerful these civics are yeah i'm gonna be getting there i'm now realizing that the ring world star is actually a terrible start for these civics the extra district cost is out doing the arcane generator which means right now i'm actually losing rare resources on top of that we don't have enough energy for our machine system survey complete i think you'll turn around once i get the commercial segment we can start pumping out some extra energy and everything else civilian transport uh pacifist ethics attraction has increased ship upkeep is increased however colonies are faster population growth from immigration has agreed and trade value is increased did not expect that from actually no no it makes sense we're dedicating more towards our civilians and not towards our military so money oh specialist output increased by 15 versus extra unity per month governing ethics traction um you know what we're gonna go private education though all glory to our priests healthcare oh god there's loads of stuff to choose from here isn't that wow this is so much stuff medical workers produce trade value oh private health care of course okay but population growth for medical health workers reduced by two percent so there's a uh statement there which i'm not going to read into worker happiness reduced by five percent public health care population growth has increased by 10 as a passive but we get less money you know what uh public health care so public health care private education authority um sorry authority stands and apparently we can't do either of these because we don't have the tech okay and we can't do these because these i think yeah require certain civics for the economic stance free market and planned and all that so you'll only see those active in certain empire choices so i already love the lord this empire even though it's a bit of a proto empire since i haven't really fleshed out too much in my head but because they're so used to this ring world where everything is perfect for them everything is just utterly yeah perfect there's nothing wrong here it's flawless as soon as they get to a normal world they have problems they do have desert world preference and yet it's still a yellow world rather than green it's all 68 habitability and it's because they get the minus seven and then the minus five from all of this they're so used to being able to just take and take and convert from every last little inch of their ring world but they then do that to a normal world and it becomes somewhat toxic for them on the upside the machines aren't affected by this once again proving the machine superiority here's the machine colony ship [Music] that looks like the um what's it called the automatic dreadnought front am i right here am i wrong by the way looks very machiney and i do approve you know there are certain words oh yeah there are certain words which i can't say because of my stamina my speech impediment and this is one of them i've been trying to say it now i've had at least 20 attempts let's try 21. anthropocentrism like anthropomorphism there you go finally said okay so yeah i kind of avoided saying earlier but it's the concept of your species comes first rather than the planet in fact does it specifically mean human i don't know because an anthropomorphic animal for instance while we all know that is we share the same divine heritage synthoids oh rogue serpent as well interesting they like us already we like you too but well of course we like you remember yep faithful followers situation log updated they like us because of that and we like them because of divine mechanisms yeah that's because of course we are a machine cult well yes so that completely overrides fnatic spiritualist then because normally a spiritualist empire hates machines but because we are in the machine called it's over rid it and we like them love that again i love that idea first mod i'm testing already very happy transmission so do you have any unique civics we have three but no i don't think the hive mind and the machine have any unique civics or anything else could be wrong there by the way but that seems to be how it is okay we have our first two factions and okay very happy to see that our spiritual faction doesn't have any anti-machine things that would be something which would be very easy to accidentally leave in so lovely to see that's been dealt with we then have this one which is one of the new ones which is our fanatic here and setting up consumer benefits trade policy will please the mining and refining foundation it wants at least 10 000 minerals stored so you really love your minerals don't you okay so pretty neutral at the moment but you are incredibly happy okay so far very impressed okay our authoritarian faction has this one ban personal weapons applying strict control and distribution and use of personal weapons their empire will please the obedience loyalty and duty vanguard when your citizens can't fight back i imagine it is rather easier to be an authoritarian no free medium darn and autocracy once again happy to see the different things interacting system survey complete just thinking back about something i was talking about earlier and i think i would still rush synthetic evolution here just make sure to have organics also growing on the world similar to the meta run i did recently because that's essentially how that ended up with synths and then through migration treaties and everything else we still have normal populations growing there as well i just don't like the concept of not having organics in these worlds because the whole machine cult idea it just seems too much like machine machines once everyone is a synth on our second world we are now building our first mecca monastery well at least the first one we've ever built this one came free for us incoming transmission over here we've just about won these followers over they are fanatic materialists and despite the fact we like machines they still don't like us being spiritualist about it thankfully though we have two fellows which really like us we have the peaceful traders and of course we have the rogue servicers oddly enough machines and ourselves get along pretty darn well incoming transmission we're gonna start throwing habitats down and by habitat and say colonies even on these worlds which are pretty rubbish for us just because very soon we should be getting droid tech which means they can take over building themselves on these planets so might as well get it all started system survey complete so far this is looking like a fairly strong empire especially because the extra population growth from the extra assembly speed from being a machine cult i've just upgraded my main building to my planetary capital which means now we have two high priests which means we're getting a plus 10 engineering research from the ring world and we are getting plus 10 from our robots that is very very powerful so what else gives you um high priests is it the fully upgraded temple or is it the special the um citadel of fife which