r/Talesfromretail "STOP DYING AND DO YOUR JOB!!!" Funny Reddit Posts

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Yea lots of people do that

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 29 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Someoneโ€™s late to the party

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Hey_its-George ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 29 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

You just hearing about this haha thereโ€™s lots of people who exploit reddit

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/khines2311 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 29 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
welcome to our slash tales from retail where the customer is always a [ __ ] so this is one of my all-time favorite stories to tell about my work in retail so far so a little info on me I'm very pale I don't look very Hispanic in fact my name isn't very Hispanic either so I've been told so people usually think I'm white until I pull out my fluent Spanish one slow afternoon I get a lady and her seven-year-old son come into my line she speaks to me in English and I can hear accent but I have a hard time deciding where her accent is from since she seems pretty fluent and has no problem understanding me I continue to speak with her in English I noticed that her son is browsing through one of the magazines we sell and I wait to see if she'll say anything to him we finished the transaction I give her the bag watch her start bagging her items and she has yet to mention the magazine so I ask her ma'am will you be buying the magazine she looks at it and rips it out of her kid's hand and I'm thinking oh man she's gonna yell at the cater for grabbing something he shouldn't have but instead she says and buckle up for this one guys I see como si fuera Arab armed a este pinche revista date three dalaras pendeja which was terribly spoken Spanish for oh wow I'm totally gonna steal this stupid three dollar magazine [ __ ] she tosses it to me and I say in my sweetest voice way no LaVista cuesta $13.99 which was Spanish for well the magazine cost $13.99 she looks at me and goes alright I'm gonna skip this oh wow you speak Spanish idiot and I say looks like I do have a nice day she told me to go F myself and left the store I used to hate that I didn't look like a typical Mexican but I have learned that I can use it to my benefit so a bunch of fans have reached out to me suggesting that I become a voice actor after reading this post I'm thinking maybe I should reach out to duolingo and offer my services as a spanish-language voice actor because I think my Spanish is muy bueno if there are any native Spanish speakers watching my video let me down in the Commons if I sound like a native speaker to you I'll start off by saying I work in a jewelry store we've only been open for a month and a half but we've been very lucky with amazing clients the store policy is that the only jewelry were allowed to wear while on the clock is jewelry from the company I usually wear quite a few pieces from multiple collections to showcase as much as possible and it's gotten me a few extra sales yesterday this woman walks in looking for a present for her only child a daughter aged 22 unfortunately she doesn't seem to know much about her daughter's preferences so it's incredibly difficult to decide on an area to explore I grab a tray and just start bringing out some pieces that seemed to be popular with people her age she's extremely picky which is fine with me it's her money after all but she's also nasty about the jewelry that's when she notices my necklace which has a Scorpio symbol a gold star and a blue gem it sounds like a lot but it's actually very nice the conversation and the chaos that unfolds afterwards is as follows I'll be me and she'll be see your necklace is that one of your products yes it is it's very popular so we have very limited stock what's your daughter's birthday if we still have her symbol I can bring it out for you um may 14th I think I think to myself internally you think all right that's a Taurus unfortunately someone just bought the last one half an hour ago we're expecting a shipment tomorrow and it might be in there would you like me to check for you she just blankly stares at me ma'am would you like me to check for you or would you like to look for something else we have crystal bears holding up zodiac signs and I'm sure the Taurus one is still available what do you mean you don't have it unfortunately the demand was much greater than we thought I can check if it's coming on the shipment tomorrow if you'd like if it is coming we can hold it for you and you can come pick it up and pay within 48 hours we can also look at the Bears if you'd like you have one in your neck you're not out of stock I purchased this necklace so it's mine also the symbol is for a Scorpio not a Taurus which is what your daughter is well why can't you give it to me the tourist pendant unfortunately it's out of stock let me just hop in the computer and check if it's arriving tomorrow no the one on your neck why can't you just give me that one it isn't a tourist symbol so it wouldn't hold any significance for your daughter also I paid for it so it is my property and not available for sale well the customer is always right I think to myself not in this case honey I'm sorry ma'am my necklace is not for sale the computer shows that necklace was sent to us and the only delivery is scheduled for tomorrow I can write your name and number down so we will call you as soon as it arrives no can't you hear me just give me yours I don't understand why this has to be an issue my manager here's what's going on in steps in she tells the woman she can't have my necklace and if she wants to put her name down we can call her tomorrow about the Taurus necklace otherwise she's out of luck fine it's clear you people don't want to do business jewelry stores must be a hot spot for entitled customers because opie actually posted another story from the same retail job after rushing to work after my last post another interesting incident arose for those of you that didn't read my last post I work in a jewelry store and we're usually blessed with great clients lately the crazies have been showing up it's important to note that I'm the only one on the sales floor at the moment because I'm only working with one other person and she's chilling in the back because the mall was dead so I get to work and start doing the usual fixing some displays cleaning the glass etc when as usual I gravitate towards the ring section rings are my favorite piece of jewelry so I always end up by that display and it's become my baby I noticed there's an empty ring holder so I go to the rain drawer which is across the store from the ring display and choose an adequate replacement i unlock the display place the ring in the ring holder and securely locked the display I leave the empty ring box on top of the display and hid behind the registers to get an elastic band to put on the box an elastic band on the box means the box is empty and the item is on display I head back towards the ring box the ring displays in the empty box is directly beside the front door while the registers are at the back but as I'm half way there this lady runs into the store from one of the tables outside grabs the box and runs away it's not the worst issue since there was nothing of value inside it and I got a clear look at her unique face but it'll be inconvenient when we go to sell the ring I tell my coworker who texts the manager but all seems to be going well until two hours later when the box thief returns she'll be see I'll be me excuse me I bought a ring here and the box is empty I know she's biessing me oh I'm so sorry may I see the box she hands over the box I really