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*nyah* J: Hey, how's it going everyone this is the Anime Man and I'm here with F: And it's Poodeepai!!! [anime review!!] *laughs* J: PewDiePie, Pewds, I don't know how to call you in the video F: Nice to meet you (majestic bow) *laughs* J: Pewds is in Japan right now I mean he won't be by the time this video comes out so don't dox him or stalk him Don't dox him? I'm the one who's gonna be doing that--- anyway, so I wanted to test... your anime knowledge. F: Oh you're right. J: Naturally, because that's that's -- J: That's -- that's what my channel is all about F: That's all you do! J: That's all I do F: Anytime we hang out Joey's just like 'can we just talk about anime please' J: *laughs* No I don't! F: Any time we're talking about anything else? J: No you're always, you're always the one asking me asking me questions like-- "Hey Joey what's a, what's a good manga that I can read?" F: Who am I supposed to ask then?! [ask aki maybe?] J: I DUNNO? J: So, I wanted to test out uh Pewds' knowledge on anime so I've come up with a game F: Mhmm... J: Called "REAL OR FAKE ANIME" F: That was like "we should make it into a competition" J: Yeah, so originally I was just gonna like read a bunch of like questions to Pewds, but then he was like "well yeah I can do it too" *gibberish voice* P: I can, I know I'm right J: I know it, I know anime So for real or fake anime we have ten -- J: Synopsises of anime that we've each written or gotten off the internet. F: Right J: Some of them are real, some of them are fake. J: So we read the synopsis off to each other F: Mhmm J: and then we have to guess if that anime is real, or if it's a fake one that we made up F: And you guys at home can play along! J: Audience Participation! [fabulous] J: I guess the person with the least amount of points? F: Right J: gets a tweet written by the person who won F: Heyy F: a classic J: So, are you sure you're okay was giving me this much power? F: Y-you're basically saying like, "I'm gonna win and I'm gonna take from your phone!" J: I think in all honesty like this is a pretty fair competition, considering it's a 50/50 chance Yeah, but it's not 50/50 chance J: I-it is a 50-50 chance! You just have to -- F: I'm not the Anime Man! You just have to say real or fake But you have to give like a reason as to why you think it's real or fake J: 'cause otherwise you can just say "oh, it's real because - i think it's real" P: Okay, okay okay To make it fair alright who wants to go first?I P: Why don't you go first!? J: Should I go first? P: You should go first J: Okay I will go first then a series of serial murders have taken place with all the victims being young girls. One day,sister Mafuyu and Tomo stumble across an injured young man and decide ro bring him back to thier place to recover. P: Mhmm That right,Mafuyu ends up at the mercy I'm already lost, wait! of the infamous serial killer. suddenly,Sasha,the mysterious young man the sisters had taken in,comes to the rescue just in time,helping Mafuyu avoid the same fate as the other victims. oh ma gad Sasha reveals that he is in fact a supernatural being,indivitually capable of controling elemental powers by breast-feeding and consuming a miraculous essense called Soma. F: WHat?? First of all, mine are like two sentences *slight laugh* J: Oh really?! J: I mean, this is, this ones probably the longest one that I have P: Okay okay I thought it would, like, I throw you off a little bit by being like, too concise Okay, well the good thing about this is that if it's real-- I mean if it's fake, that means you came up with this story about breastfeeding P:Which, I would very much enjoy-- J: You gotta gi-- you gotta give me credit for that Which is kind of why I will-- actually I don't think you would come up with that, but if you do props to you J: Okay P: So that's my motivation that it's real J: You're correct! P: Aye!! It's from an anime called 'Seikon no Qwaser' You're not a weird pervert! I'm not a weird pervert! There's already someone out there who's more perverted than me P: So that means I get one point J: You get one point P: That means I'm, I'm winning J: You're winning I'm winning against the Anime Man Buddy A boy-- I didn't want to get the names P: Cause I knew you just "Uh. I'm the Anime Man" J: "Oh I know that name" A boy and a girl High sc-- wait, I didn't-- *sudden laughter* [pewds is really different here] two highschool students fall hopelessly in love until Japan gets attacked by military.he discovers that his girlfriend is actually a war robot of mass destruction. That's it? Yep It's so hard. No. It's very easy. You're the anime man J: I feel like I know this... do you have like the name written in it? If it's a real anime? F: I cannot confirm that question. J: You can't--- you know what I think I actually know the name of this anime I think it's real (F: yeah) and I think the anime is Saishuu Heiki Kanojo *laughs* F: I guess you are the Anime Man J: YES 🤣🤣🤣 F: I asked you this before, but I feel