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like the video and subscribe right now and you'll be blessed with a bucket of puppies school administrators thought a student was dealing drugs out of his locker they investigated and discovered he was making free sandwiches for students that couldn't afford school lunch told him to get off my lap cuz I gotta work on the computer so he moves and does this he's so attached the human hasn't smiled much today and I'm not sure why that I have a squeaky toy that looks like a cupcake and I'm coming to the rescue I need a job if you put your trash in your pocket to avoid littering you're going to heaven thank you to whomever did this so my car didn't get rained in because I stupidly left my sunroof open this is why I love my neighborhood Bucky has two girls and a flying car in front of him yet he decides to look at Steve like the most important thing in the world my three-year-old son loves Doctor Who he decided that the doctor is the one who brings Christmas presents not Center so of course last Christmas we decided to get him a sonic screwdriver from the doctor along with a letter saying that this was his very own sonic screwdriver that he got a new one so he's giving this one to my son he loved it a few weeks later we went on a vacation and the screwdriver got misplaced somewhere we knew he'd be heartbroken so we told him that the doctor had borrowed his screwdriver back for a few days while I ordered a new one from Amazon after it arrived we waited until my son was in bed placed the screwdriver with a note thanks for letting me borrow it outside his bedroom door then played the TARDIS sound on my computer speakers he came running out and found the screwdriver that the doctor had brought back this summer is too hot me have you ever planted trees no me be a lot cooler refuted me telling a little kid he's adopted little kid at the adoption center the sons of a fallen deputy raised $3,000 to buy their dads old patrol car the bidding quickly surpassed what they could afford a rancher bought it for $60,000 he walked to the boys table with the keys and said here's your car the only good thing in the world today is that I learned about banana pose which is just something seals do when they feel safe and content just happy seal things hey stranger would you teach me how to make friends of course but follow me four hours later well none of that worked out at all yeah I had no idea what I was doing wanna go play Mario Kart instead sure thing my friend son dad I'm gay looks and dad dad clenched his fists and sweats no though dad hi gay I'm dad I went to the farmers market yesterday and at the honey guys booths and there were all these bees just hanging out checking out the beeswax apps floating around the honey jars not being aggressive just really gentle and investigating or something and as he was giving me a sample of the wind flower honey one of them landed on his hand and he just took a drop from the jar and dabbed it on his hand for the bee and when I asked if they were his bees he said no bud they show up every time I come out I think they just know my truck and this guy is well-known among the local bees and lets them sit on his hand and eat his honey and I just really like the bee guy I'm afraid your father is probably on his deathbed you'll be safe here dad when the world seems dark I remind myself that mr. Rogers once got a letter from a blind girl who wrote that she had heard him say he owned fish but she worried they weren't being fed so at the end of every following show he'd narrate I'm feeding the fish just for her help fire fire ma'am I'm here where is the fire in my heart for you how much do you guys own a month I'm asking so I can try to price my tickets as low as I can honestly this is maybe the nicest and most sincere thing I have ever seen a celebrity do he wanted to help kids that were like him frugal Carpenter saved up to give full college scholarships to 33 strangers and limited money but you need to spend half of it on charity you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how math works hey that means charity will also get unlimited money so I'm game so both charity and I get unlimited money sounds like a win-win situation this refrigerator was installed on the street by a very generous Saudi man he and his friends leave leftovers and other food in there to feed the less fortunate children of his town with nutritious food and to save them from the shame of begging sat Monopoly board game pieces will soon be replaced what's a board game you know it's actually my fault you don't know what a board game is I bought you this generic gaming system and to be honest I'm only reading the paper because my iphone is charging what do you say we go on Amazon and pick out some games and have a family board game night that sounds great dad I love you and I cherish the quality time we spend together what sir I can't believe I said that to my crush moment when I said I'd do it our wedding a 99 year old woman in Arwa makes a dress from scratch every single day so that African children a need will have something pretty to wear and she adds a personal touch to each and every dress she makes we should make more memes in dark mode so you don't get blinded browsing at night in 1969 when black Americans were still prevented from swimming alongside whites mr. Rogers decided to invite officer Clemens to join him and pull his feet in a pool breaking a well-known color barrier so I caught a mole that's been digging up my plants and tell me why he is the most adorable life-form in the galaxy please keep putting out your art even if your paintings gets three likes and your songs get 15 plays please this girl was staring at me so I looked at her and said I love your tattoo and she said I was just admiring how gorgeous your hair is this is why you should never assume girls are being mean when they stay long I was outside eating a cookie and I saw about five ants just roaming around on