expected better service from a company like this I see it's the same box for the ring I displayed I'm sorry man when did this happen yesterday afternoon do you have the receipt no I threw it away immediately after that's all right your name should be in the system and I can find the purchase that way my coworker will need to override the system to let me do the search just give me one second this is a lie I got my coworker and told her to call security all right ma'am turns out I don't need an override may I have your last name she gets a very nervous look on her face this is really unnecessary you're treating me like a criminal I spend the next five minutes wasting time and acting like I don't know how to do my job I'm the youngest working there so it's believable security arrives what's going on I wasn't born yesterday ma'am this happened to me about a month or so ago and I am still relishing in the glory I work at a large US auto parts store the cast is me moneybags crazy lady and manager now moneybags is a regular customer and when he comes in we jump for joy as his purchases are in the thousands of dollars I am helping moneybags look up parts and get them form when crazy lady walks in and rushes to our seat cover aisle where she grabs the ugliest bejeweled faux leather seat cover and rushes up front the prices on these gosh darn covers are effing outrageous $60.00 for these I do agree that the price is high and would have helped her ma'am I will be with you in just a second after I finished helping moneybags or my manager will be here in a moment and he will help you I am sure no you will help me now I have money and you will stop being a lazy freakin butthole and help me right now and now I won't help you don't cuss me out my manager walks up can I help you ma'am yes tell your lazy butt employee to do his freakin job at this point I stopped listening to her and continue helping moneybags moneybags points to seek cover do y'all have any more of those let me check yes three more besides that one can you please get them for me okay I go and get them money bags addresses crazy lady you gonna buy that I haven't decided yet money bags grabs it and tells me he wants to buy all four with cash remember these are 60 bucks plus tax each I make the sale money bags proceeds to take them out of the boxes and cut them into ribbons in front of crazy lady and throw them away with a huge smile he then returned to me to finish a shopping list that ended up being a whopping $4,000 sale he can't do that he paid for it he can now leave this store you are not welcome here anymore I love my managers zero-tolerance policy on customers cussing out employees this has just given me the idea for a million dollar youtube channel you just do the exact same thing mr. beast does instead of spending all your money giving it to homeless people or streamers you spend all the money buying things that choosing beggars want and then destroy it in front of them I don't know about you guys but I would definitely subscribe to that channel so this is a story from a few years ago at Christmas of course first time poster a long time lurker I was working in the toy aisle minding my own business stacking Hatcher moles when a screech erupted from behind me a woman said put that down I saw it first how dare you pick that up a man said sorry my son wants that toy put it down um I'm sorry I picked it up before you even got here my son wants it as well yes well your son isn't here is he my son is and has seen the toy already you can just tell yours it wasn't here can't you she is legitimately yelling every word at this guy and a few customers have gathered to watch the event well I didn't bring my son because it's his Christmas present oh and you assume it isn't my son's as well the kids about eight years old and doesn't look bothered at all this must be usual business for the mother the man is stunned just staring at her before slowly turning to me obviously looking for help before I can open my mouth don't look for him to help they're freaking useless here well there goes even the slightest chance of me pretending to look out the back for more of the toy which we don't have any more of anyway excuse me ma'am could you please calm down calm down calm down how dare you talk to me like that you jerk okay I'm calling security she precedes Toccoa mental for the three minutes it takes security to get here cursing me and my other colleagues out and even going so far as to threaten the man and they literally have to drag her away by under her arms her son follows head hanging just another Thursday for him as the woman is dragged off screaming into the Twilight the man turns and puts the toy back on the shelf and picks up a completely different one I say sorry mate you can take that if you want actually it's not the one he wanted after all and off he went on his merry way never mind it sounds like the dude in this story has already beaten me to the punch of creating a youtube channel where you just torture and title parents not much backstory as you can probably guess from the title I'm epileptic and have seizures thankfully my store was actually super understanding of my disability and did everything to help me this is a mixture of what I remember and what I was told by my manager is what had happened there is only one register in the store where you can get cigarettes lighters and certain more expensive liquor etc and I happen to be the one working that register everything was going completely fine with the usual customer banter when the aura hit me and hit me hard for those of you that are unfamiliar an aura is kind of a warning sign before a seizure that only you can feel but can do nothing about it could be a funny smell hallucinations the feeling of slipping out of reality a number of different things anyway for me this time it was the feeling that everything was moving in slow motion last thing I remember was scanning a box of golf balls and the customer requesting Marlboro gold then feeling frozen in place which apparently I actually was I heard this right before I blacked out hello hello hello what the heck is wrong with you I said I wanted a box of Marlboro cold are you even listening to me I can't believe this Marlboro gold do you even know what that is are you an idiot and then I was gone I woke up on the floor surrounded by my managers one customer was awesome enough to go run and get help from what I understand the whole time I was on the floor having a seizure the customers in line were watching this and actually complaining to the managers helping me about how I must be on drugs and they still expected to be rung up despite them trying to explain I was having a seizure they were telling the managers to just step over me to get their smokes and lighters for them to get to the register then causing a huge scene when they were refused they said they actually had to radio security to come and shoot people away it just blows my mind that people can act this way look I'm sorry I'm having a seizure and can't get your cigarettes for you but I don't exactly have any control over this I think you'll survive without your smokes and lighters for a few more minutes makes me sad this is the world we live in sometimes that was our slash tales from retail and just a reminder I'm looking for artists and graphic designers to create designs for my merch store if you want to submit a design you can reach me at our /yt at gmail.com
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,552,961
Rating: 4.93681 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, talesfromretail, r/talesfromretail, talesfromretail posts, tales from retail, talesfromretail funny, r/ talesfrom retail, talesfromretail fails, tailsfromretail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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