r/Wholesomememes | good memes for good bois

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gonna be late gonna kiss my dog what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and the day we're looking through our slash wholesome memes me wanna hang out friend sure us and we're just hanging out couple of friends chillin not a care in the world I love this this is a good subreddit after looking through our slash no one get the boat I am privileged to look at this subreddit waking up Christmas morning in 2005 be like you got me a Nintendo Gameboy a pokemon emerald version you're my favorite parents ever ain't that cute soften your forehead unclench your jaws relax your shoulders this is a reminder to stop holding tension in your body I like that thank you this is a nice reminder folks relax a little bit life can be stressful me complaining that I have no social life when in reality I love staying home and not talking to anyone for several days in a row and I feel that listen introverts and extroverts are two very different beings and I can appreciate that I personally am an extrovert and I think the introverts out there have to find that their love for staying home it doesn't mean you can't have a social life sometimes you need a day to yourself socializing can be stressful can be a lot especially with so many people in the world I totally get it take a couple days for you it's healthy to have a you day I like this summer that this is nice and wholesome me two minutes after cuddling with my boyfriend and he just fallen asleep cute little guy taking a nap no precious me has pink attack overreacts cries and breaks down things turn out okay me yeah you're surprised aren't you think it's gonna be fine relax wipe the sweat off your forehead relax them shoulders and just chill out take a pic of chill pill it's gonna be okay fans were waving at IU but the foreigners behind her thought that it's to them why am i laughing so hard and there's just a couple of cool kids they're just waving hell I like these guys these guys got energy these guys cop pizzazz this is gonna be I'm gonna be smiling the whole time my face is gonna hurt from smiling so much cuz I love this this is cute this is what I wanted to see this is the content that I'm here for I like this if you take your kids trick-or-treating please take them by nursing homes gave out candy and the residents love to see the little kids in their costumes please stop by and brighten their day you have no idea how much this means to them that's adorable that's cute that is that is precious hello all maybe like what are you for Halloween cowboy here's a word there's a nod Charlie rancher I love them you and younger photos you now hey what guys say I just used to look like that there is honestly nothing better than when you're full-on laughing or someone and you both keep adding things it will makes it funnier and you could barely breathe and I agree it's a cute little it's a it's a cute bonding experience me and my boys would make jokes were just cracking each other up back and forth where it becomes even the most minut thing it's funny where I could just say one word and they're cracking up like they're an egg love it Halloween isn't celebrated in Australia and my neighbor's kids wanted to trick-or-treat so the mom gave everyone in the neighborhood came to get back to her kids mom of the year dear neighbor Elise will be trick-or-treating tonight for Halloween when she visits can you please give her a treat enclosed in this bag much appreciated Oh gave her a good Halloween experience when you accidentally step on your dog's paw and treat him like a god for the rest of the day and I feel bad I'm a I'm a gigantic man I'm 6 4 I'm a John I'm just a unit I'm like I'm like a brick wall but I'm pudgy because I'm a large boy and I got a little tiny dachshund you know stays like at foot level at all times and he'll just stand still like stand completely still and sometimes I won't notice them and I'll accidentally step on it's funny hearing okay and I'm like for the rest of the day I'm like all for giving him offerings and like please forgive me sir well my friend sends me a me my seen before but that's okay because what matters is that they took the time out of their busy day to send me something they enjoyed oh that's cute that is cute I like that 1996 1998 1999 2000 2002 2004 he fell back asleep but that's okay sitting up there no 809 2010 he's ready to get out 2014 he's on his two feet and then in 2019 he's running around loving life that's character development when I see my best friend in a loving relationship the face of happiness ha me when my girlfriend calls me handsome that's about the reaction yeah that's I that's accurate that is very accurate six months room now you could be in a completely different space mentally spiritually and financially keep working and believing in yourself there you go thank you Denzel Washington thank you Denzel man this is full of nice stuff this is this is so this is so nice I love this you are worthy even when you don't feel like it I'm holding my heart this is precious this is the best subreddit ever this is the greatest summer that I've ever browsed this is cute you are worthy and here's who made that she's also worthy I'm gonna follow her right now that's an adorable piece of motivation miss Hoffman thank you so much Bob Ross is drawing a nice picture Bob Ross says you're all huge line at the center of the picture routing the masterpiece and you're like Bob Bob Ross makes a beautiful tree out of the line making the picture a whole lot better hair like Bob knew what he was doing the whole time never question Robert Ross he knows what he's doing he's a master at his craft Oh me showing my dad the memes I made my dad not getting them but smiling anyway because he sees I'm happy that's a blessing to all the good dads out there wow that's cool when you're born a failure but semi major turn your life around and anyone can oh my god and I was sinking into the yard - what oh that is such a funky tree that is really cool so it grew like out to the side and has it kept going oh that is so cool oh wow that's really neat thank you for sharing this whoever posted that I'm watching a lot of Mister Rogers recently and honestly I think you do yourself a favor and watch your just to watch an episode to mr. Rogers sometime because that man is he's like the most honest pure intention man I have ever met and I are not met but you know I've watched in my entire life and even like even now like if I just watch an episode I bring I start crying like there's no way getting around it it's such a wholesome show HIV does not make people dangerous to know so you could shake their hands you can give them a hug heaven knows they need it they do need it everyone does have you been hugged recently everyone needs one Oh guys literally want only one thing and it's disgusting I'll never like mmm oh he's the little spoon - look at that my uncle what - Japan in the man liked him so much he made him out of sushi he did such a good job - damn that's a good sushi me yesterday Oh May after seeing my dad today and he's he's smiling he's smiling hmm I love it hi guys I've noticed that it's international men's day today and I'm confused why do you need a day to talk about men we're not a marginalized group like women query people people of color the media is already full of