Making The ULTIMATE Isekai Anime Tier List (ft. Gigguk)

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yeah how's going to run this the enemy man and I'm here with the is a kind man welcome to the ISA kaizo kaizo today hey guys get up good to be here well there's a reason why I invited you here today because this is 2020 and T Omega is so apparently thing so it's always gonna be it's always gonna be a thing yes so today I'm going to be doing the ultimate izakaya animate a list let's do it and what better then to get a second opinion on the man who's probably a lot more knowledgeable on the hall is the guy a thing to think is like for me it's like it's the guy as well for me is like a love-hate relationship if you do this by yourself everything's just gonna be f10 we're gonna find out so I've taken thirty izakaya shows that I think best represents the genre at least you know the overall like history of the entire genre yeah and we're basically just gonna give our thoughts on it okay and place it on a tier list now mind you we have two professionals here so this is the ultimate issue Keitel we don't care what anyone says this is objectively correct this is law whatever we say now is what the law is in terms of these thinkers so we don't care if it's your favorite your least favorite this is what it is from now on all right so let's get started I guess um I think that is a defer data personally I only saw one episode of it okay just from that yeah yeah it's uh okay it's the second heart so so so like how are you rating this oh how are we judging this because are we judging this via Issa Kleist and are we judging this via hey this is a normal anime stand well I mean I think it's good to like judge it kind of a little bit on both or I think it's like it's it's getting points for like how good is it as an S okay yeah and also just how good is it as a show overall okay and then we'll kind of like you know take the two together an average in it okay yeah because howdy fret for me is like a [ __ ] the show overall is [ __ ] trash if you were to come to me and say like it was like pretty decent I'm like oh man this isn't India would it be not to go through like anime adaptation of SOI because the foot is sound like had a shitty anime adaptation right um but I did read the manga for it and it's it's kind of like a refresher for me fits into that kind of guilty pleasure kind of show because it's something that if you enjoy sekai and if you look for it for the trashy power fancy stuff it's like really edgy but it's like the good kind of edgy mostly probably if it was just the first arc i put it detailed easier overall i'd put it like between D&E so like if it was the second arc i haven't even like i've read the manga so any margaritas and once the gun come to me and you're like no it's exactly the same it just has it doesn't have bad CGI okay well then we'll probably place it in like a safe et okay what we'll put that as like the benchmark from the rest of these shows yeah okay next one is uh not conventionally known as an izakaya but technically nice okay yeah boy and the Beast uh I haven't actually seen the boy in the Beast oh really the only mama has soda film I haven't seen that okay when you think of an ice okay mm-hmm it's this isn't a movie you think of oh no no right like you don't think like it's a guys can't make it's a movie status no yeah yeah yeah but it does and like I made ages ago I made like a worst to best Mamoru Hosoda movies okay and in that list I put boy and the beast as worst right but that was because I was comparing it to like everything else more oh sorry yeah yeah if I just compare this is this is like a standalone movie it's pretty good yeah the reason I haven't gone around to watching is because I have heard that it is not his best movie so there's just not been that push for me to go out and watch it but boy and the beast is interesting because there's like a double this okay mmm so like the boy goes to the beast Walt and the beast does come to the boy wall it's like everything around that so in terms like how is it as an izakaya I think it's pretty good I'm sorry I probably put in like a BT maybe okay again legs are amazing but pretty good yeah pretty decent okay next up devil is a part-time devil is a part-timer now we get into my [ __ ] because you made a whole video yeah yeah I recently re-watched ever was part-timer so I was like is it was devil is a part-timer as good as I remembered it or was it just like me looking at this through nostalgia dog arrived I know after watching it it is as good as I remember it for Issei high standards it's like top tier like yeah well II Sakai standards it's like it's it's different cause it's like a reverse Issei Chi and it's it's funny because it seems more relevant in today's standards than it is then it then when it originally came out because it came out when II said I was just starting to become a thing right so when this came out nobody even knew of the word Issei guy no one really caught it and you say guys but it feels more relevant today because it feels like a parody of II Sakai and it does a better job parodying Issei Chi than most parodies of modern Isa Kyle okay right nowadays because it just it's just a genuinely funny show ya know I watched