r/Maliciouscompliance How I got $75,000 By Saying "OK"

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welcome to our sloshed malicious compliance where Opie gets $75,000 revenge I work for a large shipping company in Canada I work early in the morning loading trucks but as needed we'll go out and deliver packages at first it was here and there but it soon became normal that after my regularly scheduled shift I would go out and deliver this wasn't a requirement of my job I was basically doing it as a favor because it looks really bad on the managers to have packages go undelivered and I thought it would look good on me I did this for a few years without any issue one winter one of the drivers at a different Depot slipped and hurt himself while out delivering this caused a new initiative to force all drivers to wear super slip proof boots that have glass embedded in them these run about 250 bucks all the drivers received vouchers that would cover the cost because the requirements of doing the job when I went to the manager to ask if I would be getting a voucher he replied with no sorry you're not a courier and walked away I wouldn't told the other employees that were in a similar situation to mine and they were pretty displeased the next day as usual after my shift the manager started telling me the things I would be delivering that day I waited for him to finish and responded with sorry I'm not a courier he looked very confused like he didn't remember our conversation from the day before so I explained that I wasn't going to go out delivering because I wouldn't have the proper safety equipment he had that I just melt a fart face and just looked at me for a second he said if you just work a few extra shifts then you can afford to buy the boot yourself I was actually stunned and I didn't know what to say so we just stared at each other for a minute I eventually replied sort of laughing because of how ridiculous this is so you want me to work without the safety equipment you made mandatory until I can afford to buy it for myself he scoffed at me like a 14 year old girl and walked away without an answer a few others followed suit and when the managers asked him to go out delivering after their shift they were applied with sorry I'm not a courier after all was said and done they had so many leftover packages a few companies started dropping contracts which directly of the managers and of your bonuses they ended up having to give promotions to a lot of workers that were doing double work for half the paid to cover all the backlog so we all ended up getting paid more to do less and best of all we finally got our safety boots low our next reddit post is from Whedon Walker many years ago I worked as a maintenance technician on an automated assembly line it was my job to perform quality at its throughout the section of the line where I worked if something didn't pass inspection then I would put the product on hold and test additional samples whenever this further tests failed I would stop production notify the lead or supervisor and then troubleshoot and repair the machine in question for a few years I worked the night shift the night shift supervisor who all called TD gray had a habit of vanishing for most of the nights he would be around at the start of the shift we worked 12-hour shifts and then he would show up after the morning meeting and maybe donal about the office until the end of the shift as I was doing my audits one night I found a machine that was drifting out of specifications I shut it down in Page mr. gray but he didn't respond I found the issue causing the quality failure and got the parts required for the repair the repair took about an hour followed by testing of a hundred percent of the product for a few minutes meanwhile TD gray returned from the morning meeting he was angry and walked straight up to me and asked who authorized me to shut down his machine I tried to explain that it had failed an audit and that I was just following procedure TD wasn't interested in anything I had to say apparently during the morning meeting he reported that our area was running with no issues an engineer who would walk our area each morning contradicted him and said that the technician had one of the machines down for an hour and was just now releasing it to production TD gave me a written warning and told me that I do not have the authority to stop production without his approval a month or so later a similar situation arose and I tried paging mr. gray who didn't respond I should mention that this was well before cellphones and no we didn't carry pagers to page someone you had to call the reception desk and they would page them over the PA system since there wasn't a receptionist at night this function was handled by a security guard I told security to page mr. gray every five minutes until he responded they wanted to do it every 30 minutes but I insisted on nothing less than every ten minutes and I also wanted them to log each page this was normal procedure but they often would just record one entering the log regardless of how many times they repeat the page when the engineer came in he looked at my audit sheet and asked me why I hadn't stopped production I explained that I'd been told I couldn't without mr. Grey's approval I also told him that security had been paging him every ten minutes since I found the issue the engineer stopped production and told me to begin repairs he didn't got a copy of the log from security and went to the morning meeting when TD grey reported that all machines were running with no issues the engineer spoke up and asked why security had been paging him every 10 minutes for over three hours I never did find out where mr. gray went every night or what he did but he soon had more time to do whatever it was looks like there will be no pay for mr. gray our next reddit post is from hope we sync the house I grew up in was built on the side of a hill great views but the geography posed some challenges for the city utilities sewage in particular their solution was to put all the houses on the hill in what was called a shared line essentially one big pipe ran through all of our backyards