r/Pettyrevenge A Karen Hoarded All The Toilet Paper, So I Got Revenge!

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welcome to our slash petty revenge where a karen buys all the toilet paper in a supermarket and gets a little dose of justice in the end okay y'all it's been a sucky week for me and I was just not having it anymore last night at the grocery store I me and her through the aisles buying my Corona snacks which I already ate shocker and I know I need toilet paper I hit up the toilet paper island c6 24 packs of Charmin I was stoked in stock and the good stuff at that there was a middle-aged Karen on the phone standing in front of the stacks so I stupidly wait my turn to grab a pack boy was I wrong the crazed poop paper hoarder proceeds to look at me take all six packs put them in her cart and just roll the F away with a smirk on her face I almost [ __ ] myself good thing I didn't because there was no toilet paper left now as I mentioned the Karen was on the phone she was complaining to someone about how this is the second source she went to and they better have baby wipes because buttholes who don't have kids shouldn't be buying baby wipes when people like I need them you guessed it my asthmatic self sprinted over to the baby aisle all wheezing I put all probably 20-something containers that were left of wipes even the ones on the very top of the shelf I had to climb for in my card and I waited sure enough toilet paper Karen comes strolling down the aisle looks at the shelves I can see her start to get mad then she sees me cart full of snacks and baby wipes face grinning ear to ear like a cheating jack-o'-lantern before she can say a word I will myself away with pep in my step feeling petty and satisfied as hell now I'm not a complete monster so as soon as she left the aisle I went and put all the packages back where they went but man the satisfaction was epic I nearly died of a shart attack laughing but it's a good thing I didn't because I still have no freaking toilet paper well luckily with all that toilet paper that Karen should have no problem wiping that smug look off her face our next reddit post is from film I wasn't a bad dad he turned out pretty good journeyman electrician works at a fortune 500 company anyway when my son was 16 a long time ago he needed 30 bucks for a school trip I gave it to him several days in advance the night before the school function he told me he'd spent it and needed another $30 I finally forced it out of him that he'd bought weed I don't have a problem with that if you put all the things I've smoked in a pile it would be bigger than a house but and how he said he needed more money so I said okay you go with me to the store and do what I asked and I'll give you more money and even throw in a little extra he agreed having pretty much no choice I grabbed something out of the kitchen on the way out we went to Target kind of an upscale joint around here for simple stuff but before we got out of the car I told him the deal you have to wear a hat made out of this aluminum foil and you can't talk to anybody if somebody says something or asked you a question just mumble I can't take it again not like last time he agreed I made the Hat included a little point on the top and two flaps that covered his ears I put kind of a tail on the back it looked perfect I walked around the store and he had to stay at least 10 feet away so people wouldn't think we were together I heard him mumble unintelligent stuff a few times as people stared and walked past he never broke character and we walked through nearly every section electronics toys men's and women's clothing auto pharmacy and food it took nearly 45 minutes for me to grab the three things we went for I gave him the gun I gave him the carton and enough money to pay for it and watched as he went through the line when we got back to the car I said f ed he did a good job and gave him 50 bucks and then Oh P adds an edit I thought about making him buy a pack of condoms a raw chicken and some Vaseline but I just got what we went there for engine oil a head of lettuce and some eyedrops and then we had this bizarre contribution from Shellington down the comments I'm now almost a 35 year old female and when I was 12 I wanted my earlobes pierced and time my dad agreed but with the caveat that whenever he would say hi-ho silver away I would respond with get him up Scouts for the rest of my life I readily agreed and he is uses to embarrass the hell out of me but in late 2018 I was in a coma for a week hospital for three months battled sepsis a bunch of surgeries when I was finally more cognizant of everything I was coming to and he says hi-ho silver away and I could barely talk my vocal cords were damaged but I got at a get him up scout now he doesn't more often just to make sure I'm okay awesome revenge but for sure you'll be laughing about this later these posts make me think that the main reason to have a kid is to have a gullible person that you can mess with for the rest of your life our next reddit post is from anon so one of my co-workers is a huge choosing beggar like aggressively choosy to the point he will bully people who are buying him free things to get exactly what he wants this normally doesn't affect me as I've learned to just tell him to eff off of course he always complains and pretends like I just attacked him out of nowhere but that's not the point of this story but unfortunately the person who does all the food ordering and general paperwork