top of the steps and I noticed there was only one and that wasn't holding anything like the other four were holding Dorito bits or something and the ants seemed sad it wasn't even going in the same pace as the other ants so I put a cookie crumb next to him and he picked it up and started running as fast as the other ants and I think I made that little and stay this is Michael Michael gave me a line it had his number then proceeded to saves a pickup line during a marathon an abandoned puppy was found beside the road rather than leaving it behind Jeb jira Clarkson done carried it for the remaining 19 miles she crossed the line with the pup in her arms and adopted him after my mom always made me a birthday cake every year for 44 years two months since she died and my old dad tried his hardest and my heart melted my cat loves sitting in pants so while I don't have anything to do I wear an extra pair of pants to let him sit with me little sister wanna be a male tickle some crap like that and she asked if she could practice on me not gon lie I feel like bad me shoutout to the guy I sit next to on the train every day but have never once spoken to the letting me know it was my stop this morning after I'd completely lost myself in my thoughts and was about to miss my chance to get off [Music] [Music] man invents hydrating gummies to help his grandmother and other dementia patients get enough water when you're dark and spooky but still a loving and caring person showing respect to waiters taxi drivers helpers and security guards would not degrade your position IV hopes trash tag never ends she is trained to retrieve litter a man in Indiana made an 88 he cost him for his horse intending to only get a few pictures before removing it when he took off the headpiece the horse got upset and insisted he put it back on which made his horse happy again now the horse isn't allowing him to remove any piece of the costume the guy next to me on the train was watching the office so naturally I not so subtly watched along he noticed me watching with him man turned on the subtitles I hope he knows that I would die for him to be honest I firmly believe that kids should not be taught that Gili things and science things are mutually exclusive therefore I packed a cape with my field work gear just to show what glaciologist Princess Elsa would look like every apex predator looking at a capybara chilling now I can't eat this dude that would be effed up physically yes I could eat a capybara but emotionally imagine the toll a ghost who leaves in your house but all they do is rearrange your fridge magnets to spell out self-care and helpful messages meet Billy Ray Harris a homeless man in the returned an engagement ring worth thousands after a woman accidentally dropped it into his change cup the owner of the ring was Sara darling miss darling and her fiance set up a fundraising page to thank him with the 180 thousand dollars raised from public donations mr. Harris has been able to buy a house and get a job a little girl from China covered a cat on the street with leaves because she was afraid that the cat would catch a cold I hope this girl is having a great day I think about her a lot my 13 year old golden likes to walk our eight-week old golden when your little cousin runs to you and says he needs backup in his mouth warm no body is born cool except of course you for actually looking at my meat I volunteer for a dog rescue we love seeing updates of the dogs in their new homes this one made me smile my grandmother took me to see Toy Story one two and three it was my turn my fan death have been in love for longer than we have words to describe license countless gifts to death and death keeps them forever I truly hope that the little girl who came up to me in the supermarket to both that not only did she and her sister get chocolate milk God that they were going camping tomorrow has the best time a man who had a few too many alcoholic beverages ordered an uber for a baby Goldfinch that he found struggling on the ground the baby bad was the sole passenger on the ride to a wildlife a drunk man sends injured baby bird to wildlife rescue center an uber using the Drake format using the Danish wall socket because it's cute I got a flat and although my boyfriend was on the phone trying to help I was struggling to loosen the lug nuts then these guys came up they spoke limited English but gesture toward the tire they put my spare on and I was back on the road in no time I thanked the man tried to offer the money to no avail finally some good freakin dudes cute video shows auntie scrubbing algae off Terrapins back at botanic gardens at the tannic Gardens who's next - Bom Bom dolly parton has a program that will mail your child the free age-appropriate book once a month from birth to age five no obligation no catch she just wants to make sure that every child has books Chris Hemsworth laughing at his own thunder joking Thor's costume to brighten your timeline from all the drama varies Thunder rumbles sorry guys that was me haha classic I love your petals thanks I feel like I'm blooming way slower than you though we are different flowers silly smartest dad in the world the one who told his son to keep playing video games his son Kyle just off aged 16 just won the world cup of fortnight and the three million dollar prize I had a homeless guy come into my Starbucks white when I opened I bought him a coffee and let him choose the jams on Spotify the guy seemed like he hadn't heard some of these songs in years feels good man you know a shark can smell a single drop of blood does somebody need a band-aid astronaut Terry Virts his daughter Stephanie missed her dad who was working in space most of the time so in 2015 she wrote a huge message for him on soil with the help of cars her dad successfully read the messages from space your definition of a good day will look different from other people's slept six plus hours cleaned room took a walk finished two tasks in the morning