r/Blursedimages | bruh,.. what are you doing?

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we accept cash credit debit gold uranium goats shrooms goats on shrooms well I got one of those for sure what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash blurred images Oh Marcus oh he watches from above making sure that everything's going smoothly doesn't tear Marcus how to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you is he sitting right behind you staring menacingly are you reading a book on how to tell your cat spawn to kill you sigh what's going on so that the picture in the book cuz it's what I'm seeing kid couldn't even afford real air pods grandma I think I'll have to bag at your house huh Finders Keepers brah y'all granny is getting turnt you brought me to boof go ahead processor that is your family and then have dinner the best of Bill Cosby sneaky edition he wasn't sneaking around that's for sure he did that in public this I think he did I don't know I'll keep up with my terrible people I can't want to see someone go to a town that's on that a scooter I'm not gonna lie to you like I get the bike one that's funny but the scooter I want to see someone go to town with that scooter with the bike handles I'll tell you skip lines that's a Green Lantern's favorite perk of being a superhero with his power you can just skip the line boob dick it's my favorite franchise you know what sometimes when I say I'm getting this bread that's exactly what I mean it's that bread specifically I'll do the breathalyzer costume 69 is 69 blow here yeah why you trying to is that like the classics agonizer is that real is that the the Photoshop dies or is those as realize you look so sad take him under the buns bro try our $0 but Pete oh thanks KFC that's finger looking good and Wendy she looms in the distance I don't know if that's dumb or a 200 IQ move like is that it's keeping the Sun out of his eyes clearly maybe that's 200 IQ oh I hate that actually I hate everything about that that kind of took me by a little bit of surprise you know I have a working theory that Carson can suck his head into his neck kind of like a turtle when it's in on the defense no no I just fear what immense power that neck holds that is not dinner you leave it alone that is not what you're eating you know you grab them right groaning by the back of the scruff oh oh no I don't like the look at that you get out from under that chicken please identify your sexual orientation bisexual gay man gay woman slash lesbian Chinese heterosexual slash straight or other Damien that is the other wait hold on why is he cooking okay so he's got the riot shield out said a flash grenade on the pan what are you doing there's a lot to unpack here now I'm really confused finally someone has fulfilled the prophecy carry on my lessons my student the only thing that's missing I hope he's actually like as tall as the bins are and that's like an elaborate costume rest in peace IT guy control-alt-delete 'add Jesus is my co-pilot and we've cruising for kuchi honestly I think Jesus would get some pretty mad pus I'm not gonna line with a hey baby what's up I'm the Savior betta that's smart but he wouldn't hold the Box open like that despedido - bye boo boo I love Boogle my dog likes to stare at me through mirrors he's learning about reflections leave him alone warning children left unattended will be sold to the circus good get rid of him I don't need him around here no more drying baby yes do not do this no don't throw them in your Maytag on high whoa that's 200 IQ he managed to take a photo of himself I would not be able to do that at all that's really that's kind of impressive actually I'm impressed by this English do not enter here Spanish enter Oh somewhere else oh that's exactly a say in Spanish the good old Gatling muffler whoa is it weird that I'm more freaked out by the cat with human eyes than the human with cat just too lifelike at that point I guess too human-like that's what I'm looking for lucky you you're like a bundle of CAD oh I'll take you everywhere it's my favorite bag c4 just don't toss it to me okay if I'm playing Teesside don't toss it to me I don't want please give blood as much as you'd like is this game any good I see so much about it now and I just like oh no I didn't see what goes up my alley but I guess I'll give it a shot with how many people are like all raging you're raving about this game she's just trying to enjoy her meal and CJ and Big Smoke those two just up to no good han Solo and Shrek dressed the same that's what Bernie's pressed about he's up in arms he's going down the streets he's he's fighting about it he saved me John 3:16 holy water holy crap two very different things hey what's up called for the insecurity me I did we know what happened some kind of forearm insect lady was hit by a car rest in peace god bless ya know we know we both know good was not what happened truth days she belly flopped onto the car and her extra hands hit the side she didn't got up and ran away legend has it that she's doing it to this day Israel featuring the blue M&M don't