Minecraft, But Structures Spawn Every Minute...

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Savage_L3gend09 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
and there we go my house is complete i sure hope a structure doesn't spawn okay welcome to minecraft but structures spawn every minute in this video whenever my timer runs out anything from a village to an end city to even custom structures or spawn wherever i'm standing can i beat the game with completely infinite structures stay tuned to find out and guys we're almost at half a million subscribers with only 14 videos so thank you that is actually crazy but still not crazy enough okay we need to break youtube even more so if you're in that 90 of my viewers who aren't subscribed yet then go ahead and join the before 500k club by subscribing it's completely free and helps out the channel a ton lastly drop a like for the youtube algorithm and without any more delay let's go okay this is going to be one of the most chaotic videos on my entire channel all i have to do is type this command and if you guys look very closely above my hotbar there is a countdown so in exactly 50 seconds a random structure is going to spawn right in front of me so as you can see i'm in a forest right now so i think what i'm gonna do is like maybe grab some food and also some wood as well and just run into the desert okay because i don't want my structure to be like in a mountain or something so let's just go all the way over here and i guess hope that the structure isn't that big because we're only going to have one minute to loot these the way this is going to work is for the first 10 minutes of this video a structure is going to spawn every single minute so our first one is an oak village this is so cool we have an iron golem here um do we have a villager anywhere because like honestly a villager could be quite cool for like trading and stuff oh wait this is a blacksmith i didn't even realize okay uh we have some gold we have an iron sword oh wait hold up if i just kill this golem in the next 30 seconds then we can get like an iron pickaxe okay i have to be so quick though oh no it got me well okay we're fine and there we go okay we have four iron in total and we have 12 seconds till the next structure spawns yeah the start of this video is going to be crazy because literally every minute a structure is going to spawn and what is this a jungle pyramid okay yeah this is one of the new structures that i added that's like from the more structures mod so this naturally spawns in a jungle and has like really cool loot but it also has some traps and i think zombies is well inside but the thing is i don't really have time to loot this because it's so like hard to explore so i guess i've just gotta kind of dip we'll just have to check it out later because i don't want the other structures to like spawn inside of each other and like mess up so we're just gonna let the first tens spawn down here we go three two one and the third structure is another oak village with another blacksmith okay i mean this chest is gonna be different so i will take this an iron pickaxe some armor and a lot of food okay so obviously this doesn't seem that good because there's stuff like end cities and like just crazy structures like bastions and stuff but i mean for the start just to get some food and stuff villages are just really good so let's just go ahead and like make some sticks right now i'm gonna make a bucket and i'm also going to make an axe as well just so i can like break my crafting table but as you guys know this is the silver channel okay we can't just have normal structures we got to add in like the jungle pyramid and you guys will see what else they're actually really cool we have a room portal okay honestly i'll take this like we have golden carrots um some obsidian honestly going to the nether like kind of early could be quite good because if i get some gold from stuff like this ruined portal and like some of the other structures that i can trade with piglens and also just like spawning weird overworld structures in the nether could be so funny yeah later on i think i'm definitely gonna go to the nether okay and an end city is spawning where it oh dude the structure full is an end city oh it's not very big though oh i know it's very okay it's definitely big dude how big is it gonna go wait there's a ship no way dude we can literally get an elytra i mean there's no way i'm gonna get out there in time but after five more structures it's gonna slow down to every five minutes so we'll have a bunch of time to like explore this end city and also like the jungle pyramid as well i'm just gonna sit back and relax and just keep watching them spawn this is actually so satisfying dude and structure five oh my dude we have a treasure bastion okay how big is this thing look at this dude it's still generating over there okay it almost reaches the end city that's actually insane wait dude i can maybe grab something from the middle of this because like we have an iron pickaxe and there are a lot of gold blocks and i can use these for like trading with a cleric villager if i get another village or something let me just loot this really quickly oh my seventy netherright this is such an op okay i'm just gonna dip because we have nine seconds no no no no no dude i don't want another structure to generate inside of this bastion no no no we have one second and a spruce village just yet okay