r/Maliciouscompliance How I Got Revenge Against My Evil Teacher

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where you have to be careful what you wish for and just a reminder I've started a pattern where I'm gonna publish videos that I can't publish on YouTube because YouTube de monetizes them so if you want to support my content and see videos that are too spicy for YouTube then check out patreon.com/crashcourse is from DXM when I was seven my family moved from Reykjavik Iceland to London UK for my father's work he was an Icelandic native but my mother was born in England so I was raised completely bilingual from birth it's also not uncommon for Icelanders to speak English and often other languages too I also spoke passable Danish at this point at my primary school which was basically elementary school it goes up to age 11 they put me in regular classes because I spoke English as well someone raised in the UK but at my secondary school age 11 is 16 all immigrant kids got put in English as a second language sessions you could earn your way out of these extra classes by completing the evaluations in exam but the fact that I had to do these extra assignments and go to these classes at all pissed me off my brother had just gone through them when he went two years before me and had been allowed to stop going after a month when he completed all this at work but I didn't want a month of extra classes in extra work and the ESL tutor who ran the classes when my brother had them had left so the new teacher didn't know him and therefore didn't know me either the school decided I didn't speak proper English so I didn't the ESL tutor didn't speak Icelandic and though the work I was given was mind-numbing ly easy think how they teach phonetics and basics in a structured of four-year-olds I stuck to my pretence of not speaking a single word of English in those classes for two full weeks and protests in my third week my history teacher assigned his homework which I didn't feel like doing and since my ESL teacher had put a note in my file that I wasn't fluent enough to be given homework I decided to refer my history teacher to that and tell him in in fluent an accident English that I don't speak the language well enough to complete homework according to mrs. ESL tutor luckily enough he found that incredibly funny and didn't punish me since I was right my file did say that when my ESL teacher found out she gave me a detention and yelled at me for using ESL to get out of work and for wasting her time so I agreed having me an ESL was a waste of time and that must mean I didn't have to go anymore she tried to argue but I had my history teacher on my side and he managed to convince the school office to change ESL into an opt-in class for people whose parents and teachers felt needed it I didn't have to go back to ESL and didn't even have to complete that homework our next reddit post is from Joey Joe Joe I'm a software developer my department in another department each made different products but a customer would often have both and these products need to communicate with each other both teams at the task of adding a feature which required some modification to how the products communicate communication is done by a published protocol which means that our two teams just need to follow the spec which is great the teams are in different countries so time zones make direct collaboration somewhat challenging my team finished our changes and so I reached out to my counterpart and the other team to arrange for testing our products together they were still working on it and that was all I heard from them for a while that's fine we were ahead of schedule I can wait until they're ready I set up a sample installation on a spare server and told them how to access it remotely and asked that they let me know if they need anything a week or two passed before they were ready and they started testing on a Friday they encountered some problems so they sent me an email because of the time zones this was past my working hours and I wasn't checking my work email when I didn't reply they wrote another email see seeing their boss and my boss when I replied to that email didn't come quickly enough they see seed even higher on the chain of command demanding that my team work to fix the problem they further stated that if the problem was not immediately fixed their release would be late and it would entirely be my team's fault on Saturday I got a call from my boss explaining the situation he politely asked me if I could spare some time to come in on the weekend to troubleshoot the problem I agreed I spent some time reading log files and packet captures and comparing system behavior to the spec soon enough I found the problem their product was sending messages that didn't conform to the spec I able to simulate the bad message and a fixed version of that message to confirm that our product handled both as it should nobody from the other team was online so I sent my report by email remember how they sent that email blaming my team for their problems the email that went to their boss their boss's boss my boss and my boss's boss yeah that was the email I replied to replying to all I very politely and professionally explained exactly what the problem was making sure my explanation would be clear to those upper level managers before going into the technical details and what changes they would need to make to fix the problem clicking the sin button has never felt so satisfying working on the weekend resulted in me being in a much better mood than if I'd stayed home the whole time and per department policy I took some comp time during the week to make up for those weekend hours this was my first time working with that team but from what the others told me this wasn't an unusual experience a few years later the company was restructured and that office was closed down completely our next reddit post is from hands adventures this happened when I was around 12 years old it was my birthday and in the morning I came out and asked my