r/Entitledparents Entitled Mother Gets PUNCHED IN THE FACE

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welcome to our slash entitle parents we're an entitled mother gets punched in the face a little backstory I worked at McDonald's for just over a year during that year I never really got the hang of making ice cream cones many got messed up many got given away one day on shift at the counter I saw an ice cream cone pop up in my order screen other crews seemed busy so I took it upon myself to make a cone knowing I am terrible at it we're supposed to fill the bottom of the cone and do no less than five swirls ideally seven I filled the bottom just fine but by the time I got to the third swirl the ice cream looked like it was about to fall over normally other employees would just throw the whole cone out and start over I'm not like that I remember back to being a customer standing in the lobby and seeing employees throw out ice creams so I did what any good McDonald's employee should do I took that messed up deformed cone wiggled it to the side so it was upright and walked through the lobby until I came across a kid he was deep in his Happy Meal so I tapped on untitled' mom's shoulder and quietly asked entitled mama for kid would like a free ice cream she shrugged with a sure whatever so I got the kids attention and gave it to him huge smile on his face it always made me feel good to do this and it costed the company nothing since it was going in the garbage anyways I go back to the counter another crew member had already made the cone while I was in the lobby so I got back to my usual duties cleaning taking orders putting out orders making coffee etc when entitled mother comes up to my till with a cone very angry what's this the free ice cream cone I just gave you she pulls out her phone hi doesn't it look like this do you not know how to do your job right I look at her phone it's our website with a picture of the cone pulled up I gave you that cone because it doesn't look like that I commonly give away cones for free that don't come out right how is that fair for my kid pardon it was free ice cream yeah but why is it all deformed like this the ones on the website are at least twice as big I couldn't make it as big as it should so I gave it to you for free at my manager is standing over my shoulder well aware of the situation my manager was a pretty funny guy he loved to poke fun at Karen's like this so he started making an ice cream behind me probably the biggest ice cream I've ever seen easily 12 plus swirls almost twice as large as the one in our pictures easily 2 feet tall see at least he knows how to do his job properly hey she waves him down that's for me he messed up mine my manager said actually it's for Opie he's about to go on break and he deserves an ice cream after dealing with problem customers I say now is there anything I can actually help you with yeah free ice cream shouldn't be messed up ice cream the manager nudges me aside and stands at the till look lady the ice cream you got was free free free2go either go back to your table and sit down or I'm going to need to ask you to leave I got my brake extender from 30 minutes to 45 minutes ate my huge ice cream and what about the rest of my shift is normal it was a good day that I will remember forever I feel sorry for the kid who got the ice cream cone ripped away from him and he's probably just sitting there waiting for his mother to come back thinking but I wanted the ice cream our next reddit post is from shy girl turned sassy my aunt my dad's sister has always been the textbook entitled grunt when I was a kid she never missed an opportunity to make me feel like garbage from thinly veiled insults to outright verbal and emotional abuse she threw what she couldn't meet in an attempt to break me of course the disgust she felt for me and the faults she found in my dad's parenting never stopped her from mooching stuff off of him or asking him for favors without ever giving anything in return she and her husband considered their son to be a gift from the heavens and he too grew up to be a narcissistic bully who loved to torment me even though I was seven years younger than him my mom passed away when I was 1 year old and both my aunt and grandmother had been abusive to her as well but that's another tale for another time this is about the time that she along with her son ruined my tenth birthday this incident resulted in me being put off birthdays and deciding to never celebrate them again I just couldn't see them as a cause for celebration my entire extended family which included the set aunt uncle and cousins along with some other relatives were at our home and my dad and stepmom had gone out to run some errands my cousin had invited some of his friends over even though my dad and stepmom didn't know them my dad allowed them to come after my aunt wind incessantly about how her son would be bored if his friends weren't there I remember sitting in my room and playing with my dog I knew my cousin would be down there and I usually did what I could to avoid him at that time I suffered from a pretty bad stutter and when I got upset or angry it only got worse this is something my cousin loved to make fun of and of course my birthday would be no different he demanded that I come downstairs to talk to his friends when I refused his mother told me to stop being rude and do as I was told I was a powerless kid so I really had no other choice I went down to the living room and my cousin introduced me to his buddies in his usual condescending way as the birthday girl he handed me a novel and told me to read out loud I tried to read properly but failed I was surrounded by judgmental stares and it made me nervous I stuttered which is exactly what my cousin was hoping for he and his friends began to snicker I got angry and stopped reading my cousin called me a freak his friends look at me as though I was on display at a zoo exhibits I wanted to prove them wrong that I wasn't a freak that I could read I tried reading again this time on account of me being angry the stutter was much worse my cousin decided to mock my stutter and all but one of his friends roared with laughter the one that didn't actually notice my tears and told the others to knock it off he asked if I was okay my cousin told him not to bother it's just a joke and that I was just an oversensitive baby my rage was boiling over and I threw the book of my cousin's face and stomped out my aunt had seen what had happened and decided to pull me by my hair and rag me back to the living room she told me to apologize to my cousin I refused she told me I needed to be taught a lesson for being a brat I tried to tell her what had happened she chuckled and said so what he's your cousin and he's older than you you need to respect him now apologize I refused again this time with a no I hate you I hate all of you all the while crying and shaking with anger this didn't sit well with my aunt and she slapped me before asking me why I didn't just die in the womb she told me I was a troublemaker just like my mother had been that she knew the day I was born that there was something wrong with me that an evil grunt like my mother couldn't possibly produce a normal kid this was it I balled up my fist and connected it to my aunts face I punched that grunt so hard I busted her lip by now all the other relatives had heard the commotion and had gathered in the living room the moment my fist connected with my aunt is when my dad and stepmom walked into the front door the aunt started fake crying she berated my father for not raising me right and went on and on about how I was a violent ill-mannered brat etc etc