Cringing to my old, horrible anime reviews...

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[Music] how's going everyone this is the anime man so this is an idea that I've been dreading to make for so long it seemed like such a good idea until I literally started recording this video but hey there's no turning back now I'm [ __ ] out of ideas hashtag burnout so to start this video let me give you a little brief history about myself I started YouTube it around the middle of 2013 so in other words if you're watching this video as it comes out then that means I would have been doing this whole YouTube thing for five and a half years going on to six years which is a long freaking time I mean I wasn't expecting me to do YouTube and talk about anime and Japanese culture and [ __ ] like that for five and a half years so thank you if you're still watching but few people know that before I started this whole YouTube thing I was still doing anime stuff online just not in video format that's right if you're wondering where the anime man name came from then it actually originated from a website that I used to run now I don't think the website exists online I mean maybe it does but I just happen to stumble upon the local files on my computer and I was just going through and I'm like man ice used to [ __ ] suck and you know what because I love self-deprecating myself for the sake of the laughs on the internet as does any good youtuber who was out of ideas today we're gonna be going through my old website and more specifically my all the anime reviews of that I wrote oh so many years ago and as you can tell from the title of this video that they're not good oh my god look at this piece of [ __ ] website can you believe that I actually used to major in a website design good thing I'm not in that professionally right now and may hear anime there anime everywhere the anime impact my God my logos are just as uninspired as my [ __ ] username oh my God look at that old ass video that was the last thing I posted on this website I'm pretty sure May the 1st 2014 over five years ago [ __ ] help oh yeah that's right I used to make these polls clearly I stopped at number 10 let's do the poll shall we because [ __ ] knows how many people actually done it what consider yourself an ore taco of course I'm the most or taku person ever I guess so depends on your perspective of otaku man I'm on [ __ ] posing deep ask questions from back then as well no I'm just an anime fan and no I don't like anime that much to even consider myself a fan I'm gonna say of course GU person ever Oh taco blood runs in my veins my boy dude look at how many votes this [ __ ] has I guess so depends on your perspective on tacos number one at four thousand six hundred fifty six votes yo I was pulling in numbers way before this whole YouTube game happened have a whole three likes on Facebook so I guess that's good oh in one comment I notice that some people chose to no I don't like anime that much to even consider myself as a fan option I was wondering why people chase that option I mean they probably wouldn't be even be on the site if they didn't like anime so therefore they wouldn't see the poll I don't understand some people you know what Emily East you goddamn right so because I made this website with WordPress com you could actually like follow the blog or follow you know the WordPress blog the web site if you will via email and apparently 283 people I still signed up to that ship waiting for five years for four for a new thing to come in dude my page is over 1.1 million views who are these people well this is the about page that you see often on big sites but I'm not too sure where to start anyways welcome to the FFF if you have found this blog then you're in luck no no you're not because I filled this site and will continue to fill this site good luck with all the latest oldest lamest and latest anime reviews you see the [ __ ] rhyming scheme on that should put that those are some bars brought to you by the self-proclaimed anime me active the N fish so bad not that I want to brag or anything but I've seen so much anime that I can't identify if I've seen it or not if he just gave me the name you egotistical prick good to see that nothing has changed so now here is the reviews A to Z page where I made all of my anime and as you can see I made quite a few anime reviews I've listed them all in alphabetical order I think I have at least one series up note I don't have any serious studying with cure missed out on that one you know I even gave myself achievements look at this [ __ ] January 13 2013 50 reviews complete December 21st 2013 a hundred reviews complete damn I wrote 50 reviews that means in a year no fairy tale rave master a one piece why not because fairy tale rave monster wants peace of not real anime damn my comments were cancerous even back then okay if I remember correctly I'm pretty sure that the first ever review I did on my website was serial experiments lain I even gave myself a cache copy one of the most unique and oddly fascinating animes ever created oh my god the fact that I'm [ __ ] polarizing it see this is how you know that I was a pleb back then the fact that I'm calling in enemies instead of just anime and do what this choice of pg/ml I couldn't couldn't we have gotten a picture that you know like I could actually see the [ __ ] character on although it is most unknown to the general anime fans it is considered to be one of the hidden diamonds to higher-end enthusiasts and hardcore fans such as myself I consider myself a a higher-end enthusiast and a hardcore fan I mean I of course do love this anime and I do love anime in general