bring him down at you doing a good thing stop an officer gel don't let him get down there Pennywise he's waiting Tim Curry that's the Tim Curry Pennywise - he don't play around Jo Mama's pizza and grill my mom has a pizza and grill John Goodman John Goodman and John Goodman in a few good men every Oscar goes to this movie oh good old poyo kirby having a meal lab safety tips try not to run with a lit Bunsen burner toward an explosive barrel under a hanging rabbit cage specifically in that circumstance any other time feel free that's Danny long Vito and I don't like him one bit pout for someone at demons man I hate cursive why I now live in an Olive Garden bathroom why I'm banned from Olive Garden well I guess without we know why you were stealing the breadsticks made for little hands how to stop a gambling addiction don't hit it don't you're trying to stop you having a problem don't hit it why MC a classic just me and the boys goofing around burglar a no-kill community couple discovered a thief in their home Saturday after a man told a joke and her two laugh upstairs my dad just went to buy milk hey he came back yesterday must have been a long line whoa this is kind of interesting I'm fascinated by that actually things in case a nice fascinate me so the morbid art of making your dead body look alive effortless make a premature skin how to apply foundation same thing really holy hell it's nin Jesus were repenting for our sins while I karate chops our shins please do not feed the Sharks only got plenty of corn and wheat in there they'll be fine Japanese culture what do Japanese people say before the food sayonara konichiwa Enid Aki masu or Amira Mochan diddy nani whoo oh whoa and it shines in the land dude my frog Skippy way 69 nice oh this is actually really really creative I love this that is nuts what are you guys gonna dress up as for Halloween by the way let me know because I'm going as a wanna go as like a Ghostbuster something my friend Zach's going as a Ghostbuster I might like try and one-up them and be like the Bill Murray Ghostbuster was he in Ghostbusters I'm pretty sure he was oh no I'm at a date on my movies I like don't remember who's in it I just remember like the movie if that makes any sense he had to have been in it yeah he was remember son Santa isn't real Sienna see and there's Putin again given a very stern look in these two guys they're clowning around what's wrong I just parked my vehicle it didn't say what kind of vehicle what we're really talking about is that a whole Park job for the car in front of me you have brought me a very good sacrifice my children now I must give him the questions if you are a real bug corn on the orb its round now all dude non-stop corn whoa that's that's super cool I love bathroom well I guess four designs in general then are like 3d like that I find those super fascinating coca-cola and a bobo bola because it's a big old dog Oh shine through the light tell me what you see you see right through four he is empty [Laughter] [Music] someone help the poor Kitty out zebra I don't need you I can suck my own titty if I close my eyes it feels like someone else's in my homies back here to help me let me feel up on me a little bit I'm wearing socks though all these floors when I could hit shuffle and go for a ride Oh sign me up say say right now I really want to see him hit the golf ball I'm not gonna lie to you I want to see what happens you can't spell menu without me and you so what's up baby welcome to the restaurant sock cat leave a like what's up cat bless you cuz he's blessed me if you want your son back it'll cost a hundred pokey coins I danced with like all the gods been forever yes or no now you could keep him whoa who who gave this girl the the the the hot and bothered cuz she is flooding that's a that's a what floor hazard dude that's Jake from State Farm and he's a football player he's not wearing khakis though I stole a piece of the gym floor it's just it's just a crime me there's not blurs that's just illegal well I'm pretty sure this is fake but that's cool I think that's neat I really like that warning the eyeball watches everyone in our town even when were alone he likes to watch us perform naughty activities and we like to perform them for him and now it's time to feature a post from our /mk by user spicy rice bread I hope Damian enjoys the spin art by a fellow Damian Hey from Damian adamian that's pretty sick I love that you know that episode of Spongebob where it's like the power within the coders give me that vibe but I'm really messing with it I love it and then brings us to the end of our slash bluest images if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from m'kay and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, blursed images, blessed images, cursed images, cursed memes, r/blessedimages top posts, r/cursedimages top posts, r/blessedimages best posts, blursed memes, r/blursedimages emkay, blursed images emkay, reddit funny, reddit meme, emkay
Id: 8dXevdoAB4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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