r/Prorevenge Tricked Into Eating GHOST CHILI PEPPERS!

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge where a sexual assault victim gets her revenge I was recently let go from my job as a store manager the company I worked for was abusive to both me and my staff some examples there are a lot more would be the owners and upper management coming to the store and chasing the staff around while snapping their fingers and saying you're not working hard enough go go go the owners slash upper management coming to see the store and telling me how fat a certain employee is the owners and upper management spreading rumors about the staff and I the owners and upper management screaming at us over the phone loud enough that customers could hear it a month or so before I was let go I had a pay dispute wherein I explained bluntly but professionally how they need to pay me because it's the right thing to do they'd promised extra pay above my salary for working hours I shouldn't have had to because of something they did and then purposefully didn't pay me that money eventually they paid me but they really didn't like that I set up for myself and thus started their plan to get rid of me one of them even stopped speaking to me altogether after this I was strangely giving permission to hire a staff for the store I needed one so I happily posted an ad online and started interviewing people it took a month but I finally found one I liked and called the references which came back average but good enough a sales rep I knew saw the resume on my desk and told me I should call X business which wasn't on the resume I did and it turned out this person had been fired for theft of money and product in the same industry of which I'm hiring for I decided not to hire the thief a few days after deciding against the thief I was forwarded a resume from the owner that had stopped speaking to me it was instructing me to interview the thief I had decided against but how did this owner get the thief's resume in their inbox the ad was mine and forwarded only to my email and only I had the password to the accounts the link back to an ad that I didn't write and post it from a different account this ad was for a store manager a poor attempt at being sneaky I could have quit right then but I had a better idea the owners are notoriously spiteful but I know they're also lazy and don't do their due diligence they think they're having me hire my own replacement without me knowing so I hired the thief as my employee while the owners having already seen that these resumes sees them as a good fit for the store manager I vouch for the thief's references knowing they'd never call them themselves three weeks later I was let go when I arrived at my store the owners seemed confused by the big smile on my face when they told me I was genuinely happy to be finished there it was the worst employment experience of my life but it was a job of necessity I was able to collect employment insurance thankfully the thief took over managing the store thanks to the new store hours the thief works five days a week with no staff open to close unsupervised we have a similar story from get von der down in the comments I used to work in a now did discount retail chain we had a regional manager responsible for ten of the most profitable stores steel he had an office in one of the ten stores and one night as he was leaving he snagged a one-pound bag of M&Ms off a product display that was probably too near the doors at the time probably worth about 3 bucks the loss prevention manager for this store happened to be live watching the monitors he immediately called the VP of loss prevention the next morning after a visit to a different store the regional manager comes in and flips on the light to his office the VP of loss prevention was sitting at his desk waiting for him he was allowed to resign and to keep the M&Ms the VP of loss prevention paid for them himself he was shown the video and was told that if he wanted to fight it he'd be arrested for theft he resigned and left 25 year career salary in the 200k a year range all flushed for a bag of M&Ms well I really hope those M&Ms were worth it our next reddit post is from the angry squash when I was a sophomore in high school I was dating this guy let's call him jack he was this brooding guy in the Spanish class and I was super into the whole mysterious and not talking to anyone not caring Bible once we started dating things were pretty cool he was nice and funny but he would make little comments all the time that just weren't okay for example I didn't like cursing back then so when he would say Frick I would ask him to stop and he would just say why the Frick should I freakin stop saying Frick over the next few months things got worse and worse he didn't want me talking to boys which I accepted as him just being a jealous boyfriend but then he didn't want me talking to girls either because he thought I would badmouth them when I talked to girls in front of him he accused me of talking in code about him even though I was only saying things like oh that tested math was hard right then came the emotional manipulation when we would get into arguments he would storm out of my house and cause scenes in front of my neighbors forcing me to just agree to whatever he wanted so that he would stop making me look bad in front of others he would say things like oh if you loved me you would do this one time I tried to break up with him and he ran to