r/Im14andthisisdeep | THIS IS SO DEEP

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every time I open my eyes I can see damn really so happy for you what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash I'm 14 and this is deep a smile in a pretty face are perfect for hiding a world of pain cheer up pewdiepie give you a brofist about how about that beauty 5 breakfast a cheetah would you do it for a brofist salt and sugar look the same be careful who you trust they do not sugar is very fine and granulated salt can look very rough to the touch and what's up with that smiley face both them look off there's a lot wrong here I'll get this one maybe it's because I'm 20 and this isn't deep to me but I don't get the joke here is it because he's not a he's not cut to the mold is he not is Nina up to shape here it is he homeschooled what's wrong I want to know Kia but society won't let me why would you want to know Kia I mean you got a pretty expensive phone are you really can you post a Twitter on your Nokia idiot your big brick phone like they had in the 80s huh I'm sending you an article about the importance of bonding with your children cool hey mom and dad you wanna play outside with me not now bud we're reading about being good parents okay police why he someone I being abused what's your name mother earth and who abused you humans this is so sad one light kills 10 trees a saver let's just hope you don't catch on fire you'll never understand my pain not because I'm hurt but because mom found the piss drawer and there's no going back she found the piss joy and there's a couple of stinky turds floating in there too because I couldn't make it to the bathroom in time my age is young but my mindset is on a different age level but yet I keep getting judged by my age well yeah when you're 13 and try to get in the car to drive they're gonna have some questions buddy we live in a society where amazon firetv gets twenty four thousand comments but the Amazon rainforest fire gets only three thanks scoop whoo that's where I want my political messages to be at all my political message is only at scoop ooh calm I want to kay I fill in the blanks you answers may vary kite ki PE I want to kite you I want to attach strings to your stupid body and flying around the sky how am I supposed to gather from this what fourteen-year-old ceases and goes I understand what am I to gather from it this is doesn't I don't I don't get it man we're a perfect match maybe that's why we're burnt out dog that's some art is it though is it really some art I mean it's is it art yes it's nice it's good drawn art but is it art in the message sense I don't think so if they're a perfect match but burnt each other out maybe you need to give each other some space and they didn't that's their problem I'm 14 and a psychopath ask me anything so I'm 14 and I have all the basic attributes of a psychopath my family has a long line of mental health issues and such and I was raised by a loving mother who had anger issues hey pal you know the psychopath quiz you got from a Facebook link is an actually real buddy go back on fortnight no do not do not go back on fortnight just a little quick off shoot here because I'm recording this on Wednesday September the 11th they released a fortnight patch okay who and God's name is running fortnight right now because it's got to be a bunch of chipmunks or just press random patterns of buttons moisty palms are you kidding me where you turn into a prop and raining tacos what is this a parry Gripp song come to life I'm oh my god I look little Susie Lou who's playing hopscotch but she's got pills cigarettes wine and an iPhone staring at her from the bench cuz they know she'll be back she's got opioid addiction how refreshing to see a kid who prefers a good book of a computer screen here's the book on world peace all right six eggs sometimes you have to love someone from a distance if you're referring to keep loving kpop Stanley okay hold on is this referring to loving BTS from a distance it's gonna have to be from a distance you're crazy in love with a boyband like security guards will keep you away that's the distance this picture speaks a thousand words does it it looks like I can finish it in just a couple of sentences the bird ate all that seed and became big became large by changing nothing nothing changes who are you to say when someone famous looks depressed everyone cares when your own classmate seems depressed everyone avoids well my classmate didn't make bad guy Biddy sometimes life is just dung and ball torture without the dog in balls and that's a yee-ha howdy hee ho When I was your age I had to write in a style called cashews hey what's mom saying I'd be ke well your mom is speaking in deluxe English I drank to drown my pain but the damned pain learned to swim well I don't know what to do for you but I think I figured on your own every day a bit more shorter boys damn Nick just keeps getting over on his dying phone this is deep nah not it's really not though this is like armchairs this is armchair activist stuff they're dings are not always what they seem the deer isn't crossing the road the road is crossing the forest at the deers crossing therefore that deer is crossing the road it's crossing the forest the difference mature and immature age isn't defined near maturity nah listen the difference is that baby ain't got an Instagram account my my 15 followers me and my 15 boys that had that have modifications on for my posts I see them every day and I say hey boys I'm eating the meal I'm eating crab cakes and they go WOW dannion that's great I hate this pseudo Cod just something about pseudo armchair activism and like this like entire notion of you know being on your phone is bad well posting it on your phone it's just so ridiculous to me 1990 2017 2025 is this supposed to be a this is deep I don't understand like they're they're a dog they're parents of dogs that's fine same-sex marriage that's fine are you saying that you wish it was back in 1990 where you weren't allowed to have same-sex marriage I don't I'm sure 1990 was not that big of an issue I don't know history that well I used to be a big history but not anymore but I'm just got it scooby-doo taught us that the real monsters were always human dressed up as monsters doing petty things to stop the dang towns folk from making their money the next generation is drinking from a nokia phone and has a bluetooth peace let's go baby businessmen and toddler age error nah-nah-nah break it down air is expectations really ruin our reality and that's a fact from me to you keep that puttin upon our phones fall we panic our friends fall we laugh well that's because your friend isn't made of glass and metal and will shatter upon impact if my elicit if my friend was made of glass and metal and he fell of course I would be panic how you okay dude to get a shatter please man in the flesh and it's a little fall he'll take a little bump and it goes look at these silly didn't tell you she's huh of course there's a difference