but man I sound like a dick and thus for my first ever review I've decided with a series that I believe to be the best of the best you know what I still think that to this day which is good it's good to see that at least some of the things that I feel about anime all those years ago man I was I would have been a teenager easily a teenager when I wrote this it's good to see that I still enjoyed this anime as much as I do Dean's of telecraft poles and wires such as these are constantly seen in the series fans believe that it has something to do with the strong underlying messages hidden within the plot but who knows oh you see you see my suggesting righty-right they do who knows it's a mystery oh that's right this is how I used to to school my thing so I'd give it a recommendation level and I'd give it a final school in the case of serial experiments lain yes it is highly recommended indeed and my final score was a nine point five out of ten I would I would consider it nowadays 10 out of 10 to be honest but it's good to see that I still gave it a good score this was posted on November the 12th 2012 almost seven years ago over six years ago that's scary what other series is there that we can we can poke fun over what is like a series that's like not necessarily great or I think is kind of a shitty series let's look at that oh [ __ ] I remember this show magical girls going Peppa I guess slow magic will go my whole show and genre is quite controversial even within the otaku realm there are very little fans of the genre let alone people who can openly say that they love and enjoy the genre I am very much the same I've never been a big fan of the genre which is a lie I mean I [ __ ] grow up watching Sailor Moon so I was clearly a little bit ashamed to say that I was a fan off of a magical girl let's see this is like a perfect example of how I started to get a little bit lazy with my review writing because it's barely [ __ ] review writing like look at this this entire game you'll cut your entire review is opening statement just synopsis of the show how many episodes and which studio made it though some of the voice actors that were in it and a conclusion info-dump two people about this show and I'm like hope you enjoy my review many have noticed the similarities between this series and puella magi madoka magica for its use of psychological elements with magical girl and I think more magical girl series should be like this it definitely makes the job a lot more interesting and intense thus a lot more enjoyable you see that that that's the review that's that's all the reviews movie series two sentences and I was like yeah I've read a [ __ ] review my boy oh my god I'm so [ __ ] bad dude and I'm like oh yeah yep a Titan and I take two sentences 8 out of 10 like these reviews are somehow worse than the [ __ ] you find on mal Hey look it's an ad what you might ask well [ __ ] ovis of course yeah with an incredibly competitive eSports scene awesome art and animation and a fully voiced English and Japanese cast battle with some of the most unique and meticulously crafted cars designed by some of the world's top card game players and in celebration of the upcoming fate/stay night heavens feel you can get your hands on exclusive fake character cards that are ready to purchase in-game until February 27 at best of all the entire experience is completely free to play on both mobile and PC so if you'd like to get started then make sure to click the first links in the description below now back to the show I can't even go he's a terrible show that I reviewed lestari adela are kind of familiar or just are kinda familiar for sure [ __ ] series don't watch it screw the Godfather this is what the real mafia looks like business ok a bit of a defensive start sorry about that he just said [ __ ] dude and you went to the trouble of like self censoring yourself man I was super edgy back then looks like the series is known for its rich personality and romantics life psychological elements molded during the story no it's not apart from the extremely rushed ending no spoiler intended the character development and action is very well presented it's not perhaps a little more of a solid story could have really helped this anime to be a very nice piece of TV but unfortunately it ended seemingly like JC stuff suddenly ran out of funding for this series no spoiler antena double no spoiler intended damn son but I mean this anime was still very enjoyable everywhere else and the opening ending has to kill the place on my iPod back in my day we didn't have these things called iPhones no no we had those we had like the old-school like 160 you iPods remember remember that [ __ ] kids remember that [ __ ] recommendation level 3 out of 5 final school 6 out of 10 nowadays if I wrote this review I mean I would have actually reviewed it instead of just info dumping but I probably would give it more like like a like a 3 or 4 I'd say as you can see I wasn't as harsh as I am today with not gonna stuff I wasn't as like you know in a critical mindset if you will oh dude I did a reveal Sola online is this the one that everyone keeps [ __ ] giving me [ __ ] about oh my god wait thinking the series is credited as being a cleverly structured and well presented series blending a mixture of different genres such as psychological romance and drama into the epic action fantasy of salt on behind if you love to sell well then you'll absolutely fall in love with this series and you'll also wish when something like this will happen to us - I know I know you're such an idiot Joey why yes sir if you guys didn't know right I'm not exactly the biggest fan of soda online today