r/Maliciouscompliance How I Made $120,000 By Following the Rules

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where your wish is my command I had a landlord in the past who slipped a 90-day notice requirement into the rental contract after I'd signed it I was house hunting so at the end of my lease I asked to go to a month-to-month lease to make it easier to leave when the time came landlord and I agreed to a higher monthly price to compensate them for the lack of security and I signed the contract at the office of a business they also owned downstairs the landlord wasn't actually present but one of their employees handled it so contract has signed and they go to make me a copy for the records but are having an issue with the copier after a few minutes they ask if they can text me when they get it to work I naively agree and hit upstairs 30 minutes later they text me saying they got the copier to work and I can come pick up my copy I didn't think to double-check everything at the time so for the next few months I just pay my monthly rent while I look for a home finally found the right place and the closing date was about four weeks out so I immediately notified my landlord that I would be leaving on said date the landlord respond to this nice that I found a home but I would be responsible for the next two months rent after that as well due to the 90-day notification requirement in the contract I'm totally confused so I go check my copy of the contract and sure enough there's a stipulation in there about that I also noticed that my initials from the top and bottom of each page verifying that I've read that page have somehow mysteriously shifted to being doubled up at the top of the page after the stipulation with not on the bottom of that actual page this was because they had inserted two lines of text detailing the 90-day report requirement after I'd already signed the paperwork they didn't notice the formatting error it created which was a dead giveaway of what was going on I informed the landlord of this and notify him that this is not a legally binding contract due to this issue and state that I will not be paying any further rent beyond this month and expect my deposit back without penalty unfortunately he persists with stating that this is a legally binding contract and he will pursue it in court in addition to withholding my deposit if I fail to pay bla bla bla I know I'm legally in right but I don't want to have to deal with courts to settle it as it takes forever so I come up with an alternative plan the one thing he hadn't thought about was the fact that the contract included all utilities as the unit didn't have separate meters and didn't have any language for bidding excessive use of them it just so happened to be a particularly cold winter so I am foreign my landlord that if he wanted to persist with his demands I would be inclined to leave all the windows open crank up the heat as high as it would go open the refrigerator door run the water 24/7 etc and if he entered the apartment without my permission to turn off any of these items I would report him to the police I got confirmation that he would not pursue the extra month's rent or the security deposit within 20 minutes then we have a contribution from half a four fingers down in the comments I had a landlord call me while I was in class to come home because he had entered the front door and my dog had backed him up against the door and wouldn't let him move at all I let him know it was finals week he showed up unannounced and I couldn't leave but would be home as soon as class let out I walked slow home when I walked in the back door sure enough my dog was sitting in front of him with his back to the door if he so much as twitch his finger she started growling and showing teeth he tried to say that I would have to cage the dog as it was his house and he should be able to come in whenever he needed to I let him know that he must provide 48 hours notice before entering the property and the next time I would take it to court and when bought that dog a fillet that night good girl our next reddit post is from Khattak oppa this happened at work some time ago the vendor is a legal services company were required to use with one of our two clients we prefer anybody else as they're pretty slow expensive and have been jerks to us for years apparently because we had the audacity to not use them exclusively we miss paying one bill for this vendor on a case likely got misplaced in the wrong stack as soon as we notice this the next day we paid it even hand-delivered the check to their office it was a few days later they call us demanding that we need to also pay the court mandate late-payment fine these vendors are to be paid for their service with an X days of date it was rendered or there's a small fine paid to the vendor by this point we figured out that in our rush to pay them that other morning we accidentally also mailed them a second check paying them twice we tell them this and it just consider that the fine payment they didn't care for this and said that they were going to take this to court to have a judge make us also pay them the late fee we agree because this is going to be funny and get a hearing day calendared it ended up being a five-minute hearing the judge agrees that we need to pay the fine since it was indeed paid late but because we had accidentally paid them twice already he orders him to pay us back the difference of two hundred dollars and some change judge then spent the next four minutes berating them for being petty so instead of getting paid double they needed