r/Hmmm · ratatouille 2

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i don't know what happened here but something sure happened how's it going everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is zach and today we're going to be taking a look at our slash hmm ah well we're already off to a fantastic start i'm not a big fan of that shadow it's uh um okay so i would like to know how this happened uh there's an ambulance in this wall where a window is supposed to be now they got to get it out how did it get up there in the first place i'm looking for what's wrong with this i'm not seeing anything though i mean honestly that's a it's a nice looking truck you know it's cute what do you what do you want me to say about it oh poor doggo look just power through it i'm sure i'm sure the cat will be done soon watch out for avalanches you'll never know when a cow will fall off the mountain i'm sorry this is a uh this is an axe gun because if you're out of ammo well you you need something to fight with right oh i don't like that there's why is there a baby in this egg not a fan dude how do you have that look i'm a hairy man i'm a very hairy boy i got a lot of hair on my back my head my legs you know whatever but holy cow i do not have this much hair on my back let alone my neck is she playing that piano backwards i think she's playing that piano backwards that's kind of impressive i'm not gonna lie i mean if you think about it this has to be a pretty easy painting right i mean you just draw the balaclava and then all the all the details you have to worry about are just in the eye sockets and mouse socket i mean it's got to be an easy job for him well this is an image i never thought i'd see the cat with a lighter on his head and a cigarette bouncing on the lighter i'm sorry is that a picture of jesus hanging on the bottom of a hot air balloon because that's what it looks like i love this image never bring a gun to a banana fight boy look at this little toad he's ready to sing a song for you i want to hear what he's going to sing oh man i'm not a i'm not a big fan of this one uh well to be fair i'm not a big fan of a lot of these but uh this is a cringe moment not cringes and ooh that's weird but like i'm just imagining being that cat and having to scrunch up and not get cut by any of the wires i get it that that's clever all right uh but it looks a little dangerous also does that guy have a child on his lap driving the thing at all right there's a lot to process in this image ah yes bath fish dude this guy straight up chillin you know get it i'm sorry is that that batman batman from way back in the day and he's old and retired now cause that's what it looks like oh man this image gives off a very threatening aura oh wow i i don't know what the context behind this is but for once i don't want to know all right i'm jealous he's got the ben 10 sheets no one can step up to him oh my god that is quite the vehicle there i want to see it going though is that um yo this bird is sick you know i bet it's played uh tony hawk's pro skater a couple times you know he was inspired oh cat in the little bird house uh what wait what happened to the birds though okay look i i i know i know the bird was skateboarding but a blind person i i don't know about that one this i want to see this in action god so many of these images i wish had videos attached to them i i just i really want to see it happening ah um a bath full of brains uh my day is ruined never mind my day's been saved thanks to this bread suitcase at least i think it's a suitcase i would imagine it is i i want it i need it actually oh look at this little bull it's not a dog what are you talking about [Laughter] this is me when i'm eating a burger all right i just i don't i don't take bites i take one bite i put the whole thing in my mouth to assert dominance dude that guy's just flexing on everyone he can he can curl his body up into a ball like sonic and float in the air impressive is this real is this is this a giant coke can just somewhere in the desert because i want to go and see it now oh yeah you know just had to go to the store pick up some stuff groceries uh you know maybe some clothes a new car yeah wait oh so that's what those compartments are for in cars i see now okay it makes sense i'm sorry are they sleeping on carpet and using the carpet also as uh blankets because that's what it looks like okay this is cool i how did this happen i i cause i'm intrigued i really want to see the process of making the cart circle look this guy really wanted to make sure that thing did not roll off the back i mean i can't blame him this was a perfectly timed uh photo i'm i'm blown away this is incredible uh okay so if my eyes don't deceive me this is a bowl full of cheeto puffs i think and soda being poured in i take it back my day is once again ruined and we lost the cushions and we had an extra chair lying around so we just figured why not put the chair where the cushion was it'll be like it never left you know i don't think it's been uh talked about enough that food isn't fashion items please stop when you don't have a table well you and your buddy you make the table dude there's so many awesome epic skateboarders in this whole uh subreddit i love it okay i need this i need it look how else am i supposed to have both my hands free and carry around french fries and a pack of ketchup exactly there is no other way i i i need them food is in fashion i'm sorry all right i think this guy's taking the game oh a little too seriously uh just a hunch oh um hmm i don't know about this coffin you know uh hmm i remember uh in another video i was doing i mentioned i miss when people would make designs out of soda boxes and this is kind of cool i guess but it's a little hard to i know what it is it's someone saluting it's like a soldier but like it just it's a little hard to see that ah yes there's nothing there's nothing more beautiful than a dress made of condoms is that that's a bike but instead of the handlebars it's an n64 controller why um chocolate chip cookies with shrimp in the middle i'm gonna vomit dude it's ratatouille uh yo these uh this are some pretty cool cactuses can't lie all right now how did that happen kitten how did how did that you know what you seem to be doing all right i'll i'll let you i'll let you hang you know uh yes the frog council they are currently discussing who gets the mealworm um hmm this is