scheduled next week high productivity hung out with friends laughed a lot full of food read a book learned a cool fact didn't worry too much bless the people who make those youtube videos on how to do simple tasks and fix stuff not for fame not for money just here's how to use wall spackle here's how to clean and maintain a vacuum cleaner having trouble with some assembly instructions they've got you covered no shame no just figure it out in real life angels welcome home what did you do today I waited for you you are all I have last night some girl came running up to me whispering please pretend to be my friend this man has been following me for six blocks as soon as this guy saw me hugging her he said F and went the other way it's actually really disturbing that kids falling asleep in school is viewed as Emblaze E and not as the school overworking them to the point that they literally can't stay awake I fell asleep in chemistry class once and my teacher got me a pillow and a blanket and made the class work in silence so I could sleep what's the problem of yours that would be solved if someone just gave you five thousand dollars I'd use it to cover about 95% of the out-of-pocket cost on reconstructive dental work I need to smile for the first never where do you live I manage a dental laboratory in Oklahoma City I would be willing to find a doctor to work with you if you live close and make the dentures for free if you can find a dentist local to you willing to do the extractions and sent me the impressions I will make the dentures for the dentist for free and send them to you one time in high school my brother took my car and crashed it got it fixed and put it back in the driveway all within my six-hour school day and he kept it a secret for four years I think that's the most sublime thing ever the Lego foundation has teamed up with worldwide blind foundations to create Braille bricks these groups are concerned that fewer children are learning Braille due to the proliferation of audiobooks and assistive computer programs Braille bricks will be moulded with the same number of studs used for individual letters and numbers in the Braille alphabet and are fully compatible Daisy the dog lost all seven of her puppies in a barn fire at the end of February and wasn't the same afterwards spending most of her days going to the remains of the barn to look for them her owner posted a desperate appeal on Facebook asking if anyone had puppies she could foster the next day an owner of a toughened puppy's contacted her and Daisy took to caring for them straight away so I downloaded this app called be my eyes a while ago you get FaceTime calls from blind people all over the world and help them with whatever task it is that they need help with I just got my first call and help this lady pick out almond milk something so small made her de artists installed Cecil's at the border wall so that kids in the US and Mexico could play together some men just want to watch the world learn the fact their faces kinda line scares me art science and kindness the Holy Trinity of mankind wanna play Pegasus okay when you've become famous for your dissatisfied and Confused face but you're pretty cute and photogenic actually grandpa can I get a piece of candy from the candy jar what's the rule in this house about candy no candy until after dinner no that's grandmas rule grandpa's rule is bring me one too I pretend to be asleep so I can hear my girlfriend sing sometimes I just pretend to be asleep in bed and she lays down next to me and softly sings I had to tell this to someone she gets really embarrassed and doesn't like it when people hear her sing so I pretend to fall asleep just to hear her parents acting surprised at what Santa gave their kids [Music] that there is a hero under my bed I was the poor kid growing up my mom used to send me to birthday parties with no present just so I could eat I definitely got to a point where I understood and was embarrassed as hell in fifth grade my friend's mom invited me to sleep over the night before the actual birthday party when her daughter was in the shower the mom laid out the toys that she had bought her daughter for her birthday she let me pick one to wrap and put my name on I'm 37 now I'm still grateful to that mom that one act made such an impact on me my son didn't want to be a tiger or a superhero he wanted to be a traffic light my grandpa who knows nothing about video games but loves me very much and wants to relate to me I am winning Jason why are you here well I got a sigh here and I reaped things what the hell do you think come on with my help we'll be done in no time flat Australia's oldest man aged 109 it's tiny sweaters for injured penguins [Music] since I started my new job about a month ago I noticed one of my co-workers gets treated like an outcast so I made a point to befriend him today he came into my office handed me a gift card and awkwardly goes thank you for treating me like a person bee I might be crying my grandpa just got a new dog and had his caregiver take pictures of him to send to me such a beautiful landscape fit for a unit on or maybe a mermaid oh my god when the ladies of the Asian bakery call me honey and darling find yourself a guy who purposely feeds his cows in the shape of a heart just to send to you this some cute at the horse I can't lie why do we never talk about the fact that for the past 15 years in a small town in Alaska the mayor has been a cat Mayer Stubbs he doesn't raise our taxes we have no sales tax he doesn't interfere with business said Laurie stack he's honest and he only drinks water from a wine glass a town decided that a cat would be a better man people he's good probably the best we've had I may torture you for eternity in the afterlife but there are still breaks to pets and baby animals I'm not a complete monster killing myself immediately wait no your dad's been under a lot of pressure lately it's completely acceptable to stay alive for tiny reasons because you