r/Pettyrevenge My Teacher Banned Bathroom Breaks, so I Farted at Her

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welcome to our slash petty revenge where no revenge is too small having dinner with my family this story was brought up that I think belongs here with a mix of justice served this happened to a family friend let's name him Shawn his parents are American but he lived in South America when he was born he was also raised there naturally so he grew up speaking perfect Spanish though he obviously didn't look Hispanic blonde green eyes fair skin etc fast forward a couple decades he's now in his late 20s and moved back to the US where he's lived since his teens so both his Spanish and English are perfect at this point he goes to a certain Mexican fast food place let's call it e coli where employees add your ingredients down the line and you pay at the end as soon as he starts ordering his food two of the workers both Hispanic starts to make fun of his hair his skinny jeans and essentially his entire appearance I remember him mentioning them specifically calling him a Marika which essentially translates a bundle of sticks and also them wondering where his balls fit in those tight jeans and concluding he probably didn't have any hole while subtly laughing and still maintaining a professional demeanor as they fill his bowl Shawn was able to stay composed and quiet and acted completely oblivious to everything they were saying and just carried on down the line ordering by the time he gets to the cash register the cashier who was not one of the two employees rings him out that's when he calmly asked the cashier to call over the two employees which they did since there was no line at the time when the employees come wondering what was up Shawn says in English I really appreciate the service boat that you provided your commentary was also top-notch now if you could be so kind and then without missing a beat he says in perfect zero accent Spanish may play tomorrow asou jefe which translates to could you call over your boss sadly I wasn't there but he says the reaction is a moment he will never forget the manager gave him ten gift cards to the restaurant as well as not having to pay for that meal and living close to that specific location he never saw those two employees again then we have a contribution from Orca see down in the comments this reminds me of a story about my granny and grandad my gran grew up in a tiny village of Scotland she didn't speak any English until she started attending school they spoke Gaelic at home she moved to Canada as a nurse and met my granddad they were later married in Scotland and honeymooned on Skye well there they stayed in a small bed-and-breakfast the entire weekend the woman who runs the place talks about how she thinks they aren't actually married and what a promiscuous woman that makes my gran my gran doesn't respond all weekend when they leave she compliments the woman on her beautiful house how clean everything was how delicious the food was and things here for such a memorable weekend all in fluent gaelic of course apparently the woman was absolutely speechless and then we have another contribution from creep shaming my cousin used to work where you can get Grand Slams for breakfast and she looks pretty much exactly like your friend there was a Hispanic family that would come in all the time and complain about the food so they would get free meals she took their table one day and because she was fluent in Spanish but didn't look good they were talking mad flack about how easy it was to pull this game on the restaurant right in front of her my cousin listened in and let her manager know when she asked how everything was and they started complaining she started responding in Spanish the manager brought over their check to make sure they went to the counter to pay guys come on if you're gonna speak another language expecting no one else to know it don't pick Spanish we're just like what the second or third most spoken language on planet Earth our next reddit post is from bb-8 so my friend will call him john is a very good reader because his parents wouldn't let him entertained himself in any other way when he was young this parenting also made him into a bit of a butthole so John is an English class and this girl we'll call her Cam was annoying him repeatedly over multiple classes so he decides how to get some revenge at the start of class you have to read a book for 10 minutes John notices what book she was reading and bought it he then reads the whole book over the weekend just to then spoil the book to her which is part of a book series nothing big but I found it funny then someone asked he couldn't have just looked up what happened on the Internet and Opie replies I said he read a lot of books I never said he was smart our next reddit post is from nerdy skeleton so I am a senior in high school this year and ever since seventh grade there's been this one girl who's always asked me for answers and she did offer me when she could this year we had to take a civics exam as part of our graduation requirements there's only one retake and if you fail depending on how many credits you have you may have to go to summer school and then receive your diploma anyway I was sick on the initial test day so I had to go to the retake guess who was there and sat next to me yep so the test starts and I can tell she's cheating off me because she's not being subtle about it no big deal in my opinion you got to do what you got to do but then she starts smacking her gum I'm Remy so phony AK which is someone who has a strong hatred of certain sounds and all I can see is red so at about the fiftieth question I start putting all in correct answers I finish up and pretend to double check she doesn't do the same she gets up to Turnitin and I start to erase when she sits down she sees I'm changing my answers and she quietly begins to panic I finish and turn it in a week later I'm in