r/Pettyrevenge I Taught Karen A Lesson By Becoming A Karen Myself

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today's video is sponsored by mack weldon welcome to our slash petty revenge where no revenge is too small our next reddit post is from five prime back in high school i had one teacher who would outright bully me he would openly mock my clothes questions or even how i talked in front of my peers he even acknowledged the behavior as though being sassy and sarcastic to students was a source of pride it's important to note that this teacher was also in charge of student government which i was part of our student government organizes spirit week with theme days where students are encouraged to dress up and engage with different themed days throughout the week neon day came around and i didn't have any real neon clothes i wore some shoes with electric blue stripes and while it wasn't much i hoped for the best unfortunately i ran into the aforementioned butthole teacher who then yelled at me in the hallway shaming me in front of everyone essentially he went off on me because i was student government and according to him i was not putting in enough effort for the event we organized i tried to brush it off but not too long after i went shopping with my family and found a fluorescent orange windbreaker jacket this is where the fun began i proceeded to find the brightest neon orange shorts to match and several highlighter yellow shirts i decided at this point to make it my personal fashion style to be neon 24 7. for the first week the teacher mocked my fluorescent fashion choice however after about a week he realized it was physically difficult to look in my direction and made the mistake of admitting it to me i knew what i had to do then i kept this fashion statement going for a year and a half until graduation frustrating him every day soon he'd moved me to the back corner of the class because he couldn't see me while lecturing coincidentally it became a lot harder for him to make condescending remarks when he couldn't even look at me our next reddit post is from yelling snow loaf my spouse jack is a wonderful person and i love him dearly but he can be a little one-track minded sometimes we moved a few months ago and due to the bathroom setup the extra toilet paper rolls have to be a few feet away from the toilet in our previous house the toilet was right next to a cabinet so it was easy to replace the roll since moving jack often leaves an empty toilet paper roll in the holder and places the new roll on a surface by the toilet sometimes he'll use the last of a roll and not even get a new one out for the next user super inconsiderate but no one's without faults right i brought it up in casual conversation a few times but he keeps doing it okay so i told jack the issue and i permitted a few times of reminding him so that he can form the habit but he isn't even trying time to get petty jack really really prefers that the toilet paper be up and over rather than under and behind of course now when i replace it after he should have i purposefully do it the way i know he doesn't like jack always fixes it the next time he uses it one day he said you know the toilet paper is supposed to go up and over i told him that i did know he really prefers it that way and if he replaced it himself then he wouldn't have to worry about it that look of wait a minute hey was wonderful i'll keep doing this until i no longer need to our next reddit post is from judge judy first of all i understand that leaving something behind in an uber is a pain in the butt for the driver uber has recently added a 15 feet for a driver returning an item which i completely support and in the past i've given a driver a 20 tip for returning my item now to my story last friday night i left both my phone and wallet in an uber on my way home from a party i thought they might have been left at the party so i waited until saturday morning to check before reaching out to the uber driver my phone is off so no luck with finding my iphone which is strange because i went out with a full charge my friend is unable to find it at his place so i reach out to the driver i try him a few times throughout the day and i either get his voicemail or he answers and immediately hangs up i understand they work weird hours so no alarms yet finally i get through and he confirms he has the phone but says he can't meet today when i ask when he can meet he starts to pretend he can't hear me and just says hello hello before hanging up i try him the rest of saturday and sunday getting the same voicemail and hang up run around i reach out to uber who reaches out to him directly asking about my items monday morning uber tells me he doesn't have them and despite me telling them that he confirmed that he did on saturday they were about as helpful as you'd expect i get a hold of the driver monday afternoon after repeated attempts which is only the second time i've ever spoken to him at this point his story is now that he doesn't have them and when i say that i'm gonna get the cops involved he hesitates for a second but then doubles down and says that he can prove that he doesn't have them i filed a police report and then as a last-ditch effort decided to take the number i got from his answering machine and text him offering 200 for my items returned no questions asked well guys as luck would have it he found my phone and wallet my offer must have made them magically appear out of thin air i grab 200 bucks from the bank and we arrange a meeting time which he repeatedly moves i'm having to do this all without a phone so shout out to my lovely wife for coordinating this he's apparently very excited during this call and is asking how his reward will be paid i wait in the rain for an hour for this guy finally i spot his car confirm it's him and jump in the front seat i pull out the money and ask to see my stuff which he pulls out of his center console and places near me i start counting out the money on my lap and once i reach 200 