want to hear your favorite song one more time because your dog will miss you if you leave because the moon is just too pretty to never see again because you haven't seen the next season of a really good TV show because you want to see the Christmas lights this year if you're alive you're doing enough if you're surviving I'm proud of you over a year ago I threatened you out of anger over the death of a lost one a death that you were not responsible for about to touch a stingray I should punch it though just to let it know Steve Irwin still got shooters out here today I've returned to make things right to end the cycle of violence it's what Steve would have wanted I'm sorry and I love you water pancake video games cause violence we restarting the game because a dialogue option made a character sad time to watch the brush all you need to do is shake the devil out of it the thicker your thighs are the more kittens can lay on your lap this is a body positivity post I've been waiting for slaps thighs these bad boys can hold up to 20 kittens media gamers are evil gamers gamers meet in real life at bedside of terminally ill friend rocket are you crying Thor no yes Thor is a prime example of no matter how big and strong you are it's okay to cry for the very first time in my life a tall person stood in front of me at a concert looked back asked can you still see and then answered themselves with of course you can't I'm like six feet tall and then moved I wish so many blessings on their house when a native speaker of your target language complements your accent tie them together piglet can you tie knot I cannot uh so you cannot no I cannot not not not who's there po I just saw a friend post about their struggle with suicide and a quote in their story was I came to realize that I didn't want to die I just wanted my life as I knew it to end I think that sentence is so important your life can always take a different path and direction life is soup I'm Fork I don't get this what is the meaning of this he means he's useless how is he useless you can use fork for other stuff hello I'm male bot I'm here to deliver your mail you have this this isn't for me oh gosh please don't cry do you want a cookie yes please be kind robot lives here things that I have now [Music] my girl you want something me I don't even got no cash on me right now my girl I didn't ask that you hungry or not me you seriously have no idea what people are dealing with in their personal life so just be nice it's that simple the perfect birthday party doesn't exist [Music] ma I'm Godzilla and you're the Empire State Building you're thinking of King Kong buildings can't talk dad so the police and fire station are right next to my library which is a pokemon gym and poke start the cops a blue team and the fire fighters are red and they are constantly fighting over the gym I found out because I was adding a Pokemon to the gym and some cops noticed me playing Pokemon and they asked what team I was on and I told them blue and they will like damn right and told me about the situation grandpa tells us again about your fall from the third floor David Harper how many retweets for you to take my senior photos with me 25k and I get to wear the school sweatshirt and hold a trombone I work as an actor at a haunted house and this little girl who was dressed as a cat came through she saw me and was like no thank you please don't get close I'm already scared and I was like all right I appreciate the good manners I'll back off so her dad picks her up and starts going down the rest of my dark hall and I just hear her yell everybody wait I dropped my tears so I find the man give them to her dad and she goes thank you but I hope I never see you again goodbye and waved over her dad's shoulder I waved back and she gave me a thumbs up honestly this kid has a lot of guts props for being so polite when she's terrified I hope she gets a lot of candy this year your time has come oh god no wait is that a tattoo of me yeah lots of people have tattoos of you what why I dunno looks cool I guess I swear it's the quietest people with the best personality it's this kid that used to sit at a table by himself will quiet and used to have his jacket zipped all the way up to cover his face with his head down we invited him to our table and he's one of the nicest people ever I came to the table today and he was like I made y'all some cookies never judge a book by it's cover always give people a chance when it's the first day of school and you have no one to talk to but then you see your friend walk through the door alrighty what'll it be today sir um just a trim I guess no problem a boot camp for people who are uncomfortable accepting compliments where a drill sergeant aggressively yells nice things at you my grandma asked me to paint a picture of her when she was young and got so happy she started crying in 1981 a pediatrician saved the life of a 3.2 pound premature baby boy by working around the clock and beating the odds to stabilize it in 2011 the same pediatrician was pinned inside a burning vehicle after a car collision but was saved by a paramedic who turned out to be the premature baby he saved 30 years earlier I just delivered a spider-man four-wheeler to this house and the little boy ran outside and hugged me so hard like I paid for it you welcome sundown when you're watching planet Earth and you don't want the predator to starve but you also don't want the prey to die had lunch with my son at school for his birthday he can pick two kids to sit with him and one I had never met I asked afterward who he wasn't he said oh I don't really know him but no one had picked him for birthday lunch before and just overall kids are better than we are let's have something nice today let's remember that in 1500 BCE someone in Iran carved a little Hedgehog on wheels to give to a kid I know I know my selfie skills are terrible but just look at this baby penguin and everything will appear better this is ba ba ba bo killed 3 