r/Pettyrevenge "I Demand To Speak To An American, Not Some FOREIGNER!"

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welcome to our slash petty revenge we're a school bully gets put in his place our next reddit post is from alfalfa floozy some background I'm an American who was born and raised in the south I have an obvious dialect also English is a second language for most people here language barriers are not uncommon all of this comes into the revenge years ago I worked in a call center it was a large company with English and Spanish departments I worked in the English department but sat next to our Spanish Department I handled billing no one calls billing in a good mood but in general they're angry with a company not the rep you calmed them down fixed the issue and you're off to the next call few customers are memorable but this one I will never forget and I still laugh this call happened on a busy day with long wait times this just made the revenge sweeter the call went like this thank you for calling blah blah blah I want an American on the phone what I said I want an American on the phone ma'am I'm an American at this point I can only assume I'm not speaking the right language momento por favor I put her on hold transfer her over to the Spanish line and just giggled to myself but it didn't in there the lines were starting to calm down and I was chatting with one of the Spanish reps when his desk mate pops up and says she's got a psycho on the phone it was the woman I transferred she was going ballistic the Spanish rep had her on mute while talking to us I apologized and told her what happened and she started laughing then she looks right at me and said I'm gonna put her back in the Spanish queue the Spanish Department had a blast laughing at this crazy woman as they kept putting her back in the queue I don't know if she ever got her issue fixed then again we never we never found out what the issue was either she was too busy yelling at everyone moral of the story be nice to phone reps down in the comments we had this story from legitimate lion I worked in a call center and I had a guy screaming me for stealing American jobs and I had a lady asked me where are you from I can't understand your accent I'm from the US no but where were you born in the US no where were your parents born in the US well I'm from the US and we don't sound like you our necks reddit post is from Susan still heal it I'm a 50 year old woman and last week I was told by a 12 year old boy I was too fat and too old to understand handball I watched him play with the other kids for a bit and he was a complete douchebag about it all he deliberately taunt the younger kids promised them he wouldn't get them out then send devastatingly fast balls at their heads and pointed laughs when they got out he changed the rule so he never got out and blatantly cheated I inserted myself into the game he was very condescending and promised to go easy on me I smashed that ball all over the courts low shots hi chefs balls with spin he didn't stand a chance the best bit was after I got him out for the fourth time all the other kids cheered I spent the rest of the afternoon teaching the younger kids how to play while he's soaked in the corner petty a.m. and immature as hell but super satisfying to see him get his comeuppance yes I'm a terrible person but he was much nicer to the other kids the next day so I distinctly remember when I was like 10 or something I was having a conversation with one of my friends I remember arguing that if all the kids in the world got into a war with all the adults in the world then the kid would inevitably win because all the adults would be too afraid to harm children so I guess what I'm trying to say his kids are freakin stupid I'm 12 and I'm gonna kick your butt grown adult oh no I instantly lost how could this happen our next reddit post is from Allegan brioche so I live on a student residence with shared flats on every floor I live on the ninth floor and usually take the only bus to university so I have to be at the bus stop at exactly 9:00 10:00 a.m. the next bus is at 9:40 which is too late for me one girl living on floor number 10 it usually calls elevator and keeps the door from closing while she waits for her friend to be ready which keeps everyone from using the elevator from 9:00 to 908 after three straight days of this happening and having to go down the stairs I decided to get my revenge every time I would go down the stairs I would call the elevator on every single floor making it stop on the eighth seventh sixth fifth fourth they would usually lose a bus and I would be able to see them from the bus as they exit the building and gazed at the bus they started ranting about it on the Residences whatsapp group about people being selfish and major buttholes who don't care about anyone else and how they relate to an important exam some random guy then sent a picture of the girl holding the elevator open with her backpack along with the caption selfish all hell broke loose after that her floor mate started complaining about how one of them would just toss her cigarettes on the organic trash and smoke in the hallways another girl was pissed about how she would just drop her done cigarettes on random dishes and glasses when smoking in the kitchen two months after that she got kicked out the other girl left on her own so I was a little surprised out in the comments because some people were saying that this type of behavior is only learned in the trailer park and that these two were trailer trash but