the other relatives to express their disappointment in me my dad asked me what the heck I thought I was doing I tried to tell him what my cousin had done and what my aunt had said about my mother unfortunately my Sutter reared its ugly head again and all that came out of my mouth was gibberish my tears were flowing again in the meantime my cousin had decided to take all his friends and bail I was punished for my beastly conduct my birthday celebration was canceled my dad called my friends and asked them not to come over I didn't cut any cake the presents I was to receive from my parents were stalked away I was banished to my room and stayed there for the rest of the day I ate lunch and dinner alone the next morning no one spoke to me I was given my breakfast platter which I ate in my room that afternoon my cousin's friend the one who had told them to stop bullying me came over he told my dad what my cousin had done and what my aunt had said my dad sat me down and apologized to me but added that it was still wrong with me to punch my aunt I just sat there silently I was emotionally numb my dad kept telling me he loved me and that he was sorry I just coldly stared at him my stepmom suggested a belated birthday celebration I refused I told them I didn't want a birthday party and that I wouldn't celebrate my birthday ever again I kept my word every year since that day my parents would ask me what I wanted for my birthday and I always replied with nothing at all I would ask them not to get any cakes and not to invite any guests the day I was born now meant nothing to me even now after all these years I don't tell her break my birthday instead I celebrate the day I landed the job that enabled me to move away from my family and start a new life I consider it the day of my rebirth it was the day I was able to leave all the pain and anger behind a good plan for a life that I would live on my own terms my aunt and uncle sucky parenting ended up costing them dearly if you want to know what became of them do let me know in the comments it's pretty satisfying and then Opie post a link to that story which I'll cover right now my aunt my dad's older sister has always doted on our son I'm Indian and in my country son preference is a pervasive social disease most people regardless of social status religion etc place great value in their sons and daughters are seen as a burden on the family my aunt was no exception ever since she was a kid she had this messed-up one-sided competition with my dad I a woman in my dad's only child this gave her an opportunity to constantly make passive-aggressive remarks that my dad was so unfortunate to have a daughter his line would end with him etc etc she and her husband spoiled their son to the point that he became a narcissistic bully he would often mock my stutter cheat on his girlfriends and make unreasonable demands of his parents but did they ever try to discipline him or say no to him of course not their prince could do no wrong if he made fun of my stutter I was a piece of trash who deserved it if he cheated on his girlfriend she must have neglected him if he made sexist remarks of his female boss well he's a man you get the picture years went by and he just kept getting worse when he was living with them he at least pretended to respect them but when he landed a very high-paying job and was able to move out It was as if he forgot they even existed he and his wife hardly ever spoke to them by now my uncle had retired my aunt had never worked they had very little money left as they had spent it all on their son they've paid for his education his vacations and his wedding now they barely had enough to put food on the table my dad would help them as much as he could in 2011 my cousin's wife became pregnant and during her third trimester my cousin asked his parents to move in with him and his wife we all knew it was because they wanted free caretakers for the baby but my aunt just couldn't shut up about how wonderful her son was for wanting to take care of his parents by now I was well-established in my field and was looking forward to a successful career she taught in my father one last time saying my education and career would be of no use as I was just a daughter and could never take care of him the way her son would take care of her my dad just smiled and wished her well she and her husband moved to my cousin's place who lived in another city my dad would often receive calls and texts from her bragging about what a great life they had she sounded a bit too chipper my dad began to suspect that all wasn't right about six months after they left my dad said he was going to visit them as he was getting worried about his sister he asked me and my stepmom to accompany him we reluctantly agreed we arrived at their place and it's truly stunning a luxurious home in a posh locality this was no surprise as my cousin is very successful what did shocked us was the way he was treating his parents they were practically servants in his house my aunt tended to the baby cooked and cleaned my uncle tended to the gardens took care of the cars and went grocery shopping etc my cousin could easily afford maids drivers etc but why would he when his parents were now his free slaves what was even worse was the way he treated them my cousin-in-law would often yell at my aunt and would just order her around my uncle had this vacant and defeated look in his eyes I'd never liked him but couldn't help but feel a tangible my dad took my aunt aside and told her she didn't have to live like this that he could make arrangements for her and her husband my aunt put on a fake smile and said nonsense we could be happier any time my cousin or his wife said something cruel to her or told her to shut up when she tried to make conversation my aunt would put on a smile and act as though it was just a sweetest thing anyone had ever said to her it would have been funny had it not been so pitiful memories of all the horrible things she'd said and done to me and my dad were still fresh in my mind and the schadenfreude awaz real my aunts fake rueful smiles and the way she tried to cover up how her son was really treating her is the craziest thing I have ever seen my aunt and uncle often stressed the importance of having a male heir they claimed that their son would be their provider while I a daughter would be a burden till the day I was married off surprise surprise the exact opposite has happened while they were basically slaves in their sons house I'm unmarried have a loving partner wonderful pets and friends and a great career my dad has his own restaurant and seems very happy with his work entitled parents often assume that their kid can be a butthole to everyone else but he would never do that to them boy were they in for a shock edit my cousin hasn't completely escaped karma either a few months ago he got fired from his job and his boss at his new place of employment is his ex girlfriend whom he cheated on and dumped all because he didn't like the fact that she was more successful than him she's a wonderful person and won't miss use her power but I'm sure working under his ex is eating my cousin alive man these stories went from depressing to satisfying real quick Opie I'm glad you're in a better spot and I'm glad that your entitled aunt cousin and uncle are kidding what they deserve that was our slash entitled parents and if you don't hit the like button then that makes you an entitled viewer
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,244,527
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: RxxFXwTnLks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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