r/Hmmm · where did he go?!?

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don't mind me just tying my Nike would log shoes great how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is eken today we're did we tell you to look at our slash hmm yes I don't know why this is in here everyone knows you play a Nintendo 64 controller with three hands well you don't have three hands what are you weirdo uh uh hmm I wouldn't this is animal crossing what sort of home security system is this where can I get one oh man that this fish it farted it farted now everyone's on the other side of the tank and making fun of them what oh there bacon masks their bacon masks because look everyone knows if you want to if you want to stay away from the viruses you know you don't want to get infected just wear a bacon mask you can smell bacon all the time all right this is one I haven't seen this man has shoved a banana through his head it's straight through how romantic you know I too would like to hold my hand while uh you know using the wall urinal on the what wait hold on these guys have an audience of two two bears this is a convoy of beds that's why why why are they they're not gonna lie though I'd sleep there for a night I mean looks pretty good that's beautiful oh yes real bros belly tap that's what they do oh that is a that is a giant Joe Biden statue with arms coming out of its head what what is that doing on the roof of a home hello honey you mind if the bike sleeps with us tonight oh that was a bike crash yikes what sort of hairstyles he's at the barbershop what what do you think he asked for just look I want my bird to be on my team I on my head at all times and what would be cozy and comfortable give me some that he can sleep in you know it's Blastoise you go you got it you you legend hey guys that that pole is walking away someone go get him please why are these guys grilling bombs on the fire why oh my god this is uh this is a cursed image this is very intimidating I don't like these bowling pins looking at me like that yes the Braille burger it tells you what ingredients are on it just be careful not to accidentally wiped the seeds off bread shoes yep bread shoes off with his head he's listening to BTS okay got it so it's a it's a bullet machine it put in a quarter and you get yourself some bullets in a bush man oh my god this is awesome this is so cool holy cow car grille what it's a tire with tiny wheels on it Oh a wheel wheel oh no you're torturing him did you torture and get rid of the picture of the cat wait a minute this cat do beyond this this theme park ride though what is this cat doing what are you doing buddy oh my god what a chicken sandwich good lord what is this menu item called it's a chin rest I'm so confused what so they can't like lay their heads down that's really weird sorry guys I got asthma get it you know just just put my cigarettes in here and alright we're good what sort of keyboard is this how do you I want to see a video of someone typing on this like properly typing on this is it possible ah Clorox my favorite drink finally coming with a mug oh I I see she's drinking out of the coconut and he's drinking out of her mouth all right it's an egg holder made out of a coke bottle look dear God let go of him please please he's innocent what oh it's like a giant air filter for the mask I guess these guys were laid to some kind of parade you just know it you you know I see it out for those of you haven't played Final Fantasy 7 I haven't but I just know this spoiler uh yeah I get it the pyro Easy's flipping out the water I can hear him in this image going this guy crafted a flower cube in real life dude that is one heck of a costume please do not get near any outlets oh this is uh this is cursed I don't like this Furby we're moving on well they tried to put the hat on him but he just wasn't having it these nurses holding a giant beam on the stretcher all right look goats can have a little bit of soda this person needs all the help they can get getting where they need to get oh man that photographer they've got a great view of his cheek Master Chief you mind telling me what you're doing with that Pizza sir finishing this slice oh man not a fan of this iPhone case at all oh no no no no you did not just or what even is that orange juice powder into that maggot I'm I'm gonna vomit oh no grandpa grandpa turn off the computer now I don't mind me just uh filling up the old chopper land in there oh this guy is a Hello Kitty coffin why does he have it where did he get it I don't know hemp bar soap I see oh my god this person wanted a quite the view while reading I mean they got the rail there for protection I suppose this person doesn't have your usual car horn he said he's a switch he could just keep that thing turned right and just blaring through the streets ah yes the the hot dogs with nice nails beautiful mmm iron teeth yum yum they want the Doritos they crave them they are the guardians of the Doritos oh my god those are gene heels I have never seen heels high heels made of jeans why are these those aren't even keys those are towers those are key towers oh oh these these these cats work on the fridge why are you smooching in the fridge oh yeah yeah that guy on the right it's about accurate for this image yeah whoa fellas the store better make me act up quarantines getting to me guys I'm sorry that is quite the inside of a back of it what is that like that u-haul truck I don't know I I don't like it I don't know no Jesus Christ what a gun good lord that thing is gonna freakin God you can shoot that at one end of a city and it will kill someone on the other side what are you looking at him for you never take a break on some eggs before huh just just don't break you know take your break but don't break them you know this is a desk made out of Macs oh look at that beautiful yeah true love you know I I too am in love with my computer I say planning on