My Hero Academia: Season 4 (PT 2) Full Recap

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i still hate intros my hero academia season 4 part 2 episode 13. we hop back a bit where the girls are fighting with a villain named rikiya he is draining their life force taking nasui and ochako out of the fight toga shows up disguised as midoriya saying that the others are in danger and need help this somehow gets them back into the fight and they end up smashing through the street winding up where the real midoriya is the league villains are hoping to kidnap aries since she is the core of the yakuza operation when the fighting starts up again we get a flashback of arie when she was a little girl she had accidentally used her power on her father which made him disappear her mother said that she was cursed and didn't want her so her grandfather and the leader of the haasekai took her in he had asked overhaul to look after her and also to find out what her ability is well studying her he found out that her quirk actually gives her the ability to rewind which she's never actually told her back to the present where era uses her power to rewind overhaul's body to before he had absorbed nematode bringing him back she comes to the realization that the heroes will keep coming for her until she is saved so for the first time she trusts them and tries to get to midoriya midoriya had jumped to get to arie who is being taken away by overhaul he manages to get to her and then uses all of his power to launch them both into the air this is confusing to him though because when he did this he used 100 percent of one for all to ensure airy safety meanwhile overhaul needs a new boost in power since his fusion with nematode was cancelled out so this time he absorbs rakia we learned that aries ability had rewound midoriya's body to before he was injured but the problem is that she doesn't know how to shut it off this means that his body's going to keep on rewinding until it's nothing which is what happened to her father overhaul catches up to them again but this time he's in his final boss form he figures with her quirk constantly activated he can just keep on destroying his body and she'll be able to heal him letting him fight at a constant 100 percent the power allows him to do some serious damage to overhaul with just one hit well overhaul is flying through the air after the shot we get a flashback of him telling the boss about his plan he wanted to create bullets to deactivate hero's quirks and sell them to the villains on the other hand he also wanted to create a serum to sell to the heroes creating a monopoly on both sides that would make the shiehasakai rulers of the underground and the boss was like [ __ ] that this forces him to make the boss sick so he can't interfere and he plans on restoring him back to health once his plan is complete back on up to the present where midoriya lands a flurry of punches and defeats overhaul without any problems this also proves that ni's vision of the future can be changed meaning that all might can still be saved yeah episode 14. tamaki manages to get to cronus stasis and apprehends him just before he kills a racer head when overhaul takes one last swing at midoriya aery causes his body to rewind to before he absorbed rakia after that midoriya is still being rewound by her power until a racerhead steps in to nullify it all in all the raid was a success and the haazikai are arrested but the league of villains members got away shortly after the fight the league of villains attacks the convoy escorting overhaul to the hospital even though the useless side character snatch is with the convoy he is defeated by mr compress they get to overhaul and as punishment for him defying them they destroy both of his arms meaning that he can no longer use his quirk for some reason the four remaining quirk destroying bullets were being transported with him also so now the league of villains has that too hey so what do you guys think we should do with these four bullets that threatens the stability of our entire society i know let's transport an ambulance with the main antagonist who made them oh good idea what about security one useless side character good thinking we see that everybody survived the ordeal and naidi is in rough condition he gets visited by all my and together it gets all emotional and he dies episode 15. detective sukuchi and gran torino heads into the mountains because there have been sightings of kurogeri there they find and subdue him but turns out the reason he was out there is because he was meeting with someone we then meet giganto machia who was a faithful servant to all for one midoriya goes to check up bontogda who seems to be in high spirits considering he just watched his mentor die and lost his powers his upbeat attitude makes midoriya realize why night i was hoping that he would inherit one for all so he asks him what he would say if he could give his powers to him together refuses though saying that it would only cause midoriya problems and it's not like midoriya did a bad job he is hoping that once arie learns to control her power then maybe she can rewind his body to when he still had his work the next day all might and present mike meet up with todoroki and bakugou for their provisional license training course eraserhead was supposed to be the one meeting with them but he's busy helping airy we then learned that gran torino had managed to capture kurogeri but giganto machia made a mess of things and managed to get away back over to the training course where endeavour is there also and wants to talk with all might meanwhile we see that some of the shiketsu high school students from the previous season are going to be participating in the course also episode 