like... when people meet you they must always like trying get you J: oh, yeah, yeah, yeah F: he doesn't really know about animeee J: it's like a ton of people who like make like really difficult anime quizzes online. F: Oh... J: And they're like, I think you can't answer all of these questions Rentaro is just an average high school boy who was fed up with his uneventful everyday life. Okay one morning He finds himself waking up to a classroom reeking with the scent of blood Not only that but the students of the school are trying to fend off with an assortment of weapons in hand From the twisted and demonic teachers who are trying to educate the student in bloody torture 🤣🤣🤣 Rentaro seeks to escape from the school, but his only hat hoping hand is a single 9-millimeter handgun Next to a bloody note that simply reads eradicate the principle. F: I wanna watch that that seems good J: Yeah F: so if you wrote that I would be like yeah, that's impressive F: I think I would be more impressed if you wrote about breast milk though, 🤣🤣🤣 but that's tough. It's still pretty interesting F: I feel like you could you could probably come up with something like that you were THE anime man F: That's my motivation for it. J: Okay. F: I'll go with fake J: fake? F: Yeah. J: It's fake F: YEEEAAAAH J: It's actually this is like a novel idea that I've been trying to write for years. F: Oh really? I'm impressed J: Yeah F: well, there you go. I'm impressed J: So... Depending on if you're watching this video in the future it might be real 🤣🤣🤣 J: I don't know F: a young boy gets taken away by a monster from another realm His group of young friends decides they need to get him back they discovered this new world and friends with supernatural Power along the way to help them J: that sounds so basic 🤣🤣🤣 J: I feel like I've seen like seven different anime with that synopsis F: well, that's what you get mister anime mannnn J: AAAAAAHHHH J: I'm gonna say real. Just because I feel like I've seen an enemy like that. I just can't think of it F: it's fake J: NOOOOO No we're I'm gonna tweet No don't Calm down on a first day of school Miki is tasked with managing a brand new idol group however every member of the idol group are not pretty school boys but statues If this is real why have I not heard of it that must be fake must be fair Yeah, this is too unreal. I feel like I must have heard about it. Okay It's real. No yeah, it's called sekkou boys. Is it good. It's pretty funny. Finally. I get the advice I ask Check it out really have to like open up my mind cuz yours are so alike sorry I Had to like do it a little hard. Yeah, okay? I'm this hard mode for me. Yeah. It is a young gorgeous looking girl Transform into a foul disgusting creature of the night after returning home Returning home from where??? F:That's what Marzia asked well, I tried this out of her [hello marzia!] J: There's like barely any information! F: From her daily chores... I feel like that's fake now now that you said that I feel like that's fake from her daily joy She just happened to end up becoming a foul creature of the night, yeah That's gonna fake. It's real. It's Dr.. Jekyll and mr.. Hyde kind of creature what that's bullshit. I've been boozled. Oh my god. Oh I Swear to God if anybody watching this said like oh yeah, that's Umaru! something wrong with you in the city of Little Tokyo Society is blended with feudal and modern Japanese culture whose citizens are walking talking animals When the head police guard catches wind that the corrupt Prime Minister see more cheese Decides to become emperor and take over Little Tokyo He knows that only one group can save Little Tokyo the owners of a local pizza joint the katana wielding trio of Custer's this is - ran them the pizza cats the beats again I F: Think it's fake. J: Why do you say that? All the citizens you said we're animals including the pizza cat yeah, why why is the the cheese different? See more cheese. Yeah, I feel like they would just have eaten in this There's a plot hole in this yeah, that's a cheese. I don't know I've never fed cheese to a cat. It's baked Just tell me with me. Okay. It's real What it's real it's called samurai pizza cats. Oh, my god. Is it good. No a story about [where are you going with this] Basically just described every yaoi anime ever It's probably real in that case cuz there is a lot about yeah. Yeah, yeah, what anyway? I was thinking your own eyes cuz it's always oh If you had said ice skating yeah, but then you would have just known oh, yeah This is 50/50 for me. It does say adorable kids action comedy So it's a kid show Does it say that or did you write that? That's when you're gonna have to try and figure out isn't it isn't that the point of the game? You sneaky snake have Joey reference snails anytime late They like this group of like cleaning people to like clean away all the slime and clean away the evil presumably Try to see if you're lying or nothing I'm sticking with fake fake final answer yes, yes I thought maybe would be like one of those