uh i can literally hear the golem dude this is so close this recording is just gonna be ridiculous okay we have food we have some logs with a bed i will actually take the beds because like i just want to skip the night and stuff oh there's a bookshelf i can make an enchantment table with that if i get obsidian oh yeah i have obsidian and diamonds okay this is good this is good oh so many magma cubes this morning though we gotta be so careful okay i'm just gonna grab like all of these so i don't have to come back into the treasure bastion because like all i really want from here are the uh gold blocks i don't think piglens can spawn because this is the overworld so if i do want to trade with piglens i'll have to go nether but like honestly that's fine we have all of the gold blocks and oh no we only have five seconds dude no no no no why is this so okay and we just have an oak village oh wait no actually i think it generated inside of the okay what is going on okay well there could be a village just somewhere inside of here but i have no idea dude i just hear the golems suffocating i found the golem okay and it's dead all right well let's just get out of here so that my other structures don't just like spawn inside of a wall i mean that oak village is just a lost cause at this point okay what is the next structure a pillager factory okay yeah this is the coolest of the new structures by far this thing is crazy okay i don't know if i actually have time to loot this though and there's gonna be so many pillages dude okay i think there should be an iron golem somewhere inside of here that i can like release to help kill the pillagers but for now we're just gonna keep sneaking around okay i think there's also a ravager inside of here too so we have to be dude this video is just crazy 26 seconds okay can i loot anything uh there's like smokers i guess i'll just take a smoker with me but we'll just come back to all of these structures just later on okay so let's just kill this pill no chill chill chill chill okay i'm just gonna be on my way oh no a spruce village is spawning okay and it's spawned on the right side so that's fine yes iron golem we can use him to help us with the pillager factory go attack he sees them oh there's a blacksmith here actually we have a bunch of obsidium which is nice and i could even just like make myself oh yeah there we go he should clear out the pillager factory for me so that's going to be really good and while i'm just like kind of chilling for 20 seconds oh wait no i'm getting kind of low yeah while i'm chilling for like 20 seconds what i'm gonna do is make myself a netherright axe because i'm probably not gonna get enchants like really opie ones so i think netherright axe is the way to go so let's just do this there we go we already have one then we have eight seconds till a new thing spawns please be good come on i think we have three left till the cooldowns oh my dude another end city okay well we have two elytras now so many chests full of like end city gear that's just gonna be insane i don't even know what other structures i could ask for at this point like honestly i mean another fortress would be quite good and a stronghold would be quite good also but i mean gear wise like we just have everything i can think of right now oh wait no that was it the cooldown's up to four minutes okay that's all 10 down so i'm just gonna start looting the pillager factory okay let's just try and find as much stuff as i can i hear spiders which is kind of uh worrying i don't know where they're called oh no no no no no no no stay away stay away golden apple okay i will take it and i haven't even put on my diamond chest plate yet so that's definitely something i want to do oh there's so many hay bales this is so good dude if i can find a village then i can use these to trade with like a farmer and then if i use a cleric i can trade gold blocks for infinite enderpearls so all i have to do now really is like find a village and obviously loot these end cities so i guess i'll just go for like this one here we still have two minutes so i think that should be enough time for me to just like loot these and grab all of the gear that's inside but i don't actually know where the chests really are are they all that they must be up here and there we go we found chests okay so inside we have a bunch of gold a prop 3 chest plate i don't really need that but i will take the frost walker feather falling definitely inside of this we have a pro 4 helmet holy dude and then okay that's way better prop 3 frost walker yeah i think depth strider is nicer than we have some gold we have some iron leggings which i actually don't even have yet so that is good proper iron chest plate that is better than the diamond but like i want to make netherright later so i think that's honestly fine and we have 45 seconds left so to get to the end ship where do i go i think yeah it's behind here it's behind it do i need to bridge to it as fast as possible i don't think i'm going to lose it in time to be honest but we're gonna try oh no no no no no oh the feather falling saved me i just thought i died okay well honestly we can go back up like right after this structure spawns so it's all good pretend you guys saw nothing okay and the next structure is officially another pillager factory okay i'm just gonna ignore this because like what we can really get from the pillager factories are emeralds and food i mean the hay bales