r/Pettyrevenge I Gave A Cop A Ticket!

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welcome to our slash petty revenge where op pulls a cop over and gives the cop a ticket our next reddit post is from chance203 when we were younger my sister spent a lot of time in a wheelchair on and off obviously my dad needed to be able to park in the parking space right outside our house and closest to the curb this was because one he wouldn't damage any cars when moving my sister from the car to the chair and vice versa two it meant he didn't have to carry my sister very far and could just load her in and out really easily 3. it made our life easier so anyway our neighbor was a proper dick about it he shouted at my dad every time he parked in this spot they had an ongoing war for about 8 months my dad took it all in stride until this man called my sister an effing and then a word that starts with c that's very derogatory for people with a disability so my dad called the council to inquire how much it would cost to get the space made into a permanent disabled spot so my dad paid the money and got the space repainted to a disabled spot which also meant that if the neighbor parked in it and was caught he would be fined we moved three weeks later to my knowledge 15 years later the spot is still there and down in the comments op clarifies that his dad asked his neighbor to take pictures and report this neighbor to the council every single time the douchebag parked in the spot so presumably for years and years and years this douchebag neighbor continued to not be able to park in that spot or he did and he got fined our next reddit post is from zzztop this happened around the 4th of july there was a small fender bender and emergency services got called out my towing company sends me out by accident not realizing the flat bit of the scene could tow both vehicles there was one ambulance five cops and three police cruisers blocking the road there was one cop directing traffic and then this douchebag who showed up after the scene was secured this butthole felt the need to park his cruiser crossway diagonally in front of the ambulance not necessarily blocking the path but for someone driving the ambulance they're a pain to reverse around obstacles the emts asked the butthole to move his cruiser and he literally said when i'm ready and resume chatting with a cop directing traffic another cruiser shows up and it's a sergeant who knew me from the company i work for he goes off to deal with the scene and the emts rushed to him to talk to him about moving the cruiser i see him stomping in my direction and then walks to the cruiser but the door was locked he called out to the cop who pulled in front of the ambulance and that cop either didn't respond ignored it or wasn't aware that his superior was there the supervisor looked pissed as he reached for the radio but then he looked at me and asked what my drop fee was five minutes go by and he waves me to get the cruiser so i line up sting it and drag it out of the way and the ambulance drivers waved as they left the area he told me to keep the cruiser hooked because he wanted to teach this butthole a lesson he walked over to the two cops the one directing traffic and the butthole and alerted him that he was getting towed the guy rushed back and demanded that i put the car down and that it's not a funny joke but i reminded him that all tows are fair in the county if the car is illegally parked he looked at the sergeant and the sergeant reminded him that the ordinance extends to emergency vehicles i had to look this up but it's not he tried to negotiate my fee to forty dollars but my drop fee is a hundred he hesitates but he pulls five twenty dollar bills from his wallet and i put the cruiser down he got in his cruiser and he didn't look happy as he pulled away the sergeant busts out laughing and says that kid needed that he told me that he had only been on the force less than a few weeks and that he was acting like he ran the place we shook hands talked about working hot wheels and off i went a hundred dollars richer op when the cop came over to you you should have said to him sir do you have any idea why i told your vehicle today and quick life pro tip for those of you who don't know the reason why cops ask you that question is because they're hoping that you're going to confess to a crime so when a cop asks you do you know why i pulled you over today they're hoping you're going to say something like because i was speeding and bam suddenly basically confessed to the crime which makes their job easier if it ever goes to court also it's possible that you'll confess to a crime that the cop doesn't even know about like maybe the cop pulled you over for speeding but you say um because my headlight's out and now the cop has two tickets for you so the next time a cop asks you that question just keep your mouth shut or say i don't know why'd you pull me over officer our next reddit post is from no the same i don't mind when my roommates borrow my stuff we've all been there all i ask is that they replace what they take you drank my milk just buy me new milk it's simple as that unfortunately my roommate doesn't seem to get this she keeps taking my stuff and when i ask her to please replace everything she takes she'll buy one new thing and forget to do it the next time despite having more money than me i finally snapped when i wanted to wash my clothes but only found an empty box that used to contain my washing powder i don't buy fancy or expensive stuff and i don't care about brands after using the last of my powder a week earlier she could literally have bought the cheapest no brand powder in the world and i would have been fine i just snapped i told her over and over to not use my washing powder if she wasn't going to replace it and i just had enough i bought a new box of washing powder some dylon machine dye mixed it with a bit of the washing powder and dumped it into the old box when the dye is dry it looks like washing powder especially if you're not expecting it i took my new box of washing powder to my room and waited a week later i came home from work and i saw her laundry hanging outside all with the mysterious pink color she stomped up to me and demanded to know what i'd done i told her i was going to dye my own clothes and someone had told me the shade would be lighter if i mixed it with a powder which was a lie then i asked her why she had used it when it had clearly been in a box with my name on it when i told her not to use it because she never replaced it i don't think she believed me but she finally got the message she almost never takes my stuff and when she does she's quick to replace it our next reddit post is from this is driving me batty i'm a light skinned