Surviving 100 Days on Just Dirt

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I've been surviving on my super flat survival world for 10 years now and almost every resource I have comes from the structures in the world so what would happen if you turned the structures off that's right today we're surviving a hundred days on just three layers of dirt this challenge is gonna be brutal so I brought my friend hobby along only way to complete this challenge is with a bonus chest you need at least one log for a crafting table and one apple so we kicked things off by resetting the game for a good bonus chest with lots of wood it took us a bunch of resets but we got a really good roll this wood is going to be our only wood for a while so the first thing we did was run out of the spawn chunks and begin digging we wanted to get out of the spawn chunk so that the passive mob cap would not be reached and farm animals would continually spawn we killed all the horses and sheep around spawn to make sure the cap wouldn't be reached once far enough out we began digging the giant hole where we're gonna make our base and begin breeding animals right away we made two beds with our woods so that we'd have a place to sleep for the whole series so that was six planks down the drain we're not playing on Hardcore but we're gonna try not to die for the entire 100 days so sleeping through each night will be essential since the counter starts on day Zero for some reason it was now officially day one we made the full outline for our Circle but since we're digging everything by hand without tools it's gonna take a long time luckily though we're killing two birds with one stone not only are we digging our future base but we're also getting dirt which we'll use as a building block for a pathfinding mob farm setting up a basic mob farm is going to be our first major goal without any way to mine or get stone iron drop by zombies will be our one Saving Grace it's less than a one percent chance of dropping so we're gonna need to kill So Many Zombies on day two Javi reminded me that digging grass takes a split second longer than digging dirt so we made sure to dig out the hole from the bottom up to prevent more grass from spreading by day three we had enough dirt for the mob farm but we'd need a few carpets to spider proof the design so it was time to go out sheep hunting on day four I returned home with the carpet we needed and hobby got started building a farm while I continued digging we spent all of day five working on these tasks and by the end of the day the first layer of the mob farm was just about done but it was still incredibly slow since all the slime chunks around the base were slowing down the raids Bobby has a fancy mod that lets him see slime chunks so he spent day six on the grid name these grizzies laying out will prevent slimes from spawning which is going to drastically increase the efficiency of our farm while hobby was busy on the gridding I stayed home and killed some mobs I got a bow for a hobby which helped him a lot to stop the slimes from harassing him so much and we got our very first Iron Ingot drop let's go we wrapped up our day by discussing how raw Lamb Chop has the same exact food value as watermelon so for the rest of the Hundred Days Hobby and I kept calling raw lamb chop meat melons day seven kicked off with hobby getting a potato from a zombie which means now we can breed pigs pigs will be absolutely essential in our progression on this world so the sooner we can start breeding them the better so I took the potato and went out looking for pigs and while I was doing that hobby was working on dying and I'm not talking Oogie man despite some close calls though hobby was able to do lots of gritting and I returned home with four pigs we decided to use some of our precious wood supply to make a wooden hoe in an iron shovel I went and used the Hoda Farm potatoes and bred the pigs up so now we have six of them and meanwhile hobby added a second layer to the mob farm using a shovel to prevent Enderman with path blocks and then came the incident day eight was the darkest day so far a lone creeper managed to spawn in the few moments of night before we slept and sneak up behind me we lost one of our barrels our crafting table and a half slab and this almost ended our run see we started out with 47 total planks of wood in our bonus chest we use 12 planks to make two sets of trapdoors for our mob farm six were used for our two beds three were used for six half slabs two for our mob farm and four for our barrels and the barrels cost us another 12 planks we used two Planks on sticks and two planks for a hoe and our crafting table cost four planks this left us with just six planks left luckily enough to make another crafting table if we had ended up with less than four planks we would have had to start over from the beginning after replacing the crafting table we were left with just two planks of wood from the original 47. in total the creeper wiped out 11.5 planks I was pretty mad about the Creeper explosion so I went to dig dirt and feed pigs for the rest of the day while hobby finish up the second layer of the mob farm on day 9 we settled into a cycle that would last quite a while hobby would go outgritting to improve the farm efficiency while I stayed at the base working on The Big Dig