it once lately i watch the wallet was airing back in the day and I really enjoyed it I wish there were more episodes of it and I read the first volume of the light novel to just cuz I was curious to see like how it compared to like no way and like the lightening was also really good so I mean I would personally put it maybe a tear a yeah I would put in an 8 yeah because you know if we I can think of maybe better ISA car than up but it's definitely like top top there it's definitely definitely off that okay alright next up is a MILF is Iike milf oh I mean finish it I didn't finish yeah I didn't finish it either how many episodes did you watch like four or five maybe we're only halfway through that she watched more than me really I honestly I did I enjoyed this lesson howdy faretta like I I don't know I was like obviously struck in originally because of just the ridiculous concept yeah and I'm like this could probably work and also it was just like a nice change oh because it was like it was at the point as well where like I was getting sick of bully Emoto [ __ ] yeah yeah a MILF a MILF Oh an older female yeah yeah exactly right so I watched it and like uh as a nice guy it's like it's basically just your [ __ ] standard it's a guy it's like oh no mom accidentally goes to the other world with the game of son yeah but mom is ope she know the whole premise of the show I mean personally I had much high hopes for it because you know it was something that was different as you said but it just tried way too hard to be funny and that was my issue with it like there was the scene in the second episode which really put me off it was the scene where they were like taking like a bath or something yeah then the cinder a stands up and they have like a whole conversation about like ah I bet you're about to hit me now and she's like ah bets wouldn't it be funny fight don't hear you ha ha ha I'm not gonna hit you and he's like oh wow this is this is really funny you're not hitting me and then she runs off and that was that was the joke and I'm like what this isn't comedy this isn't even parody you're just you're just literally like they basically just explain the joke yeah exactly I just got really thrown off with like the whole over-sexualization of the mom yeah I'm just like I cannot like uh how am i okay when it's a [ __ ] blood-related system where are we putting it I'm thinking maybe like a D or an e speaking personally I enjoyed it a lot less because I didn't find any enjoyment in it looking at it from as like a reviewing standpoint I I can't really tell the difference we na d fret and all right all right next up drifters drifters yeah yeah I wash drifters that was just a lot of fun that was a lot of fun I mean that's what you get from the people who made Hell's Helsing yeah like it's basically just in modern be sekai Helsing yeah yeah yeah exactly right yeah and like the art and animation voice acting was all [ __ ] awesome and with the whole like subplot of again like I feel drifters is like another show that you don't think of what you think is I kinda know technically speaking it isn't it is news say for me judge because I judge drifters it's just a really solid action show it's not like the best show in the world but it is really solid and I can easily recommend it yeah so like for me personally I would put it like a oh btw oh yeah I would put it as a nail bTW I enjoyed it much more than I didn't join the base so I probably throw it up in me okay next up is a throwback she you you for she GU ji holy [ __ ] I haven't heard back I haven't seen this in like forever this is like another show where I'm just like oh yeah this is technically a new seeker yeah yeah it's like those actually quite a lot of ISA Chi back in the 90s it was just very different one of the biggest difference I've noticed is that most ISA kinda nineties focus on people were trying to get back to the world that they came in and now he Sakai is just like I want to stay in this world rather than always wave back what a [ __ ] would I want to say in my real world I'm happy here I feel like that's what made I guess like the whole like element of this again the nineties so much more enjoyable more like an adventure because you could clearly see okay there is an end goal yeah it's not like how long can I stay here for for indefinite amount of time it was like I have a time limit to get back up exactly that shit's gonna have yeah like another is the Chi which I didn't actually put on this list because I thought it'd be a little too similar to cheeky yogi was a escaflowne I would say like see you again escaflowne kind of like in this list probably yeah very similar yeah yeah yeah I guess the whole fact that people who watched officially back in the day are still pretty hype on pushing you yeah yeah I would suggest that it's a good show I mean I haven't seen it I haven't seen in so long and he's he's like my my issue that could possibly like I I would have to re-watch it because I rewatched a bit of like escaflowne a while ago and he has not aged well really the the problem the problem with escaflowne is that a lot of the tropes when it came out were like really new and now it's just way more generic then run when it first came out and I haven't seen fishy guu