r/Me_irl | memes that take you BACK to your childhood

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oh man yeah we got this really nice car here and maybe got Hagrid but turn down those polygons and oh boy it's something all right how's it going number one and welcome back to Ma my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash me IRL me when I smell a random scent that takes me back to my childhood for a brief moment yeah isn't that weird how that works also I would die for baby Yoda the AC is on he has water and it's listening to his favorite music and it's another baby Yoda look at that ladies and gentle this I'm already loving the subreddit this is gonna be a great video I'm here in bikini bottom at a little burger joint the Krusty Krab their famous krabby patty has all the locals talking time to check it out I love Guy Fieri when y'all chillin and she sees the outline of your 32 inch flat-screen TV from your local Best Buy and your sweatpants yeah you know she wants that I'd want them my dumbass getting ready for plans I made when I was in a good mood she but you know get stuck in Bush pretends everything is okay that's me like every day of my life brick yo dumb Brown see this post is made by Gracie gang look at this a little dude what's he doing whatever you wants when you hold the door for an elderly person and they call you a handsome young man that is a handsome young man I can confirm me during reasonable hours of the day I never want to do anything in my life ever me at 3:00 a.m. I have to learn how to play the piano immediately plant poor this is the first rock that comes up when you search huge freakin Rock let's congratulate him I better see some congrats in the comments we strapped a GoPro on a bee to see why bees are dying and boy did we find out quick this teacher helped save her students life by donating her kidney my teacher marks me as absent when I'm in class twelve year old me when I see the moon during the day what the frick when they ask you any extra talent at the job interview yeah I mean that that can get you a job easy when your boss lowers your wage so you lower the water supply to the chair Noble nuclear reactor looks like they couldn't handle the neutrons dial Kate that's a pretty name it's the name I'd want to give one of my twin daughters what do you want to name the other daughter duplicate my Wi-Fi 1,000 ping holy cow see the ball feel the ball be the ball if every human alive right now is piled into the Grand Canyon what's happening I'm in this photo and I don't like it baby teens 9 to 5 job death my mom gracias the Japanese waiter in a Japanese restaurant roses are red Mercury's and thermometers invincible mousse next five kilometers this mousse is so infamous and powerful they had to make a sign dedicated to him me turning off the fan because it's cold everyone else on the helicopter redditors seeing the number 69 now I will laugh haha me I made a meme my brain did anybody press the button me many people press the button bring excellence you may now have the good chemicals what me hiking in a genuinely great mood gets to a cliff edge wow look at the view it's gorgeous my brain what if he jumps will Mao the other organs in my body oh he's not actually gonna do it right my class trying to take a test to class next to us this is accurate I can hear this image six year old me after I change my sister's me name too but her he must be thinking of other women him if I mix two toothpastes we'll all dentist agree or will to disagree teeth and toothpaste commercials my teeth just dance 2020 sold more on Nintendo wheeze and Xbox one and ps4 everyone how are you not dead I have no idea you can control white people by giving them cheese cheese is so good though I got one literally any book comes out New York Times bestseller may I go to the bathroom please Red Bull release date 1987 birds in 1986 I'm a pokemon gym leader from the early part of the game I have two Pokemon both level 15 are below neither of them evolve my job is to get the crap kicked out of me by children on a daily basis I'm the most respected person in town the jokes I make my therapists he's digging him up massive amounts of childhood trauma holy cow young thug a prick can't sir J Cole has not made any comment on cancer possibly pro cancer seven-year-old me in a corner of the pool alright I'm in this image and I don't like kid I came up with a new pain scale idea no pain mild moderate severe severe very oh I could here this image shopping cart wheels be like aren't one of them supposed to be like not matching did this do this person do the meme right or am I missing something am I missing a joke here I'm a I'm a veteran minecrafter okay the US flag code does not actually specify how the 50 stars in the US flag are supposed to be arranged this is 100% legal my half-brother 6-3 christ imagine if he were a full brother yeah I get it I get it me going through my rebellious phase my grandma tells me I look handsome in all black I don't like to feel good I like to feel evil yeah Michelangelo is only 24 years old when he completed the Pieta sculpture the fact that he was a turtle makes it ten times more fascinating teacher I'm not gonna teach this you'll learn it next year next year teacher I'm not going over this because you should have learned it last year huh what Adams driver