and breeding our pigs we got our second iron which definitely lifted our Spirits day 10 and 11 were just more gritting digging and breeding but on day 11 we managed to get our third iron each day the mob farm was getting more and more efficient and things were really starting to look up the first 10 days were over meaning 10 percent of the challenge was now complete and we were making excellent progress on day 12 I was delivering dirt to hobby when it began to rain this is exciting because of the potential of Thunder the hole we've been digging is exactly the size of the lowest render distance meaning in case of lightning we can reduce our trunk render and increase the likelihood of lightning striking our pigs when the pigs are converted into piglens we get access to Gold meaning we can cure a zombie villager this will give us access to so many more items we stayed up all night but we didn't get Thunder but while it was raining we farmed lots of potatoes since there was no risk of the soil dehydrated by day 13 hobby was getting close to finishing the gridening meaning our mob farm was now running pretty fast this ill mango design uses clever pathfinding mechanics to lure mobs down the hole making up for our lack of water or Redstone to process the mobs I'll link his video if you're curious on the mechanics we got a carrot from a zombie so we started using that as our main food source instead of meat melons now that we were able to farm mobs so quickly the iron started coming in real fast we got our fourth iron and then on day 14 we got two more is that an iron whole holy five now what is your dream look we only needed two more iron for a cauldron why do we need a cauldron you'll find out soon I also went ahead and expanded the pig pen so they wouldn't start dying from entity cramming I think I'm done on day 15 hobby finally finished the gridening and began to help out with the big dig it's about time he pulled his way we got our seventh iron and as the local difficulty began increasing mob started dropping better armor and tools like on day 16 we got an iron shovel drop each time this happened we would craft it with our old shovel and get a little boost durability while hobby expanded the pig pen yet again I kept mob farming and finally got our eighth iron hobby got one of the ingots with 96 zombie kills well I got the other seven with only 261 zombie kills maybe I'm wrong but the odds of this seem truly astronomical so I'd love it if some math whiz would do the calculations in the comments I went ahead and crafted The Cauldron with the seven ingots we need it because each time it rains there will be a chance of getting one level of water in The Cauldron after three times we'll be able to take the water out with a bucket and finally have water in our world which we're going to use for a bunch of things you'll see hobby spent day 17 digging and I continued mob farming to try to get the three iron we need for a bucket I didn't get any iron but I managed to get a full set of armor and sticks from witches which we can use to craft things like tools on day 18 I helped hobby out with the big dig and we finished one of the quadrants of our Circle the next day hobby began working on our future sheep farm since our block palette is so limited and structural is super flat we really wanted to use wool to decorate our base while he did that I continued to dig read our pigs and farm mobs I got Redstone from a witch and another iron sword which was great for quickly clearing out mobs from our farm on day 20 I managed to get the first Iron Ingot for the bucket and hobby blew his bed he then went out and looked for sheep while I worked on The Big Dig and he returned with the Sheep just in time for bed we had successfully made it a fifth of the way through our challenge our next big hurdle would be getting rain in our cauldron from day 21 to 30 our main tasks were digging the hole and breeding our pigs on day 22 we decided to let our pigs out of their pen because they were once again dying of entity cram and we're making good progress on our whole oh yeah and these guys showed up we spent all of day 23 digging and by day 24 we had finished half our Circle at this point we were pretty burnt out on digging so hobby went to go work on the sheep farm some more and I began crafting all our bones into bone block so we could start decorating our base after that much needed break we got back to digging we spent all of day 25 but then we were interrupted on Day 26 by rain at this point we decided to use a strategy we refer to as safe scumming see cauldron's filling up with rain is very rare I couldn't find out how rare on the wiki but from experience it often takes multiple rainstorms just to get one layer so we made a backup and reset our game over and over until we were able to get our first rain lair dude finally now we just needed it to rain two more times and we'd have our water the next day I managed to get the second iron needed for our bucket and we made some more progress on the big day we were finally getting close to finishing the digging so we spent all of day 28 digging as much as possible on the morning of day 29 we were about to take down the final wall and let the pigs roam free when it miraculously started raining again and what's even better we got another rain layer without even having to