16. dude rookie bakago kami and inasa are given a task to find a way to deal with some unruly kids well that's going on all my and endeavor look on from the stands and have their talk and never seems to be struggling with filling all my shoes as the number one hero and it's weighing on his mental oh my just gives him some generic advice saying that you should just focus on the hero you want to be instead of trying to replace him anyways back to the other filler content the little [ __ ] aren't listening so nobody knows what to do this takes the [ __ ] scenic route but eventually winds its way around to the kids wanting to fight the students in the last scene episode 17. all the kids try attacking the students but obviously their attacks are less ineffective because they can't really attack them back they use their powers to create a nice slide for the kids to play this wins the kids over so they pass the test afterwards endeavour talks with todoroki who still isn't really his biggest fan endeavour promises him that he's gonna try and be a better hero and father to become somebody that todoroki can be proud of hinasa originally hated endeavor also but after hearing this he kind of wins him over after the incident the work study program is put on hold for all of the students night eyes sidekick centipeder took over nidai's agency and is working with bubble girl they're also eagerly awaiting the return of together if he ever gets his powers back harry had to regain consciousness but can't have any visitors due to the instability of her powers the horn on her head that powers her rewind quirk began to shrink and it's now just a bump we then get some more filler content on how ao yelman tries to raise midori spirits but it's just kind of creepy while doing it the sentiment is nice though and the two become closer friends at the end of it episode 18. filler content continues where everybody tries to figure out what they're gonna do for their school festival they want to have jiro perform live music and have a dance party for their class but jiro is too shy and doesn't want him they convinced her to do it or whatever and then we learned that ever since arie had woken up she has only had one request and that's to see midoriya and together so they make an exception to the no visitor role when they go to see her she's still in a dark place and feels guilty about toga to losing his powers that's when they get the idea to have her attend the ua festival in hopes of raising her spirits we then hop on over to the chief of police kenji as they investigate a villain by the name of gentle criminal he is an internet celebrity that posts videos of himself committing crimes there's a new video of him robbing a store and then defeating a group of heroes that try to stop him his partner in crime and camera chick is the little girl named la brava they aren't getting enough exposure on their videos wonder what that's like so they plan to do something big to get their name out there episode 19. gentle criminal only targets people or establishments that behave in a quote un-gentlemanly way so he's a scuff vigilante thief back to class 1a who set their roles for the festival with the band team effects team and dance team after that midoriya meets with all might to express his concern that even when he was fighting overhaul at 20 he still wasn't strong enough all might takes him outside for a lesson where midoriya has an epiphany he decides to control a percentage of one body part and raise it to 20 for a split second which will cause a focused blast the air pressure creates a ranged attack that's strong enough to knock down a tree and adds to his overall arsenal and in the last scene we see that arie had arrived at ua high school episode 20. arie was allowed to go to the campus ahead of time to avoid any unnecessary stresses and explore a bit she goes around the campus with midoriya and together visiting all the side characters that are preparing for the festival when they talk to the principal we see a flashback of the police wanting to cancel the event because of the recent events with villains midnight tells him that if there's any alarm even a false one the festival will be shut down they had also implemented some extra security measures in the form of hound dog who will be patrolling around the campus later on while out practicing his new move hatsume ends up running into them apparently midoriya had asked her to design a new glove for his wind pressure move and she tells him that it's almost done after that while online midoriya accidentally clicks onto one of gentle criminals videos then we hop on over to gentle who is hoping to infiltrate the festival to give the heroes a wake-up call and make them see that it's too dangerous for them to be having events like this episode 21 midoriya is supposed to hold aoyama up so he can be a human disco ball for the performance but the rope that they're gonna use is getting a little worn out jump ahead to the morning of the festival where hatsume finds midoriya and delivers his new gloves after that he goes to the convenience store to get some new rope for the performance while he's out he ends up running into gentle criminal and while talking he recognizes his voice from the video he had watched midoriya wants to prevent any alarms from being sound so that eric can enjoy the festival and all their hard work won't go to waste they both get into a fight where we learn that gentle squirk is elasticity and can be applied to anything that he touches even the air this turns out to be a good opportunity for midoriya to practice his new air pressure in the attacks couple of scenes me doria is forced to ensure that a man isn't crushed by a beam which buys gentle enough time to start