r/Crappydesign · WhAt's wRonG WiTh mY LeGs?!?

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stop no stopping at any time oh god I'm so conflicted hey everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash crappy designs let's hop into it alright so we got some nice sauces here looking pretty good pretty good however it would appear that all of them have 0% sauce perfect hey you got the time oh yeah it's just five just five that's it oh my good god uh actual-size yeah I don't I don't think so I feel awful for anyone who doesn't like swallowing big pills oh I hope that is not a promotional image unlike like a billboard or something that is disgusting oh Wyoming has AIDS we are Wyoming oh the bear looks so happy you look so pleased with it oh that chair looks awful I hate it but you can't deny that design rocks okay I don't know what this graph is representing however it would appear that Brazil is in the lead with three two million and America is below with 37 2 million mmm no I don't think it's how that works this is not a traffic circle as some people think it's similar to the one at fifth and clay well fifth and clay and this needs it not that is that is the worst Oh Rock sandals why are they so shiny and also look at the the black rock on the far right on each of them it's like it's it arches how do you stand in those are you're not supposed to stand in those that yeah crappy design confirmed nothing says home like the smell of baking people who loves to eat are always the best people what III don't even know how to read that correctly okay so say you're the guy who's building this right and you're looking at the plans and you or was that even in the plans why are there balconies on the top when you can't even get to them yeah crappy design will design prints for you beer money fame will design for money print you beer fame I don't I don't want you designing anything for me okay what am I looking at so we got a bench which is like white in some areas brown and the others with actual crayons on it you're not supposed to actually sit on that are you like that's just like an art piece I hope III don't I don't know ordered a phone charger from Amazon and it came in this box all right well let's take a look yes my favorite quote from Forrest Gump you know my mom always said life a box is chocolate you never know what you're gonna get next that's what he said that's from the movie okay so this is Braille on a scooter Braille which is made for blind people on a scooter you know blind people's favorite activity riding scooters duh jobseekers can use Yahoo search to start their job hunt search for job posting sites that is a burglar breaking into a house you can't say that's anything else that's what that is good old Santa Barbara you can see the boon it's all beautiful the ocean and then the town is on fire everything's on fire police help Oh God Oh oh I have to to the garbage and beyond with you yeah I dislike this very much why is there a okay so not only does this bathtub have carpet on it but it's also not in a bathroom and it looks like a bed and it's like legit there's a shower head and everything I don't understand what the concept behind this was no I don't know next oh I hate this even more why does that mattress of a face and why is he looking at me like that I'm moving on next everyone always asks what happens when you die come and find out come and find out Sunday's 10:00 am made of June let's find out together pull it cartoon flush flush your label P&G and clipart the toilet and wash your hands don't forget kids right so I don't understand what this is okay so the seats on the bottom you got like little blocks on the wall what are those I don't understand sorry but if you want to scan this QR code you're gonna have to remove that thing and if you've removed that there's still gonna be a hole through the QR code can confirm crappy design okay so either this is just a compass that's wrong or it's a very fancy way to spell news because if you look at it clockwise its news now I'm just kidding it's it's just so ever made this was dumb oh I've got some cute little fruit magnets here well I got a question for you do you guys eat your corn with or without the peel teachers make kids Apple hunt mm yeah you might want to make some revisions there oh this this hurts my head so you got okay so it's supposed to spell dad but the DS are like backwards and it doesn't help if you look at upside down because then the a is upside down and I'm gonna move on one day day two three days four days except befores felt like a full word five days with just the number five the six the seventh the eighth the ninth to tenth eleventh no those we got rid of the those twelve the thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth day 16 17 18 19 the 20th this is more confusing to read than the fast and furious titles chronologically hey yeah Diaz leather um so your stairs when they go up there's no railing at the top and correct me if I'm wrong but they're not going anywhere they're just touching the ceiling what the heck is this oh boy more stairs okay so if you exit from the top of the roof you go down the stairs where does it go is there a secret entrance we can't see the can't you can't go from the bottom up that's for sure my head hurts okay I'm gonna give whoever made this the benefit of the doubt and say that they were trying to make palm trees but those don't look like palm trees do not press okay please do not press the okay button and log into windows while bulb 64 installation is running the windows logon screen will appear automatically when the installation is complete is this some kind of soup got a cruel test what do you try to do here Bill Gates oh no her face it's just a job that happened look look at the guy he's just been cut right down the middle that is a not good design oh my god this is like something out of the shining it's like that is very confusing and also hurts my eyes I don't want to look at it anymore riddle me this is this a guide on how to get around the hotel or an eye doctor test close one eye tell me what you see eat sloop who looks like it's a sloop eat sloop Travel repeat yeah not a good design I feel sorry for the janitor here wants to clean up all the water from that BIM sink mmm yes so that cabinet seems to beginning in the way a little bit I can definitely say I'm not a fan of this design I'm sorry ah yes the Family Advocacy Program FAP no in case of fire leave the fire area I mean is this a crappy design it's not the worst advice you could