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most laugh track recordings date back as far as the 30s have fun listening to dead people laugh why i must just say this we were all having a good time until you dropped this comment shame on you sir what's going on everyone welcome back to easy peasy i'm your narrator david the baker and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash thanks i hate it it's the only subreddit that makes you sit back and think huh is this video going to get demonetized newsflash it absolutely will but anyways we're going to jump on into the video so without further ado let's go my loneliness is killing me or should i say my loneliness is killing me and i oh how dare you do post malone like this uh hey man uh you need help get him he's trying to leave without paying ladies and gentlemen the american healthcare system i'd like to nominate cardboard humans watching baseball in a dystopian hellscape for photo of the year thanks i mean to be fair 2020 has been so weird that this photo might actually be worthy of photo of the year here's a sheep dog with its head shaved awk oh no at least shave the rest of his body i mean come on this ain't the look i can't hold it in anymore much better ah the tea is ready oh no is that what we've been drinking this whole time yuck imagine your car declines at a tattoo shop and they bust out the sandpaper they're like we're gonna get that tattoo back one way or the other hey look this dumb kid thinks he's gonna bring frosty to life idiot what a loser they want to pick on me forgive me frosty my body is my journal and my tattoos are my story how deep does a man have to be to not only draw the s on his arm but also bart simpson come on it's poetry it's gosh darn poetry one christmas santa decided that coal just wasn't working anymore santa's just over the kid like oh i'm gonna teach you a lesson about being naughty please if you know who did this contact me [Laughter] oh no they did my man dirty over here not gonna lie it's a solid photoshop but oh man that that's tough i'm obsessed with this therapy horse that looks like it has a soul of a murdered victorian era child i love how the dog is so delightfully cheerful while the horse is like mrs havisham killed me yeah that horse has definitely seen some things you see who wouldn't want this trash bin instead of throwing food away you're just feeding it to the dog except it's not a dog it's an eerily realistic looking inanimate object yeah maybe this isn't as good as i thought la in order folks wait a second did you see that take a closer look closer hello law and order gripping food with force so we have a nice delicious looking steak and then a man strangling it how are you gonna do that beautiful piece of meat like that the only meat you should be choking is well okay never mind fun fact during earthquakes coffins turn into maracas haha grandpa go shake shake rtx off dead body reported rtx on oh god they killed lenny smooth jazz implies the existence of rough jazz so here we have smooth jazz and rough jazz oh no not the leaf you know i never understood why the leaf suit turned you into this but honestly i'd be terrified too masking anxiety ah no none of them are wearing it around their nose i hate when people do that under the nose thing i'm sorry what was that uh yeah nah that ain't the wave if you think about it real hard piglens just look like anime girls wearing pig hats so there's the piglin and there's the anime girl now that i've seen it i cannot unsee it and that makes me really sad you know what they say dogs are man's best friend but when dog and man get too close things get a little ugly here is exhibit a i'll say it one more time for you baby do you like jazz oh sweet whack-a-mole what a fun game man yeah i know right i'll just collect my quarters two worms on a stick please honey kids i'm home oh what a good mole the mole's just trying to make a living and he's getting the crap beat out of him every day feels bad man feels bad free netflix login oh cool i wonder what the catch is so the email is goodluck at gmail.com hmm okay and the password is oh oh no it just wraps around the entire poll i mean hey but for free netflix i mean that's kind of worth it can you imagine just putting the password in and it being like you're one character off then you got to do the whole thing over again like yikes oh i know i guess you could say this bird is having a crappy day [Laughter] how do i say this and not sound mean i am incredibly afraid of this cat i'm not saying it's bad i'm not saying that it was born to be evil but you know what i'm saying okay that's mean okay i get it that's mean but you look at this thing are you not terrified my roommate who recently bought a 3d printer just walked in the room and handed me this cursed object oh no kirby must have swallowed an instagram model fried banana bubble gum pizza i showed this to my therapist she's finally letting me self kill you've gotta be one twisted mother fluffer if you're gonna try a fried banana bubble gum pizza when you die and go to the afterlife they'll be like huh let's see you help the elderly you fed the homeless but oh the fried banana bubble gum pizza yeah sorry you're going to hell bayonetta is just balzette hideyo kojima hey man somebody had to say it if this ain't facts i don't know what is oh that's so cute one two three four five six and uh seven why is there a seven feline force combine eight kilos of tuna please that seems like a lot do it oh look at this adorable bat i'm batman ah yeah can i be honest with you i absolutely adore this suit i don't know why this is on thanks i hated the batman should look like this i mean come on the dark knight suit is so just black and drab but no this is adorable grand theft auto 5 starring mark zuckerberg wait a second how come mark zuckerberg looks more human in this animation than he does in real life what if diglett's nose is actually a mouth with one tooth oh you animal now i'll never be able to unsee this i really hope that we're suffering together and you guys can