stories about men well I'm glad you asked champ whatever you view on men's place in society it's still true that we face a lot of issues like social isolation risk of suicide health problems and attitudes towards sex and child-rearing having a day to talk about those doesn't take away from anyone else's problems in fact having a day to talk about them helps us be more mindful and listen better at other times the chief here is really on to something I want to echo what he said and also point out that the idea was she remains on about our problems actually contributes to a lot of our issues we're human beings with human needs Sukie mutual support and understanding isn't the same thing as placing a burden on others especially if we're providing it for each other let on my fellow Kings we've inherited a social legacy of competition and division and a lot of what makes a man in our era is under question I envy is a chance for us to examine and rethink what we are together and build the bonds of solidarity and support oh I'll make a better way possible like in this mean because in our hearts we're all curious kids and buff guys on keyboards piece that's adorable that's precious I like that that's cute when you get home and you and your dog see each other and you're both like like a squeaky toy expelling the last bit of its air you're so excited to see your your canine companion my grandma when I tell our I'm full lies deception you'll have another macaroon maybe a snickerdoodle or two and I will grandma because it's you actually my grandma had the coolest job so that what the mean grandma was always feeding you my grandma used to sell like candy for different companies like Sarah pouch kids and and Swedish fish and things like that so whenever I go to our house as a kid there was just a bunch of candy laying around and as a kid I'm like Hot Diggity Dog that's the best day of my life thanks grandma cuz she'd be like here here's a swedish fish i thought we're not gonna sell this when he could keep it and I'm like whoa when I eat the swedish fish and I'm like this is great now she makes dog treats yay we're not a Slytherin you're 32 the character Harry Potter is six people who were 32 were in the exact age range to match Harriet's the books were being published they probably grew up with it and it was probably important to them if they're still talking about their Hogwarts house being an adult doesn't have to be a joyless slog of work in taxes you're allowed to continue enjoying your childhood interests and playing make-believe as an adult is a perfectly respectable pastime I agree do what you do chief do what you do best you need help and support about a [ __ ] burden of people my BS people care earning it's not like you wouldn't do the same for them other people have it worse though now you're just making excuses cuz you're scared hey why you calling me out like that that's a call-out I'm feeling very attacked right now did not expect to be attacked how much you might think you're worth how much you're really worth dog thanks Oh another one how much you think I love you how much I actually love you dog lions pretend to be hurt by the bite of the young to encourage their strengths Oh what that's adorable are you kidding me oh dude parents of the year the Lions don't let anyone treat you like pond water you are Fiji water okay okay hey Fiji water I like Fiji water thank you that's a mighty compliment man while you might be placing your last Minecraft block someone might be placing their first Minecraft block okay listen if I ever have kids I'm gonna introduce my kids to Minecraft cuz that's it that's a game that is timeless genuinely timeless don't make me tap the shine everyone deserves recovery there's no such thing as not sick enough I know it's hard but you're so strong and we believe in you thank you if you can't make your own new transmitters store-bought is fine it's okay it takes some medication if you need it good morning cruel world timing goodbye now I met good morning this will may be cruel but I'm still kicking that's good that's respectable shout out to my boy Steve who stood in front of a green screen for years running in place in talking to invisible objects and animals so kids like me could have entertaining educational television thanks again for my problem Steve Steve no problem man dude straight up speaking of things that you know warm my soul I remember seeing the first like the first episode of Blue's Clues but the new one right the new Blue's Clues is what really like it broke me down because Steve and Joe were in it and I'm like if I had a penny for every time I looked at my wife and thought she was hot I'd have this many pennies and then some it's the porn you see that I have no future here got a kid wait I've never watched the office now I've just been spoiled well now I never need to watch it but oh well how the turntables this summer too just spoiled the office for me when someone's going slower than you in the left lane and they move out of the way so you can pass rule 32 enjoy the little things little things like that I love it me and the boys hang in with a foreign exchange student saying hey you're part of our club now welcome in dude mmm hmm mmm that's cute my grandma looking at me happy that I liked her food me finishing Christmas dinner after six courses welcome oh and everything in your life is going wrong but then you take a step on a leaf and it makes a really good crunch mmm a crunch an old lady innocently asking for my help me working at them all it's just over there ma'am let me guide you customer service at its finest love that for you what a good what a good employee when mom comes home from the store and says she's bought something for you and he year-old me dancing around cuz I got a gift unexpectedly my toddler slipped plus builder sale all over herself plus the carpet and instead of telling her that and flipping crap I picked her up change the outfit and then she helped me clean the mess up no tears no shame and no yelling my parents would have hit me and yelled and I refuse to be them and you're a good parent you're doing your best and I love that I encourage that that's respect love it like I said earlier mister mister goes back to mr. Rogers he said it and I believe it kids have very deep emotions just like anyone else does and that's gonna they're gonna remember that and you making sure that they have a good positive memory of their child and that's a positive thing like that now the future a post from moon ever F I made some Damien fan art the purest thing in this world is Damien and cute animals hope it doesn't suck too much hey it looks like me I like it got that oh you got the classic outfit everyone posts oh yeah yes I agree thank you so much I love this and that's gonna do it for our slash wholesome memes if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and if you want to catch me you can find me at Wichita TV slash Damion Lee live and as always I'll be seeing ya [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 534,702
Rating: 4.9668722 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, wholesomememes emkay, wholesome memes, wholesome, blessedimages emkay, r/blessedimages emkay, blessed, cute animals, cute dogs, animal memes, cute cats, funny animals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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