is a separate building now from the temple because obviously you want as many high priests as possible on pretty much every world even non-tech worlds just for that robot output still haven't got the droid tech yet though which is very annoying built a small fleet which consists of corvettes and destroyers i have to say one thing i really do like with these models is the weapons themselves i think they look really sleek and just really nice same of course goes for the corvettes and their little missile pods and everything just yeah really like these they're simple but kind of what i'd expect from my machine empire honestly i haven't found anything to complain about yet i don't like that which itself is something to complain about the spirits have granted us new wizards i'm too happy it's not right time to teach some primitives how to make machines so straight away what i'd love you fellas to do is robot assembly plans a mecca monastery and a shrine it's going to be a bit of a jump for you i admit but you know you'll be fine you're docile you understand construction complete a lovely starting location actually got two two moulds as well so we have friends all around us two two worlds by two minutemen say the primitive worlds lots of other worlds to convert we will have to be aggressive though to break through because i think this empire will do well really expanding it definitely wants as many worlds as possible it really really does i mean just just that each world gets plus two districts no incoming transmission bad bad fallen empire finally have droid tech so let's go straight into the flesh is weak not only always allow us to become cyborgs but most importantly pop assembly speed has increased by 10 i know us becoming cyborg should be the most important thing here and really it is but i don't care i just want more robots wow super super early drums of war that's terrifying hopefully you're not too connected to this empire because that's not too far away from us can someone else deal with you because you're way too strong i think we're all going to be owned by the horde very soon that's not good i don't be owned by a um by a marauder clan i like being free instead so more of the new stuff here we have the ibitarian i'm assuming that's going to be libertarian um ethos over here we have the elitism um just regular materialist regular authoritarian okay and we've just became cyborgs and we are absolutely fine with it thank you okay very very glad that our faction our spiritualists are still fine with cyborgs as well which makes complete sense glorious plus 20 habitability helping to counter the fact we are destroying the planets we live on so now i have a new civic slot and i'm very tempted to go with welfare state in this society the state traditionally plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens city districts provide extra housing administrators provide extra amenities mining farming and generator districts provide one extra job and one extra housing each which is insanely good considering we have extra districts that's the main thing there but they have plus 15 increased upkeep but still an extra job more than how it does that you can't use private health care or private education policies oh we have at least one of those don't we which one was it again i can't quite remember private education so we'd end up going public instead which is less energy per month um more governing extraction more unity less crime but we'd lose out on that specialist output okay so maybe not i do like the specialist output increase there republican ideals uh accurate happiness faction influence gain um workers get more political power that's fine specialists get more political power that's fine don't really care too much about the last well the authoritarian ethics attraction minus is pretty brutal but very tempted by one of these two then welfare stack seems really interesting but for now i think just increasing the happiness and increasing how much influence we get from our factions seems to be a powerful just nice thing to have so let's go with that four civics oh dear things aren't going to be well over here so many things get used to warrior culture that's just normal just with an image right i know that you can have gladiators as a job in command wait are you two the same empire what oh no you've taken over these worlds that's why okay no this is that empire i was gonna say that's a weird glitch in the matrix moment interventionist there's just so many things i've not seen okay just focus on what we're doing right now survey complete okay one of the new texts governance federalized state uh which one is this and i was one of the ones which we couldn't get early there we are federalized states bureaucracy is significantly decentralized providing governing efficiency at the cost of losing some power admin cap is increased by 20 which is lovely to say plus one governor level cap edit cost is plus 25 don't mind that too much and libertarian ethics attraction is increased by 15 percent with centralize on your hand you get influence i'll probably want that in the future just because influence is key but yeah let's go for that tech and let's get this well i've definitely never had this many machines this early almost 70 machines and they rival the overall population of our main species that is really quick population growth and i haven't even really been super tech heavy or anything for once i've actually got a small fleet normally i'm just not aggressive at this point at all but we are actually almost level fleet power with our neighbours almost not quite they are superior but only just i do kind of want to attack the union but at the same time i kind of want to build up a fleet to at least attack one of the horde thankfully it seems that the horde is being attacked from all angles and they keep on losing one or two systems so if we're lucky they won't get to us anyway so we can focus on grabbing some of these worlds there are so many worlds we could take so many lithoids to turn into cyborgs here we go we're finally to war now i'm looking for here is i want to see if the cruiser's strike crashed are unique to the machine empire i don't remember i think that's unique right once again very impressed the flesh is weak stone is stronger metal is better submit to our will we are here only to make you superior you're welcome we might win this it's pr it was pretty much the same fleet power on both sides but i did engage that first group without the second group so a lot of focus fire happened although i am seeing a lot of death already on our side come on cruisers come on strike craft construction oh yeah i love these machine ships oh no we're just crushing them construction complete we have superior tech and apparently that was more than enough if we uh status quo now we get everything we wanted so yep there we are we've got a brand new world hello there lads guess what we're going to assimilate you and that'll make you pretty much habitable anywhere our lovely