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johns hopkins gives honorary masters degree to service dog for attending every one of his onus classes i guess you could say this dog's excitement was through [Music] hello my jack and jack arenas welcome back to mk my name is jack the jack the jack's back and today we're going to look at some things that have nothing to do with me that's right stuff that is actually interesting oh let's go a building in times square stripped of advertisements look at this ideal world where no one could be influenced look sir knucklehead looks actually a lot more boring the giant huntsman spider again australia oh god how big is this thing going to be on my screen okay [Applause] i hate this i hate you i know it's okay they're allowed to live in your house rent freaks they just eat all the bugs for you and they don't actually make cobwebs they literally just hunt things down like your little pet dog yeah the legs hate the legs tom cruise on burj khalifa without any cables and shoes tom sir mate how how are you still alive throughout all your life all he's missing is a slightly stronger than planned breeze an overplanned swing of the leg and whoop there you go sometimes if the heat and humidity are high corn can be infected by a fungus that causes the kernels to expand and become the delicious delicacy known as huitla coach nailed it don't even bother correcting me it's definitely the great way to say it this is eaten usually as a filling in quesadillas and other tortilla based foods and in soups oh jeez no what stuff like this that really makes me wonder how humanity has survived but then also it's through this kind of trial and error that i feel has enabled humanity to survive colin farrell's stunning transformation to penguin for the new the batman movie all right but if he ain't tap dancing at least once in the movie i'm not seeing it sidestep the batman with your tap dance and skills in 1992 24 year old chris mccandless what is that name mccandles mcandelt's emaciated body was found by moose hunters after he left society to live in an abandoned bus in the wilds of alaska he lived on squirrels mushrooms and berries for 113 days before accidentally eating toxic potato seeds ah damn dude that's kind of sad really it would be nice to be able to freely live off the grid like this but also i like having access to medical care bob fletcher took care of the farms of three japanese american families while they were interned during world war ii he kept their farms running and paid their taxes and mortgages fletcher rejected the trend of exclusion and was shot at for supporting them after the war fletcher continued to help the families thanks bob for reminding us that excusing our grandparents for their slight racism because that's how things were back then is a really poor excuse dutch supermarket chain open slower chat chick-outs in an effort to combat loneliness among the elderly yeah not surprised that the person serving at that checkout is also slightly old in 2002 eminem had the number one movie at the box office eight mile the number one billboard album the album and the number one single lose yourself all at the same time that's easy i could do that for claude lobster caught off the coast of yamuth nova scotia yo that ain't a lobster anymore that's a freaking pokemon 100 years of breed improvement look i don't mean to be mean on the inbred but um i genuinely think these dogs were only bred to help make kindergarteners feel better about their attempts at drawing dogs ever walked down a foresty footpath and wondered if someone was watching you well you were wrong it's something did you know finland uses the day fine system meaning that speeding fines are based on your daily salary this can lead to incredibly large fines in 2002 a nokia executive was fined the equivalent of 103 thousand dollars for going 45 in a 30 zone on his motorcycle on one hand this is amazing please apply this to everywhere on the other hand i see so many people trying to find tax loopholes to say they only earn 20 000 a year japanese ice cream manufacturer akagini kyo once made a 60 second commercial publicly apologizing for having to raise the price of its popsicle from 60 yen to 70 yen for the first time in 25 years the commercial in which the president of the company as well as the staff bowed to the viewers and showed their remorse ran on national tv damn if that's not one way to make customers feel special i don't know what is also like 70 yen is like 70 cents australian which is like what 50 cents american which of course we can all agree is far too expensive for an ice cream according to an index developed in 2015 the earth is not the most habitable planet discovered in the universe kepler-442b a rocky exoplanet 1206 light years from earth has a rating of 0.836 earth is at 0.829 hell yeah let's go over there and destroy it kepler thinkers what's better than us huh we'll take you down seven pegs come on bring it i'ma spray so much deodorant around your antarctic a pencil store in tehran iran i'm sure it is but that does not look organized at all a man only survived the 1902 mount pele eruption that killed 30 000 people because he'd been thrown in jail the day before and his cell was partially underground it had thick stone walls a bomb proof magazine and a small slit for breathing with no other windows lesson learnt children if you're ever wanting to be a bit more safe around volcanoes just make sure you commit crimes in the local town area spirited away vibes in japan wow that's amazing it's almost as if spirited away is based in japan or something kidney stones under the microscope well there you go that explains why they're painful in many old buildings throughout the uk you will