making his way towards the school episode 22. as they approach the school midoriya catches up to them and uses his gloves to apprehend them this prompts a flashback of la brava being bullied in school and coming across gentle he was kind to her or whatever and that's why she's so devoted to helping him lubrava's quirk is love when she says that she loves somebody it gives them a boost to their power and the deeper her love the stronger they get she uses this to give gentle enough power to fight back against midoriya prompting another flashback this time we see the young gentle criminal who dreamed of being a hero but can never pass the test while trying to save a man he obstructs a hero by mistake and the man is severely wounded after that he felt like he was being forgotten so he instead decided to be a villain midoriya manages to restrain him again as hound dog and ectoplasm are closing in on their position wanting to protect la brava gentle uses the last of his strength to knock midoriya away and then turns himself into the heroes episode 23. found dog takes gentle into custody and escorts him to the police station along with la brava meanwhile midoriya gets back just in time for his part in the festival the concert is a huge hit with the students and for the first time they get arie to smile and have a good time the rest of it is pretty filler-esque with them going around the rest of the festival when it's over aries take him back to the hospital getting a candy apple as a parting gift from midoriya episode 24. everybody gets the news that arie is gonna be living at ua her horn was getting bigger again so they don't want to put her into an orphanage they figure this is the best alternative so she can figure out how to control her power class 1a then gets a visit from the wild wild pussycats and coda that's pretty filleresque and then we hop on over to the first hero billboard chart since all might have retired and everybody is eager to see who the most popular heroes are during the ceremony we meet the top 10 heroes with endeavour being number one we also meet the number two hero in hawks who decides to stir things up a bit with his speech afterwards endeavour isn't too happy with him but then he mentions that he is hoping to work together with endeavour hux says that there's been some new sightings of no moose in his hometown we then hop on over to dobby who seems to have a new friend called high-end but anyways back to the heroes while out walking with hawks endeavour realizes how charismatic and approachable he is to everybody on the other hand everybody is intimidated by endeavor and afraid to talk to him he tries to be friendly which doesn't go over so well but it's obvious he's making an effort to be a better hero while eating hawks speculates that somebody is spreading stories about these no moves all over the country we also get a brief mention of a villain biography that could be inspiring new criminals hawks requests that endeavor investigate these rumors and if it turns out to be nothing then to prove that they're not valid in the last couple of scenes their talk gets interrupted by high-end who came looking for a fight episode 25. we get a quick scene of todoroki's mom visiting with her daughter and son in fiumi and natsuo natsu is mad at endeavor for not taking any responsibility for how badly he had treated the family rey doesn't think that's necessarily the case because he did come by a couple of different times to drop off her favorite flowers even though she never talked to him she believes that he is trying to make things right in his own way but anyways back to the fight where endeavour injures high-end revealing that he has regeneration powers healing him back to new this is also the first no move that they had come across that can actually talk during fighting we learn that hawk's ability allows him to control his feathers and he uses this to get by standards to safety from the collapsing building other no-name heroes try to intervene and help in the fight but they get intercepted by white nomus who keep them busy it's then revealed that endeavour's weakness is that after too much fighting he starts to overheat and his body begins to deteriorate he claims that this is the reason he was so hard on his family while they were growing up at the risk of damaging himself he uses one more massive attack called prominence burn in hopes of killing high-end before his regeneration can kick in this almost works but high end had tore off its own head and thrown it away from the flames in order to survive high and then retaliates and endeavour is severely wounded but despite that he keeps fighting back we see everybody watching the fight unfold including todoroki and his siblings hux catches up to the fight and uses his feathers to launch endeavor and high end into the air to avoid any collateral this is endeavour's q to let loose another prominence burn which can't be dodged this time since he has a hold up high end the attack doesn't have to finish the fight with endeavour barely being able to stand afterwards after the credits we see midoriya having a cryptic dream of his predecessors and he hears a voice saying he is the ninth i'm going to be doing the future seasons and you can find that on the left side whenever i'm finished with it or you can check out all the my hero academia recaps in the playlist on the right side you can also find the links in the description below and the only thing i hate more than intros is outros
Views: 16,115
Rating: 4.9632063 out of 5
Keywords: my hero academia, my hero, recap, full recap, boku no hero, season 4, anime, part 2, pt 2
Id: W8m4lHdKlOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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