reset a single time on day 30 we were officially finished with the big dig and hobby got the third iron for our bucket we were now almost a third of the way through the challenge and neither of us had died a single time I had mine 3949 dirt and 2060 grass for a total of 6009 blocks putting me just ahead of hobby with a total of 5749. we were just about done with the early game struggle of this Challenge and getting ready to enter the mid game with our whole complete hobby spent day 31 working on the sheep farm cells while I attended do our Pigs by the end of day 32 hobby was almost done with the outline of the sheep farm until he realized that he built the circle wrong I spent the day making fun of him and breeding the pigs again all comes tumbling down tumbling down the next two days were more the same as hobby slowly flushed out the sheep farm and I worked on day 35 we took a break and the two of us sat down and planned out where we wanted all the different colors to go but the colors all planned out it was time to start breeding the Sheep so we worked on that all throughout Day 36 while attending the pigs in the mob farm in the background oh also a Wandering Trader showed up but without any emeralds to buy from him he was kind of just there to torment us and for some reason he only had one of his lavas with him on day 37 I got another iron shovel drop which was nice to have and hobby and I began to discuss where we should put a pool for fishing once we got our last water layer Sunday 38 more pillagers showed up and after murdering them and stealing their Banner for decorating purposes I began to dye all the Sheep finally and by day 39 we had every color of sheep except for dark gray and black which we would need to go to our spawn chunks for since we needed them to spawn in naturally we also finally spotted where the traitor's second llama ended up we were feeling like we had made very little progress in the past 10 days until on day 40 it started to rain honey come quick oh my God after many resets we had our last water layer and we were about to have so much to do these were probably the most uneventful 10 days yet but now that we finally had water everything was about to change we went ahead and used our bucket to remove the water from the cauldron and then used water bottles dropped from witches to fill The Cauldron back up allowing us to take a second water source and create an infinite water pool on day 41 I began building our fishing pond fishing would provide us with some cool stuff like Saddles name tags and lily pads but we would also need fish to eventually trade for emeralds since we already had a barrel and the number of villager professions we can get in structuralists is very limited the fisherman villager would be an obvious choice to trade with meanwhile hobby added an attachment to our mob farm that converts zombies into drowned drowned have an 11 chance of dropping copper this means that with three copper we can craft a lightning rod and will no longer need to rely on pure luck for lightning to strike our pegs hobby finished the drown farm and even got our first copper Ingot and meanwhile I fished up a saddle on day 42 I went out to tame a horse and hit this nice MLG shot on a creeper I tamed the horse and began to undo all the grids around our base since now that we had water we could just cover the land and make our mob farm even more efficient while trying to improve the copper Farm hobby somehow got another iron ingot instead of more copper on day 43 I began the blood name and we also put water next to our crops so that we would no longer have to worry about the soil dehydrating on day 44 we put a pause on the ungrittening and flattening operation because we realized it would hurt the rates of our copper farm and it would be better to just get our lightning rod first hobby got the last two copper we needed and we were able to put down our Lighting Rod we made a new Pig Pen around it so that we'd get as many piglets as possible on day 45 we got yet another visit from the pillagers I guess they hadn't learned their lesson yet their Banners are actually great for holding back water since we don't have signs yet hobby continued the flooding well I worked on erasing the grids and by the end of the day the grids were gone I got another iron and we decided we would save our ingots to try to craft an anvil hobby finished the flooding on day 46 while I continued to fish for all the fish we'd need to trade with our first fisherman villager on day 47 it began to rain and while hobby stood next to the lightning rod and did a little Thunder dance I went and killed some spiders in the dark to get some strains this is because hobby pointed out that we'd need 20 string to unlock the fisherman's fish tray but while I did that a creeper once again snuck up behind me and the first death of the series occurred I was pretty livid we fixed the damage on day 48 and hobby Farm some wheat so we could breed up her sheep I accidentally broke our wooden hoe while mob farming because my cat Miko walked in front of my computer screen and I couldn't see what I was holding on day 49 we decided to begin using our new water source to make mud blocks a new addition to 1.19 this would give us access to pack mud which would allow us to get slabs and stairs this is a big deal because before mud was