find the ancient light sign placed under windows as per english property law it gives the property owner the right to light received through and from the window the law states that windows that have been used for light for 20 years or more cannot be obstructed by any new building wall or tree i mean that's cool i just i feel like architecturally aesthetically you could you could do something so much more appealing than big letters stonehenge man this is a forensic reconstruction of a neolithic man born about 5500 years ago and buried in a long barrow near stonehenge before the circle was ever erected oh no thank you that he looks far too modern i'm sorry time traveler hello hi super mario is named after real life businessman mario seagal who was renting out a warehouse to nintendo after nintendo fell far behind on rent sigal did not evict them but gave them a second chance to come up with the money nintendo succeeded and named their main character after him wow this guy basically saved their company from falling under and they honored him makes sense he's represented as someone who's dealing with other people's schmidt all the time this is what 20 million dollars looks like under a mattress well you can't just post a photo like that and not expect half of us to go to our mattress right now and check if there's something like this under it back in 2017 a 10 year old florida girl fought off an alligator attack by sticking her two fingers up the nine foot long beast's nose which forced the animal to open its mouth to breathe as it did so the little girl freed her leg and escaped she had learned the trick from gatorland well there you go catalan that's some free advertising for you in 1990 a panel of the windscreen on british airways flight 5390 fell out at 17 000 feet causing the cockpit to decompress and its captain to be sucked halfway out of the aircraft the crew held onto him for more than 20 minutes as the co-pilot made an emergency landing the pilot made a full recovery okay this is insane but also i i want to question both the sources of these images this is the 90s cell phone cameras weren't really a thing who has the time in this event to just take a photo of this happening and who is above the plane to take a photo as it's descending okay i'm an idiot i've just realized of course the top image has got to be a recreation from a tv show frank rocky feigl january 27 1868 to march 24th 1947 the inspiration for popeye the sailor man wow even with the terrible image quality you can still easily make out who it is front of the pumpkin back of the pumpkin what do you get you get a scared little piece that's what you get luigi little suck this baby bar now photographed in mid-run it's so fluffy seriously looks like a grown bar now that's forgotten to grab a towel for its bubble bath usher personally approached t-pain to tell him you ruined music by popularizing auto-tune bs this sent t-pain into depression for four years due to the fact his idol told him he killed music damn how do you respond to that being told you're trash by the person you admire most the first black girl to attend an all-white school in the united states being teased and taunted by her white male peers at charlotte's harry harding high school in 1957 just a nice casual reminder that if you bully and harass someone just because of who they are this is how you'll be remembered in history the type of people were glad to mostly no longer have in this world squid game creator don't kill me huang dong hyuk wrote the show in 2009 but was rejected by studios for 10 years he once had to stop writing the script and sell his 675 laptop due to money struggles today it's number one in 90 countries and set to become the most watched show in netflix history it's so astounding reading these stories because on one hand do you really think it would have been as successful if it was made 10 years ago like in a harsh way it was a good thing he suffered for the last 10 years and couldn't get it made so that it could be made now new life lesson the worst things that happen to you can sometimes be for the best that kind of quote can definitely not ever be taken out of context nope what's a science fact that makes you sound unhinged if you say it out loud we'll start sharks existed before trees it is impossible for a squirrel to die from a fall ah i see you're a mark robo fan too statue of poseidon in spain yo i know that like it's not their actual religion but can we please get this built in hawaii with their huge ass waves seriously could you imagine how cool that would be it would a little it would look exactly like this photo but it would look bigger in a way black sanitation workers on strike fighting for better working conditions in memphis 1968 philip says a lot about the fragility of these people when these black people protesting require an entire local army to surround them then you have fred and sales here just wanting to be a part of a group no one invites me to the pub so this is the next best thing when skydiver joan murray's parachute failed she approached the ground at 80 miles 128 kilometers per hour landing on a mound of fire ants the shock from being stung over 200 times by the ants released a surge of adrenaline that kept her heart beating and allowed her to survive okay i need someone who's like heavily into statistics to really just map out for me the statistical possibility of this happening for someone where my data thoughts at come on anthony irvin a swimmer who won a gold medal at the 2000 olympics retired at 22. began abusing drugs at one point being hardly able to get off a sofa for days on end but in 2011 he got back into swimming at the 2016 olympics at age 35 he became the oldest swimmer to ever win a gold medal okay but