mosquitoes yesterday good ba ba this little girl thought a bride she saw on the street was the princess from her book I'm crying when she's attractive with an amazing personality as well good morning cruel world don't you mean goodbye no I meant good morning this world may be cruel but I'm still kicking the boys a nanny for just asked me where I worked and I didn't have the heart to tell them their parents pay me to hang out with them so now they think I work at Chili's here is that super important documentation we were talking about from very important people here at Chili's the human set up a firm right next to my bed that moves back and forth so every few seconds I feel like I'm flying met my childhood minecraft girlfriend in person this weekend we hit it off now she's my actual girlfriend after eight years we finally meet after I've traveled 1,100 miles to New York City just to see her before I left for the Marines she will come to me when I graduate boot camp I just encountered a little girl in a princess dress who was practicing karate kicks I asked her what she was doing and she said combat ballet my 84 year old grandmother apologized for having to wear her nightgown in front of us I said it was no problem and that it actually looked very comfortable so she immediately offered one to me it's not like I could have rejected this generous gift I caught a fish should we have him for dinner I hope you guys like spaghetti I just saw a dad in cargo shorts on a riding mower shoot some finger pistols at another dad on a riding mower what a freakin Power Move daughters all the girls will be witches and dad can be a whip dad I got this falling in love is like when lilo walks into the animal shelter looking for a dog and stitch is weird app is like I and everyone's like are you sure you want this dog there's other dogs and she's still like yes he's good I can tell some things never change I was bullied in high school for playing the bongos now I play the bongos for The Price is Right house band just be media same video games cause violence me building a house for my wife and kids and Skyrim last night I realized that if you start inexplicably clapping when one of your friends arrives at a party everyone else at the party will start clapping too it's the perfect wholesome prank ten out of ten highly recommend there's no excuses for abusing animals I may be evil but I still love animals Parviz mouse on a dandelion by Dean Mason my three-year-old said she wanted to be an astronaut and I said she had to study hard go to college learn a lot of science and take a physical fitness test and she shrugged and said that's just four things so she's basically a nonchalant motivational speaker I'm not very good at it but it doesn't matter it's the fun of doing it that's important no matter how anybody says it is it feels good to have made something next is two eggs this is a robbery put all the money in the bag this is a bakery how about you beat it employee of the month being a pet owner is like being a sugar daddy you waste all of your money on keeping them happy and the only thing they do is look cute and give you attention sometimes bad news I accidentally washed a nice wool shirt that I really loved and it shrunk a lot good news just spotted a cat on someone's porch meowing to be let in without thinking I walked up to the door ran the Bell nodded to the cat and left it was only I rounded the corner I realized what I'd done as I heard the owner shouting Sarah the cat just rang the doorbell doesn't matter how manly you are when your little girl wants to have a fairy Tea Party you have one if I hand you the orcs play your music bro not that mainstream stuff you think would please me I want to vibe with what's inspiring you as well this mother lost her baby in labor two days later the mayor was introduced to a foe who had lost her mom this photo was taken an hour after the two were introduced I just found out that harvest mice love pollen so much that they often fall asleep inside flowers eating it and I don't know I just feel like everyone should know this information drug dealers of reddit what is a strangest thing you have been offered in compensation for drugs someone offered me their dog for a $50 bag they were such a person and a terrible dog owner you best believe I took that fricking dog and we had eight glorious years together don't tell my current dog that was the most caring dog I have ever met I miss the big guy every day this person takes requests from people and edits the photos in unexpected and mischievous ways hey James I love your work you're hilarious and knowing you you probably won't do this and I know you get this message a lot but here goes okay so I've struggled with my weight ever since I was like what seven I've tried everything to lose weight too I've done sports eight healthy exercises took pills legit everything but I still remain numb fat please just make me skinny for once it would be a huge favor I just want to see what I would look like if I was pretty thanks skinny doesn't necessarily mean pretty don't let the struggle of trying to lose weight take the fun out of your life stay active eat healthy and let yourself be happy just the way you are if you ever find yourself clinching at something you did in the past it means you have grown as a person when you tell your non-scientist friends about your research and they don't understand it but they support you anyway yes ions if anyone has any nice allegations against a celebrity that would be great too does a famous actor give good Christmas presents does Lady comedian always smoke people out Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman let me stay with them when my mum was in the hospital for cancer surgeries wait weren't they her parents in Matilda yet it was right after filming it actually what's even better is that mary's mother loved the book Matilda she loved it so much that she got her daughter the part however she died before she got to see it or