another council i think but uh are they are they worshiping that car are they praising it so it looks like they're praising it what the hell is that guy doing up there i i i'm blown away i'm dumbfounded to prove that ants counted their steps scientists took out a few out of a line and attached tiny stilts to their legs since they took bigger steps the ants totally walked right by the food and got confused when they walked the correct number of steps but there was no food here's a picture conclusion scientists are creative and weird i can't tell my favorite part is but it's either scientists wasting a budget and time to see if ants count their steps the idea to put ants on stilts there had to be a guy who made aunt stilts and put them on the ants confused dance um excuse me uh karen that doesn't work there are many holes in that mask what i there's a lot to process in this image and i don't think my brain can physically comprehend it oh man this is very disturbing yeah oh i wasn't aware that swagger souls had a child uh congrats to him oh man this is uh also not a great image death is asking this man about something or informing him that uh his time is coming oh uh you know i'm i don't i don't like this at all why are there so many intel stickers on this thing i don't think that's right ah come on pope how why'd you have to do that i mean okay it's a little funny i don't know about this photo up oh god poor dinosaur jesus christ that i i feel so bad even though it's a painting this dude brought his donkey to the pool match because why not this is what i need i need a giant enter key because when you're sending a message and you want to send it but you're also angry you need you just need something to slam uh i don't know about using money as a toilet paper perhaps actual toilet paper that is a long fish and why is she posing next to the fish oh my god what there's so many of them all in there it's kind of satisfying i'm not gonna lie it's like i i don't know i'm just i'm i can't stop looking at it hey guys it's a catfish get get it ah francis christ beautiful honestly i'm sorry did they that did they get snowed in and then they just made the ice into a shelf but like also a freezer or uh okay are those money sandwiches because that's what it looks like and i can think of a lot better uses for money than eating them look she's just thirsty okay i can't blame her oh well i guess this is how people are doing it now in 2020 glass food i mean it looks cool but why is this dude playing fortnite on his phone i don't like the way this guy's looking at me wait hold on a second that's not a face uh what better way to toast your bread than with a hair straightener and how the hell did this happen oh oh no i see what they're trying to curl their hair good luck i'm not a fan of hank hill wearing that i mean look as long as he feels beautiful you know well this is one way to play your games uh all right i want to see someone walk on these i want to see it i i want to know if this is possible why is a bottle of heinz tomato ketchup wearing military pants boots and a hat jesus christ that chicken's going it's gone dude i don't even see it anymore it's so fast huh hollywood's looking a little different these days nice halloween costume i guess for your dog what the hell kind of truck is this it's just carrying molten lava behind it this is me when someone offers me a hot dog uh lady i don't think you're supposed to put hot glue on your uh toothbrush oh that is a battery for a phone what happened oh god please don't make a joint out of your tongue please don't oh now that is just that's just wrong hey honk the horn i mean if there is a horn but yeah just go for it try it uh is this woman walking a dead chicken carcass i want this table this is stupid what a what a design for pants this is for if you want to snipe someone across the freaking state dude santa claus is joining the terrorist force obey traffic laws or else well you'll never know when you'll need a gun while showering ah and a spoon gun a lot of guns all in a row look even during a flood you gotta have a taxi service right where he's gonna get on i don't know i like playing with my tech deck with my friends do my eyes deceive me or uh does this woman have three breasts because that's what it looks like ah yes uh a titanic blow up slide yo this toad be like uh anyone home because i'm coming in ah yes the toaster mobile with butter behind it i don't think that's right uh i think it's supposed to be swapped uh but that's just me i never thought about this a toothbrush made of a hot dog and dry noodles doggo no why would you do that to the duck it's a pile of crap made out of a pile of crap good lord what a what a hiding spot you know maybe instead of having to do this maybe you just like shouldn't open up a hair salon right now oh the doggo is under arrest probably for drowning that duck earlier hey look it's a urinal you don't have to flush i mean i guess it's not the worst idea but it's north or nothing i mean look sometimes you gotta take a dump but you also want friends to talk to i mean i don't see what's the big deal here hey is that water coming out of an electrical socket that's not good um why is there room flooded but they're also using computer this has to be edited right it has to be oh now this that's cool that is incredible actually i am that's that's mesmerizing oh that poor cat is soaked yeah don't mind me i'm just coming through with a big ass whale on my trailer good lord what a what a stallion that is i don't think the cat likes the wine hey uh why is there a wolf on this train that's one way to carry planks back from home depot i guess uh everyone knew that the samurai used yamahas to uh get from place to place in battle yo man i cannot believe they allowed this soldier to bring a switch to play zelda during the uh storming of the beach of normandy and well ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of our slash hmm thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button and the bell so you notified every dummy's busy uploads and until the next one i'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 156,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/hmmm, r/hmmm top posts, r/hmmm best posts, hmmm, reddit hmm, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: Jbg2NKQ8mLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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