in like ages I would assume then if will happen in escaflowne yeah only the same inefficient so like I would be hesitant to put this too high just just because of just because I am Not sure side but it's definitely it's definitely solvent I put a like bTW yeah I think I think be tears yeah yeah yeah if you a sick of modern yes okay you go back and watch Russia unique yeah okay next up gate gate again I've only saw this once while it was airing so there's a lot I don't remember yeah all I remember is that like my wife who was like a nine hundred year old Rudy was best gala but yeah yeah yeah but I enjoyed it like I enjoyed like the whole military aspect of the show I actually think gay is a really underrated easlick I because everyone's forgotten gates I really liked how unique it was they were overpowered because they had advanced technology you know I mean what it wasn't this like [ __ ] kind of thing where hey you you've you've been given a [ __ ] power no it's it's literally just yeah it's literally just the Japanese military being loopy because we are hundreds of years ahead in terms of Technology yeah so I mean I I really enjoyed it I I would put this that like a solid ce-tit-ce-tit yeah I think that's fair oh yeah that's fair okay next up grimgar fantasy nash you can i say is only i get so much [ __ ] for when i say that upset that our panels those videos and people like how could you have a grim guy it was amazing i'm like it was just like a glorified like [ __ ] a MV that's a label bit right like i I watch grimgar and you know speaking from a critical point of view I can really admire what they try to do with bring God because they they it was basically like taking the glorified esky world and really putting a much more realistic spin on it right without you know going full goblin slay or something like that so I could really see why people liked it speaking personally I found when German Aryan howdy friend that's sane because the thing about grimgar is that I could see why people like it I just found it boring I just and did you watch it till the end I got ups like episode 8 or some okay because the last episode how it ends is the most like shoehorn [ __ ] ending I've ever seen I'm just like you did not make me just sit through 12 episode no [ __ ] like we're gonna get so much hate for this it was really pretty animation and the character designs are really pretty yeah and then I think that's where Waldo people fell in love with the show okay so as a critic I'm like man this is like CBT personally I'm like man I'm just this is a [ __ ] snooze fest all right next up don't hack hack the original seog is okay um I enjoyed it I just think as like just one fantasy show yeah I thought it was quite enjoyable the art style though I wouldn't say hasn't aged all that greatly it's obviously very 90s yeah but then again a lot of 90 shows haven't really aged in terms of like its visuals yeah the biggest thing they have going from when I first watched it was I thought it had a really unique premise and I don't know how much how much that would fly in this day yeah as I'm like man people being stuck in a video game that's an original idea no way will they make copy do 20 times no right I'd say this is like mid tier for me yes they were it was like very boring and a lot of it was like camping simulator but like some is like Sao and yura camp but yeah personally I put it like seal detail yeah I would probably put it in a CT I'm gonna bump up to CT just because of the legacy okay yeah yes yes again this is a show that literally every instant guy has copied off of in some way or another yeah exactly okay next up how did not summon a demon live again this is the one that I watched one episode of yeah and I was like I'm full I'm done that was a whole meal yeah I don't know man I didn't enjoy this III didn't enjoy that people did and I I don't I don't see why you know when I was like researching like which is it guys to put on this tee listen I'd obviously had to look up like you know top 25 years ago is top 30 years ago yeah for some reason this show is always on that list it was kind of similar to the milf one where my problem was that people enjoyed it apparentiy Geordi because they were like this is nice this is funny you know I find it funny and I'm just like ah it's really hard to like mix I feel yes okay with comedy like a good comedy yeah because like you already bound yourself to the setting of years ago yeah yes so many jokes you can make exactly and I feel like there's there has to be a good balance where you're not just parroting ista like we just talked about devil is a part-timer yeah yeah legitimately funny like if someone had never seen a nice a guy they should still enjoy your show what are we thinking yeah speaking of ft in another wall with my smartphone boy [ __ ] yeah I really I really don't have okay the only thing that's like stopping me from putting it out there is that I can think of a worse Issa Chi then smartphone that also has a smartphone in it because I don't know if it's on this list but probably not yeah the blesser of inj or whatever massive ragnarok bliss orange are is another Issa chi that also has the gimmick of like having the main character having a smartphone and that's even worse than this