r/Pettyrevenge Spoiled Brat Left His Toys All Over My Yard... So I Threw Them Away!

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welcome to our slash petty revenge where a tailgater gets what's coming to him our next reddit post is from its corona time the community i live in has a speed limit of 25 miles per hour it also has a connecting street to another development that leads to a main road so people tend to cut through my neighborhood to get there many drivers enjoy speeding through the streets rather than following the speed limit the local police department therefore decided to start implementing surprise speed traps right by the main entrance i've never been stopped by one as i like to drive safely and not get tickets that i can't afford but i often tend to end up in front of drivers who like to drive recklessly and get angry when those in front of them don't do the same our story begins when my car's cruise control button finally got fixed i had long since been waiting for this because now i could finally enact operation petty revenge there's a gentleman who regularly cuts through my neighborhood who owns a dodge challenger for those who don't know challengers can get loud consequently this fellow enjoys revving his engine every 100 yards or so to inform everyone nearby that this is a dodge challenger and its driver likely has a less than average size endowment this morning i found myself pulling out of my driveway right as the challenger turned the corner and approached and you bet your butt that i booped that cruise control button and meander at a comfortably legal 25 miles per hour the entire ride through my neighborhood and the driver behind me was pissed revving his engine riding my bumper the works i was loving it the pa stay resistance was when we turned onto the street right before the main entrance sure enough a police car was there now normally the police puts a car there without an officer inside just to spook drivers into slowing down but today the universe was on my side in his haste to pass me and continue on his merry way the driver of the challenger apparently didn't notice the upcoming police car because he read the engine one more time scooted past me on a squeal of tires and across a double yellow line i might add and for good measure yell to cordial f you to me out of his passenger window the police car that glorious glorious police car flipped on its lights and whipped out onto the street and pulled that [ __ ] over i haven't laughed that hard in years down in the comments we have a similar story from the virgin i had some douchebag kyle pull up next to me in an intersection and rev his engine like he wanted to race he drove a soupy i have a 2002 honda accord lol not effing happening and then proceeded to chug a bunch of liquor with his girlfriend in the front seat while flipping me off at the green light the dude floors it and is immediately lit up by a state patrol i waved to them as i drove by you'll love to see it our next reddit post is from mistress horror so in seventh grade i missed a lot of school due to medical and mental issues that being said all of my teachers were understanding except one i'm not gonna lie i don't actually remember her real name so we'll call her mrs bitter my seventh grade english teacher i'm sure most of you remember accelerated reading or ar if not then basically the school gave all students a test to see what reading level they were on what book ranges they can read and how many points they would need to pass english they would tell you to check out books and each book had a point system on it this was the amount of points you receive after finishing the book and taking a 10 question quiz to make sure you read it i always scored 12 plus so i could read anything i wanted that's not the point but moving on well every english class was required to allow students 30 minutes to read their ar books they had to be ar books specifically if it had no points you couldn't read it during that time block they were also required to take the class to the library once a week to check out new books or take quizzes being sick and absent so much i didn't get to go to the library often so i was always having to go to the library before after school to do my stuff i didn't have the best home life so it was hard for me to go earlier stay later well many times i went to class i either didn't have a book or i had a book but it wasn't an ar book mrs bitter would go around and check every freaking book every day to make sure we were doing what we were supposed to do if you didn't have an air book she gave you a warning three warnings then you get a detention and needless to say this happened to me i was furious because mrs bitter literally had a bookshelf full of ar books in her class that no one was allowed to read if they forgot their book like me mrs bitter chastised me in front of the class and even scolded me for being absent too much she made me cry more than once after months of this i decided to be petty because i was sick of her picking on me at this point she basically just expected me to not have an approved book so i went into a room one morning while she wasn't there because she had bus duty and wrote down about 5-10 ar books on her personal bookshelf that she wouldn't let us use then i hid them behind the other books after that i went to the library during that precious hour lunch period to start my revenge i checked out about four or five copies of the book on that shelf i