my house ten miles away to make sure that I felt guilty enough to stay with him not long after all of this came the physical stuff he would throw things hit me he even punched a hole in my wall that was fun trying to come up with an explanation for my parents ten months after we started dating I finally ended it after he sexually assaulted me I told my parents everything and they made sure that I was able to break up with him without him guilting me into backing out what I didn't realize was that during the sexual assault he'd taken pictures the next day at school he threatened to show them to everyone his friends my friend my parents teachers college admissions everyone I told one of my rather intimidating friends about it and she made sure to put a stop to that she ended up hunting him down beating the bejesus out of him and forcing him to delete the pics she was the best and I made sure to buy her a burger for that he'd also lend me his graphing calculator for algebra you know the ones that cost like 200 bucks he told me that he didn't win it back but then he wanted the money to buy a new one he also wanted five hundred bucks for all the pizzas dinners etc that he bought me over our relationship I said at that bagged up all the stuff he'd lent me and put it in his locker when I got home that night the bag was sitting on my front porch I ended up driving to his house and giving this stuff to his parents making sure to explain that while he bought me food I also bought him food so I didn't owe him anything all of this is a long-winded way to say that that guy sucked fast forward about a year I was in therapy taking medicine and doing much better after the entire ordeal I hadn't spoken to him at all and things were great then I got a call from him now Jack's dream was to join the Marines he'd been training with a Marine recruiter for nearly two years getting in shape making sure he was up to standard to join as much as I hated him I had to admit that he worked his butt off for that when Jack called me he asked me to be a character reference for him why he asked me I have no freaking idea after all the stuff he did you'd think he would have wanted me as far away from the recruiting people as possible nonetheless he asked so I did what any good friend would do and I told him sure I'd be happy to be your reference he said great and told me the stuff to say once the recruiting officer called stuff like checks an upstanding person very loyal very strong very hard-working a a guy to have in their Marines I said no problem and hung up two weeks later I got the call sergeant whatever asked me a couple of questions like how did I know jack did I think he would be a good fit for the Marines what kind of person he was etc you better believe that I told that guy everything I told him about the emotional manipulation the physical abuse the sexual abuse all of it in painstaking detail the sergeant was pretty quiet throughout all of this just listening shutting everything down I imagine at the end of the Kali said thank you for telling me all of this I'll be honest that's not what I was expecting to hear but I appreciate your honesty that's not the kind of person we want in the Marines I agreed with him on that point and we hung up never talk to Jack again after that last I heard he's working ahead McDonald's still in our podunk hometown I guess my character reference didn't help him get to the Marines whoops hmm who should I include as a character reference I know that girl I abused and sexually assaulted honestly this guy had it coming our next reddit post is from James Jay Sybil so I like to bring my food into the office and we have a fridge to put things into and I have my food in tubs with my name on them a co-worker would sometimes not see people's names on food and think it was theirs so would heat it up and eat it and then apologize they did this enough for it to be an annoyance but not enough for our employers to really care this has been happening with my food for once or twice a month last month I had enough and I like spicy food but don't break it into the office that sometimes I'll let people try some of my food in my cooking I ordered a bag of ghost chili peppers and put the full bag into a big pot of chili that would last for several days I took this into the office and had it for lunch every day midweek my lunch went missing and I was waiting for the person who was stealing my lunch to get a shock when they ate lunch what happened in reality was someone got sent home sick and the next day they were off and I was told they went to the doctor for stomach pains two weeks went by and the co-worker who was off refused to talk about it and said HR was involved so I knew they were going to try to get me fired I went home and ordered another bag of ghost chilies and made another batch of my chili this time with only one chili in a single tub I put this in the freezer and the following Monday I was told I had an HR meeting that day I refused and said they need to give me 24 hours to find someone to come into the meeting with me and the next day I had my manager coming to the meeting and brought in my now heated ghost chili infused chili the long and short is I was told I could be fired for trying to poison the person who was stealing my lunch and I asked if they admitted to stealing people's lunch which they did I then said I have the batch of chili in question with me and I like spicy food my liking spicy food shouldn't