one so if that's not on this this this will probably still have to be f2 f2 yeah yeah open the Sinan Ft all right okay here's another one classic that not many people think of as a nice guy Inuyasha Inuyasha this is like another one where it's you know typical 90s thing where it's like it's the the idea of Issyk I wasn't just like a 1 waver it was like a to waver yeah I mean I enjoyed it Inuyasha yeah that's really good not my favorite Takashi to be called story no I still have to give that to uh Rama HOF I mean I II enjoyed it as a kids probably could never watch it then this as the anime fan I am now yeah every time I keep any eye shows boy so just think of really cringey memories yeah cuz I remember even as a kid when you remember when you're a kid and your patience was just like up there it was like a hundred episodes of nothing happening yeah and you mean Dragon Ball Z yeah yeah and even as a kid I remember watching in yasha and I'm just like what are they gonna get the bad guy I'm thinking when are they gonna stop chasing everything and then the series ended and it ended on them still chasing the bad guy and I'm just like like I don't know my only memory of inertia is assess your motor running away yeah yeah they never like attack you I know and EDX is like come back no we need a fight I feel this show as much as I don't like to say it I feel is like heavily dependent on the Stahl jiggles yeah I I do agree with that yeah yeah so I'm thinking maybe like a C or even a DT what I pursue put our detail et alright the first dt r is going to Yasha look it's a great show we all grew up watching it but I can't wait for the soulful video people like wait you forget what is wrong with you alright up next is uh [ __ ] what is that oh he's the guy magician Chi Ichi is a cheap magician I achieve magician now I never watched this one but I saw this again in a lot of like the list of like the top is the guy so I'm like it has to be good can I just say it is called seasick I cheat magician okay this was a show that was made by Google Trends like even the title is just like ah what what are the most top trending words in this sheet magician music I it is the most generic show I've ever seen really I have there is nothing about this show that stands out at all this is like the power fantasy trash that I should like but it it's so generic that I had to drop it it was for me an easy after left ear yeah going into the FT all right up next it's a kite quartet I've really enjoyed that I thought you really enjoy I really enjoy I watched halfway through season one and I didn't so much drop it I just like didn't find the time to watch the rest but the few episodes I watched I was like ok this is charming this is you I like this it's it's it's probably it it's probably like the Esai cough wheeze that kind of the thing is if you don't like all of these are guys yeah like the characters that appear in this show yeah yeah you're probably gonna find some part of it you don't like yeah yeah like it was [ __ ] which is really nice seeing the interactions and I thought they got the character writing down to a tee like that the reason I really liked it was at times it just felt like a connoisseur episode with just a different cast involved so I'm like man I'm all for this like scene chasm and Subaru just like bantering about how they how they were transported to another world you like I like how cosmos think Subaru has a harem was like [ __ ] hilarious to me so like for me personally I would put it as a tier eighty um but that's that's my personal enjoyment okay just to be just to be kind to her with all the ft alright okay up next Oh your favorite Kendall Kendall what is it about it cuz I watched like three episodes that is so bad but it's very [ __ ] good okay out of everything in the list this is by far my guilty pleasure right unlike a beef Renetta there is like very little walk into the market that stands out yeah but I there the the thing I really latched on to it was its how it kind of like combines magic and science in like the most basic way so this is like an sak dr. stone for plebs yeah but I would even want my head like the most rudimentary way I wouldn't even give her that much credit okay so what are we singing they're a steer I caught it um I mean for me I put a detail D even though I don't think it deserves that much but IIIi would but I would for the others I guess again we'll put it in deep Joey's like dying inside knows oh okay up next cornice over I personally would put this as an ST yeah this is an easier not really much like it's just it's a really good choice yeah it's called a tsuba yeah and also it's it's people who enjoy sky like will enjoy it people we don't enjoy sky will enjoy yeah it's basically just always sunny in philadelphia is that exactly yeah cuz i recently as well watch the the movie called a super movie and I've never laughed more watching an anime film Brian the quality of a movie right and like just the animation is fun great that like you can tell how much fun the voice actors were having yeah yeah in this show yeah and that's what I love about it the voice acting is just great because they bounce off each other so well yeah it's so natural the easiest here all right up next log horizon Locher isin