give oh oh no what doesn't help is that wood on the side says dry yeah this is a disaster waiting to happen we need to get that fire sign on this thing oh man these are the best seats in the house let me look at that you see everything okay so uh maybe some 2d characters shouldn't be brought the 3d you know ladies please note you are standing on a glass floor and guests can see up from below yikes yeah that's definitely yes you definitely should not have worn that dress today ah spot the difference I sure can't can you Amerika the hovel what sorry what the thought yeah the hovel okay see the sound here the color no that's not how that works okay what happened here there's like is that a red light thing I'm try I'm literally I cannot tell what this is what happened to the wall why is it burnt Oh oh my god it's a Kremlin stop looking at me like that hell lemon hell from this point forward it's just lemon hell Oh maker what is homemaker why is it using the spider-man fund from the first movie oh my god I've never seen this technique used before they must be a master artist okay so what are those yellow squares and why are they just randomly like put okay so yeah those like blue beams on the top left and there's like the squares in between them but there's one missing on the last one and they also just suddenly stop and then there's the windows with the yellow squares under them and these benches are spread up my head hurt so I want to move on let's go oh my god those are those manhole covers why are there so many of them okay so we have this nice little area for you to sunbae that you know on a hot day you should lay on these leather seats oh my dear god I hope that's like like a floor that's had it's carpet removed and it's not like an actual carpet design because that is disgusting and awful looking I hate it ah yes every good stall should have a clear door on this sighs just so you make sure what's going on in there you don't want anything suspicious happening not only are those lights not nice-looking but they're also hung from ropes that look like nooses and what's the deal with the ceiling why is there like weird triangle patterns next stay back 600 inches 600 inches exactly or else bad stuffs gonna happen why is the laundry machine at the top what is it on that does not look safe oh yeah just a beautiful loving family I don't I don't like this oh my god those are some big earbuds Jesus Christ it's like those are head buds well you know what they say late better never than late never better than and that ladies and gentlemen is why you should not skip leg day or else they'll just shrink oh don't tell me that's finally like I hope this is like still in construction because one those stairs look awful and two there's like no flooring on the top I but there's like shoes and stuff at the bottom so it's like people are living there already I fear for this house magic in the making restrooms yep there sure is magic that happens in there medical malpractice it's the only thing we do that's not good hey fellas you ever want to see your ding dong while you're taking a weap well there you go this image gives me a fight-or-flight response not only is it doesn't look like she has a very long arm but that hand is not the same color as her skin this image also gives me a fight-or-flight response and I want to move on no consent why is there a heart there no no we put the s in comfort wrong easy-open uh no I'd probably give that a medium open oh my god what kind of sick drift you have to pull off to get into that parking spot good god those polar bears why do they look like that and why are they oh that cup that's I don't I don't want any of that in my cup that penguin that dad doesn't look that's not right those eyes are very low hmm our / crappy designs are our / bad Photoshop you decide I'll philosoraptor come on why are you doing that well why are you standing on your getting on it not in it is like frozen I don't know I don't want to know how that happened that is not in any way shape or form Mickey Mouse do not like it and we're moving on right now hey teach you kind of got a light in front of the projector that ya know oh oh that wall nope that just paint over it right now get rid of it I had a knife with a red plastic sheath and a red blade nice and sharp too one day I was cooking grabbed the knife out of the drawer and pulled the sheath off except it wasn't in the sheath the red I saw in my peripheral vision had been the blade itself sliced my hand open real good oof can you say a lawsuit on your birthday you can get away with doing anything like making this crappy designing having it be approved sample.txt what is this uh this is a suitcase is it birthday present wrapping no it that how did that get approved so I see that the red text on all the different environments is hard to read but what I want to know is why is the essence ooh double red that's what I want to know well let's see here which atomic model is depicted by the image below the birth of remodeled easy just yeah just mouse over it duh idiot Shrek and Donkey aren't really looking the same ever since they stopped making Shrek movies hey does not have carpet on it a bad design yeah confirmed oh my god yes so like switch games are you know $60 they're just as much as a disc like but you have that little tiny cartridge and all of that case no booklet and you also have a very mad design oh it's my favorite cartoon characters spongebob and Gary question mark I would have got you're a spray bottle okay I'm screwing it on tight got it really make sure it doesn't come apart and he's going and there it goes nice yeah I see the problem here there's a sprinklers under the bench gravity design the lid is like strangling the straw someone please help it alright so we have a path here on the right which goes to the building whatever that is and on the left you have just plant thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure you hit that subscribe button in the little bell so you get notified every time ezpz uploads and if you want subscribe to me Zeck my link will be down below in the description thanks again and until the next one I'll see you around [Music] [Music]
Channel: EzPz
Views: 499,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/crappydesign, r/crappydesign top posts, r/crappydesign best posts, crappy design, reddit design, r/ design, r/crappydesign emkay, emkay, r/crappydesign ezpz, ezpz
Id: ewkarKrkozY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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