there let this sink in I gave you $10 he gave you $20 you felt that he was better just because he gave you more but he had $200 and all I had was $10 sometimes you get a look out for yourself bud hey ed you know what clouds are made up of yeah sure music files grandma he answered honestly as he could repost this if you're against bullying hey what do you want to buy me and Dad what do you want to buy to your dad what do you what do you want to buy to your dad for his birthday flowers cauliflower is your dad gay no he's dead I bet ninety-nine percent of people won't repost free expression what are you trying to say here this doesn't make any sense they got all the mics in front of her face but she's got tape on it maybe she didn't have the tape on a face she could say something I don't know just a thought God has no phone but I talked to him he has no facebook but he's still my friend he doesn't have a Twitter but I still follow him not a Jojo character is what's his stand good you own the fish good job you earned a single skittle in it's the lime sour flavor hey between you and me which one of us do you think is truly free this is salty and then the dog goes well seeing as I am on the leash it seems that you were the one who is free in this situation however I am free of the shackles of capitalism warning this account will touch your heart follow of your above 11 yeah I'm okay friendzone doesn't exist disappointments stress confusions can [ __ ] confessions betrayal expectations frustrations heartbreak loneliness option what is option error what is why is option hurting you dude and fake friends I'm really curious about option being something that's hurting that clown is so relatable to people's lives where he hide the pain there is good and goodbye hell in hello there is lyin believe in if in life there's over and lover but there's not end in Harry Potter where's the series then the atom god I'm good look how she's dressed there's no shame there's no morals these days this is the kind of things our society should not ignore I want to know she's browsing well she's browsing on her phone if she got games on her phone the hell is this oh god is it a gift my whole my whole monitor just froze oh Jesus okay so I had to like turn off and turn on my monitor this post was so so fake deep it crashed it loved that for me rest in peace and we've been bombed there to hold her selfie stick just say left the game oh man not JA that's really funny if Jesus tried to feed the five thousand today is that bread gluten free and Jesus just goes you know what forget this just near me to the tea some people just act like they're trying to help you well maybe he's not strong enough to use that rope like thinking about it like this maybe he doesn't have enough upper arm strength but if you're using you know the other hand there the the counter oh no excuse of trying to make here but uh ropeburn is also a thing and we don't want that bestfriends has 11 letters but so does backstabber well best friend so some was a space in between the best and friends you idiot life is like a piano the white keys show happiness the black keys show sadness but as you ventured on life's journey remember that black keys also make music so do the white keys though it's a piano it's all the keys will make music life is meaningless si thanks bro alcohol weed love this is so dumb it's so dumb nine messages seven missed calls son I told you not to disturb when I'm at work mom waiting outside of your offices you forgot your lunch box but he's working stop calling him he's trying to what if he gets fired for looking at his phone you don't know maybe walk into the office be like hey my son forgot his they laugh at me because I'm different I laugh at them because they're all the same and I laugh at you because you're dumb you stupid did you know no one can destroy iron but its own rust can't likewise no one can destroy a person but his own mindset can okay but have you seen Superman baked through chains you know your mother and I think you should get some fresh air and exercise just send me the link no son you know it's like it's not okay how do I kill myself without dying well you fall in love with someone and then watch them leave when they're tired of you did you know 100,000 trees are cut per day to produce exam paper say no to exams save trees use computerized testing instead but then get mad when we're using technology because you're fake deep 1942 - now see duckface has always been a thing now the lips are just bigger the humongous all it takes is one song to bring back a thousand memories who says those memories are bad maybe they're good memories maybe it's a you know your favorite Disney musical and you're like huh when I was a kid what is it always gonna be sad with these posts so dumb man like every every single one of these posts are usually like all doom and gloom like oh woe is me I'm 14 dude the sun is shining the birds are singing go out and have an orange juice or two oh yeah it's just it's a whole sticky situation with these fake woke kids cuz I feel like I feel like a jerk but at the same time you know I don't understand why in banks pens always attached to strings we trust them with our money and they can't even trust us with just one pen yeah is that so did you have to express that with the rage comic face perspective mmm I can make something out of this I can cut this down you can all look they're all thinking to me cuz I this and he sees he sees it for what it is a tree that little boy he knows exactly what he's looking at a tree a phone booth in 1989 in a phone booth in 2019 there's a lot more farts and poops don't worry I could Sammy you're trapped in a bunch of bunch of phones they're all display units none of them work hey good news plastic straws our band is great not gonna get away I'm I'm diving I'm diving here prison school see the similarities wake up in puddles directed by Zack pare young boy discovers that puddles can be portals to a fantastical world but he struggles to get his sister's attention away from her phone to see the magic in the world around her why would I want to jump into a magical puddle world what if I can't get back out and that brings us to the end of our slash I'm 14 and this is D if you enjoyed the video leave a like down below and subscribe only if you're woke if you ain't woke then you know what are you doing here this is for woke people only how'd you get how'd you how'd you find this video I thought I said it to woke people only until next time I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,324,919
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/im14andthisisdeep, r/im14andthisisdeep top posts, r/im14andthisisdeep best posts, reddit im 14 and this is deep, inspiration, inspirational quotes, reddit inspiration, reddit inspirational quotes, deep, jaden smith, r/im14andthisisdeep emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: Qn5qakhgvfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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