older ones again like the one you picked before yeah I was trying to like nice my sudden you were Brad yeah Oh gotcha bitch dammit Oh, yeah, that's why I'm my assassin Yeah, it sounds like Ranma Japan is not a hugging Society So I think that's I think it's like because you just you don't see hugs in Japan like no I'll do actually yeah. I'm gonna say fake it Maybe I got this thing office drawing man in Fruits Basket. Yeah, I know Fruits Basket If you came up with this then Bravo, you know I would be very impressed It's so random and weird and bizarre and strange and it's making me really want to watch it alone at night I'm gonna go with real real. Yeah. It's real. Oh my god. Yes. What's the man's gold aqui con? I'll write that down yes a [the fuck, pewds??] Maybe I'm trying to throw you off a little too much Maybe more like punches punches I feel bad for like having such a misleading one Yeah, I know you like you know like click baiting me in peace and offices But if the earth is flying then where does the center? It sounds pretty basic, anime plot like military style you got a lot of names in there It seemly if you did you probably gave it a lot of thought I mean I have a lot of names and all of mine I'm like oh I'm gonna go with real because it sounds like your typical mainstream type of stuff, it's Damn it By the way the name of the rebel force the Mekong Like you said unique black hair so clearly before Super Saiyan. It was raised by Master Roshi It's the old guy right, and he saves the planet like over and over and he can fly that's Dragon Ball! this straight-up Dress is that not Dragon Ball is that your guess? Superman and Dragon Balls the same thing that's how I got you except. He doesn't have unique hair I realize now ya three have loved them too bad wait wait wait why the hair..? okay, so the last one was like military stuff as well. I'm guessing this one is Fake fake cuz I'm guessing you won't bamboozle me twice. It's real even if I lose I get great anime What is that lost muncher? Yeah, you sure about. I'm sure are you sure? It has to be faked yes fake, it's obviously made too hard I left a nice one to the end no one no one in Japan is like "the earth's flat" Jesus and Buddha the founders of Christianity and Buddhism are living together as roommates in a Tokyo apartment while taking a vacation on earth That's it. That's it. I'm trying to wrap my head around this I feel like if it really has to be a bit older Maybe well actually maybe not I don't know it just seemed that kind of controversial Maybe I don't know I mean yeah considering the main characters are Jesus and yes any time I'm going like there's no way that's real. It's always real So it's real you say real. Yeah, it's real Insane one it's called st. Nisan. Oh my god. Is it good. It's actually oh my gosh Another great Recommendation from the anime man! You've been holding out this whole time. No. Why should I what do you mean you could -? Extremely handsome youtubers makes and that he may video together And it breaks the internet because everyone loved it and left the light and checked out one of them's channel after I told you I forgot the right this life. Oh, yeah, right well I won I have eight points and you got six points so I did better than I thought yeah So anyway guess it's time. Yes. It's time for me to have a lot of power in my hands right yeah So the rule is I have to tweet one thing from Pewds's twitter, and he can't delete it I have a bot that deletes all my tweet after 30 days so really yeah, okay? So if you're watching this after 30 days, then clearly you won't see the tweet But screenshot it if you can right there you go here. You go that Right power is in my hands right now. I've been thought about what I was gonna write. Yeah We made it up on the spot yeah probably better that way is there anything you don't want me to write I Trust that you wouldn't write too crazy, yeah sure crazy or like would get me in trouble kinda stuff Yeah, okay, cuz I do that myself anyway Would you like to read it out? [joey omfg] So if you want to take that tweet out before it expires then Screenshot it there. You go and just know that I tweeted it out all right. Thank you so much anyway man. No worries I hope you enjoyed that tweet, and I hope you guys enjoy the game. Let us know how you did in the comments below Go check out Pewdiepie because it doesn't have enough subscribe. Thank you. That would really be great. Yeah really Flood these comments with all of your anime profile pictures because that's what he wants, and yeah enjoy that penis tweet Thank you. I will yeah. I just love how nobody is like Did you get hacked? Thanks for having me on it? Yeah? No worries. I'll see you guys in the next video!! [thanks for watching! feel free to subscribe to joey and felix!]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 7,550,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, PewDiePie
Id: k8UmX17DXWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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