the college and career prep office turning in a senior packet and she's bawling her eyes out with her parents in the counselor's office something about summer credit recovery and a civics test grade our next reddit post is from Geneva San for some ironic Airport profiling context the guy in this story is a young college aged white guy in shorts I'm a brown woman in winter gear silly with pom-poms he's sitting in my gate but we're not in the same flight mine boards in like 20 minutes a few minutes after I sat down in a seat he'd made almost unreachable with his big exposed Unwin her eyes legs he asked about watch his back for a second I know this isn't good practice but I usually say yes anyway since 99.99% of the time people really do need to use the bathroom and there's no harm in doing a solid while they do a solid I said sure but pointed out that my flight boarded soon he said yeah yeah I'll be back in a second he left and I went back to scrolling my phone I didn't time it exactly but eventually my flight started boarding and it was a tiny one so it boarded fast now I'm in a pickle but I'm also mad because where the eff is this guy at this point it's been at least 15-20 minutes or more more than enough time to do number one or number two grab food do whatever it's the F gates at O'Hare so everything is really close together even when I do this I make sure to head back as soon as possible just at a courtesy not to mention that airports expressly don't want people doing this yet if I walk off and leave the bags unattended they'll get confiscated and he'll have to do a song and dance to get them back probably missing his flight after him for putting me in this position and honestly F him for not facing the same consequences I probably would have if I wandered off and abandoned my luggage I made the call I told the gate agent I've been watching the bags and the owner hadn't returned she said fine the police would pick them up I boarded my flight and we're about to take off he's probably cursing me at the gate right now if he had diarrhea or an extremely premature heart attack or some real reason to delay I asked his forgiveness in heaven but who knows maybe I stopped the next neckbeard Airport bomber in any case I let my petty flag fly today man this is bizarre to me is this a thing that people do often I would never leave my bags with a stranger in an airport that's just stupid our next reddit post is from additio I didn't really take part in this but it just happened right in front of me and I thought it was great material for the sub context I work at a big family-owned dealership which has a highest turnover which means we are constantly hiring new salespeople when they're hired they get a box of 500 business cards for free and after that they have to pay for their own Tim not his real name was hired a little over a month ago and on his free box he has 499 cards the boxes never have 500 exact they usually have over 500 exactly sure why this happens but the boxes are slightly bigger so they tend to have over the 500 cards that it's supposed to have so this story I make the order of the business cards with X company a week ago Tim asked me to order him a box and said to me and make sure you don't screw it up like last time my box better have 500 business cards I took this as a joke since I don't know him so I just told him sure a week goes by and the guy from company X came to deliver the business cards i paged him so he could come and pick up his cards so he came and in a really annoyed tone asked me what the f do you want I told him the company X was here with his card so he needed to go and speak with him to retrieve them and pay for them he gave me an even more annoyed look huffed and went and this is how the conversation went so you're the idiot that can't count huh huh the guy from company ax said excuse me yeah on my last order of business cards I had 499 not 500 you [ __ ] oh I see I'm sorry about that but you know they never have 500 cards we don't really count them we just put enough to fit the box which usually ends up being over 500 well I don't give up flip I'm paying for 500 so I better get 500 you better count my cards and make sure I have all mine or else I'm not paying for them he has to pay for them regardless by the way the company guy already looked very annoyed with him and he sighs I don't really see the need for this but sure let's count them for you he started counting them in front of Tim and the count ended up being 516 uh I'm sorry about this I'll just burn these 16 extra later no no leave those you owe them to me because of last time you said you wanted your 500 so sorry can't do you're only paying for 500 so that's all you're getting after that he threw the extras in the shredder box Tim looked angry and I felt happy for what I just witnessed after that Tim just left and went to smoke with a very annoyed face and the company ex guy looked like he was going to have a nice rest of the day the malicious compliance move would have been to give him just one of those 16 cards and then burned the other 15 our next reddit post is from wild child a little bit of background I've been working at a restaurant for about 18 months as a food runner it was an okay job but the company was going corporate and they had really stopped caring about their employees we were super short-staffed because of this I was one of only two food runners and normally they have six to ten people hired and I was considering quitting too because I was tired of being mistreated one week in October I got really sick I had a low fever was congested had passed out earlier and I had double pinkeye that week I was scheduled to work Tuesday Friday and Saturday legally you can't handle food when you have pinkeye so I called out of work on Tuesday my manager told me it didn't matter if I had pinkeye and if you don't come in you'll need a doctor's note or we may have to let you go the manager didn't care if I was