then I saw other comments that said they're spoiled rich girls who had probably never worked a day in their life I'm curious as you were listening to this story how did you imagine these two girls let me know down in the comments of this video because I'm really curious our next reddit post is some sweet buns McGee my mom rents out her basement which is heavy and demand in our area as we're close to the subway and bus station the basement is furnished with its own kitchen but the renters are free to use any additional space in her fridge if theirs is full one writer decided to use that as a go ahead to take whatever was available in the fridge and later on the dining table my mom was too nice to say something but she can be a bit of a troll one day she set out some eggs on the table as she does sometimes when she cooks some hard-boiled eggs for me and my sister the renter on her way out saw the free snack and pockets a couple on her way out needless they broke in her pocket while she was walking half an hour later she comes back to the house to get a change of clothes never making eye-contact with my mom I don't think I've heard any complaints about missing food again after that day so I guess you could say that now the renter is walking on eggshells around your mom our next reddit post is from granite-- honcho back in college I lived in a six man apartment south dorm that had shared living spaces in three bathrooms some of my roommates had guests over one weekend when I was out of town and when I got back on Sunday night I noticed that my razor head hair stubble in it I didn't think much about it but it was one of those expensive refill razors and later on one of the guests asked me if it was okay if they'd use my razor I was kind of miffed about what this lazy butthole had done so I told him I was okay with it but that he should probably get checked out for hepatitis B since I was infected since age 12 I wasn't when I had a bad blood transfusion in Vietnam when my family was on vacation the entire group hearing this drop silent and the offending douchebag turned white I told him sorry man I didn't expect you to use my razor otherwise I would have given you a new blade or disinfected it for you you better get a blood test the guy asked me if I was serious and I said as serious as a heart attack and two kidney failures a few hours later my roommate asked me if it was true and I said yes I'm guessing his friend must have messed his pants I let the lie go for about a week and then I Fest up evil person that I am even without the Hep B why on earth would you use someone else's razor that's gross like using someone else's toothbrush may be even worse because you have no idea what that guy uses that razor for maybe he shaves his chest hair maybe his pubes maybe his butthole hair do you really want that razor being dragged across your face our next reddit post is from Hank the tank so for starters I'm really a chill and laid-back guy today is my birthday and I was hitting into the office and decided to treat myself to a McDonald's coffee I know you're already impressed birthday and all and I'm splurging by getting coffee from McDonald's what can I say I'm pretty freakin boring anyway I'm going through the drive-thru and it's one of the divided ones where the lines are supposed to stagger in a zipper fashion so as to promote efficiency and not screw up the orders so I choose the inside lane and make my order at the speaker box the car in the outside lane has already ordered and I wave Ron in front of me there's a slight pause at the window apparently and when she goes the car directly behind her some grunt and a white Honda just starts in directly behind her almost clipping my front end all the while blasting her effing horn and glaring at me like I just left her effing kid or something typically I would respond in kind to that sort of thing but I run a business in this fairly small town and you never know who's watching so I just smiled at her which seemed to have pissed her off even more just then I remembered my son's girlfriend was working the window so I called her cell and told her I was in line I asked her to take a look at the white Honda and please give her the royal treatment when the woman got to the window she was told that her order would take a few minutes and could she pull over to the waiting area and they would bring it out I could hear some of the exchange at the window and could make out that she was none too happy as I passed by her while sipping my coffee I politely waved I got a text back later in the morning from my son's girlfriend that they got her order wrong three times yes it was petty but do I feel pleasantly vindicated by this event indeed I do happy birthday to me down in the comments we have a similar story from long easy this reminds me of a story that might Beyonce told me about last night one time the two of us were hitting to the in and out near us for lunch where they have a similar style to Lane split and then zipper merge after you order if anyone's been to in and out then you know at lunch time the line can get pretty long so they often have people waiting outside to take the order rather than have you order at a box so they can get the orders going sooner anyway we pulled into the parking lot for the plaza it was in and made our way around I could see in the distance there was a car driving aggressively towards where the line starts from the other interest of the parking lot just as I was about to make my right turn into the lane the guy's speeds up makes a left turn