couldn't check out any more than that next day i come in and we get to the point of silent reading here we go i pull out one of the books that i duplicated and began to read mrs bitter starts making her rounds to check the books i was sitting there hoping so bad that she would do what i thought she'd do she gets to me i don't look at her and i can see in my peripheral vision she's looking very hard at my book silently i observed her walk directly over to the bookshelf and begin to look for what i assume was the book that she thought that i took so that i wouldn't get in trouble again i could see that anger in her face when she couldn't find it mrs bitter fast walks over to me with her everlasting need to torture and embarrass me grabs my book pretty forcibly and starts accusing me of taking a book without permission and that i would be getting another warning and detention for stealing from her i just sat there calmly and let her finish then i said mrs bitter that book is from the library not your bookshelf you're mistaken she disagrees again and starts to head to her desk for a write-up i turn and say would you please look on the inside it clearly shows that it belongs to the library with the checkout list and everything has my name right on it she did just that thinking she would get me for lying too well i saw her face get bright red and then slowly come over to give it back she didn't apologize for anything in fact i think it made her hate me even more i was vindicated but this wasn't enough for me day after day i'd bring another duplicate book and each time she would stomp over to her shelf not find her copy and look at me with the fury of seven hells each time i'd show her the library stamp when she'd approach to accuse me again this went on for about two weeks and i honestly think i made her feel crazy and so irritated that she couldn't pin anything on me i also came in again one day in the morning and put all of her books back in the places if they were there all along i got my heir points by just reading the duplicate books and passed with an a i still don't know why she hated me so much but for about two weeks i enjoyed watching her crumble every day and not being able to punish me for anything not the most elaborate of petty revenges but i loved it the fact that mrs bitter wouldn't let you use her books shows that she was genuinely more interested in punishing children than in helping your education what a garbage human being our next reddit post is from pork and beans so our neighbors kids don't know boundaries and like to play in front of our house and sometimes on our driveway we don't mind them doing that but we find it disrespectful when they leave their toys behind our cars at the end of the day countless times we've had to move their stuff out of the way to get our cars out and there have been a few times that we've had to run over their stuff and had close calls with bigger items like strollers and bikes as my partner was taking out the trash for pickup this morning he found one of their bikes right where we're supposed to put our trash can guess what ended up being mistaken for trash today my partner's thought process was they should be more careful where they put their stuff on trash day he chose not to move it for all the times we had to do it for them whoops our next credit post is from project self i was driving to work a few months ago and i was getting close i had just two turns remaining until i got into the building it was just a few blocks away all side streets no highways involved the guy behind me is in a black bmw and he's riding my bumper the whole time i see him checking his phone then making angry faces at me and getting closer and closer i speed up a bit thinking that it might calm them down 5 miles per hour over the speed limit nope anyway i make the first turn and i'm now in the street where my building is maybe 600 yards up ahead this butthole is still behind me driving inches from behind me and obviously pissed that i'm still going the speed limit which is maybe 35 miles per hour on this street so i speed up a bit and see if he does the same i drive an 8 year old toyota truck not one of the big huge ones but not one of the small ones i do have all-terrain tires and i've certainly driven through pastures over rocks and popped a kerberton in my time my suspension's in good shape and i had no problem treating my decade-old truck like a truck well as i get closer to the building there's a large speed bump in the street to get people to slow down as they approach the parking garage entrances i look back i see this butthole is still riding my bumper i remember thinking to myself that i need to slow down for the speed bump but looking back and thinking if i hit my brakes this guy is gonna hit me the plan takes shape in my mind and i speed up i'm doing about 45 miles per hour when i hit the speed bump and yeehaw i did a bit of a jump in a land never once touching my brakes i didn't even tap them i gave zero warning for what was about to happen i was watching my rear view window intensely during this because i wanted to see his reaction he was cradling his cell phone between his ear and shoulder when he hit the hood of his car bucked up behind me then slams to the ground i see him go flying out of his seat straight up he slams his head on the roof of his bmw and his head rolls sideways from the impact then he slams back into his seat violently he has a total wtf was that look on his face as he grabs the wheel with