cyborg rocky spiders let's change the dream clinics over for a robot assembly plant shall we i love this empire really do it's very balanced not in terms of oh the game is so balanced everything is equal balanced as in it seems to be good at doing whatever it wants you can tech rush if you want especially engineering um our engineering as you can see is much higher than the others our physics is just terrible i love that still because that's what iron buzz good at but also if you want to go down the route of alloys because it's all destroy the planet harvest all machines everywhere you can do that as well or kind of go with a mixed bag like i have a bit of everything there we go the sacred nexus which gives two priests jobs each of these also not unique to the planet there's two high priest jobs the high priests increase how much wow yeah increase how much your machines give and increases how much engineering research you get well that's going to be all over the main planet just have been improved that's all the main planets going to be just more and more temples so yeah what we're going to need then very quickly is loads more of this and we do not have enough money for that because our economy finally is kind of plateaued a bit nastily recently i need to do is start getting more consumer goods so i'd have to keep buying them as well that might help i would imagine there we are we've built ourselves the sacred nexus which means now we have four high priests giving us plus 20 engineering research from jobs and giving us plus 20 robot output in addition to loads of unity and society research all by themselves so surely i just want sacred nexus buildings everywhere they do cost a fair bit of consumer goods but those bonuses that's just insane we have our first battleship lovely and we've also been upgrading our strike craft now so we have rank 2 rather than just using scout craft like we're using before we are far stronger and honestly as soon as we can we're just going to go to war we already have climbs on their did i make a clam of the homeworld yes i did love lace all of that they are nowhere near strong enough to stop us and we even have nihilistic acquisition i don't mention that before which means we can just go around stealing populations after we remove their fleets and that war will likely be where i call this i have been having way too much fun with this empire absolutely adore it in every way love it in terms of the theme love it in terms of the gameplay is it balanced probably not do i care no do i kind of want to do a full play through with this particular empire yes oh the citadel fight there we go that's the extra high priest jobs i was thinking of that one also makes yeah that one actually why is that better than just the other one don't know some of the regular jobs seem to have been altered as well so it's a bit interesting sometimes with this mod incoming transmission well there's one of their main fleets our battleships there losing our strike raft yep they are very rapidly being destroyed lovely lovely swarms so what we're gonna do is just take all of this and don't take every single world that will go over here and bombard the planet for a while stealing its populations which will be then converted into more of us there's not actually a connection here isn't there no good uh might split the fleet split against have a weaker group okay we could go this way and just hold there because otherwise we're gonna have fellows sneaking up on us which would be really annoying let's go the spirits have granted us and there should be enough ground force to just take this world straight away oh no no not you where's the other um ground force there you are you go there also i hope you can't hear it but there's a lot of um building work going on outside of my apartment right now i was hoping they were done for the day but i just came back so if that's been in the video i do apologize incoming transmission and once you're there begin bombardment the planet our first population being abducted just happened the apostates are after our spaceport and i'm busy having the research segment making planet fall may the spirit which by sports on recycling okay no problem our champions have six so yep two worlds are currently being attacked like this and we'll just have these ground forces just waiting to attack see the problem is if we attack this now and take the world they'll probably give up so we can't continue to steal populations you've gotta get very close to winning but not quite that's the trick okay we're just gonna win now because i am gonna be calling the episode i think i've got a basic grasp of this empire now though definitely could have done better with a bit more knowledge indians have secured a heathen planet there we are we now have their capital so do i like this empire yes do i like this mod yes is there a lot more to learn yes and i've probably missed loads of other stuff as well has it affected federations for instance i honestly don't know since i haven't got a federation and there is plenty more to check out as well but let's have one last overview of the mod itself and then we'll call it a day i've had way too much fun during this video so in summary really love this mod i love the overall feel of it i like the fact it's still building on the regular game itself without changing it too much making it feel a hole in the game or different ideals there it just feels like the game itself with loads of little random extras and i think there is so much more to play around with there's probably why he's applying this empire way better and i'm sure there's wise of abusing some of these to the highest level i'm thinking something like this one over here the despots plus the moguls for instance i think would be insanely powerful the start of that would just be every basic resource cranked up to 11 and you would just dominate the galaxy that's just one idea after looking at it for five seconds there's loads more so with that once again the links for the mods will be in the description and please let me know if you like this type of video and just me going through the mods as a bit of a mod showcase playing it for so many years and then giving my opinion i think i've made my opinion very clear i love love love this mod and i absolutely adore the machines well from the brief things i've seen they all seem to fit perfectly and i can't wait to see the mega structures and everything else i've been trying to stay spoiler free and not looking on all the screenshots and i can only imagine they would look fantastic so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris and modded stellaris is a series you wish to see continue in the future maybe i'll do a full playthrough of this fairly soon maybe i'll do it with the gigastructures i don't really know thank you so much for watching and goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 64,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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