introduced you'd actually have to wait until you had wood and yes eventually we will be getting a sapling stay tuned to find out how we wrapped up the 10 days by breeding our sheep and decorating our base with mud I got a really nice iron sword from the mob farm and I decided I would try to get two more iron for a new hoe so that we could Farm wheat faster since now we needed it both for breeding sheep and crafting packed mud we were now halfway through our Challenge and things finally felt like they were progressing much faster although we had our first death Spirits were still high and it only felt like a matter of time before we got the thunderstorm we needed to make our first villager after our last play session we forgot to close the server and ended up losing day 51. but on day 52 we got straight to work Bobby began building up our base and making some expansions and he got the first Iron and we needed for the hoe I worked on breeding all the sheep and then we stayed up to hunt spiders and finally got all the string we needed for our future fishermen on day 53 hobby decided to dig a tunnel to spawn now that the water surrounded our base originally the plan was to craft a boat but due to the incident on day eight we didn't have enough wood while he dug the tunnel I'm mob farmed until I got the second iron for our shiny new hope the next day hobby went ahead and crafted the hoe and made us a farm I began to color code our wool farm with carpets which also had the benefit of preventing mobs from spawning Bobby hates color and fun so we argued about it for a while we also made big progress on decorating the wall of our Pig circle on day 55 Hobby and I made use of the new spawn tunnel to go grab some cows we were also hoping that some pesky Endermen hang around our base would finally despawn in our absence but unfortunately they stuck around on day 56 we evicted the Enderman it was necessary okay they kept griefing our sheep farm hobby finished putting mud slabs on our wall and began farming some more so that he could slab our mob farm and improve the rates even more at this point we were almost done with our wall so I started working on decorating the sheet pads on day 57 the outer wall was officially complete and we worked more on the sheep farms and even made some stairs into our base we spent all of day 58 working on improving our base and we were about to expand our area even more on day 59 when we got Thunder this is not a drill we quickly made a world backup and began trying to get enough gold for two golden apples after several resets Hobby and I had a well choreographed route he would attract the piglets to himself by making them aggro while I managed the pig pen and try to get as many piglens as possible we were like optimizing this let's go for sure we get it right after many tries we were able to get 24 ingots enough for three apples we have 24. yeah we can make three apples we can make three apples then on the morning of day 60 we work together to trap a witch from our mob farm another 10 days had gone by but we were now so close to having a villager all it would take was a few zombie villagers to spawn and we'd be golden or should I say Emerald on day 61 we got a zombie village in our mob farm and then blocked off the shoot allowing us to very carefully kill all the other mobs until it was just the Villager we got the witch to throw a weakness potion at him and began carrying our first villager oh my God the next day I got our second zillager while Javi worked on the base and on day 63 we had separated and cured our second villager we used the very last of our wood on a loom for our second villager poppy set up the villager trading stations on day 64 and I went ahead and got a third villager we separated and cured him and then killed our witches to clean up our base a little bit on day 65 hobby reset for some good trades and then we finally traded for our first emeralds while hobby worked on trading I went ahead and continued to work on the sheep farms on day 66 it rained again we don't need rain anymore but it just feels weird not to mention it after having to pay so much attention to the weather I continued breeding our sheep while hobby traded up to five emeralds we were officially ready for the final stage of the challenge five emeralds would be enough to buy sapling from the wandering Trader the next time he showed up all we needed was a Trader selling saplings and we would have infinite wood after that we'd be unstoppable on day 67 hobby spent the morning sharing sheep and trading the wool while I decorated the fish pond our villager reached level 3 meaning we could now trade for beds and begin breeding our villagers this meant that we would soon have loads of iron with sticks from witches we'd be able to craft all sorts of tools we spent day 68 decorating the base and I took a break to pet Mikko for a while on funny number day we set up our villager breeding cell and by Day 70 we were officially breeding villagers another 10 days had passed and we were now entering the Iron Age we kicked off day 71 by doing more base designing and breeding and we also managed to get five villagers meaning soon Iron Golems would spawn the next day we saw our first Iron Golem and they didn't stop spawning after that by the end of the day we had 24 iron so we decided to save up