so Merrythought apparently just a few weeks before she died Danny DeVito went into the hospital with a rough first edit of the movie and got to let her watch it before she passed this dog walked up to this guy and wouldn't go away so the guy just started reading Harry Potter to him why did my dad leave Oh Billy I'm just stuck at work hold up hold up hold up big shouts to everyone who's out there whipping depression zap keep going I'm in your Kona I paid for his beer and that of his guys everyone loved me I didn't know it was such a big deal for guys my friend has a girl who feeds all of us on weekends any time he looks at another girl we slap him on her behalf sometimes when people don't buy tickets at the theater my boss lets me play GTA 5 on the big screen and they say the perfect family doesn't exist me opens the door my pets they took such good care of me they'll take good care of you too now that I'm gone will you take care of them when my dad was in college he had a friend who told a girl he'd take her on a date unlike any other sheet of a bean on and so he took her to the supermarket to watch the lobsters fighting in the lobster tank they are married now and this is a picture of this one in college well mom's dress is very pretty yeah she loved butterfly patterns butterfly were always a favorite actually before passing she swore she would come visit us one day as a little butterfly to check if we were doing all right but hey that's enough good memories for today you go play outside and I'll do the dishes okay okey diet holy what happened look she's here but a you oh okay when you hold the door for an elderly person and they call you a handsome young man what are some things you'd only know by growing up poor my brother and I would dig up wild onions in our yard or steal crabapples from the neighbor's tree if food was low eventually an old lady moved in down the street and she'd invite us over to help her make cookies cakes eventually for Londoners nanny was amazing my grandfather just informed me that he has a cocktail hour every day with his cat where they each have a glass of milk at the table as I hosted my own luggage into the truck my very polish cab driver impressed shouted strong girl farm and this is the only way I wish strange men to speak with me moving forward cold nose Boop he's right I could lose some weight in sumo culture you'd be considered a promising up-and-comer wholesome Dwight is best white I'm on the train and our little boys sitting next to me and he saw that my wallpaper as Tom Holland and asks are you friends with spider-man and I was like yes but don't tell anyone okay he was like yes but please tell him I love him and I want to be a superhero too I'm soft have you felt unsafe on campus discriminated against threatened afraid to walk around campus we will walk with you is your human a rescue - yeah she's got some issues but we are working through them when you join the gym and started therapy as part of your new year's resolution and now you're down 25 pounds and have a good grip on your mental health oh yeah it's all coming together he asked for his dad to come home I have a confession I used to be a Christian doesn't worry me babe awesome I much prefer being a Christine that did catch me off guard but I still don't mind I'm glad you're comfortable with yourself now when you are full of doubt plus it all seems impossible that there's still someone who believes in you me I can do all things through jared leto who strengthens me redditors within walls what have you heard in your apartment my parents told me stories about the apartment they lived in when I was a baby the lady above us was a classically trained pianist and her music room was above my room apparently when I would start crying in my crib she would start playing and I would go right to sleep after my parents divorced my dad stayed in the same apartment a few years later when I went to visit him I was about 10 or 11 I got to finally meet her for the first time the woman who used to claim me to sleep as a baby taught me how to play the piano 10 years later grandma's deserved to live forever Hey look that cloud looks like a giraffe and that one looks like two caps fighting that cloud looks like a guy ditching his boring friend oh hey it does I got our sighs cream cones thank you to whomever did this so my car didn't get rained in because I stupidly left my sunroof open this is why I love my neighborhood grandma cooks literally anything me damn that's good finally some truths proud parent of a great kid that is sometimes an a-hole and that's okay only the smartest and most cunning adventurers are allowed to cross this bridge what wisdom do you possess laughing of the fat people of the gym is like laughing at the sick in the hospital right this way sir going to Grandma's as a kid going to Grandma's as an adult [Music] I socialize this weekend me for the next three months this random woman just gave me a huge high-five while walking through the airport and now I think I want to hire her to follow me around and be a professional high-fiber I must have been visibly enjoying my coffee as I walked to my gate because she just pointed at me and smiled and said you enjoying that coffee and I said yes ma'am and she said you gonna have a great day and I said you know it so she lifted her hand up gave me the biggest high-five and said alright then you've gone a killer today I kept on walking but now I want to go back and offer her a full-time job I just realized my 13 year old is my best friend so I'm at a concert with my wife and her friends and after an hour I realized something my wife is texting her BFF since elementary school her friends are texting their friends about the concert I'm texting my 13 year old son it's not like I don't have friends my own age I just didn't care to share this experience with them as much as I do my kid I just came to the realization that my best friend is my 13 year old son I don't know how to feel about that in