both hands to recover and yes he slowed right the f down after that our next reddit posters from solo i was maybe 13 years old my little sister a monstrous brat was a year younger she was also my mother's little princess who could do no wrong my sister often uses bias to her advantage so our dad was working out of state one summer and agreed to fly me my mom and my sister to join him for a weekend my sister got the larger of the suitcases we had available and i got the smaller one no big deal but then she whined to mommy dearest that her suitcase was too heavy i was told it was my responsibility to carry my sister's luggage throughout the trip my little sister smirked at me as i hauled her back to the car oh and then i had to put my own back in the car i stood in the driveway waiting for them because they were always the last ones to get ready i spotted a stack of bricks off to the side of the house my father had built a barbecue and had leftover bricks cue the petty revenge i managed to get six bricks stuffed inside my suitcase my sister had to carry it from the parking lot to the airport when we disembarked she had to carry it to the rental car then to the hotel the process was repeated when we flew back home she complained each time but to my mom's credit she made her carry the freaking suitcase because i had my hands full carrying my mom and sister suitcases when we arrived home and parked in the driveway good old mom told me to carry all the suitcases inside i said okay but i have to take care of something first i then unzipped my suitcase and dumped the bricks before carrying it inside my sister burst out in tears and demanded my mother punish me i was threatened with all kinds of things but i think the only thing that happened was a scolding and a few threats if i ever did anything like that in the future our next reddit post is from topsyturf so i have two older brothers that i'll be talking about in this story for simplicity's sake let's call him brother one and brother two brother one is the one upper he has a classic case of green mushroom syndrome no matter what the situation is the context whatever he has to be on top it makes having normal conversation with him virtually impossible i'll give you a few examples of the types of responses he gives to normal everyday situations and conversations wow this burrito from chipotle is incredible i need to eat here more often ugh ooh holy cow dude those suck there's this burrito place like a mile from here that is absolutely the best nothing is better than it hands down another example i've been listening to this podcast recently it's called the h3 podcast and it's so funny you should check it out man i think you'd like it oh god no f that i hate h3h3 totally not my humor and not something that i want to listen to i'd rather listen to rhett and link's ear biscuits so much better you get the point this is something that's been an issue as long as i can remember he craves this sort of interaction so he can somehow feel like he wins the conversation or something well this is where brother two comes in brother two is incredibly intelligent he's quick-witted and can give a 200 iq response in the right moment he's typically a quiet observer and generally doesn't interact with brother one often because of how these interactions usually play out brother two and i tend to talk about the one-up mentality of brother one relatively often since it's something that's such a defining quality of his personality brother two and i have nearly lost our minds having to deal with these sort of interactions so the petty revenge story starts here brother one is sitting at the kitchen table eating some fast food and drinking a blue monster energy drink brother two walks in sees the energy drink and seizes the moment hey man what do you think about rockstar energy drink that stuff is so good that stuff is nasty no way nope that stuff sucks you know what's better venom energy drink absolutely the best oh really okay yeah i'll have to try that what about red bull that stuff is to die for i always used to drink it back in college oh no no that stuff tastes like piss no way i could drink that crap venom is my energy drink choice nothing is better than it yeah yeah i'll try it eventually it must be really good if you speak so highly of it but honestly my favorite is blue monster there's nothing better than that brother one completely oblivious to the fact that he's been guzzling this blue monster down instinctively responds ew no no no that stuff is nasty dude stop bugging me about energy drinks man venom is number one end of story at this point brother two soaked the moment in he waited until brother one obviously noticed that he was drinking that exact energy drink then said oh dude then why are you drinking a blue monster right now i thought you said that stuff was nasty the look on brother one's face was priceless he had no words choked down his food silently and fled the kitchen the revenge was so petty and that moment has lived on between brother two and i ever since that was our slash petty revenge and if you like this content then check out my patreon where i published episodes that were banned from youtube also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 442,282
Rating: 4.9452491 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, pettyrevenge, petty revenge, r/pettyrevenge
Id: 0jTCiopuxPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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