bucks i pick up the money take my wallet and phone and say here you go without actually handing it to him i book it out the car and don't look back i go the opposite way he's facing so he can't follow me and make my way to a pedestrian-only courtyard surprise surprise my phone is turned off with plenty of battery left which means he turned it off so i couldn't find it i feel for uber drivers who have to deal with customers leaving stuff behind but i would have happily worked with him to make it as convenient as possible to return my things refusing to coordinate and then lying about having things that you find as theft and it felt great to pull a fast one on this butthole our next reddit post is from wasa now we all like the occasional garden party however my neighbor seems to be an entertainer that is every weekend evening they like to host a party often in the garden and have friends and several families with kids over this family and their guests rather than have civilized discussions like to shout over each other and generally whoever shouts the loudest gets to talk for a while let alone the kids who start screaming for attention i used to let this go at first but after a whole summer of them being louder than my tv or stereo in my own home i had to do something about it so now i wait until they serve up the food and everyone's plated up before i crank up the lawnmower and drown them out so they can no longer hear each other and they scuttle off inside having to carry everything in and relay the table sometimes they come out after i'm done and set up and continue it just so happens that i find a bush or tree that needs tending to with the hedge trimmer petty as hell but it makes me feel better down in the comments i'm going to read this post from sm parkel you should befriend the neighbor on the other side of them and offer to mow their yard for free the neighborhood isn't going to gang up on the nice guy who mows out those yards for free our next reddit post is from markzware here i am working a saturday evening shift at a card and gift store think hallmark but not that brand name as anyone that's worked one can tell you a good 50 of the customers are clearly in route to the event they're buying the card for and a good 50 of those people think that their lack of planning is your problem so i'm in the middle of assisting a customer when i see a very expensive car pull up and park in the fire lane outside the store a man in a very expensive suit gets out of the car and walks in upon entering he hits at the back without breaking stride and shouts wedding cards i don't even think he saw me he just figured that since he's the most important person in the world then there must be someone at his beck and call i'm mid sentence with my customer so i finish it before addressing him before i can he actually used a little effort to find the clearly labeled cards himself which he politely informed me of with uh got it about four seconds later he arrived at the counter having obviously picked out the first card he saw maintaining volume he respectfully requests to borrow a pin to fill out the card while he's in the process of reaching over the counter to grab one from my pin cup while he's filling out the card as i ring up my next customer around the space that he's taking up on my counter i look down and notice that he's addressed the card to at least one male name i also noticed that he's picked out the one wedding card that we sell that is unambiguously for a lesbian couple i saw no reason to trouble him with that information in the words of the great sun tzu never interfere with your enemy when he's making a mistake our next reddit post is from this boy's free taco bell this just happened today and i've been dreaming of having a moment like this my whole life it seems lame but i had to share there's this popular home store i go to quite often because i have an addiction to buying throw blankets and coffee mugs because of this all the employees at the store recognize me and i'm friendly with them this worked in my favor today i pull up to the line with a cart that has 15 items in it there's only one register at this store and it's pretty empty there's just one 50-something lady checking out in front of me it would have been quick but it took 23 minutes for her to check out yes i timed it why you ask she had about 20 items and each and everything that was scanned she would haggle the price with the cashier after arguing about the items for a solid 15 minutes she gets her total and pulls out a lot of coupons ninety percent of them ended up being expired and yells at the employee that they're still valid and after this whole ordeal she speeds off in a brand new lexus and a huff new dishware and all here's the revenge part i go to check out as i normally do when the lady speeds back up and parks in the fire lane and runs in the store she tries to cut in front of me in line and i quickly step up so she doesn't have room i make small talk with the cashier they quietly complain that this lady does this all the time i say watch this i then begin to do the same thing as her and loudly argue the price of everything are you sure that was 12.99 the blue one was cheaper maybe i should go back and get that i think the throw pills were half off i swear i saw it on a sign somewhere oh no this one looks damaged maybe i get a discount meanwhile the employee is laughing and trying to keep their shoulders from shaking so the lady can't see us me and the employee spent 15 minutes there and he even slowly wrapped every item even if it wasn't fragile he wrapped a throw pillow three times so it didn't get water damage on the way home it hasn't rained in weeks lol i walk out with a big grin on my face thank god for masks and hear her screech the nerve of some people anyway i think you scanned this item more than once i already chucked the receipt though so maybe just a ten dollar refund our next reddit post is from snaggletoothcrazybrain all through middle school there was this one girl