could be good but i think i'd rather go to the end ship to be honest so i guess we'll just like go up here and we are up okay uh inside we have some gold some diamonds i'm breaking three sharp four perfect okay i might make that another right sword later actually if i get like another treasure room bastion then i will definitely do that i'm breaking three i'll take the efficiency for shovel actually we might as well and then finally we have our elytra let's go dude some potions here too and the brewing stand is actually really good because i can use this to make a cleric if there isn't already one in the village that i look for and then we just get infinite pearls so all i need now is nether fortress i don't know if we're actually going gonna get one but i'm gonna try my best and then the other end ship is just over there so what we're gonna do right now is do some pro minecraft speed bridging so i can just fly all the way over there and let's hopefully make it all the way to the end ship i don't know if we're actually going to and there we go okay but now we're gonna have two elytras i mean we don't even need them but i'll take it and inside of here we have some more irons more gold some diamonds cars are binding pro forecasts of vanishing um i'll just keep that in my inventory and like just use the elytra elytraphanel fortune two pickaxe five pro three custard binding prop four i'm breaking three that's definitely better and then just more diamonds uh i already have a saddle should we take the allight through nah it's fine we don't need a second one and this room here has entity chest inside so we can just go ahead and grab our final two and inside we just have like even more gold i don't even need this much gold at this point like to be honest sharp three diamond sword but i don't need it and then diamonds okay all right we're pretty much good to go at this point i'll take the efficiency for iron over the fortune two diamond just because it's way quicker oh and i can get the chests from this like uh treasure room bastion as well i've already got the ones like down there but this one oh my okay i think it generated the like treasure chest up here and a double chest worth of it so we just got another netherrite piece a piece of obsidian which is really good on some string which i'm probably not even gonna take i only have 47 seconds so let me just grab the rest of the obsidian and uh i'll take the special arrows as well okay and now i'm just gonna try and fly as far as possible because i'd really like to find a desert village or something and obviously they shouldn't be that hard to find since it's a desert right here i found a temple which is kind of cool but obviously not exactly what i need oh wait these have gunpowder inside actually so i could make some firework rockets which would be really good for the elytra and the next structure is a second treasure bastion okay we're about to have so much nether right this is gonna be insane dude another piece and then just more gold and it just generated again okay i don't even know what's going on okay i think two chests just generated in the same place so it just doubled the loop but uh yeah we have like three netherright ingots and i already have on a netherright axe i already know what i'm gonna do right now okay we're just gonna go ahead and do this and then i'm gonna make my chestplate nether right it's cause of binding but like honestly who cares oh it's costs of vanishing as well but i probably won't die with this stuff if you have another right helmet as well okay cool dude just look how crazy this looks there's a bastion right there attaching right here and then like an n ship just floating in the spawn of my overall and then just like a jungle okay yeah i think to make this even more cursed what i'm gonna do right now is go into the nether because like obviously the structures are going to still spawn in the nether but this way i can trade with piglens and i can also get my blaze rods so yeah let's just go ahead and go through hopefully we get a kind of good spawn but like even if we don't i can fly around with my elytra worst case so it's chill oh i found a ruined porcelain okay uh anything inside of this nah not really anything i think i'm just going to try and get some high ground here and start flying because like we have so much open terrain get ready guys i'm so rich that i'm literally building with iron blocks let's go 20 seconds till the structure so i guess i'll just like wait around here just so that it's guaranteed to not be inside the wall i need wood dude can it be a village please like a pillager factory so that i can get logs that'd be like very nice and it is officially are you kidding are you kidding this looks so cursed it's gonna go all the way into the ceiling as well okay well we have an end city now so that's fun dude look at the ship just in the roof of the nether this is actually crazy and the chess place is above bedrock of course dude i wonder if there's like a gap that i can get out or like uh how do you even get out of okay i give up we're just gonna try and search for the uh fortress here oh no all my dude okay what just happened oh it's casa binding i can't use my ally true i mean it is curse of vanishing so it'll go away if i die but like i don't really want to die so i'll have to okay i don't even know at this point but i did find a fortress apparently so that's pretty good we can get our blaze rods now so i think