to be jerks and spend time and money for their lawyer to go to court for five minutes to then be ordered to pay us back most of an overpayment then quad down in the comments adds this he quotes they've been jerks to us for years apparently because we have the audacity to not use them exclusively and he adds how to ensure that you become an exclusive vendor take the client to court over a petty issue yeah that should do it then burner account adds this we want a contract with the government shipbuilder once and our competitor sued us and dragged the shipbuilder into it costing them tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees the lawsuit was just absurd but the competitor had a lot more money than we did and knew that the legal fees would kill our cash flow it pissed the Builder off so badly we were made a sole source vendor which meant the equipment didn't even go out for bid when it came time to renew the contract the order went straight to us we spent about seventy thousand dollars in legal fees defending ourselves but they ended up building more than double the number of boats that were in the original contract and we were selling about $120,000 worth of equipment for each one it ended up being very lucrative for us and carried us through the recession without having to layoff any of our staff our next reddit post is from Seth Wharf I work as a mechanic at a manufacturing plant know where America and I've been for over a decade now before I got assigned to my current location the only way to get coffee here was to either bring some from home or pay a dollar at a vending machine to get the sucky cheap stuff I decided to go with the first option but took it even further by bringing my spare coffee maker from home and then bringing in the usual supplies periodically I kept it in the mechanics office in Plainview for the longest time it was very apparent that I was the only one using my coffee maker even though I never said it was exclusively for me this went on for about a year until I got a partner on my shift who also drink coffee we came up with the idea of starting a coffee fund by leaving a jar for spare change next to the coffee maker whenever we ran out of something like sugar or whatever one of the two of us would use the accumulator change in the jar to help replenish our supplies this was all well and good until my partner got promoted to maintenance supervisor some years later making him my new boss and I was by myself again I left the jar sitting next to the coffee maker as usual and kept using the old routine I also put a note on the side of the maker in plain view that said if you use the coffee maker please put some spare change in the coffee funk jar so we can keep the supplies in stock this was just in case someone from a different shift decided to use it when I wasn't there however one day I noticed that I was running out of sugar way too fast I don't put much sugar in my coffee to begin with so this told me that someone else was using the coffee maker eventually I noticed that all the supplies were getting too low too fast and not just the sugar this normally wouldn't be a big deal except I also noticed that the jar wouldn't accumulate like it used to it either had the change I put into it or someone would be taking change out but not restocking our coffee supplies I put up with this for a little while but I eventually got fed up with being the only one buying supplies for the coffee while one or more others were using it and taking money out of the jar I took the coffee maker home and just started filling up my thermos with coffee and bringing it to work with me about a week later I could stop in the aisle by a supervisor not mine as I'm trying to leave for the day the following exchange occurs hey Opie what happ to the coffeemaker did it break ah I was wondering who else was using it nah it didn't break I just got tired of people taking money out of the coffee fund jar without using said money to buy more supplies I was still buying them out of pocket you took it home yeah I've been using my thermos to bring coffee you can't just take company property like that you weren't the only person using it we all used it but it's my you either bring that back or I'm reporting this to your boss and we'll see what he's going to do about it I'll bring it in if people will actually contribute to the fund instead of me having to buy everything out of pocket you'll do your job my job is to fix these machines not be the company barista it better be in there tomorrow or I'm going to your boss about it and he walked off before I could say anything else the next day comes an I of course didn't bring my coffeemaker back to the plant at the end of my shift he confronts me again Opie did you bring the coffeemaker back nah I told you I'm not going to be the only one supplying it you can't just keep company property at home that coffeemaker has been in there for years and you need to bring it back I know it's been in there for years it's been in there for as long as I've been here because I brought it from home that's my coffee maker I'm calling your boss right now and we'll see what happens to you I laugh go ahead I don't care you can't tell me what to do with my personal property I didn't walk out to my car and leave while on my way home my boss calls me if you recall from earlier in this story he used to be my partner even after his promotion we remain close friends the following conversation happens hey Bob what's up I just got off the phone with Saul what's all this about you taking company property home that's not I like you