contagious she would rather have me work while sick than risk me taking a day off I didn't need I wasn't surprised I would need a doctor's note but it really pissed me off that she threatened to fire me for not coming in that wasn't the company policy she was just abusing her power I ended up going to the doctor the next day at the same time I turned in my doctor's note I turned in my two weeks notice this meant the restaurant was down to only one food runner to be honest I probably would have kept working there if my manager wouldn't have threatened to fire me for calling in sick a few weeks later a friend told me they still hadn't been able to hire someone new which made quitting so much more satisfying our next reddit post is from Ned rock B so I'm at Costco in needed dog food and it's ridiculously busy for a Monday barely any parking spots until I spot one at the end of the lot I make my way down the aisle and I'm about to turn into the parking spot when a lady runs over the curb and almost hits me to take the spot thankfully I tapped my brakes in time she would have taken off my bumper I look up and she's shaking her head and wagging her finger and a no motion at me WTF I was like okay I'll just wait for her to back up since I'm obviously turning into the spot she doesn't my girlfriend is with me and was pissed that the lady wasn't budging I gave her my Costco card and just sat in the aisle and a face-off with this lady she goes inside gets the dog food comes back out and loads up the car she then pushes the cart into the spot we were waiting for and hops in the car the look on the woman's face was enough to give me satisfaction for a week she had to get out and move the cart so she could park once I reverse through the entire aisle worth it how does this lady had the audacity to drive over the freaking curb and then try to scold her like I can't believe you tried to take my space kids these days have no respect Opie didn't describe the other driver at all but don't you just know that she's a boomer our next reddit post is from Park head boy so my driveway is on the corner of my street and has recently had double yellow lines put on the road to stop people parking there and causing issues for buses etc as I was preparing to leave my house yesterday I noticed through my door that someone was blocking me in this doesn't happen that often usually delivery drivers so I opened my door to have a look a middle-aged woman is locking her car door and walking away so I told her that she couldn't park on double yellow lines and block my car she proceeded to tell me that she had a disabled badge and was popping to the shops to collect a parcel I explained that even with a disabled badge she couldn't park there and that I was leaving anyway so she was blocking I also explained that there's disabled parking at the shops now this is the point that really started the petty revenge she told me that she didn't wanna park at the shops and one of the park there that she always parks there and that she can stay there for three hours if she likes using the disabled pass and that if I take up any more of our time she'll call the police before striding away from me I checked the laws which said she can park on double yellow lines but only if she's not an obstruction and is 15 meters away from a junction she wasn't so I decided that if she wanted to be that petty then so be it I got in my car and reversed it down my driveway until it was five centimeters away from the driver door when she returned ten minutes later the shops are a 30-second walk away she asked me to move my car to which I explained that I was trying to leave my house but unfortunately someone was in the way so I had to leave the car there to finish this off she had to call a member of her family to come down go into the passenger side squeeze over to the driver's side and move the car as they did that I think I thanked them for their efforts jumped in my car and drove away that's what you get for being a butthole it always amazes me how nice people are involving car stories when that lady came back I'd be tempted to be like oh man you should have seen it a couple of Street hooligans came by and totally keyed up your car I tried to stop them but they got away so sorry lady our next reddit post is from random username during the seventh grade I had a history teacher mr. G that wouldn't really let students go to the bathroom after he put large restrictions on bathroom usage I was kind of pissed but there wasn't anything that I could do about it so one day during class I just really really had to fart I didn't want to do it in class so I asked mr. G if I could do it in the bathroom but he wouldn't let me I asked him again but he just told me to sit down little old me was pretty mad that my teacher was putting restrictions on my bladder I was so mad that I did as he told me to however before I did I asked him one more time and he still dismissed me so I went to my desk and then I farted it was glorious it was the most gaseous and loudest fart I had ever let out and after I farted people had to cover their noses with their shirts because it was so smelly even mr. G did and everyone in the room was so disgusted by what just transpired afterwards with a smirk on my face I turned to mr. G and asked him again if I could go to the bathroom he then blushed and said I could and after that day during next period he didn't lifted the restrictions he put a bus then rudbeck of rudbeck ass down in the comments please tell me you stared into his eyes and looked deep into his soul while letting it rip and Opie replies maybe a little that was our / petty revenge and if you like this content then please let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel grow
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, pettyrevenge, petty revenge, r/pettyrevenge
Id: f025zySlg0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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