all i have to do right now is grab like six blaze rods seven is just unnecessary because like i'm gonna get the stronghold eventually as a structure that spawns in so i won't need to like locate one in this world so all i need is six maximum ah it's gonna be pretty interesting and we got three for three as well oh boy another structure is gonna spawn in 30 seconds and this is definitely not open terrain so uh yeah we're gonna have a pretty fun time with whatever spawns but i just want to get the blazers real quick so let's just do this bang that's five and as soon as i get six i can just leave there we go we got six okay i'll just grab i'll just grab this because why not bang okay now i need to get to open uh do i just dig i'm just gonna dig what's the worst that can happen dig straight down nothing will ever go wrong come on oh no dude i'm good i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i have instant health i have instant health okay no golden apple but it's a stronghold okay i know that seemed kind of dumb but like also the stronghold is now oh it's completely in the wall as well this is just so weird okay i have no idea how i'm gonna find this pulsar dude okay well i mean at least we're in the stronghold but the issue is the soul sound is still here so i'm gonna have to like excavate my way through this thing okay well the stronghold is actually not like completely inside of a wall so that's pretty good now i just need to see if the portal room is exposed hopefully it is i know it'll just look like a big room but it should have iron bars on the outside so it shouldn't be too hard to spot oh i see it okay these iron bars mean that i just found the portal room so as long as i just break this and we check four eyes okay not bad so all i need right now is eight ender pearls and oh i got some diamonds right here yeah all i need is eight ender pearls and then we are good to go so my options are if somehow a village spawns then i could trade or i could go find piglets like a normal person but you know trading would be kind of funny so i don't know we'll just see a desert temple is spawning wait no it better not be spawning on the okay that was fine i thought the portal would have just been replaced by the desert temple but i think we are good to go welcome back to looting desert temples in the middle of a stronghold in the middle of the nether um so we got some we got some good stuff i think i'm just gonna go back through and get my ender pearls in the overworld because we already have villagers we can get the enderpearls so easily so we might as well and we have a blacksmith villager so what i'm gonna do right now is make myself a composter and then like take away his blacksmith thing and make him a farmer and now i can just take all of his emeralds by trading him wheat so now if i just go ahead and do this we can get ourselves how many emeralds are 10 emeralds okay i will take that and i can just turn this villager into a cleric by placing down a brewing stand so no don't be a farmer good villager okay and then what i can do is uh trade a couple times until he levels up that's exactly enough perfect and now he's leveled up everything is so simple because i have infinite gold and he trades gold so we're gonna level him up again there we go and then once he's leveled up again we can just go ahead and trade more gold until he levels up again and he's out of stock but it's okay wait are you kidding this guy doesn't give any balls okay well uh okay the cleric isn't giving me balls so i'm hoping that no way this is this is actually kind of perfect we have a new cleric so i can just go ahead and trade with him and get close to leveling him up oh dude this is so painful yes dude finally we have pause okay four ender bells so there were four eyes in the portal i'm pretty sure so all we need is four more and if we just wait a day for him to restock it should be nice and easy oh wait no i can get even more emeralds he's just wait did he just restock i'm not even gonna ask i'm just not even gonna ask i'll just like give him a lot of gold thanks for the emeralds and how many piles can i get from this another three we need one more pearl and then we're done another structure is about to spawn are you kidding are you actually kidding that is so perfect and i can see it straight away i literally saw it generate right in front of my eyes that is so perfect okay can we just appreciate this world for a second there are two end cities right in front of me a bastion on like a weird jungle temple thing there's like a pillager factory over there and then just a stronghold with a jungle temp okay yeah i don't even i have zero words okay so all we got to do now is trade these for emeralds i mean enderpearls and then there we go we're done i think the final thing that i want to do is just like get enchanted really quickly because there's a couple of oh wait no i already have nct gear well i can enjoy my netherright x because that's very important and if i can get into the end before these three minutes up then a structure is gonna spawn in the end which is gonna be so cool imagine a pillager factory and that would just be like a war between enderman and pillagers there we go we have four eyes in here and i can just go ahead and make this make this and we'll save our two ender pearls for just like you know pulling around and killing the dragon finally bang there we go we're going to the end right where we spawned