looks like someone tried to draw Keanu Reeves from memory okay but this is actually true though girl and Jim yelling at me to stop staring at her me with negative 3.25 vision in both eyes often I'll see advertisements for porn games and they say try not to nut but when you play the game it seems like the object is to nuts so yes I would call that bad game design Shigeru Miyamoto on his revolutionary career at Nintendo 2007 I'm the mascot of an evil corporation 2019 I love they actually kept that scene in in the Simpsons movie on Disney plus the mad lads we're best friends I should not be able to emotionally identify with a floss container old friend have you been doing recently how's the girl been oh she left me my mom died too my dad got deported but I got the van 7-7 mmm people who call instead of text me yeah come on who doesn't text these days who who calls on a mobile phone did you know an Australian guy bill Morgan was declared dead for 14 minutes he somehow survived to celebrate his survival he buys scratch card and won a $27,000 car the media News asked him to re-enact the scratch card moment so he bought another card and won another 250,000 dollar jackpot God is trying to apologize oh snap my bad bro me changing my settings Mitch he protect he attack but most importantly he multiplies SNAC 300 BC why do we want to be a good person 1100 why do we desire the truth 1700 why do objects fall to earth 2019 why does ha make hot butt who make cold I'm talking about mouth wind love it when some people put down their phone and just live in the moment the bad guys doing okay when a kid says they want to be like you and they grow up thanks but reconsider can i clot to prevent injury to prevent injury yes actually clots and travels to brain like a boss stroke time he's cured actually if you look at the heart monitor he's flatlining he's cured a miracle when you wanted the window-seat but Pope Francis was quicker than you dammit Pope Francis she he they we things I love how much I love it birth time current age sex boobs pizza doing absolutely nothing crying for no reason and working don't tell me about winded miles per hour again trashcan wind meter lid flipped open tipped over in the neighbor's yard down the street I've lost my trashcan 47 days till 2020 me still processing my 26 teams problems guy gets hit in the balls every guy within a mile radius my mom pouring apple cider in a champagne glass at a party eight-year-old me me hi looking at myself in the security camera at CVS it's him again it's him me buying gta5 steam the things I'm 168 years old Disney Plus no thanks I actually enjoy ads of huge 3d tooties bouncing violently on my computer before I watch Moana for free online this is the part of the Gamecube intro Nintendo doesn't want us to see vpns yes this is how they work 100% I failed all my exams but the pigeons accepted me as their leader so I have that going for me Oh No yeah this is that's definitely not very good nobody is born cool except of course the guy that put 11 chicken nuggets in a ten-piece when the smart kid of the class corrects the teacher true girl says hi to me me just be normal my brain stay hydrated this is a threat when your life is falling apart but you're staying positive I mean yeah look at the view not everything's bad as it seems wait I can explain you're getting 100% opacity while I'm only getting 50% favorite percent I'm getting 25% void stop exploring the ocean we all know what water is Thanks there's no single damn thing in there I want to see we found everything that tastes good one crab two fried shrimp twelve million three hundred thousand three hundred and twenty undiscovered jellyfish go to hell boss lunch on me today any ideas pizza sushi be suspicious that Jeff in HR is an anteater I stare at Jeff for his reaction when you accidentally clicked on to open a new window instead of open a new tab that is a good caption I never would have thought of this halo 3 5 out of 5 from Microsoft that is good me why the eff does my back hurts so bad all the time also me yeah this is uh yeah I'm in this image what my microwave see that one second I couldn't keep it together more than 80 firearms and three skulls found in Cannibal Corpse guitarists home Cannibal Corpse popular hammer smashed face I have guns in my house for murder Visser Asian plague my home is full of skulls yeah I don't see anything that could have hinted at this and just like that we've reached the end of our slash me RL but we have some fan art from reddit user orange sock ninja whitey I'm an aspiring concept artist 15 years old and I decided to take inspiration from the channel logo Damian and Zacks luxury star car and look at that look at that sweet ride I love the the okay hand for the wings that is super cool super super cool thank you and thank you for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bells get notified every time MK uploads and until the next one I'll see you around [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,375,265
Rating: 4.9477124 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, reddit memes, emkay memes, me_irl emkay, meirl emkay, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes emkay, r/memes, dank memes, meme compilation, memes compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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