latina american and i lived in korea for a couple of years during university and grad school as my major was korean interpretation and translation during my time in korea i was lucky enough to attend music shows from time to time for the k-pop uninitiated music shows are free to enter provided you have at least one of three items a copy of the album of the group that you're coming to see proof of purchase of the album digitally in one of the approved music vendors in korea or the official light stick from the most recent concerts priority entry was always given to official fan club members who had all three then fan club members who had two of the three and then fan club members who had won after that came non-members in the same priority tier the group i'd come to see hadn't opened official fan club registration in almost a decade so the group's management decided to do away with the fan club priority and did it on a first come first serve basis but kept the whole three items go first then two then one thing i had all three and i got there early so i got a good spot in line these queues often had us waiting outside for hours while the previous round of filming finished up the thing about these music show venues is they're very small they have limited capacity and allow two to three fan groups and to watch them at a time so not all people who queue for a group get in in this particular instance there was trouble with foreign fans causing trouble by taking pictures and not listening to instructions so the venue staff literally went through and quizzed each foreigner in line on their korean if you couldn't understand you were booted i passed with flying colors and kept my spot in line here's where the revenge starts because of the aforementioned issues a lot of korean fans hated international fans without passion for this group in particular so many people were pissed that they had to wait in line behind foreigners because they've done away with the official fan club priority now here's me sitting alone in a queue outside on a hot summer day a group of korean girls sat in front of me and a lone korean girl talking on her phone sat behind me i was minding my own business playing games on my phone after passing my korean quiz with the staff when i heard the girl behind me talking smack she was chatting with a friend i suspect because she was dropping a lot of curse words and specifically mentioned these foreign roaches ruining things for us i want to kill them she mentioned me in particular and said that she'd bet i'd bribe the staff to keep my spot in line even though i couldn't understand korean okay so it's harmless smack talk i don't know this girl and i don't know her friend in the long run it doesn't affect me right but it really rubbed me the wrong way especially because she was talking quite loudly so i grabbed my wallet politely and quietly asked the korean girls in front of me to watch my bag and hold my place in line and went to the convenience store i bought a round of water for everyone they were heavy i had about a dozen bottles of water i get back to my spot in line thank the girls in front of me for holding my spot then gave each of them a water i gave a water to the group in front of them too then i kept one for myself and turned around and handed one to the girl on the phone with a smile immediately she lit up and thanked me in english smiling bright and taking her phone away from her ear as i hand her her water i say imperfect korean and still smiling the next time you loudly smack talk the foreigners make sure they can't actually understand you when i tell you that it went silent in the immediate area you could hear a pin drop her smile melted off her face faster than an ice cream cone on florida pavement she turned beat red and muttered to her friend on the phone that she had to go and sheepishly apologized i accepted she had some water and i felt better about myself bonus the girls in front of me heard the whole thing and adopted me into their friend group for the day fun was had all around so after reading this story i thought it would be cool to look up a korean proverb about being nice to others and i found a pretty good one and obviously i'm going to butcher this so if i have any korean listeners out there i am sorry ghanin mali guay onan mali and roughly translated it means if the words that you say are beautiful then the words that you receive will be beautiful our next reddit post is from upshot some years ago we had some new neighbors move in next door they were nice enough people but we had a problem with them the husband traveled a lot and his wife was afraid of just about everything the dark thunderstorms you name it the problem was the floodlights over their garage doors she would leave them on all night every night even though you couldn't see them from inside of their house they were positioned such that they would shine into our bedroom at night we weren't able to block them effectively with our curtains we asked them politely several times if they could turn them off at night since they served no effective purpose they adamantly refused i offered to pay for a timer that would control them no way they would consider it i thought about taking the bulbs out shooting them out with my pellet gun etc the solution that i arrived at was to simply loosen them up enough that they wouldn't come on since they couldn't see them from the inside of the house it was about five to six months before they realized that they weren't working they screwed them back in i waited a couple of weeks and unscrewed them again another few months went by finally one day my neighbor asked me if i ever had any trouble with my outdoor lights i told him yes as a matter of fact i did i said that they would loosen up occasionally and i would have to re-tighten them i blamed it on vibration from the traffic on our street he said that he had the same problem i told him that i finally just gave up and left them off and he eventually did the same we were happy with the final outcome and we were able to keep peace in the neighborhood that's genius op don't give people a choice between being a good person or a bad person because a lot of people will pick being a bad person the trick is to give people a choice between being a bad person and a lazy person because almost everyone will pick being a lazy person that was our slash petty revenge and if you like this content then check out my patreon where i publish extra videos also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 415,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, pettyrevenge, petty revenge, r/pettyrevenge
Id: KErRm4ldl4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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