in it still the fish just hit me in i can't even use my elytra right now okay well okay we're gonna do a tactical death really quick um i'm just gonna make oh no no no no no no dragon's breath okay uh everything's fine i'm just gonna throw everything on the ground right now just so that i can wear my elytra because it's gonna be so good for the end of dragon fight so yeah rest in peace netherright chestplate and now we are back and if i just look into the distance you guys can see that there is a stronghold like right in front of me just do this and we are in bang a spruce village this morning no where's my glue gun almost right here and there's just a suffocating okay i don't even know what to say at this point dude okay what i'm gonna do right now is just like pull up there and i'm just gonna manually break all the stuff because my arm is like just pretty good so it shouldn't be too hard for me to break everything it would be nice if i had a bow but we're just gonna have to make do okay bang grab this and then we can get this one and i'll just use my other pile to get the other one oh wait actually i'm gonna re-log and make it so a structure spawns every minute from now on because it'll just be like cool for the end fight okay and the timer is reset there we go from now on a structure is going to spawn every single minute which means that there's going to be stuff like end cities and i don't even know at this point just so many different structures in the end i just had to add more chaos to this video okay an oak village is spawning dude i was about to hit the enderphile and that would have blocked it long live the king i was gonna try and catch him but that just failed so miserably okay i wonder if the shark three sword is strong enough to just do so much damage to the dragon um nope okay all right i thought it would like maybe one cycle it but probably not oh another structure's about to spawn okay let me just like fly to this one and oh dude i almost just died a stronghold is spawning all right i'm about to go i'm about to go to the end inside of the end it's gonna be sick dude i should be a bit more careful with breaking these oh no okay we're fine let's go ahead and just do this all night no no no fine that was definitely a good play and we just got launched oh thank you dragon now we're up at the final one and bang yeah that's all of them now perfect okay three seconds still another structure spawns let's just like go down here and we get a desert there's a temple as it's kind of generating a bit weird oh wait the dragon opened it up for me okay well we have a gapple we have emeralds we have more emeralds and yeah there we go and the next structure is let's see another fortress in the end bro where even is it oh there we go if i wanted to i could make an end portal in the end which would be pretty interesting but i think the better bet is just to end this video and kill the dragon okay i do have a bet so we can go ahead and just like do this do this and do this and then just do another one bang and now oh it's it's taking enough damage the dragon's out of here oh no dude an end city oh my okay that generated in the worst place ever but hopefully the dragon can still come down in this like tiny area dude look how cursed this world is there's actually an entity spawning right in front of me there's another fortress there and there's stronghold over there oh my oh it's already back dude we can kill it no no no come here dragon come on please please no it's so close and a structure's about a spawn wait let me get away an oak village just spawned it just replaced the okay well i might have to get this final hit like mid-air on the dragon or something i have no idea okay and i think the dragon's coming down so get ready for this oak village to just be destroyed there it is can i get the final here that is the question no dude i need to get this i need to get this i don't want to die i really don't want to die i treasure bastion this morning come on come on come on dude it just killed the goal no just pretend like nothing happened okay an end city is spawning okay oh i see my lou okay we're fine okay structure's about to spawn and a jungle pyramid okay do i want to go inside of this oh no it's patching i can tell yeah it's punching okay i'm sorry jungle pyramid i think i want to beat minecraft at this point okay we're just gonna wait here and finally bang bang let's go thank you guys for watching that very normal minecraft video if you guys did enjoy it then uh drop a like down below thank you guys for all the support at the moment as well it's just absolutely crazy we're getting close to 400k and it's just unreal i'm also gonna be streaming speedruns on twitch right up this upload so come say hi anyway thank you guys for making to the end and i will see you later peace
Channel: Silver
Views: 3,404,626
Rating: 4.8651991 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, speedrunner vs hunter, speedrunner vs 3 hunters, speedrunner vs 4 hunters, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, four hunters, 4 hunters, wisp, silver, dream, minecraft but, minecraft manhunt but, speedrun, speedrunner, minecraft manhunt, hacks, op items, crafts, crafts random, structures, super craft, super minecraft, minecraft but craft structures, minecraft but structures spawn every minute
Id: ecF_sugpiWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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