stuff in our office is a super sweet older lady that isn't comfortable telling people no one day we had pizza for a lunch meeting and we all realized that the favorite pizza of everyone in the office she only ordered one of was obviously different I forget exactly what got left off but half of it was not what it normally comes with I wouldn't talk to the person who ordered it and she straight-up told me that choosing beggar heads stood by her desk and basically berated her until she changed half the pizzas to be what he wanted cuz he didn't like some of the toppings he wanted the whole pizza but thankfully she made him compromise this ticked me off because my favorite pizza was ruined and he bullied this woman who we all affectionately called the office mom but whatever right it's free pizza I'll just get something else and I'll live the straw that broke the camel's back was when I noticed that he hadn't even touched the pizza he was eating a different one I decided to casually ask why he wasn't touching it come to find out he didn't actually want any during that lunch he knew he wanted something else but he figured he might want some left over his later in the week so he had her changed the order so basically this mother effer bullied a sweet old lady and changed a pizza order for the one pizza everyone in the office wanted just on the off chance he might want leftovers later so you want to guess what I did I ate it all of it I didn't want any more than one piece but I ate all six pieces of a half pizza just so he couldn't have any you can bet your butt he complained about it too I just looked back and was like oh sorry did you want some during this meeting cuz if I had known you wanted it today I would have saved you some he glared at me for about a week and I felt like I just ate Thanksgiving dinner but worth it our next reddit post is from see Alex author this was shared to a group I'm in I hope no one else has shared this yet he was cheating on me with a co-worker of mine she knew we were together but told people she didn't care our moms and Families ran in the same circles so their actions affected a lot of people after I learned what was going on we broke up I found out she was expecting to marry him now that I was out of the way so I sent her flowers and an inexpensive ring delivered to her at our job along with a lovely marriage proposal she yelled out he proposed everyone was clapping and congratulating her I conveniently went on my break when she ran off the column when I came back she was crying I put on my best face and asked so when's the wedding she ran off to the bathroom sobbing hysterically best 75 bucks I ever spent our next reddit post is from doubling it up I work in a hotel with a very large storage area for booze and syrups which often gets super dirty we normally have to wash the floor using a tiny mop but recently we've started using the housekeeping floor machine which is super easy to use and they normally just let us because what's the worst that could happen the other day I asked one of the housekeeper's if I could quickly use the floor machine as it only takes about five minutes and I would give it right back the answer was a firm no when that was the final answer I politely asked why not she then proceeded to say you don't know how to use it arguing that I did got me absolutely nowhere I just said sure whatever I went to housekeeping and told them the story which they apologized for and then immediately made the woman who told me no do it our next reddit post is from hyperactive lime I have a co-worker that likes to steal stuff she'll take sips of people's drinks take from a pack of rolls and other people's cookies that were safely tucked away one day I had Girl Scout cookies Thin Mints that I had hidden away guess who found them and ate them when I called her on it I basically yelled at her she put the cookies down and apologized it was a BS apology like when you bump into someone and say oh sorry like the cookies just fell in her mouth she offered to replace them she's a weird health food person and only eats special organic junk I personally don't care what diet slash lifestyle people choose but she's the same person who thinks she's better than everyone else because she follows X diet she brought me in some weird health food knockoff Thin Mints they were disgusting and the texture made me want to puke she knew damn well the cookies she stole for me were real Thin Mints we had a celebration in the office recently and she offered to bring Girl Scout cookies I thought she would bring the knockoffs but she didn't the box of cookies sat there unopened until the end of the day when I put it in my bag and walked out with it Opie if this girl keeps stealing your food I'd like to introduce you to the world of Haribo sugarfree gummy bears just leave a bowl of those on your desk and I'm sure the problem will solve itself our next writer posted from Lady voluptuous a few years ago when I was a student I lived in a shared house type situation with five other people we each had our own rooms but there were two bathrooms that we had to share there was a smaller third space that was just a small room with a shower and a teeny tiny sink and vanity to be honest it was the smallest room and cuz it was an old house it wasn't the prettiest looking space and some of the mildew and damp patches could get bad in the winter but it had the best shower pressure so I prefer to use that space to shower about a month after my