almost bought season 3 hype yes finally like luck horizon I feel is a very I don't know is it underrated because I feel a lot of people don't talk too much about luck arising yeah I I mean I remember when long horizon was first announced and the gargantuan number of people who are like I'll call another Sao clone I made that joke I do actually regrets you know we all did and then we actually wash them we were like oh wow this is completely different yeah like it's actually one of my favorite he's that guy yeah I I think is well like if we're not counting like kono sue because I come back more yeah he's a guy parody yeah just like a straight up you think I'd say long horizons like if if we're just taking season one I would easily put a steer season two for me was you know a bit a bit up and down season to definitely slowed down yeah what I loved about it was it was it came from someone who actually understood game design yeah like how to break a game shiro was Opie because he found these really unique ways or loopholes in how the game system were yeah to make to make it open that's the thing it's like he understood the mechanics of the game yeah and was like oh I can use this as a loophole yeah to be really Opie yeah any other Issyk I would be like Peter win yeah so I mean I think it would have to go st i think it's an st now that I've talked about I'm like yeah I get up next problem children did you watch this laughs no watch this one okay I thought I added this in here because I think again like if we're talking about underrated yes sir guys yeah I'd have to put this in you know par for the formula like it doesn't do anything new it's just your generic like he comes some people they fight you know is a Calle yeah see but what I really liked was just like I think out of any izakaya I've seen this has some of the [ __ ] most awesome action choreography I've ever seen okay and it really got robbed cuz this [ __ ] only got 10 episodes ah and I was like and they it really ended off in like a really crappy way but like you say like Ken Jong Mobile was you're like yeah you know to be fair I'll put this in a detail all right makes you next to get in the market okay up next no game no life okay are you ready for the soul I mean okay I thought I think my gamer life is like heavily overrated really yeah in terms of like everyone is what I've talked to you who like seasick I or just most people would like oh yeah it's no game of life easy St I'm like no it's not ya know I enjoyed it I wouldn't put it as an ST no no because I felt I definitely found some problems with it yeah because it's it was really height when it came out and I remember first watching yeah and then I rewatched it and then I just didn't enjoy it as much at all because you know it is a standard ISA guy and in terms of like its how it how it progresses and everything I think the world is very interesting you know it is just entertaining but I don't think there's anything more than that I think I think no game no life isn't as smart as I think it is if we compare this as something like PI G or some like that some something something about a character taking a game and kind of like breaking that game you know I think something like PI G is much more compelling than no game no life yes I think that no game no life is just an entertaining show yes I also think definitely a lot of people when watching it prior were definitely blinded by like it's very flashy like aesthetic yeah like this is super pretty yeah yeah I say it's overrated but it's still like entertaining yeah just like I'm not a good shot I don't know if I can put it 80 I put it like beats here yeah okay we can put in bTW this is that okay here's one going off to your heartstrings mm-hmm now I'm a hearing now Estevan it's like it is pretty [ __ ] good it's pretty [ __ ] good for anis the coin it's really good but it's depressing as [ __ ] it is by far the most like pressing just nihilistic it's a guy out there but I don't know man I'm I'm a nihilistic and depressing dude yeah I love that [ __ ] I mean if we're talking about you know nine ninety seasick I I think this was the best mighty seasick guy in terms of being transported to a world that was horrible as [ __ ] and you wanted you were cheering for them to find a way home because holy [ __ ] this world was horrible um to me this is as good as 90 seasick I got so I think so I put this in an ST yeah all right let's do that bull all right I'm next outbreak company are they I haven't you seen this one the basic premise of outbreak company from what I remember because it's been [ __ ] forever since I've watched this but basically otaku man goes to another world and it's like an otaku walled so it's called like maids and elves and pretty you know standards yeah yeah yeah yeah but he goes to teach this is a chi world that has all of his like otaku fantasies in it and malleable taku culture okay so he's like oh yeah you're an elf in my world and he like opens up like a light novel that has like all about elves and [ __ ] and like in my world elves do this and elves do this and they're like oh okay I'll do those overly sexual things to you and it's essentially a fourth wall breaking comedy okay now when it comes to the actual comedy elements in my opinion yeah