buying a new one soon oops oh man they swapped the burger in the soda why okay so I got a couple of questions this lady you know she looks very nice very very beautiful dressed carrying a melon and a gun in the other hand what is the context oh my god this is a real-life mermaid just exercising why is there a microscope above this toilet I would like to know frankly why oh my god perfect place to cut the milk what what is this what's the context here I don't understand that this guy just got done working his job in the mine and deep okay oh he's having a date with himself look you know he just loves himself that much it's a money sandwich how much do you think this costs this pig is ready for dinner he is intently watching that uh there's nothing in there I'm sorry buddy there's nothing in there good god what a shot good lord he just vaporized those pool balls and the table uh all right so this chickens just chillin yep he's just relaxed and he's enjoying himself Oh what is this Jesus Christ this person look the ps4 up to an old tube TV from back in the day play some cuphead on it it'll be ah yes some some good old-fashioned rainbow tape yeah it tastes good that cat is me and looking at this image I am beyond confused this dude is having the time of his life biking underwater because why not I want to see a video this there's a lot of these images that I'm just like you know what there's got to be a video of it please I need to see it oh that guy's on a rideable drone we are one step closer to getting uh you know the little bike things and Star Wars you know that the you know endure you nerds know what I'm talking about whoa why is this so satisfying oh my god it's like a wow I'm I'm sorry I just it's it's breathtaking sir huh why do you have an RPG in here this is like your custom character just chillin in GTA you know I've said it before and I'll say it again if it fits it's it's seconds before tragedy oh no oh oh these rocks have security cameras on them I'm just curious I just want to know Oh snake lady's ordering food nothing to see here folks I'm bad a roast the the post collector here this they titled the image sexy Dumbledore this is not Dumbledore this is Gandalf I don't even watch Harry Potter or in Lord of the Rings Hey I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm not making fun of you I'm just I'm just making fun of you a little bit what is this I this guys living the life he is dressed for success and comfort this is a good idea why don't you just put a side mirror on your gun you'll always know what's behind you Jesus Christ those skid marks how did this happen they're going separate ways Oh oh no this was uh that's taken at like this is not taken before after disaster this is taken during disaster she's eating noodles out of a shoe why oh this is a hand this is impressive this is actually kind of cool I'm not gonna lie yes I wouldn't have thought of this you know social distancing shaving all right I'm sorry I'm bashing on the post collector again this that the images titled square wheels these are triangles I'm sorry but these are triangles what is this it's it's like a car but what happened to it what's it made of of course this is how van Gogh made starry night our questions have been answered at last oh my god that Sir Patrick Stewart in the Queen I don't know what that is though that she's using tonight him or not night him but I don't know what what are those knives and spoons hooked up to and why is the thing sizzling it's smoking yes the Empire shall win all prizes from this fair damn this guy's got some moves while he's surfing huh I'm impressed this guy's gonna be able to see everything coming he's he's just gonna call out things left and right this is the ultimate military vehicle why haven't we made this this would be okay I know why we haven't made this but Jesus Christ I want a video game where you control this yes if the tank car perfect for the winter you know you just just go right through that snow again these guys they will be able to see everything on the battlefield no matter what sort of covers happen to no matter the smoke the things blocking your vision these guys got your cover that's how you pour to you that's how you pour it the right way oh no this Teletubby what what happened to him what man the lever was in the front they wanted to test the brakes and made sure they really worked Jesus Christ that is a that's a thick guitar that is a thick guitar you know some people call their toilet the throne whoever did this took it a little too far huh this dog was like yo I want to be a tiger and just went for it you're doing great it's a mousetrap very good how did they get these chairs around the trees is that juice in a box yep that's a juice box but it's been cut open sideways in there dipping a Dorito in there why oh well there goes the truck and looks like a freakin bomb just in the ground what an underwater boxing match how is this image made I need to see this again I need a video you got to keep your car safe as well III don't know about covering the the grille though ah yes look at these geese Victorian geese very fancy Oh Oh no cake what what happened this image is called what is this animal and I'm wondering the same thing and why is it wearing a vest ah well I know what these are these are lemurs just chillin yeah they doing yoga they can do yoga too and well ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of our slash hmm thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button in the Bell see you notified of them easy peasy uploads and until the next one I'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 359,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/hmmm, r/hmmm top posts, r/hmmm best posts, hmmm, reddit hmm, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: stqGVZgqyu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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