your 79 plus years on earth is there any wisdom you can share with us never give up I carry a photograph of myself in my phone when I was a little boy I look at him and say we did okay kid we did okay me changes the TV source from HDMI one to HDMI to my grandparents you did it you crazy son of a B you did it ever since I was a little kid I've always wanted to get on a firetruck I'm tempted to just walk my grunts over to a fire station and just ask oh my god it worked I'm a failure boring outdated overused I was pre successful fun suggests future growth dopest hork gorillas make up little food songs while they eat according to an article by Brian Owens and New Scientist a German scientist working in the Congo has discovered a fun new fact about gorillas that they hum and even sing during mealtimes and it's not like they sing the same song over and over commented Luth it seems like they are composing their little food songs according to le vélo earthing of the Toronto Zoo each gorilla has its own voice you can really tell who's singing and if it's their favorite food they sing louder I want to go to their concert there's literally nothing better than when you're full-on laughing with someone and you both keep adding things that make it funnier and you can barely breathe redditors with thin walls what have you heard in your apartment our neighbors were once talking loud and I was nosy so I put my ear up to the wall and realized she was reading him Harry Potter pretty enthusiastically and it made my heart melt he was nice all along whistle if you love your girlfriend this pitbull pulled out his teddy to show it to the dog of the other car [Music] every year this mama duck brings her babies to my house and I help her take care of them this morning I opened my daughter 13 new pipng fluff balls my best friend handmade a skunk costume for my kids first Halloween jessie is part of a program at a Children's Hospital that teaches patients they shouldn't be afraid of procedures by showing them how it's done to get through an echocardiogram you just lie on your back and hold your mom's hand who could that be at a comic convention everyone dressed as a bell and got together to give this tiny Wonder Woman an incredible photo-op a truly sweet gesture my dog wondering what to do with the new kitty who suddenly loved him first day back at school took its two longest little girl this is the best cosplay ever made tofu is a three-month-old finnish spitz and she does a great shocked picture - impression [Music] this kid comes and visits my grandmother every day four to five times a day he just told me it was to check on her to make sure she wakes up from all her naps my heart can't take this bills making food full-time job family problems my mom how was your day sweetie me this is Duke he was first elected mayor of cormorant as a write-in candidate in 2014 in 2016 literally everyone in the village voted for him Duke passed away last week at the age of 13 he served with great honor and fluffy passion and has been awarded the very rare 15 out of 10 so far you've survived 100% of your worst days you're doing great a little girl in my mom's neighborhood has a very old pug with severe arthritis today I saw her gently strap him into a baby stroller and wait for the UPS truck so they could chase after it running and laughing as the pup barked you know just in case you forgot what love means today I got up cleaned the kitchen vacuumed folded and put laundry away my house actually looks clean take that depression when an 8 year old boy saw that his autistic classmate was having a hard time adjusting to the first day of school he held his hand and let him know that everything was going to be okay never underestimate the power of one - laughs man she cut down a mountain single-handed for 22 years day and night to ensure no one else dies without medical care like his wife reducing the distance from 70 kilometers to just one kilometer from his village to hospital my disabled son has been obsessed with exotic cars for years when I asked Callen awhile ago what would be his favorite thing for Christmas he said well dad I'd love a drive-in a supercar but I know that can't happen a few days later I posted this request on an Australian exotic car website thinking that maybe just maybe one person might respond the website went mad and now we've got three events planned for my son Callum people Rock hey dude I'm here to hunt you what do you want I could rearrange your furniture kill your dog oh I guess you could move that stool around like this hey you're pretty good at that really yeah for a second there I was all like whoa that's so spooky I made an old lady blush today at work because she ordered two senior coffees and I said senior I'm sorry miss I'm going to have to ask to see some ID and she covered her mouth and went oh dear me and couldn't stop smiling wife remarries her husband as she falls in love with him again after losing her memory today the drug dog came to our school and he stopped by my car and wouldn't move so I had to go out there and unlock it so he could search my car and it was because of the dog treats I kept in there random guy leans over and whispers while we are getting food I have a hedgehog in my pocket don't tell anyone I don't mean to brag or anything but yeah boy just freaking beat stage for cancer today let's freakin go when you are mad about something and you tell your mom and she gets mad too I showed this to my mom and she said damn right students invent bacteria that eat plastic from the oceans and turn it into water see that's kids that Sh is a freaking future twelve-year-old girl fighting rare aging disease becomes best friends with 330 pound weight lifter David algaas aka the Beast after meeting at a children's benefit people looked at me as strong but everything about her was stronger David told the press not sure what's more awkward the fact that I said I love you to the pizza guy after heat up my water on the firm or the fact