I kind of felt like it it's how you felt about the no FISA guy yeah where it's just like it's like - like self-explanatory to touch the jokes of them explaining the joke and actual joke exactly like like after you see like the guy making the elf made go do a sexual thing for like the 10th time it's like yeah I can't get it yeah yeah I like this hand tight but I'll just watch that so I'm probably gonna put this at maybe like it yeah I probably put it with the mill face again okay yeah it's about the same caliber I got next overlord overlords have you caught up toe board yeah I have I have watched all the season three because I haven't seen season three yet okay I've seen one or two buddies in three is probably the weakest season in my opinion um I think that's more to do with the adaptation itself and let's do what happens right ah but if we're talking purely the anime I think the first season is the best oh yeah it hasn't reached that same heights to me I don't know if it's the first is a guy series to do it one it took an antagonist as the protagonist yeah yeah I don't know if it's the first one but it's definitely the most like notable one when it comes to more denisa guys yeah just because manga I think his name was yeah it's just such like a note like very notable character even in the show yeah and I don't know it's it's I don't really know where to place this one because I I did enjoy it I just feel like it needs it it's it's had three seasons and I still would think it's had nowhere near enough time because I mean I spent half a season on [ __ ] lizard sex like that's what I mean way it takes so much time in like world building and I feel like it's building up to something that's gonna be really cool and good yeah but mostly hopefully but it hasn't gotten nearly to that point yeah um I'm thinking maybe be thinking AOB I'm gonna put it in because I think there's a lot more room for improvement yeah story I mean in terms of in statement I'd say I had the same amount of enjoyment than know as no game alive yeah okay that's all right next up recreated what did you think this is like STF something around this is that steer this is like but I can understand why what people wouldn't I'm a little reluctant to put in Sta I really enjoyed it yeah I thought it was super cool premise just really well presented yeah and like I liked all the characters but just something was missing for me have you ever just watched an anime and you've been like man did they make this animate just for me that was recreated for me it was just like it was so meta yeah right I'm I know I like when meta media is done well I like lap that [ __ ] up oh yeah I'm like this is this is like as meta as you could have made it for a medium that I loved the most oh yeah so that's for me like pure enjoyment this was like an easiest year this was like one of my favorite anime of 2017 either right like this is like I will say that maiden abyss was a better show yeah but I enjoy it Rico I am gonna put on st though just because like as a show just in general I thought something was missing but if you compare to like yes like eyes and like everything else on this list I'd say it's all yes alright next up we got reincarnated a slime I actually didn't finish it how far did you get I got maybe right and I know I didn't get halfway right um so for me slime I'm gonna be that person I mean like the manga was so much for me I mean like the anime just was kind of just very vapid he had a really strong start and then it kind of what the problem was it just kind of speed ran a lot of things when I read the manga I thought that the anime was going to end that's where it hit the halfway point so right when when the anime got to episode 12 that's where I thought it would end at 24 episodes right so that was like the pace that really surprised me right um so I'm much more rate the manga than I did the anime if we're talking purely the anime I'd say like be tier be okay yeah we zero three zero I mean I've really first three episodes kind of forgettable right but after that I don't know really liked it the ending was a little mare for me too yeah so here's here's what because this is going to be a discussion of whether this is gonna be str8 in yeah I don't think it's it can't be anything else but here's what stops me from putting it at sta season one only right yeah because you finished watching it and I remember think to myself I had a really fun time but what was what was the point what was the point of everything that we're we've had this discussion yeah we have we have where the my problem my biggest problem with 3-0 is that things just happened to Subaru and there wasn't really like an end goal or like there wasn't really like there wasn't really a driving force and I feel like season two will definitely fix that for me because from one of what I've seen and what I've heard it's it's good it's really gonna explore what I think was missing a season one yeah I've seen I've read a little bit after where the anime ends in the light novel mhm and definitely the plot does start to thicken oh yeah when it comes to like Subarus purpose in the world yeah but definitely like yeah like season 1 for me was just like suffer porn for the sake of song yeah yeah it was just like let's