and cuts right in front of me normally I probably would have gotten pissed off but when my fiance is around I tend to keep a cooler head than normal so I didn't even say anything at all and the line was actually very short at the moment so no big deal anyway the lane split and mr. Berger time takes the left lane and I take the right lane for whatever reason the person who's taking the order comes to my car window first despite the fact that he saw him pull in first my fiancé and I are laughing at this point but place our order very politely and say thank you to the kid for our order he then walks over to the other guy who's fuming at this point and I hear him say since my window is also still open you know I cut that butthole off so I could get a hit of him and you still served him first my fiance and I just completely lost it and burst out laughing I passed the merge point before he finished ordering so he was behind me the whole time and we just kept laughing and laughing as I made sure to slowly creep forward the entire time rather than stay right behind the person in front of me the whole time how entitle does a person have to be to not only cut someone off to get ahead of them and a drive-through but also proudly shout that they did that when they get bumped back our next reddit post is from mr. M ever since day one of my job my boss has cared little about my work and about my well-being in general they never transitioned me properly through training and never had time for me because they don't know anything about my work I had to train myself when I finally found another opportunity I was like at this company and the bosses I handed in my two weeks notice HR contacted me and sat me in a meeting with my bosses to pressure me to stay longer because they needed some more time to find a replacement my job is very important for industrial work and if I'm not around the industrial work would have to halt I asked if I would be paid more for staying longer and I was told no I said ok I'll be happy to stay an extra week but after that I won't be able to stay any longer little did know that I had accumulated sick leave I don't get compensated for my remaining sick leave days and I called in sick for the entire week best of luck y'all and down in the comments we have a couple of similar stories the first from camel walk I'm a licensed practical nurse and I put in a two-week notice at a hospital one time and the unit manager told me well we have a three week notice policy here I said okay and did exactly what Opie did and then we have a similar story from Shelby and even though it's posted underneath a petty revenge story this is clearly Pro revenge I gave a douchebag I used to work for a two weeks notice to correct my pay rate or I quit my check was short and when I looked at my pay stub I was getting paid 25 percent less than what I agreed to when I started when I brought the discrepancy to his attention he told me I was on probation for my first 90 days and then he would consider adjusting my pay I told him that was BS I was never told about a reduced start rate for Ovation era period or even a probationary period at all he needed to either correct it on my next check or I was done consider this my notice next paycheck it still wasn't corrected and I walked he was short-handed as it was and I knew my leaving would screw up a couple of contracts he was already struggling to meet the deadline on as I was going out the door he stopped me and tried to tell me it was illegal to not give a notice I just laughed in his face and told him I gave him my two weeks notice already and besides he was full of garbage there's no such requirement he begged me to stay offer to fix my pay right then and there I told him too late you had your chance but decided to screw me over thinking I wasn't going to follow through I already had another job lined up with a better schedule and better pay I reported him to this state Department of Labor for when he tried to pull with me and some other stuff that he was doing to other employees I also blew the whistle on him to OSHA for all the safety violations there that he was making everyone work without proper personal protection equipment and he wasn't licensing and training equipment operators OSHA came in and nailed him to the wall he got a $50,000 fine this state came in and found so many payroll irregularities he got charged with tax fraud and several other crimes and got five years in prison he tried to blame it on his secretary and she turned around and dropped the bombshell that they were having an affair that he pressured her into it or she would lose her job the secretary sued him for sexual harassment and that was still going on over a year later when I lost track of everything when I went out of state last I heard this douchebags wife was divorcing him as well all right Opie so let me make sure I've got the sequencing correct here first he got fined 50k then he got blasted on tax evasion and went to prison for five years then while he was still in prison he got sued for sexual harassment and and then his wife left him oh my god Opie talk about scorched earth that was our slash petty revenge and if you like this content then check out my podcast where I published the exact same content also hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 735,367
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, pettyrevenge, petty revenge, r/pettyrevenge
Id: JgEl_OPDj58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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