friend moved out and another girl moved in I noticed that I was having to buy shampoo and conditioner more often than usual now other people used to keep some of their personal belongings in the bathrooms but it was easy to identify whose was whose or sometimes it be named it's that thing of if you want to use something or borrow something then ask I didn't think much of it at the time I just put it down to maybe I was using more product than I usually was I always wash my hair at night and back then I used to have a late night job so I put it down to me being tired after classes during the day and work at night and not keeping an eye on the amount of product I was using the tiny vanity in that smaller shower room had an even tinier cupboard and in that cupboard I kept a small pink basket with some of my other things in there I knew that someone was definitely using my beauty products when my glass pot of face cream had been very clearly used and the lid wasn't screwed on properly I have quite sensitive skin and the face moisturizer cream I like to use as expensive you only need a small amount anyway but this had clearly been dug into someone had really gone deep into that pot of what at the time I considered to be near to gold it was that expensive for me to buy I always used to make sure that the lid was screwed back on properly I was that paranoid about storing it a certain way to make sure it didn't leak or spill out I had a feeling it may have been the new girl who was using my stuff she used the smaller bathroom as it was right next to her room my shampoo also has a really distinct smell and I was certain one night as she sat near to me I could smell it when once again my face cream had been dug into I hatched a plan to try and get the face cream fiend I had a bottle of gradual fake tan so I scraped the face cream out of its original pot and put it into something else and then I squeezed some of the fake tan into the face cream jar the fake tan cream is white the same as the face cream and the more you use it the the tan gradually builds so I sat back and waited I made sure to check the jar that I put back in its place in my basket of goodies and it was definitely being used I watched the new girls face continue to subtly darken and go orange over the coming weeks until she herself noticed and stopped using my face cream my shampoo and conditioner also remained untouched after that I moved out of the house a while ago but from time to time I see the girl around a bump into her it always makes me smile then we had this interesting story from staircase obsession we were having a house party and a girl decided to do her makeup with my collection I have a ton of palettes and lipsticks so I guess it was enticing anyway the jerk didn't ask me and has pretty much done her entire face when I walk in I had a recurring eye infection for like a year at this point my lashline would get pus on it and my eye would be inflamed it looked like pinkeye at this point the eye infection was almost gone so you couldn't see it unless you looked really close at my lashline but I had been using my eyeliner and mascara on it yes I'm dumb but I didn't want to be ugly and of course this girl had to use my eyeliner and mascara she freaked the F out at me because apparently I should have known that she would use my makeup I don't think she ever got an infection but yeah moral the story is don't be stupid ask people before you use their stuff our next reddit post is from rare pup or dog I work at a McDonald's part-time I'm a 22 year old male and go to college so anyway this dude came in the other day and I was working the register he muscles his way to the front of the line we're right by campus and it's lunch hours so the place is pretty packed he tells me that he's in a huge rush and needs his food right now of course I tell him no he can use the kiosks though he tells me that he'll never use those effing pieces of Sh and blows up at me ranting about needing to get back to his work finally he calms down and I tell him again he can either wait in line or use the kiosk he storms to the back the line which as I said earlier is pretty long 20 minutes later he's up at the register waiting for his food after I take his order just because he's such a jerk I wait to input into the system so some other orders can go by and get completed first finally he gets his food after a while screaming that'll leave us a one-star review and report me to the manager what he doesn't know the manager is one of my best buds and watched the whole thing go down after my shift was over we both had a good laugh about it down in the comments drapes nor Mac sums up what I was thinking a one-star review for McDonald's so he thinks he can convince people who were going to go to McDonald's not to go to McDonald's and to that New York smocks replies some lady gave us a one-star for some BS so out of curiosity we checked her history pretty much every restaurant in the area also received one-star for dumb reasons she even gave Taco Bell a one-star because they were closed on Christmas Eve some people are just special law that was our / petty revenge and if you liked this video then hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit content every single day
Channel: rSlash
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, pettyrevenge, petty revenge, r/pettyrevenge
Id: 28HOrOgUbps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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