see how much we can suffer yeah let's see how much we can take away this man's humanity before you just finally snaps exactly so like for me it's an 8 here because I do think it has room to grow and I really do hoping it does grow I really hope they nail it but I'll agree with the 80 yeah we'll put that up there all right next time rising on the shield here what did you think of this did you watch this yes I did I did I enjoyed the first half mm-hmm as did a lot of people did oh yeah and then the second half it kind of got slowish until like the last couple of officers was just like Beach episode for the sake of yeah cool I said I think my biggest problem with shield hero was that it you you watched if like the one the one scene that you knew what was coming yeah no you watched it for like oh man she's good these guys gonna get what's coming to them yeah I'm here for it yeah and then it happens and you're just kind of like everything else is just kind of air it's also like my other problem with it was that your cheery for now Fumi but you're cheering for him because everyone else is a [ __ ] idiot yeah that's the one thing I did not like about the show everybody who's sucked yeah yeah like everyone just sucks and they've written really call it good writing because it's it's like either cheerful now Fermi or like the bar is so low for every other character though who the [ __ ] are you gonna cheer for Kirito the sword hero who's even worse and cure it so the chart Spears hero like I don't know because they're like him and North you were just Team Rocket they were just team Rocky you can take them seriously at all I'm thinking see to see yeah see like I I enjoyed it I enjoyed it for that one scene and it hasn't really didn't really do anything else for me yeah I've not one scene I just like tell you she was cute Roth Talia was cute yeah it's it's a solid ISA guy a solid one all right look we thank you yeah yo Joe thank you saga of Tonya of evil I think it's called English yes um I wasn't a huge fan you weren't a huge fan I wasn't here I know there's a lot of people who liked it I one problem I found was just like there wasn't really like this you know cuz it was all about Tonya getting his / her revenge on Mike the god of the world yeah yeah but the thing is is that like the the progression of Tonya getting stronger to get closer to God mmm just felt really forced right like it didn't feel like Tonya was getting what she deserved from all of the [ __ ] that she was going through in the wall yeah like it just felt like oh yeah you know because she used to be this like super early businessman in the real Walter he just he just knows everything about everything even like military tactics from like hundreds of years ago yeah that's in his brain that's like no come on oh yeah so where are we thinking I'm thinking see maybe yeah I'm thinking cb2 probably see tonight it was it less than slime in overlord I get CT I here's another one you don't think of when you think is a guy spirited away leonie's to castrate obviously guy I mean I've said this before so I don't really enjoy giving movies that's the bombshell that I'm just gonna drop a even those not got anything to do these occur okay I'm not gonna really open that Pandora's box I did enjoy spirited away right in terms of like it's it's one of my favorite Ghibli movies but that's really not difficult for me so I mean it's like it is a very good movie it's like an S tier for me yeah it's tight I don't think I can put this any like if I if I put this a sta and I put it below something like recreates this it's like I love spirit of the waiter and I'm quite fond of Ghibli myself but yeah well my favorite Ghibli movie I know a lot of people say it's their favorite Julie maybe my favorite Julie movie was printed small normal kid mm-hm just cuz I just love that narrative a waltz so much more yeah I mean I would put at it yes okay yeah yeah we're not that jaded we think spirited always a creeper film alright everyone's favorite saw it online I can't wait for this one Joey what do you think it's awesome it's like i don't know like everyone mean i guess first of all everyone means the [ __ ] out of the fact that when i used when i used to write reviews on my website out of 10 oh boy but to be fair that was before the Al Fahim online on mm-hmm which changed everything right right because to be fed the the like the first half right the I'd cry nog mmm I actually thought was pretty decent yeah pretty decent the first episode I'll always say this on record the first and second episode of Sao right really good it's really good at presenting a premise it's really good at setting the tone of the world yeah stakes at hand yeah and it's really good at not only like showing us that okay Kirito is a lone wolf in the pack yeah but also you know how far he's willing to go to prove his point yeah right the problem is is everything after that that illusion just gets crumbled yeah we think should you still of like asana who I think is one of the most decent characters in the show right but just ruins the whole like dark tone that the show could have had yeah and then when you get to [ __ ] like Yui it's like white why you just ruined everything we are we just talking about the first season what