stop me from having it at work since it doesn't smell when heated like fish and my manager agreed it was on the person who took my lunch without knowing how spicy it was and I shouldn't be held liable if they eat something of someone else's that doesn't agree with him my manager and I then ate some of the chili and offered it to the people in the meeting some of which tried it and agreed that while it was spicy it was clearly what I liked as I was fine eating it the meeting ended and nothing happened I wasn't taken into another meeting and my lunch wasn't taken anymore but the person who would stole our lunch got a slap on the wrist and was allowed to stay at work lunches started going missing again so my manager went to HR to say that lunches were going missing and he knew who was taking it and had proof this time and when they asked for the proof he presented the meeting record with the line highlighted where they admitted they had stolen lunch and the line where HR said that this was not what the meeting was about they were fired the next day for theft of property and told they would not be given a reference then we had this contribution from PJ Murphy down in the comments years ago I was a dispatch for a trucking company lunches were going missing a co-worker suffered from a condition of his digestive system that required frequent colonoscopies as a result he had access to some pretty powerful laxatives he spiked his lunch sure enough in went missing there's this wretch of highway called the 401 and the guy who swiped the lunch was a truck driver here's the thing the distance between exits on that highway is considerable I guess he didn't make it as word got to run the terminal that the driver basically pooed all over the cab and had to pay for the cleanup it looks like in this case the punishment fits the crime our next reddit post is from count Mountain joy my nephew Bob had a job selling cellphones at a store in the mall the store was owned by a licensed distributor of one of the big-name brands he was very good at convincing customers to buy calling plans extended warranties and accessories that were obscenely profitable pretty soon he was the number one salesman in the store the owners asked him to transfer to their other store in a different mall replacing the assistant manager who they had just fired in addition to an increase in his base pay he'd get a cut of every sale made while he was in charge it took him about two days to figure out why sales were down clueless sales reps and lousy management the manager would disappear for hours at a time leaving the sales rep to sit around ignoring customers most of them would show up late leave early or not bother coming in at all and when they did speak to a customer they had no idea how to make a sale on his first day he outsold them all after making sure the guys on his shift were actually doing their jobs especially when it came to selling the high profit add-ons the store sales improved the store manager saw what was happening and wasn't too happy he knew it was a matter of time before he was kicked out and Bob took his job one day they received a shipment of new phones as usual Bob signed for them and locked them in the storage closet the next day was his day off the manager called and insisted he come in immediately because there was a problem overnight someone had broken into the store and stolen about a hundred of these brand-new phones the mall security camera showed two people driving up to the back door opening it with a key shutting off the alarm and walking out with the phones the police were called he was grilled by the police for a couple of hours but they had no evidence against him and he had an alibi but the manager convinced the owners that bob was probably involved since he had signed for the phones had keys to the door in storage closet and knew the alarm code Bob argued that they hadn't changed the locks or code after they fired the previous assistant manager and anyone could know about the shipment but he was fired actually they allowed him to resign and they stiffed him on his last Commission check at the other end of the mall was a store that sold phones for one of the competing cell companies they knew that since he had joined that other store their sales were suffering they hired him on the spots sales improved overnight one of his favorite tricks was to stand in front of the store and wait for a customer to walk by carrying a shopping bag from that other store he chat them up about their brand new phone calling plan warranty etc it's amazing how much the average mall shoppers willing to share with a stranger then he tell them that they probably didn't need the extended warranty and those accessories can be purchased at Walmart for about half the price and he could sell them the exact phone with better plan for less money if they agreed he would walk them back to the other store and tell the clueless sales rep how to avoid the sale he just made then bring the customer back to his store to pick up their new phone it took about three months before that other store closed its doors that was our /po revenge and if you enjoyed this video please hit the like button because it really helps my channel grow also don't forget to subscribe because I put out new reddit videos every single day
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Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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