that he showed up with breadsticks shaped like a bouquet either way we are dating now when your candles are fake but it's okay because your love keeps you warm it up 96 weeks and thousands of volunteers to clean up Versova Beach in Mumbai near the payoff hundreds of thousands of sea turtles hatching this week first time in decades anything can be cleaned before after so my boyfriend comes home last night absolutely smashed gets undressed and then just stands there in my room so I'm like are you coming to bed and he goes no thank you I am sure you're lovely but I have a girlfriend and goes to sleep on the floor we went to Waffle House at 2:00 a.m. and it was super icy outside so the workers gave us serving trays to go sledding outside of the restaurant and our waitress took my phone and charged it when it died it's not a waffle house but a waffle hoe I was painting my nails and made a comment that I forget I don't have to paint my pink email on my left hand I simply forget that I lost my pinky but it is always kind of a bummer when I'm reminded someone said I will be your surrogate pinky you can paint my pinky to match your nails for the rest of our lives did he commit a crime where's the warrant no it says last day of kindergarten and it's for his mom I really hate to brag but I have a private chef that prepares my lunches the biggest lie I ever told and how my husband came to protect it for years I have lived this light telling everyone I'm allergic to peanuts because I hate the smell of peanut butter and don't really like peanut butter that much but whenever I used to tell people I don't like peanut butter they'd get all defensive like peanut butter is amazing how do you not like it and then I'd have to go into this whole thing to defend my taste buds but then I got tired of it and started telling people that I'm just allergic to peanuts because that way it's not my fault that I hate the smell of peanut butter it's now like I'm a sad little baby who will never get to taste peanut butter ever in her life and everyone feels sad for me but the problem is that I really love peanut M&Ms and so now I can only eat peanut M&Ms when I'm at home and secret the only person who knows my lie is my husband and so at work this evening we had a small celebration for someone and they had peanut M&Ms and I really wanted some but obviously couldn't eat them in public because then people would know my peanut secret and so when we got home after work my husband tips his jacket over and emptied his pockets and at least 30 or so peanut M&Ms fell out of his pockets and he whispered I was sneaky accumulating them all night for you because I could see the pain in your eyes deleted my weather app cause there's a guy in my office that always tells me anyway and the app never asks me how my weekend was shout out bill my weekend was awesome man thanks for asking you are not alone Matilda 1996 directed by Danny DeVito hold up Danny DeVito directed the most influential film of my childhood not only directed it but starred in it took care of Mara Wilson while her mother was in hospital with cancer and even managed to get an advance copy of the movie for her to watch before she succumbed to her illness the man is a treasure dad and me feeding Murray same place same croc 2 photos 15 years apart or what a cute possum yes you're so adorable eating all the nasty bugs such a good worker a thing I've started doing with my class is giving them a secret mission where they have to do something and if another staff member tells me about it the whole class moves up my rewards chart last week was holding doors for people this week is asking people about their day please can you write a silly joke on the pizza lids my 6 year old loves jokes and is feeling and well thanks what is a dog's favorite pizza pepperoni it is critical we give him a raise immediately thank you for talking about depression openly I know it will help a lot of people to see someone so confident that also had issues with it myself included hey man I get it we all go through the sludge anch stay strong and make sure you're talking to good people about it us men have a tendency to hold it in no shame in getting help and wanting to be better gotta have offers it's dark and light light and dark in painting it's like in life gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come I'm waiting on the good times now who hurt him this episode was recorded shortly after his wife died y'all better be going to bed at a reasonable time don't make me tuck you in and kiss you good night don't threaten me with a good time last warning before I sing you a lullaby a grieving dad designed this tombstone of his paralyzed from birth son climbing out of his wheelchair and reaching for the sky about to sneak into heaven to pet all the dogs who wants to come with me I'm a bad person who thinks bad thoughts like do what is that girl wearing and then remember that I'm supposed to be positive about all things and then think no she can wear what she wants F what other people say damn girl you look fabulous and I'm just a teeny bit hypocritical to be honest I was always taught by my mother that the first thought that goes through your mind is what you have been conditioned to think what you think next defines who you are your mother is a wonderful woman my grandma with clinical depression just got a newborn pup and called him gizmo I have never seen her this happy before I thought I'd share this moment with the world subscribe and watch previous episodes of wholesome memes Thanks [Music]
Channel: Clumsy
Views: 9,654,235
Rating: 4.936749 out of 5
Keywords: ultimate wholesome memes, clean memes, memes, clean vines, best memes, wholesome memes, best wholesome memes, dank doodle memes, reddit memes, funny memes, reddit, funny, interesting, clean, best memes compilation, family friendly memes, wholesome, memes compilation, ddm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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