we're talking like SEO as the franchise I mean just as a franchise as the franchise okay I have really been enjoying the new season of SEO other cessation and it's it's weird cuz it's gone to the point where everyone who's like doesn't enjoy SEO just doesn't watch anymore which is fine and if you like have found some enjoyment in Sao like me then you've just continued watching and Alice's ation feels like what the ironclad arc should have been because the reason we're why I will defend Alice's ation is because we all thought at one point don't lie that SEO had a cool concept yeah that was a point there was a point when you like this is a cool concept of course of course and for me that's other cessation has taken what I'm crowd should have been and it's actually like gone through with it so like it's the first the first half of Alice's ation is basically like a boss rush it's a bot resin it's a boss rush anime where they they have to like climb 100 floors and every episode it's just them taking on a new boss but none no fillable shares just them take on an EVOC and it's just it's just good popcorn entertainment right and then in the second half which is where we're at now Kirito gets out of commission so like other characters take on the main role right and it's just like a war arc and i'm and it's just it's it's a really cool concept for isa Kai because it's it takes this whole idea of like a virtual world with like NPCs and everything and actually makes the NPC's proper characters and it is as good as trashy II think I can be my opinion I think the my favorite part of Sao was a [Laughter] one that wasn't written by Kalahari you would say that though is it not like it is what Sao could've been if it was written by a bear rider as a whole I will put the genre middle of the road for me this is oh yeah yeah I mean III would put like Alice's Asian higher but okay for me Sao is what I look to when judging every other is like a benchmark of it it's the bet it is the benchmark of e-cig - all right but with that out of the way we're going on to the final is a guy ah technically this is an oosik a familiar of zero zero see guys it almost came up this is a throwback oh this is a throwback to the Golden Age did but you need to me this lap see ya teenagers would be like st yeah yeah yeah that's the energy we'd be like man it's got a nice it's a nice the guy's gonna sin the right he's easiest here I mean this this and toreador I feel like really like pushed the Holts and anything it's this Turner and Shakugan no Shana shocking on the shut up yeah which all of them are voiced by the same book I really enjoyed Zen ones camera back in the day I did but then again I haven't rewatched it so I don't know how well or badly aged from what I remember it is the most generic thing I can think yeah cuz I'm just looking at 0 nights of karma and I'm like man how many of these other shows would teenage me like probably like most of the de in F tears yeah I'm thinking maybe like a DT I'm thinking of DT as well I'm seeing indeed I mean I don't know maybe if we rewatched it we think differently mmm maybe it'd be higher maybe you'll be lower yeah yeah what I remember about the show I thought it was I was like yeah yeah what a huge fan of kooky idea but I'll take it I'll take all right but there you gather guys and that is the ultimate izakaya anime tea list have a good look at it because this is from now on what you are gonna be basing your tastes upon there is no exceptions let me tell you what people are gonna see with this I'm it's it's doubt it's exactly exactly how I described it they're gonna look at SEO right yeah and they're gonna judge it based on where Sao is exactly people can be like you put Tanya of evil and shield hero at the same tiers SEO trash list look at this my audience is gonna look at this and be like Joey you talk so much [ __ ] about yourself you think it's better than new yasha what the [ __ ] is that we're never believing a word of you every year but yeah I don't know like this this was pretty difficult to put together but I'm pretty happy I'm pretty happy about that yeah yeah but anyways guys let us know what you guys think about how terrible tastes and selections down in the comments below I also left the link to this T list down in the description below so you guys can fill in your own tearless and I guess send it to me oh god I want our Twitter's and let's just remind us how bad of a taste we have when it comes to years ago if you're gonna blame anyone blame me like I've definitely trash if I do this - definitely tell you just from looking at the enf tears they like not a huge fan of modern is not a huge fan yeah hopefully you enjoyed this video make sure to go check out your boy gaunt leaks to his channel down in description below like buried if you enjoyed subscribe for any better keep watching anime Johnny [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 2,693,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Making, The, ULTIMATE, Isekai, Anime, Tier, List, ft., Gigguk, The Anime Zone, KonoSuba, Re:Zero, SAO, Shield Hero
Id: NRHkY6cwRfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 23sec (2723 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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