who was several years older than me em who rode my school bus who really headed out for my japanese-american family every morning when my five siblings and i would get on the bus she would start yelling at us from the back of the bus hey it's the asians and other random meaningless garbage taunting goading and making fun of us for literally no reason the same things would happen to us in the hallways if we ever had the misfortune of running into her once we talked to her mom about it and she was like oh you mean pig girl the one who makes really ugly faces at me every time the bus pulls up so we had a good laugh that my five foot flat angel mother had been calling our bully pig girl all this time but the situation never improved even after pig girl left middle school since our school's bus routes were shared by the high school so years went on and i finally started high school and somehow ended up hanging out with a bunch of senior girls all the time not because of any merit but because i was small and lonely and they took me under their wing it wasn't a bad time thanks to these kind girls and i had all but forgotten about pig girl one day one of the nice girls who sits with us at lunch brings someone new with her saying this senior girl had no place to sit and wanted to be friends and well what do you know it's good old pig girl looking back i wish i'd been nice and understanding she was probably just taking out pent-up emotions from being lonely and having family problems on easy targets like my family of small people but alas i didn't when picker was introduced to us i put on a really nice and welcoming act knowing that i had her in the palm of my hand i immediately said something along the lines of hi do you remember me from the bus and she responded uncomfortably in the positive i had her sit next to me i then struck up a jovial conversation with the entire table about how much pig girl had bullied my family and i laughing about it as if it were some funny story from the past all the nice girls were trying to smile and go along with the joke but were obviously uncomfortable shooting odd looks of this newcomer pig girl on the other hand looked like she was sitting on hot coals after telling my funny story and expressing how much of a living hell pig girl had made middle school for me i finally hit her with lol but anyway why would you do that to my family and i what did we ever do to you with the biggest nicest smile i could muster pig girl sputtered like a squashed frog i heard her try to squeal something about well there was just so many of you and other bs but i just said oh i gotta get to my next class a bit early and took off leaving the most uncomfortable silence i've ever seen pig girl didn't join our lunch table after that nah opie i wouldn't feel bad about what you did people deserve to face the consequences of their actions in my opinion what you did wasn't mean it was justice our next reddit post is from random ravenclaw my friend had a long term lease on a home for five years which stipulated that he has to repaint every room the day he moved out so he found neutral paint colors hired a handyman and had the place freshly painted the day before his moving truck showed up well his landlord showed up waving their contracts yelling the wording said the day he moved out not the day before the landlord was convinced that the movers would scuff up the walls he wanted the house left pristine he really was ready to take the case to court my friend was crushed between painting moving and the deposit on his new place he had no money to repaint her to go to court i was furious with this landlord i went to the house and saw the paint job was fine and not scuffed my friend and i met that night at the old house per his contract we repainted every wall solid black we even did some ceilings we would have done them all if we had time i don't know if it's just me but i have a fascination with hidden images i took clear glow-in-the-dark paint and illustrated demons in the closet walls and in shadowy corners they were all pretty shadowy by the time we left we left a copy of the contract for the landlord walls freshly painted the day he left he never specified the color we also had before and after photos printed out so the best part of this petty revenge is that it's super hard to cover black paint my guess is that it would probably take at least four coats of paint to go back to a neutral color so this is the petty revenge that keeps on giving if you're a long time fan of my channel then you know how much i love mac welding clothes i'm literally wearing macweld and underwear and mac weldon shorts right now mack weldon wants you to be comfortable so if you don't like your first pair of underwear you can keep them and they'll still refund you no questions asked this clothing is comfortable durable looks nice and they treat it with like silver so that it doesn't smell and as a professional youtuber who spends all of his time in his basement making videos that's a dream come true to put it simply mac welding clothing is the most comfortable pants underwear and shorts that i've ever worn so i feel confident in saying that these will be the most comfortable underwear socks shirts hoodies and sweatpants that you'll ever buy also they have a free loyalty program called weldon blue hitting level one gets you free shipping for life and after you spend 200 bucks to get level two then mack weldon will give you 20 off every order you make for the next year so if you want to see what makes this clothing so great you can get 20 off your first order by visiting macweldon.com and then enter promo code slash that was our slash petty revenge and if you like this content then check out my patreon where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 525,650
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, pettyrevenge, petty revenge, r/pettyrevenge
Id: pAfVHdh2Wl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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