unsee it too because i don't want to go through this pain alone you versus baby yoda who would win me you see that green sludge yeah baby yoda didn't stand a chance eye drops okay oh god my eyes your reign of terror ends here beast what no just found out how long fire hydrants actually are and i really wish i didn't oh no these things go deep but in all the movies they come out like it's nothing ah man this picture is cursed um sir where are your fingernails how do you live like this are your fingers just mushy blobs until you hit the bone oh gosh introducing barbie the human centipede yay you're gonna have kids going to the store like mommy mommy can i get one and the parents are just like uh no timmy no how did you do in pe today good or sad i'm fine i realized then i couldn't stop realizing if you post i'm baby too many times you'll get a soft spot on the top of your skull like an infant and the devil will poke a straw through there and drink your brain like a capri-sun hey cool tweet now delete it you absolute psychopath ah so we got the fall guys and huh a plug oh oh no this makes me so uncomfortable no wonder fall guys didn't work out this just in california hires cardi b's wap to help douse the wildfires thank goodness finally some good news hello my name is norm the eggplant eat me if you dare what people think when i say i'm american i got my two assault rifles next to my american flag while there's a wildfire outside and i'm not wearing a mask uh on i got an it's a boy rocket launcher and a hospital bill of a billion dollars not to mention my big mac and my coca-cola also i'm a member of the kkk yeehaw i'm from florida i just found out that jogger's nipple is a thing and now my nipples hurt wait are you serious they just bleed oh no how is this healthy love conquers all ah don't you love to see it burger king and mcdonald's finally you know making up and making out what if linguine from ratatouille was having sir and the girl pulled his hair and he started cooking spaghetti hmm very good tweet delete it hey did you know that killer whales have eight foot penises i did i learned that on the discovery channel that sounds easier dang it i should have done that hmm a spine whip what is this mortal combat not gonna lie kind of cool i don't even hate it i think that's kind of awesome is this a banana in your pants or are you happy to see me it's a banana there was a sale oh well is this another banana are you now happy to see me it's another banana two for one banana i got such a good deal did mrs incredible have labor pains birthing three kids or did she feel her water break and stretch her uterus to the size of a camping tent so the doctors could walk in and pick up the baby off her pelvic floor and call it a [ __ ] day if you bite it and you die it's poisonous if it bites you and you die it's venomous what if it bites me and it dies that means you're poisonous jesus christ nate learn to read what if it bites itself and i die it's voodoo what if it bites me and someone else dies that's correlation not causation what if we bite each other and neither of us die well then that's kinky oh my god oh god are you okay yep i'm great but you're being choked by garbage i like being choked oh boy i bet it's called almond milk because no one can say nut juice with a straight face hey bro you want some of this nut juice oh yeah bro pass it over just realize that king kong was a legendary simp for sacrificing himself to a woman he can't even have sex with he could have sex with her but she would not be alive not really apes have much smaller penises proportionally than humans the average eight penis is about one and a half inches king kong in the original version at least is 25 feet tall since the average ape is five and a half feet tall that would make king kong have a penis size of just under 7 inches which is completely survivable i did the math so you don't have to okay are we really gonna believe that this guy did the math so that we wouldn't have to because to me it's much easier to believe that this guy has a king kong fetish and he wanted to know if he could take him i mean either way we have our answers but i don't trust this guy during sex what is your favorite word to moan yes or deeper or a combination of the two oh you mean yeaper that sounds like something velma from scooby-doo would say yeapers my hairy boy polymer clay and pubes i want your entire stock to be burned in an uncontrollable fire no no why who are the poor graphic designers who had to make this nobody asked for nor needed a visual presentation and yet boom we're stuck with this for the sake of not getting demonetized it's chocolate right yeah chocolate oh yeah pancake yo i'm sorry to everyone watching this this video is gonna drain us of our innocence alright you cool with that because we're gonna keep going centaur centaur sun cover your eyes jeffrey mantour hi how are you oh no somebody called the police on this man it should have never been swapped well everyone with those posts out of the way that's actually the end of our video if you appreciated the content from thanks i hated make sure to leave a like down below and don't forget to press the subscribe button and the notification bell to be notified of all our easy peasy uploads no i'm serious because if we're being honest this video might get demonetized youtube doesn't always like thanks i hate it so if you guys would leave a like down below show some engagement to keep the you know the subreddit going that would be awesome anyways my name is david the baker and if you want to hear more from me check out my channel link down in the description below i'll see you guys in the next video peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 83,677
Rating: 4.9464674 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/tihi, r/tihi top posts, r/tihi best posts, tihi, reddit thanks i hate it, thanks i hate it, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: dJhaEERTi9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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