just below the houses basements effluent would flow out from the houses into the shared pipes and then down the hill to the city's sewer line by the bottommost house when we moved in we were at the highest point that it was possible to build on and still be part of that shared sewer line but a few years later someone bought a lot just over the crest of the hill and linked up with ours without being part of the plan community that had an HOA that took care of the sewer line among other things and in fact they did so without the HOAs approval and so for the next two decades my family would be the subject of near constant harassment over the state of the sewer their end of the line was lower than ours by just enough that it would stop flowing and clogged often backing up into their basement bathroom and shower they'd accuse us of diverting our fused to their line because I guess we were some kind of plumbing wizards now the reason nobody built a house on that part of the hill during the original development was that the soil wasn't stable something hydrology related sure enough over the years the house would occasionally separate from the hill and slide down a couple of inches but our neighbors had connections in the code enforcement agency so the place never got condemned like it should be they just had to shore it up and reconnect all the utilities the thing is the further down the house moved the steeper the negative incline was from their sewer connection to our junction box making the clogs and backups even worse at one point it got so bad that their sewer barely flowed some days it got completely clogged somehow this was our fault they spent the next year calling us every time they tried to flush a toilet and poo came out of their downstairs shower they called a plumber who said they had to redo their part of the shared line and to do it they'd have to bust through our two-story masonry walls so they could get a backhoe onto our property and dig out the line of course we had issues with this we said no you will not come onto our property and tear it up with a huge piece of construction equipment hire human laborers or something but instead they hired lawyers who started slinging paper around according to them we were in violation of state law that specifically gave an implied easement granting a homeowner access through another's property to maintain their own so we hired lawyers of our own who said that we basically had a choice we could win the case but pay a ton of money or just let it happen either way we'd be screwed but they pointed out one important fact that twenty-year-old masonry wall wasn't in the greatest of shape anyways so a few months later we presented them with a bill for $75,000 for the rebuilding of the wall installation of a new set of stairs replacement of the entire wrought iron fence that had separated the two properties residing replacement of ornamental plants and shrubs and some minor repairs to our sewer which they had worked up while relaying their pipe I'm not a general contractor but my guess is that they could have hired pick-and-shovel labor to dig out that pipe and replace it with a new one for a fraction of that price but no they had to have a giant caterpillar tread machine to it they balked but then we handed them a Xerox copy of the letter that lawyer had sent to us with pursuant to paragraph bla bla the common code of blah blah blah citing the next paragraph which stated that the person using the easement was 100% responsible for any damage that might be caused they still balked but my parents put a lien on their property that stayed there to the day they tried to sell at which point they had to pay up or the purchases creditors wouldn't underwrite a mortgage I think they had to pay interest too but I'm not a hundred percent sure about that then sumo ninja 17 has a contribution down in the comments I raised and trained dogs I had a kennel with a concrete floor in an old house neighbor comes over and tells me that kennel smells and is causing them grief when they use their pool I took care to clean it every day but I hired a company to come in and clean it twice a week including scrubbing the floor with bleach on a hot summer day he comes back polite but obviously aggravated by the smell I walked him back to the kennel and we stood right at the edge of the run there were several piles of puppy exhaust but no odor I looked at my neighbor and asked him how can my kennel be ruining your yard with odors if we can't smell anything standing right next to it he looked totally confused truth be told I was confused too I asked him to take me into his yard so I could see or smell what he was talking about we went into his yard closest to my kennel and the odor could have knocked a buzzard off a gut wagon the stench was truly overwhelming we gagged and made her way back to my yard I told him that I now understood why he was so angry I also told him what he smelled was not dog waste he was smelling sewage there's a difference between dog and human waste he was more confused than ever short version we found out that the farm behind us had multiple cesspools that were overflowing they flowed downhill towards our yards to my luck the concrete floor of my kennel blocked the flow from getting into my guard and since his yard was a low point it all flowed into his yard I joined forces with him to help fix the issue the farm owners refused to do anything about the problem until my brother-in-law who worked for the water department in the water treatment plan of a neighboring big city came to visit and looked at the issue he said the issue was a major health issue and gave me the wording needed to make the owners fix the problem our health department came out the next day and deemed the farm uninhabitable basically one small step from condemning it the problem was fixed in a week the farm owners dug up and filled in their three cesspools and connected their property to the local sewer lines which were not available in the farm was built it costs the farm owners well over a hundred thousand dollars to fix the problem and my next-door neighbor and I were good neighbors until I moved so was