dad what he got me for my birthday he didn't even wish me a happy birthday and he was quite busy with work as well so he just smirked and said I got you a bunch of bananas I was so upset and mad because he wouldn't even look up or wish me a happy birthday so I ate so I ate all twelve bananas because they were my present and I could I'll never forget my dad's face when he found out and down in the comments when someone asked what the aftermath this was opie explains he was super pissed off and gave me an earful cuz he was saving those bananas for himself later my mom doubled over laughing when she found out I guess the respect part wasn't limited to just the bananas though he was suddenly fearful of the extent I would go to over the things he said that's a funny story Opie but I gotta be straight with you your dad sounds like kind of a tool bag our next reddit poster shouldn't throw away I was working for a university in the UK as an admissions officer when I just to apply for the role of senior admissions officer in the same office I submitted my application and didn't hear anything for a while a week or so later I was abroad for a week to visit my family when I received an email to confirm that I got invited for an interview the next day at 9 a.m. I replied and asked if we could postpone the interview until Monday because I'd be back by then but they refused the lady who refused was my current manager and she knew I was abroad so I didn't think that was very fair I asked if we could do the interview over Skype instead but she also refused this the interview time was set and if I was interested I should be there otherwise it's my loss I was pissed off as I couldn't believe how inflexible they were I started rereading the email again and decided to go through the attachments to see what I had to prepare for the interview I noticed they added a travel expense form which stated that if you travel from five miles are further you could claim your expenses being abroad in Europe is definitely over five miles so I decided to drive to the airport booked the last flight which was three hundred and fifty pounds for a one-way flight got a cab from the airport and stayed in a hotel near the University as my house would have been at the other side of London I made it to the interview in time and they were shocked to see me as they obviously didn't expect me the interview went well but I didn't get the job when I handed in my expense claim form I was advised that it only applied to UK travel and they refused to pay I asked them why they sent me the claim form when they knew I was travelling in from abroad and I said that nowhere on the form it stated that it was for UK travel only they said it was their policy but I wasn't allowed to view said policy I was do a lot of money so I decided to file a Freedom of Information request for them to provide a policy this appeared to be a historical policy and as they couldn't send me the evidence they decided to pay my travel expenses which came to a total of five hundred and fifty pounds the policy has since been updated opie it sounds like they had no intention of hiring you whatsoever and they intentionally scheduled the interview that way because they wanted to appear nice while actually denying you so I'm glad you got your little of revenge unsupportive bosses can go screw themselves fun fact an unsupportive boss is actually how I got started in YouTube in the first place my boss promised to promote me for years and never did and I became increasingly frustrated and was looking for ways to vent my frustration and one of the things I turned to was making videos for YouTube our next reddit poses some Rob Brandt stuff I came out to my parents as a trans man before the start of my freshman year of high school and they were extremely hostile about it so much so that they forbade me from using my chosen name at school or even with my friends well I thought that was a load of garbage and changed my name in the school system on the first day it had my legal name listed but for most purposes my preferred name was used after about three months they found out about it and were pissed so they said to me Opie you have to change your name in this school right now so I was like ok I will so I changed it from Bob b.o.b that wasn't my actual name to Bob b.o.b be the next day they checked the homework they checked the homework portal again and discovered I had indeed changed it but not to my legal name Opie we told you to change it back to your legal name no you told me to change it and I did my god they were pissed I was grounded for a month and my phone was taken but it was totally worth it so after that every time they told me to change it I was I would tag on another letter by the end of the school year my name was ba ba buh buh buh buh buh buh buh eventually they stopped grounding me and just gave up I was allowed to use my preferred name the rest of high school provided it wasn't around them our next reddit post is from antipático this happened years ago at what would turn out to be my last year at a Catholic school for reasons that will become obvious I don't have anything against people of faith but it wasn't my thing very early on I was 12 years old and in seventh grade I was becoming disenchanted with my Catholic upbringing I had so many questions and it might have saved my faith to have them answered reasonably the adults didn't want a reason with a curious twelve-year-old they wanted to see a nice Catholic girl who didn't feel compelled to make so much distasteful noise sex ed was still part of any Catholic curriculum and as it turned out my religion teacher mrs. M was also my sex ed teacher when she opened up our first sex ed class with now I'm just as embarrassed to be here as you are I didn't see it as an expression of empathy I saw it as a grown woman humiliated to be teaching basic biology it made me sad junior high sex ed wasn't just biology though it was an effort to shape our view of the world miss M taught a sexual health as per Catholic doctrine and