for that Anvil decorating really started to ramp up when hobby traded for cod fish and paintings by day 73 we had enough iron for our Anvil and hobby decided to start a second floor for our base we began crafting ourselves tools and at night I went spider hunting so I could craft a new fishing rod I spent day 74 fishing while hobby killed some Enderman and crafted iron sword on day 75 hobby took over fishing and he actually moved the fishing pond to a new spot meanwhile I worked on finishing off the sheep farms day 76 was more of the same with hobby fishing and me upgrading the sheet pens but I also found a cat and named it kidders which was pretty pivotal to the whole hundred days on day 77 we switched jobs again just to keep from getting too bored and I managed to fish up some tripwire hooks meaning we could technically do some basic Redstone so I decided to try to do just that on day 78 when I created this very useless lamp that lights up when you enter our base meanwhile hobby unlocked the campfire trade meaning we could now cook food for the first time on day 79 hobby decided to Begin work on a rudimentary iron farm as I continued fishing and killing Golems this continued through day 80 and hobby ended up making some pretty decent progress with the first 80 days behind us we began to feel like the end was fast approaching hopefully the trailer would come soon and hopefully he'd have saplings a81 kicked off with hobby putting in more work on the Iron Golem Farm I went back to work on the sheep pens and by the end of day 82 we were both almost done with our projects on day 83 I finished off the sheep farms once and for all and spent the rest of my day expanding our cat family to four kitties hobby wrapped up his Iron Golem farm and on day 84 he moved some villagers into it meanwhile I went back to spawn to try to find some Black Sheep since we still needed black and dark gray for our farm but I didn't have any luck so I came back and spent day 85 grilling pork chops with Hobby and then this happened hey you want to see something neat uh yeah [Music] oh hobby hobby had his first death at the series meaning we were now even we both thank God that we hadn't dared to try to do this in hardcore and then we crafted up some iron armor for ourselves to make sure that we wouldn't be dying anymore by day 86 the Iron Golem Farm was nearly functional I worked out on using coal from campfires to craft into torches which I then made into some lanterns to decorate and light up our base Bobby helped decorate too and by the next day the iron farm was working kinda we went ahead and got rid of the old fishing pond and then we really started going ham on decorating I spent the morning of day 88 placing Carpets on our base to cover up the ugly Bedrock texture hobby noticed that the Iron Golems were getting stuck in the farm and started collecting iron pressure plates to use in place of the half slabs which would help with the issue hopefully on day 89 Hobby and I traveled back to spawn together to hunt for Black Sheep once more and this time we were actually successful Bobby made friends with a donkey and brought him home while I put the black sheep into the correct pen and bred our last sheep color on day 90 we made new crop farms and got rid of our old one to make room for the second floor of our base we were now in the final 10 days with no Trader in sight we began to get nervous but we held on to hope we woke up on day 91 to find our sheep farm once again griefed by Enderman so we fixed it up and spent the day doing more decorating without much else to do but wait for a Trader we spent day 92 decorating as well Bobby worked on the iron farm some more on day 93 and I briefly joined him to build a wall around it to prevent pigs from from watering it afterwards I worked on completing the last few sheet pens with our new colors on Day 94 I began to make the iron farm look a bit nicer while hobby continued to add pressure plates which seemed to be making the farm work much better after another full day of decorating on day 95 we were starting to get very nervous with only four days left to go we decided to have hobby head to spawn to AFK just in case the trader was having trouble finding blocks around our base to spawn and then it happened the traitor finally spawned we both held our breath as hobby check the trades and sure enough there was a sapling I ran as fast as I could to spawn with the emeralds and purchased the spruce sapling and the Moss block which would also give us access to Oakwood using the Azalea trees we had finally done it our main goal for the hundred days was completed with just a few days to spare to celebrate we spent the rest of our days decorating to our hearts content now that we had so much to work on the day seemed to fly by and before we knew it the hundred days was up and we had transformed our base into a beautiful paradise I'm not exaggerating at all when I say this was the most difficult challenge I have ever done in Minecraft hands down but seeing where we started and where we ended up I can't help but feel like it was worth it thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Mogswamp
Views: 7,366,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vIOgDPBvT6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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