and a lot of my a lot of my haters who are who are in the store not online community love to refer back to this [ __ ] but I always say hey this doesn't count because there's barely any [ __ ] reviewing is just info dumping a me being like yeah it was all right I guess 9.5 that seriously I ran this on December 24 point but I'm some Christmas [ __ ] Eve what did I really write a [ __ ] sold out online review on Christmas Eve and gave it a 9 out of 10 I'm a [ __ ] loser oh yeah that's right I also did top 100 greatest lists he you'll find all the big lists the top 100 greatest lists most of these are created through the votes by users and views of the site so if you see a list poll collection post then start posting your vote and I mean we kind of did something similar on this channel I mean we did the top 100 anime and the top 100 manga both of those knees in the description below if you want to check it out that were you know voted by you guys and those turned out really good so I guess this is the the start of all of that if you will oh I also used to do top lists as well and is the top 5 biggest disappointments in anime the 10 greatest anime series of 2012 talk to him personally favorite songs that I can't stop listening to and the top 10 cutest anime heroines okay let me let me check out this this one number 10 kobato from books good night okay Tom benign Rica from here a sheet number 8 she three lollies so far not a good look Joey he made sheet music you from baka and test what what was like on okay I'll just saw from K on again that that that's a choice that I I'm still I still support to this day Tiger from Toradora I never even really liked tiger from toreador I don't know why I put that there Rika from gingiva oh sorry Flickr no longer quanta from lucky star okay yeah yeah I still accept that Luke from Clannad okay yep looks at that what's number one yeah uh FBI um I need you to go back to 2012 and arrest myself well mostly I like asana from Solon six times oh I'm sorry fairy sweetie seven nine four if you're watching this clearly or your comment was not very well very very well received from my audience don't worry I gave it a nine point five out of ten bucks oh I got your back okay I'm gonna blow all of this out because like all these are [ __ ] illegal whips I love that like I'm giving all of these like really hot felt reviews at least back in the day what I considered reviews and I'm like where should you go what's your animation you go watch it on legal websites no [ __ ] that [ __ ] here are a bunch of illegal streaming sites be sure to chicken my youtube channel yeah this is the first time that I linked my youtube channel people were like hey you know your reviews are so good who the [ __ ] was saying that why don't you make some video essays and [ __ ] like that and that was the whole reason why I started my youtube channel so I've listed my first seven videos were all linked to this website because I was getting traction from this website and then I guess it just blew up out of nowhere and yeah I guess that's it for my website thank [ __ ] that it doesn't exist anymore and people aren't looking it up or I don't know someone's probably gonna try and [ __ ] figure out how to access this website but there you go guys I hope you enjoyed that or possibly [ __ ] cringe to that you can go check out my other quote-unquote reviews if you fight this website and just just have fun of my my horrible writing you know a lot of people have been requesting me to do stuff like hey can you react to your old videos and [ __ ] like that you know the stuff that youtubers normally do but but but I'm not all for that so this is I guess just my version my little spin if you will on a little blast from the past that I just I I don't want to remember but I guess I was forced to for entertainment purposes and you know what I look at this now on video and Korean and laugh at my horrible writing in my [ __ ] choices for waifu's but you know what I don't I don't regret it you know I don't regret any of the things that I made on this website because if it wasn't for this website if it wasn't for my whole passion in you know watching anime and talking about it online then you wouldn't be seeing me right now here you know reacting to this old [ __ ] it's cringy it's shitty but it's good cringy and shitty is it's because of this cringe and [ __ ] that i was able to get here son so I appreciate 2012 Joey for that stuff but anyways guys hope you enjoyed that I certainly did I suddenly got a good laugh out of it and I hope you guys did too and yeah never make me do that again please and hey while we're at it let's do a special thank you to our patrons for this month in Ghana crypto zoologique Quinton claisen grand accurate Aaron McMullen Lucy first Sinbad little thimble hunter Gibbons casual Cecilia Guerra Stefan Sandhya instigate ryx bogdan exid inca Crescenta yochi chris tyrannic steve lamb and everybody else on my patreon who supports me every single month if it actually likes some decent stuff unlike the [ __ ] that you just saw on my old website then I suggest you go over to patreon it's the best way to support me and I'm always evolving it to give you guys new fresh rewards that you would hopefully enjoy so if you're interested in all of that then make sure to go to subscriber Nibbana keep watching anime Johnny [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 734,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, Cringing, to, my, old, horrible, reviews..., The Anime Man, website, terrible
Id: Xb3kb8YkyM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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