also peppered in some of her own weird personal viewpoints shaped by her own history I guess we had this box at the front of the class where we could discreetly write down and drop off the questions we were too nervous to ask out loud someone asked what orgasms feel like for women we knew mini-jack you late but what do women do mrs. M didn't explain perhaps because she hadn't had one a day in her life she said the woman's orgasm is not a necessary part of passionate hugging it's not necessary for procreation and passion hugging is for the purposes of procreation that sounded very dodgy to me I brought her statement home to my mother who had always been very open to me about these things I asked her if women really weren't supposed to enjoy passion hugging all that much she was horrified she told me lots of men like to make women feel good and passionate hugging should feel good for everyone then she says something that would be lastingly valuable ask questions in that class teachers are supposed to answer your questions and if they can't maybe they shouldn't be teachers the next class mrs. M taught us that homosexuality was a sin that was too much for me I had a gay uncle who was a huge fixture in my life I felt attraction to girls in my class and I refused to believe God would think who you love is worthy of hellfire she went on to say the gay marriage was both impossible and wrong I raised my hand and asked her plaintively why is gay marriage wrong her answer was because they can not procreate in procreation is the purpose of marriage i sat silently I didn't demonstrate agreement nor dissent I went home and thought about that for a while I needed to come back to sex ad class with an inquiry that was going to properly screw miss em up it didn't seem like an easy task but I came up with something I thought was worth trying out the next sex ed class rolled around mrs. M taught whatever stuffy deplorable lesson she had in a plan then she opened up the class two questions I raised my hand she called on me and I said if a woman is infertile but she really loves the man she's with and wants to share the sacrament of marriage with him does the church approve the marriage it was a no-brainer for her of course I followed up with but she can't have children and marriage is for procreation why can she get married but two men are two women who can't procreate can't anyone who's seasoned in Christian apologetics can explain this one pretty easily but I had hit mrs. M somewhere deeply personal in front of 30 other children mrs. M was a married woman of around 50 or so with no children of her own a very unusual for a Catholic woman who doesn't believe in birth control mrs. M was infertile and to her I was questioning the sanctity of her marriage and its validity in the eyes of the God she dedicated her life to it was a sucker punch and she couldn't collect herself to punch back she instead flew into a rage her face became a deep shade of red and she said this is not a debate class and sent me to the office for context I didn't know mrs. M was infertile it's something my mother told me post office battle an apology letter was determined to be insufficient by mrs. M my mom came to collect me and a battle ensued mrs. M wanted blood by way of suspension and my mother was having none of it curious kids don't get suspended for questioning what they're taught the only thing that worked in my favor was my history of being a nerdy non-disruptive child with good grades a compromise was struck I wouldn't get suspended but I couldn't participate in sex ed class nor religion class my grades in those classes would be determined solely by the written portion these written portions were completed at a desk positioned outside of the classroom which mrs. M smugly carried out for me every class I didn't mind working outside of the classroom because to me it was a good example of the ease in which an adult can collapse under a child's questioning I decided that religion and sex ed would become my specialty classes I would master the curriculum I would get the best grades I could and mrs. M would have to watch it happen I worked very hard harder than I had in any other classes I studied at length and did additional research online I finished out the semester with about 95 percent in sex ed and 98 percent in religion the final exams for both classes were entirely multiple-choice I was permitted into the classroom to be supervised for the exams and there was no room for her biases to creep into our grading she passed me the scantron sheet from my religion exam 100% I thinked her with a saccharine smile she fixed me with a grim expression before moving on to the next classmate a few days later it was the scantron sheet for the sex ed exam 100 percent I said thank you for all you've taught me as I smiled up at her she said something under her breath and moved on mrs. M hated me with a distinctly on Christ like passion and she found other ways to express it in the following semester it warms my heart a little to think of her having to grade all my schoolwork one correct answer after the other the relentlessly curious heretic nerd girl was a pain in her side that wouldn't go away worst of all she demonstrated that she understood what you were teaching she just didn't believe in it down in the comments we had this story from Miss redhead I got kicked out of Sunday school when I asked our teacher if Adam and Eve were the only people on earth until they had kids who did Cain marry when he got exiled for killing Abel you could have heard a pin drop I was asked to go outside and sit in a chair in the hallway until church never did get an answer my mom who was way cooler at the time than she is now told me it was a very good question but she didn't know either and obviously not either did teacher that was our / malicious compliance and if you like this video then hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: 9GlGHSCKhxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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