imagine how frustrating and relieving it must be to have received that like at 35 you've just proven you're basically a prodigy when it's come to swimming this entire time i bet he's constantly kicking himself at the thought of what he could be if he didn't get into drugs this diver dude just found an 11th century crusader sword in the sea near israel lies that's just a bunch of shells he glued together i see his facade the african renaissance monument in senegal the tallest statue in africa what the i have never heard or seen of this before this is insane i mean i know it's not the entire country but could you just imagine the entirety of africa being an actual first world country if earth was a minecraft server then the spawn point of africa would basically be the look of wakanda in the marvel universe the world's last stone age tribe lives on the north sentinel island in indian ocean and they are known for defending their tribe against all visitors they have been living in isolation for 60 000 years there is genetically a direct line between them and their neolithic ancestors oh hello again people who like to eat missionaries man takes selfie when the volcano behind him erupts he made it out alive oh dear god you can see the look on his face that is clearly someone who was smiling now turning into abrupt dread i converted a van into a home and now work remotely and travel full-time i like it but also with someone who hates cramped confined spaces i hate it saudi arabia is planning to install solar-powered laser lights to help lost travelers find water never thought i'd live to see the day where i live in a world that has actual waypoints for you in 2018 26 year old missionary john chow tried to convert his killers after attempting contact with the world's most isolated people in the indian ocean the night before his death he wrote to his family i hope this isn't my last note but if it is don't retrieve my body look not the most ethical way to deal with bible thumpers knocking at your door but okay i can only imagine the theories and beliefs that people on sentinel island have when they see helicopters and boats flying by in morocco in 1955 a pregnant woman was scheduled for a c-section but fled the hospital after watching another woman die during the procedure she was in pain for a few days after but then the pain suddenly disappeared so she went on with her life 46 years later she was diagnosed with a tumor it turned out to be the calcified baby still inside her hey look there's the pig for proof see that children see what happens when you drink too much milk the back room of the natural history museum wow do you need so many copies i'm going to believe these were all dying of natural causes that's the reality i'm setting upon myself this is american virologist dr jonas salk 1914-1995 in the 1950s he decided not to patent his polio vaccine so that it would be affordable for millions of people he lost out on roughly 7 billion but saved millions of lives good guy jonas later to be reincarnated as three young men in a band the little box that this man manhattan project physicist harold agnew is smiling and holding is the nuclear core of the primary bomb fat man that destroyed nagasaki you really just need to take a moment and look at this image just a casual dude and a casual set of clothing holding what looks like a basket full of milk bottles both him and that thing being responsible for the deaths of thousands i don't know with his partial kill record you'd expect him to be wearing something a bit more regal and egotistical when mel gibson started his movie passion of the christ he failed to attract any big studios to produce it with all doors closed he put in 45 million dollars of his own money for the production and relied on a small scale advertising campaign and promotions by church groups the movie went on to gross over 475 million worldwide with mel getting most of the profits says he was the only producer oh jesus christ oh sorry i carved this hellboy pipe for ron perlman and he sent me a photo that's gonna be by far the best fan appreciation post i've ever seen what exactly was the sequence of events that led to this i don't what yo this is why people still believe in bigfoot i mean i'd like to hear the birds case for how this happened but i don't think it has a leg to stand on 1914 life magazine illustration predicting the fashion in the future oh let's see how accurate they are that i mean well they're certainly right about the less clothing look i mean i'm not against the body paint really does put into perspective how stupid our thoughts and ideas are going to be of the future it's fan art time and today's work we're giving a shout out to is silver farben they're all their shield of harbin m some mk bird they made a while ago oh oh oh i don't know how to feel this is this is unique there are fingers as a bird's mouth i don't i don't know if i want this you did it you you have broken me yeah wow ah thank you silberfavin but yeah okay it's good artwork i'm just i'm just traumatized by the thought of it actually existing now if you yourself have your own artwork you'd like to share with us i challenge you to further destroy my sanity levels post your work in the mk subreddit now that is the end of today's video so thank you as always for watching leave a like if you enjoyed your time subscribe if you are not already it is free to do so and until i see you for the next time my name has been jack you can say hello to me by the link in the description below you have been lovely to ramble with today and i will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 273,612
Rating: 4.9577136 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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