man what's he even talking about he didn't tell you what it was nope he just said you admitted to stealing company property and refused to return it did you even ask what the supposed company property is I did but he wouldn't call down enough to tell me look like you really pissed him off yeah I know hey you remember that coffeemaker I had in my office way back when huh yeah the coffee fund right did anyone else besides us start using that thing man did I ever tell you that I still haven't had a cup of coffee as good as how you made it back then why are you bringing this up anyway wait don't tell me that the company property Saul's refering to is it yeah he's talking about my coffee maker look Opie I know that your personal property but I really don't want Saul raising this think about this to management nothing will come of it if he does but it'll just be a big waste of time for them to investigate and eventually write up some stupid company-wide email about property theft and blah blah blah just bring it back I'm not going to be the only one supplying the coffee how about this bring it back in but keep a spare set of coffee supplies in your personal Locker bring in some supplies for everyone to use at first even use the coffee fun jar again but after that initial stock just only resupply for yourself that way if Saul or anyone else wants to use it they're going to have to bring in their own supplies when the initial stock runs dry is that okay with you I think I'll do that and that's what I did the next day I did as Bob asked but I also kept additional supplies for myself in my personal locker I didn't tell anyone else about this except for Bob Saul confronted me yet again that same day I see you brought the coffeemaker back yeah Bob asked me to you're lucky he didn't report you to human resources for it report me to human resources for a coffee maker yeah okay whatever now we can all have our coffee again no thanks to you no thanks to me yet it's my coffeemaker don't get that tone with me I'll call Bob and he'll straighten you out again as planned I let the initial coffee supply stock run dry without ever replenishing it I also didn't contribute anything to the coffee fund jar this took about a week and there was never any change in the jar Saul confronts me yet again hey Opie we're completely out of in sugar and the coffee tin itself is running low yeah okay don't you think you should get on that I'm not the company barista Saul okay but we don't have any creamer or sugar then buy some I thought you did that Oh me no I had a surgery that prevents me from cow creamer bring your own o P you need to do your job I do my job what do you do Oh P no solve what do you do don't say your job because your job isn't to pester someone to buy coffee supplies out of their own pocket is it I uh that's not very nice you're right it's not very nice at all it's also not nice to complain to Bob because I won't bring my own personal property to work now is it but we need coffee then bring your own this isn't my job if you want creamer then you need to bring it in yourself I'm not supplying the coffee anymore Oh P I'll call Bob again call him then he'll tell you the same thing I just told you and you'll have wasted your time just like you're wasting my time now I'm going home have a good one I start walking out wait come back when I go in for my next shift all the supplies are fully stocked and they remain that way for good someone else has taken the responsibility of resupplying the coffee I even noticed change in the jar regularly building up I haven't contributed a single penny but it's still filling up someone else has taken over handling the coffee supplies I haven't asked to but I think either Saul was doing it himself or he's got someone else doing it it's free coffee for me so I don't care either way our next rider poses from sanctum Agni my mother hated my first girlfriend I had actually been planning to become a Catholic priest and therefore to be celibate when I was in high school so my mother saw my first girlfriend is having ruined my life's plan when we first got together now naturally my girlfriend and I wanted to spend as much time together as possible at that early stage of our relationship but my mother did everything in her power to try to limit this as such one day I asked if it was alright for my girlfriend to come over to our house but my mother said no not today I wasn't particularly happy about this especially because it was so obvious she was just being vindictive and had no good reason as to why so I pressed her about it and eventually after much discussion she agreed that my girlfriend could come over tomorrow but not today again this was vindictive because she knew that neither of us had as much free time the next day as we did on the day in question so it would have meant way less time together for us nevertheless I agreed to my mother's offer so right on the stroke of midnight my girlfriend arrived at my house and I brought her inside immediately my mother called me away into the kitchen and started getting very intensely angry that I hadn't done as I was told because she said that she couldn't come over until tomorrow to which I replied while gesturing to the clock but mother it is tomorrow that was our / malicious compliance and if you enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe because I put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,148,625
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: GN_sbntWi5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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