anyone else expecting the neighbor to not listen to reason and continued to complain about Opie maybe reading all these stories is giving me a cynical view of humanity our next reddit post is from BW beds I had to make a business trip to another city Brighton from my home Bristol there aren't really any decent train connections without going via outer London and you're talking about four or five hours train travel each way so instead I decide to drive under three hours and to avoid being away from the family I got up early and left home at 5:00 a.m. so I arrived at Brighton and need to wait on some colleagues I know my employer will meet my cost for breakfast up to eight pounds so I went to subway and had a breakfast sub for under three pounds I waited for the others and 30 minutes later they arrived so I offered to buy a coffee and one for myself so we can talk and plan before meeting our supplier at their offices fast forward and the day goes fine I travel home same day and come to submit my expenses for three-pound breakfast and two pounds for two coffees still under the 8 pound allowance the finance team rejected my expenses for the coffee as you've already claimed for breakfast I pointed out it was the same cafe within 30 minutes and that if I'd bought the coffee at the same time as a sandwich they'd approve it's what's more as I traveled on the day of the meeting from home I wasn't entitled to claim for lunch I was told it was tough and I should stick to the expenses policy in the future okay I've recently returned from visiting the same supplier as before however this time I left work at lunchtime the day before to avoid travelling on my own time and ensure I arrived at a hotel during my normal working day I then had an evening meal with drinks a nice room in a city centre hotel a full buffet breakfast and my parking and travel costs all covered since I travelled the day before I'm entitled to claim lunch as I couldn't have taken a packed lunch from home and lastly since I arrived home after 8:00 p.m. I claimed not only for another evening meal on the way home but a half day of time off and leuf the time spent travelling home at least I stuck to the expenses policy this time too long didn't read kept my expenses under five pounds and got them refused to - not following policy followed the policy and company paid about 400 pounds of expenses Violin got down in the comments says it best a true example of saving a penny spending a pound our next reddit post is from Rachel she background story I was hospitalized one night for a spine problem and waiting for surgery the next morning I was in a big double bedroom with another patient with a couple of curtain separating the two beds the other patient was a stroke patient with no speaking ability or mobility and she had a caretaker not the patient's family I was in agony so the doctor gave me something strong to fall asleep and it worked till 5:00 a.m. my caretaker neighbor for whatever reason started playing very loud music from her phone I was jerking awake and pissed it's 5:00 in the effing morning are you kidding me let me sleep so I asked her politely to turn off the music or use a headphone surprisingly she just ignored me and not even bothering to say a word the music was so loud that the nurse came in and asked her to turn it down because patients from the next room were complaining the caretaker told the nurse her employer wasn't complaining so she's fine with the music if there's a problem they should talk to her employer not her her employer wasn't able to speak and move this is basically torture here's the malicious compliance part I noticed my neighbor patient always went to physical therapy at 9 a.m. and her horrible caretaker would stay in the room and sleep till 11:30 a.m. also I made sure there's no other patients in their next rooms and told the nurse what my plan is then I had my laptop and Bluetooth speaker with me and started to play the whole 2016 Tomorrowland playlist and turned the room into a nightclub the caretaker was so pissed and screamed at me saying she was sleeping and my music woke her up well tell your employer to file a complaint against me to the hospital or let your employer talk to me directly since then my journey in the hospital has been a hundred times easier our next reddit post is from the salty potato this isn't me but my parents they absolutely love to tell this story before I was born and if I'm correct while they were still in their dating phase they lived in Alaska both of them worked very hard and it was a bit of travelling considering Alaska has certain parts where cities are few and far between my mother had been sleeping when my father had just gotten home from work super early in the morning both of them were exhausted my father had been quite hungry since lunch wasn't really as filling as he needed he's a six foot six about 330 pound man so it takes a lot he made the mistake of waking up my mother who is the queen of malicious compliance to go make him something to eat she grumbled but got up walked to the kitchen and came back and handed him a bowl of Cheerios my father can be picky sometimes he looked at her looked at the Cheerios and said well I was kind of hoping for something warm my mother wanting to be so nice for her tired a hard-working boyfriend just took the bowl inside all she muttered was okay I'll see what I can do and went off to the kitchen a few minutes later she comes back with the same Bowl and hands it to my father who notices it is indeed warm he was very pleased only until he realized she had microwaved the Cheerios and already gone back to sleep needless to say he didn't ask her to cook at 2:00 a.m. again and then opie adds that his parents have been happily married for 20 years probably because the husband learned that critical lesson very early in their relationship that was our sloshed malicious compliance and if you like this content then don't forget to subscribe because I put out new videos every single day
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Id: Ipa0KsyBViA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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